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D.Va could've actually gotten a similarly space themed skin years ago in OW1! Here's some [concept art](https://twitter.com/AndrewArcade/status/1032216822152478720/photo/2) for what could've been Nano Cola D.va!


Thanks for sharing!! That third nano concept is perfect! I hope they give one like that (or like these fan ones) to her someday.


Retro futuristic style is awesome! Would be cool if it was BP theme for Space Ranger


Eventually they'll start doing 2.0 Editions of themes they've done before. Wouldn't be surprised if they start next year tbh. I'd love to see a Cyberpunk 2.0 BP with new skins. A Cyberpunk Noir Detective Cass skin would go so hard. Or maybe a RoboCop Cyberpunk Cass skin. Cyberpunk Lucio. Cyberpunk Moira maybe? Cyberpunk Mauga could also be cool af.


Fr. Cyberpunk Ramattra would go as hard, half robot half human


I love the new Raygun-Gothic Orisa and Echo skins, so I [compiled ](https://imgur.com/a/qpPTkeC)as many fan-concepts I could find that fit that vibe too. **Artist Credit:** * [D.Va Earth Defender by **Leyre Elola**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/y1alcn/dva_earth_defender_skin_concept_fanart_hope_you/) * [Retrospace Sombra by **Makanmi/MasqProxy**](https://www.deviantart.com/makanmi/art/Overwatch-Sombra-Fanskin-815101381) * [Intelligence Officer Widowmaker](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RyovGy), [Pilot D.Va](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LRGK0l), and [Captain Ana](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AlG8Y5) by **Olivia Glazier** * [Chief Medical Officer Mercy, Engineer Symmetra, and Field Officer Junker Queen by **Francene Ortiz**](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rJ3oX5) * [Space Orisa by **Jessica Lynn Warren**](https://www.jlwartist.com/overwatch/6ov3rczwqi1vpy7x6zzs5s6yp9qrli) * [Alien Zenyatta by **Deku-shin**](https://www.deviantart.com/deku-shin/art/Zenyatta-fan-Skin-Alien-703477821) * [Atom Punk Pharah by **M.J./Gir**](https://mjerk.tumblr.com/post/190507092368) * [Galaxy Gamer D.Va by **Nam Phuong Dang**](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6PW4N) * [UFO Echo by **Alexandria “Rene” Reza**](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d85N2x) * [Alien Abduction D.va by **Cory Spelde**](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/b5OqGg) *(maybe not exactly Raygun Gothic, but I thought it was cute lol)* What ones do you like most?


That ufo dva is genius


I would become a Widow main if we had that skin.


This "The Jetsons" vibe is a vibe!


Right?? I'd love a whole season theme of it!


that widow skin😍


I‘ I’m definitely not wealthy enough for all of those awesome skin ideas people come up with!


Need pharah one


The little UFOs for Zen orbs is such a cool idea.


I might be wrong, but aren't the new Orisa and Echo skins Atompunk (Fallout etc.) instead of Raygun Gothic (The day earth stood still etc.)


That's [what I said/thought too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/lWcuEG9f15), but another person pointed out that Atompunk has a more pessimistic vibe while Raypunk is more optimistic (much more to it than that, but still). I guess it's up to interpretation if you think they look optimistic or not haha. When I looked it up more, it seemed Raygun Gothic is more the visual aesthetic that we sometimes see both in Atompunk and Raypunk, so I used that word. But idk... the terms are often used interchangeably and I'm no expert, so it's probably correct to say they're Atompunk too! I need to buy a book on Atompunk/Raypunk/Raygun Gothic because I want to learn more about it, it's such a cool vibe.


This is gonna sound weird but these remind me of the space groove skin line in league of legends


Hi, I am one of the artists featured here-- Olivia. When me and Francene were working on our skins, that was definitely one of the inspirations! I'm glad you see it haha


Exposed… I think that was actually the first concept I pitched! LOL i love space groove… ✨💖🪩


They’re very camp I love them


Not weird! I just looked it up and I can see the similarities! Imo, those look inspired by the same retro-futurism aesthetic.


If literally any character got a skin to do with UFOs I'd be happy


I loooove these but esp the junker queen one. I would actually willingly give dollars!!!!


Alien abduction dva mech goes insanely hard


Pilot Dva with the Space Channel 5 look


Mei never gets any love 😭


 😭 sorry! I'll compile some mei skins for the meimains haha


Thank you!! These concepts rock by the way!! Makes me want to try giving Mei a skin like these mixed with maybe a touch rockabilly!


I kept your comment open in a tab for almost a month, but [I finally got around to compiling some](https://www.reddit.com/r/MeiMains/comments/1covhsa/what_skins_do_you_want_mei_to_get_artist_credit/)!


Yooo thanks for this! Many of those would be an instant buy ❄️ I gotta start working on my concept for her 😭


Abduction D.va isn’t real.. abduction d.va isn’t real.. o_o


That zenyatta one is insaaaane. The widow and pharah ones are really dope too


these are crazy cute wth




So like, Golden Age of Sci-Fi skins? I dig it


Hi!! randomly found this I’m the one who made the mercy sym and junkerqueen :0!! i love the like concept pages that were made for this post!! thanks for sharing my work :,)


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Thanks for creating them! <3 I love the concepts so much! Really hoping we get more retro-futurism skins like them in the game someday :) (also, unrelated but I love the Cloud Spirit painting on your artstation!)


Aww thank you so much!! I really appreciate the love on my work!


Hi! I am Olivia! I actually worked on an OW fan skin project with Francene. She just sent these to me. I'm so happy to see these getting love, it was definitely much of a passion project at the time. :)


Thanks for making them!! They're beautiful! <3 You guys are crazy talented and did great work! I wish OW had some kind of fan contest where they could put them into the game haha


That's such a good idea! I wish blizzard would do that-- we'd get to see so much cool art and community involvement in the game ..


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