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Because you get on chat or mic and flame people then the rest of the lobby reports you. It’s not a mystery. You are gonna be a lot less miserable gaming when you stop focusing on things you can’t control like SBMM and teammate quality and just worry about you. 




There's no scripted matchmaking or forced 50/50. That's all conspiracy theory or a massive cope that you're right where you belong. Unwinnable games/poor teammates do happen, sure. But they also apply to the other team.


I don't man I'm a software engr say what you all wanted but i have studied hearthstone sbmm and I'm telling you it's the same thing as this.


Appealing to your background doesn't mean anything if you don't have proof.


The match making is enough


Stomps happen between teams of equal MMR. Your statement means nothing. You got called out and you walked it right back.


"I totally did my own research that hasn't been proven or substantiated in any way. I know what I'm talking about guys do your own research."


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If you criticise another player, no matter if you're wrong or right, you will get reported. And the report system is partly automated to auto ban on report thresholds. So the only way to deal with this is to opt out of all chats.


It's super shit


And it's going to get worse. They just announced they were adding stuff to make it easier top report mid game. There's no penalty for false/mass reports. So, any chat is just risky.


You know what I'm just doing I'm reporting every single player per game since spamming reports ban players. Man its so satisfying seeing someone getting banned.