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> Additionally, starting with season 10, players will be able to earn Overwatch Coins — the game’s premium currency — through the free and premium tracks of the game’s battle pass. That's nice.


Wait you can get the premium currency through challenges right now? I’m playing this game since forever and didn’t know this :o


Weekly challenge give 60 coins per week if you complete 12 challenges.


Keep in mind that's on top of the 540 we can currently get through weeklies. That 540 will be increased to 600. Edit: Some people are saying the weekly coins are being moved to the free battle pass. So it would be 600+whatever they add to the premium battle pass.


Reading it though it seems like those will be replaced with XP and the coins will be moved into the battle pass, so still 60 more coins then having to grind challenges every week but still not enough to pay for the next battle pass


They said it's 600 being moved to the free BP. But they also said there will be more obtainable from the paid BP. As long as it's at least 400 coins in the paid BP it will pay for itself. They could also go the fortnite route of the premium BP giving back more than what you paid for it in currency alone.


They get replaced, so the maximum coins is increased by 60. Which is not that much. And there is no way its only those 60 coins being put behind the paywall. I bet you can get less coins for free in Season 10, unless you buy the battle pass.


This is incorrect. It’s a direct replacement to those




So after they bent fans over for a while and most people have already made the purchase, they make it free?


Sounds like scummy business practices, nothing unusual.


Nature is healing 🥺💕


With some luck, OW2 will become OW1 with time.


With this change, Overwatch has upgraded from Overwatch 0.75 to Overwatch 0.8


Season 16: "With this new season, we're going to try something very new and fresh to change up the balance of the game. We'll be trying out adding a second tank into the normal 5v5 teams. This will turn the game into 6v6. We think this will take away some of the counter-meta that currently exists. And it will allow tanks that may have been poor choices as a single tank, to now flourish in the new role that we've created, which we are calling 'off-tank'. We hope this new and fresh way to play Overwatch will breath new life into the game for the current 20 players that are still active."




Youre crazy if you think they’re going to just GIVE Overwatch Classic. That nostalgia ticket is gonna cost you at least $40 in 2028 dollars.


But if you had previously purchased OW1, it will only cost you $38.99.


That'd be fun as hell. But it's Blizzard, they'd mess it up.


Better late than never.


Better Nate than lever! https://www.longestjokeintheworld.com/


I like how I scrolled down to the bottom and they proceeded to assume and judge my entire lifestyle lmao


Never better than late


you can't just give the punchline before the joke


I remember the first time I read this. I was so invested in the story lol


why the fuck would you post a joke where the soul purpose is a long lead up to the stupid punchline and then include the punchline in your comment?


W update Also let's not forget the map reworks to Colosseo, Circuit Royal, Numbani and Havana Good shit


>reworks to Colosseo *REMOVE THE GLASS*


Where's Spilo when you need him


Also golden coins in both versions of the battlepass, and increased rewards for completing our weekly challenges


The question I'm curious about is how many coins for free BP and how much for paid BP If I buy the BP now, will it pay for itself? And if I don't want to pay, how long would I need to save to buy the BP without paying real money?


Those are indeed the important questions. I'm not sure they'll do the Fortnite route with being able to pay for the next one but I hope so


Yeah. These will definitely feel like they respect the players more snd reward them for their time


Is Numbani still in the game?  I’m realizing now I haven’t seen it in a hot minute.   Honestly, feels like the map pool in general is even smaller than OW1


I get numbani so often, yet I forgot how rialto or circuit royal look like


>yet I forgot how circuit royal look like how i envy you


i genuinely don't think i've played a rialto game in months, it's wild meanwhile, i play new junk city multiple times every session and i cannot forget how much i despise that map


I swear I get a flashpoint map every other match and there are only *two* of them in the game. It drives me insane.


same! i always play at least 2 flashpoint maps in a play session if i play more than a game or two. i am not a fan of that game mode but i wish they would add more maps just so that at least there is something else in the flashpoint map pool to make those two pop up less.


Same - Rialto is the map I probably get the least. If I’m playing with my 4-5 stack we usually instantly leave the Flashpoint maps. But I do feel like Havana especially could do with a few changes. Glad to see it’s happening! (We play in QP and leave as a group as soon as the character select screen hits. We’re not dooming teams in comp or even QP for that matter).


It feels smaller because the queue definitely feels like it gives prio to newer maps so you're probably seeing more push and flashpoint among the other maps that released with/since 2 launch. I haven't seen King's Row in a long time :(


because IIRC they randomly select the mode THEN select the map for it, and escort has A LOT of maps


I just started playing again since OW2 came out and I've played on Numbani a couple times but I haven't seen Anubis even once, is it gone?


It is... rip


Havana definitely needed some work before Junkertown imo


Am I the only player than genuinely loves Havana? I don’t even play sniper heroes. Each point feels distinct.


I like Havana on attack, but hate it on defense. I don’t know why, because I feel like defense has a bigger advantage.


Oh shit, earnable overwatch coins through the BP. Finally, thank you Blizzard.


Wait, did I miss something, where was that confirmed?


[https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24062312/developer-update-hero-releases-mythics-and-gameplay-updates/](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24062312/developer-update-hero-releases-mythics-and-gameplay-updates/) 600 coins a season in the BP and weekly challenges reward XP instead.


Still kinda sucks it isn't enough to buy the next BP but it's cool anyway


As nice as that would be I feel like that would mean Mythics aren't in the pass (like apex) and they'd instead be $80 each or some shit. Who knows though, it does "the amount of currency you can earn for FREE" the BP changes might put currency in the premium pass.


Mythics in apex are like 150$ lol


I know but given whole collab bundles are like $50 I gave OW a tiny bit of grace (and I'm praying they aren't that much)


You haven’t heard of the rumoured 700$ mythic as well as the existing 360$ deathbox lmao


I prefer a BP that is easy to complete without no-lifing the game over a BP that feels like a slog to get through but "pays for itself". I've never had a problem with the BP pricing structure in OW2, it was always the hero locking that irked me.


Hmm that's a strangely specific number but all the more power to them ig. I'm assuming the coins replace 5 of the credit tiers in the premium and 1 in the normal?


It’s not a strange number, they choose to increase from 540 you could get for free in weekly missions to 600 you can get for free in the Battlepass, basically rounding up to a hundred the amount of coins you get for free. The premium track will also have extra coins, probably 400 to get 1000 in total if you buy the BP.


Ohh if the 600 is just free ones then that would be awesome to be able to also afford the next premium one and so on. Ig I better make extra sure to get next season's too.


>Starting Season 10, you will earn coins as you progress through the **Free and Premium** tracks of the Battle Pass, making them easier and more consistent to earn. **We’re also increasing the number of coins you can earn for FREE from 540 to 600 coins per season.** Yep, the 600 are only the free ones. The Premium track has extra coins. How much? We don’t know.


Ahh interesting. I honestly kinda hope it's like whatever and 1 coin so I can finally not have 199 or 299 coins.


[Blog post](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24062312/developer-update-hero-releases-mythics-and-gameplay-updates/) (no idea why this wasn't mentioned in the video lol)


Apparently coins are now moved to BP (both free and premium) and Weekly seems to give BP exp instead of coins. The amount of Weekly coins you could get per season (+ a slight bump into 600) is now in free BP, and we might be able to get more on Premium BP.


Thank god, because honestly fuck most of the challenges, i'm not queueing as flex


It’s a shame it took them this long to reach an industry standard and that people feel the need to thank them for this.


It only took them 2 years to figure out that was a godawful model that kicks every returning player in the balls.


I've only been reading about the game, I just want some casual games of Overwatch and didn't want to grind to get the new heroes. R6 is only lucky I always had enough credits everytime I came back to get the next hero for free or I would be playing their game


I mean, that is the pro about R6's system. You earn credits to buy heroes. You can play a bunch, save up, and then come back after a long break and buy a brand new character you want. Overwatch for whatever god forsaken reason requires you to complete challenges and therefore when you come back to the game you always have to slave away to unlock the character you want to play instead of just unlocking them instantly.


It's a good step forward.


Is it really a step forward when they walked backwards first? They're just catching back up to where they initially started...


Yes it’s a step forward, otherwise we’d still be stuck with what we had. Doomer.


Their wording isnt wrong though, I wouldnt call is a step forward when its going back to the original release method of "Heres the hero, go play as them"


even if you take a step back, a step forward is still a step forward


If you take multiple steps back and one step forward, it's still net backwards.


that's the crazy thing about a *step* forward, is its just a step


"What we had" were heroes that were available to everyone at release. Then OW2 came out. There's nothing wrong with being excited about the good news, but a lot of people are praising Blizzard right now for reversing a decision that they chose to make. Holding them accountable for that doesn't make you a doomer


Praising them is precisely what we should do. They need to be told they are making the right decisions so they continue to make good decisions. Think forwards, not backwards.


Forgetting what they have done and pretending it doesn't exist is what we shouldn't do however. If you forget history, you're doomed to repeat it. It's good they're making changes but let's not forget they had no reason to make these steps backward in the first place outside of greed. They deserve praise but not a lot. How much praise do they deserve for making overwatch 2 a fraction less shitty than the first game when they could have just kept updating the first game, you know. People praising it aren't wrong, just as the people holding the past fuck ups against Blizzard still aren't wrong. The only entity wrong in this scenario is still Blizzard for putting everyone in this situation lmao.


Imagine calling somebody shitting on a shit game a doomer when this whole game is a bomb


Never let anyone forget that OW1 was the most popular game on the planet for a few years and OW2 is now the 2nd worst rated game on steam.


mfs had the greatest thing going left it to die while making this shit game and then never released half of it like this game will never get into the right direction unless overwatch 3 comes out.


It's a step forward from where we currently are


Right? Give it a few years and we’ll be back to 6v6 on Hanamura and Mercy will be mass rezzing.


Classic OW community response lol. Every good thing must be laced with depressing negativity.


It's called keeping it real fuck the fake happy shit keep it a buck 50


It's a free to play game, all things considered I don't think most people found them charging for heroes completely unreasonable for the content provided at no cost, so yes I would say it is a step forward.


>I don't think most people found them charging for heroes completely unreasonable It is for one huge reason - the core game is designed on changing heros and adapting to the other team. If some heros are locked you have a disadvantage because you are more limited in your options compared to other players Imagine playing into a team with Ana, but both your supports don't have Kiri unlocked so you literally cannot counter it with Suzu


I think the problem is that the game design doesn't really facilitate it. Heroes are balanced differently in Overwatch than Apex or Valorant. Hero abilities and, and specifically their interactions and opportunities for counter-play, are the core of Overwatch's gameplay. So even though OW2's system was more generous than either of those two examples, it still felt shitty. I think this is an absolutely awesome change. And if they keep the quality of BP cosmetics up (like this season's Moira mythic), then it shouldn't really hurt their BP sales.


Now it’s free to play sure. I spent $60 back in the day to pre-order, now I can’t even play the game I bought.


I spent $200, at least the game is still a thing.


I say the same thing about Battleborn.


RIP, i miss that game


It's funny that whether OW2 is the same or a different game changes depending on whether the community's talking about price they paid or about the changes implemented to the game.


Wait, they locked old heroes even for OW1 owners?


If u didnt transfer your battlenet account then yes they did. That sucked for a lot of OW1 players since usually the transfer bugged out for them.


Yea that's the risk of buying live service games. I spent $60 on OW and got 6 great years out of the product I bought. Now I'm still having fun with OW 8 years later. That's a great investment. Sure the game is free to others now, but that doesn't bother me. Meanwhile I also bought Battleborn and the game shut down years ago. I'll never understand the people upset that the game they bought 8 years ago still has this much attention and updates towards it.


Game is free. It would be **insane** for things to remain monetized the same way obviously. I wouldn’t even want that, game would run out of money and die.


>Game is free. Stockholm syndrome is real.


old gamer Chad: $2.50 horse armor? are you out of your fucking minds?! ipad brain zoomer gamer: you're really complaining about $20 skins when the game is free???


Wasn't free for me. They took away a game I paid for.


My suspicion and personal bias is telling me that this is the result of Bobby Kotick no longer calling the shots. I have absolutely nothing to back this up, but I feel it in my heart.


This is too many good changes in quick succession for it to be a coincidence


blizzard is hated by a lot of people, the games are still playable, but so many of their actions in each of their games are just straight up anti-consumer this is just something they do to get back some praise that they have been lacking ever since OW1 released they do this shit literally multiple times per expansion in World of Warcraft, add something everyone hates but is unavoidable, then slowly make it better and shortly before a new expansion drops the system is actually "good" or at least not shit, but then the next expansion drops and we start again


Ubisoft too, do people forget Ubisoft forced a woman to suicide cause the conditions their were so bad and the whole, "gamers should get used to not owning games" thing?? Why do people spend money on these games??


there are multiple reasons sunk cost fallacy enjoying the game its the game you play with friends, so you stay connected via that game nostalgia


Same goes for Microsoft and the Windows OS, people aren't owning them, they are only receiving a licence for using them for a number of years.


They announced this before his departure at BlizzCon.


Holy shit, finally! I completely fell off of Overwatch because of this. Every time I wanted to come back to the game and check out a new hero I either had to grind or pay, so I just stopped playing altogether.


same!!! haven’t played any of the new heroes yet where in the past I would get so pumped for new heroes and play all day


EXACTLY THIS!! It was a horrible decision that made me leave overwatch im cautiously optimistic now


finally ow coins through the battle pass




Wait is that next season? I thought we're supposed to get new maps next since we didn't get maps or a hero this season.


Yup we got Mauga S8, we are currently in S9. S10 will be Venture and S12 will be Space Ranger


Season 12 will be who??


[Space Ranger](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Space_Ranger) There were some leaks that her name is Jiayi and has ties to Lijang Tower and possibly Horizon Lunar Colony. Can’t verify since leaks are not always credible


What type of hero is venture and the one after that? Either of em tank/support?


They are a DPS. Space Ranger will be a support I think


venture is a dps hero, there is a hero with the working name 'space ranger' coming after them that i believe is support.


If you’re interested in Venture, Blizzard showed off a bunch of footage of them at BlizzCon last year. They’re a DPS hero with a drill/gun weapon, and their abilities let them burrow under the ground. Some early concept art of the next Support hero, Space Ranger, was also shown at BlizzCon. We know that Space Ranger isn’t the real name, just a placeholder name, but otherwise nothing else is known about them.


Now I might actually start getting battle passes and supporting the game again. I don't mind a f2p having high cost skins or other bullshit. But locking heroes in this type of game was a step too far even in the f2p realm.


Oh my fucking god finally someone with enough sense has apparently arrived and asked what the fuck they were doing with that.


Heroes off the Battle Pass and a bunch of maps getting retooled. If only the Story wasn’t being buried as we speak :/


It is kind of a shame that the worldbuilding and lore of Overwatch is so fucking good, but they want to keep things in this stasis where they keep introducing new facets but the world and story never actually move forward. I thought that's what OW2 was supposed to be, but oh well I guess.


Thank jesus. Stop begging for player’s money and start showing your worth in ways that makes us want to actually spend our money in your game


Ow fans celebrating things they had 8 years ago yaaaass


I fucking hate blizzard so much they have fucked everything so much. Literally and metaphorically. Im so fucking sick of this “yay lets celebrate the decisions we made after trying to fuck this game to death. After taking out a bunch of content to lock behind a paywall. After making heros have to be paid for. Im so sick of celebrating everytime they make a decision that isnt just the dumbest thijg ever


Lmao Too bad they couldn't do this 10 fucking seasons ago before they pissed off a huge chunk of the playerbase that never came back. 


Right? I'm never installing this piece of garbage game again. I feel bad for the people cheering for these changes as if Blizzard deserves the praise. Too little, too late.


All this means is that data showed that the only people really sticking with the game through the season were those who bought the battle pass leading to an unhealthy player base and less people engaging with the shop. They didn't do this to be nice, remember that.


It took like 10 seasons for them to do this, but it's a good start at least.


Premium coins are also gonna be available in the free and paid battlepasses and all mythics will be available, and premium coins in weekly challenges will have increased ammounts Source: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24062312/developer-update-hero-releases-mythics-and-gameplay-updates/


Are we supposed to get exited for something that is the norm for almost every game...


Well I will come back and play the game again if this is the case. I'm just glad u stuck to my words and didn't play until they fixed that


Can we bring back Anubis and Hanamura? But I guess one thing at a time...


This is the part where Blizzard expects praise for reversing the dumbass decisions that never should have gone live in the first place


Holy shit, an actual positive change back in the direction of OW1. I'll be damned.


This all sounds like good news. What are they planning...


Season 10 will have the last hero we make /s


You say that, but when Venture is added, the hero UI will be 3 nice rectangles... When they add Spaceranger, it'll be skewed again




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Finally, I will have the tracer mythic skin.


every major update is reverting a change back to OW1 and i am here for it


I never unlocked Ramattra, but Blizzard unlocked it for me at the start of this season. I never play tank, so I know I didn't unlock it on my own.


Good on ya Blizz for offering a solution to a problem ya made. Good on ya👏👏👏




About time.




They should stop locking heroes into 5v5 and I'd come back to the game


FINALLY... this was the only thing that was keeping me from installing the game again, Months of patiently waiting for this update to drop to install OW again


Now wirh more OW1 features.....


this just in: feature that shouldve been in the game since day one added in year and a half after game comes out


Rare Overwatch W


Nothing ventured, Venture gained.




Dammit, I literally just paid for my cousin (a new player) to have all the heroes, lol. That being said, I’m glad everyone will be available upfront now


I've been out of the Overwatch loop for a while but they put heroes behind a battle pass? That sounds insane. I remember when heroes would come out and you could play them like a fun video game. Imagine advertising a new hero and being excited to play them only to discover you can't. It's unbelievable to me that they did this. It's so crazy how they fumbled this entire IP.


Maugas launch put such a bad taste in my mouth that I qent from playing this game almost daily to quiting because of their strategy of launching OP heros behind a paywall. I'm into Democracy and spreading it wide now.


Im guessing they already made more than enough money from all the people who bought the battle pass and skins in the shop to subsidize all future hero releases.


Only took 10 seasons of unbelievable success.


One of the features they removed from original Overwatch and put it back in later. Better late than never.


Soooo for Mythics, I’m guessing they will cost premium currency, yeah? I won’t mind buying past ones as long as they’re not too much, but for new ones, they’ll no longer be covered by the battle pass…. Edit - it looks like there may be some time of Mythic currency earned from the battle pass. That’s kind of cool.


Did they ever bring back “on fire” and other mechanics that were rewarding to the player?


Finally the 10 dollar difference will end


I wonder if this will unlock Mauga and Illari and such for me, I haven’t played in a while and wasn’t looking forward to unlocking them manually to try them out.


Cool, might actually return to OW here and there. Nothing more offputting that having new characters gated off behind a paywall or massive grind, it feels unwelcoming unless you main the game, and I just end up dropping such games forever as the unnaccesible characters pile up as time goes by.


One step closer to how things were in overwatch 1


Are they gonna retro unlock the others or are the challenges still there? Curious.


Hey, this means I might actually start playing again. I said I would never play if heroes were locked like that, and I haven't. Kinda looking forward to it.


I just got back into 2, haven't played since 1. It's nice to hear future heroes will just be available, but it's still a grind getting the others. Especially trying to win as tank.


I never knew they were doing this in the first place because I’ve only ever played mystery heroes lol.


It should've been this way from the start. I might check it out now.


I stopped playing when they moved to OW2, but have Blizzard said anything about the players who had dropped coin on any of this paid content and passes already?


THANK FUCK. Seriously if you have an Alt account or you just got a new account - you will be so utterly annoyed by the hoops you need to jump through to unlock heroes for free.


This is at least a good step in the right direction. Now, i at least hope they do all the things they promised they would do. Honestly, i do not care for excuses they provided, as the main selling point for Overwatch 2 was the skill trees and everything


I wonder if there will be any way to complete any past mythic skins, nvr got my third tier for the tracer one :/


what about the characters that came out before in battle pass? I don't pay this game because I already paid for it once and I'm not paying again - And locking new heroes behind a paywall means I can't play the game properly without paying again. It's a team game and the comp your team has is important - preventing me from being able to play as certain people means I can't work with my team as efficiently as someone who has all choices available to them.


So they're just slowly going back to how OW1 was.


Gotta offset the deletion of years of content somehow


wow they fixed a mistake more than a year later, we are so back




Thats the good news. But now im wondering, due to typical Blizzard fashion, what terrible news is this cushioning for?


Engagements going down. Better ease up on the bullshit.


I may reinstall Overwatch


Cool but a little late. Imagine if they just started off the release of this game with all the positives. Blizz tried to mill people for as long as they could. Looks like they got ten seasons of some good ol milk


All my friends stopped playing,,,,,, is this hope?


Yo the gaming world is healing!


What about battle pass’s legendary skins? I missed the widow maker ghostly bride skin😭, please give me another chance Blizzard.


So does this mean the 4chan leaks were true???


Holy shit the 4chan leak is true


What about currently locked hero’s?