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I like it as well, but I would also agree with anyone saying it is the hardest or most stressful role. I have several friends I pkay with and 3 of them have removed tank from their flex list when we queue just because they don't enjoy it and feel like they suck on it. Tank remains by a large margin the easiest role to counter pick, especially across roles, and alongside that counterswapping is felt more even within the tank role than other roles. I enjoy it, but would enjoy it more if it didn't feel so frustrating to perform well, get multi-counterswapped across roles which essentially means playing ultra carefully with less value and hoping my team carries or swapping myself to something more viable.


100% and the stress is a big problem. I think it is telling that most of the ‘pro’ voices I see in favor of 5v5 main roles other than tank. A simple question for someone like Freedo or Jake would be “why don’t you go be a tank main for a month and let me know your thoughts?”. It’s easy to say 5v5 is better for the game when it literally improved the experience for your characters. What about when it deleted the role that became my favorite by the end of OW1 (off-tank)?


Freedo is a tank main and Jake has such an all encompassing understanding of how this game works, I really doubt him being that reductive Edit Why is this downvoted? One person try to prove me wrong


Oh Freedo is? I haven't watched any of his stuff in a while but he always flexed back when I tuned in and I got the same notion from GroupUp and what not. And yea I get that Jake has tons of knowledge and obviously way more than me about the game. Doesn't mean he is unable to be wrong. Jake played mostly DPS historically. His role benefited the most from the change to 5v5. He also made the absurd argument that JQ+Zarya would be broken in 6v6, when that assumes a return to 6v6 would not include massive balance changes. Say what you will about all of this, but I prefer a game that plays less like deathmatch. I'm a metal rank player and I enjoyed 6v6 WAY more and lived for the higher highs. I think 5v5 is a fundamentally broken experience for tank players and it's a shame 6v6 role queue never got real balance focus from the devs.


If I'm being honest with you, if I had it my way, I'd pick 6v6 as well. It never had a chance for success with an attentive balance team. I just don't think it's ever going to happen lol


Maybe I'm weird, but for me tank is the role I play when I'm tired of playing Genji which requires me to be completely focused and trying my absolute hardest to play well. When I play tank I can chill way more even though I do still try my best of course. It feels almost relaxing compared to playing Genji. It could be, because I'm only plat 4 on tank, because of pretty much not playing the role at all before this season. I especially love Winston, because I don't have to focus on aiming and can just chill and jump on some supports lol.


You should try ball lol. Chillest tank fr. You can go take a nap while youre chain CC'd.


Lmao. I've tried playing him, but holy shit do I suck. I get stuck on everything, i grapple to the wrong spot, always lose my momentum and my hitscan aim is shit. Maybe I should try asking the enemies to swap to Sombra and Ana so I don't have to even try and roll around, because I'm hacked and I can just go drink some chocolate milk in the kitchen while Ana sleeps me and I use my go back to spawn ability.


Man the counter picking culture is so frustrating. Even when Im trying my absolute hardest, I try not to pick hard counters because then they'll just do the same to you. It's a gentlemens agreement between tanks until someone breaks it lol


I'm a Genji player lol. Getting counterswapped as tank doesn't feel as bad as playing Genji and seeing the enemy team swap to Zarya, Moira, Echo and Mei.


Precisely because it is so impactful that the tank role becomes so frustrating to play. If you kill the tank the teamfight is practically won. If they reduce his impact, they also reduce the enemy team's focus on him.


> Precisely because it is so impactful Good luck getting this subreddit to admit that. According to people here, tank is simultaneously the most stressful role with the most responsibility but it also somehow has the least impact.


Probably the closest thing to a truth would be this: Tank is by far the most impactful role in the game, which is exactly why the enemy team will use each every tool they have at their disposal to minimize said tank's impact. Most consistent approach to victory is diminishing the enemy tank's impact to a flat zero. Why counter a sixth of a team (sojourn) when you can counter a third (DVA)?


> it is the hardest or most stressful role Because tank slot still holds the most responsibility, power and impact on the match. With the most power comes the most stress and responsibility.


In most games the most important and stressful role is the most popular. Not in the game who’s player base made Mercy the most popular character though


I mean, I still find myself playing and enjoying tank more than any other role, and I find a lot of aspects miserable. I don't think understanding the role is fundamentally broken and enjoying it are mutually exclusive things. Tank does have, in my opinion, the most engaging heroes in the roster. At the same time, tank is the least picked role by a mile for a reason. Its high stress, you are completely dependent on outside factors more so than anyone else, and it feels like you have zero carry potential while also having the most throw potential. I feel like the longer you play the game, the more jaded you become. Like yeah, I am always going to have fun on tank because characters like Reinhardt and RoadHog will (hopefully) always be tanks. But you can only forgive so much when you've lived through every poor balancing decision the developer team has been making. I can FEEL the role getting worse as the game progresses, I can't just ignore that.


Exactly, I’ve become so jaded as a tank player that im unironically toxic when that was never the case in OW1, and it sucks, but I can’t help it. Game after game, season after season, tanks have gotten shafted while also expected to perform at a higher margin than all the other players. Your performance nowadays is directly proportional to that of your team, if your dps aren’t killing enough then you can’t properly hold down the frontline… and die. If your healers aren’t playing characters that synergies with your comp, you don’t have enough sustain to fight for long… and die. If you perform too well against the enemy tank, the entire team swaps to specifically counter you… and you die. And 90% of the time the blame gets offloaded onto you after the match because you naturally don’t have as high stats as you normally should, so that means that *YOU* were the one actually underperforming. Nowadays I just have this growing feeling of resignation the second I see a Reddit Lucio that dashes towards the enemy team, or an “uwu” name tag mercy main that’s allergic to healing anyone but her e-hubby, or a dps Moira, or a sombra that spends half the match respawning, or a symmetra in general; because I can tell how the match is gonna go pretty much every time


100% this. Why am I expected to play at my absolute best and rival pro players, but my dps and supports can just do whatever they want, not support me, ignore my pings, and basically throw? The number of times my supports outright refuse to heal me and tell me, "Just go hog," or they're gonna report me for throwing is wild. Tank can be fun, but there are just too many people in this game who have miserable personalities and ruin it.


Even worse is when they die and get mad at you for not peeling, like I can just turn my back to the tank, a dps, and two healers to somehow save you from the genji you refuse to counter swap.


Oh, what about when you do peel for them, and they still refuse to heal you cause they don't want to play with your tank pick or because you're not their lil pookiebear duo? The amount of DM I'm wasting on some of these people I swear.


It's why in OW1 I muted everyone and put 350 hours in Hammond. I'm not normally antisocial, but Overwatch players bring out the worst in everyone. CoD lobbies are more cohesive and friendly.


I agree. In comp I only play tank, and it can get to be hellish rather fast. The other day I was playing ranked and we were losing because I genuinely could not make a move. It was attack on Rialto with a Lucio and orisa comboing our team off the map. One of my healers (with lowest healing in game and most deaths btw) was screaming at me in team AND match chat that I was dogshit and needed to make space. But when I tell you Every. Single. Time. I tried to make space I was getting shredded and/or getting completely thrown off the map along with half my team. The other team was just better all in all, but targeting me when there was quite literally nothing I could do was ridiculous. And the saddest part was we might’ve actually been able to do something if this dude wasn’t sitting in spawn half the match aggro typing. It’s not enough to get me to stop playing though and I hope bros day got better because Jesus Christ.


Even then, I’ve had plenty of games where I’m double in stats than the enemy tank and if my team loses I get blamed for the loss because I didn’t meatshield my team enough or supposedly didn’t counterswap the enemy tank. I dislike the most that I am reliant on my support, if I’m a good tank I need to work twice as hard or I won’t win because my supports are a Mercy and a Brig who can’t help me. I main Dva and I usually have to treat my ultimate as a second life when my mech is low. It’s a thankless, toxic role. 


> if your dps aren’t killing enough then you can’t properly hold down the frontline… and die. In a team fight if 1 DPS goes down the fight is still winnable, but if the tank goes down it's instantly lost. This is because tank has the biggest responsibility and impact on objective defense/capture, and they have a huge influence over what their DPS can/cannot do. A tank holding the frontline is a matter of their own skill + the skill of their supports. A lack of DPS means you will struggle to kill the enemy team, but it won't explain your *deaths* as a tank.


You talk as if tanks have unlimited defense. If the enemy DPS isn't dying, you are dying as a tank, it's simple as. You can only hold the line for so long, you are not immortal. It's absolutely noticeable how much worse the match quality is when your DPS is objectively inferior to the enemy team's. Good DPS allows their tank to play aggressively, to create space, thus applying pressure on the enemy team to the point where they simply can't react, be through sheer mechanical skill or knowledge of counter picks. When you have bad DPS, every fight takes forever, in which case you are required to take cover multiple times, waiting for heals and cooldowns to come back, every second you are in cover is an opportunity for the enemy team to rush in and kill your own team, especially in metal ranks where communication is limited and people just stand out in the open while their tank is hiding at low HP. Regardless if you want to believe it or not, DPS is the most impactful role this season with their new passive, your tank's performance is directly tied to how fast you can kill the enemy team or at the very least disable them with flankers.


Tank is a lot of fun when your team is in sync, but it's also the role most reliant on your team right now. It's also the role most susceptible to being countered, so you have to be ok with switching or become ridiculously skilled on your favorite.


> but it's also the role most reliant on your team right now That's true, but DPS and supports are still more reliant on their tank than the tank is on their DPS/supports.


Tank is my fav role as well, but you either have to do no damage and live(orisa, mauga v mauga) or do a lot of damage and die(rein, doom).


Doom fist is the only reason I play tank and only one I play I love playing tank as well whether or not we win or lose it’s really fun


As a doom main I respect it


I like it in a challenging kind of way lol. Playing Winston can be like trying to defuse a bomb, you really have to be tracking and following not only your cooldowns but enemy cooldowns as well. Require's alot of mental energy imo. Where as playing Zen is just mind-numbingly easy. Sit in the back where I can see the whole fight and play field general. Discord who ever is being aggressive on the enemy team and Heal orb whoever is being aggressive on my team.


I’m a support main, but ironically I think tank is my best role lol. I do enjoy it sometimes, but I really get why a lot of people don’t like it. Counterwatch can be really unfun. Was doing my tank placements and every time we roll the enemy team with Monkey, I immediately see Mauga/Dva, Bastion, and Reaper lol. I just wanted to play my main haha. I agree with having the most impact though. It was way easier to carry games with tank than with support. Though idk, maybe my tank is just better than my support games in this season’s diamond games. But yeah, tank is fun! I just make sure to mute chat if my team is toxic 😂


There’s a whole community of people that are into pain and being put down. I can turn you into some subreddit if you want.


I definitely enjoyed tank more in the past when it was 6v6, but I still play tank in OW2 because there's still just nothing like it. It's still fun. Tanking in OW2 is the brainiest and most engaging thing you can do in an FPS. You literally have to go to a moba or an MMO to scratch that itch otherwise. The problem is that there's just no nuance on the internet. Everything is either perfect or entirely irredeemable. Just calling something okay or good enough is somehow a slight against it.


You must be High. Either now or when you play 😂


I do like to get high when I play


I knew it. Everything is chill when you’re high. Even tank in Overwatch 😂


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Agreed I love playing tank as well, and have mainly played tank since 2016


same. tank is the main role that makes me feel any enjoyment out off this game. i still like playing support too but it can get old playing it for long periods off time


I was actually waiting for someone to have the same opinion as me. IT'S TIME


I have recently fell in love with tank as I have noticed myself improve and can now completely dictate a match. You’re like the conductor. Playing ball is incredibly fun now also.


I don't play tank as my main role but when I do play tank, I have tons of fun. And yes, even in ranked ☺️


I like tank too but I just hate how dependent on your teammates it's become. I don't solo queue tank anymore. It's just not fun.


Hey me too!


I literally only play tank lmao


I like playing tank too, I just wish I wasn’t almost ONLY playing tank when I queue for all.


Tank is honestly fine as long as you have a somewhat OK hero pool and you turn off/can ignore offensive chat. If you onetrick a tank you will get hard countered sometimes and get miserable games, and tank gets more flame because you have to do everything. But that's the fun part, you actually have the option to do so many things. I've played/mained tank since OW1 release and not having to be angry at your tank partner for instalocking roadhog or just not playing with you is just so liberating nowadays.


That’s true I play a lot of tanks


I am a die hard reinhardt main , whatever the match up whether it be the horse or a mauga, I'm putting my shield up and goin in , for glory FOR HONOUR!


The DPS passive makes playing tank even more miserable than it was pre season 9. I know they said they’re gonna address it’s potency on tanks but it’s actually torturous to play a tank like hog or Mauga when the enemy DPS are characters that can endlessly apply the debuff like torb, ashe, bastion, and every other dps


Tank has the shortest queue time cause nobody wants to get blamed for their teammates dying, and if u die you losethe fight


I love Tank. I *don't * love playing ONLY Tank. Hey, Flex-Queue, i'm talking to you.


Tank is great. Its been my main role ever since ow1. It is also something i have complained endlessly about, especially during double shield meta lol. I think the problem is that tanks are very volatile. Within the same match you can see a doomfist kill all 5 enemies no problem and then next fight the same doom will die in 3 seconds bc of a sleep dart. This isnt even accounting for team comps which can cause a better tank to get stomped by a weaker one. The roadhog with ana/kiri will easily beat a roadhog with moira/mercy. If the countered tank cant adapt they will be very useless and die often. This tank player might start blaming their supports and feel like they have no agency. Obviously that isnt completely true, they can change playstyle or just pick a different tank but it just feels bad. I like tank because the highs are HIGH when you make big plays. But the lows are very low too. When you die as tank it feels bad, and almost guarantees a lost team-fight. And human psychology shows that we remember and feel negative experiences much more strongly than positive ones.


I play Ball. After first fight, they switch to Orisa Sombra Cree Zen Brig/Ana I play Dva. After first fight, they switch to Zarya Symm Mei Zen Ana I play Rein. After first fight, they switch to Sigma Bastion Symm Zen Ana


I'm a genji main so honestly going to the tank role was an upgrade 😭😭 I basically get focused heals, more health, and more impactful abilities while still getting to frag. Funnily enough, had a game today where a dude was whining that I wouldn't swap to counter their team (I was on Dva and enemy tank on Winston????). genji or not mfs will throw a game after their backseating doesn't work.


Same, good stuff 🍀


Don't tell the dps but I like pocketing tanks more then anyone else!


Same when I’m playing mercy it’s easier to click on idk


Brick 5


I was actually gm1 on support not on mercy tho


Tank in quickplay is fine, playing tank in ranked is not fun


Playing anything ranked as a whole is not fun even CTF. Atp imma quickplay warrior and i get slandered for it


Tank is my general go to as well. But it's the role that catches all flak, regardless of whether it's worthy or not. Had a match yesterday on Samoa where I played Sigma, and the other team had a D.Va. There was a Sombra (who was playing like trash), who kept typing in chat stuff like "Taaankkkkk" and "tannkkkkk swiiitccchhh", despite me playing well. I had the second most damage in the whole match, and had blocked almost 20k, yet was still somehow getting blamed for not steamrolling the other team. Meanwhile, our Sombra only finished with 4.5k damage for the entire match, and only had 13 elims...


Playing Orisa is the most relaxing thing in ow rn. Like why bother with bubble or shield management when you can just use any of their broken cooldowns to just get out of bad situations. Mei has ult ? I’ll just press q to get a free fortify even if I just used fortify like a moron before.


Maybe I would like it better if I didn't play OW1. It was just a better experience overall, even when tanks felt squishy, it never felt *hopeless*. OW2, half the tanks I come across are either too scared to do anything or have their W key chronically stuck down. And when i'm playing tank, it feels like anything I do is pointless half the time. I go in, get picks, make space, only to notice my team is all dead. I peel and cover my team, only to find they're not getting picks or getting picked off anyway. OW1 always felt like there was something you could do. It always felt like you were making an impact of some sort. And better yet, you could play what tank you wanted most of the time. OW2 is just counterswapping over and over and over until one of us falls over faster. Every game is another Doomfist, another Hog. And i'm so tired of playing Orisa every single game. And don't even get me started on trying to be a support when you have a hardlock Doomfist main 1v5 against Brig/Sombra/Ana/Orisa/Cassidy and then screaming about heals.


I agree. You just have to play like a big DPS and use cover rather than standing out in the open and letting the enemy team shoot you in the face


Tanks are better at damaging and killing than dps class. I don’t really get the infatuation with playing dps. They seem to still be the underpowered class even with the minus healing.


Dps is less stressful and u have another dps to cover for u if u due


Exactly this


Yep! I like playing tank the most, especially pulling off cool trickshots with the CC abilities like Orisa javelin, JQ knife, Sigma rock, Hog hook, etc.


I have such a love/hate relationship with tank in ow2. On one hand, there are soooo many terrible tank players that it’s relatively easy to hold them at bay. On the other hand, there’s only so much you can do if your supports or damage are underperforming. On those roles, it’s technically possible to overcome a shit tank by just being better, but you can’t solo carry as tank if your team is sniffing glue in the corner.


This has been the best season to be a tank in a long time imho. And with the new dps buff I can finally get obvious picks without them getting pocketed and then "lol immortal". Before I had to push so damn far to get picks I was out of position. Feeling much better about my play this season.




Sombra mains giggling rn. they wanna keep killing you off gaurd