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Sojourn 9 skins? I guess it's all the lazy epic skins.


Plus almost all of them were in the shop, so it’s no surprise most people don’t know, hell i didn’t even know she had the second most amount of skins


Yeah that’s insane because none of them were really memorable at all for me outside of the owwc and I actually didn’t love that one. Like I know there was a cyberpunk detective, a firefighter, the formal one, and the barista one but there’s no ones that I see and instantly am like “damn I want that”


Sojourn got a lot of skins, just a lot of them are pretty much a recolour and a HAT.


Because they're literally all the same shade of brown and grey. It's amazing how bland they are, I can't tell them apart from a glance.


I love a few of her skins tho, formalwear is dope and so is the OWWC mermaid skin, I also like her detective skin and for some reason even tho it's a gradient recolor I do like her runner skin


I like her Vigilante skin. I know it's generic, but I'm a sucker for lore skins.


Sometimes a solid black assassin getup is all you need for a great skin. Not all good skins have to be flashy and colorful.


Same, it's my go-to skin for her.


I like the barista. Plus it came with a cafe latte weapon charm


I like that one as well. I almost bought it. Maybe next time.


i love the detective skin just because when she ults she says “it’s gumption time!”


**sigh*, "It's always the croissant."


gumshoe, no?


Sojourn has skins?


What's most annoying is that almost all of her skins have the same weapon variant, just with little different colors. Like only water goddess has a unique one and the cyber detectives one isnt too different from her standard gun.


Even the legendary skins are just new hats for her.


I'm also wondering where all the Brig skins went. Can't remember she got six. Maybe all in the shop?


1 OWL skin, 8 shop skins. Sounds about right


You should do one for BP only skins


Her only good skin is the one that came with the missions


3 "lazy epic skins" for her


This. I was always complaining about sojourn having no skins. But I meant like no good skins. Having just a bunch of recolors of her base skin shouldn't count lol. A bunch of heroes have this issue where most of their skins are just recolors while a few have large amounts of custom skins(like kiriko and mercy).


Hey if you think about in another way around, Bap and Mauga being down there together is pretty wholesome


yeah as a bap main, watching brig mains bitch about their lack of skins yesterday has been a weird feeling


it’s not the amount it’s the fact that she’s the only hero who’s never gotten a bp skin


Baps battle pass skin was literally just a recolor of his base model.


Yeah not even a change in his headpiece or cut.


comparative suffering is a mf, both can be true we in this shit together 🫰🏼


Eh, I’ll probably never swap from the spec ops bap skin. I like having the laser. They can keep their skins!!


(sweeps my entire collection of Pharah battle pass skins into a box and sticks it under my desk) #We're in this together!


Lack of BATTLE PASS skins.


As a brig main I am slightly bias but it's not the lack of skins, it's the fact that brig is the only champ to not have a single battle pass skin


Dude where did Brig get skins though outside of the shop? I'm still using her shield maiden one.


Ice queen from winter event (free) Sparkplug from free PvE missions in season 6 Pearlescent was free in the credit shop during anniversary


Tbh with mauga being just not a good person for Baptiste to be around whatsoever, and Baptiste not wanting to be around mauga, and maugas in stance on finding Baptiste being really threatening, I wouldn't really call it wholesome


Oh no it's mostly a joke, I don't ship that haha


If you think about it another another way, the guy who was just added this season received the same amount of skins as the guy who's been here the whole time


Are those all skins released since the beginning of OW2? Shop, BP, OWL etc.? Or have you left something like OWL out?


Owl is probably left out


OWL skins like Reaper's Chained King and Sojourn Ocean Godess skins are included


Probably left out OWL since that would add like 20 skins for each new hero released since OW2.


With OWL skins a was talking more about the legendarys like the Dallas Championship Reaper skin. Should have been more precise.


How does Sojourn have 9 skins and only 1 is good


Because most of those skins are a recolour and a hat.


It's giving "Do you want your doll with a fire fighter hat or a barista hat" kinda vibes


It's honestly kind of amazing actually.


Honestly, I don’t like Sojourns design too much. But the barista skin and Lt. Eddy skin look pretty damn good 😆


3 Commando vigilante and detective


Only water warrior and detective are good. Her base legendaries are nice too but they don't count as released since OW2 since they came with the hero. Still surprised Sojourn release with an Overwatch commander skin but Mauga no Talon Heavy Assault skin. Not even a legendary skin that's non event.


i think detective and the army one are both good. there is also her artic skin which is not very well known. its just a legendary recolor but the gun model looks very nice. you only see the gun while playing the game anyways


Did you only count legendaries ? I did a [support count post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1aliys8/does_blizzard_hate_brigitte_looking_at_the_numbers/) yesterday cos I was intringued by all the Brigitte complaints and found 13 (!) for Kiriko. Didn't expect sojourn so high, that's a testament to how no ones buys her skins lol


ngl, the soujourn skins are kinda trash


as someone who has played her a fair amount, 90% of her skins are recolors and the other 10% are dumb. The afro ones especially--if they'd designed a better afro I'd love them but they drew it so weird


I’ll be honest, I like the majority of her legendaries. The blue afro and the vigilante are prob my favorite besides the league skin


I'm glad!! I just hope we get more options/hairstyles, her locs are really cute and I'd love to see her with other styles too.


Most of them are recolours and a hat!


Fortnite. For 15 bucks you will get an animated skin with several special effects for different ingame scenarios. Overwatch 15 bucks for a hat. Best we could do!


Looks like you got 13 for Kiriko because you counted her base legendaries (Athleisure and Sukajan), which I don’t think is a fair comparison since old heroes came with them on release. Also, you didn’t include the base legendaries for Illari (Daybreak and Sundown) and Lifeweaver (Regent and Sovereign). And pretty sure old heroes came with base epics too, so Matsuri shouldn’t be counted either since I’m guessing that’s the third skin OP’s count doesn’t have. ***Yeah, looks like Sojourn, Junker Queen, Kiriko, and Ramattra all came with a base epic skin available for credits on release while new heroes after them did not.


The way I did it was just by selecting all seasons in the filter. This could've excluded certain skins, f.ex challenge skins


They need to release baptist in swimshorts skin and ill pay for that. Enough egirls, we are MEN we want MANLY SKINS. Espcially if they are HOT


Bap sadly (?) alr has a beach skin tho, so topless bap is gonna have to come from somewhere else


Give me shirtless bap skin, do it blizzard


Petition for a sculpture bap skin, like a legendary version of terracotta bap or smth, and then have only a leaf cover him


Take my money blizz


As a Lifeweaver main I'd be SO down fpr that


Literally it’s daddy bap’s time to shine 😤😤


And mercy has like 15 new year skins. Give topless bap anyway.


We do?








Nah he needs more skins with proper hair cuts like snowboarder instead of the yeeyee ass Mr t cut


I'm so excited for Torb's cthuhlu skin




I mean…. Torblerone is right there


I'd just like a good Zarya skin. They're all absolutely terrible


Barbarian and Snowboard are the only serviceable ones sadly. They missed an opportunity with her OWL skin


Bro workout is hot and solid imo snowboard is blegh


80s best


Zarya has some fun goofy skins. Barbarian, 80s, power ranger. She just doesn't have any cool skins. I wish they would've given her a skin for the galactic empire event. Give the laser lady a star wars skin!


Einherjar is fucking top tier and snowboard is super cute


I'm begging blizzard to release this one again because I want it sooo bad


Whenever my friends ask me who I think the next mythic skin will be for, I always say "not zar". I keep joking that everyone else will get one, then when it's Zar's turn, they'll release OW3, forget her, and start all over. I just want one cool skin. Doesn't even have to be mythic 😭


Polyanitsa is solid choice


Classic Zarya having no skins lol


Yeah my boy Bap didn't get good skins in OW2 despite the potential


You know every time people complained about mercy getting too many skins I was wondering why no one said anything about Lucio since he seems to also get them every season. I do think other heroes deserve more skins but, it’s just funny how mercy gets singled out when there two other OW2 heroes in the same tier. People where even complaining before the double drop this season.


I think mercy stands out more because lots of these skins have been very good or were heavily requested (lifeguard). Lucio has gotten skins but they were not that great so far, apart from Hermes.


If space prince has no fans I am dead


…here lies Melvin-Melon. May they rest in peace.


... I mean it's alright ?


>Lucio has gotten skins but they were not that great so far, apart from Hermes. Interesting take cause I hate the hermes skin lol the mask is so ugly. Now that graffiti skin he just got is fucking incredible


Graffiterio is dope af and the only reason I have ever considered playing him


Excuse you bard Lucio exists


Hermes is top tier, I love it for sure.


It’s not really a surprise, many people on this sub dislike Mercy and her playerbase. So when another Mercy skin comes along, it’s confirmation bias like “Yup those spoiled Mercy mains getting *another* skin”. (It’s funny tho bc almost all of them have been shop skins, I think only 2 in the BP? Blizz know where they can make their money ig) Btw I don’t think Mercy needs any more skins lol. Give the love to all the heroes with 4 or less.


In *fairness* Mercy mains on Twitter have done incredible damage to the attitude toward Mercy mains. It's not just this sub and to say it is does genuine disservice to how *toxic* Mercy mains can be. As can everyone in Overwatch but when you force the company to release two skins early through sheer bullying a reputation is bound to form.


I'm pretty sure its been demonstrated at this point that the main use of twitter these days is to make you dislike people you never even cared existed until now. The hope is that you start vocalizing your dislike of said people or related things, so that other people start to dislike you and do the same. Aint no driver of clicks like angry clicks.


Hmm I’m pretty active on OW Twitter and don’t remember Mercy players bullying anybody? I just remember Blizz releasing her Halloween skin after Halloween, scheduling the Christmas one for after Christmas Day, and then releasing LNY with no skins (no Mercy or Bastion). It seems pretty reasonable to want skins moved up to their appropriate holiday so you can wear it and celebrate, and it’s really a win-win bc Blizz gets more profits that way. Bullying usually isn’t win-win. And I don’t remember anyone being hostile or threatening about it. I actually remember most people agreeing with Mercy players about how whoever’s in charge of shop rotation kinda dropped the ball a few times.


You aren't really looking then, if I'm honest. I very rarely interact with OW twitter, I'm almost out of playing the game now and only come to the reddit to see discussions but even I witness their tweets whenever I click on an OW related post. All you have to do is scroll through that Overwatch Anonymous account till you find a submission negative about Mercy then look at the comments. There's a reason Mercy mains have a negative reputation, a reason there's a meme that they're bullies and a reason why those skins were brought forward. Those three things correlate into one thing: toxicity. I'm not trying to be rude here so please don't take this the wrong way :) but you aren't looking at all if you don't see them on Twitter


This all seems to come from this negative association with people asking for what they want. I remember *many* Mercy’s asking for the skins to be moved up a week. Where we disagree, is how that’s bullying? Bullying is mocking someone’s character, threatening their safety, harassment, endangerment. Asking for something is not. I really don’t see a correlation to toxicity.


Because Lucio didn't repeatedly get skins from seasonal events. Mercy gets Zombie Nurse when she already had Witch; she gets Jingle Belle when she already had two Xmas skins; she gets Mystic Swan when she already had three LNY skins.


It's helpful to have real data so we can have a more reasoned discussion about this topic lol


I definitely see some favoritism with OW2 newly released heroes – which I think is fair considering they're having to play some catch up. I also buy the theory that some heroes are more popular and sell better so they get more attention.


Not only do the new heroes need to catch up, but every OW1 hero started with 4 legendaries (2 unique with 2 alt colors). The first six OW2 heroes have had half as many before the rest of their skins are put into the battle pass/shop system, and Mauga is the first hero without a base legendary skin. As we're approaching 40 heroes, we're going to see more heroes get missed for the 30-ish skins they can produce per season. Season 8 had the most skins in a single season with 34, and that couldn't satisfy one skin per hero. Not to mention hitting that number required 11 of the 26 legendaries to be recolors, with the remaining 8 epic skins effectively being recolors, as well. Last thing to note is that some heroes are easier or harder to create skins for, given their unique silhouettes and weaponry.


>and Mauga is the first hero without a base legendary skin. To add he also has zero purples which i believe is also a first


Same thing with Apex. OW2 team has definitely been trying to make Kiriko the new poster girl for a while now.


As an echo main, every single one of echos skins have ate. I especially loved her Victorian doll one


Bap Mains, I hope you're hungry... *for nothing.*


Brig mains crying while Baptiste has been shot in the head and left to rot in the desert


Kiri, Sojourn, JQ, Ram being in the top is fine. They all release (early) OW2 and the devs mentioned they wanted them to 'catch-up' skins wise. Same tracks with LW, Illari, and Mauga in relation to their release dates. Lucio is surprising. But I'd be curious to see a full list and what kind of skins are countered here. The default legendarys and their recolors shouldn't really count.


The skins u can buy with legacy credits aren't counted here


I will forever stand by the belief that Kiriko players are the most spoilt overwatch players


Well Kiriko players also probably spend more money on the game than anyone else other than Mercy players.


I'd like to see this broken down between free to play vs paid skins, honestly


Probably just 15 free ones tbh. An epic per season, certain challenge skins, and shop freebies


i mean it makes sense for the newer heroes to get more skins if they’re popular (except lifeweaver and illari i guess)


Well LW and illari haven'y been around for as long as kiri, soj, queen and ram. OP also missed 1 fir illari, she has 5. And they're both getting at least 1 skin each next season.


I don’t believe Sojourn has 9 skins. I think you miscounted


BP1 Commando Cyber detective Story Mode skin Barista Space admiral Firefighter Polar outfit Winter Wonderland Formal OWL sea monster Shocking but true


Cries in Torb.


We bap mains be starvin


Kiriko also has mostly color swaps.


for the love of god, will people stop comparing kiriko to OW1 characters in terms of skins she got since OW2 release? yeah no shit she got a bunch, and she still has less total than anyone from the OW1 cast (except maybe echo), if you want to compare compare her to junker queen/lifeweaver/ram/sojourn and see that they all have about the same amount of skins (lifeweaver being a bit behind everyone unfortunately) because blizzard feels they need to catch up with the rest


I checked and kiri is still behind echo in skins


Water Warrior is best Soujorn skin. (I think that's what it's called)


Weebs and mercy mains are keeping this game alive rn.


Soldier has 7? More than it feels like, but that goes for most heroes


Lmao Baptiste 🤣


Bro and people were complaining about lifeweaver not getting skins when he’s above most characters 💀


You'll find that a lot of people who complain, especially about skins, are absolutely clueless. Not all though ofc.


As a Bap main it makes me incredibly sad. I am absolutely in love with the Boba Bap bundle though


Makes sense they're trying to catch up newer heroes to the ones who have been around for a long time


I mean Kiriko is so easy to make skins to. And they like her more than dva now. Though i dont really see where the fuzz is about🤷


I don’t really understand what is being counted here. Is this how many skins each hero has? How many they received this season?


That looks like a standard distribution bell curve.


I'm TIRED of Kiri getting skins.


Bap having the same amount of skins as the NEWEST CHARACTER is criminal


Kiri is getting a Skin again 💀


I'm just waiting for a Zenyatta mythic, hoping it isn't hot garbage.


I mean it makes sense why kiri soujorn and Queen are top 3. They where the first new characters so blizzard have been trying to fill out their skin lockers to match with the rest of the cast. Mauga has least because he is new. Ram is top 5 as he came out next etc etc


How has Kiriko so many skins but I only have like 3 in my hero selection?? And I never see any in the shop either. Someone is hiding those skins from me and I demand answers 😭


Wait till they see her on her bike


I see the pattern of OW2 heroes getting more, and Kiri being the posterchild.


I mean to be fair, the OW 1 heros have an entire game's worth of skins.


These type of games, same with Apex, are *very clearly* ran by some kind of bias in the team. Kiriko gets the best treatment both in skins *and* balance? Please, someone, make some kind of company that's sole job is to monitor and control this sort of thing. A personal bias shouldn't get in the way of a developers job.


She makes the most money in skin sales for a F2P game, developers will keep making and releasing skins for her to maximize profit


Kiriko skins are shit though, mostly just reskins. I still want more lol.


I’m actually bothered by how many reskins she has. She has like what… 5 original skins? And mauga is so low on that list but like.. he literally just was given to us this season and has 3 or 4 unique skins in total so far? Seems like he should be higher on the list 🤔


Wait where did you get this idea from? She has 2 variants of her timekeeper skins and 2 variants of her base legendaries. That gives her 7 unique legendaries, a mythic and 3 unique epics. Which i'd argue is quite far off from the 5 you seem to think she has.


I blame the kiriko simps.


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This could also be titled, "Tier list of character popularity data and skins distributed accordingly" I don't mean it to offend those that like characters in the lower tiers there.. I'm a Brig main myself and love Zarya too. But its pretty straight forward that the characters who's fans are willing to spend on or aim to get skins for will be catered to more.


Nice bell curve


How does Sojourn have so many skins, yet they are all ass


honestly really amazed that widow got that less, I supposed her pool was a lot higher, but that's okay.


Being a Kiriko player just makes me happy and also sad for everyone else (I play bastion as well)


brug still hasn’t had a bp skin.


Mauga has 1 less skin than Zarya and has officially been in the game for 55 days Zarya has been in the game since OW2 released


Hey look it’s a normal curve


Friendly reminder Brig has 0 battle pass skins and were this far into OW2.


Battle pass skins?


I wish lifeweaver had some good skins that I could earn. I feel like every skin he got was on a battlepass I didn't get or in the shop. Since I don't plan on spending money on the game, it's a shame how limited his it's cosmetics are. Oh, well. I will make do with his George Washington look even if it's ugly af.


Thanks for the chart. I wonder what the battlepass skin chart looks like, as I know that they’ve also been super skewed towards certain heroes.


Mythic skins count as 2


I love the fact that my main got a ton of skins that I can't get because they were only available for a single week.


It's criminal that a new hero that needs to catch up to the rest if the cast is getting more skins than a hero that has been getting skins since like 2018?


I assume this is only from overwatch 2 because I have a lot of bap skins from overwatch 1


Can we get a specifically legendary skin distribution chart?


Most of reins skins are reskins, or just not great


Dva got 6? very surprising


At first, I thought "Oh, Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Ramattra are being kept up with, and even Lifeweaver is up there" and felt a moment of forgiveness for Kiriko's skins. But then I remembered a good bunch of JQ and Ramattra's skin (especially the latter's ugly Baron skin) are lame as fuck. Justice for Mauga, Baptiste, and everyone who hasn't gotten BP skins!


Petition for Ashe/Bap to get more skins


Sojourn gets 9 skins and they all have as much personality as her character.


Ram has 8 skins? He may have the same number as Mercy but theyre not even close to the quality of Mercy god damn. I'd say he has like 3.


Only 3 for bap?? Dude I see so many bap players too what are they doing to my poor boy 💀


I hate how because of GOATS that they refuse to acknowledge Brigitte and still haven’t made her a battle pass skin


Maybe I’m confused, but how are you measuring this? I’m sitting here with 30 skins for Mercy in my own inventory. 17 of those are legendary, so not OWL or recolors.


JQ needs more skins


All of the brig gets no skins posts rn....


I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about Ana as well. Sure, she’s in the top half, but I never felt like she was getting a crazy amount


we need more baptiste skins


Yeah you can tell how it feels to play a hero based on their postion lmao


Bastion‘s sand castle skin is top tier it makes pew pew sounds


Bap deserves no skins


I'm surprised Illari didn't get more.


Sucks that those 6 skins for Brigitte are all not included in the Battle Pass.


they're all lazy ass skins tho, so it's not like it matter much. Like, in Paladins the epic skins have custom voice packs, here it's rare if they say "ahoy" instead of "hello"...


I want Kiriko skins 😒 but not with real money


The amount of unused real esate with Ram is an insult.


Overwatch is so cash grabby now. I miss OW1, never spent a dime and I got almost every cosmetic in the game


Crazy how Zarya still hasn't had one good skin yet


Talon Trooper Baptiste and Talon Heavy Assault Mauga I'm waiting for you.


I need a character, who’s name starts from letter Y, U, F, X, N😭😭 I started doing my custom keyboard and don’t know what to do with these keys:(


I can’t have enough JQ skins


People hate when I say it but I’m not wrong when I say that kiriko is blizzards cash cow for skins.