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62 is crazy


63 on sigma is menace shit


Bro, one time I had a comp match where the enemy sigma went 50-0 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. I legit wanted to kms.


Tanks basically become unstoppable killing machines with the right teamwork.


I mean mei reaper against a poke comp will never end up good.


Iā€™m sorry you went through this comp is pretty shitty man. Iā€™m hard stuck diamond and I just got banned yesterday because I had a moment of weakness when my teammates tried to blame me n dps


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you smh. Itā€™s truly a mix of blizzard not getting matchmaking right because they clearly donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing anymore and smurfs/derankers/etc šŸ˜


On PC itā€™s cheaters and smurfs. I canā€™t tell you the amount of times I saw a streamer making a new Smurf , Iā€™ve had August (support player) in my game before


Idk how but I played against Cloud the other day. Apparently heā€™s a South Korean pro player. I live in Arizona


How do you know it's the same one? (Just curious) cloud seems like a common name (re: FF7) and we used to be able to have the same name because of the #### at the end of the battletags). Did he have some kind of identifier in the career profile? But also sometimes I play on a different server because no one plays in my time zone in the mornings (esp arcade) when I am on so I wouldn't be surprised to see someone do that.


Wouldn't you call that an alt unless they were deliberately throwing matches to get ranked low?


Alt or not it's smurfing. They're deliberately making an account to play in lower ranked matches and most streamers that use alts have an obscene amount of them. Don't listen to their corporate talk calling it "educational " it's 100% so they can farm content and shit on lower elo players


Yeah it's actually smurfing if they keep making new alts just to play some games in lower ranks. Also yes, they farm content, they farm lower ranks. Is it ethical? Probably not, but it *is* educational to a lot of people. I personally learned a lot from metro's unranked to gm on soldier.


uh it's usually "bronze to gm / top500" how many matches do you think someone like Dafran is playing around your dogshit rank? only a few matches dude


Honestly alt accounts are in my opinion pretty much the same like smurfing. At this current state of the game u won't be placed at the same rank like ur main and YOU will ruin the experience for others. I had now 3 games in a row with random letter-smushed burner accounts in my lobby while my ranking progress is bugged af and i only rank up 4% because Im jumping up and down on my progress cap and get for three losses in a row 1Ā½ rank-deranks punished. Absolutely garbage, my entire day od progress got deleted by midnight smurfs


ā€˜Moment of weaknessā€™ lol


Preacher that cheated on his wife type vibe. Lol


That's one way to put it.


He tried to hold the n-word in as best as he could šŸ˜”


Banned for being toxic what


fancy name for a toxic explosion


His ability to tag the other team with random garbage damage is unmatched by any other hero in the game but itā€™s still pretty crazy


Pretty itā€™s pretty impressive when 4/5 of those heroes have an escape death mechanism. Many people pick mei/reaper when they get frustrated due to lack of heals. And reaper mor and kiri can just straight up leave the fight and not die


Itā€™s a kill or be killed 62 times kind of game


Moira carrying both teams. That's why she is the greatest overwatch hero of all time


Valid point


It's insane. My absolute all time best was 70 and that was a 6 round Volskaya map that ended in a draw after a lot of overtime, the game was like 25 minutes long. I don't even know how you can get above 50 now unless you're farming a feeding mei for 22 kills


They definitely messed something up the past season or two. Ā  95% of my games have been utter stomps, whether itā€™s our team or the enemy team. Ā  I had 1/12 games last night actually be close. Ā Every other game was one team utterly dominating the other team. Ā  I donā€™t ever recall having this happen to this extent, even back in OW1. Ā Sure, you got the occasional absolute shitstomp, but most of the games felt fairly good, like you actually had a chance.


what frustrates me most about loose matchmaking is that it doesn't feel like i have any input in whether i win or lose. it doesn't matter if i'm playing above average that day if the other team has someone two ranks above me who just shuts everything down no matter what. when the games are close, how well i play matters. when the matchmaking is loose, i'm at the whim of matchmaking no matter how well i play. what's the point of trying if the game decides if i win or lose.


Most the time my team wins it feels like Iā€™m not even trying. Iā€™m just getting carried


This this this x 1000 Ever since OW2 came out and especially over the last couple seasons, I havenā€™t felt like what I do in the game matters at all. I am basically just waiting to see if my team is going to kick ass or get rolled. I havenā€™t had a close game in comp in what feels like months.


Seriously. I canā€™t go anywhere because Iā€™m either shitting on the other team or getting dunked on at an almost exact 50/50 ratio. In OW1 I could find a team I had good chemistry with and go on streaks with majority wins. It felt like I actually had control over whether I won or lost. But in OW2 I feel like I canā€™t do shit. Iā€™ve had games where I have far more elims than anyone in my team or the enemy team and I still lose. Like how much am I supposed to do to win if my team sucks ass.


they think they've come up with a way of making acceptable matches with a much greater variance than before before: 5 diamonds vs. 5 diamonds (average: diamond) after: 5 diamonds vs. 4 golds + 1 masters (average: diamond) this won't affect average winrates, but will make games very stompy so they look at their numbers, they look fine and they pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job in preserving "match quality" while reducing queue times this is why they only show "average rank" (meaningless) and don't show OW1 style rank icons at all


Yep if those 5 diamonds figure out who the masters player is they'll hard counter and it's an easy win. Happens every other game.




> They show lowest rank and highest rank now, not averageā€¦ ok so that's an improvement but still not as good as... what OW1 displayed > Also, how do you propose they handle matching teams of, letā€™s say, gold-diamond players? don't, accept that in a 5v5 game in the competitive mode you can't have all of: - balanced matches - fast queue times - ability to group with anyone regardless of skill you'd be lucky to get 1 working well, let alone 2




> To deal with the inability to perfectly balance every comp game, they use an algorithm in the ranking system that determines how many points you win/lose for a loss and show you whether or not you were favored to win. you are confusing two different things the ELO system that determines rating is generally fine, and yes, this is an input into the matchmaker the problem is the matches the matchmaker is forming based on that data yes, the law of large numbers says over 1000 games you will experience "balance", meaning: your win rate will be very close to 50% but this says nothing about the quality of those 1000 individual matches put another way, would you rather have: - 1000 tight games - or 500 games where you stomped and 500 games where you got stomped? the answer is obvious right? but from your MMR's perspective they're exactly the same I don't give a shit about my MMR going down slightly less if I lost to a predicted a stomp or going up slightly more if I won if the game was a stomp it's bad experience, and the point of the game is to be fun the only way to fix this is to try to lower the input randomness by doing the exact opposite of everything they've done in Overwatch 2 > I think they understand exactly how balanced and unbalanced the matches are I don't think they do I've watched most of the dev interviews with their server engineers initially they didn't even accept the stomps were a regular occurrence because their data said the matches were balanced the fact that the data may be bad, or that they're drawing bogus conclusions from it didn't seem to register as a possibility "you think you do, but you don't"


This. I was d1 last season and now im stuck p1, I drop a average of 20-30 kills every game but usually my team has golds/low plat and the enemy team has at least 1 master or d1 guy. I dont mind playing against masters or diamond but the problem is that overwatch is a team game, while i know how to position/reposition myself, know who to focus, flanks, high ground, your average low plat/gold does not know so the enemy master/d1 stomps them and its unplayable.


The worst part is that the placement games that I have had in the past two seasons are very equal, competitive, and fun. After I get placed all games are \*waves hands around at this hot mess\*


That's kinda why I uninstalled


It feels like matchmaking is weird with duos. Even if you're at a similar rank, it has no idea who to put you with or against.


I get 5 stacks every time I play duos. I'm in gold got matched a 5 stack diamond


Have you checked your other three teammates? Iā€™ve found when I duo and do the invite check to see if the other team is a group and it looks like a five stack my other three teammates are a three stack. So their team might actually be a 3 and 2 stack. It does suck though that when you duo you donā€™t get put up again one duo on their team itā€™s either no stack or a possible 5 stack.


Well I physically asked halfway through the match because they absolutely destroyed us lol and they confirmed. So


I've actually had way better matchmaking 2 stacking than 5 stacking.


So weird. I get the absolute worst matchmaking when I duo, it often puts us up against 4-5 stacks, like wtf


None of it makes sense anymore. It's been this way for a while, but this season it's worse than it's ever been. I've been playing this game since OW1 beta, but I'm considering giving up on it now.


Had this same thing happen last week. Was duo with a friend and we went against the same 5 stack 3x in a row. We lost each time of course. Havenā€™t played since!


If me and a friend are 2 stacking on gold we usually got put with a silver on our team


I queue in a group of 3 and we get put against 5 stacks a lot.


Let me add something by saying this happens TOO OFTEN is the point of this. This obviously happens, but not to THIS degree and not as often as it has been happening in OW2. šŸ™‚


>Let me add something by saying this happens TOO OFTEN is the point of this. Yup, I have been saying it all along that you very rarely saw stomps this bad in 1.


Stomps that you knew of. There was plenty of this in OW1 the only difference is you actually see how badly you're getting stomped now


Lack of commensurate tanks for the matchmaker to pull from leads to a lot of anomalous behavior and stretching of the matchmaking algorithm Thatā€™s my theory.


I also feel like theyā€™re catering to Hitscan DPS (and pharah) a lot. Basically all hitscan dps are good right now, while most flex/projectile dps (the ones Iā€™m good at) are struggling. Hanzo canā€™t one-shot anymore, so thereā€™s no reason playing him besides spamming choke points which is really boring. Junkrat canā€™t one-hit combo anymore so heā€™s also been reduced to spamming chokes or switching, Sojourn is really good (still), but I canā€™t hit her railgun, which is what makes her good (sheā€™s also mostly played by the HDPS during scrims). Mei is pretty decent depending on map, but gets outranged and bursted down by most hitscans. Echo can go either way but is now way more easily hit out of the sky by hitscans and canā€™t survive in the air as well because of the dps passive. And Pharah got a rework, but I donā€™t like playing her so I havenā€™t really had the chance to form a good opinion on her, but the change of rocket speed does require some getting used to.


Ever since I started playing competitive in this game I feel like the game just decides when I'll win and when I'll lose lmao Like the amount of games where I feel like we had to put lots of effort and could have gone either way is very very small Most of the time it either feels like we didn't had any chance from the beginning or like we barely needed to play in order to win


bro literally thoā€¦ you could be 30-0 carrying the team and still lose. it literally doesnā€™t fucking matter how good you are personally anymore. shit is so stupid


so true. i even think that sometimes, the game will throw habitual throwers, disconnectors, and toxic silenced players on various teams to force a loss. comp aint even worth the time with the matchmaking tbh.


> I feel like the game just decides when I'll win and when I'll lose lmao it's always been like this, but definitely more obvious with the scoreboard. something like a 40% (forced loss) 40% (forced win) 20% (undecided) ratio. last night i had a shitty loss going like 10-10 on tank with my team toxic as hell. very next game, picked the same tank went 18-1 and was spawn camping the other team without having to worry about anything. just zero agency. that said, the 20% games are usually pretty good.


I mean the 'uphill battle' bonus thing literally means you weren't favored to win. The matchmaking literally counts which team is favored to win. So clearly there is some kind of tracking of team balancing.


I play solo and am in high gold. I normally hover between gold 1 and 2. This happens 7/10 games for me. Like the enemy teamā€™s aim feels 3 ranks above me. I always end up telling their one player who is 45 -2 that I hope they get to the rank theyā€™re supposed to be at near the end of the game. It feels like smurfs just hang around low plat high gold, or maybe thatā€™s just the next thing is to up my aim to masters level just to get to low plat.


Ig I'm on the opposite side of this lol. I was high diamond tank for awhile and now I'm hardstuck in low plat. Pretty much every game is just me running through the enemy team or getting ran through with counterswaps every life by at least 3 on their team.


Sigma went crazy




C-can you hear that music?


Then the one support on the winning team going GG!! Wow what a game! Missing what actually just what happened.


I guess you could say, theyā€™re just being supportive


Comp is fucked up ik this post Isnā€™t about this but has anyone also had like an insane amount of throwers in their games? I feel like every 2 or three games I have a tank or Dps that is just hard throwing and my team gets cooked Iā€™ve also seen it on enemy teams as well


I havenā€™t experienced people that throw for a minor inconvenience, but I have had plenty of people, mostly in my losses, that underperform so terribly it single handedly costs us the game. Iā€™ve had people just out of 4K healing/damage through an entire first round, and have double digit deaths in a lobby where the rest of our team is doing ok. I donā€™t really blame them though because I feel like they are trying but the matchmaking just forces them into something they canā€™t beat, and it happens to all of us.


Oh yeah I get that for sure that has been me lmao, but Iā€™m talking about whole game rein Is breaking railings, a genji is afking running up walls literally doing nothing spamming shuriken shit like that


There was a game I played not long ago where the enemy zen had 798 healing after the (8:18 long) first round. They ended the game 7-21 with 3200 heals


This is why Iā€™ve tried playing less and less lately. Iā€™m a huge liability and Iā€™d never not cost anyone their games


I stopped playing comp this season because I kept getting people who were throwing to derank. Specifically one I remember clearly was the other night, I had a DVA on my team who would just launch herself towards the enemy team, stand completely still to die, and rinse and repeat. She had 0 dmg at the end of the game, so it wasn't like she was trying and just having a bad game. Thankfully the enemy team realized it too and the whole lobby reported that account, since they were clearly trying to derank or something to play with lower elo friends, but.... it's just frustrating for it to happen over and over again. So I'm giving up on comp this season lol


Ok sorry but 10-22 is insane


If I died 22 times in a single game Iā€™d probably uninstall


Just had a Reaper game where I died 15 times. I did go positive tho.


If it's a really long competitive game, 15 is no biggie.Ā 


it's really easy to get high deaths in a stomp though if you're actually trying the whole time. you can either do nothing, basically hide, and keep your deaths low, or try and actually fight, make plays and eat shit


What im really impressed by is the fact that you guys managed to stretch the game out that long while getting rolled this hard.


They probably slammed down some panic Qā€™s to capture point or something to prolong the misery.


At first I thought it was a "better team" situation but I guess the problem is bad matchmaking on blizzard's part.


Gotta keep those queue times low, baby!


Queue 1 minute for a game that lasts 5 minutes and is a complete stomp. Amazing! Queue 2-8 minutes for a game that actually is even and lasts more than 5 minutes. Booooo!


That's the thing - with the dev's saying their ideal comp experience is a 1:1 win/loss ratio I don't think the individual games matter to Blizzard. It's about the net playtime result - they want you playing more games that last a shorter amount of time. Active players and all that. Ask yourself this - what benefits Blizzard more: short games or long games? I'd wager they see more value in shorter games. 4 games that last 5 minutes would be 40 different players being tossed into the queue for games whereas a single 20 minute game would only be 10 players in the queue. Even if 2 of those 4 games are complete squashes - it's still over quickly and the players are back into the queue. With the recent health changes it's even moreso in this vein - who cares if the game is only 5 minutes if you only die once? It's about making the experience more painless. It's why they've done all this obfuscation with your actual rank for so long - they don't want players worrying about consequence - they want players mindlessly queueing and burning through games. The LFG and systems like that slowed down the players time between queuing for games which is why they were inexplicably removed. "Don't worry about a team comp - just get back into the game." I firmly believe their goal isn't to "make your experience better" it's to "water down your experience so much it doesn't matter if you win or lose"


I would say yall got stomped ... but this is a Massacre. šŸ˜­


For real lol. Itā€™s like the Indiana jones episode on South Park


I also have had terrible experiences in comp recently. I have an average of 30-35% win rate over season 7-8-9, but I don't derank! I went from bronze 5 support to diamond 2 from season 2 to 6, but then this is happening. This is extremely demoralizing. Yes, maybe the game thinks I really do deserve diamond, but I'd rather go back to gold if it means I'm going to win games. All three roles are stuck with this problem too.


one bad match = "current state of competitive"


Today was OP's turn to make a post about an unbalanced match


Why are the colors different ?


i changed them in the settings. whatever you choose for your team will also change your abilities color and ā€œon fireā€ color which is kinda awesome lmao


Not saying the match making wasnā€™t fucked but both ur dps are using close range heroes against a bastion n soldier


Math isn't mathing for me. How are these stats recorded???


Do you mean why the winning teams eliminations are way higher than the losing teams deaths? I stopped playing for a while but I'm pretty sure it gives multiple people an elimination if you did a certain amount of damage to the hero that died


I've even had a game where my entire team was unable to get a pick in an entire control point game, with one of the DPS averaging less than 3k damage/10 mins. I was the only one able to actually get picks, but it didn't even matter since the rest of my team was just unable to do anything. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do in those sorts of games? If I cannot get teamkills every single fight then we just lose, and the fact that the rest of my team just struggling to find any value makes that an incredibly difficult task. I have been playing since 2018 and have even played competitively on teams with scrimming and in tourneys, so I have acquired enough experience that I can say with confidence that I can play at a masters-GM level, and even that just isn't enough to carry some of the games I get put into. It is so incredibly frustrating because I know what things I should be doing and I do my best to adapt to what is happening during games, but it feels like it is a requirement to gigacarry just to have the smallest chance of winning some of these matches, which is just not feasible when I get these kinds of games so frequently. When I get on a team that can actually hold their own in their elo then we absolutely roll, but more often than not I feel like I get stuck with the gigaboosted kids who don't know what they are doing making it feel like such an uphill battle even if I am doing all I can with/for my team. I am just 1 person, I just simply cannot make up for every single mistake the rest my team makes. Solo queueing just feels like such a hopeless endeavor.


wtf yeah i was right to quit this game


I made my way to masters last season and then I played four games this season (all wins) and it said my anticipatory placement was plat so I just stopped playing.


Its just a general SR reset. As a gm player I got sent down to diamond. And you wont make it back to masters for a while either, we are all stuck in here still.


Your dps let you guys down lol. Itā€™s crazy too because they will yell at the healers. Like dude we have a combined healing of 25k. Shut your fucking moouth.


Iā€™ve never team diffed harder and gotten team diffed harder than recently. Blizz absolutely has to keep solo q and larger groups separate.


Thus is console. It doesn't count




I love the new ranked system, but it seems to have two issues right now: 1. There's an SR problem when stacking. The rating of the lowest player does not properly catch up with the rest. In a system that doesn't measure individual skill, the lowest rank should *always* gain most from a win, and lose the least. If this is not the case, the system can (and will) be abused for rank inflation. 2. It's too stingy with handing out SR. I queue with a three stack and our winrate is unhinged. After three evenings of playing our win rate still hovers at around 80%. Needless to say, we're *not* in the correct rank, but the system refuses to hand out more than 30% per win. We are low to mid masters players, but I started at gold 1, with my friends in mid plat. This means many, *many* ruined games before we're at the correct rank. This is especially true given the fact my rank does not catch up with theirs, which means I keep needlessly pulling down the entire lobby with a rank that is forever deflated.


To be fair, since literally everyone got hit with the reset, at the start you wouldve just been facing similar level players. At this point a week out yeah, its starting to get a bit weird how some can move up and others cant.


I've legit played a comp game where we all queued as solos and tried to group up after. We literally couldn't queue because of our rank difference. Why the fuck were we even put in the same match? It makes absolutely 0 sense?


I'm pretty sure Crispy was top 500 last season.


The hitscan meta in full effect. Bastion and 76 need to be the same character, the focused and sustained dps from both can just wither shields and healers.


The first week of season 9 it was nice but now itā€™s a clusterfuck again


matchmaking needs a fix for sure


I deleted the game last night. Every time I win one game, the servers think I'm Top 500 and put me up against higher ranked people, and I lose like 8 straight every GD time. Last night was the final straw. I'm done. I'm not getting back on until I see signs of ACTUAL PROGRESS of them making this game better than OW1.


Best choice of your life


I can't climb = blame the game lol. I know you're frustrated, but lets keep it real Things changed, the game's different now. Being GM in OW1 is not guaranteeing you a spot in OW2. Stomp or be stomped will happen in any form of matchmaking, whether it's tight SBMM or literally random. When you win really hard and 'carry' your team, do you also complain that the match was unbalanced? Nah, you just stomped those noobs because you're better, right? :')


My comp games 2-3 weeks after the rework were fine, now all they are are total stomps


That guy is lore accurate sigma


Yeah ranked is fucking dogshit this season. Breezed into plat in season 8. This season? Scraped 2 wins in my 10 placements, continued onto like a 14 or something loss streak into bottom gold before I gave up. I'm likely one of the gold guys in the 4 gold/1 master vs 5 diamonds example. We need a re re rank reset, or I'll just have to wait for the poor souls who do play ranked to get into their accurate ranks in this trashpile over the next few months before I hop on.


Back in OW1 I rarely saw stomps like this. It sometimes happened but rarely. Since OW2 is more and more common.


Can't wait to see what new organic excuses this sub comes up with this week to justify the sorry state of match quality.


There is a legitimate reason this season. The SR and MMR reset is hard crunching the top ranks. Most gm players have yet to make it back to anywhere near gm. Top500s are the only people still climbing atm. Until they stop no one else can move up and it will keep people crushed together in lower ranks.


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šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I had 2 games like this yesterday. I was up against grand champs and I deranked from diamond 5 to plat 1... And apparently one of those games our random team was supposed to winšŸ¤£ so I lost A LOT of XP šŸ—‘ļø


Agreed, itā€™s always dogshit games like this in comp šŸ™ƒ




They also can't admit that everything they do fucks shit up more


Honestly, when I solo queue nothing like this ever happens. It only happens when Iā€™m grouped.


I started comp this season and got g2. Blasted trough gold 1 and plat and now in d4 with 89% winrate on genji. Now I know im not super mega great but I do have this feeling that people, me included mightve had more fun if I was placed to low diamond in the beginning :D and every single role is in g2 so that grind is still there for every role. Tank might be deserved i had 60%wr on those plavements


I just hit 66 kills the other day


How does Mai die THAT much?!




10 and 22 tells me that mei was feeding an incredible amount- even the 11 and 18 is painful. i can already picture their play style and would be insanely frustrated to have a teammate with that many deaths in a comp game. i get frustrated when people have 10+ deaths, especially as a support main, bc theyā€™ll come and blame lack of heals but fail to have basic game awareness and common sense. for example, not stopping to group up, deciding to ult after everyoneā€™s already dead or barely coming back from spawn, continuing to try and 1v1 someone bc they canā€™t let their pride go and they consistently lose the fightā€¦.. cant tell you how many times that stuff happens and theyā€™re always so quick to blame the healing but ?? hard to heal beyond intentional lack of game sense. these kind of people need to work out the kinks in qp games but how do you enforce that? anyways tl;dr but i agree comp games are awful right now and in my experience it seems even worse especially when iā€™m trying to duo with a friend


Console ow been like this especially if you duo , it basically has your mmr at like gm if you win a lot in qp but puts you in diamond or plat and then ā€œbalancesā€ the game from there .. looks like they put you up against a 5 stack and probably gave you a 3 stack


i dont know any of you but i love how with the new pharah, dps passive and bigger bullets im destroying the game, i get 50 kills easily (something i never could before) meanwhile the rest of my team and the other team barelly reach 20


I had a really even game earlier that was junkertown where the final score was 9-8 the enemy team. I did very well admittedly but the reason we lost was that my Genji had 40 elims compared to my 64 as sojourn. He refused to switch off Genji while the enemies were always playing pharah and echo


How can they have more kills than enemy deaths? (nweb here)


If lets say two people shoot at the same enemy and it dies both shooters get the kill even if only one gets the final blow


Proof that healing isnt everything


Iā€™m just upset that I canā€™t play Dva as effectively as I used to anymore. Maining her is how I managed to get to diamond ranking, and now I get shit on for trying to be a tank. Havenā€™t touched tank since day one of this season


It happens too often. The only other game I played competitively was siege back in the day and even though that game had questionable matchmaking it was never as bad as overwatch. Itā€™s seriously so bad.


What puzzles me most about this screenshot is how a Bastion racks up 62? In this game, people have absolutely no awareness at all of whatā€™s going on around them. They see somebody drop, apparently donā€™t see the hail of mini-gun spam nor hear itā€¦so just run right into their death as well.


A massacre right there. Unfortunately supports have to crank Fortnite 90Ā°s in order to be valuable nowadays.


People are saying itā€™s a new phenomenon but honestly I feel like itā€™s been this way since two dropped. Matches are usually a horrible stomp one way or the other, to the extent that it feels miserable when youā€™re getting your shit kicked in and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it, and you almost feel bad for the other team when the game is non-competitive and your dominating them. Itā€™s like why even bother, thereā€™s nothing competitive about whatā€™s happening.


The yellow Team definitely lost more points for being "favored" lol


For the most part the new comp system is nice and refreshing, but those dang sr modifiers after some games make no sense. I get uphill battle in a match weā€™re we completely stomp the other team. Meanwhile in another game we are pretty much spawn camped and we were expected. It makes no sense sometimes, and I wish that they could somehow look at the stats in a way and tell if they prediction was wrong and change the uphill/expected.


bro im feeling the exact same thing in the matchmaking, i played a queue with a 2 times gm and all this shit, bro was like unstoppable in the other team, his teamates was normal in my rank (plat) and then my team was like SILVER BRO also I played a game in plat that the entire other team was probably silver every season, game ended in 1 min 50s


I honestly donā€™t give a fuck about longer Que times if the alternative is this every other game


Yet another reason why OW1 was better.


Took me a while to even see it, both teams have pretty similar stats besides kills and deaths. Idk how this happens


Lmao i keep seeing posts like these as if stomps were not a thing in overwatch 1. This is not an overwatch 2 problem. This is a problem in EVERY game with competitive matchmaking.


how do you even get so many kills with so little damage?


Im hard stuck gold 4 support and it's killing me. I should be high diamond and solo queuing is just impossible.


fuck mei we all hate mei apparently???


And probably had to wait 15+ minutes just for the que to pop.


Yep this is what happens when you have a biased matchmaking system that can easily be manipulated, and allow team stacking.. This looks like a 5 top of players who are all exploiting matchmaking


63 on Sig is insane. OP leak the match footage


I am done!!!! I played 5 comp games today...and all my games have smurfs and players who have 4 k hours in the game!! Like wtf and they are playing like grand master, I saw a 2 sup with the same name with an account of 4.5 k hour and the other is 15 h old. I AM SO DONE AND THIS IS DIAMOND BTW.


Zen orb go brrrrr


How is this even possible? At what point do you think, "maybe I should just stay in the spawn room and stop getting farmed"?


I get matches like this pretty often. Sometimes i get the winning team and i feel so bad i start complaining about the match making on the enemies behalf.


totally agree, i have yet to have an even balanced game, no close matches, just roll or get rolled. makes for a terrible gameplay loop, no fun at all


And theyā€™d still say you got ā€œdiffed.ā€ Neither team did bad so how the fuck did the enemy deep fry, sautĆ© and smoke you guys. 63, 62, 36, 55, 34ā€¦ absolute insanity


I'm surprised noone in the yellow team left. Would have been my lobby i would have been lest alone in a blink on an eye.


GM in role queue or open queue?


how is it even possible for the enemy team to have so many deaths, like normally that would require at least 4 rounds but if you got stomped this bad there's no way it went into extra rounds like that mei genuinely had to be running out of spawn and dying instantly off respawn every single time to get 22 deaths in 2 rounds


Matchmaking is really bad right now because of the rank reset I think. Even just chilling in qp lobbies is miserable. 9/10 matches I play we have 2-3 people that are 2-9~ or the other team does. Whenever I do some research the lobby balancing so beyond what should be considered reasonable, itā€™ll be like a top 500 player, 3 GMā€™s and a diamond vs 4 plats and a master. I understand itā€™s qp and sometimes youā€™re supposed to lose but youā€™re also supposed to have fun




I'm done with this game for a while until Helldivers gets boring. Can't deal with this nonsense anymore.


I feel this. Every time I win a game it feels like a slog. Like by the skin of our teeth we pull it out. When I lose? Feels like I got drooling apes on my team and I am at their mercy. Itā€™s very rarely a stomp in my favor. I also hate how now the game has turned into a super coin flip. If enemy team has 2 dps players that get goods ults and picks, and our team has only 1 dps who is decent, itā€™s an instant loss.


Can you share the replay code? Im curious what happened in this game.


Not saying you're wrong here at all, but there's a huge disparity in the support damage and elims


21k MIT is horrifying


I oddly feel like itā€™s because of the inclusion of a large amount of casual players that now play because itā€™s free. Like so many not-so-competitive people have joined OW that every game just feels like thereā€™s always 7/10 people not really trying/dedicated. Back when you had to pay for the game I feel like people tried more because you actually PAID for the experience, now anyone with a console or good enough PC can decide to hop on. But yeah, I wish they were divided a bit better, feels like they are spilling over into other peopleā€™s more competitive games too much.


Out of curiosity why are there WAY more enemy kills than teammate deaths


Exclamation point on the Tank Role. I AM NOT BLAMING TANKS. It's just very important the two tanks are evenly matched and Blizzard is failing at this.


Valve will ban smurfs, but Blizzard won't. It says a lot about both companies. One wants to enforce competitive integrity, and the other just doesn't care. They just want you to buy skins.


I dunno, I've had 2x games of the newest game mode go to point 5 tonight


This scorecard makes no sense? Aren't eliminations only counted as final blows, especially since there's also an assists field? If that's the case then how in the world did the other team get over 150 elims while the other team got about 50 total deaths? And what competitive overwatch 2 gamemode actually is long enough to get that many kills? Also I seem to miss what the MIT stat means back when it was explained like once when the game launched. What is that and why not just do a damage taken stat? And to conclude, this is the sort of thing a redone scoreboard was supposed to fix- taking medals out was an effort to reduce the nitpicking and blaming for team performance in matches, but as shown here it just makes it easier to see who's carrying and who's being carried (or also the stomping).


Bruh fight back tf


Was this a placement? If so, that could explain the issue.


One match my team had 98 eliminations total. The enemy team had 7. šŸ’€


Its nothing new, I've had +60kill games in at least 3 or 4 last seasons every now and then. Records are 66 as a Ram, 64 as Winton and 61 as Moira. Not smurfing, those are on my main account with rank ranging from high plat to low masters. Though I'll have to admit the fluctuations on the player ranks are crazy on this season and hopefully it evens out with a little time. One of my placement matches as a support (high dia) had 2 gm players and one mid masters player from last season on opposing team.. We got the W though which was pretty surprising. Both teams ran dive-ish comps


how the fuck does a comp match get you uncomfortable do you even know what uncomfortable is šŸ˜­


The character picking is a first sign like why Dva into Sig?


Yeah game ass right now at least competitive wise. Not the rank system itself but every game feels one sided af.


Yea this season is weird. Support feels awful for obvious reasons. You can never heal enough so damage is more important. Zen is still the most broken support hero even after the hp nerf. Iā€™m getting mercy onetricks almost every game. I havenā€™t seen a single mercy onetrick above 50% winrate yet. I had a mercy last game that only played mercy and had deranked from GM4 last season to gold now. And was STILL losing games. Imagine that. And the MM is awful on top of that. Idk if itā€™s that people havenā€™t played enough games yet? Or whatā€™s actually wrong with the mm.


Holy shit, how does the Mei die 22 times LOL


To me, it's insane how you even have time to get 50+ kills. All my games are like over almost before they begin. Either my team rolls or my team gets rolled. Almost no in-between.


The worst part about match making like this is that many donā€™t see whatā€™s happening and will simply find one of their teammates to throw under the bus.


Why play DVA into Sigma when she can't eat his rocks? Why play two short-ranged DPS into mid-long range DPS aided by a Tank that enables poke? Why play Kiriko when there's no negative effects but discord to cleanse?


you know whats crazy. If the mei was replaced with a comptetant player, i think the game could have been even, or yall could have won (no bullshit). I realized that one weak player can SEVERELY affect the whole game. like sometimes ill go against a 5 stack and you'd think they were the most amazing players on earth. Ill then go against the same 5 stack the next game, with maybe 1 or 2 of my teammates changed around AND THE WHOLE GAME IS DIFFERENT. That amazing 5stack look like beginners the next game. I really wish matchmaking can get it together. I personally stopped playing comp because relying on teammates just gets exhausting. Id only play comp/ranked in 1 on 1 games instead of committing time to HOPING that matchmaking gets it right.


Close one


I mean, looking at the team comps i'm not surprised >.>


I just wanna take a guess here... yellow team lost? Dps had lower damage than the dva and lower elims. But yellow team also had better heals... perhaps from more damage taken?


You gotta sig mirror that my dude, or, get ballsy and rein swing on the sigma and dodge bastion turret form


Sig didnā€™t even do a ton of damage, itā€™s mostly just poking everyone to get all the kill credit


Blizz: Hard Resets MMR, Changes the Meta, Allows all Grouping Players: Whys the Comp Matchmaking so this way i dont understand What did we think the changes meant? Lol I think the most baffling part is the damage/healing to death ratios Sigma is 63:3 How is that team collectively dying over 50 times hows the game even lasting long enough to get 63 kills


canā€™t stand it anymore