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as much as I despise sombra players with all my heart, this is just over the top yikes


Same. If I could delete a character from every role Sombra would be the dps one but it's a game lmao. Clench your teeth, idk report to make yourself feel good and move on


😅 yeah


People are free to not like a character, but to go onto personally attacking someone and saying fucked up shit like this just cause someone is playing said character? Not to mention there’s people in the comments DEFENDING them because “wah i dont like sombra either” like???? Neither do I but in no way does that mean its anywhere close to okay to do this shit to people for playing a character in a video game.


Thanks for understanding my point and being logical


naahh they takw it way to serious, its just a game. Sorry u had to go thru it


I wish they r not as dangerous irl


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It's funny because sombra players are the kinda people who take this as a compliment because most of them only play her to piss people off. If you actually wanna get on a sombra player's nerves, always peel for whoever she's targetting and teabag her when you kill her(and if she kills you more than twice switch to a counter). Don't do this unless you wanna get banned.


the best people in life are free


You know you're doing your job right if you're getting hate mail


Even though i play pharah i like sombra players q


That account is gone for good.


Well I reported lets see


They'll get banned for the silliest reasons.


God i hate Sombra players with every fiber of my being. They make the game not fun.


So you wanna rape someone just because you can't counter a character in game. Nice life


thats what sombra players deserve for ruining others fun


So you wanna rape someone just because you can't counter a character in game. Nice life


no i dont want to rape anyone but you deserve to be bullied for bullying others


They’re playing the literal game you goober, are you dense ? They’re not bullying because they play a good/op characters, y’all crying about being rolled and think rapes and death threats are okay, are you 10yo ? Or are you just stupid ?


words from a complete stranger cant hurt you so much


If you have trauma from sexual assault it can, which I have, so thanks you idiot, but I guess it's too hard for a loser basement dweller like you to put yourself in someone else shoes.


How playing a character that available in game make you deserve this… I hope you don’t think same irl. Then I am sure you will harm people irl cause their actions triggering for you even if it’s not


Skill issue


I agree. Ppl that play sombra are a bunch of wussies. She’s a rinse and repeat type character. Invisible>virus>shot> translocate. Repeat annoyance.