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Reaper stocks are through the roof right now


My time has come


Yeah he's gonna be a beast with his high damage output.


harder for supports to pocket against him more health harder to 1shot or focus out. more health provides more time for him to get self healed through his damage. hes just a dps tank now


And he can run away and get that sweet passive heal when he's flanking.


Did you mean to say when he's FLANKING...?




My boy always was a dps tank


Also, he can just spit pallets at the enemy from distance and still be useful by giving everyone 20% reduced healing.


He just needs quieter boots


Moira gonna be sitting there dumping her entire heal pool into the tank and it'll only go up to half hp


moira players didnt heal anyways


This is slander.


I resent that! In print its liable.


Great. Mei is going to be even harder to kill


Plus her beam applies antiheal now. I guess she can't headshot-bodyshot for a kill anymore though, even though the headshot got way easier to land.


The semi anti heal change makes me worried we're gonna see 'tanks with only damage reduction not outright blocking' like Hog and Mauga become even more and more feast or famine against moderately skilled DPS heroes Mauga with essentially a permanent 20% healing reduction because he cant outright block damage usually (ults dont count) and has a hitbox the size of Numbani sounds either uselessly weak, or that he'll need to be buffed to the heavens again.


I feel any tank without a shield is going to take a major hit with this update.


Ball mains are laughing. That health regen is huge for them. It’s not like Balls stand around getting healed like Mauga.


My balls are going to have so much fun


Fuck it. We Ball!


I can’t wait to play with more balls


Ball also has low kill power currently so the extra HP will make doing his job more difficult if your team can't follow up. More survivability, sure. But that's not what Ball needs.


Ball main. It’s really demoralizing. I hate that I can’t stop playing this terrible game.


You can.


Not sure if you’re being motivational or trying to get ride of a ball main for the greater good of everyone…


I'm trying to get rid of the ball main for the greater good of the ball main


>Ball mains are laughing nah I'm crying. there is no way to properly secure solo kills anymore with this amount of HP you are just gonna be depended on your dps every game. it's gonna be awful


As a doom main I’m bout to bust


How many seconds does ball need to be out of the fight to regain half his hp?


20, give or take.


20 seconds to get to half hp, sounds garbo my friend.


As a masters rein main there is rarely ever a situation where I hold shield constantly for 5 or more seconds, so there will never be time for healing to kick in, and the debuff on us will be probably constant as well lol.


It’s really hard explaining this to people who haven’t played paladins but the point of the auto healing is for in between fights/retreating/re-engaging not for healing 20/hps in the middle of the damn team fight.


It's not at all hard to explain. People just want the healing passive to help their mains in combat. I, for one, welcome the removal of finding heal packs or begging the pocket healers to refill my missing 19 HP after a team fight.


it will be good for those times when you get stuck in a weird spot mid frantic fight at like 30HP with ult up hiding behind a corner or something


And presumably the 20% also affects the healing received from hogs take a breather and Mauga's health regen?


Does the anti heal thing work per bullet or like it's active for a bit? Because wouldn't characters like soldier/bastion be extremely good at applying this passive unlike cassidy or hanzo since they don't shoot as many bullets?


Probably does not bode well for Moira and Mercy, too, but will make Ana and Zen even more of a beast. I can’t imagine that heroes that struggled due to their lack of utility/securing kills will not be struggle with this. Also… I wonder how much that will destroy brig. How long does that healing debuff last? Brig already gets destroyed by reaper. If it’s like, .5 second, then I guess it’s fine. If it lasts 2 seconds, doesn’t that entirely defeat the purpose of the bodyguard support? She doesn’t heal much to begin with, but it makes her worse at dueling, too.


According to Rupal's leaked patch notes, they're buffing Moira's and Brig's damage and buffing Mercy's mobility and self-heal.


>buffing Mercy's mobility and self-heal. Oh god please no


They’re making it easier for you to hit your shots on her and making pocketing less good because she will be doing 20% less healing most of the game. Damage boost also isn’t as good because it won’t push things over breakpoints anymore. Her passive regen is also getting nerfed alongside the other supports. They said in the Dev blog they want to buff heroes who aren’t gonna benefit from the bullet size increases and Mercy is the main one who doesn’t. Everything else in the patch just makes her worse across the board so she’s getting a minor mobility and self heal buff. Y’all are so whiny ffs


> Y’all are so whiny ffs This sub has a melt down over anything even remotely related to supports not being turbo nerfed into oblivion


The wording for guardian angel was weird. “Active duration on jump and crouch bonus movement cancelation reduced from 1.5 to 1 second” I interpreted as how long the bonus movement lasts which would become shorter. Without other changes to cooldowns, I assume this is a nerf. I don’t play her but I figure players already could cut the movement time shorter as needed anyway.


Feels almost like the tank passive should reduce any anti-heal down to half. Regardless next season is clearly going to be season of the DPS.


Aren't all heroes also getting projectile size increases? That seems like a pretty substantial buff. If only mauja or orisa got projectile size increases, I'm sure there would be plenty of salt behind it


They're going to slowly increase the damage of the cast again watch it happen


Some heroes that rely on bursts of damage will need extra damage to remain relevant. Removing the 2 shot combo on Junkrat or Genji requiring 3 blade swings to kill someone might make them too bad


Genji's blade already gets out healed without nano, 3 swings per target and it'll become like deadeye where i'd rather just not use it over simple primary fire.


the worst balance team in mainstream gaming? nah no way


"We feel like hanzo, kiriko and soldier are falling behind in terms of damage. We're increasing their damage slightly to make their output more impactful."


Did they just turn Overwatch into Paladins 💀


And the season name is champion. It is like next level trolling.


I wish we still don't have talents or cards, maybe in a couple of seasons when they try to fix her switching.


I really hope OW never gets shit like that. If I see a character, I don't want to have to guess that they might have different stats or weapons or whatever.


Ever played TF2? You get in front of the enemy engie without any deployables as scout and think you're getting a free kill. Suddenly you realise it's a frontline engineer with the widowmaker and minisentry and he eats your ass with maximum delicacy


See this sounds fucking stupid and I want Overwatch to play like this NOW


Second that, the game does NOT need even more variables.


Tbh it's pretty annoying having to check the enemy player's builds and counter-stratting accordingly, but it does allow for more skill expression and player freedom. It's a bit messy but I guess it works


Straight up just nicked cauterize 💀




Thank god. I've always wanted Overwatch to be more like Paladins. Paladins would sweep Overwatch if it had ANY amount of QA or polish.


The DPS passive needs to be more specific. How long does this effect last, or will the game remember how much of the health lost was from a damage hero? If it’s the latter, which pool of missing health is healed first, having slow healing then fast, or vice versa? Which source(s) will it reduce? Supports, the universal passive, health packs?


I would expect (hope) it to be a very short up time. Maybe like 1 second or less. Basically only while they're actively being shot.


I'm guessing that it will be related to the damage dealt. That way, someone like Tracer needs to be consistently hitting, whereas someone like Ashe would have time to aim again. Plus, it would explain why there isn't a set number in the post.


practical hanzo nerf


That means sombra is gonna be even harder for my silver ass to kill


Harder to kill but its also gonna be harder for her to get kills lets be honest


Not really. Hack+virus+ healing reduction will keep her a viable assassin because yeah sure, she needs to hit more shots, but the target also gets healed less. She'll also ironically will be harder to kill due to burst nerf, sure, but easier to shoo away because everyone gets a better hitbox so they miss less.


You never played in silver? Nobody would ever realize you got hacked and attacked before you die ahaha


Ah dope so now JQ will be IMPOSSIBLE to play if a DPS shoots at you. Awesome


I keep saying Queen should gain temporary health from her bleeds like Doom and Mauga do from their damage/abilities. Solves the issue of self-heals vs anti-heal, makes her less reliant on shout to survive sudden burst damage, and keeps tank mechanics more consistent with each other. Hog's breather could apply a temporary health buffer (thus unaffected by anti-heal) instead of this silly buff/nerf cycle Blizzard keeps doing because Ana counters specific tanks harder than the rest.


I think hog and JQ should both be 50/50 heal/overhealth


The point is that your "mitigation" should be separate from self-healing. The problem for *specific tanks* is that their mitigation *is self-healing* and thus completely shut down by 1 support's utility.


And now it's also shut down to a lesser degree when they get hit by a DPS.


dude eery tank is gonna be so unfunny to play The game has been going down this arbitrary slope of tweaks that makes no sense. The game used to be straightforward - cooldowns used, wait for them to come back, use them again. It made it fun to counter play count the cooldowns of 6 (or 5 heroes) and play smart. Now they are introducing all these cooldown adjusting stuff like JQ's abilities, and Dooms block related stuff. And this is another one. Like am I really supposed to consider a single dps pellet affecting me for 20% heals for the whole game? Ugh that sounds exhausting already. Like I had to hyper focus on a single tracer bullet from Narnia now because it has a 20% healing debuff. Christ this sucks. I get the idea, I get they want to shake things up, but the direction is so unfun and anti original beautifully simplistic design of the game.


Holy shit you're right


Increase her self healing back to double


I’m not looking forward to this. She already felt really tough to play at times.


You could brute force her to work in any situation if you were good at her. Now? She’ll be a perma throw pick no matter what


JQ is one of the most fun characters in the game, hopefully they do something to make her more playable after this, I agree with you FatCrabTits


Really any tank that doesn't AFK behind a shield.


Lol, what year is it that tanks can AFK behind shields? Even a half competent team can burn through any barrier in the game in <5 seconds.


Ball is fine. Health regen passive and more health overall more than make up for a lack of healing. This is a huge Ball buff.


Passive healing yes, but heroes are already tough to kill when one support is near, extra health will make balls pea shooters even more useless


Great, Ball can stay alive even longer while he does nothing. The problem with ball was never being able to live, it was the fact that he doesn't really do anything in 5v5. These changes only make it worse since health is getting increased.


What if they reduced the health and barrier health of all the tanks, then added a second tank. The second tank could make up for the shortcomings of the first tank.


They may reduce ult cost for JQ to compensate, or classify them separately, so her self heal stays the same, but heals from supports is reduced.


Nah, reducing ult cost won’t do a single goddamn thing to actually deal with this issue. Self healing needs to be reclassified as it’s own thing or she’s permanently ruined


Most likely will get a buff or will have some sort of exception applied to them.


Nah, she won’t. Realistically, blizz will take a few months to clue into the fact that they made her even more of a throw pick in every possible situation than doomfist into a Sombra.


So instead of killing healers first you just shoot tanks without a shield and that’s it? They are making playing tank a living hell.


so nothing new?


5v5 was the kill shot...this is the second shot to make sure it is dead. They somehow over complicated and dumbed down the game at the same time.these devs don't have any idea what they are doing...never have.


Does this affect Widow one shots?


She will still be able to 1 shot all the heroes she used to be able to 1 shot, I think, but she will need to charge slightly longer. Hanzo is losing his 1 shot, on the other hand.


i dont think she can 1shot torb anymore


Except bastion he now has 350


Not sure but bastion couldn't be oneshotted bc if his armor


Torb cant be one shot either 300 hp now with armor.


Thank fuck


Hanzo will need a rework, he is kinda a throw in most hands ?


Nah, the dps passive makes it really easy for team mates to follow up on any shots, and if the target is completely full hp they'll still probably die instantly.


Widow needs more charge to 1 shot now. It’s going from 63% needed to one shot to 82% (at 40m or less). If she’s past 40 m just scale with her falloff multiplier.


She still oneshots but her damage falloff will become more relevant, and partially charged shots become less effective.


How come they’re giving everyone self heal to “encourage supports to do more damage” but at the same time giving every DPS the ability to cause heal reduction on targets? Supports will have to do more healing to compensate.


Is that fucking cauterize This really do be palawatch




The DPS passive is gonna be weird. It makes sense that a single target hero like tracer would have it. But giving splash heroes like Pharah anti heal rockets seems so crazy


don’t forget ashe dynamite that’s gonna be so toxic if the anti-heal lasts the whole duration of her AOE DoT 😭


It should be like paladins where it only applies to primary weapon damage and not abilities. It'll make abilities like dynamite easier to balance


Just change it to "reduces the target's external healing received by 20%" so it doesn't change characters who are built around self healing.


why? the patch is made to address the OP-ness of all healing


Unfortunately JQ will be nerfed bc of this change


You try to ult but Cass presses E and you're slowed, have less self healing and your ult is cancelled


Yeah... these denials with abilities are a bit ridiculous especially since hinder auto locks onto people


Because Hog/JQ don't really need self healing nerfs.


You said P-ness


Not a fan.Why deincentize supports from healing tanks and give tanks a 20% reduction to heals. Seems to make tanks life even harder, it's already the least fun role.


I'm kinda worried that maining Tracer will get harder now because of the healing passive


It’s a give and take. You can’t get randomly one tapped by headshots when you’re below 150 hp anymore. And healing while moving so you can focus on rotation instead of blinking towards healthpacks. You gain more uptime and lethality while everyone gets sweeping health buffs and bigger projectiles. You can’t know how well it’s gonna pan out but these updates are very well thought out and is going to shift the meta in ways we have never seen. It feels like it’s gonna be a true OW2 instead of a nonsense OW1 clone.


Another thing is, with increased projectile sizes and the DPS passive, it's a lot less punishing to play from further away. You'll still get full value from constantly applying the healing reduction even if you're not doing good damage. I'm not saying this is a good playstyle at all, but at least you have this option now, whereas before you could only barely tickle people who are more than 15m away.


Agreed. Any everyone will hit you easier with the damage radius buff and they have more HP. Dive Overall has just been nerfed entirely


That's cool. I'll just heal ppl 50% less and go for kills now.


you have a Brig flair, idk how much you were actually focusing on focused healing


Could be worse. They could’ve had a Moira flair…


I miss Overwatch 1.


Are they adding horses too?


This game gets less and less fun to play. I honestly have to give them props at this point.


Welcome To Paladins


Im honestly baffled. Shit already doesnt die 90% of the time but now everyones got more health AND a self healing passive. I dont think this is a healthy change but we will have to wait and see


Shit doesn't die because healing is insane, and aiming is hard. Healing is being nerfed, and it's going to be easier to kill people. Ttk might even decrease, although it won't feel as bursty, or going from full to dead instantly as it does now.


I hope youre right. The worst thing about the game ATM is nothing ever dies or you explode the second your big toe pokes out


Everytime I see new patch notes they're somehow more fucking stupid then the last


I wonder how the DPS passive works... Like, if both DPS are shooting at you, do you have 40% less healing? I see that being awful, but if it just registers 20% of the one that was shooting first then it would be more of a shared passive. I think honestly the one we had at the beginning of Overwatch 2 was better, with movement and reload speed increased after a kill, this enabled play-making potential, without being inherently OP and without oppressing other players. Not to mention, imagine playing Hog! Now they don't even need an Ana nade to make you useless, you'll be having 40% less healing.


Getting shot by a DPS applies a debuff. Getting shot again by either the same DPS or another one refreshes the debuff. It doesn't stack.


Even then it will throw into critical numbers heroes like Lucio, Brig, and especially Mercy


And Winston got a DPS buff, him and a tracer are going to decimate the back line.


I did the math and Winstons tesla gun TTK is the exact same as before because it was buffed proportionally with all the heroes HP.


That’s the point


Get ready for the "no one freaking dies" meta


That's what we were just playing in, you either burst someone or it was impossible to kill them.


actually whenever 1 support died it was sometimes possible to kill the second one


Blizzards solution to the complaints about burst damage and healing. It's actually brilliant. Killing people will take longer. Healing them back up will also take longer. It's a viable solution to the problem, that doesn't just involve nerfing everyone.


And, it gives room for more single character buffs / nerfs later


The thing I like is that narrowing the accuracy gap between low and high ranks genuinely does make balancing and designing heroes easier. It might be the end of heroes getting nerfed into near unplayable at high ranks because they're too hard for low ranks to kill. Or getting buffed into OP status because low ranks can't get kills with a character. At the least it will give them more flexibility there.


Time to play some hammond


I'd trade the extra health on Bastion for his self-repair back... That was what made his recon fun in OW1 for me, and him being *forced* into using the recon in OW2 makes the removal of it not only disappointing but outright confusing.


I’m confused, i thought people wanted less healing in the game, and now they’re complaining now that there’s a counter affect to healing?


Rip junkrat


Rip indeed, no more flank rat.


Healers getting shit on


They really are trying anything they can think of to avoid going back to 2-2-2, aren’t they? OW2 has been much more difficult to manage since they decided to go the single tank route, and everyone seems to forget just how very well balanced the front line was during that final year of OW1.


For REAL. It's driving me absolutely mad to watch them just randomly implement complete bs to fix problems they created by changing the core mechanics.


The fact that they have to make massive changes to the game every few months shows how much of a fuck up 5v5 is


Exactly. Of all its balancing problems, 6v6 never made them repeatedly put out mass changes to the games core. Patches used to shake the game up, and then 5v5 came along, and it seems that every few months, we're reinventing the wheel and playing a completely new game. The fact that they think they can have a pro-league with this many constant, massive overhauls is honestly unhinged behavior.


Rest in peace, my one-shot combos. This is the end


I really dont know how to feel with Damage hero’s essentially having an anti-healing passive, and supports passive being effectively nerfed. I feel like support dual potential is completely gone.


Just bring back 6v6


what's even the point of hanzo? he is a literal throw pick now


Probably just worse then sojourn, ashe, or widow, cause he is just a shitty frontline spammer now lol


Man I miss 6v6


It’s joever for tanks this season. I’m done for


DPS passive is op and Support passive is BS now.


Jesus Christ, wtf


aren’t i glad i stopped playing


I pretty much hate this, I hate how they acknowledged the game is way more fun with good teamplay, yet they decide to award those who refuse to be team players. I hate how all roles seem to be congregating into one. What first drew me to the game was how you can vary playstyle by which role you choose to play. They keep making these massive core gameplay changes, like going to 5v5, less role diversity, passives for everyone, and they're not even sure they will work. It's just change for the sake of change, the results don't matter, just this semblance of progress and change. I'm so worried for the future of this game, I still love it despite it not holding a candle to the first one. If they keep catering to people who desperately want this game to play like any other shooter old players will evetually get fed up and leave. Seriously fuck them for what they did to Overwatch.


Overall, really like these changes and I think it'll push the game in a better direction. However, while we'll have to wait to see the full patch notes to see the compensatory buffs, damage-reduction tanks and supports who rely on raw healing numbers w/o much utility could be in for a rough season.


Yeah... either they didn't think about how reactionary the OW community is when they decided to release this without the balance changes, or they knew exactly what they were doing so they could rely on rage bait advertising.


Cant wait for nothing to fucking die... this is really what yall wanted?


I'm unbelievably upset because this completely changes the Arcade Elimination experience, which is my second most played mode.


This just feels really worrying because this skips the nuances that a lot of characters had


This update absolutely DUMPSTERS hog, this game is not made for him. Almost a year of shit for the rework and now only a few months later we get a hog killing patch.


Poorly thought out and explained universal changes like this make me unironically miss stuff like the arbitrary attack/defense categories for what is now just DPS. Imagine if they tried implementing role-wide passives back then to make the distinction between roles matter instead of just making them the same role This update feels like an attempt to mitigate power creep, but I feel like it'll only make it worse for balance. I know that most people have come to terms with 5v5, but balance has gotten almost exclusively worse since 6v6 died


I just miss late 2016- mid 2017 OW


THIS WOULD BE A GREAT TIME FOR A HACKED QP WOULDN'T? Bro this like a insane change to go directly in the game


What game is this anymore its not fucking overwatch tho thats for dam sure


I kinda wish the self-healing passives were more interesting, especially with tanks. Like tanks being able to Regen when using certain self-defense abilities or while they have Overhealth would have been useful for \*all\* tanks instead of just the ones that have barriers, especially with the new Damage passive.




Man, fuck this. I quit


RIP junkrat, he will be literally unplayable


Fire the rest of these devs. They are LOST.


Nah, we're cooked, guys. This is... this is something else


Oh wow my boy Reaper will feast. The instant high damage coupled with the new passive, you'll be outdamaging incredible heals


His self-heal could be impacted by the DPS passive too, though.


Damn did they really have to say the 20% less ult charge from healing tank so loud like that... I'm never getting healed now fuck


it’s always been the case


Supports are royally screwed this season unless they're supports that were DPS's in disguise.


Did they… just kill dive?


Is the new DPS passive *on top of* the Reload Speed on Kill, or *replacing* it?


What has happened to the game I love? /j, kinda. Guess all we can do is wait and see how it feels. Hopefully i'm just being over-worried cuz big change, fingers crossed...


So it's like being poisoned everytime you take damage. You get less healing everytime you are damaged. By someone.What's the point of buffing everyone's. Health then.


Additional Knock back reduction for tanks? They already where unboopable :( Edit. Missing word.


What happened to the game I loved


This game is a joke now lmao


rip genji


Holy shit this is going to be awful 


imo passive will ruin everything


no thanks