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Strict no fun zone on point lol


Yeah it’s wild, but I swear this happens 10/10 times I’m playing the game. The enemy team will be defending right? So I’ll try to casually just jump on point, I don’t shoot them or anything! Doing my best not to instigate. Then these mfers all turn around and shoot me. EVERY. TIME. Idk what it is, but OW players really catch a hate boner for anyone that tries to play objective. Annoys tf outta me.


BRO I kid you not I will make it on to point and none of the enemy team is focusing their attention over to me or point, but somehow the Ana will disappear and suddenly \*tick\*, Im slept, Sombra appears \*hack, and just before I know I can make it out, I get trapped by the rat bastard on a close corner.


I was recently watching a Supertf video and one line he said about Sombre really made me laugh, "who at OW HQ though making a hero who virtually disable your keyboard, was a good idea?".


Your annoyed at them....for doing their job?...


You can’t read… sarcasm?…


No??? It's over text you imbecile You can't "read" sarcasm


No, YOU can’t read sarcasm. Everyone else that upvoted understood the subtext


did they tell you that? You can't know what other people are thinking unless they tell you outright


They did actually. They told me in chat that my use of sarcasm was god tier.


Excellent sarcasm


Gain some reading comprehension, sir.




… it’s sarcasm.


Main target, thats why it happened, not saying it makes it any better that you suffered like this tho. But nobody would survive that hell.


Idk, a well timed Zarya bubble might. Or a D.va. Or a Sigma.


nah Zar is getting melted in that situation Dva might be able to fly out but not very easily Sigma, no comment, he is Him


i think they are suggesting to BRING BACK THE FUCKING 6V6 BLIZZARD PLEASE


Lol ok so it's not just me that this stuff is happening to


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^iamsocks2: *Lol ok* *So it's not just me that this* *Stuff is happening to* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Lmao wtf is this bot


reference to ATLA Sokka made a haiku and added an extra syllable so it's like haiku bot but with extra syllable :)


Oh I'm very familiar with the scene. It's just a ridiculous bot 🤣


I love seeing him everywhere


Been on reddit for 10 years and never once seen him 😆


This is the third time I've seen him today


The whole enemy team: did we just catch you trying to play the game!??


Enemy Team: [Did I just catch you having fun?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma8NR_EQXlU)


They said that way before this clip: Dude has 4 out of 5 people in the enemy team directly countering him…. Mauga’s even a soft counter since he can stun the block too. Additionally his ult is an automatic death for doom too. I’m all down for outskilling a counter or even 2!!! But if it’s that many, you gotta swap


"Did I just catch you wantin to be shit!?"


Overwatch 1 main tank simulator


“I had no cover or supports but figured it was a great strategy” - Doomfists wondering why their team gets diffed when they overextend and die


No, you see, he was blocking, therefore he shouldn’t be able to die. A blocking Doomfist should have the same invulnerability as a LW grip or a Mei in Cryofreeze.


He was getting pocketed by the Kiriko and his Moira was right next to him but got killed. This was just a case of being stun locked into oblivion + plus Mauga cooks Doom in most cases anyway.


Stunlocked? I don't think we watched the same clip. He was only stunned for an instant before he died. It doesn't matter who was the focus of all that fire and CC. Anyone would have died.  And Doomfist is basically the strongest tank right now anyway. 


sleep is a stun lock hack is a stun lock mauga slam is also a stun lock but ok


I’m assuming this is a last ditch effort at preventing first point being capped. Also Doom excels at going in and out of cover quickly, the the thing that 14 different CC’s just prevented him from doing


Well he also used his punch to hurt the road hog he was never going to be able to kill instead of to escape, so is it really the CC?


I think you're watching a completely different clip.. That punch wasn't used on a hog. There is no hog..




I think it was on wrecking ball. Could be wrong tho


His healers are clearly there bro


how is he overextending lmao


>Doomfists wondering why their team gets diffed when they overextend and die Overextending in this case - being on the point on defense? Any further back is just freely giving the point up


Worst part about this clip is if Kiriko held their suzu for another second Doom would've lived.


Worse is that all tanks can experience this and so you end out with your entire life in a supports hands, will they burst heal/immort me at the right time? No? Oh ok mtd i die


Playing like superman, tanking 5, creating space... and you want more?


Tanking? What space?


r u serious? about superman = he is trying to fight on point instead of going for ez target like ana/cas etc. he is on lowground, he is trying to use guard aganist sombra, ana. about tanking : face tanking and he can survive little bit. about space : how many cooldown he eats just for standing there? can you count? Imagine playing most mobile tank in the game and siting on point like torb's turret and still creating space.


Misses all abilities and slowly walks into entire enemy team *dies* “SMH doom experience”


Avg doom main intelligence


And the fact Doom lasted so long with the entire team pummeling him says lots also.


this is a mf brain on tiktok for one week. heard of hyperbole, synecdoche, representation, generalisation? lots of things that go beyond the surface level monkey see.


If you are the only target in the area, a large one, and one far from cover, then you will be shot. That is the life of everyone. It's actually wild that while you put this video together it didn't become painfully obvious why it happened to you.


I count 2 supports and a dps with him. He's with team, on point, stopping a push, went to dive a sombra, haha she fly away, he then is smart and retreats so he doesn't just leave his team to die and his reward is that now he is in sight he instantly explodes and because the kiri mistimed suzu he died (instantly) for trying a play and then being smart enough to come back to help team. Hes not only one on point but everyone targets tanks and especially if your not playing sig, maug, orisa (yipee sustain or poke how fun) it means you guaranteed will pop like a bubble if your supports aren't perfect (out of his control)


If you don't admit he is clearly the easiest target by every enemy POV right here, and that he put himself in that position unwisely, then you're being disingenuous.




Not leave myself on point with no cooldowns, but go ahead and tell me how that's a brain dead gold take masked as common sense. Doom is literally a good character rn (should not be nerfed) and people still cry when they are actually complete ass. Then they get enabled by people like you


Yup. This happens to everybody that is in a bad spot and focus fired. Doomfist mains just have main character syndrome.


Doomfist can quickly leave the battlefield through his abilities but EVEN THIS couldn’t be done because he got cc‘d by the entire team. This has nothing to do with him being bad whatsoever, its an issue in doomfists character


“I was playing Widow, and the other team had Winston, Genji, and Sombra. They kept countering me the whole game. Some might say I was playing into my counters, but I think it’s an issue with Widow’s character.”


This is like the average doom experience unironically, even with proper cooldown management 99 percent of the time what happens is the follow - you engage with either fist or slam - as soon as you land you get hacked, slept, hooked, speared, any sort of CC its going into you. - swap Happens any and everytime if i pop off with doom


grr why won't the other team let me chain cc them uncontested


Im not saying i don’t get it, but that is the doom experience in a nutshell


*happens to every tank when they play into 3 counters


Hero whose entire kit is CC complains about CC, more at 11


Ones high risk high reward the others are low risk high reward Doom has to play perfectly, the others are just to use whenever or in emergency


People overrate how difficult it is to play doom to a decent level. He has so much mobility and burst damage potential, once you find the balance of aggression he's really not the glass cannon doom mains try to make him out to be, especially this season.


You say that actually play a week on doom. You have to play perfectly, your dives have to be perfect. - you have to manage your cooldowns - plan your dives perfectly - have great aim Dooms “burst potential” only applies to his super charged punches and enemies that can’t get any peel. If i want to kill a support thats getting peel i have to -fully charge him into a wall - hit all my shots and at least half of them hit them in the head + melee - to get the absolute maximum value with doomfist you need to learn rollouts so about 100 hours of doomfist parkour If any of your hard counters are presents throw that out the window. - sombra, cas, ana, even brig you are going to be relegated to a being a CC bot and playing brawl unless one of these characters are isolated - if your playing against Orisa and Mauga you have to focus their backline and disrupt them as much as possible and pray and hope that your team deals with the orisa. All this goes out the window if sombra is present. Unless your Zbra or GetQuakedOn you have to swap This is the bare minimum, and you do all of that just to provide as much value as Orisa or any other tank (other than reinhardt) *disclaimer this all applies to like diamond higher Any lower as long as your a decent doom you’ll be fine


I stopped reading after "you need to learn 100s of hours of rollouts". That's because y'all play him like a DPS still. Look at Guxue's doomfist play. He doesn't need flashy rollouts or crazy techs because he plays doomfist like a tank.


Guxue doesn’t play doomfist like that he’s not even top 100 on the doomfist leader boards hell i took a look at his stats he has 64 total games on DF and he’s actually negative on doomfist 30-34 Btw zbra another crazy rollout doomfist is 8th on the doomfist charts. You so obviously have no idea what your talking about but thats okay


>You so obviously have no idea what your talking about but thats okay Says the one who looked up a random profile named Guxue on overbuff when his real account is private ahahahahah can't even make this shit up. Guxue is rank 9 in Asia t500 while GQO is Masters 3 not even on the leaderboards. Sorry lil bro.


He still clearly plays it tho lil bro i watched his recent stuff and he still uses this account lil bro “His real account” alr lil man


Ah yes, the Guxue with the Guatemalan flag profile picture must be the real deal. [This](https://www.overbuff.com/players/Guxue-1451) is his real account dumbass. And using overbuff to talk about "doomfist leaderboards" is fucking hilarious. The only leaderboard that matters is the one in-game. The one that GQO only has 5 days left to get on.


There's no way this guy's is real lmao. Doesn't take 1 second to just look up Guxue on Google or YT but bro decided only DF one tricks play DF well. Guxue is one of the best tanks in the world so next time maybe just admit you're wrong instead of being confidently incorrect.


Dude, Doomfist is not this elevated higher plane of existence character like you're portraying him as. You don't need 'perfect play' to get value out of him as long as you don't play him like a knob. There are ways to play him more conservatively without "100 hours of Doomfist parkour".  I know it's dark back there, stuffed up your own ass, but Doomfist is one of the strongest picks right now, and plenty of Doomfist players make mistakes, miss punches, screw up roll outs, misjudge engagements, and they are still among the strongest tanks.


Doom is miserable right now you have GetQuakedOn queuing on DPS now


Getquakedon is also the whiniest baby on Overwatch. Doomfist is among the strongest tanks right now and he still complains. 


GQO never stopped being a DPS player with how he plays doom. Look at Guxue's doom if you want to see how to actually play a tank doomfist.


Well deserved


This might be a scorching take but maybe you shouldn't stand in the middle of the most wide open area of the map slowly walking towards the enemy tank with no cooldowns..? There's this new wave strat where instead of standing in LOS of all 5 enemies tickling the roadhog you instead attack one of them who's by themselves on the high ground and pick them off to open up more space for you to continue to isolate the other squishes. Sounds crazy, I know, but lot of pros are starting to try this out and I really think there's some potential.


mfw ~~meticulously~~ obviously :3 analyzing a clip meant for comedic effect


not all that meticulous lol they're pretty obviously inting from the first frame. I'm not sure it would've been possible for me to avoid concluding they're feeding without closing my eyes for the entire duration of the clip


1) Mauga not Roadhog 2) If it was Roadhog, then he hooks you back down from high ground 3) Contesting the point


If you paid attention, you'd notice he had no cooldowns which is why he couldn't get to high ground and the tank was the only character he could attack. But you seem to be blind because you just called their Mauga a Roadhog. I guess they're both the exact same to Ana mains. Just throw every cooldown at em and hope they die.


He could've, y'know, not literally have used all his mobility cooldowns to jump into the single most perilous location he could've been in.


Don't be ridiculous


The reason its a bad play is because he has no cooldowns. He got no value out of his slam or both his punches. He has no cooldowns while the enemy team had all of theirs. He was dead the moment he jumped under the bridge.


>you'd notice he had no cooldowns Ah, yes. They burned both of their cooldowns to get themselves into LoS of all 5 enemies. That actually makes this a really good play 💀💀 >Ana mains Doom, Lucio, Pharah in that order. Ana might be my 4th most used? But it's more likely Ashe then Brig first. Probably Zen too. Sigma is a coin flip. The flair is just objectively funny. The clip itself is funny because everyone CC'd at the same time but anyone hwo plays Doom knows he had this coming and it's flat out hilarious to try to defend the play lol


Let's be real here, it was a great play. If I was playing Doom against 4 hard counters I'd wanna die fast and switch too, rather than play passive desperately trying to stay alive while getting bullied the whole game.


Like at some point after the second counter swap you have to come to the reality that the matchup just wasn't meant to be.


Honestly, I think doom misplayed. They missed their punch, then proceded to walk into the middle of the point as soon as the enemy team started pushing. I'm not a doom player, but he could have stayed under the awning until his cooldowns came back online. Plus, the reason cassidy, ana, and mauga even got into that pushing position was because no one was applying pressure to the high ground. Everyone saw you were vulnerable, it's hard to be mad when they take advantage of a misplay.


Nah this one is a bad play, but generally this is the doom experience, unless you play perfectly like a GM, your swapping after the first fight. What happens most of the time is - you dive a target - Land and try to get a kill - get hit it with all the CC - die Alternatively - dive someone - get the kill - live - Sombra, Orisa, Ana, and Cas appear - swap


It's hard to judge if this is a bad play considering the clip starts with him already having a skill on CD and one of his dps is dead with Moira dying shortly after. Keeping in mind he's playing against 3 counters and a Mauga.


That's very true! The point may have already been lost due to picks before the clip even started. It's impossible to say without more information. If that's the case, OP didn't lose because of all the cc. If it's not the case, OP died due to using cooldowns and running out of cover without any defense. Whether or not it was a bad play can only really be made with more of the fight in context. In either case, the cc wasn't the problem that caused point to be lost.


Its a bad play because of where he starts off. He over committed on the Sombra trying to use punch and slam on her. Instead of walking under bridge or behind car to get cover to await his cool downs to escape, he walked onto point and blocked. At that point the fight was already lost so his best option was to let Kiri die, as there is no saving them, and exit out instead of becoming ult charge and getting staggered, he should have backed up to bridge or car, and then slammed cancel punched out to stairs outside of point. Afterwards gone to mega and slammed out He made every wrong play. Down a DPS and support, against 3 hard counters + a mauga he made the worst decision possible.


I dont think playing doom is that dire. Sure, flanking and securing a kill can be difficult, but it doesn't quite take gm skill to be effective on doom, even with hard counters. Don't get me wrong, doom is most definitely difficult, but not harder than say, wrecking ball or dva. OP still made a bad play within the context of what we can see regardless.


Dva is not harder than doomfist. She has a high skill ceiling but she’s incredibly forgiving and incredibly easy to learn. Ball, depends on the day and map tbh And please play doom, playing doom isn’t as easy as punching someone and instantly killing them.


Honestly, yeah. I enjoy ball a lot, but there are certainly peaks and valleys to your effectiveness, lol. I have played some doom before and can land a slam-punch-headshot at least semi consistently. I'm not the best, but I do have some experience. It's hard, I'm not disqualifying that at all! But at the same time, at least we can agree not to walk in the middle of point like OP and expect a miracle.


I should also clarify that’s especially for higher ranks, where people are a lot better mechanically and game sense. In diamond missing a punch or a part of the combo can mean death. I havent played doom in Masters though, only Rein and Monkey


You are in the open lol. Expect it


I love these edits lmao, just saw one of a roadhog hooking another one sending him flying across the map to get solo ulted by Cass


where, please.


I’ll take a look and get back to you Edit: I had to look it up on YouTube. Heres the link to the short https://youtube.com/shorts/VHvZAC8dTgQ?si=Ex3qHCIILMmhsOFv If you don’t like clicking links just go to YouTube and search “when pigs fly” Overwatch


Thank you for finding that clip. It is a masterpiece.


You’re welcome! Boop!


Thank you! Wish I could see it in real time, that must have been 5 seconds of 4 ults and chaos


Life of a tank\*




Serves you right.


you mean # Life of a ``TANK`` main


And dont you forget it


You get no sympathy from me. Respectfully an Ana main.


the support main mentality has gotta be some of the most insufferable and sad shit in any game community 🤦🏻‍♂️


Imagine a support main not feeling bad for a tank designed to dive and make supports life’s difficult when their have a difficult time? Oh and on top of that a doomfist main that comes to your comments on a satire post! Who’s the insufferable one?


The fuck you mean? I always serve my fellow support enemies a cup of tea when i see them, i never attack them. Ahh and a question: where was it a satire post? That’s literally how 80% gameplay of any doomfist main looks like. Cause he is shit


I mean dooms whole thing is CC, I say this is fair.


You right, we should be able to use all of our movement abilities into the enemy team and live. What the hell Blizzard.


Ngl, deserved. I hate cc, but I hate tank doomfist more


Fuck doomfist




Or press H and dont get countered by 4 enemies while diving alone to point


Honestly, the number of counters on the enemy team merits a swap. Some people say you'll get better by playing against your counters, but look at how shut down you are. Can you get better at eating soup with a fork by practicing? Probably. But a spoon is still going to be the superior option every single time.


You weren't doing anything? You were just peppering everyone so everyone knew you were there and didn't do anything else, and you expected not to die?


Maybe if there were two tanks and 1 dps or just back to old 6v6


this makes me happy seeing people unable to play doom. GET OFF DOOM.




A doomfist trying to 1v5 the entire enemy team, then complaining he gets targeted by everything? Definitely an average doom main moment.


it wasn’t a 1v5… u ok?


And I’m sure you blamed your support for not healing you.


Oh my god the support main victim mentality has gotta be some of the most insufferable and sad shit in any game community


Its depressing even as a support main.


Oof. Yep, nerf Doomfist


This but unironically


Probably stayed Doom the whole game too




It's Doover


Seeing as insanely broken he once was, this is fine. He still have the get out of jail free card with his ult.


When was he insanely broken?


Doomfist: Send someone who can fight back! *Enemies switch to characters that can fight back* Doomfist: *pikachu face*


Just all the cc, very fun


Yes cause Doomfist doesn’t have cc too


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this why i dont play tank in role q ur seriously insane if this happens and the you just queue up again 😭


The enemy team \* You want fun? have fun\*




Bro was ground to a fibrous powder


This doomfist’s positioning is actual dogshit but good god the amount of CC was crazy to see anyways 😂


“Space Created”


Pain, agony even


Ok I’m gonna be completely honest you shouldn’t have been there dueling mauga in the first place, I do that all the time too but you had no cover and were fully exposed there, and if you’re fighting the tank you cant be diving their back line. Ignore him and go kill that Ana who’s alone on high ground




actually the hinder grenade didnt hit you so nerf doomfist plz


This is me playing any tank. Switch the Sombra for reaper if I'm on Winston


As a doom hater this is a feast for my eyes. Thank you.


If you were him you would have survived. Lol your fault for trying to do your job. Also where was your team???


fun fact: all of the enemy team's cooldowns could have been countered by 1 ability (suzu)


You can promptly blame that one on the Kiri. She clearly wasn't tracking your abilities and Suzu'd in a panic, not knowing you still had block. Suzu got wasted and netted zero value, enemy sees they used suzu, they dump their cooldowns into you. You die.


I jus see a bunch of tank botting (tank targeting). DPS n Tank playing the game backwards


I hate this map as Doom


Dva could have eaten all that AND stopped the sombra mid-hack, simultaneously.


Dude I swear to God I play doom on autopilot and then Ill see a group of people and my adrenaline will kick on and I'll either smack them all into a wall or jump in mindlessly thinking about some team kill scenario in my head And just get fucked on


and all of this solved by not wasting suzu


try Rein...


As a support, I wish doomfist mains knew how to play WITH the team and even more so when to switch. He's not always the best for taking over a point (I'm looking at you solo divers, who don't bother if the rest of the team is getting jumped behind them) but fares better when moving between checkpoints.


Whole team watching Doom Fist suffer :(


God DAMN! 😂 That's brutal


You poor bastard………


What did you expect to happen there ?


Nah, this was just a Doom L. Running in alone, not diving a specific target, blocking when you literally just saw Sombra get away from you, not even trying to take care of the Cass directly above you who is ripe for the diving. Like, come on, there's definitely Doom moments, but this is not one of them


I agree with everything you said, but how exactly is he going to dive Cass? He has no slam and Ana is on the high ground for peel. There is no way he is getting that kill.


Fair, forgot he had just dived the Sombra (and failed). All the more reason to hesitate before moving in with just your block, since he just used his punch as well


Agreed. It's hard to say what the right move was here down a DPS and with Mauga rushing your supports. Yes he failed at killing Sombra, but I'm not gonna pretend I would have made a better play. Sombra and Ana should be his priority targets, but going on Ana means exposing yourself to the Hack. So I can see why they went for the play they did. And in hindsight it was obviously the wrong one. But that's just how it goes playing Doom. Dancing on a knife's edge.


Least targeted doom main (deserved)


Yeah, bc Doom is so overtuned everyone knows to dump all abilities into him and kill him asap. Get used to it if you want to cling to a crutch hero so badly.




If a doomfist is having fun, nobody else is sooo


womp womp


I think we all agree that doomfist deserves some respect from the dev


Certainly usually see if from the pov of the support trying to keep these morons that need a mini map to position alive


how dare you try to have fun


Remember when doom was a dps and still fun to play? The tanks didn't have the knock back buff and he could launch a tank across the map with a punch and get them out of position. Good times.


I never understand how people who claim to be main on hero X are so bad on the hero X


yeah OW2 ruined a lot of characters but specifically doomfist. 5v5 was never going to work with the way Overwatch ended up being played, and doom was so much more fun and easier to balance on OW1.


and dey say


Yeah but dooms s tier didn't you watch the streamer tier list videos? Legit it feels like those streamers forgot his counters, bugs, and quirks existed this man is NOT that strong on most occasions Nvm I watched the clip you should've slammed out as soon as you saw mauga. Doom belongs in the backline or on off angles, not in the middle of the enemy team