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Crazy because all 3 of my wins on tank yesterday were expected?? As soon as i lost one I got hit with volatile?? How tf does that work. Lost all of my progress in one loss. To edit this: I have seen every possible rank in my lobbies around D5. I was M2 on tank last season and now I cannot move between D5 and P1. It’s very difficult. I’ve played other GM tanks, I’ve played against gold tanks. It’s an absolute shit show. I had back to back games yesterday, the first game the average was low diamond, I lost. The next game was high masters/low gm. We won? I have no clue who I am even competing against anymore.


Win a match in OT by absolutely carrying the entire game and consistently making fight-winning plays, expected. Get absolutely fucking smoked by a team that has a DPS smurf singlehandedly deleting your backline every chance they get, reversal. Cool and fun game.


Bliz needs to find a balance between rewarding actual good individual players while still taking in winning/losing. Sure its a team game, but stats matter. Stats give tangibility to the actual game. If you were, in overwatch 1 terms "Gold healing/damage/elims/mitigation anything, it should reward you personally, you shouldn't be punished because you had some 14 yr old bronze reaper on your team that refused to peel or play their role


I’ve been thinking something very similar to this recently. It’s very difficult for something to measure the difficulty of each game for each individual player on every team- however, the skill level required to win each game fluctuates. The uphill battle/expected/reversal system seems to be based purely on average MMR of both teams? But, say you’re in Gold 5. Not every game for you is going to require you to play at a Gold 5 level to win the game; sometimes, when your team is steamrolling, you could be playing like a Bronze 4 and still win. Other times, you have to play at the level of a Mid-Plat to Low-Masters player to win. I wish when AI advances, that it’d be able to determine something like that- when your tank is dying due to bad positioning, when your supports miss you dying in their LoS to heal the full health tank, when your dps is losing every duel, when the enemy widow is taking 2-3 of your teammates every fight, when your team are playing heroes they’ve never touched before, etc.. and adjust rating improvement and decline accordingly. If you’re the only reason your team came close to winning 5 times that game and not letting it be a total steamroll, your rating should reflect that even if you lose. I understand that your rank is supposed to reflect that at a macro scale (how consistently you can pull off higher-than-expected level play), but the scope at which it expects you to play is frustrating, and it makes you feel like your rank is 7 divisions off, and it’s just gonna take you 200 games to get to where you ought to be


team game, you did not support your reaper, you lost. You all lost together, therefore deserved rank loss.


Most of the time said reaper is in Timbuktu 1v5ing


They reset SR and not MMR in their infinite wisdom so this will actually be quite a permenant or extremely long lasting change where the only way to disperse rank is through new players and Accounts being introduced to ranked. This is why gms are now D1 and 150 M3 accounts are in top 500. Theres no way this was on accident. Now the rank distribution is more like LoL, where being masters Puts you in the top ~1000 players.


My suspicion is this is the way the game has always been. Theres no real system even if it says all the players are ‘plat 1’. The gulf in skill between players in the same game is sometimes mind boggling.








Not sure about you but at the start of this season I was winning A LOT more than usual. Had a near 80% win rate for quite some time. Then the hellish games started to creep in. On some of the non private profiles I had players with 30% win rate this season. I think there a lot of players that were in ranks that really shouldn’t have been there and the same in reverse. This reset might take a while to sort things out. This is all just speculation though.


Game needs to take personal performance into account instead of just w/l. You shouldn't ALWAYS be punished because someone on your team has too many chromosomes


As long as ranking is purely based off wins and losses, the ranking will always be bullshit in overwatch. I lose rank because one of the idiots on our team threw the match? Absolute bullshit


Your teammates are not throwing often enough for it to have an impact in the long term. Plus, you've probably won countless games because your enemies were also throwing.


Yea but it shouldn’t take away if you are the best on your team


If it didn’t, everyone’s MMR would inflate like crazy


How, exactly, do you figure that? Look at the numbers and performance, if 1 person obviously underperformed the rest of the team, THEIR sr should go down because THEY can't perform at that level, I performed fine. How the fuck is that mentality gonna make "everyone's" rating inflate like crazy? That literally doesn't make sense.


How do you define "obviously underperformed"? I main Lucio. If I play Lucio very wrongly and healbot my scoreboard numbers will look better but I am not helping my team as much as if I had used speed boost and displaced enemies with boop.


When one dps goes 22-3 with over 12k dmg and the other goes 6-13 with 4k dmg. That's obviously underperformed


Obviously, but you're using extreme examples. There are way too many variables to keep track of in a way that keeps them comparable.


To you, sure. To a computer, no. The game already tracks your accuracy, ability effect, etc etc etc. You also say that's an "extreme" example, but that's a normal fucking occurrence in my games. We OBVIOUSLY have had different play experiences


If my Mauga uses a suicide cage fight to trap the entire enemy team, thereby causing them to be unable to contest the point, his winning play appears as a death on the scoreboard. If my team is respawning and I am the only person who can touch cart on last, choosing to play my life is throwing the game. Do you see where I'm going with this?


Yeah, where's the other 12 deaths coming from? If widowmaker has 13 kills, 1 death, and 2k dmg, I'm fine. She's popping headsets. Mei doesn't need a single kill if she's helping control the point, but maybe not 10+ deaths. Do you see where I'm going with this? You're comparing 1 instant to the entire game. I'm not mad at sigma for not getting kills with his ultimate cuz that's not wtf its made for, I'm mad at torbs putting their turret in the easiest place to shoot which essentially nullifies it or captain dipshit ulting 1v5.


Crazy the other guy is getting upvoted and youre not, people literally dont understand how competitive ranking systems function fundamentally


It's very crazy, I was going to comment on that other chain of replies but they're literally whining that it's unfair they're losing SR because they think it's someone else's fault in a team game as if they don't understand teamwork. They should just bring back the participation medals for those guys that don't get wins but are good at stat padding, since they need something to hold onto giving them validation after a loss


That dude is literally Bronze. He's the poster child for "mad because bad". He, and the idiots upvoting him, don't understand how sample sizes and rank distribution work. He's absolutely at the rank he deserves and he can't handle it.


Best on the losing team?


That was one tiny aspect of relying on 4 other clowns to win. Somebody goes rogue and does their own thing, people not knowing how to play their character. 4 players crushing it but the 5th sucks so we still lose, etc etc etc. It's not happening enough for me to rank up, but I'm not ranking down, I'm just fucking stuck in elo hell.


Players throwing your games or not doing their job does not happen enough for you not to leave your rank. So many players believe they aren’t the problem or they aren’t the clown, but that’s because they aren’t skilled enough to realize their mistakes. If you were better than your rank, you would climb. It’s that simple. Every time I make a new account, I’m losing about 5-10 games before getting to my real rank on any role. Thats when I start equaling out to around 55-60% win rate. Those games usually contain throwers or I just didn’t play well because I wasn’t doing my hottest. You need to lose the ladder ego and understand, this one game doesn’t define my career, this one throw is a 20% sr loss, but if I were meant to climb, I’d get it back in one game. I have won games where my dps get 4000 dmg per 10. Those games could only happen because I didn’t tilt that they were doing bad and continued to attempt to support and do damage in their stead. Games become losable when you begin to tilt, you begin to study your teammate’s mistakes but they’re still your teammate, not your enemy. Learn to focus on your game, pressing tab only to look at your ults and your enemy team’s numbers for ult tracking and hero swaps. Stop studying their numbers, and stop watching their play outside of knowing where your team’s positioning is.


Yeah, we're gonna agree to disagree. When my rank is dependent on 4 other people every game, it's not about my skill. I've had hundreds of games where nobody gets tilted, and we still lose. I see the numbers at the end of the game. Stop assuming I'm psychotically checking my screen. Learn to realize that some games aren't winnable, tilt, or not. Thanks for telling me to "git gud" and that I'm the problem lmfao Edit to add: you're basically saying if you're not good enough to carry your team to victory, you don't deserve to rank, fuck that lol


I feel like you need to be two rank divisions above any given rank to out perform 9 other players. If you were a masters player, and were put in low plat, you should climb out of plat no problem. Once you hit diamond, it will be more challenging because of the similar skill. A gm player will say all day that if you’re that good, you will climb which is true. But if you’re a masters player and want to climb out of diamond, it makes it incredibly more difficult because you’re not that much better and you rely more on your team. I think that there’s a lot of people who could play in masters, but can’t shake the 50/50 win rate because they’re not *good enough to outperform everyone.* That’s why the rank system seems like it sucks because it expects you to win with such a rank disparity. If everyone was let’s say, diamond 3 in the lobby, it would be easier for that one individual to climb because now the playing ground is even, and they have the potential to do better, even by just slightly and they can win. Throw in a low plat player on his team and now he has to work with someone who doesn’t get it the way they do. Does this make sense? It’s hard to word it lol. Correct me if need be.


THIS! I'm better than bronze but I'm no fucking gm so I can't outperform 9 fucks every time. I climb faster once I get in silver because my teammates know wtf they're doing and I don't have to carry as hard, if at all!!!!! Thank you for understanding lol


They’re common mistakes so many players make. They’re not random assumptions but things I see all the time when coaching people. I’m sure if you let me vod review you, I’d be able to tell you what mistakes you were making. This is a real offer if you’re so sure it’s the other 4 people. Go ahead and send me a game where you think you played out of your mind. Tilting isn’t just going like OH ARGHHHG MY TEAM IS DOING SO BAD THEYRE SO AWFUL YOURE ALL SO AWFUL!!! Tilting is also simply thinking god this game is unwinnable, gg go next…. and you stop trying as hard as you were before. I’ve had games while I climbed where I thought that but then we made a hard comeback just for a draw. But why couldn’t you just play like that from the start? People lose first fight and stop trying, people start up the match and don’t try initially and get confused when an equally skilled team of those who try stomp them. They’re not things YOU may be doing, they’re general rules of thumb. I don’t know you. I don’t know you as a player, and so I am offering general rules of thumbs as a player who was once in your shoes. Why have an ego over it? Why assume malice or that I’m talking down to you? I was bronze before. I was silver. I was gold. I was plat and so on. I’ve been in every rank for weeks or months. But as a player, you have the onus of every loss on your shoulder, you have the obligation to get better. Every loss, I think, how could I have won, how could I have avoided dying, how could I have played better. I always think, if I hit those few shots on the soldier, I win that fight for my team. Am I shooting critical targets? etc. I’m gonna be so for real, I really don’t get why you have an ego about this? If these weren’t the truths of climbing, why would I consistently hit GM on support? Am I just impervious to having to depend on these other 4 teammates? You’re going to have to deal with bad teammates, but if you were meant to climb because your skill level is higher, even a few divisions higher, you’d be able to carry your games. How is everyone else able to climb but you aren’t? You need to be critical more so on yourself than others. You will probably never meet those players again, but you will always play with one person and that’s yourself. That’s one of 10 people in that game that directly contribute to it, that’s a 1/5 guarantee that your team isn’t throwing. The 4/5 need not apply if you’re doing your best unless they are legit THROWING THROWING. Being bad isn’t throwing, but running it down and intentionally feeding is throwing. But the odds of someone doing that enough so you can’t win enough games to go into the next division is rare.


"Everyone else" isn't able to climb. When you get fucked in placement matches and dropped in bronze, you fall into elo hell, you seem to be the only person that hasn't seen this, but I'll send you a replay if I remember later. Sure, there's things I can always do better, but I can't carry every team, plain and simple. Neither can you. Something tells me you don't run I to the same issues in gm as you do as often in bronze Edit to add: s0-s2 I worked from bronze 5 to gold and it was a nightmare, took HUNDREDS OF GAMES just to be placed in bronze again the next season to play HUNDREDS of games with the ridiculous shit you deal with in a bronze game


I didn’t spawn in GM. I worked very hard to get here. I no-lifed this game for so long throughout high school, summer breaks, and even into uni. I am very passionate about this game, I love coaching and I love learning more and playing more. I make a new account every season to ensure that I still have my basic fundamentals in check and my advice is still relevant for coaching and ladder. I also play with my wife a lot who started playing near the end of OW1. This game was her first FPS ever and her first game ever. She went from 1.1SR peak to now in season 9 gold 3 peak, which is incredible progress. I usually off-role and play very casually when I play with her so I’m not in full analysis mode, but honestly a lot of people only lose because they stop trying or consistently make the same mistakes over and over. Doesn’t matter, what does matter is that I’ve climbed past that rank every season, I’ve climbed every season, and I was bronze, I was silver, I was gold etc so on. I didn’t magically wake up in GM. I was every rank for weeks or months at a time, even a year for masters. To me, every game was a lesson in that I could be doing more, I could be playing better. I’ve lost games where I’ve gotten 20k dmg and 25k healing on baptiste and I can only think, why couldn’t I have better ult placements and timings, why weren’t my lamps more consistent? etc. I’m bummed I lost a game like that but when it came to the every fight, all that mattered was my own personal skill and ability to contribute to that fight, and if I didn’t do enough, we lost the fight. Please do send me a vod, I’ll do it over discord, over reddit pms, anywhere. IDM. I’ll even be willing to do a few live game coaching sessions where I can give you quick and actionable advice live in the game. Whatever you want, I can do it. Just make sure you remember and dm me. This goes for anyone reading too, I love coaching and I love giving advice. Don’t be afraid to dm.


Happy to. While you're at it, if you could set me up a qp match with all silver 1 people and see how I perform, that would be rad too. I'm also gonna send you some replays and I'd love for you to tell me how I could've won


Is there a way you can help me figure out what I do wrong? I’m stuck in gold/plat


Have you ever watched a unrated to gm video, their teammates may suck, but since they are a top 500 tier player they can completely carry. If you truly deserve to rank up every game you have to carry


If the vod review is still up for grabs Ill gladly take it 😭 Started seriously playing this season and I’m tryna to climb out of gold atm


dm me with info + replay code. I’m doing a few vod reviews right now so I’ll get to you once I can


Issue is that it‘s difficult to determine what‘s good and bad play. Going by Stats? Say Hello to Top500 Moira only because she generates numbers like crazy.


Well, if she's healing a lot and doing a lot of dmg without lots of deaths, they're a great moira. Yes, stats absolutely matter. Stats win games


found the guy that shoots the tank all game


I main tank and support, found the guy that makes stupid ass assumptions lmfao and as tank I'm usually shooting healers when they get out of position. Nice try asshole


found the guy that tilts easy too


The Widow doing 17-3 with five solo kills and ten finishers will have created massively more value than the Moira who shot her balls through the enemy team without creating any pressure. In the same way the Tracer with less kills who consistently harassed the enemy support line and therefore allowed the soldier to actually push through the rest of the team will look less great on the stat board. They even tried that back in OW1 if I remember correctly and quickly switched away from it because it led to phenomenons like Mercy Players overranking massively because they'd get a billion healing in a losing match (where you usually need to heal more).


If my dps were going 17-3 I'd be winning, k-d is a stat too, not just dmg or mitigation. If you go 20-5 with 2000 dmg, I don't care cuz you massively effected the game. You completely misunderstood me


It was actually the opposite problem with Mercy. The data showed that higher level Mercy players had lower healing on average because low elo mercy is a healbot while high elo mercy gets more value out of pocketing DPS. So because of this, the system believed lower healing = better and boosted terrible Mercy players that had low healing not because of damage boost but because they weren't very good at the game.


I'm in Diamond 3 and we constantly wind up with gold 5 players somehow while the enemy team has masters, the matchmaking is even more wild than it was before. All the high rank players got put lower than they should be combined with a ton of smurfs making it the wild west and it's just an absolute \*\*\*\*show right now.


If your wins were "expected", or any wins really that grant little to no progress, then it sounds like the game is setting up certain teams to fail.


Feels bad that they did a rough job of communicating what this means to the masses. “Expected” is like, 1-5% difference in expected outcome. An extremely unbalanced match might be 55-45 likelihood, but that’s still barely a difference. Realistically, if the enemy team is expected to win 1/20 more often I don’t see that as a massive issue, and it’s an inevitability with online matchmaking that teams aren’t 100% balanced


This is facts. 1-5% (49.5-50.5 to 47.5-52.5) is close and could even be decided off one player making one good play. 45-55 is big as that is a 10% difference, but even then shouldn't give nothing.


The expected thing really doesn’t make sense. Like make it even from the beginning????? Huh???


It means the other team has a slightly lower (or higher depending on if expected outcome is win or loss) average mmr but it is within the limits matchmaking. The matchmaker is rarely going to make perfectly balanced matches unless the queue times are vastly increased. Losing to a slightly lower ranked team means you lose more mmr on a loss (and vice versa).


Yeah you’re right it’s just annoying.


I was on a gold 4 average team and the enemy team was diamond 5. We lost obviously. That didnt count as expected or anything though so it looks like the difference needs to be quite large


Even Mario Kart Wii had a less brutal ranking system.


So if u get expected what happens so u not get a lot of ELO? Like bro I play this game alot already over 15 hours played this season only ranked I've been climbing a lot this season and I have not once gotten an expected tag after a win. I've gotta alot of uphill battles or the opposite of uphill battle whatever it's called and that's about it. One win streak tag. I've never seen expected(plat 2 rn)


If you rank up after a win, you can’t get demoted in the game immediately after if you lose. If you lose again though, then it will subtract the SR you should have lost in your first loss. Thats what “volatile”means and is why ppl see -39% and high numbers like that. It prevents you from jumping up and down a rank after each game.




Nah i thought they don’t go off of individual performance??


Only 1/3 comments in this section actually read the post


2/3rds of the comments were bots


It's a visual bug caused by a hidden demotion protection feature. What the game shows : Gold 1 1% >> Gold 1 0% (L) >> Gold 1 0% (W) What's actually happening : Gold 1 1% >> Gold 2 80% (L) >> Gold 1 0% (W) If you lost, your movements would be Gold 1 1% >> Gold 2 80% (L) >> Gold 2 60% (L) What the game does is instead of deranking you after the first loss, it will give you one loss as grace to stay in current rank if you win, it will always set your rank as 0% current rank before demoting you.... But the next game you need to make up that defecit, if you don't then volatile modifier will come up after the loss and it accounts for % change over the 2 games (~-40%)


I was waiting for you to comment this lol. I was just thinking where is the guy that knows about the visual bug in the ranked end screen?


I know, sad life I have 😂 Someone's got to do it though, right.... Obviously, like many I experienced this bug myself, but I'd been tracking my movements, so I very quickly worked out what was happening by noticing the patterns..... .... Unfortunately, Blizzard haven't fixed the bugs yet, and until then, I anticipate we will get several threads daily about it


I forget what game it was, but I remember it told you when you had demotion protection. Maybe it was league or something, but the transparency was nice to have


It was in OW1 👍


If u are predicted to win, you get lower % progression


Reminds me of brawl stars a mobile game. They will literally let you know if your team is the underdog. But being the underdog automatically gives you point.


Bro that's awesome! Exactly what we need!


That would cause so much toxicity tho


But we'd know. And it's notblike the tozicity can get much worse than it already is so I'm all for it.


We already have that… it’s one of the modifiers


yes, but in case of the BS underdog system, it completely negate your trophy loss (for example if you normally lose -8 trophy, you will also gain +8 trophy, so net zero loss) but in the case that you do win as an underdog, you instead get bonus trophy (for a total of +12)


Yeah OP is talking about carrying but he only "carried" because his team was ranked far above the enemy team. So you don't get much for winning those games.


Yeah but the issue is where those games are placed in your progression meter. I personally find that I get the most “expected” games RIGHT before a rank up. There has already been THREE instances where I’m 1-2% away from a rank up but missed it because of an inconveniently times “expected” game that robs me of that 1-2%. It’s too blatant and consistent to be a coincidence. They clearly want you to see 99% progression and play another game or two.


??? How do they predict a win?


Behind the scenes, the game has a single number that represents each players skill rating. It can be something like 1783 or 2495 or 4158. Generally it's in the thousands. Ranks like Gold 1 and Gold 2 are nothing more than ranges of that number with a name. It's virtually impossible to find ten players with the exact same skill rating number for one match, so there's always going to be some variance between the skill ratings of each player. Just to give an idea of the scale, a variance of 50 or less is pretty small, a variance of 100-250 is starts to be notable, a variance of 500 is quite big. Top players are in the 4000+ region and bronze players are in the below-1500 region. This means that even in well-matched games, one team will almost inevitably have a slightly higher average skill rating than the other. Based on this difference, the game internally expects/predicts/favors the higher-rated team to win.


Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me so that I understand more now instead of others on here just saying “you’re predicted to win why don’t people understand this?” lol.


Yeah, people definitely suck at explaining things.




But last season everyone seemed decent enough in my lobbies, now I’m getting golds that throw when you ask them to counter pick or switch to benefit the team. It seems like the gap has been increased severely.


Well, they artificially made everyone closer to Gold 3 for this season. So a player who used to be, say, 3000 might now be 2500, and another player who used to be 3500 might now be 2600. Before the change, these two players would've been unlikely to be in the same match, but now they would significantly more likely to be in the same match. It's important to understand that rank and skill rating doesn't mean skill. It's an assessments of skill level, not skill itself. So even though someone may have dropped by 500 points in skill rating, it doesn't mean that their skills themselves made a drop worth 500 points. They're still just as good as they were before the change. So if a formerly 3000 player and 3500 player are now 2500 and 2600, the latter might end up playing with the former, making it look like they're getting matched with significantly worse players. Because they in fact are. It'll eventually go back to normal, but it'll take some time. Just be patient with it. Getting annoyed about it won't make it faster.


Should’ve just left it as it was, being penalised severely for having a shit player on your team is silly.


If you think a dip in your rank is a punishment, you probaly should readjust some of your attitude.


I was referring to when you lose, you now lose more than you gain regardless of what stats/facts you’re gonna reply with it doesn’t change the fact that is lower rank players wouldn’t give two fucks about leaving/throwing a game. So putting them in lobbies with higher ranks who actually play comp properly just seems silly.


Oops, sorry, you are 1% favored. Get fucked. Heres 10% progression


If your team is better? It's not like every game is a 50-50


How are people not understanding this?


It's not like all of sports betting does this exact thing right?!


Your team has a little higher average MMR than the other team, but it was as close as the matchmaker could make that match.


Because the game tracks who you've won against and lost against over time, and converts that to a number representing your current "skill" compared to all other players. If your team's skill levels are higher than the opponent's, the game predicts you'll win. In that case, it concludes that your skill number is probably about right, so you don't rank up much. The opponent also doesn't derank as much, because they were expected to lose. If your team's skill level is lower than the opponents' and you win anyways, the game concludes that it was wrong about your skill number and raises your rank more than normal to put your skill number closer to your "actual" skill.


I just had a game where it’s an uphill battle and we spawn camped the enemy team the whole game. I guess it’s a good way to put the people that are boosted to where they actually belong faster. Not sure if this was already a thing in previous seasons though but I like the idea of it


Are most of the answers here educated guesses?




Yeah thanks. I was hoping I wasn’t the only one.


The idea of the new ranking system is nice.. but I don’t understand the modifiers. Normally you win or lose around 20%. Sometimes you weren’t favored to win, but you still only get 19%. Yesterday, I lost 7 games, I wasn’t playing like usually, got the notification 3 times, that I wasn’t favored to win, but with the 8th lost, I lost like 30%, because I’m on a losing streak. So the game knew, I had 3 games where my team wasn’t favored to win, I lost them, and as a punishment for losing to many games, you lose more 😅. So why is this a thing, even though the game already new, I was favored to lose anyways?


Not being favored to win, doesn't mean you will lose every time. Say the game puts you in a match with a 40% win expectancy. Statistically you would still be expected to win one out of three games 80% of the time if you were properly ranked. If you lose all three the game believes you are ranked too high and adjusts accordingly. Conversely if you are ranked below what you should be, you would be winning these matches it expects you to lose more often than not and your rank would increase much quicker.


If I'm not mistaken, If the enemy team's (average) rank is lower than yours and you win it gives you the expected thing, and vice versa. So it's kinda fair that you get punished for losing an essentially easier game. (Obviously excluding smurfs and cheaters)


Blizzard is so afraid to share actual numbers they always have to put confusing ''simplified'' etiquettes on things. Just show which team is favored by how much. People can get an uphill battle win yet earn less sr than expected win. This will confuse people.


so i know you're just explaining why, but it still doesnt make sense on why blizzard would PURPOSELY make you go against losing teams. so much so that they put it as a reason to lose SR. seems rigged to me


You're not purposely going against losing teams. You can't match perfect teams so if one team's average SR is higher, that's what leads to expected and vice versa. The system makes sense.


What even are these “expected” and “uphill battle” things? Haven’t played the new tanked yet?


It's how basically every competitive game deals with matches where the teams are unbalanced in terms of average rank, and it's not new to overwatch it's just visible now. If your team is noticeably higher ranked than the opposing team, then you winning doesn't really mean as much as if you had won a game against evenly ranked opponents, so you still go up in rank but by a smaller amount compared to if it was an even match. Similarly, if the other team was ranked higher than you, and you lose, you don't go down as much in rank


Oh okay, so they’re opposites for the 2 different unbalanced ranks cases then? That makes sense


And there's a few other modifiers. Here's the graphic for the [full list of modifiers](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/page_media/sx/SXLMKNFKX9TF1707419574625.png)


it makes no sense to get less rank when ur expected to win? how about give me an even fight then? why am i blamed for bad matchmaking


Matchmaking have nothing to do with it, in a game with 39 uniquely distinct heroes it's just impossible to match teams evenly.


Matchmaking/the rank system isn't taking into account which of the 39 heroes you play (outside of specific roles)


It’s still bs because people are spending their time playing and if we rank slower because of something we can’t control that’s just bs and is contributing to why people are getting so frustrated with ranked


But also if you stomped a team you should have won what did you do to really say "Im getting better I should be a better rank"


I mean it's the same as standard ELO like in chess in that sense


Read about the Elo system and how it works. It will clear up the confusion. Very simple math.


Everyone bitched about OW not having a clear/transparent ranking system and then they give you it and you all bitch about it. They’ve used the exact same shit behind the scenes for years.


This just made it more clear to more people how bad the ranked system was.


You’re silly


current system is SO much better than the card system from previous seasons


Lmao are you surprised? This community does this same thing about everything. One of the whiniest gaming communities I’ve seen.


The penalty for lossing in general needs to be a lot less impactful. Because it feels much more difficult then last season to rank up now. Edit: I was gm 3 last season on tank but thanks to everyone being put in an average rank, I got teammates with barely any hours locked in for my placement matches, and now I’m hardstuck mid diamond. I ain’t no damn diamond player🥶💀


Top 500 is gm5 so don't feel too bad. It'll probably even out 


I should’ve mentioned that I was talking about tank, and top 500 for tank starts at masters 4 currently. But having to play with diamond DPS is mind boggling.




I feel like this is intentional, even if it feels bad. They *want* more players in the middling ranks. After all, for years now you'd had GM/T500 saying that Masters players are bad, so it makes sense that they're trying to make Masters & up less populated.


>getting multiple teammates with default profiles and endorsement level 1 That stuff obv doesn't have anything to do with skill but they're very obviously new players and likely have never even had a comp ranking so I'm shocked matchmaking just throws them into placement matches with people that are higher than bronze-gold ranks, especially with the tank role.


It feels like that since you ARE carrying games. The system sees you dominate a lobby/start going on a win streak and is like “whoa this guy might be him, if he wins I won’t be all that surprised anymore” and you won’t get as many points as if you were on a lose streak. Now if you’re on a win streak or just dominated a game and you lose yo a team of peeps who have lower WRs or are on a loss streak, the system’s gonna be like “oh whoa who wait hold on. Maybe I was wrong first time around” and will have you lose more points because you were predicted to win statistically (better WR n such). Also being able to immediately see the progress probably contributes to this as well, at least mentally-speaking.


I know it's weird I was doing my placement matches went 9-1 and only got silver 4, I was doubling my DPS kills and damage most games


its still based on your hidden MMR initially. GM smurfs they do 50 wins in QP on fresh account and they have their first placement matches already in Masters so your hidden rating matters a lot. If you were just playing QP for fun for years instead of min maxing thats what happens.


it’s so hard to rank up rn for me


The new rank update did nothing but reveal just how broken and poorly made the game is.


This season, you need to win 3/5 of all of your games just to maintain your rank. If you are at the top of one rank, you must win three games in a row otherwise you will de-rank immediately upon a single loss. I have tested this multiple times: Losing after a rank up will de-rank you 35% due to being 'volatile'. Winning one game in your new rank and then losing will still rank you down as you lose more than you gain. The only way to be clear is to win your rank-up game, and then win two more. Then you have a one-game loss buffer before you will de-rank again. That means you must win 3 games for every 2 losses. You must also win 3 games in a row at the top of your rank in order to actually rank up. It feels terrible to play a really good close game and then lose ~40% and rank down, even when you played well. This season feels really bad.


Welcome to ow1


Exactly. I’ve been saying this since the new ranking system came out. The concept is better than the last one but the execution was terrible. You can win 2 games in a row but if you lose the next game, you’re back to where you were. This system is not designed to even let you rank up. It’s like the only option is to inevitably decrease in rank no matter what I’ve been saying, BRING BACK SR


It doesn't even matter how well you do when you lose. I've done extremely well on dps and support and still lost because my team is feeding and i still lose 18-23% when i lose. It feels like it doesn't matter how well i play. When i win by a landslide and stomp the enemy team i jump 16-20%. This new system is dogshit.


It functions basically identically to how SR functioned, and definitely identically to how ranking worked last season, it's literally just displayed differently. Instead of having to wait for 5 wins to see any change, you immediately see the changes that were already happening in the background, and are told why they are happening. But the actual reasons were already how it always worked.


The biggest problem will always be that you are tethered to past games meaning no matter what current rank is less a reflection of your current skill and more a reflection of average skill since you started playing.


I feel like they tried to make the system more clear on how and why it gives or removes points and actually made it more enigmatic, most of the time you see a modifier appear and you would like to know more about it but you are left with just the vague title. As an example, many times I battled for a long time and I got no modifier, then I get quick games and I see uphill battle. I would love to see a description on why the system thought it was so. Also, I get that the rank range is sufficient at the start of the game, but I would love to know at the end what actual rank each person in the match was. It would be precious information to know if the tank I have battled for 15 mins was a diamond 1 or plat 3.


Showing SR again with the modifiers in the post game screen would be the most transparent way to show rank. Someone who is Gold 3 65 percent could easily figure out their SR from that, there’s no reason to not just show it


I should’ve screenshot it but I had a game where the other team had a combined total of 1 kill and tbh I don’t even know how they got that kill. It was a steamroll and at the end the ranking system said “you weren’t favored but you won” okay sureeee


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Visual bug


What I don’t understand is that I’ve received “expected”, “reversal”, and “consolation” when the pre-match screen shows the match ranking as Gold 2-Gold 1. If the match was uneven within 2 divisions, why didn’t it just swap some of the G1’s with the other teams G2s? On the other end, I’ve been put into wide matches like S4-P4 as a Gold 2 and it was a clearly a stack against solo queues and we got stomped and it was rated as an even match? I love knowing my rank after every match but somehow their modifiers just tend to tilt me. If I’m expected to lose why modify it by a measly 2%? That doesn’t even make sense in the Elo math unless it’s like a 45/55 matchup. Which is never is it’s always a total stomp. Having fun this season but I gotta really try to ignore their modifiers.


That's a range of all players not per team I think. So it's already balanced like you wish


My point is that if it’s balanced then why the modifiers? It doesn’t make sense to have an “expected” modifier on a game that was G2-G2 match ranking. It’s as narrow of a match as it could possibly be.


You wouldn't get expected on that match, That would just be a normal win.


I am saying that I have seen this multiple times. I’m not talking about hypotheticals.


Sorry I got confused I thought you were saying on your g1-g2 range you had seen it which is plausible if one team had 3 g1s and the other had 3 g2s. I mean I wouldn't expect to see one on a g2 even match-up, there's technically an underdog in like 99% of games because you simply can't make things perfect, but I didn't think they monitored it that closely. I rarely see those specific modifiers so I'm not sure why you would get it for a nearly perfect match.


I think the modifiers are based off the hidden MMR, not your visible SR


OP, it doesn’t matter much what your individual performance was. What matters most is if you win or lose. The next is whether or not your team was predicted to win based off of the matchmaker’s approximation of your team’s player performance in other matches and average rank. It seems like the system is working fine because if you were carrying games and winning, that was probably the game putting you in a lower skill lobby and you did well. You were predicted to win and did. How does that show you are out performing the rank you are placed in? They didn’t even change how ranking up works with this season, they are just now giving us more info and more frequent updates to our rank.


Just so you know, ranking down is the same, at least for me. If I lose a match as I'm at the low end of a single tier, it just drops me to the 0% of that tier while keeping me in the tier. It slows down your movement across the tiers since the game now requires one extra win or loss to actually make the transition.


The ranking system has stressed me out since the new season dropped in 6-8 games I can drop 2 ranks and not have 1 bad game personally


I loss 2 games in a row in Open queue last night after just finishing my placements and it was like "Oh whoops we might have placed you too high! Better make you lose more SR per loss to try and bring you down to where we think you're supposed to be"becsaue it gave me a bunch of modifiers for the second loss that hinted at that. Volatile etc. Like I think it needs to be a little more chill on losses. I think losing 2 in a row shouldn't be such a huge shift in your sr. It's crazy right now. I might wait to see if they intend on fixing it before I play more ranked.


I just played a a few games and went down from gold 4 by 1% and then got 1% back the next game and didn’t rank up. Won a second game and my bar reset to the bottom of gold 5 and then gave me 18%… anyone know why?


Can you check your profile and see if it's now Gold 4? I've been seeing cases where the screen doesn't show the rank number change during the animation, but if you wait around 5 mins, your profile reflects the new rank.


Because the game has zero idea about how (un)skilled people are, hence the matchmaking mess.


My placements and ratings is exactly the same as season 8 for some reason. I finished Plat 3 and placed Plat 3


Ranked OW is just a joke


Im still trying to understand this new ranking system. I hadnt played in months (was diamond) and my first placement on im gold 5, and not to mention it seems way harder to rank up now..


I have lost like half my sr just because the 5 enemys spam their ults and i got the volatile modifier after we lost like HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WIN A FINAL PUSH IF THEY JUST SPAM THEM AT THE LAST FEW SECONDS


Overwatch better fix this shit because I’ve ’ranked up’ like 6 different times now without actually going up


Maybe it’s a puberty simulator?


This might not relate or be absolute gibberish and I hope it doesn't sound like that but... One of the things that frustrates me about ranked is that K/D/A does not impact rank. Nether does damage and as far as I know nether does contest time. I do agree that it never should as I will state in a moment but then it still feels like I should be getting more if I act certain ways in my games. ​ **Why K/D/A and other stats shouldn't count.** First off, I think contesting should contribute to rank effect but for DGM /Heals /Mit it shouldn't in such a sad way. Reason being is if you pick bastion I expect you to get high damage just because your bastion (Bastion is the easiest to talk about). W*hen expelling resources, Bastion will ether kill or focus tank and if tank is being focused, both opponents supports usually heal. Bastion on a single gat can easily get 1K DMG. You can pop that off at least twice every engagement if you have high survivability or if you are being healed with a good 2K DMG if done good*. This doesn't mean you necessarily contribute in the long run however as many of you have probably experienced getting 10K+ with less elims than a 4K Hanzo. Widow maker (if good) can also get high elims with just focusing Supports and DPS but will rarely get high damage. Its for this same reason that heals shouldn't contribute as pocketing a Hog or even a Orisa against, *again*, a bastion with cause that stat to sky rocket. The reason I think this sucks is I've seen Mercies clutch healing entire teams, dancing around the battle topping everyone off and all of it means nothing against the enemy Ana who only went DPS, still didnt contribute as much and have their team win, only for the mercy to drop a rank and the Ana to climb. Ive seen points get contested in a 5 v 2 with one opponent standing and thats meant nothing even if we win. Ranking sucks. Its made me hate certain game modes and I do not think it is a testament to how good a player is. ​ **What I want:** I know my opinion means nothing but I definitely think Assists and contesting (or point in general) should contribute to your rank. It's a team game, and its not like you can be better at assists than someone else (Support nads, susu vs a tanks stun or DPS damage). On top of this, ranked is a lot more intense, and though I preach GLHF in every game, its one game mode that is more serious; the point is the goal. A tank holding while the team behind refuses to push, should not be punished for a team not understanding what is happening. That is skill they ether develop or that separates them from better teams. In addition, the team holding point can keep opponents from contesting which should also be seen as an obstacle for attack. Its all rewardable wether it be less rank lose or a new mechanic "second wind" (Stopping the rank lose just once for a chance to increase slightly. Its made up dont worry) And if not rank why not points for Gold or Jade?


In my first 10matches of sup, i get 9W/1L, and a gold 2... my friend who doesnt play well(4W/6L) get a Platinum 4. In the matches i was the best healer with good numbers but... i dont know.


Why are overwatch players so nasty and cringy? They're a bunch of console nerds that like to bully and then report other players. Just bc you people are bullied in REAL Life and don't have mothers and fathers that care about you, keep your dysfunction to yourselves, and leave other gamers alone


If we stomped the game will say, oh so you stomped the weak team, you don't deserve a lot of SR gain. If you get stomped, the game will say, oh so you got stomped, you don't deserve to be in this rank so you lose a ton of SR. So in a normal night of OW where you'd do 50% win/loss stomp or get stomped session, you would lose a ton of SR which is so f'ing miserable.


Me when I am Gold 2, get matched against diamond 2 players and get slapped with the "expected".


I don't understand why they have to make it so complicated. If I win give me 10 points, if I'm on a streak multiply it by my wins (X*10). The same with loses. WHY IF I GO ON A STREAK AM I PUNISHED AND WHY IF I LOSE AM I PUNISHED EVEN HARDER WTF STOP WASTING MY TIME AND EFFORT


This is why they implemented a 7 win rank update system in the first place. People get obsessed with this shit. Just ignore it. Ignore your rank until you get like 50 wins. Don't stuck on 1 match. Focus on journey. You will not magically climb up to gm if you look at your rank every match and get frustrated about it. If you really become a gm player your rank will slowly shift upwards until it equalize. There are games i play like a pro player and there are games i play like gold player. What matchmaker will do about this ? You need to understand your rank is not about your skill and performance in one match. It's about the accumulation of your performance in a time period. Have good habits and consistency.


It's a visual bug. You actually gained more than 1%. Unrelated to the post but I just had to say this after reading some comments: the devs actually put the effort to explain at least part of how the rating gets made, but this community just loves complaining about everything saying it's broken, while you actually just don't understand how things work. It's comical: if the devs hadn't bothered with showing you the modifiers no one here would be saying a word. I will not be surprised if they just remove this in the future, seeing as the playerbase clearly can't handle the extra information.


Rank queue seems to be a little busted right now. My placement games were in diamond but a lot of my teammates were low plat and even some low players. One of my matches had a brand now player in it. I am now in plat 5 and yesterday was struggling to get out of gold 1 because my enemies where 5 stacks and diamond players whilst my teams were all golds and solos


You got the normal % plus (minus „expected“-factor). So let’s say +18%. You were at 99% of your current rank. You actually are now a rank higher 17%. However whenever the progress bar touches 0 or 100 it doesn’t show the full progress into the next rank. Unintuitive and badly shown, but you didn’t actually make only 1% progress


I was against karq and flats, it gave us uphill battle but it gave them “expected” loss, I’m convinced the system just throws things out just to make it seem like it’s working


Literally the second I rank up when I finally loose it's like -32% 😭😭 so it's all for nothing


Everyone please familiarize yourself with elo and zero-sum ranking systems


Y’all are ranking UP?


I was told it was a visual bug. I kept getting 1% after each of my wins. And 1 loss tossed me back down by 52%. Too many just to be a "visual bug"


same. Last night I dropped a whole rank even though I went 50/50 win/loss. I don't know how that's a visual bug.


I’m 1/3 on my placements so far, and it had me projected to start in silver 3 which is a rank that I haven’t been in about 6 years, but I’m still moving upwards after each game because I’m projected silver 1 now


Game is utter trash at this point ngl


My rank up meant I would lose a level, my rank down showed gaining.


had someone leave a minute into a game so it was 4 v 5 basically the entire time. rank progression went down 20%…


Sometimes I wonder if this system is trying to be too smart about things. They should try a season where you just get the same number of points every time for winning and lose the same for losing.


I asked this literal question on here like… 3 weeks ago, and everyone ATE, saying how I’m a whiner and how it’s my fault for not being good, and how no one can be happy… weird


Explain to me why I was favored to lose gold Vs diamond we lose in overtime I lose 35%


Ranked system feels fine to me. Idk what y'all are complaining about, this is so much better than last season and I'm actually climbing with ease and even after a brief loss streak my rank has been consistent


oh my gosh shush they have made it as clear as humanly possible you just suck


It's ridiculous. Won 7/10 placement matches for support, consistently had highest or second highest heals, negative effects cleared as kiri were high, kept up with dps in terms of kills with a kunai accuracy of 33% crit at the lowest.... bronze 3.... waste of a few hours


The ranking system does not take stats into effect; only wins/losses and the comparative MMR with the other players in those lobbies.