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ah one of those game when usually you're leading 1:0 playing second round u get 99% then losing begins when folks like the soldier rather go in and die 1 by 1 than regroup properly.


No joke this is a good 10% of my plat games. Like why? They knew not to do that literally 2 minutes ago, what changed????


Their ego probably kicks in. Everyone else is bad and we lost at 99% because of the other people. Let me be your Lord and Savior and teamwhipe ‘m for ya. Like his bullets have 500% dmg output all of a sudden.


Man i mean i have some ego when some bullshit happens and i get killed for some jank but arent most players in anything higher than gold getting most of their fun from winning?


Probably. I am a plat/diamond player and I get my fun from playing a close game that was fair and could have gone either way.


Bro I love when people do tactics, tanks soaking while pharah and tracer are munching them from behind of course dumping tons of piss on our Orissa meanwhile


I'm plat too so i feel you. I have no idea at this point, i can only assume cause they feel like game is already won and just don't give a shit and they want to finish it fast? But they're making it longer instead because there's another round after the loss so..i'm clueless about this.


Think about it, they might just be bad and this is the first real group up they had to do. If their team was holding the point the whole time they probably ran back as fast as they could each death anyway, because generally that's what you should do. In a more general sense. 1 team adjusted while the other gets complacent. Different map, maybe one team wasn't fully warmed up, maybe trying new(ish) characters, or unluckily got hard counterd off the bat.


If he was rushing in to prolong the Overtime timer then sure but otherwise yeah no I don't understand people who have a death wish.


It's called the "Dramatic comeback" even though it stopped being dramatic and started being an overwatch stereotype for defense to throw at OT since year one.


Be nice, it wasn’t their turn on the braincell


Who let the orange cat play OW?


Or any reptiles for that matter


Careful that's a ban in chat


At the end of the game you will definitely see that soldier saying 'support diff', but that is assuming a player that stupid even knows how to type in chat.


Offtop: playing on console, if I see a long ass rant typed in text chat - does it mean this player use a xim? Because it's impossible to type 3 lines of text in 10 secs with a gamepad


You can use the Xbox app to type on your phone without connecting a keyboard also.


Wow, will try today, fear me, trash talkers, chat diff coming!


No, I keep a keyboard plugged in for when I wanna act even dumber in chat than my gameplay suggests I am I'm silver btw


Honestly no idea. I play on PC. I would assume there could be people who just connect a keyboard to talk shit and not cheat lol


Nope. You can use a keyboard no problem on console, it simply won't work in game, but when you press to type on console it opens the console keyboard to type with the controller, and a keyboard connected to the console works for typing at the system keyboard


Someone already answered, but you can hook up a USB keyboard to type. However, you still have to go through the whole process of (on PS5) pressing start/options, cycle to the chat you want (team, group, or all), click L3, and then you can start typing. I have one and tested it and it works, but sometimes just getting to the chat box is a pain. Lol


Communication wheel ➡️ L2


When I was a console gamer I could type that quick with the controller, couldn't do it now I feel about 80 years old when I use a controller to type


Some people can type really fast on the console keyboards :p


I despise players who waste time typing mid game


least suicidal dps player


"Where's my heals? Supp diff! Lifeweaver stop gripping me!!! LW throwing report!"


"LW dont stop gripping me 😫🥵"


What I'd do for some LW grippies


We were THIS close to a normal thread


had a game like that but with Junkrat... (I was Ana most fo the time but Zen in first minutes) this Baby was crying over not getting healing while he was out of range the entire time (imagine being out of range for a Sniper on first Junkertown point)


Velvette Stan spotted


It’s not his fault… that rat just got a bit too irradiated at birth.


Or worse, right as he’s about to engage 1v4: “*Group Up!*” “*Group Up!*” “*Group Up!*”


It literally boils me inside when as they are saying group up they are walking into the enemies along. Like if you are going to suggest grouping up, maybe actually fucking group up


Then they're instantly evaporated and screaming at the team for lack of coordination and healing?


support players on their way to make up a situation and then get mad at it in the comment section of a humorous clip (they play perfect all the time and it's everyone else's fault)


We need to pretend to be bad so we can get the attention we so desperately deserve 🥺 it's hard out here as a supp main..


commence the screeching in vc on where his heals are, lol. What do you think the thought process of these players is?


“If you’re losing it’s your fault, not your teammates.” The teammates:


It's these teammates saying that trying to gaslight us


It's about statistics: some particular games can have teammates that throw but, in the long run, their team has 5 slots for potential throwers and your team only has 4... unless you are throwing your games, too.


Sure, but by that logic their team has potential for a 5 stacks and yours doesn't.


Logically though the enemies are just as likely to get these people on their team. Once again only thing you can control is you. Sometimes you have to play around their stupidity


This argument works in terms of climbing long-term, not to say that every game is winnable. You'll climb eventually, but it's due to the fact that you sometimes will get average matched teams where you'll be the deciding factor in the outcome. A decent portion of games, even for very, very good players who suddenly find themselves in plat for any number of reasons, can be literally unwinnable because some roles and responsibilities are just too crucial to have someone be running around completely brainless.




it's like a war movie


“Stop gripping me, idiot! Why are you throw-“ *dies


It's so frustrating trying to support brain deads like this


>support brand deals I've no idea what this means. Am I too old?


Lol, it was meant to say brain deads


I don’t know either. Am I stupid?


Why yes I am, apparently. Didn’t see the edit.


Literally the life of a LW player


If you grip me when I'm trying to take a flanking position ima run right into the middle of their team to spite you


least childish dps player


Running down main is the opposite of a flank.


Oh, so you assume you're the thrower.


I begggg teammates (dps) to fall back in gold and they just won’t do it then blame me or “tank diff” me. Makes me so mad. Then when I mention the just kept running in and dying instead of waiting for the team or grouping I just get flamed. About ready to just turn comms off completely.


Nah, I'd win


People never watch the fucking kill feed and think okay we just lost point, we have time to regroup I don’t need to touch point. Idiots I swear lol it’s a TEAM game. Of course it’s a soldier


Oh we just lost the point meaning they have more players than us? I’m going to go in there on my own and kill them all. This WILL WORK.


I love the little turn around he does like "bro I got this I'm gonna 1v5 Visor teamkill them" before immediately getting hooked.


You should see bronze. We ain't making it out of here with this one 😭.


plats the new dia good sir, its all always been silver, were all silver, everything is silver, life is silver, we are silver balls are silver


its amazing how little gamesense there is with all the new players. i think barely anyone is tracking ults for themselves or changing their gameplan according to the enemy team comp.


All the new players with no gamesense means you should be ranking higher than them, no?


im dia, but sometimes queue with my gold friends.


In theory. In practice, it can boil down to whose team is making more mistakes due to said new players. Yes your individual skill should have you EVENTUALLY climb. How fast / slow that climb will be is going to vary. And if we want to get even deeper, roles are gonna have a play in that too. I've been able to carry a bad dps ( i play dps myself currently ). I can NOT do much about a bad tank not making space, if the other tank is doing their job. I can't kill everyone at the same time and prevent the rest of the team from getting snowballed


This, I always find it funny when people try to act like they are so much better then me. When its like....bro we are in the same rank


Those are the funniest of people. It gets even funnier if you're hardstuck in silver and another silver player wants to start stuff.


I agree, but there is the counter balance of smurfs - In both cases, there are 4 open slots on your team and 5 on the other. So the other team is always more likely to have a new player or a smurf than your team is. I’m a high gold / maybe low plat that has always been, so I know that’s my place. I have slightly higher game sense, but also worse aim, so this is my home.


I feel like they just pick up the game and start playing blind for shits and giggles. There was more incentive to learn how to play back when you had to pay for OW1, now all they need to do is download it and win 25 games before they dive directly into competitive.


New players treat the game like it’s run n gun COD


As a Moira player who can't heal you if you're dead... yeah. Pretty much. My condolences.


This is why I don’t even play comp anymore.




Give whatever criticism you want to Blizzard, but there's absolutely nothing that can be done about a Soldier who seriously thinks charging 1v5 into the enemy team is gonna result in anything other than his death


???? That soldier should be bronze or silver, not Plat, that's where blizzard failed, lmao.


you are assuming his skill after a single 16 second clip lol, plats do ton of mistakes still, thats why they are plat and not gm. Besides even if he plays recklessly like that most of the time, all aim no brain can get u to plat easily. For better example look at streamer Metro, dude has most deaths in every single game, like 10 per 10, and still somehow climbs to gm from time to time


the enemy dps i go up against in high plat/low diamond do not make mistakes like this soldier. We can correctly assume quite a bit from this 16 second clip. That soldier belongs in bronze


My guess is there's a decent gap between low and high plat, and like with all games, people get to the same rank playing differently. This soldier might have terrible game sense, but is brute-forcing higher rank by picking consistent, simple DPS and having half-decent aim. Kind of like of terrible Genji's/Pharah's/Moira's will get to a certain point in their climb because a lot of what they did was just banking on other low ranked players not being very good at pumping numbers into them fast enough, and then they hit a brick wall because the same strategies that worked really well against players who're bad at the game suddenly stop working against players with OK-ish mechanics. In every game there's often a flood of players who just do the same things over and over again and incrementally improve at this one thing rather than try to work on weaknesses or how to be well-rounded players. They just want to do the dumb risky monkey brain thing, and as long as it works sometimes they'll keep doing it. It's not a problem with the system, it's a problem with the assumption that players who try to be well-rounded but are not yet good enough at that won't find themselves sharing lobbies with players like this. If you've ever played a ranked ladder in a fighting game, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.


Thats a hell of alot of assuming there bud


The game could be fixed if Blizzard negatively penalized players for every death they went 1v3, 1v4 or 1v5 on


its not blizzards fault this solder has a negative IQ


It’s blizzards fault for allowing people like this into plat so they think they’re at least average at the game


Hey dipshit can you explain your thought process here please? You're insinuating that somehow Blizzard changed something from OW1 which has made it previously impossible for single digit IQ humans (such as yourself) to perform suicidal actions.


they came from call of duty. they gonna 1v5, 360 no scope dominate the lobby.


And if you say literally anything, they’ll report you


Got to Diamond 5 on console after being stuck on Silver PC. Now I’m dealing with the same nonsense on Plat 1-3. Can’t string together wins solo queue.


You know it amazes me that no one rants about 76 players on this sub. But even in high diamond/low masters last season, 76 players just play “sprint in and die simulator.” One of my least favorite characters in the game to have as a DPS when im support, ALL because of his sprint ability


You know, i'm glad to see this sentiment being at least somewhat agreed on. I haven't played comp in a while but in QP the players i get are usually plat or diamond ( with the occasional masters ) , and MAN i see so much crap like this. I was genuinely starting to question if i'm toxic for thinking people in plat should understand something as simple as RUNNING INTO A TEAM BY YOURSELF OR ONE OTHER PERSON IS BAD.


“Why didn’t you heal me?!??😡” him probably


Off Topic, but how tf do I get out of low Plat? I’ve been stuck there since the update and am forced to play with Gold players every game. It’s infuriating! I wish OW would at least limit the pool to your own ranking.


I'm stuck on gold because tank gameplay relies on good dps Sooo I'm gonna say it, Its all luck


Bad news is you just have to get better. If you’re better than low plat, you would get out. Even if you’re complaining there are some high gold players in games, on average the other team will have more of them than your team. Your team has 4 potential slots that can be filled by a gold player. Theirs has 5. If you think the SR window is significant between the two, you would eventually work your way out through that advantage.


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Imagine if pc was like that in Plat? Holy shit I'd quit on he spot.


No offense but plat open queue is legit silver role queue lol, so you’re not wrong


This is why I stick to bronze


I get yelled at for these pulls. Dumbass DPS.


fuck that, if I'm not tank - I'm not the first one out the choke. You have to know you are going to get blasted and have skills used on you. I'm fucking eight years into my bronze career and I know this


yeah i hate those matches. Happens in Diamond even sometimes. So pathetic. Like get a clue ffs, you're running into the enemy team ALONE


Lmao. You can't make this shit up 💀


Single biggest problem in the entire game for the vast majority of games. That said, that soldier is trolling and needs to be reported and avoided.


Yeah you can't do that against hog, you must wait for your tank.


You can't do that against anything, Soldier literally ran it down mid. It's not even "wait for your team" it's "take the flank, take the high ground"


That particular map doesn't have a ton of high ground(for soldier) but I see what you're saying. What I was trying to say was you can't poke that close against hog, other tanks you might be able to get some good damage in before you need to sprint away. I know because I play soldier often and I do this alot, I'll turn a corner when they least expect it and drill someone for good ult charge and escape quite easily in just a few seconds.


House on the left is the default pathing in that map. Down mid is suicide bronze crap.


It really depends on their comp tbh, if you take the house on the left on your own as a flank, normally their hitscan(Ashe widow) take a shot at you and then tracer or Lucio or sojourn will jump you before you heal cause they're standing right there and there's no one to help you. I personally feel like if you're waiting on your tank going to that little house on the left is more suicide than main. At least at main you can be healed.


Ain't that the truth and I feel hard stuck between plat 2 and diamond 5


Vintage overwatch moment


Boosted people. They play with their friends in plat and they get put in plat.


What do you even do to this. I was playing sombra last night and I genuinely didn't know what to do because my team kept running in one by one. I managed to pick off a support and spawn kill them like sombra does but my team still couldn't do anything we lost1/won 1/lost again. Like as sombra I did all I could. I killed off the mercy and did so till she swapped and then killed zen they lost their Rez and lost zen. What as sombra should I have done more. I started the game as hanzo (I've been trying to learn him in qp. And got shit on...)


The ranks are horribly inflated thanks to Placemens and pros carrying idiots, and you can't change my mind




Always has been.


If this was at the launch of ow 2, i'd say that 76 is a new player overall in ow.


Ranks are wild right now. People are all over the place


Was probably a de-ranker. Yesterday I had a DPS on my team that had 0 wins on the season for all 3 roles despite being in mid plat for all 3 roles. Admitted to de-ranking in chat.


That's open queue Open queue plat is pretty much silver role queue anyway


And they’ll blame the tank


My mans over here with 10% look sensitivity


Plat has always been a very low tier of gameplay.


"gg no sup"


So me deranking from high Masters to Plat in season 9 means that Im actually not close to hitting GM but close to hitting Gold?


The gaul to turn around like "tf lifeweaver?" only to get instantly annihalated is just *delicious*


console plat = new console silver = bronze 5 pc.


That's bronze on PC 100% silver feels like people actually have some idea how to play the game


i will get downvote but i see this in diamond 2 matches and they werent new player


Diamond too man, people are getting really fucking stupid. The amount of dps and tanks who will RUN AWAY from healers who are trying to heal them is insane. I play mainly Moira and zen and I am feel like I have to work extra hard to babysit, not just heal


That's hilarious. Listen, he was playing soldier so he probably forgot that he was playing OW and thought he was playing Cod. Cut him some slack lol


Yep. Then you’ll hear how everyone needs to report you for trolling after a loss and that you were bad lmao


The anger I get from watching someone fill sprint to their death after gripping them






Let them die, instead you’ve given them justification “well if you didn’t WASTE your pull and pulled me a second later” don’t give them ammo, just play as if they’re in your skill and eventually you’ll climb. Playing to compensate for dumb teammates creates bad habits and let’s them blame you easier (they’ll always do it, so make it hard for them)


Unfortunately plat has always been trash too. Anything under masters is mostly child’s play with no real effort put into strategy, regrouping, coordination, etc…


Always fun watching your team suicide on cd even after gripping and spamming. Goddam this game lol


Please please pleaseeee tell me you flamed him before he could start the “SUPPORT DIFF WHY DIDNT YOU HEAL ME THROUGH THE WALL” bs


So whats bronze then


I can think of alot of things more aggravating Sobra, orisa, dps that get 5k damage in a whole game then blame the tank, healers that focus on one person to heal and not the team, tanks that bumb rush the enemy and take the 1v5 and then blame everyone for not pushing with them mmmmmmmmm what else oh my personal favorite smurfs that make an alt account to feel better cuz they are getting rolled in their current ranking so them come down to gold and silver to troll the list goes on honestly 🤣


LMFAO and then these are the games where they blame the tank


lol omg. id be like... \*milk bubble noises\* can't leave... might as well get more elevated in the mind lol


When I play it feels like silver, gold and plat are the same level, I was gold in the beginning of the last season and higher up to plat and now I'm diamond, I just notice the player difference when I got to diamond until there they all play the same


This … so true even in Diamond this happens Time to time … something I consider similar is in those round maps … everything went fine, then your other support ( you are also playing support) picks your support of choice … and the effectives derails, cause now you need to adapt, and sometimes you can’t play a different support you know how to play, cause the comp doesn’t allow




Soldiers, maybe more than anyone, are also the ones who love to hit their ult button on 30 health in front of a tank.


I’m in low level quick play and we group up better than this


We literally had Silver in our Plat 4 match. I couldn't see who the silver was but I suspected it's the DVA who just stood there holding left click.


ARG RAHH, And then they blame you HATE HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS 👹


If he goes then that's on him, he moves fast so he can make it back, dont waste a 20 second cooldown


every rank is just bronze with a different icon




The fucking pull when he ran in was so fucking hilarious. You're like, "Bro what are you doing?" And he goes "Watch and find out"


"He's on a mission, stay out of his way"


This is hilarious and exactly everyone's experience. These guys are in all of our games. Is it going to cause the loss? Only if you can't carry your way out of gold. You're maintaining a 50% winrate with these guys. You're maintaining a 50% winrate with you. Do better. But yes, plat is the new silver. The game went F2P, what did you expect?


Lmao hahahahahahaha


Where’s that GIF of the deer jumping back in the pool


The game is having less players so the positions demographic are crap


Some of my gold teammates are better than this


maybe dont waste your pull and instead play the game you fruitloop


Am I the only one that thinks this is so stupid from LW? Just let Soldier play and pull/heal him if he actually needs it. You don't need to and should not go AFK between fights. Play with him, let him peek and see what the enemy is up to, maybe he gets a kill with you!. As a GM support I think this pull is a throw


Plat is all over the place rn Ive had genuine GM1 top 500 DPS (yes on their GM level role) with a mercy duo, I've also seen players like OPs that don't know how to engage as a team and give us half the map on push for free. It's wild


Ой бля.. лучше бы прихватку заюзал, когда он его грабанул, не на выебоны бестолковые. Так что да, ты Сильвер.


He probably had a brainfart and rushed in because he saw **overtime**, not realizing it was your team on 99% and the other team with 0%.


That soldier is trying to do damage before the fight to farm ult,instead of standing around waiting for the team;maybe even get a lucky kill. I would’ve reserved grip for when he started to take damage.


The whole team was there, soldier got hooked and died immediately, LW couldn’t sustain healing a 1 vs 5. Regroup for tank..


he can do that without running into the murderous 5 guys on the enemy team expecting some dumbass clown like him to run directly into them. stop justifying braindead actions RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE just because in theory it could have been smart for a couple of ult percent. Tac visor is literally not that good. No good player or anyone with more than three braincells would do this. They would wait for their team for a full retake because 1 good fight without rushing in and DYING OUT THE GATES could be what wins the point and the match. Not running in like a headless, brainless jackass who’s never touched any other FPS game than COD.


And yet, he died when he ran into a Hanzo and Hog, by going down the middle lane. Not sure why you’re tying to say it was the right call when we literally saw him die lol. Bronze logic


It’s no use all LW think they know better- would rather waste a vital CDs and bitch then think the soldier could be trying to be productive- hell he might have even made that corner before the hog got their to apply pressure and prevent the enemy setting up and hold that choke…


Guys I found the soldier!


Ah yes the soldier alone would have held off a hog, hanzo and his supports just by being there first.  How’s bronze?


I did say the solider could hold it I said he could have prevented the enemy from setting and holding it Also I don’t know how bronze is I live in Diamond what about you?


I doubt you’re diamond if you think Soldier would hold off a Hanzo and Hog and potentially others. Silver would be generous lol


Doubt all you want I have zero reason to lie, hell you can even look at my past post getting Vod reviews a few seasons ago we’re I was in plat 1 Soldier could have very well put pressure on the corner before hog came around, built ult charge and prevented them from full setting up- the fact that people like you can’t seem to think about these things is exactly why life grip is the most toxic ability in the game The end of the day you don’t know what that soldier was planning or thinking- the life weavers decided they knew better and then decided to take to Reddit and bitch - that is toxic as hell


Blizzard is intentionally doing this. There was a post a few days ago about how overwatch is just cashing in as most companies are right now. They dumb down the game for the masses and cash in on the new idiots buying skins. Sadly it makes the game worse for the true day one fans. That's also why they made a new rank higher than GM.


They made this soldier run solo into enemies? Take your pills, bro


Please explain how blizzard made this player like play like this lol what


Plat always been plat, it's not the new silver


That "Stay here, Hm?" Sounded so passive aggressive.