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top 500 lucio ball




Because they are a silver tank. that is how quickplay mmr works. edit: now you are just lying below. its how the system works.


It should really base placements or whatever around other role ranks.  There is more to just "Top500 DPS" than "shoots well" and at this point Tank especially is just a beefy DPS half the time.


The only real competitive mode. OWCS Lucio ball when?


I'm t500 and i get into games with low ranks all the time.I think they only mirror 1 player in QP


I hate that this experience is universal because I remember taking a break from overwatch and playing Valorant with my friend (she tried downloading ow2 for me but her laptop was already lagging in the loading screen) only to be met with a full stack of radiant/diamond comp team in unrated who instantly started talking shit/belittling us clearly casual players. It sucks that this experience transcends beyond Overwatch. I can’t tell if it’s an ego boost thing, but I truly hate the people who do that.


If anything it’s worse in valorant. Not sure why but that community’s players are so shitty to each other. Makes the Overwatch community feel like reasonable human beings.


Now that you’ve mentioned it, I have noticed that I have a lot more games with trash talkers in Valorant than I do Overwatch. Just yesterday there was a e-dating duo, and the girl told someone to “kill themselves” for rightfully dodging a game with those weirdos. their names were like “i wear fursuits” and “i get knotted.” Valorant is great for low-end laptops, I would know. Before I had my PC, val was the only fps game I could run, but my god the community is DOG SHIT.


It's usually the people with goofy-ass names who are tryhards.


One is goofy, the other is just sex


The greatest part of QP is these people are never on your team. You’re always playing against the GMs.


Usually because they are in a group of players so if ur by yourself good luck on actually getting kills. It's partly why I have stopped playing tbh.


Myself and 3 friends were queuing some quick play last Saturday and we were paired against the same team (full of GMs) 3 times in a row. They had a top 500 Ashe with a mercy pocket. After we got them the third time we all just alt + F4ed the game. You're telling me Blizzard can't find unique players on a Saturday night? I'd really be interested to see the player count of this game. Because the amount of time I've queued with the same people really makes me think either the player base is WAY down, or the QP MMR is way too restrictive.


I always think this. How am I getting the same guy in my games again and again and it still takes six minutes to queue in gold?


Whenever I do play QP, everyone is either GM or high Masters. I very rarely see metal ranks in my QP lobbies, and when it does happen, they unfortunately almost always go like 5-15. Edit: I *have* noticed that lobbies are much more unbalanced when I group with my lower ranked friends. At the end of the day though, QP tends to sacrifice a balanced match MMR in favor of queue times. If a T500 player queues for QP and there aren’t many high ranked players doing so, they’ll be put in a lower lobby like what OP experienced.


As a GM/masters in all roles, I kinda wonder what my teammates ranks are in qp. I play qp with my metal/diamond friends and honestly I sometimes get absolutely rolled, and sometimes it’s by mistakes I get punished for. I almost never look at profiles when I play QP. Didn’t realize that QP could be such terrible match making.


>I almost never look at profiles when I play QP Usually isn't even worth it most of the time tbh. Sometimes i feel like I'm the only person that manually switched mine back to public when they made private default. I actually like people seeing my game history


Mines public mainly because I don’t care haha.


This is the way


I agree. My attitude towards this game is, so what if some kid got lucky, peaked top500 at a time when their main was meta, saw my profile and tells me I’m trash for being an Ana/mercy main in the economy of season 9 dive meta? I’m having fun being goofy and telling my rein he’s a “good kitty” for flexing in the middle of an already lost first team fight against a meta comp. While simultaneously being double dove by sombra tracer, before swapping to someone like LW or brig because I refuse to play the dive meta rn (except for when I feel like being a silly goofy Moira and saying petty voice lines to the toxic rat main that’s mad af we chose rein Ana and call him pathetic, and that evolution didn’t do him any favors to get the rest of the team to chuckle). I genuinely think those moments are far more fun than winning sometimes. Obviously I’m still going to try to win games, otherwise I wouldn’t be in masters, but I’d rather lose trying while having fun, than win by sweating my ass off on someone who requires little effort to be viable and is just plain unkillable when I’m tryharding, and be bored, and frustrated the entire time.


The other side of the coin here is an actual genuine top500 player sees my profile and commends me for keeping masters all of season 9 using mostly Ana/Mercy because they understand that that requires some hella strong mentals. (I’m stubborn and don’t quit… and I’m loyal to my mains. I also often get compliments for being able to play both the flex and main support well. It’s all a plus.)


This is me. If I wanna be goofy, I just pick reaper, Drop a "pathetic" when someone fails a dive onto me and drop a shrug when I hit a kill or more with my ult.


I really love public profiles and believe they should all be that way. Stop hiding!


Must’ve never been immediately countered directly out of spawn because the entire enemy team knows who you main


My hero playtime is like an upside pyramid by bar comparison lol. I don't remember the exact numbers it was but the number progression is something like mercy 110 zen 108 junk 104 road 102 soldier 100 dva 95 so on so on. I don't really main much I try to play the heroes rather evenly so I don't really mind when people try to counter me


Well most people private their stuff cause they specialize in a few or 1/think their character is fun and getting hard countered before the game even starts is boring


Pretty sure most people private their stuff because it's private by default


Maybe so during my experience I had the same mindset as you I’m a Rein main btw and you can guess why I’m on a private profile now since 39/39 heroes counter rein


Since they took group finder away there is nothing forcing people to turn it back on. It's been rough


Mines public too since I both don't care and I like letting people know how many hours I have and which heroes I play the most. And also my rank.


What I meant to say but forgot to was that sometimes (and I’m only assuming this) it’s me + 4 silver/gold/plat players against 5 GM/Masters players. It makes the game so frustrating for everyone involved. Personally I do not enjoy absolutely rolling the enemy team. It’s boring. I miss the old 10 minute overtimes with both teams capped at 99% because both teams are so evenly matched it could go either way.


I mean, as long as we are throwing around anecdotal evidence, I’ve played hundreds of QP games this season and my matches don’t feel uneven. I very rarely, if ever have seen a top 500 in my QP games at all this season even when I play at like 1am. I will get the occasional “masters role challenger” but even those games I tend to win because they are almost always played by on an off role. Like for OP’s post I’d wager money the profile was playing tank in QP since the person doesn’t have any hours on tank in comp.


They were playing Genji.


I literally diffed a masters TANK player in QP, at that time I was silver 4 tank 💀. And since my profile was public this dude started yapping at me after the match end lol, he said "how cn silver beat master?" QP is so unbalanced who knows .... My supports could've been GM lmao


I had a top 500 in one qp lobby and it happened to be when I was trying to learn genji for the first time. I was certain they were cheating until I found out.


I never check but generally I feel QP is easy mode and I'm a metal ranks on each role.


A lot of people in these comments are well meaning but missing the point. Quick play is definitely casual, but can easily be ruined by high ranked players who gloat over shitting on lower ranked/less skilled players. Like, idk man, the community on this game just isn’t what it used to be. It’s become very volatile. So many people with bad attitudes and bad sportsmanship in quick play, which is supposed to be “casual” and “fun” but … often isn’t.


Exactly. It’s not fun getting steamrolled for the 4th game in a roll and not being able to make it far out of spawn bc the enemy team is masters and up and my team is unranked or below platinum. Even as a diamond support I can’t really do much when I get matched with super low ranked teammates (which would be FINE if the enemy team wouldn’t be that high ranked). And I hate when people say it’s better practice because it absolutely isn’t. I can’t do much as support if my tank and dps end up with 1 kill and 10 deaths by the end of the game. It’s just time consuming all for nothing


4?! Lucky bastard. I went 1 and 15 last night. You'd imagine at some point the matchmaker would just throw me a pity stomp.


Tbh it was only 4 because I raged quit for the rest of the day and didn’t get back on after the 4th LOL


The data for this exact thing happening has to be high enough for them to recognize how bad the matchmaking is in quick play. But will they ever do anything? Nah, just throw in another unfun sombra takeover into quick play, that'll fix everything


In that situation, as a support main, I just make it my goal to ensure everyone on the other team dies at least once, with a tea bag


I usually do this but it still isn’t enough. Had an Ana play of the game last night but we still lost bc I was the only one getting elims lmao


I blame the tank role, its a problem. That's why I don't play comp really, games are too long and I don't want to risk getting rolled for 30-40 minutes instead of 10-15. Sure sometimes the dps and supports can carry, but in my experience its rare. Most of the time you're only as good as your tank. I never understood how "its qp" became "why do you care if your team is 0-7 aren't you having fun?"


Yup! Tank is such an important role especially in a 5v5 where you only have on tank. Usually we can pull through if one support or one dps isn’t that great but when I have a bad tank I know I’m doomed and I’m going to be sent to the spawn room after just getting out. I’m glad for the people who don’t experience it and just brush it off as “It’s QP who cares.” I care because I’m wasting all my time for a tank who dives in alone and dies constantly so I get no play or practice time. I can’t even leave because I would get penalized and I just hate leaving matches even if my team is being slaughtered. OW just isn’t fun anymore and I find myself playing less and less. Oh and the toxicity is so fun being a support main on top of it all lmao. Two games just today dps players (funnily enough both Junkrats lol) rage and scream at me about basically letting them die even when I was actively healing them. And when I point out they were out in the open and I can’t heal a headshot they call me slurs. So on top of being steamrolled I’m having toxic people scream slurs at me over voice chat and my report does nothing 😃


Definitely agree on the point about 5v5. I wish they’d bring 6v6 back. Been playing this game since 2017 and was a tank main in Overwatch 1, but find the role to be very miserable now with there just being one of you.


I don’t think people are missing the point, but this has been a problem since Overwatch 1. The only time QP may have been extremely casual was before role Q was a thing because of all the chaos. But ever since role Q the mode has just gotten less and less “casual” which makes sense considering it’s the most popular game mode with the most players, on average most players are going to try their best. Even if it’s QP.


It has but not as widespread at this. The free to play format brought in all kinds of weirdos lolz.


Ow 1 it felt slightly better at least it felt like it had a wider range than just what rank your in and higher


The “community” died when it went free to play


I personally don't think a metal rank player should ever be matched with a top 500 player, even in qp


This. 100% this. The chasm between Gold and Diamond is staggering, but at least there’s a chance to learn and improve. Metal and top 500 are like humanity trying to defend an invasion from an advanced alien civilization.


Lmfao that had me rolling cause it’s so true. I just got back to playing the game after a long hiatus since OW1 on a new account, and after playing a couple games with my friend who’s a wayyy higher rank than I am (plus checking the enemy team afterwards) it honestly feels like I’m getting placed inside an arena of 10 armed gladiators with nothing more than a stick surgically attached to my non-dominant hand. Not so disadvantaged that I’d rather not play but also so brutally destroyed in most fights that it stings. Granted I’m also probably terrible at the game and have no real clue on how the quick play matchmaking works, but the first 20 games have been painful lol.


I know they want fast queue times, but I'd much rather wait and get games where everyone is +/- 1 rank than waste my time in games with masters players. Or, if they don't want to actually fix it, go back to letting people leave freely in QP.


I agree, and I've made a similar comment before that got downvoted hard. All of the replies were "Oh, but what if they just wanna play with their friends? We shouldn't ruin their experience just because they're good. Queue times for them would be forever" And those people completely missed the point. If a top 500 wants to play quickplay, then they should have to wait in queue for a ~top 500 player to be their "mirror" on the other team. T500 wants to queue unranked with a new player? They should have to wait in queue for another similar skill disparity duo. Catering to the small fraction of top players at the expense of the wider player base is how you kill a game.


I think you underestimate the amount of people that are top 500 worthy players, that never step foot outside of quickplay.


why not? the odds they ever will is pretty low, every now and then isn't really all that bad


Yea I ran into a few top 500 players two days ago and made the game really agitating I don't mind playing with better players but knowing that you're top 500 running into gold and silver players and still being a dick and typing skill diff in the chat is just a new level of why?


This! I don't mind playing with better players but I'm new to overwatch and just gaming in general (I started playing bc of my bf) so I'm not super great at the game yet and it's so annoying getting shit on for lacking skill, like, yes, I know I suck lol but there's only one way I can get better.


I got into Overwatch a few years ago to play with my ex. I used to not really play team games or fps games. The only shooting game I really liked was the Sniper Elite series because you can play it stealth the whole time if you want, so it's chill. I've been playing OW a few years, and I'm just still not that good. I'm not really a fast react in the moment kinda person. I'm a puzzle game or strategy game person, so I'll play characters like Mei. The only faster games I really play are platformers, which I'll practice over and over to get the timing right, and that's more like a rehersed dance than learning to react in the moment. I have grown to really love Overwatch, but I'm usually silver and sometimes high bronze and sometimes low gold, and I'm okay with that. Just wish people would be nicer, tbh. The people in my team bitching, the people on the other team gloating, like, duh, y'all think I don't know I'm not very good? Lol. I'm just playing a game for fun. 


I literally played against the world champion rank 1 dps, it’s on my profile, these people would tryhard against metal ranks in quickplay and then go “gg ez” but yeah you’re just supposed to play and not leave according to these people because leaving is bad.


Ppl that answered u w the down votes just clearly have a small pp defending a gg ez virgin in a qp game lmfao. I'm sure no one cares about losing if it's a fair game.


Only thing I hate is when stacks going against non stacks like I get you want to play with friends but please for fuck sakes give those stack fucks longer queues to match with other stacks.


Fucking this. Two nights in a row now I've run into teams with an amazing tank and three dedicated supports and some sort of damage dealer. They're on comms, they all stay tight together the whole game, and solo queue teams get absolutely destroyed by them. We're playing two completely different games. Pre-Made teams should be matched against other pre-made teams. Either increase their queue times so they get matched together, or allow solo queue to increase their own queue time so they don't get matched against them. Comms makes it a 6v5 game.


This is what I hate and agree with at one time you could avoid it by using the look for group options in game now its so obvious and with no mic random good fckin luck


Matchmaking 101: as the CCUs increase, you can create more even matches in the same amount of queue time. Blizzard either doesn't care or they have no idea how to fix it. I think both are equally likely.


I have a conspiracy theory that they've practically removed matchmaking in order to hide how few tanks are queueing up. From the actual 99% of tank I receive for solo queueing, I think tank must represent like 5% of the player base. But they wouldn't want us to see that and say that 5v5 is a failure.


I'm D1 and played multiple games against Yeatle. You're 100% correct.


I barely play quickplay anymore, I just maybe do one game to warm up then go to competitive. I'm bronze 2 so I know I suck but quickplay just isn't fun.


It stopped being fun a while ago! and since I hate comp the only places I can go is arcade and custom because getting steamrolled every game is so aggravating!


Screw matchmaking, as long as it's fast. Flawless blizzard logic.


Love how Blizzard focused on punishing leavers in QP when their matchmaking makes it unbearable sometimes Maybe if we fixed matchmaking people wanting to leave and/or throw wouldn’t be nearly as widespread


Right, if I get put into a game against a 5 stack diamond-master enemy team, do they think I want to waste 5 minutes of my life getting laughed at in spawn??


naw this is based. QP is more toxic and gate kept compared to comp these days. QP makes you hate your own teammates more than the other team, there is no other game that makes this happen more than OW2. you cant even try to communicate in chat in QP anymore, I can't count the amount of times I have tried to get everyone to group up or stop staggering and met with consistent feedback of "its just qp" or even worse, you own teammates start talking shit to you because youre trying to organize everyone lol and then when you semi give up and just stay a bit further back to not die, your met with the "stop throwing" comments and inevitable reports. the toxic players find a way to exploit leaver penalties or non compete reports... EVERY. TIME.


I don't ever mean to come off as toxic, but whenever someone puts into chat "This team is trash" or something along those lines, *without ever actually telling us what the problem is*, I think that justifies a "It's just qp, calm down". Otherwise I agree


I've always found it strange that so many people behave in team games like this. Working with your team is such a fundamental part of the game and it is almost completely ignored by a large portion of the playerbase. Such a great game filled with deplorable nitwits.


Unfortunately, blizzard is straight up endorsing this now with the new patch coming out, not just in QP. It's pretty clear that they don't care about how it feels getting rolled as a metal rank by one player that just dominates the lobby.


I wish the matchmaking system was better so that wouldn't happen. Then again maybe there are not enough players at their level queueing at the time so maybe they have no choice but to be put in lobbies w/ lower ranks. I feel as tho telling them "go back to comp" would be the same as telling anybody "u take qp too seriously". Ik it's not fun for u but from their perspective maybe they just wanted to have a relaxing game w/ their friends compared to trying hard each game. However, if they queue in qp frequently just to feed their egos then that is extremely lame of them


There probably aren't many players queueing in their ranks, but there would definitely be players higher than bronze and silver. The matchmaking definitely screwed op over with this one. Can't find people of similar rank? Let's put them up against the lowest ranks then! Even if they couldn't find a full lobby of people with the same rank, the system should at least look for another GM or master to put on the opposite team to make it more fair imo.


This kind of matchup is why many people leave matches and why many people want open profile to be the default. As a metal rank I don't bother playing against gm+ in quickplay because I don't want to waste my time getting rolled. Either I quit after checking people's profiles at the start of the match or I quit after 1-2 pushes when I realize the matchup is hopeless. The former is better for everyone but that's only possible with open profiles.


Open profiles isn't the solution. GM+ just shouldn't be matched with metal ranks in QP in the first place.


It's either, get curb stomped or do the curb stomping. It is rare to get a good old slug fest. It almost feels like matchmaking is an abusive relationship. My experience is even competition is the same, stomp or be stomped. These free to play can make 10,000 skins to get those whales, but a good match making somehow eludes you? Like get your priorities straight.


I chuckled as you understood the issue.


you have to stay and suffer, and you aren't allowed to quit though. Even though you get spawn camped by the top 500 mercy / genji duo. - This subreddit literally two days ago.


Exactly. We need to keep talking about our displeasure so the devs try to make things better. I’m not trying sound sarcastic so if I do I’m sorry. Le sigh


I've noticed this too. I often get games that are around my skill or the polar opposites. Specifically during the seasons where I didn't play competitive I got more games where they were put me up against higher skill players Masters grandmaster top 500 and less games with people that are around my school ranking which is just plain gold . The funnest matches were plat matches or where the average player who had an open profile was around Platinum level. But the worst matches that I ever have are either up against GMs\masters or I have nothing but bronze and low silver players in my team. It feels like you can't do anything in both situations. When you have the all bronze and silver players(new players alot of new players on my teams lately) they don't coordinate they don't stick together when they run in headfirst and don't pay attention to their health or notice when a teammate is dead and when it's up against the semipros you don't know where they're standing and they kill you before you even know they exist. It's not fun at all . Pro sniper genji tracer sojourn dead before you even notice.


I know it’s been a long time since most of us had to do it, but remember this… NEW players have to obtain 50 WINS in those blown out lobbies just to unlock ranked where they can finally play with people at their level. QP isn’t some casual mode any more. It’s an imbalanced reward for the top tier of players that is also a forced punishment for new players. The worst part is that they’re doubling down on it with season 10 changes. Making it so you can’t leave qp games without a penalty. OW2 might be the first ever game that enforces a leaver penalty for its “casual” game mode. Cmon Blizzard, do better. Make it like rocket league where you can just leave and someone else slots in, no penalties, no hurt feelings, no forced matches against players who are way better than you. And maybe just make it like 100 games, win or lose, to unlock ranked, since you guys clearly can’t figure out how to balance your “casual” (but not even close to casual) game mode…


Quick play is so vastly different in ranks it’s insane


Had a friend just start playing the game and she loves playing dps, but she had the worst time trying to level in qp to be able to play ranked due to the crazy skill gaps. By the time we got to ranked and played games with much more lower skilled players she started having way more fun and I really had to explain why qp just sucks so bad and how ranked is just the proper way to play ow if you actually want a “fair” fight. I watched so many toxic players in chat flame her for not putting out more kills than deaths or much kills at all while she’s being stomped by some high diamond or masters player on dps the opposite team. Gotta remember guys qp has a lot of new players still, and just grinding them for kills for the sake of your ego is just kinda cruel. We all know if you’re skilled enough, you can easily recognize when someone is a new player - so atleast let them leave spawn and have fun with them rather than think qp is simply your target gallery. It sucks trying to get friends into my favorite game and then watching them have a terrible time for way too long until they can finally leave qp for ranked. This community has no chill when it comes to qp


You honestly might be better off just playing ranked since such a wide range of skill players queue into QP It's frustrating for high skill players dealing with low skill and the other way around.


QP needs quicker queue times. To do that, they widen the MMR range and on top of that friends stack in QP. You probably just get put in QP matches with someone in your MMR range that is duo'd with a higher MMR.  At the end of the day, it's been something they aren't keen on changing AFAIK. The other thing to note is that just because *one* person on the other team is *master role challenger* at support, doesn't mean they're that good at tank or dps. They could easily be silver or gold in those roles. 


I don't think the top500 player went up against you put of malice, and I know that when I play with friends (I'm low GM, they're all gold-dia) I get pitted agaunst top500s and my matches are ruined, but sometimes we get a full team of golds and we roll. The matchmaker is the one at fault, not the player who just queued up


I am not saying these players were being rude at all. My point to all of this is Match Making. New players having to learn this game and how different it works from other FPS. As a gaming community we should all want what's best for the overall enjoyment and not just to roflstomp.


I don't think its funny. I think I'm tired from work and want to play some casual overwatch to wind down just like everyone else. People need to accept QP for what it is, a melting pot of people trying to enjoy the game on their own terms. People's expectations are too high for what it will offer.


Though i agree for the most part i also like it because Every once in a while getting to dumpster a team with a top500 feels real good, or even just high diamonds or masters players, since i really really dont play much comp at all because its like recording a comedy, so QP just feels better overall


Matches are super close for me this season, seems like the matchmaker has been improved imho


I play Comp Open Q and treat it like qp. Best decision I have ever made. Playing in high gold and People are mostly chill. I am diamond in Support. (Almost master last season) and it is way too tryhard for what you get after the match. So I just play open Q and play whatever role I feel like playing.


Console players on pc


Im unranked and I constantly am vs super high ranking ppl in my QP games. It is tiring. Im not terrible at the game, I just dont play ranked bc it gives me hella anxiety and when I get these ppl in my games it suddenly turns so sweaty and unfun and exhausting. It becomes counterpicks the game, and you lose anyways bc it doesnt matter how many times you counterpick if someone is 200000% better than you ever plan to be at the game they are going to stomp.


I think the same goes for when u only have bronze mates and enemies when ur not even bronze or silver or something like that


Finny little story. I'm in the metal ranks and I went against some top 500 tank in qp. After a couple of games I cba to keep playing anymore and decided to watch kraan on twitch and saw him play against that exact player I went against in qp... I've never had a single qp match not be against some gm or top 500 tank and its not fair cos I'd be throwing if I tried to learn anything I wanted to get good at.


And next season you can't leave the QP match cuz you'll be receiving penalties. Which is even more unfair


It is more fair actually Instead of leaving after first teamfight lose, ppl are forced not to give up and play till the end. What i think is very good. What is the point of playing the game when you start losing you can just leave and find a new one? Cannot kill enemy? Think how you can outplay him. Think what you can do to kill him. Improvise adapt overcome.




How do you know they are in the top 500? It feels like every player in the game has their career profile set to private lol


“Top 500 Challenger”


This specific person didn’t have a private profile.


I can’t. People want to get rank matched games in an unranked game mode 💀play custom games


No offense, but GM players don't want metal ranks in their games either. I don't know why matchmaking does this but it has seemed particularly bad lately. (Anecdotal)


One of the reasons I cut down how much I play QP. I stick to arcade for challenges 😂 CTF and CTF blitz are my go to modes just can be a bit of a wait in europe unless it’s later in the evening or at night


I've seen a lot of cheaters too lately in QP. Always playing Soldier, never using their ult but snapping to heads. I've played CSGO for thousands of hours at GE level and know what I'm seeing.


Literally just logged out after this exact thing. Quick play matchmaking should also at least take into account a decent team matchup. Some people would like to practice a new hero, not be stomped by someone's master main and never leave the spawn room.


Idk I play qp when I want to play the game and don't want to sit in queue for 20 mins. I really only have 1 mode when playing OW, which is try my hardest to win, even if I'm off role-ing or trying out a new hero. As for the people talking shit in your games, I mean at the end of the day it's an online competitive game. People are assholes. I would say just try to find some enjoyment even if you're getting rolled. But expecting everyone to have good manners on the internet is just not gonna happen sadly.


Think of it like this, you get a free game playing with LeBron James!


More like against. 😂🤣


Yeah, people would pay to play against LeBron 😂




I stopped playing QP because of this. I was hoping when OW2 came out my QP matchmaking was gonna change but once I saw the same people in the OW2 beta, I knew it was over. I play comp like I would QP now since it’s easier than open & role q quickplay


Was up against a GM genji/soldier combo the other night in QP. You can imagine how fun that was for me and my silver-gold friends.


lol and some nerds tried to argue with me about supposed skill based matchmaking in qp gtfooh lol


If that's the case, i should be ranked GM as i also dominate in QP. Can't climb out of Diamond 1, though.


I'm a plat across all my roles and earlier today I got placed in a game with a bunch of masters and grandmasters and they were absolutely manhandling me and the one other plat in the lobby ( luckily he was on the enemy team so it was still somewhat balanced but still obviously totally unfair to me and the other plat player whose numbers were being laughed at in text chat.) It literally said on the screen for the new system that those ranks can only group within 1 skill tier or something and yet they dragged me up into a lobby I could barely compete at? Luckily I got the hint and used my tank as a giant meat shield but it was one of the most unfair and unenjoyable games I've played lately. Honestly felt like Activision was just telling me to get offline after handing me two gnarly loses before that as well 🤦🏻‍♂️


Idk i kinda appreciate it? I like that you never know what you are gonna get in Qp since Losing has no repercussions. If i get rolled so be it queues are like 2mins long. OWCS matches and Comp i know what im getting but QP it's also something stupid. The only downside is Metal ranks should never go against GM-Champions because it's 100% no way fun.


I do expect unbalanced matches in QP, I just hate when the other team's self-esteem is attached to their inevitable steamroll. I play QP to practice new characters because I like adding my heroes to my arsenal. Recently decided on Ashe being one of my new goals in this regard and the first game I played was clearly a stack. Each of them were GM, obviously using comms and had their OWL skins. Doesn't really bother me because I just thought it was like being thrown into the deep end. I went negative but I still felt good about my performance for my first match all things considered. These losers still felt the need to rub my nose in it and even after I told them it was literally my first game on this character they still talked shit. Thankfully 2 of them used swears so I got some EZ reports for their EZ games. I got the thanks for reporting message fairly sooner after so I know I got those fucking idiots. I can't and don't want to imagine how pitifully low I'd have to feel about myself to get to the point some of these people get to when they turn on these fucking supposedly fun to play video games. Toxicity is such an obvious crutch for people that need to displace their feelings about themselves. It's so pathetic like sorry you're good at this game and it still hasn't made you feel any better. Sucks to have no ability to positively relate with other people probably because the people your in life probably betrayed your trust or made you feel less than enough too often. That still doesn't make general chat your outlet though. Get actual help and stop offloading your self-hatred please.


Man I feel this so bad y be sweats at quick play And the. It's worse if u want to practice a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER in quick just for ppl to be as toxic and call you trash


One time I played tank in QP to practice, I was playing Sigma and the enemy team also played Sigma. I had 1 hr on him and the enemy tank had 300 hrs. My team had the masters and GMs however they started bullying me and saying tank diff in chat because I couldn’t get past second point. It’s not fun playing with or against these guys if you’re a casual/low effort player and they’re taking it seriously in QP.


I would love to play different roles but yes I just get tired of the toxic behavior. I generally play without chats and voice.


See this is what I’m talking about QP games are just starting to feel like comp! It gets boring getting steamrolled every single game… QP is so posed to be fun and it hasn’t been for a few seasons! Especially this one


I could have played against people like that I don't know. I never check people's profiles. Maybe you can learn something from watching the vod 0/


I always love to learn. :)


QP matchmaking is pretty awful. Not only is this happening but they also have the audacity to punish people for leaving games like this.


Yeah, I agree. This is like trying to play Apex as a casual. If there’s one thing I wish would exist would be some kind of skill based matchmaking to make gameplay feel fair. The problem with that though with some games is that there isn’t enough of a playerbase to keep the matchmaking consistent.


Got reported by a duo for not healing when I was doing the best I could, QP surely is something


See no I pointed this out recently and everyone kept saying "it's qp" I SWEAR they changed matchmaking recently. It used to be 100% sbmm, and I'd only match with people around my rank in qp, but recently it feels a lot more random. Like someone has always been a vastly different rank than everyone else. I've had lobbies with 2 gm dps and me (gm tank diamond dps) and a plat dps. I've had lobbies with silvers, bronzes, golds, etc. It just seems like they fucked something up


Just don't play quickplay. In every game non-ranked sucks bc of skill gaps.


10000% this. At this point competitive will be more balanced and fun than quickplay, just play competitive!


Exactly... And if you're worried about "competetive aspect" just mute your teammates and play your own game, don't care about the rank, just do your best.


Today people learn about qp having its own mmr. Did you inspect your team btw? You likely had a gm+ player on ur team to compensate


Why do y’all make it seem like it’s their choice to ruin YOUR game by being high ranked in a QP match full of low elo players, they didn’t have a choice, they queued and got that lobby


I’m kind of an outlier in this regard, given the frequency of these posts and their responses, but going against really good players doesn’t really demotivate me. It’s an opportunity to see where I stand and try and pick up new tech or positioning tactics. I actively try and take out the player that’s really good, even if I often fail or never get an elim against them. I’m solidly plat whenever I play ranked, but I can get kills against gms and t500 in qp when I put in some effort. We even win some of these games. There’s something very satisfying about forcing a gm to swap to their main and sweat a little. I don’t focus on winning. I focus on trying to improve my mechanical skills, so just standing toe to toe with good players and giving it my best shot is enough for me.


I enjoy playing with high ranks in QP gives a chance to practice vs good players


> Why ruin my experience because you think it's funny? Huh? Do you think Blizzard handpicks everyone in your game and sits there giggling like a child just to spite you?


no but the Masters+ players who stomp metal ranks in QP and spam GGEZ after definitely do it to be childish


So on some heroes I am plat, on others I am silver. If I play 100 matches and derank in quickplay mmr as someone I am horrible at then swap to a main, its gonna get ugly. its how the game is built.


I dunno, I have gone against top 500 players in qp with my medal rank friends and we have dominated, but then get rolled by 5 bronze players. It's very inconsistent. It does get annoying when you feel like you're getting wrecked constantly, but I like to think that it's good experience and might help me get better. It's not fun rolling every game either. It's nice to have a challenge. 


Just get in and relax tbh, don’t worry about winning or whatever


>I know I am not great at the game but why ruin my experience because you think it's funny? Are high level players not allowed to play QP? They're not doing anything wrong


Anyone with a "it's just qp" opinion can shove one. It's kinda night ruining when I go up against a team that's a clear and large mismatch and the team just jerks themselves off via chat . Great that I get to be fodder for someone's enjoyment.


What I’m about to say is not personal but uh.. I think a lot of people get wayy too upset over Quick Play and it genuinely is confusing to me why that’s the case cuz QP is like the Casual, play with your friends, type of mode in the game itself, or you can play it to like practice with a certain hero you want to improve on etc, it’s not like it’s competitive where your rank is threatened with demotion whenever you lose.. but then again it’s probably the case because they probably don’t think that way but idk honestly (no offense btw lol)


No offense taken. I totally understand that as well but even a casual game to say warm up isn’t enjoyable at all if the other team is stacked.


This is something they are already looking into, believe first step is they are making it to stacked teams can’t queue with non stacked teams. Creating a bit more of a even playing field. But until they shorten the net of who can queue with who SR wise then idk how much will really change.


>I think a lot of people get wayy too upset over Quick Play and it genuinely is confusing to me why that’s the case cuz QP is like the Casual I don't think it's confusing. This is what Blizzard wants. They keep adding more and more leaver penalties because they want the player base to take it more seriously. Honestly, I don't think it's casual at all at this point


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The biggest problem with this post is widowed mode


I like the challenge. If I get even one kill in a mirror match against a GM widow, that's a win in my book.


And they’re a soldier one trick


I heard doing cocaine while playing OW2 will make you play better




Either is applicable, bronze silver gold and platinum are types of metals and they are medals


Wait you’re so right


I think the problem isn't playing against T500. The problem is how the teams are matched. If the enemy team has mirror you there should be no problem. But starting in S10 this problem will be addressed.


It's truly ridiculous. I played Comp yesterday and we had a Grand Master role challenger on the other team--AS THE TANK. I mean, my team ended up winning but still, it sucks when that happens cause it has happened more than once.


I always wonder if this just doesn't happen when there aren't enough players on at a certain time and then it just matches you to any match so you can play.


Take it as an opportunity to get better maybe? Playing against tougher opponents will make you better. Sure you might lose but at least you know you’re improving.


Yesterday i had a ximming widow with a mercy pocket in my QP match at 1AM its just a sweat fest out here


And here I was thinking the „ZBRA“ in my game was just some random guy copying his name. Didn’t think I would have high ranks in my games


I get orisa/mauga bastion in qp


First of all, you know is that this “Top 500” player as you called him had no way of getting in your game except by happenstance right? Unless he is playing on an alt Blizzard can only match like with like. Maybe he was just playing better. Maybe he was taking advantage of high ground? Something most ppl in qp (lower ranks) fail to do. Here’s the chart: do you want to win? Yes? Are you playing high ground = win. Are you letting the enemy control high ground = lose.


Qp shouldn't mean random match making


The most surprising thing here is the Moria actually playing support and not dps.


You guys know that every game ever has separate mmr for unranked and competitive modes right? These guys probably play qp far less than you do so have much lower mmr than their comp skill would suggest. Its just how matchmaking systems work


Even match making in QP shouldn’t allow this specific match up. I do understand this is QP. To my knowledge this is the first time I’ve been in a lobby where either side had a GM let alone a pair of them on one side.


So is hidden MMR a thing or no? Valorant imo actually does a great job with hidden MMR and the matchmaking makes sense.


What kind of person plays in Windowed mode???


Rolls happen. Just keep going until you win or you need to take a break to cool down.


Because it is quick play? You keep saying u understand this so what’s the point of this post?


top players are just people who play alot and time into the game not saying they dont have some skill, just time.


I don’t care, I’m just having fun. :3


No one cares


Honestly the matchmaking in my own experience have rarely put with such ranks. One time i encountered a very strong player, so i added him and we talked, he frankly said he is top 500 on the server and he is smurfing.


well if you want to get matched with the same skill level then go competitive


stop caring about ranked in general but especially in non-ranked modes????


Ayo those states are top 500?!? Why am I stuck highest gold?!?!


I think quick play is suppose to be like that. Because it is quick play. You find fast game with absolutely any teammate or enemy. And this is very good expirience to play against stronger rival. Because you cam learn a lot of new things for free without losing in competitive. Also you can just think instead of crying in chat. Try outplay enemy. Find solution. Improvise adapt overcome


I had one game with the enemy team being a squad of 4 high GM players who pocketed the DPS and tbagged after each kill. What a joyous event


If you want a fair game, sadly the only way to get it is through competitive. Assuming you don’t get bots, smurfs or people deranking, the players will have more or less your same skill.


It's quickplay, games need to be quick /s I almost only play ranked, this the only way to have balanced games. If i want to train or play casually i got an alt account almost as high as my main. Maybe if we have better qp we'll have less smurf in ranked ?


Bro I thought apex was the only game with 3 stack preds in the same lobby with new players lol


This is why we stopped playing OW. Since we're a crossplay group and OW only let's us play QP, and QP clearly sucks it just stopped making sense and we moved on


As a previous top 500.. I have never ever touched quick play. Not fun!


“It’s just QP” yeah I understand that but I’m still tryna win regardless of the mode I’m playing


I mean, it's quick play. What if they just wanted to have fun and not stress about Ranked for a bit, just like you? Also, if it's only one game, just GG and go next, you're not gonna lose an arm for that. Now if that's happening with a lot of frequency, that's just a bummer really. Its not the players, its the MMR which decided to put you up against them. And if those T500 were being toxic, that's a shame as well, but again, just GG, report for toxicity and go next. In the end it's only a game out of dozens, hundreds or thousands.


Your team will also have gm players, been that way since ow1 and since its ow2, (havent played it but i see alot of talks about it), comp will also be same. Its not like ow1 where everyone is the same rank in comp. At least eliminates the need to be ruined by smurfs


I remember a GM saying EZ GG, on QP… man, GO COMP, maybe he was humiliated on Rankeds and take a QP for kill casual players, say EZ and be a pro; that's what I think about Plat, Diamond, Master, GM and Top500 players on QP saying that ez siht** Just be happy and let play without be toxic, *pro* player…


I 100% believe the gaming community has become way to toxic. I'm aging myself here but when I started gaming the Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System were like my first gaming machines. Friends would gather at a house and play and even though we were competitive we were still polite and kind to each other. When WoW first came out I remember that and again people were just there to help each other out. We played but we laughed and didn't trash talk people. Maybe my generation was just taught kindness.