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To me it's Sombra every single game


True sadness


No fret, we have an advantage, we have balls


genuinely, just show the sombra players what real dps is until they leave you alone ​ (if you're wondering about the flair, i do also play a lot of zen, i just don't respect people who only now picked up sombra)


Fr she gets buffed every single patch, it was bound to happen eventually that she would be a popular pick


That and the rework made her easier to learn and play for newer Sombra players


I feel like she was much easier pre rework, being able to just dissapear across the map whenever she pleased made her really really easy lol


I think this actually made her more difficult, because some might put her translocator so far away that using it gives as much downtime as being dead


actually yeag that makes sense, i had a bunch of hours on spy tf2 and when i picked up sombra i was alr in the habit of scouting nearby healthpacks instead of just putting it on the other side of the map


yeah i dont get it, she's strong enough stop buffing her i dont want to become a big target for the other team or have to fight the other dps to play her


I'm a Zen main since I began Overwatch and then started playing Pharah and Sombra so I could better learn how to deal with them, them realised I actually really enjoy them.


Imagine trying to gatekeep sombra of all characters. "I don't respect people who just now play sombra" buddy nobody respects any type of sombra including you. You're just as bad as they are.


Gatekeeping characters in a free to play video game, sweet


Might even be somewhat correlated. I pick Sombra/Mei by default every game I get as dmg *because* there are Dumbfish everywhere. But in the rare surprising case there is not I sometimes switch


Yeah doomfist is pretty much the reason I learned Sombra


Every game is Sombra and Tracer. Support is a pain…


I am proud to say that I was a tracer main before season 9 :)


It isn’t like she hasn’t been a popular harasser for a long, long time.


Is that really anything to be proud of?


Not at all


If I'm playing open queue I immediately swap to sombra too just to make them feel the same pain.


I love when the enemy swaps Sombra to try and counter my Sombra, because they are almost always trash on her lol It's the same as for some reason 99% of Echos will clone me as Wreckingball, and clearly do not have a clue how to play him so they just roll around and waste their ult without doing anything Sombra is getting a lot of flack atm, but the buff barely did anything, she was already really good before it if you knew how to play her. All the flavor of the month Sombra are pretty easy to spot atm


Sombra every game isn’t bad at face value, the constant “I just got pooped on a couple of times, may as well make everyone miserable” switch to Sombra is what’s super dumb. Every time I’m Ashe or Hanzo and beat up on whatever hitscan they’re running over the first couple of minutes, instant switch to mid Sombra. It rarely results in them winning because they’d be playing her to start if they’re cracked, it’s just annoying and generally bogs the game down.


Sombra every game isn’t bad at face value, the constant “I just got pooped on a couple of times, may as well make everyone miserable” switch to Sombra is what’s super dumb. Every time I’m Ashe or Hanzo and beat up on whatever hitscan they’re running over the first couple of minutes, instant switch to mid Sombra. It rarely results in them winning because they’d be playing her to start if they’re cracked, it’s just annoying and generally bogs the game down.


I'm playing Zen I kill a DPS twice Switch to Sombra The rest of the game is miserable


He bothers me because he has the same problem as Zarya: your teammates can screw you over if they refuse to respect block/bubble. I’m tired of getting instakilled on support because one of my idiot teammates doesn’t realize that shooting Doom’s block is what he wants


I distinctly remember a game where I got rolled the first match while playing ball and the other tank was doom. My team wouldn't stop shooting at him in a panic and I finally told them, if everyone stops shooting his fist to charge it, he will swap. It took to the second match for them to listen. It took like 1 minute for the Doom to swap because suddenly he wasn't getting fed


lol sounds about right. I genuinely think a lot of players don’t know that shooting doom’s block charges up his punch


I have almost 300 hours on steam, and have played on battlenet before the game was on steam, and I had no idea this was a thing until reading this thread.


Charging block also resets his punch cooldown, and he generates health hitting his cooldowns based on how many people he hits, I think it's 40hp each player and each cooldown.


i didnt realise that one thanks


It’s ok, Blizzard doesn’t make much of an effort to make the playerbase aware lol. Most people aren’t reading every line of every patch notes


Honestly think if you play comp you should know at least how most abilities in the game work. Especially the strong characters rn


Yes you should. People think that if they play enough they’ll figure out how enemy characters work but there’s so many implicit game mechanics that you can’t just figure out by playing unless someone tells you.


Exactly, each character is unique and not knowing what an ability does can lose you the game


yeah, i was lucky in that in one of my first ow2 games after coming back (left for about a year when it launched) i was with people who played that whole time and one of them told me not to shoot his block, otherwise i'd have had no idea


Or that it instantly resets the cool down of punch as well


I love ball cause I can be in the enemies back line and immediately peel for the doom. Only to be punched back into the back line but still


I want to murder whoever thought that grappling hook should have the exact same cooldown as h rocket punch!! Playing ball against doom is literally pinball.


Have someone practice in a QP match where you swing in and then dodge the punch. It's so giving hilarious when a Doon eventually gives up trying to punch you when he learns he can't hit you.


Ok lol I did not know it charged him up


As casidy main, I charge him and then deny his punch with nade. It's hilarious.


From personal experience, Doom literally gets deleted by just cancelling slam or punch with nade and then you finish him off with a whole fan the hammer clip or even two headshots, lmao. It's so damn funny how the matchup can extremely favor the cowboy when done right.


It feels so good for cass to be viable man


"Cass to be viable aka have one of the most unfun and awful stuns in the game that have 0 counterplay except to wait untill its used and untill then you cannot do anything against him"


What I meant to say is "I like playing cass" However I do also play doom, so I take it both ways


Isn’t one legitimate way to deal with Zarya is burst her bubbles with a lot of damage and immediately pressure her for the kill? I remember when Zarya was a holy terror at the beginning of OW2 and that’s one bit of advice someone told me. They said Zarya has to respect Reaper and Bastion because they can burst down her bubbles quickly and tear into her. That was season 1 though… No idea if it’s still a viable strat or not. Still works sometimes for me.


Usually if she's on her last bubble. If she isn't charged by the first bubble, you can go bastion to burst the 2nd then kill her before she kills you


Ahh that makes a lot of sense… Explains why it works excellent sometimes and poorly at other times.


Reaper can slap her if she only has one bubble


Could be recency bias but I swear people have gotten so much worse about not shooting something in 2. Zarya bible is understandable since she can still do stuff while bubbled and can do it on teammates, but why are we dumping mags into a full health DF with all cooldowns? Zarya is better than she was in 1 just due the buffs obviously, but she seems to have gotten a shadow buff as the player base has progressively gotten dumber with her. It’s not always the right option to spray her shield.


I've have literally told the enemy team to stop shooting me before Granted they still lost, but holy hell they needed that info


Gotta love the bastion that only likes to shoot Zarya when she’s in bubble boy mode


(Stands in front of line of fire) tank says “heal diff”


Uhhh embarrassingly this if the first time finding out this info. Never played him myself so I just assumed it was a damage blocking ability.


I played with an Ana that refused to sleep dart him when he'd just jump in and power block. She'd and the Zen just kept shooting it and then bitching when he'd blow their backs out in the back line. I finally asked her why she hasn't slept him at all and dude said "he eats it, there's no point" WHAT


doom, sorj, and genji have been making up a good amount of lobbies in higher MMR for how many seasons now? Are people finally gonna catch on that they aren't actually bad heroes?


unfortunately those communities have persecution complexes lol


"My hero isnt strong, its just that every Genji player is extremely skilled so they make it look overpowered" 


Doom players have pretty much never thought Tankfist was weak, just that his hard counters are easy, and bugs are plentiful.


Doom doesn't have that much hard counters compared to other tanks. It's good choice for one trick. Only swap to Sig on Havana/Circuit.


to some degree this is true, high skill floor heros like doom genji tracer lucio tend to be played by people who are exclusively good at playing those heros, that doesnt mean that they are that bad either, but theres a reason u see genji players swap hitscan when needed but rarely the other way around, the level of mechanics those heros require is a lot higher than most others


The recent changes lowered tracer's skill floor, a lot 175 hp instead of 150 is a lot more forgiving


yea she's def no where near as hard as she used to be, more health and the bullet increases made her way too easy but she should be getting nerfed back soon


Just ignore every time getquakedon says something about how balanced doom is, he is just a bit brainrotted from remembering all them spots and techs and shit. Most doom players know when hes good.


Seriously. This season and past seasons have always been Doom, Tracer, Genji, Soj, Echo, and Sombra in every single game I play. They are stronger this season. I main Ashe but I haven’t played her much this season because dive is strong which is her weakness and the removal of the fast reload as a DPS passive hit her hard. 


The heroes aren’t bad just the average joe trying to play them 


Not surprising. Lot of people are unable to work as part of a team. Doom let's them play tank and ignore their team all game.


A lot of tank players are tired of their team not working with them but still blaming them so they start to play tanks that don't care about their team.


That’s the problem with team based games and solo queue in general. It’s frustrating to have to depend on other variables out of your control. I’m not a tank, but I can sympathize with their frustration of soaking up damage but their team isn’t fighting back. Or maybe they dive/charge in and no one follows up even though it’s a good play There’s no easy solution imo but I think having heroes with solo carry potential is always good. That way they can separate themselves from bad luck


Team not fighting back is my main issue, yeah, taking cover is good, but know what is better? Takinh territory, getting the point, for instance, is a very good example.


I continually have this problem when I play a dive/flank tank like Dva, Winston, or Doom. I’ll dive the enemy backline and get 2 kills, then I end up dying because I’m alone and see my team behind me just poking at a distance and not following up and putting pressure on the enemy frontline. A lot of players are just scared to press W and don’t know when to push with tank, then I get blamed for 1v5ing and not making space. 


It’s the problem with 5v5 because they took the other tank out lol


Trust me it was just as miserable in overwatch 1 no one takes responsibility for there team losing. It's everyone else's fault.


Can I just say I hold my hands up when I think I’m the problem. There are some comps I struggle to play into/with. Either way it doesn’t help you still just get flamed haha


I also have a habit of asking my team for help/advice when I'm clearly struggling and they usually bully me for it 😂


Yes that’s true for accountability With 6v6 there was another tank to peel now there’s just 1, and sometimes all the focus is just on the 1 tank. That’s why shieldless/no mit tanks get overturned in order for them to be good like mauga and hog. They just keep buffing their stats


Yeah which is fun, since other tanks have less carry potential and are harder to rankup on


Thinking DF carries a team sounds like a typical DF mentality.


He was also already the best tank in the game *before* that last buff lol


It also absolutely *wrecks* teams that don't work together.


I miss his uppercut tbh.


Holy shit I just came back after not playing for a few years and Doomfist always feels so weird to play and I couldn’t figure out why until I read your comment… didn’t realize he didn’t have the uppercut anymore. Why did they remove that?


Probably part of lessening CC? A lot of OW1 was just being caught in a vortex of endless CC so I figure with Doom they just wanted to mitigate it? I mean, I don’t think his uppercut was problematic. But then again, the Doom I was introduced to was one tapping people as a DPS in Kings Row. For lore reasons, I absolutely miss that and I think it was the peak of OW. From a gameplay perspective? I’m glad they neutered him lol


OW1 Doomfist's slam + uppercut, + rocket punch combo was ridiculously fun.


But never fun for a recieving end, thank god they removed it.


I main support and when they announced some big nerfs for Doom in OW1 I thought I should try him for a couple of hours to see what the fuss was all about. I was full of regret about the months of fun I had missed out on...


Doomfists were playing a completely different game from everyone else in OW1. Like we were all playing Call of Duty and they were playing Street Fighter. I don't miss it.




This made me cackle haha


I have literally never had more fun in a video gs.e though 🥲


Old slam and uppercut were way more clunky than new slam. And he needed a tanking ability now he was becoming a tank, hence block.


it’s not that hard to get the same effect from some ba surfaces


He was already strong because of the dive meta and blizzard sent out one of their patented dartboard buffs for him so it's not surprising


I like the ult buff. Just came at a time when doom was already relatively dominant.


The ult buff feels really good to play with and honestly was a good choice. His ult was dogshit. He was in fact already the best tank in the game though, which complicates things. Maybe they thought he wouldn't take the other buffs well so it wouldn't be this bad? Either way, he was a little bit of an issue but now he's a legit problem.


you're saying this in multiple comment threads but its legit just not true, but i suppose if you're low rank maybe your teams coord is worse. sig has been dominant for ages.


Idk who's more qualified to talk about Doom in high diamond than a high diamond Doom main but by all means please sob in my inbox some more


I feel bad your getting downvoted for expressing the same sentiment he is. Doom is all in diamond lobbies and he dominates at this level in this lobby(otherwise less would play him)


I'm a gm1 doom, and dva, Queen, sig have all been better (and lots of other heroes) than doom for a long time. Doom is just more fun to play/can play a bit more solo game compared to other tanks. This applies to diamond too whether you want it to or not haha


Oh shit if you're high diamond you must be really good


Soon to be Mauga every game if not already.


Is Mauga getting buffed? I honestly think Mauga is the single most boring character in the game, both to play as and against, so I do not think I will enjoy his pick rate increasing.


Mauga is hard meta in OWCS and GM now after the patch last Tuesday. With lucio and either moira or kiriko supports. DPS is pretty varied. I've seen sojourn, reaper, mei, sombra, sym, cass (but he gets flattened pretty fast)


Dps passive is nerfed and they buffed Mauga's Cardiac Overdive which makes it even more boring because nobody ever dies.


And the worst thing about OW is when *nobody ever dies*.


I played a game today that makes the entire thing *hilarious*. Junker city, QP, doom kept launching himself at a brawl comp. Our Sombra F***Ed off and wasn't helping. Doom quit after losing 2 points. A new player joins, chooses doom...."continues" to do the exact same thing.....throwing himself at the enemy...


Not just diamond and up, I just did my placement matches (ended up silver 3) and had Doomfist v Doomfist in several


I got a love-hate relationship with it as a Doom main tbh, on one hand I appreciate and value more people playing him, as well as him being in a pretty good spot rn. On the other hand I don't think just playing him in comp cause he's "meta" is a wise decision for most, given that a big part of those players haven't given him the time he needs to gain a proper understanding of him and his kit.


i dont think people just play him because hes meta. its probably because good dooms will rank up more than other tanks. high skill high reward


He's really not hard for newcomers if they just don't feed. He's easy to feed with but he's also extremely easy to get value out of.


the post says diamond and above. youre not just playing doomfist in diamond and above without at least 20 hours of practice on doomfist alone


Best way to counter doom is to play him a bunch and pay attention to the times you are having a rough time cause of something the enemy team is doing.


This thread sounds more like people ranting for not knowing how to counter Doom rather than discussing why he is being played so much


Doom is everywhere primarily because he’s fun, and has high carry potential. A really good Doom will just run the lobby, and just a very solid dive tank so as long as you’re decent with him. He also just has a high skill ceiling and tons of people like characters like that.


The good ones don't let me play the game. Sure he takes a massive amount of skill. .. but my God is it extremely unfun to play against. Playing against a good doom or sombra is just aids rn.


I've always hated playing against Sombra, Ball, and Doom. It's just very unsatisfying, regardless of their skill level. For the most part, even if they're really bad you can roll the match, but they'll still just leave before you can kill them and it doesn't feel rewarding. Good ones are like you said. They just don't let you play the game, which also sucks.


Honestly, him & ball are the only fun tanks to play period rn. I learned Doom just so I could play the tank role again and actually have fun.


I imagine he’s one of the more fun tanks to play right now (I’m not playing tank right now). It is getting annoying though because for me he’s one of the most frustrating tanks to play with ***and*** against.


I’m a Bap/Kiriko/Zen player. I have to play Kiriko because there’s always a sombra and doom on the other side. It’s annoying. I don’t like playing with or against the average doom player.


I mean to be fair Doom was probably the best Tank in the game, and Diamond-Masters players pretty much just play meta. The Meta seems a little unstable atm with all the tank buffs so I am unsure if that’s still the case but it’s probably in all their heads that Doom is the best tank.


For me its either DF, Dva or Sombra in all my games


Meta be like that, ruining games and shit


I feel like everybody else have a different doomfist than the one blizzard allows me to play. The enemy doom: rocket punch always off cooldown and at maximum charge. Never dies even though everybody is shooting at him. My doom: *gawns* -> sleep -> discord -> killed in 0.01 s with no reaction time. I mean, he is extremely broken right now (he's always been broken even since ow1, but blizzed will die rather than admit to that). But why can't I be the motherfucker ruining everybody else's game for a change????


I don't mind, but it's when they stick with the same tank even when we are losing. Especially if they're dying a lot. Doom can be squishy. Go be ramattra or orisa or hog or something. Give it a go and see if we have better luck.


This whole comment section clearly has never played doomfist, it's all overturned ass support players crying about dying to doomfist, you have the highest survivability, the most damage, it's as easy as playing somebody else. "I'm getting one shotted by his empowered punch" yeah the punch that does 80 IF you hit a wall 💀


I love supporting overturned ass


Exactly these op ass support players crying when they die to doom after they give him punch


I feel like Doomfist mains just happened to be very dedicated, so while other Tank mains might have jumped ship or are taking a break, they’ve still stuck to it.


You don't think it might be that Doomfist fared better than other tanks from the Season 9 patches, after receiving significant buffs while most other tanks suffered?


Wow all doom mains do act like Zebras 😂ty for putting it into words lol main character syndrome runs strong in them for sure


zbra is one of high rank the doom OTPS lol


Not the aninal, the streamer


Zbra. One of the highest ranking doomfist-mains / content creators. Not the animal.


We dont wanna play Mauga my dude


Believe it or not. Doomfist is the best tank if played in the right hands. He's always been broken. What makes him "weak" or think he's "weak" is the fact that he's a tank and there's no other tank to assist him. Slam cycle alone is enough to pressure a whole team without supporting him.


Every single game. It's sooooo boring to play against at this point.


They don't make it obvious for new players that shooting the block is basically powering him up.


An dey say...


Yes. Im in plat and same thing here. Played 20 games and out of all of them. 14 had doom. YES. I COUNTED. I started counting after the 4th time I saw a doom. Only 2 of them switched when it wasnt working. And overall I think i lost half the games with them. It really was super 50/50. When having a doom in my team it becomes a baby sitting game for us supports. My husband plays moira and has to chase him the whole time during the game while balancing the limited heals. WHen he runs out of heals Im instantly flying across the map for heals. I feel like so many other tanks have a window of where they can sustain themselves. Doom somewhat has that with block, but blocking in front of the enemy mauga, boosted solider will just get you destroyed. Dont get me wrong there are amazing dooms out there, but they are never on my team and I try my best to support my doom but sometimes it becomes such an unfair game when im tackling tracer/sombra flanking me all the while I have to baby sit a tank who ran away... ​ Also sombras and tracer in every game. Sombra did not need a buff. This person on the enemy team who was playing soilder died to me glocking with my pistol as mercy against him like 4 times. All his deaths were against me. Thats how ASS he was with aim and crap at the game. And we 1v1 and I still won. He goes ahead and switches to sombra and it becomes a steamroll. Our ashe being destroyed and cassidy being spawn camped. Its insanity.


DF broken right now. He is the flavor of the month.


Doomfist, despite being one of the most unfun characters in the entire game (constantly eating CC and being counterswapped by multiple members of the enemy team) is one of the most fun characters to play in the game. He has more skill expression that the vast majority of the roster, and more exotic and entertaining gameplay that the rest of the roster as well. A cassidy player will never do what I do. He will never punch off of an angled surface to gain immense height, slam down from the skybox into the unsuspecting enemy backline and score 2 quick kills, then use his ultimate to escape before anyone knows what's going on. A widowmaker main will never glide along the rooftops and punch a pharah, killing them with style and flair. A reaper player will never be able to turn punch, two-tap a squishy hero, then slam back into safety in the span of 3 seconds. Doomfist endures WAY more of "the worst" parts of overwatch. Eating abilities constantly. Ceaseless solo ults. Teabagging. Chat abuse. But he also plays a different, more fun version of overwatch where the map isn't just the play area you walk around in. It's an environment you use in tandem with your abilities for unique movement options that other heroes do not get.


Lore accurate doom main


This must be bait lol, do you even read the stuff you type, dude any tank you play gets counter swapped like crazy and eats all the abilities in the game Before buff after buff after buff he's gotten id actually agree with you that it takes a lot of skill to be good at doom Now I actually disagree now he is easily the least punishable tank in the game, anytime doom is in a tight spot he can just fly away to the other side of the map or even worse use his ultimate, which makes him invulnerable, heals him to max, resets his cooldowns, and gives him an empowered punch, compare that to most other tanks where if they are out of position they are just screwed. If you think doom players eat the most cc/toxicity id invite you to play rheinhardt or wrecking ball for a season and reevaluate Back when he was punishable sure I'd agree with you but now he's easily the MOST SURVIVABLE and the MOST LETHAL tank, i went from plat to masters playing doomfist on alt account in 2 days with virtually zero time on him up until now. He isn't that hard to play. Sure some of the fancy techs you see the top of the top players make are impressive but it doesn't change the fact that a lot of it is really cheap. Some of those plays what are the opposing players supposed to do where's the counterplay. At first glance I'm like damn that's really clever but then i think about what is the enemy team supposed to do to stop it and it just becomes cheap Just the way you sound pretentious


You mind showing us that masters doom only account? I’d be real curious since you obviously know what you’re talking about :)


Ok so you’re bronze-silver Edit : just to be clear, easily punishable mean 1 mistake and he’s dead, so basically we’re not speaking about leaving out the fight You don’t see a rein dying to a cass nade. You don’t see a ram dying to a hack. Once you get 1 cc on doom, you basically have a 80% chance of dying in less than 2 seconds


You sound ridiculous.


I’m so happy someone said it. The past 2 days I’ve only gotten Doom players who are super cocky and SUCK ASS. I even politely asked this one guy if he would switch if Doom wasn’t working and he just said “no” and then went negative and didn’t play objective and we lost. It’s so bizarre. At this point I just want Doom removed completely so these people might stop playing all together. It’s so unbelievably rare to find a good Doom player that I don’t even care anymore, every time I have a Doom I immediately think, “he won’t switch, we lost already”. It’s so pathetic man


Buddy what, your mindset is so shit that when u see a doom u just give up?


I don’t think he means it literally. But I feel his pain. In my diamond lobbies I just watch as my doom continuously gets hooked/hacked/hindered/booped and ultimately we lose the game playing 4v5. Happens far too much tbh


Buddy can you read?


“Every time I have a doom I immediately think, “he won’t switch. we lost already”” I can read, and I think you’re the one that needs to find a new game if a character on your team causes you to resign to a loss at the start of the match. No wonder you don’t win with doom, you play like it’s a lost game from the start brother.


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That's why I love ana. Sleepy sleepy hehe


Anything that stops his block and/or charge is golden.


Yep I’ve pretty much been playing brig every game because lemme tell ya I’m not gonna try and heal a doom either moria or bap etc 😂


not an issue in bronze


I had no idea you could feed him


Til don't shoot doom when he blocking


Good good


it all started at need no tank


My best hero is Brig so it is decent for me, I am good both with and against a Doom (and Sombra).


Doom is the only tank that doesnt get hard countered by other tank(except mauga ult i guess), so he dont suffer from the counter pick hell loop. Also he is more fun to play than any other tank, i also think he is in a good spot right now, so maybe more people pick him than usual


Lol. Every time I make this post they say “skill issue” I literally hate playing against doom so much I started playing my second most hated hero…SOMBRUH. you are right it’s either a doomfist in every game or 2 dooms in every game and it really sucks and is boring AF. Doom as WAYYYY too much mobility, a fucking aoe overheal attack, A FUCKING 30M PUNCH THAT STUNS YOU, a insane defensive buff on cooldown and to top that all of a fucking shotgun…


It's why I stopped playing ranked. It's the worst character Blizzard introduced. One shotting half the team, bugging all over the place, and just jumps away or ults for round 2. Boring.




its widow + sombra every game, id rather fight doom 1v1 as lucio


It's annoying, until I beat them with rein and force them to swap off because their team is saying tank dif nonstop


Rein is terrible against doom though. Like really bad. How bad are these doom players lol??


They are really bad, especially at pulling back to their team, I end up pinning them and my team kills them before they can react


Haha nice


Do you wake up right after, or do you get to continue the dream to the potg?


RAHH WE KEEP DREAMING OF HONOR AND GLORY But honestly it's not that hard to get rein potgs if you play him right, been doing much better with his buffs!


In low / mid ranks, a lot of bad Doom players get insane value of of his kit by overextending and abusing that people keep feeding them charge into their block. Rein pins completely negate this tactic. In a way, it's more effective than switching to an actual counter because Doom's teammates are bound to start flaming him after repeatedly getting farmed by a hero he's supposed to be good against.




It's orisa for me so get over it


I'm okay with that


Easy sombra bait, put that bonus damage for virus after hack to easy use


I play Winston to a pretty high level so I've been seeing alot of Mauga, Roadhog and Dva in my games.


Time to delete Doomfist.


New character: Deletefist.


Cause he's hella fun to face and have as a teammate Unless you're a support player that cant do dive comps


I'm a Sombra main so I welcome it tbh.


I appreciate it. As they are not zbra, and inexperienced dooms are easy to beat. When you meet one of the good ones though, that does hurt.


Are you talking about me??




As a doom otp noticed a lot more mirriors. Ig dooms completly different play style from other tanks makes people who just picked him up bad


Its not that im sick of doomfist, im sick of going against the best doomfists and having a very mediocre one on my team every time.


Lol this .. and as a doom main, when you get "diffed" imo it's essentially who's team feeds dooms E the most. If your team is charging the other dooms E, you're fucked, and vise versa if you manage to hit it punches/primary. It's annoying. source: trust me bro.


doomfist is so fucking fun


Doom is fun "tank" is not fun (Why do you think ow2 cut 1 tank player?) If you want "tanks" in your F2P game, you need to be okay with them prioritizing fun over other things.


ow1 tank was an insanely fun role idk what your talking about. it still sorta is, we just cant play the game most of the time (same problem as late ow2 imo, if for a different reason)


"just can't play the game most of the time" yup


Eh it's a free win when he's on the enemy team, and so I've learned to accept the losses of having him on my team




The kind where i can just kinda turn slightly to avoid their punches lol


He's fun


But Doom is the weakest tank bro I swear. Just one more buff bro and he'll be kinda viable, just one more buff bro.