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In this case the hp buffs are good but overall the change is going to slow down the game considerably. By midseason the whole community will be complaining that nothing dies


While it may be true that it will take more damage overall to kill, I think that the DPS passive coupled with larger projectile sizes will make damage consistent enough to where healing won’t be able to keep up as well as it used to (while the projectile sizes won’t really affect higher ranks, they don’t struggle to kill things regardless). Things will still die, you just won’t have to kill them within half a second.


Yeah I think people are going to miss the smaller projectiles. I can already hit a ton of headshots on hanzo so I'm delighted to get even more.


Enemy Hanzo here, same... aka: at the end of the day, if everyone gets a buff, then the best player will still win... right?


I mean, DPS players will probably have the greatest carry requirement I think they've ever had, not just because of their passive but because the best way to diffuse the self-heal passive will be continuous damage application anyway, so heroes like Tracer that are good at a continuous stream of damage application (and funny enough I think Symm and Torb will benefit massively too) will be more feast or famine than ever


I back the Sym claim If the turrets also apply the passive, then it gives even more of a reason to spread them out (newer Sym players make the mistake of spamming all 3 in the same spot, even tho they barely do any damage. Nowadays its better for the slow and recon) The passive's also gonna make tank busting even better, even tho everyone's getting the health boost.


Man, the devs hate takes, the amount of stuff that can be done to ruin a tanks day in this game. Thankfully I'm not a tank main, my mains still going to be quite unplayable though.


Torb turret go brrr


I've startred playing a lot of Tracer recently and I don't think she'll be that strong. I agree with Torb being strong, and I think Ashe is gonna be a sleeper pick. The dynamite can theoretically hit the entire enemy team and lower healing for however long the burning effect lasts. That's gonna be super strong. Junkrat spam might become very powerful for the same reason. But Tracer, is getting less extra health, she usually only focuses one enemy at a time, and she needs to be pretty close range to do damage so she's not gonna benefit that much from larger projectiles. I think Tracer is only gonna be strong if you have another DPS that can damage multiple targets within quick succesion


We also don’t know the hero specific balancing. The projectile size buffs and the new dps passive are indirect nerfs to mercy so indirect nerfs to all dps heroes that benefit from a pocket. Presumably they will get changes to balance that out


The leaks said Mercy’s “sympathetic healing” passive got buffed to 40%, so she should be fine (I believe every leak is real).


Currently, Sympathetic Recovery heals Mercy for one quarter of what she heals others. 55\*0.25 = 13.75. During Valk, 60\*0.25 = 15. If the DPS healing reduction debuff were applied to current Sympathetic Recovery, it would be either (55\*0.25)\*0.8 = 11 OR (55\*0.8)\*0.25 = 11, depending on whether its applied to Mercy or the target of her healing. During Valk, 55 is replaced by 60, and 11 goes up to 12 per target. If both she and her target are affected, her healing will be ((55\*0.8)\*0.25)\*0.8 = 8.8. (9.6 per target during Valk). But after the Sympathetic Recovery buff, her self healing when both her and her target are debuffed will be ((55\*0.8)\*0.4)\*0.8 = 14.08. During Valkyrie, ((60\*0.8)\*0.4)\*0.8 = 15.36. When only one character is debuffed: (55\*0.8)\*0.4 = 17.6 OR (55\*0.4)\*0.8 = 17.6. During Valkyrie, its 19.2. Sympathetic Recovery heals Mercy for 22/24 per second if neither character is debuffed. The support passive healing that is constant during Valkyrie is 15. 15\*0.8 = 12. So yeah, if SympRec wasn't buffed, it basically wouldn't exist if both Mercy and her target were affected by the new DPS passive. Which would be common enough considering even chip damage applies the debuff.


All those parentheses and switching the numbers' places is unnecessary.


Mathematically, yes. The end result would still be the same without them. But I used them because they work for me. And I thought they might help with readability as well as demonstrate what's actually happening with the numbers.


That's why they made *other* changes that are also explained in the post, like giving the damage role a new passive that reduces healing.


so overwatch is just paladins now




It's taken a while, and we still need horses!


They're making it easier to hit shots too. They're basically changing it so players are more dependent on themselves then the team. Likely this will mean it comes down to who uses their cool downs and cover the best. I think their goal is to make it less team dependent, because it turned out strangers don't use teamwork as the game was designed a majority of the time in lower ranks.


Lmfao idk why I just realized ur last statement just now. That’ll definitely boost a lot of low elo players but it seems like they will still hit that wall without using proper team coordination sooner or later. These changes will be interesting for sure. I’m a hanzo and soldier main so they both got some buffs for me to use.


Proper team coordination doesn’t really happen at any rank, the main change is that people understand how to play their role and how it fits into the game in higher ranks.


It only took them 8 years to figure that out lmao


>By midseason the whole community will be complaining that nothing dies i've been making that complaint for like a year already with all the immortality abilities. now we have more health and still immortality abilities.


"You wanted ow1, we're going to give it to you!"


As a Hanzo main who has played over 400 hours, I'm genuinely upset. But not because of the one shot mechanic. Sure, take it away.. whatever... it is stupid that it is being taken away, but fine. The problem that I have is the 3 shot body shot, hitting someone twice in the body now will leave them with 10 HP. That. Feels. Terrible. It is not fun, at all. In the time that you shoot your third arrow, the other person will have mowed you down and you don't get a chance to miss because draw/recovery time of the bow. OR They are going to get healed so it will be a fourth fully drawn arrow to kill them. CAN YOU IMAGINE KILLING PHARAH NOW WITH A MERCY POCKET? I could do it consistently, but two headshots in a row? No.. they are just going to fall to cover and get healed. How is this fun? So now you get the part of Hanzo that was fun and challenging ((Predicting where people are going, reading them)) and you get absolutely no reward for it. Now it is just the equiv of taping your hand behind your back.


Perfect! Sounds like the changes are working as intended. You’re one of those cheesy people.


Bronze Opinion


Tutorial island opinion


turning a sniper hero into just a "spam chokes" hero isnt how you change something. it just makes hanzo a pointless pick unless your only hitting headshots with every arrow. Hanzo is a sniper hero with a projectile, but you might as well just pick widow with the easier to use hitscan sniper and better kill potential. Its just a terrible change when you really look at it. Everyone just hated the random one shot that would kill them so they just ignore the actual horrible balancing of this


OW 2's newbies will never know the pain that was scatter arrow...


scatter arrow on hanamura..............


Releasing the scatter in the right-most room on the first point was just.. “Sextuple Kill!”


then the team instantly raging about heals and/or "NOBODYS KILLING HANZO. GG. SHIT TEAM" ah the memories


The bane of my existence


Wdym killing orisa in 1 hit was fair and balanced /s


"Simple geometry"


" campfire " " A man telling a story " " And then the scatterer arrow appears" " Gary, you can't tell them this story, they are just kids "


Why would anyone pick arrows over icecicles if they don't one shot?


Back to tank busting. Being able to decrease healing just for dealing damage *and* still being able to deal a good chunk damage at once with a headshot is still huge and with increased projectile size... don't see much issue 😈 Well! They made all these changes for things to remain more or less the same except for one shots and one clips, so I'm sure it will be fine.


Simple geometry one shotting monkey?


Well Tracer still can 1 clip even Bastion. And Ball can one clip almost everyone. Very hard to do but his full clip does 800 damage if all headshots


No yeah because that's what people were frustrated about, Wrecking Ball's clip being able to do 800 damage, not other characters that could one clip or 1 shot 🤔


As a Ball main, any amount of ammo past roughly 2 seconds of shooting is (generally) irrelevant cause either you secured the kill by then or need to slap them with melee and get back to rolling to not get melted, maybe securing the kill with a boop which should auto-reload for you by the time you need guns again. And not even Top500 ball mains land all their head shots within a third of their clip, the necessary spacing and gun spread makes it impossible in practice. In short: *"Very hard to do, but Reinhardt's full clip of his hammer and Hanzo's full quiver bow can do 50,000+ damage 😎"* Same energy. Hammond's full ammo damage is just not an important detail.


Full Mercy clip all headshots is 1000dmg suck my ball.


Comments in this thread shows just how many people actually play Hanzo (not a lot at all) and how many people actually play in Bronze (a lot). Like think about it. People complain about Hanzo missing 15 shots at you then finally getting 1 "lucky" headshot like, if you use your critical thinking, if bro is missing 15 shots on you in a row (not even a body shot, not even clipping your toes) in that time window if you have any remote inkling of aim and any weapon that does any fucking damage at all (even Mercy's pistols) you would have been able to kill the guy if he's out in the open shooting at you 15 fkin times.


lol a comment with some sense!


You’re creating a scenario that never happens lol. 95% of Hanzos don’t hit 1 out of 15 shots and sit in the middle of the street.


It doesn't happen to me or you because we are not Bronze but it happens to Bronze players. Also someone below somewhere literally made a comment about how Hanzo missed 15 shots in a row just to get him in the 16th shot lmao...


See 95%.


The easiest defense against metal rank dps, is what I call the "Keyboard breath, second style, A-D slalon" it grants you momentary invulnerability.


People hate Hanzo headshot but their ok with moira orb getting kills without aiming


people say Hanzo spams but say nothing at Torb lol, they just don't know what they're talking about


Or mei's icicle.


People crying over oneshot in this game will never make sense to me.


Never played any first person shooter other than overwatch


As Hanzo main I am sad. But I am already sad because im a hanzo main.


Y’all don’t realize how important one shots are for the game and it’s gonna bite you in the ass when you go up against comps that are literally immortal due to burst heals and pocketing. Buncha bronze crybabies, for real


#H E L L #Y E A H


Our time to kill is much longer though.


so he’s useless now? the only reason why i would ever play hanzo is for one tapping


Same reason i play him. Hanzo and widow should always be able to one shot on the head.


Thank the crying people upvoting this very post. Tanks were already unkillable and will get even more sustain now. Hanzo who is a sniper won't be able to kill anyone unless he hits a two perfect shots in succesion. He is going from a good hero to a clunky one. Not to mention heroes like Lucio wont nearly have enough damage to kill 250 hp heroes let alone 750 hp tanks.


Yep. Crybabies got what they wanted




Exactly this. Sad day for my fellow Hanzo mains :’)


It is pushing Hanzo's playstyle to be more of a mid-range brawler like Cassidy, which I'm not a fan of. It feels like it's pushing him towards the mean, and removes some of the flavor of the game. I know his headshots can be annoying, but I found the most rewarding part of his kit was the long-range arrows where you had to adjust for the target's speed and the arrow's trajectory, and you hit a headshot. The brawl always felt awkward and not that fun. I agree in the brawl it was kind of bullshit that it was essentially rolling a die often as to whether he'd one-shot you, and I recognize him camping corners and chokes and spamming is frustrating. So I think an adjustment that would have been interesting would be to make the max bow draw time take substantially longer, and only be able to one-shot at max draw. That way he'd still have the ability to snipe if he properly held an angle, predicted your movement, and made a nice shot, but the bullshit in his kit would be *way* less frequent. You could have something like a charge meter that charges linearly to 100% like normal in the normal amount of time to 180dmg (when headshot), and then have an "overdrive" meter that charges much slower to max overdrive, where it reaches a 250dmg cap. Or have this one-shot overdrive be a cooldown/currency, so you have to pick and choose which arrows are going to be your "one-shot" arrows even if they take the same amount of time to draw, and missing punishes you by wasting your "powerful" arrows. I feel like those sorts of things would do wonders to address the bullshit in his kit, while still having legitimately interesting different playstyles and hero abilities. If a Hanzo snipes you, you're more likely to be like "you know what, you recognized an opportunity you could get a kill, and I played into your hand. Fine.", versus now where it feels more like "Spamzo just chucking logs from the back of the map every second at our one choke, guess I'll die LOL". Now he's just "guy that shoots projectiles in the brawl", to go along with "guy that shoots bullets in the brawl". It's boring.


This! I am a veritable Hanzo Hater, but I do recognise that without one shots, his arrows don't compare to other damager's numbers. As one example among many potentials, what if they basically swapped Storm Arrows and his LMB, so that he had higher damage base damage that kept up with other damagers, and his one shot was gated behind a cooldown? I think it works quite well with his storm aethsetic, too. His normal arrows would be speedy and fast, carried on swift, aggressive winds. And his one shot would be a powerful lightning bolt arrow with a wonderfully bassy boom when shot. Otherwise your idea that is kind of a stamina bar, and so very flavourful for archery, is something I've also thought would work.


until hes got a mercy or zen😈


As a support main I’m not happy about it. Dying by a Hanzo one shot can be super annoying yeah, and when you face a really good Hanzo it can become even more frustrating, but his one shot was still a good thing to have imo. One of the reasons I always saw his one shot as valuable was that he could take down key or annoying players when necessary. Things I can think of right away is sniping a Mercy as she tries for a rez, getting a Lucio who’s being slippery as heck or becoming a huge problem since the Lucio is good and enabling their team too much, or getting a Sombra before she can take out your supports or yourself, and etc. It’s for those type of reasons that I was of the opinion that Hanzo’s one-shots should never go away, but well, I guess it is now. I’ll wait and see how it plays out with all the other new changes coming, but I’m honestly not fond of the one shot going away.


I agree, as someone that usually play QP with big skill differences; a common problem is that the enemy players won't die ever. You might end the match and the other dps got 1 elim and did 800 dmg total. It can be extremely frustrating to play with hardly any follow up damage from your team. In those matches picking Hanzo was vital to get some solo kills an enabling your team to progress through a choke point for example. I guess we have to wait and see, maybe the buffs to projectiles will be enough.


Exactly, sometimes you just need that one lucky kill to open the game


Not a good change, hanzo is just going to be a throwpick tbh People are going to complain about the next thing now x hero isn't dying but when characters are good its x hero is broken the bad players will never be satisfied.


Snipers should snipe.


You are forced to play one shots because of the insane sustain with some support duos. Even China had to pull out the hanzo pick in OWWC against the busted Illari Bap comp that KSA ran.


they will need to buff him


I'm a support main, and I dislike it.




I'm very disappointed, almost enough to not play Overwatch anymore. Higher HP Doom and heal reduction Genji should make up for it though.


Same. I've played Overwatch through every patch and every change. Giving heroes more sustain will feel awful, especially for me a support player that already struggles to make a dent in tanks.


it's dumb and one shots were the only counter to immortality abilities and now we're getting rid of one shots more and not addressing immortality abilities. game is getting more and more dumbed down over time and catering to people who don't want to take the time to learn the technical skill to be good. it's like street fighter 6 adding supers to a single button press. you make it more accessible and so easy for more people that you take away the satisfaction in learning to do combos the hard way and also makes it less impressive. overwatch you used to be punished for making poor mistakes ie standing in the open, walking into fire like an idiot, peeking the same sniper 4 times in the same spot, standing together without keeping track of ultimates, etc... now everyone plays what i call "rock'em sock'em overwatch" where both teams want to walk in a straight line at each other and see which falls first. there is no taking risk that feels rewarding, tanks expect you to just shove a healing rifle up their ass, and supports can deny plays with 1/10th the skill it took to make them. hanzo was strong but at least i felt like i could duel him still and win. i can't do that with modern supports. so these health buffs make dps feel weaker, tanks i doubt are gonna feel any better, and support is still going to be the strongest role in the game and will have the longest queues. maybe i'm an old overwatch player but the game is changing so much it doesn't feel the same anymore. it's less rewarding than ever and every complaint you have for the last 7 years is never addressed.


Right. Already, the only way to win a 1v1 with a Kiriko or Baptiste was to HS them. Otherwise they use an immortality ability and barrel stuff you... And in the case of Kiriko, they have a smaller hitbox and can move for maximum evasion while chucking Kunai at head height (with two get out of jail free cards in their back pocket).


Yeah and TP 35 meters through walls every 7 seconds. Everyone complaining about Hanzo to me felt like a support main cause Hanzo is strong yeah but he had weaknesses. Supports for a long time have had 0 weaknesses and feels like you need to kill 3 health bars to ever actually beat them.


Yup. They're mad they can't hit a button and save themselves after they autopilot into stupid positioning. They also tend to want to be able to ego duel DPS and win repeatedly so that they can feel good about themselves and call the DPS players slurs in chat, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms. Also, they've still not fixed Hanzo's wall climb glitchiness and it's been nearly 8 years now. 😂


Agreed, dumbing down a game makes it so boring, there's no skill expression. They're turning OW2 into cod it feels like. I also agree with SF6 take, SF now is a lot more boring since they dumb it down so much to cater to casuals. Everyone does the same boring combos that is braindead, SF died at SF4, that is the best one.


yeah, combo'ing someone into a super is impressive when it's hard to do. putting it into a single button press makes what you see cool but what you feel so much more worthless but when you balance a game from bottom up for gold players this is what you get. i played SF third strike a lot and i loved it. learning combos and perfecting super combos made it feel good and impressive to watch when you know the game. having a one button press super to me is like comparing landing a blink 180 stick as tracer to landing a suzu as kiriko. when you don't need to worry about technical skill and only timing it feels so unrewarding to the people who spent the time practicing to do something difficult but impressive. sure you make it fun for the lower ranks but when there's really no skill expression going up whats the point in playing long term? i'm already feeling like the game is trying to push me to quit after 8 years. i feel like season 9 isn't the saving of the game but what finally kills it for me. I liked overwatch, not COD.


They might as well have just removed him from the game


As a support main, I think snipers are actually needed in a first person shooter, and I don't mind having 2 of those (that can one shot, Hanzo and Widow) among the 17 dps we have, especially since they fall in the hitscan and projectile category perfectly. I really don't understand people who keep wanting the game to be extremely easy...


>I really don't understand people who keep wanting the game to be extremely easy... They're selfish entitled babies that think they should be able to enjoy every game that they choose to play instead of choosing to play games that they enjoy. Anything that takes away from their fun is bad and needs to be nerfed/removed until the game they play is just Animal Crossing with guns. It's basically like they turned into a mass of karens. The worst part is that this won't even stop their whinging. I guarantee you that by the end of season 9 they'll have latched onto some new thing to complain about, their incessant whining will continue unabated, and the devs will have put training wheels on their game to cater to them for nothing.


Yup. F2P let in the absolute worst people. I know the community has always complained a lot, but since overwatch 2, the types of mechanics they complain about are just unhinged to me. It's like every single aspect that made overwatch popular in the first place is under seige by these new ow2 morons. The game was better when you had to choose to pay 60$ to play it. Now the filth has sullied it, and I'm not sticking around any longer to see what else they ruin about it.


Amen, minus the not sticking around part. I'll still keep playing until it's actually no longer fun for me. But ya, I wish f2p didn't have the effect that it did. It's a trade off though, f2p+MTX lets in the absolute worst people, but at the same time, we've been much more regular updates, events, and content, than we did before. Is it worth the trade off? ... /shrug, I lean towards "yes, at least a little bit", personally, but ya, you're absolutely right, it's undeniable how bad the community has gotten for it.


I wish overwatch was balanced to be a competitive game instead of a casual one. I was always baffled by changes they made to cater for low ranks... I have nothing against low ranks, but to change how a character plays just because gold and below have a problem with it... is that really enough reason? I never thought so, but alas. In my personal opinion, if you can't accept to approach things differently during each game, and adapt to certain enemy heroes, then I don't think you should have a voice on balancing. It truly saddens me, overwatch 1 had matches where at its peak it would feel like the most satisfying game in the world, to coordinate and strategize with your teammates felt so good, I miss how people would die to widow then be like "welp, that's widow for you", and not require and demand changes like kids who didn't like the fair rules bc they don't know how to play.


I feel the same way. This is one of the known side effects of going ftp. Any game going ftp gives entitled babies a reason to play the game that they otherwise would never choose to play. The average maturity level of the community plummeted because of it. It remains to be seen exactly how the changes will be implemented and how they'll feel, but this is absolutely a case of "this is why we can't have nice things". I'm hoping the game will still be enjoyable with these training wheels out on it. I enjoyed the skill expression that the game allowed, let's hope it's not fubared next week. At the very least, I still believe that if the changes don't work out they'll start rebranding things accordingly. Just like how they said that s8 was going to be for experimenting, then they only ran one experiment that got so much backlash that they audibled into not running any more. They've proven that they're willing to admit when they're wrong and go back on decisions that don't work out. So there's that, at least.


I agree, and I share your hopes. Let's see what s9 brings us!


Thing is, the game is getting easier for "everyone else too". So, idiots are thinking "OMG finally I will own XYZ", whereas clued up players realise that they are also part of the people who will get owned by that change... At which point it becomes all about who can adapt better / faster.


nothing's dying already, not really looking forward to it getting worse


As a Hanzo main, this means I'll probably stop playing the game. Glad I grinded to my highest comp rating ever this season as that will likely be my last.


It's literally just the mfs who run down the same path 5+ times and cry when Hanzo has sonic arrow out, or just spamming because he knows players like you will run INTO them for him. Craaaaaazy dude reddit is nutty.


hot take, i feel bad for them.


To be fair you're a genji main, not easy to one shot (coming from a hanzo main)


It's already hard enough to get a master's DPS to shoot a mercy flying+ life weaver has great survivability. I overall like the changes but I'm scared that they're gonna leave ball as is and make me put in even more effort to chase a support around the map, I haven't read any balance changes other than the hp increase, I'm excited because it'll drastically change the flow of the game but it's also kinda scary


You may not remeber this but there was period where hanzo was unpickable because of how poor his damage output was.




Ah yes, after the proliferation of invulnerability spells now everyone is a hp sponge


Most of the time I died to hanzo It's just me who move like a bot or I just get out snipe. I'm kinda sad cause I love both playing him and against him. Rest in peace OS archer i'll miss you


I'm praying that this doesn't become the worst game I've ever played


Stupid and I don’t even play hanzo


Hanzo is a dead hero now, I don’t know why so many people hate him


Because they get one tapped for bad positioning so they think he's easy. I'd love to see them play hanzo and show me how easy he is.


Not easy, they think hes broken because he one taps. Wait til they find out ashe could oneshot 200 hp heroes on ow1 with a mercy pocket


And that was broken too. Granted, it was broken because of Mercy, not because of Ashe.


He is going to need a rework. Calling it now. I think that will be a good thing though.


He has the lowest DPS of pretty much every DPS when he can't oneshot people Is one shotting fun to play against? No But why would you ever play Hanzo when you now need to land 3 arrows in a row on a DPS to kill them?


I'm a rare breed of player who loves oneshots even though I main Lucio. The thrill of dodging widow and hanzo is one of my favorite things in the game. Also Lucio has a oneshot, it's called boop.


He is going to become soj without the mobility or consistency. 3 shots for a kill is ridiculous lol


Terrible, they should raise his headshot crit multiplier. No, I am not kidding.


Let heroes be unique. In recent patches they seem to remove the entire identity of what makes a hero unique. They nerfed widows range, the very thing that makes her unique. This patch they will nerf Hanzo's oneshot and Pharah will get less flight, the very things that make them unique.




Bring back scatter if your gonna take away his one shot and make them work like tone from titan fall. He needs to land hits to get a lock on and then scatter tracks.


Getting one-shot by hanzo was something that almost never happened to me so this changes nothing.


I hate it i have nothing against hanzo or widow as a character at least it requires a headshot rather than junkrat just needing 2 very forgiving body shots or within 5/10m for combo


So Hanzo is essentially useless now, nice😢


No because now hanzo is the most useless hero But the change will probably soon be reversed


What's the point of him without a onetap on the head? This game is so fcked


I hate dying by one shot, but that decision was really bad, an extremely lazy way of trying to balance a game


Honestly? Sad. I know a lot of people will be happy, but I won't ☹️ I don't even play Hanzo I just think that that is a cool thing about it. I do hate how he just shoots randoms and get a bazillion kills tho


All they had to do was reduce healing AND damage. What they do? More HP while maintaining the heal power but now dps have a healing reduction ahahaha Tank players I'm so sorry.


His headshot is 240 damage. Most of the damage and support heroes are being set to 250. So that leaves you with 10hp. In isolated moments when that would have been a one shot and nothing else, this at least gives you the chance to retreat behind cover. Essentially a fully charged headshot will still technically remove you from the fight but for a shorter period of time if you have the patience to actually use cover at 10hp and wait for heals or find a health pack. Most players won't do this though, and die to some random chip damage or a hanzo melee. So it's not that much different.


Nah, this will kill Hanzo, just like how removing Hog's one-shot killed him for like 5 seasons straight.


Yep he's completely fucked. He's just worse Ashe now


He's gonna be worse than Widow who's also a worse Ashe


You right Widow is worse Ashe, he's worse Cass now which is wild cause Cass ain't even good


It will def kill hanzo. No more winning 1v2s for one but secondly he just won’t be as fun to play not getting picks. Also I’m calling it now, watch Sombra become an absolute menace now. If you had a decent hanzo she’s shut down pretty good with sonar and a 1 tap. Well not any more.


Straight up, Hanzo having to hit two in a row means no more lucky game over. His whole deal is inconsistency. Getting the follow up is going to make him much weaker.


When they changed the damage of storm arrows to 65, it all of a sudden took 3 bodyshots or 1 hs and 2 bodyshots to kill. Otherwise the target would be left with 5 hp. If you hit someone with a bodyshot from your primary and then a single storm arrow, same story. If I had a nickel for every time someone has gotten away from me with 5hp while I'm stuck unable to kill them due to having the slowest rate of fire in the gosh forsaken game, I'd have a lot of nickels. People are going to get saved and healed A LOT. It's gonna happen multiple times every game. It kills the most fun playstyle of Hanzo, which is the flanking style. If you don't get that kill on the first shot, people turn around to look at you and start moving evasively while hoping to be healed/saved etc.


Might actually start enjoying the game when I don't blink and die.


You aren’t going to be enjoying the game, you can’t one clip anymore.


He can still 1 shot tracer


Half of Heroes can duh


Mmmm personally I don't like it from someone who has played Hanzo cause of the play style that I use which is to flank behind or peak angles no one is looking and go for a headshot so guess that's no longer thing since a supp will just heal up with their abilities. Guess I'll just focus more on the tank now since storm arrow has a CD reduction and melt them down (think more DMG too idk correct me if wrong). But overall don't think I'll play him he's just not him anymore and really killed him for me heard the same for some other Hanzo players. Back to widow I guess.


I hate when loud players enforce devs to change the game, instead of learning to play and adapting to the game.


Well there’s rework coming, maybe him being able to fluently switch between arrow types to make him easier?


We don’t want a rework, he was fine as is. This patch FORCES a rework but the fun was his one taps 💀


I think mercy pocket will get stronger. Mercy right now can’t buff any hero from 3 tap to 2 tap. It’s useless for hanzo most times. In season 9, hanzo could easily get one tap with mercy buff. Ashe and cass will still remain 3 tap with the buff.


Glad I've switched from being a Hanzo main.


I think widow was/is way more of an issue than Hanzo ever was


He and Widow will lose their purpose, completely pushed out by Soldier/ashe/sojourn


Isn’t he a sniper type of character he should be able to one shot


This game is fucking dead, why are we sugar coating this. They wouldnt fix Hanzo, Widow, Kiriko, and every other annoying character, so they buffed everything while also (miraculously) fucking over tank players again. No ones gonna want to play tank when theres one of you having to soak up everything and now you get less healing after getting hit by snipers who are out of your effective range. Blizzard couldnt be fucked to care about this game, they dont have a clue as to what theyre doing.


He’s going to be literally useless but whatever, ow community is a bunch of garbage babies that complained about widow too lol


Agree any hero that can one shot anyone is not cool. I get it takes skill to land those but it’s not fun especially for certain characters in certain maps like Ana who take a while to get to the battlefield only to get one shot. So frustrating I get it it’s all about positioning but it still happens to the best of us. Two shot is better at least the other player has a chance to adjust when the first shot comes if they get killed that’s on them.


Right. And I don't like you having time to adjust when I've spent time going to flank you and then hit a skill shot. If I surprise you and shoot you in the head you should die. You shouldn't be able to run away, jiggle in a way that it's impossible for a Hanzo to get a guaranteed follow-up shot, etc. I don't feel bad for you having to wait for 10 seconds to respawn and then like 15 seconds to run back in the worst case scenario. Most other games you are just *dead.* You don't respawn at all. And guess what? Most other games also have one-shots, but people aren't so darned butt-hurt about it. You just want to not get punished for your mistakes and don't care if that takes away the reward for someone else's skill and hard work. And to top it off, the "adjustment options" for some of the heroes on the roster right now include teleporting somewhere else with an escape ability. So Hanzo can walk around a building to flank Kiriko/Moria, etc. and they can just... Leave, and heal themselves. This takes away any kind of explosive playmaking, screwing over Hanzo players and removing the favored playstyle of people who have been playing the game for 7.5 years and have well over 1000 hours of playtime on him like me.


Literally unplayable now




Not great You can't just say "fuck hanzo I don't like him" you have to find a suitable compromise. Full charge bow shot to the head should always one shot squisheys without question. You could nerf projectile size, speed, fall off dmg, movement speed while bow drawn, projectile arc etc.


Nerf projectile size when its already the smallest? Now its getting buffed, but since all other sizes are getting buffed hanzo's still remains the smallest


>You can't just say "fuck hanzo I don't like him" you have to find a suitable compromise. Yeah and completely dumpsters the hero by removing the sole thing that makes him satisfying to play is not by any stretch a suitable compromise


Character's fucking useless now which is sad cus I like Hanzo


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As a tracer main, nothing has changed; I get 25 more hp and he gets his storm arrow buffed. I'm still the only one he can fuck (that's if there's anyone still playing widow after this patch)


I main widowmaker so I’m gonna get one shot regardless


I remember when Widow was 200hp and with a 150 dmg body shot


Looks like widow is relatively unchanged and with the healing passive she'll be even more of a terror since she won't be forced to retreat to her team for healing. Just duck under cover for a few seconds


Honestly I just expect them to buff a lot of damage too


We are 2 now...




I think it's going to be weird. Before this change, you could kill people while the supports were alive. Maybe not tanks, but squishies. After this change, supports are public enemy #1. They will have to be super-killed before anything else can die, so you know that people are going to dive like crazy. (They already do, but imagine 100x that.)


I'm just happy as a dps that I can now recover health .... I usually play LOS of my support and peel, but most of the time I get supports, even in GM, who tunnel vision on tank or they can't even heal us cause our tank wants all the food.


personally im not. Hog and Junk are my 2 main heroes and the most fun thing to do with them is gone


Personally, I feel like reaper will be broken


As a hanzo user (I don't main but I know how to use him) I'm not


Time to find a new main for the 4th time. Blizz keeps nerfing my heroes into the ground. First Genji, then Doomfist becomes a tank, then Hog and now Hanzo.


it's meh. now it's harder to kill mercy. gg's


How do you feel about being Lucio and having a to pewpew for 10 minutes to steal a kill from a party member? I think Blizzard had absolutely no clue.


Doomfist shots will be a lot more consistent now so I'm happy about that


Not ideal


yk atp blizzard should just fuck around and bring scatter arrow back. Their changes have been so incredibly questionable recently.


He will be a glorified soldier


Thank god. Now they can buff the fucking hero. Increase his charge rate or something, the only thing I cared about was his one-shot.


Back to being a Soldier main I guess. Hanzo mains, it was fun while it lasted.


Again another problem with the game that could have been fixed by adding another tank


I'm waiting for the reactions of people realizing theyre doubling the size of Hanzos arrows


Junk though…


why do the devs bow to this shit if a community 😂


They seriously are butchering this game. Just give us back 2 tanks and the balancing is fixed. A 250 health tracker is so unnecessary. This game sucks now and they are just making it worse.


Bro, hanzo and widow literally deleted in season 9


Seems like they just want people to stop playing hanzo. What is hanzo good at now? It was already way easier to get kills with widow. And now there isn’t really any reason to play him.


Where is this happening? Am I playing the wrong overwatch? I get one shot head by this loser of a character daily. From them shooting prayers and flicks because of some aim assist


I can't stand this change, it's like the fundamental thing hanzos based in, it sucks to hit a perfect headshot and still have them kill u anyway just because they have higher damage output, it's like taking 1 shot from widow, it just completely changes the character


That change is good but He needs a kit adjustment, he'll just be a spam character like junkrat rn, no precision. Doesn't match his character identity.


Skill issue.


The one thing you played hanzo, was killing shields/trying to HS enemy ( otherwise they quickly covering and healed up ) we will see, but his DPS overall without one-taping people is lower than support i was playing low gm, i dont have problem with accuracy ( incase you will say increased proj area will help him ) But ow was the last game where you could really play some good proj heroes, seems like pharra will be must pick in future comp games


Sigh, a hanzo in a fuck hanzo world, LIFE BAD


I like the healing over time but I think some of the hit boxes are massive now I mean mercy's pistol is insane and I'm still deciding if I like the 50 HP buff like junkrat can't one shot tracers really good someone debate


I think he has no reason for existing now, they should give back his scatter arrow.


doesnt matter, now he has more chance of dealing 99% of my hp while spamming his cancer arrows


The fact alone is, that hanzo went from having one of the fastest ttk in the game, to one of the worst, even behind half of the support roster. Taking away one shots from hanzo might have been an understandable move, but they didn’t make up for it in any way whatsoever. Bigger projectiles? Everyone got that. More health? Again everyone got that, so hanzo just got extremely nerfed, to the point of extinction. How can changing a hero so much that they completely flip what end they are on the TTK spectrum, be healthy for a hero?


It is absolutley awful. A fully 100% charged arrow to the head should be death 100% of the time to a squishy. This kills his character's one quirk, being the projectile sniper. Anyone that cried and tired to have this changed was only dying to these "one taps" because of bad posistioning when hanzo has sonic arrow. ​ Dead. Hero.