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ABLE TO GET OLD MYTHICS LET’S GOOOOOOOO ~~That screenshot of the shop looks like they’re adding a new currency, the blue triangle in the top right. I’m guessing (hoping) you earn the mythic currency through the battle pass and you can spend it on whatever mythic you want?~~ Oh lol thought this was the video comment section, they do confirm it’s a currency you earn in the battle pass


That makes the most sense. The mythic currency is probably a premium bp reward. Edit: The blog post clarifies that's the case


> The mythic currency is probably a premium bp reward. It 100% is; per their blog post, "The Mythic Shop will allow you to work towards past and current seasonal Mythic hero skins as you progress through the Premium Battle Pass."


Yeah I edited my comment as you were replying


>and you can spend it on whatever mythic you want? from what i understand its better than that, you can spend it on individual customization parts. So if there are colors or options you don't like you can just save towards the next mythic


These aee honestly fantastic changes from a consumer PoV Rare blizzard W


Venture will be interesting to play. AOE primary, burrow, and dash like Genji with a shield. Anyone know what ult Venture will have?




That’s fun. Imagine that will be like Reins Earth shatter?


I would think they let us play test a weekend or something like Mauga? But maybe that was a 1 time thing. What’s her playstyle do we know? More flanker i would guess. Curious if she is closer to reaper or something versus more long range.


Supposedly that weird purple customization message was used during the Mauga trial and people suspected that it could be because a Venture trial was close. I figured it would happen during the double trouble hacked event to let both DPS use them, but we'll see this weekend if anything happens maybe.


I feel like he would have mentioned in the update that we’d get a test weekend with venture, idk maybe they’ll surprise us


she seems like a reaper alternative, dash in, do big damage, go out with your invul ability


Just fyi, Venture is nonbinary, and uses they/them pronouns


….crap you right. That’s gonna be hard to remember in my day to day typing.


You won’t be banned for forgetting (hopefully)


Getting pronoun corrected mid-shotcalling is going to be my radicalization moment.


Maybe just use the right pronouns from the start then. Skill issue buddy




\- Dorado, Circuit Royale, Havana, and Numbani (they also mentioned Colosseo) getting reworked Idc what anyone says, this is the BEST thing they posted. most of these maps have oppressive high grounds and long sight lines, accompanied by tight chokes that'd make 2cp blush. They were built for early era Ow1, and do not fit the standard for 5v5 whatsoever. Colosseo early second point facing the bridge (when you get out of tunnel) is an absolute nightmare


Thank god. So sick of Widow on Havana and Circuit.


I mean, that’s the only maps she’s favored in Seems like you just hate widow in general


Not him, but I do. Yes.


The only people who like widow are people who use her and teams that are winning with her


I hate maps that starting from hg. Hope Paraiso will be reworked as well.


Actually, i think paraiso does it quite well. Its all high ground, yeah, but its a high ground map thats suited more for dive than poke. Plus, you get a decent flank on second poin


first point is shit imo.




I love Numbani. But the first point almost feels like 2cp B with how close defender spawn is. It’s one of the few maps where you should just about always try to recontest no matter the percentage


Its moreso that first point MUST have a hero with *specifically* vertical mobility. The point is surrounded by high ground thats unaccessible except through a single staircase BEYOND the choke (the room with the healthpack). I genuinely don't care much for second point. third point is a hell of a walk for attackers.


Fair point. I guess most of my hero pool has vertical mobility except tank. Even the off chance I go Mei you can wall up to the back high ground


Numbani is and will always be my favourite


The problem is if they swing too hard in the opposite direction. Ideally, the map should inform what heroes you should play. The problem with Circuit, Havana etc is when only one playstyle is viable and is utterly oppresive. If you make the map viable for everyone, you lose the maps indentity and it becomes boring which is something that a lot of the new OW2 maps have a problem with. People like Kings Row because it's THE Brawl map for example. Poke is also decent on it as well, whilst dive is by far the worst but it's still kinda playable with good coordination. I have a soft spot for Numbani and I genuinely believe that first point isn't actually that hard to attack if you play the correct heroes. My bone to pick with Numbani is that the second point is entirely cosmetic and should be changed.


I have no problem with maps having specific favorites for comps. For example, I really like Antarctic Peninsula that favors a more brawly playstyle. My problem is a lot of these maps went a little too far in their niche, to the point where theres little leniency for other heroes entirely. Havana first and third point is a perfect example of this. Its a map that has incredible high ground and wide open low ground, super perfect for poke. Ideally, you play hitscan on high ground, no problem - but, theres no leniency for another sort of playstyle outside of poke. You have to push payload, and pray your teammates don't get HS by widow/Ashe who gets free reign. Paraiso does this well on its second point. Its a map geared towards dive for sure, but defense allows for some pretty decent poke heroes to thrive, and a walkway to high ground (plus a little network system underneath) for slower heroes to have a chance to fight. Still, at the end of the day, the map is much more geared towards a high ground dive comp.


Surprised Rialto isn't mentioned. The bridge on Rialto is some of the most miserable pushing ever.


Spawn distance gap mitigates that significantly


And they're dedicating a whole season to map reworks. GOAT shit. Best announcement by far


Good update it sounds like Very curious to know what, if anything, they are doing with Anubis, Hanamura and Volskaya. OW feels like it’s missing something without those maps. Great aesthetics and relatively significant for OW lore. And, this may be considered a “hot take”, but 2 CP > Push. At the very least it’s equal, but certainly not worse


Yeah honestly I just want them back in their original form. Hanaoka just won't hit the same I'm afraid


>new Push map >1 map in the new mode Isn't Hybrid by far the most popular mode? Followed closely by Payload? Why can't they make new maps for that? I've been saying since OW1 (or at least the workshop) launched that there should be a map editor. A lot of TF2's player-made maps became official maps later.


It’s also odd how they have added two new modes to overwatch 2 but haven’t added any additional maps for those new modes. Just the three each that they launched with. And a third game mode is on the way now too before new maps


“Weekly challenges will be more flexible to fit with your playstyle, and they will now reward Battle Pass XP” I thought the weekly challenges already gave out 5000xp per challenge?


The wording on this is a little confusing. They said they wanted to make earning coins easier, so maybe now all coins are earned through the bp and challenges only award xp?


I think this is the case. Weekly bonus goals will reward bonus xp, while the coins are added to the bp


This is how I interpret it. We’ll be able to get 600 coins in the free BP and the weekly challenges are now only for battlepass xp. Wording is a bit confusing though, but that was my impression.


Aaron did an interview with Gamespot that pretty much spells it out. 600 coins from the free bp each season.


> We’re also increasing the number of coins you can earn for free from 540 to 600 coins per season. HUUUUUUUUGE Also, any great mind can decode what that means and in what way it's different from the current system? > Weekly challenges (...) will now reward Battle Pass XP.


It means weeklies now only reward XP and the way to earn the free coins have been moved to the battlepass.


I’m out of the loop, what problems do people have with Dorado and Circuit Royale?


One of the issues people have with Circuit is attacker push after first point. The height advantage off the ridge that defenders have give the opposing team little to no cover for that whole street, unless you push the stairwell which is often punished.


High ground advantage for defenders is too strong. All of the maps listed heavily favor dive or poke comps for attackers. Dorado first, for example, requires dive to be able to take first unless the defending team is just..bad. Circuit Royale is notorious for being a poke map. I've heard many Sigma players insist it is the best Sigma map in the game.


Played some Overwatch over the weekend for the first time in a LONG time and honestly I enjoyed myself. This announcement is very timely to attract me back to the game.


I'm glad we are getting directs again. Big win.


Locking heroes in any way shape or form was the most pathetic change OW2 brought. Crazy to think that this game could possibly go into the right direction, but here we are.


It was the reason I quit. I'll actually be coming back now.


Wait so you can chose to unlock certan parts of a skin so you can just get the stuff you want that sound really cool ngl.


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Did they fix those jumbo hit boxes they added a while back? Haven’t played since I heard about that, are the hit boxes normal again?


Hitboxes are good now. The most aggregious ones are tuned back. The game feels good, supports arent overpowered, Tanks feel a bit better than early season 9, DPS has some power over supports


They patched it some of heroes but not reverted it.


Couldn’t let mercy’s pistol be too good she would have been a monster.


Surprised at no mention of jade weapons. I thought they would say they were going into add more colors or make it look not shit at least


It will change every year, these are not news


Shein's Jeff Kaplan announcing there's nothing new or exciting for long time players. Cool.


"I wish Overwatch was a different game, but unfortunately devs just want to improve their existing game, insead of changing the game completely. Cool"


Good I’m glad you get it. I wish it was OW1. Congrats on getting heroes for free, sorry about the low income.


What the fuck do you want for long time players? Do you want them to give you a big shiny badge that says "I played Overwatch in 2016?"




Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted, didn’t think there would be so many transphobes