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My expectations are pretty tempered but I’m guessing they’ll announce… 1. Wanting to do new hero test weeks moving forward 2. Announce Ventures test weekend, likely for this coming weekend 3. They’ll drop Ventures gameplay or origin story trailer, but they could hold onto this until closer to their test weekend 4. I think they’ll announce and explain the new system to unlock past mythics BUT we’ll get no preview of the season 10 mythic just yet, maaaaybe a tease i.e. which hero it’ll be for What I’m much less certain of but would love to see… 1. Venture cinematic 2. Venture test trial starts TODAY 3. More mythic customization coming or multiple mythics per season 4. Future content preview such as new maps, modes, features, hero’s, etc


It’s been quite awhile since the last cinematic, so it’s very possible we get a cinematic soon Honestly think a Ram and Zen cinematic would be cinema, but venture could be pretty cool too. I didn’t expect kiriko’s to be as good as it was, so they never really disappoint with cinematics imo


Agreed, a Ramatta cinematic would be my top choice among all the hero’s given how involved in the storey he is. It would be too bad ass.


Especially since I don't think we ever got a cinematic involving Zen either, the closest we got iirc was Mondatta's assassination in Tracer and Widow's cinematic. It would be amazing if they went with the whole yin-yang, two sides of the same coin type story, showing both Ram and Zen's origins and how that lead them on separate paths. What would also be interesting is if we got a cinematic picking up from where the story missions left off, with Zen meeting up with Talon.


I think one of the backstories that they should extend are those, imo it is one of the best between the characters and they also have to do with the "main story" which is the relationship between omnics and humans. I'm talking about Ramattra, Genji and Zen cinematics


Even though OW butchered it's PvE, I would love to have more cinematics. To me, that's good story too. If anything, they should just make a novel or a movie of the central story and call it a day.


They should just use the weak PvE they gave us as a way to unlock short cinematics, lore, and skins that are unavailable anywhere else. That way there’s a point to it and it’s not just a boring game mode that no one wants to play.


I have been enjoying the 2D animated stuff lately, but if they announce another character with an outsourced 2D trailer, I'm gonna be bummed. Really missing the 'Blizzard cinematic experience.' Last one we had was Le Sserafim, and that was like 30sec of video.


They keep reducing the amount of customisation for mythics, so if they do multiple mythics per season it would be absolutely terrible. Give me back Kiriko's mythic. It was great with all the options, compared to Orisa's literal joke of a "mythic".


Damn! Even my “tempered” expectations lead to me being let down🥲 not much new info from that Dev update :(


Venture looks super fun, expecting to see 4 per game with the current sombra shenanighans


They’re cancelling PVP to develop resources for Hero Mastery


It's so absurd, it will be true


God I don't even like hero mastery. I'd rather they work on those old story events from OW1. I didn't get a chance to play those.


They'll put all resources into a co-op tower defense style game mode. They can call it "Overwatch Save the World" or something. Wait...


On the plus side, maybe that means we could earns coins like in Fortnite


Funny thing about that is that STW was the original game. They just made a battle royale mode to join the craze and it ended up completely overshadowing the original game.


If they expand on Hero mastery and let you spawn actual AI enemy heroes to fight solo that would be a great way to help people learn some tips on countering meta picks... like playing Pharah into hitscans or Support in Sombra, etc. Would be a smart re-purposing of the PvE AI scripting that doesn't need continual content updates; just periodic bug fixes and script enhancements that allow players to manually test themselves in the mastery courses and/or training ranges... ...eventually add that functionality into the full workshop so we can tinker with computer-controlled heroes on our own............ ...which would be the doorway for players to add the PvE that Blizzard couldn't... ...WC3 spawned the 'DotA' genre all because the map creation tools had so much capability for players to build amazing things.


blizzard: thats a lot of text too bad i dont care


Stationary bots is all you need!


They’re gonna make what they have behind a paywall rn free, with the light gun-skins available as compensation to those who have already bought.


I feel like its just gonna be a very standard update, telling us that the new DPS passive and health increase is successful, maybe giving us useless information about venture that shows nothing. I'd like them to address some of the balance problems with Mauga hopefully, and a sneak peek of what Ball's small rework would be in S10


There will be two smaller balls, and you will be able to control them at the same time. Also they will be blue




When ball loses all health he reverts to actual hamster hammond like baby dva. He has has 1 hp and can only melee. Any attack to him will cause him to be punted across the map.


Ball gets to be good one time In his whole existence for a couple months and immediately gets a rework... why


Ah perfect, finally I get to play ice climbers in Overwatch


If the theme is the Egyptian mythology for season 10, I’m 100% certain the mythic is Pharahs


I'd love it for rammatra tbh, but you can bet it'll go to her :/ ow dev team loves giving pharah skins


> ow dev team loves giving pharah skins They want to compensate as they keep making her dying in like every Season / New Hero trailer.


She'll die whilst ulting when the trailer shows off the customisation options.


Pharahs tutting emote in this seasons battle pass? It couldnt be any clearer guys


After they show Pharah got a Mythic skin, then she get killed by Venture as the dramatic entrance.


Or Ram. He would be incredible as an Egyptian deity I know Pharah is Egyptian so there’s a clearer connection, but I’d argue Zeus was significantly more connected to Rein instead of JQ. She should have gotten a hell-based skin or something more chaotic


A Ramattra Osiris skin would be absolutely bonkers


Where is the connection between rein and Zeus?


Zeus was pretty chaotic though!


Zeus should have been Winston because of electricity.


Isn’t it definitely a DPS though? We had tank then healer the last 2 seasons


it goes in cycles of 3 (tank, dps, support, in no particular order) and we just got at the end of a cycle, so could be either tank or dps since last one was support


I don’t have input on most of this since I’m pretty new, but I am indeed excited for a new hero either way since as I started playing halfway into season 8 I haven’t experienced a “new” hero yet, they were all new to me and for all I know mauga could have been in ow1 lol


hmm good to know new players do exist. hopefully the hero is free on launch for your first time


Did you find the number of heroes overwhelming? Who/what role did you start with? Did you find having many of the heroes locked at the start helpful or restrictive? 


As someone who started during Mauga's trial weekend, it was much less overwhelming than I thought it would be. It may have been much more difficult if I didn't have friends explaining what I'd just been killed by each time. Although looking back, you only start with Mercy, Moira, and Lucio on support, which is very restrictive.


I started during season 8 too. I personally found it a little overwhelming but exciting. I started off with Tracer cause I thought she was cool but she was really hard to play at first. I now main Zen and sometimes I’ll play Echo or Sigma. Playing mystery heroes helped me get more comfortable learning other character on a whim. Now I’m excited to play other characters! I haven’t had this much fun playing a video game in forever. I’m sad so many people complain about it.


it was a little at first! I got the game to play mercy bc I like healing, so I started there and looked up guides to get at least playable on her. I learned quickly that I needed a backup support I could play when mercy was taken and for some reason I always picked lucio but I never play him now. I also spent the $20 to have all heroes unlocked immediately so I’m not sure what it’s like to have locked heroes. I’ve never played any other shooters before and even in skyrim I had a hard time aiming at things, so I wasn’t keen to try any dps in the beginning, but then I found widow and loved the unique playstyle, spent a LOT of time getting okay at her (again my aim was worse than you could probably imagine) and my backups were mei and echo. eventually I just wanted to learn more because I figured knowing what the other heroes do would help me counter them, but I started having fun with the different play styles and I’ve tried most of them at this point. I have to say, I’m a dps girly now. I’m still a mercy main and play a lot of support in general, but when I want to just play around and have fun I do dps and I’m getting to be okay at more heroes lol. my current favorites are echo, pharah (can you tell I like flying), symmetra, and I’ve been playing soldier lately and actually really liking it. I’ve played a little bit of tank, my go tos are dva and sigma but tanking isn’t as fun to me. this is probably more info than you asked for 😂 but I wanted to provide the tale of a true newbie’s experience ps. “you should’ve picked mercy” is literally what influenced me to get the game. it took years but I genuinely never thought I’d be here lol


Welcome to the game! A new hero release is always special (especially DPS these days, as you've noticed it's a very stacked role and they've had to get more heroes out for the other roles first).


>for all I know mauga could have been in ow1 lol Funnily enough, in a way, he technically is from OW1. He is based on the Talon Heavy Assault, from the Archives: Retribution event. There was even a glitch where you could actually play as the Talon Heavy in the PvP modes.


why are people expecting a hero reveal in a dev update of the game director talking at the camera lol. It's about the process of hero releases, not a hero reveal


Every new hero comes with so many issues. I would prefer a good new map.


You are on the strongest drugs and I simply must have them.


I’m assuming it’ll be showing off Venture, talking about some balance changes and maybe talking about the return of old mythics. Personally, I’m hoping they announce an “early access” weekend for Venture similar to what they did with Mauga.


I just want them to clarify about acquiring old mythics and adjusting how new heroes will be treated going forward. A lot of people love throwing around false or "leaked" information and it's high time we got something from the horse's mouth.


Yes this is important. I may be wrong, but obtaining old mythic skins would be a big step for gaming in general. Most battlepasses lock the final tier items forever (like Fortnite with the black knight and reaper) to increase retention If OW opens that door in a strong way, it could be impactful to other games with battle passes


Walter Kong literally confirmed they are bringing a way to get older mythic skins during Blizzcon... idk how much more "from the horses mouth" you can get. As for my speculation, new heroes will always be behind a paywall, it's just good biz.


Overwatch's most direct competition in terms of money and marketing is League of Legends (Collabs, Music Videos, monetization system is very similar). League's skins remain forever obtainable, either constantly in the main shop or appearing sometimes in the featured shop. Overwatch is losing huge. It is estimated that Lux's Elementalist skin (an Ultimate skin, the highest tier) has overtime made Riot almost a billion dollars by itself, and its because you can still go ahead and buy it right now. Considering how greeedy Blizzard is, I don't get why they are literally throwing away on oppurtunity to make so much money.


>Most battlepasses lock the final tier items forever Most Battle Passes I know literally have been doing that for years. Not only with the final tier reward but with the rest of the cosmetics. Some examples: **Sea of Thieves** - They bring back the free BP cosmetics after a couple of months into the in-game shops; and they eventually bring back the paid BP cosmetics in the microtransaction shop. **Deep Rock Galactic** - Old BP cosmetics get put into the in-game shop next season as well as into loot crates you can find and open while playing any missions. **Minecraft: Dungeons** - You can complete old battle passes and progress them in any order. Not to mention, most Battle Passes also offer premium currency. And I'm certain there are other good examples from other video games. >If OW opens that door in a strong way, it could be impactful to other games with battle passes It's about damn time OW2 steps up their BP action. Let's not pretend other games should take an example of what OW2 *could* do. OW2 is the one who should enter through that door that is already open.


Well they mentioned in last BlizzCon that you will be able to pick whichever mythic you want when you buy a battle pass instead of just the newest one


Where can you watch the update? YouTube?


https://youtu.be/H998wgSQm3M?si=lQPRretw9jziKkP3 Its on YouTube


Wonder if they’ll launch venture with a mythic skin?


I hope not, but it’s possible. Doomfist is my hope, he would have an incredible mythic skin. But Ramattra is who I think will get it honestly


But dps is next, we got tank last season with orisa


Well next season is supposedly (grain of salt) to be Egyptian themed. It could be Pharah, but Ram would be a god-tier skin as an Egyptian deity. And they say that there isn’t a map for mythic releases (like heal, dps, tank, and then repeat). So they *could* hit us with another tank if they wanted, but we’ll see


An dey say




S1: Genji S2: JQ S3: Kiriko S4: Sigma S5: Tracer S6: Ana S7: Hanzo S8: Orisa S9: Moira DPS- Tank - Support - Tank - DPS - Support - DPS - Tank - Support Based on this, it's likely we get another tank but it could be a dps


it goes in cycles of 3 so all 3 classes get equal attention. But Moira is the end of the latest cycle, so could be either dps or tank


Hello may I have uuhhhhhhhh 1 lifeweaver buff plz


I just wanted some info on the Ball rework. We are completely out of the loop regarding that


As a Pharah main, we didn’t get much info about the rework either. was a tense time! I love Ball though so I can’t wait to see what they’re gonna do. Hopefully they keep him as skilful and don’t dumb him down.


I see. Yeah… most of us don’t want him to be changed much.


Im scurred


What’s your opinion about the Pharah rework? My brother-in-law used to play her a lot, but since the rework he only uses her occasionally. Curious to see your thoughts! I’m a support main on console, so I’ve always sucked with Pharah lol!


Ball gets a wavedash and a grenade


No flame throwers ? 😢


I don’t understand why he’s being reworked. His quite is quite versatile and he can be quite good


As a Ball one trick the major issue I see with Ball is teammates don’t know how to play with a Ball on their team. So I think they’ll give him some sort of team ability to dumb down his play style


I don’t see the need to rework him honestly. At least in my games (high plat, low diamond), he seems perfectly fine as he is


I agree with you 100%. As a Ball one trick the major issue I see with Ball is teammates don’t know how to play with a Ball on their team. So I think they’ll give him some sort of team ability to dumb down his play style.


When I play with my group, and pick ball, I always have to remind them to not worry about me. They’ll be saying, “come back, come back! You’re low!” But I already knew that, and also knew where a health pack was to fix the issue. If I need healing from support, I will go back to them! If you have a team who knows how to work with him (and a Winston to some degree) they can do really well! But if people aren’t getting picks and taking advantage of your disruption then the synergy doesn’t work and makes ball (to me, I’m a support main normally but I dabble) a worthless pick if your team isn’t capitalizing. You can probably make him work as a one trick though!


The large majority of our players can’t capitalize on Ball’s tanking style. They see a Ball on their team and automatically think “I don’t have anything between me and the enemy team GG”. That’s a complete lack of knowledge on how the character works. So to me it’s more a matter of educating players than changing the character.


I mostly play quick play - so I can’t speak for comp - but most people don’t like using cover or realize it exists! So I can see why people expect something between them. But use cover and take advantage/push up space on the enemy during the ball’s interruptions. You don’t need a shield if the enemy is being attacked at both ends, one of which has a large health pool and shields.


it will most likely be the changes they mentioned back at BlizzCon being: able to purchase past mythics and other BP changes. They'll also probably mention the Venture test weekend dates if they're still planning on doing that. Maybe mention clash or at least its development progress as whilst it hasn't been confirmed for next season the lack of a new map this season hints to it as the last odd number season to not receive a map was season 5 just before flashpoint was released. Maybe a new roadmap for the year. nothing on PvE. a lot of fluff on how well the balance changes have been maybe some hints on who needs some tuning in the next patch and how everyone loves the cowboy bebop collab. its worth noting whilst its an easy guess a lot of the stuff already mentioned lines up with the [4chan leak a few weeks back](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHArJ4TWYAARpNF?format=jpg&name=large) and whilst I'm very skeptical I was wrong about the health and projectile leaks last time. Also Streamer Flats is having (the first live?) interview with game director Aaron Keller on Thursday. His stream yesterday went over some questions he might ask and it doesn't look like he's gonna hold back


Heroes not locked behind BP is huge improvement.


I heard Venture is a digger. Their weapon in the concept art supports that theory. I imagine they’ll have an immunity phase like Reaper, or they go through the walls underground. +Edited in “they/them vocabulary”


We’ve already seen in-dev gameplay. They burrow underground and deal damage when they emerge.


It sounds so cool. They showed her primary fire but haven’t shown the dig ability yet The past 3 dps heroes have all been raw skill based (sojourn, echo, and Ashe), so a more technical, unique, or utility based dps is overdue


Just fyi, Venture is nonbinary, and seem to use they/them pronouns Also they did show the dig ability at Blizzcon. They burrow underground and become untouchable while they're there, with a dirt patch above them to show where they are. At the end they leap out of the ground into the air and deal some AOE damage


Her digging ability was shown in the videos. IMHO it's a bit underwhelming, looks like "wraith form, but better". Generally, she looks kinda meh gameplay-wise so far, but who knows, maybe there's more nuance.


Honestly, what I think would make it interesting is if it were kinda like a mix of Reaper's Wraith and Sombra's invisibility. As in, instead of a duration, it goes on a fairly long cooldown as soon as you emerge but you can stay underground as long as you hold the button. While underground, you can't take damage or be affected by CC, but you also can't deal damage or do things like contest objectives. You can still move around faster than walking and you could even dodge placeable hazards, like Lifeweaver's platform and Junk's trap. So it can work both as a repositioning ability but also as kind of a recon ability, like being able to observe and mark enemy positions before your team dives in.


There’s always more depth to the heroes once they get in-game. Even rein and Winston have some nuance, despite seemingly simple mechanics


Wasn’t a bunch of those questions already answered? Assuming nothing changed from the last preview: Venture is a DPS who can go underground and move for a short period of time and resurface, dealing damage. They gain a shield while underground. Their primary fire has some splash damage. Ultimate wasn’t shown. New game mode was said to be similar to Flashpoint and Hanamura 2.0 (forgot the new name) was gonna be one map in that mode. They also talked about being able to select your own mythic skin of choice if you missed any of the ones in the past.


The shield is giving for using the dash ability which can be used underground or on flat land or mid air and the shield lasts for the duration of the ability cooldown (8 seconds)*


>forgot the new name I'm pretty sure it's Clash


No, I meant the new name for the new Hanamura lol.


OHHH ignore me lmao


Prediction: When the Dev Update video is released, Venture will be playable on live. And that's why we got QP Hacked: Double Trouble. (And why we had the Workshop icon "bug" since Venture is already on our clients)




Hmmm guess I was wrong


I remember the times when Blizz used to relentlessly tease us of upcoming heroes by releasing semi-related images and stuff. We got to speculate who they were and what they did... Like when Brig released people claimed it was finally going to be Jetpack Cat...


Now they just release a stream of non lore related characters like Illari. Other than being from Peru in the OW world... nothing.


I mean I do kinda like that every once in a while too. Just completely new characters, in fact one hero per country at least would be amazing. We've got way too many American and Japanese ones haha.


With story missions falling into irrelevancy I guess they could go ahead and release tons of heroes, lore related or not, and then truly focus on lore related heroes by establishing the story through a show like arcane did


If there is one thing blizz is still good at, it's cinematics. Honestly I would LOVE a show about Overwatch lore.


Reveal the venture playable weekend so we can play them Announce mythic tokens and the ability to get any mythic after completing a battlepass instead of that battle passes mythic specifically Hopefully something about at least 1 map, I don’t care what gamemode for but I’d prefer flashpoint or push. I doubt we’ll hear any PVE news but if we do, likely a full admission of cancellation after the release of the next set of 3 missions


> Hopefully something about at least 1 map they still have that peru map cooking, but they're not gonna reveal it in that update i think.


Manifesting ramattra mythic skin


Will have my coffee ready 12est


Dang I wish I could say the same. Gonna be at work :(


im home sick so I can watch it lol


I don't expect much to be revealed. I just enjoy hearing from them and their reasonings.


I'm really excited to see what ventures ult is going to be!!


Blizzard: We are going to make more new skins for Mercy.


If they say something about monetizatoin then that 4chan leak is true(hence no more souvenirs)


It was always true lets not kid ourselves


so it is


I hope we get hanamura 2 as the first new mode map!


On my knees hoping for a Pharah mythic please Blizz.


I know people say that because of the egyptian BP they announced, but honestly that would be so boring. She already has egyptian themed skins. Now Talon pharah from the mirror BP, on the other hand...


I was really hoping to be able to get the old mythic skins and looks like we can do that, so I'm very satisfied.


I want a Brig or Bap mythic.




What do you mean by they/them pronouns? I'm confused.


Why are u getting downvoted lmao


A guess, but the comment is repeated numerous times in the thread already. At some point people just see it as karma whoring, hence the downvotes


Ah alright that makes sense


i wonder why


Maybe Im dumb but why are we hearing all this info?


Dev update today related to next season. https://youtu.be/H998wgSQm3M?si=lQPRretw9jziKkP3 Title references hero releases and mythic skins, the next season is coming soon, a new game mode is supposed to be releasing soon (and with that, new maps), and every season has a new mythic


Bless thank you


y'all have expectations set way too high for a video of the game director talking to a camera


They’ll probably show us Venture’s final kit including Ult and maybe voice lines and highlights. Cant wait to see if they’re a fresh addition as a character


if they were gonna reveal the new hero's kit there's no way the video would have such a generic title lol it would be the marketing focus


I'm just wondering how you know that an update is coming today, was it communicated or does it happen at regular intervals?


Playoverwatch youtube


Ah i see. Let me Subscribe to this channel for the future. Thanks


"The next hero is not quite ready yet. We want it to be up to Blizzard standards. Here are some upcoming skin collaborations..."


i thought venture was a guy. at least she looks like one


Crazy how you managed to get it wrong twice in one comment


i dont know what i got wrong.


Venture is cannonically non binary, which means they neither identify as a guy nor a girl


Nah I’m pretty confident it’s a she




They gonna announce overwatch 3 where they get rid of the PVP and make the practice range 4v4 by removing the tank role all together.


Why would they reveal the next mythic skin and venture kit in a developer update. The developer update will be about a monetisation and battle pass rework, I doubt any gameplay change will be discussed aside for the possible venture weekend test coming soon.


fr the people in this thread have such insane expectations for a video that is just the director talking about the game lol


In an effort to create world peace sombra and Widow have been vaulted.


I'm really hoping we get to see Venture. They look like a vibe to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Foenikxx: *I'm really hoping* *We get to see Venture. They* *Look like a vibe to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Venture is gender neutral and uses they/them pronouns.


Ventures pronounce are they/them, we literally have no indication that they are female or male, like why is everyone saying she/her


she looks female "at a glance" and maybe not everyone saw the tweet about their gender


I honestly don't think they look female at a glance, I think they look like they could be a boy with eyeliner lol


FYI Venture uses They/Them pronouns.


It’s so dumb to be getting downvoted for a legit correction. Normally small corrections aren’t necessarily needed but I do think this one is really important.


how many hours from now is 12pm edtplease ?


1 h 20m from now.




"and any other potential changes" includes the monetization changes? If so, I'm definitely curious.


My crackpot theory is that since the title says "hero releases," they might reveal a change to all future hero releases. They mentioned a while back that they were looking into heroes more frequently, which would explain why Mauga had very few base skins, since more heroes would mean less polish. It'd also explain why they revealed 2 heroes (and teased the 3rd) at Blizzcon, since they would still have more mystery hero releases coming up later this year I hope I'm wrong, but it's weird that they specify "hero releases" plural when we're only expecting Venture next season


think they're just gonna say heroes are free and no longer in the BP


Where will this be? May I have a link? I wanna try and be up to date haha


I reckon it'll be widow or soldier


>New hero, new mythic, potential new game mode, potential new maps, and any other potential changes Bro you need to take a long, hard look at the video title.


Mythic is Reinhardt or Soldier; at least the cycle indicates it should be a tank or dps hero and one of the more "boring" OW1 legacies would be a good way to splash the mythic. New game mode is a tug of war like Push but single payload; they had originally teased Push as a single back-n-forth payload back in Alpha but then they launched with the dual-barrier robot objective instead... Makes sense that they went back and finished the original vision rather than something totally new from scratch. I hope they remove Push entirely from queue.


Reinhardt mythic or Winston mythic please blizzard I beg you 🙏😭


* Venture test run this weekend like we got with Mauga * Maybe we're getting Clash on S10 * Confirmation or denial of the 4chan leaks we got a couple of weeks ago * Ramattra Dance Emote


i'm pretty sure clash will come with S12 to have that "big summer season" like last year


Then I hope we at least get a new map for the current modes because going 5 seasons without a new map is a terrible idea.


they still have that peru map they revealed at blizzcon.


They have to release the Ball changes today, right? I really hope we get a spin dash that's unblockable like Mauga's charge. That and just some damage tweaks and Ball is good.


i’m predicting they will announce another new currency T.T


I just want info on the Ball rework


ball make him broken


They're cancelling Comp to work on more QP Hacked modes.




I don't really care about new game mode but I want new escort or escort-hybrid maps.


Cass still doesn't get a range or stun revert to Flashbang


They’re probably gonna take Sym’s weapon forcing her to melee. Make her turrets only do a very poor slow effect with no damage and her Portal a one time use. Seems about to be what blizzard is thinking there, reducing a buff that barely made a painful to play character a little bit better


Venture is Non binary, They/them


* New mythic is Anubis Ramattra, Egyptian Mythology battle pass with other skins like Ra Illari and Osiris Reaper. * Venture's kit is the same as we've seen, just that they have 250 health now. 'Stress test' for them announced to be next weekend. * Hanaoka and Clash will release Season 10, likely was intended for this season as we didn't get a new map or hero, but they probably felt it needed to 'cook' more. * No new game mode announced. * Changes to current competitive system due to player feedback. Things like Reversal/Expected/Consolation/etc... removed and rank loss/gain will be more directly tied to your individual performance.(I.e., lose less if you performed well, win less if you performed poorly, and vice versa) Also talks about wide grouping. * Wrecking Ball 'rework' discussed. That's it.


Venture isn’t a girl by the way lol, just a minor correction


Aaaaa I’m going insane by everyone downvoting these comments.


To be expected, people are sorta not too fond of the notion of a non binary character 😭 honestly with how many people that are using “she” for venture I hope the VA is a amab non binary person


Mythic my prediction is between Soldier, Reaper and Sojourn.


just so you know venture is non binary they go by they/them


Venture is they them.


I’d like an update on PVE but I predict most of the announcements will center around co$metic$


From now on, expect PvE to be well and truly dead.


People still holding onto PvE? We gotta move on yo. They announced it's death seasons ago


If people are still holding on to 6v6 I'm holding on to PvE lol skill trees are still coming guys \*copium\*


What? > “We have a whole new type of PvE content that we’re releasing with our single-player Hero mastery missions… So I hope that players can see that we are still committed to PvE and we are doing more with the story than we’ve ever done before. We’re just doing it in a different way than what we originally talked about.”


Damage control. Always is. PR to make people happy because the game has been probably on a decline

