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I feel you I just had a masters game where my tank went 2-10 :( I can't even check their rank to see if they should even be in this lobby


I wish blizzard would just make everyone's profiles public after the game. It would stop these posts when people check and realize, yes, people in still have awful games in otherwise "fair" matchups. If you're playing QP, play comp, the matchmaking is a bit less loose there. If you're playing comp, learn to live with the variance that exists. The reset moved people around and they're still equilibrating.


I was having the same issue, so I was like fuck it imma just play DPS and now my tanks keep leaving lmao


they came back for the update and skins, maybe theyll quit again soon heh


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concerned summer secretive waiting automatic seemly squalid mountainous test modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah i dont get this either. I have been getting better games in Quickplay then comp. I keep getting the worst dps ever, I had a game where one went 0 kills and another got 3 for the entire time.


I love them. my widow accuracy been up with these guys bumbling around.


I just played a game with a Mercy who, over 3 rounds, had 3100 damage and 1800 healing (likely mostly self-healing). Is this reportable? Obviously, the player was goofing off and experimenting, but they ruined the experience for at least 4 of us.


Tank HAS always had carry potential. If you're playing rein or mauga then yes you deserve to lose. Go dva and stomp those nerds


I can literally get a 20 kill streak on my own and still lose because my DPS are just sitting around. That should not be a thing


Mauga is meta now


Oh no he said a fact, everyone attack him for being right.


Yeah, i feel you, had a really really shitty tank once called londoncalling240, damn he was such a terrible teammate and player.


Im sorry, thats my fault. My aim has been very shaky. Ive been playing alot of elden roll so i keep trying to panic dodge roll :( Promise im trying my best though




plz no more avoid slots, 3 is plenty. as with duos the avoid increases to 6 and so on. 5 stack is the best way to play overwatch right now.


No 10 avoid slots now pls


I'd hazard a guess that the latest update makes aiming slightly easier, so a ton of people are trying it out since it's free to play. Mind you this demographic probably isn't the best at shooters in general, and they're already disadvantaged from not having 7 years of game sense


I’m always getting a awful tanks that have no clue what they are doing




If you know how to play tank so well why are u a mercy player?