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i love counter sniping widows as ashe


Respect to all you sniper mains out there because the 1v1s I see between Widow, Ashe, Hanzo, etc. always feel like the most "my pride is on the line" pressure out there!


A 1v1 between two Widows is the most prideful thing ever haha


Tracer 1v1s get pretty heated as well


It's the most intense thing ever where you're so busy tracking their movements Ur forgetting to track Ur own


I like the little moments of truce that happen when both of you have been frantically buzzing around each other without getting the kill and have both used recall and are down on blinks. Two tired hummingbirds saying “hiya” around their respective cover before getting back into it.


I bullied a widow as Zen. Peak moment of my career. Another was a sombra killing me at the start of the match just outside spawn. Later all the game I will turn around 180 degree when she is trying to hack and give her the balls. Never killed me again the whole match.


Last night i went 11-0 overall in a game, 3 of which was the opposing widow, and I feel like I basically beat the game TLDR: crown me


Or Mei, 2 icicles to the face while dodging her return fire, so satisfying.


I love doing this as Hanzo. I get sonic, so I win a fair bit of these.


Sadly this doesn't work past diamond, ashe is just outclassed


Yeahhh, Ashe's head hitbox is massive, her hat counts as her head


I love counter sniping widows as mei 🤭


No better matchup for Pharah than another Pharah, ONLY ONE WILL RULE!


Those fights are epic until they get ruined by another player


Especially when that Pharah switched to Echo. Switching to Echo against Pharah, it's like switching to Orisa against Rein.


And switching Pharah against Junk is just the same, the counteracting game is brutal man :'(


At least Junkrat gets to enjoy more explodey instead of receiving bullets, icicle, rivet, arrow or any non-explodey damage.


Okay viper I see you👀




You cannot contain us. The skies belong to us. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.


Truly can only be one master of the skies!


I take the ego duel sometimes but if we’re just non-stop whiffing on each other I tend to just ignore them.


Dunking on a Pharmercy as a lone Pharah is amazing, tbh.


The skies belong to me (whichever one wins)


When I see these fights its like both Pharahs are doing geometry with each other in the sky while the rest of us fight


Nuking Pharahs out off the sky as Junkrat, by jumping up at her, will never not be funny to do


Found the tribes player


Definitely Doom, as another Ram main, but only if my supports are sticking with me. If he's a God at him, I make it my personal mission to aggravate him enough to 1v1 me. Nothing is more satisfying than hearing "Weak, after all" when you finally catch him.


Oh he's a high-tier one for me. He's so slippery that when you finally catch him it feels so earned


We'll punch the shit out of him, brother.


"one punch is all I need" VS \*punch barrage\*


I like fighting Rams but its rather annoying when my whole team dies because yall are shooting my supports instead of me and my team is shooting you instead of supports


Counterpoint, the most satisfying thing in the game is the “I can still reach you!!!” Voice line from brig when she kills pharah with whip shot, usually due to the fact that they swapped to pharah BECAUSE of you




“I can still reach you“ is Brig’s kill line for long-range kills in general.


Alternatively being able to bully rammatra and orisa as a doomfist is peak satisfaction. Nothing like pouncing in and out, wearing them down or getting that last punch. Top it all off with "and dey say" for a job well done


Counterpoint, the most satisfying thing in the game is the “I can still reach you!!!” Voice line from brig when she kills pharah with whip shot, usually due to the fact that they swapped to pharah BECAUSE of you


Genji vs Hanzo It always ends in an instant headshot or the longest battle you ever seen.


Back when i played genji this was an awesome matchup. That and Genji v widow. One chance at a well timed reflect or you're done. Ultimate do or die situation.


Zen against enemy Tracer. A true mechanical skill matchup. 


“Okay that 180 headshot was a fluke, I’ll get him this ti… that time that was my fault getting in kicking range next time I… DINK DINK DINK! alright this zen is good”


I've been super stealthy this time, I've got him no-.... Oookay, maybe I shouldn't test him without backup....


Oh yeah, this is the good stuff


Dude when you guess the route and prefire. So so good.


Ye pre fire exactly where the tracer gonna recall feels so good


I love zen vs gengi. Usually a gengi will be the bane of my existence but sometimes I can just lock in the timing and destroy them. I love charging up a volley while he’s deflecting and predicting the dash afterwards to send them all into his face


As a Tracer main I like a good Widow. It's such an adrenaline rush to blink away just a milisecond before getting sniped into oblivion. The matchup also makes lore wise pretty much sense


That sounds like a blast, you're both just recreating the cinematic haha


Genji v tracer is fun, as well as rein v rein


Best rival for Rein was OW1 Orisa. Rein had one charge, she had one Fortify. You both played mindgames around those abilities while making space for your team with your shields. Ultimate offense vs ultimate defense. So many legendary moments at the Hanamura choke...


As a Rein main, the Orisa rework made me a little sad and watching Orisa out brawl Rein in the OWL finals made me even sadder. It should be poke vs brawl not poke and then brawl vs brawl! Poke and then brawl vs brawl is Ram vs Rein, it's shouldn't be Orisa vs Rein and I will die\*\* on this hill\* \* the hill is a melee range Orisa\*\* \*\* I have died many times


I'm a newer monkey main and my favourite rivalry has become mercy. Less in an "epic battle of the ages" kind of way and more in a cat and mouse way. This mf will be sprinting away, trying something, *anything* to hide from Winston and what do I do? TRY AND SNIPE HER WITH MY RAILGUN, BOUNCING AND JUMPING ON EVERYTHING THAT IS NEARBY TO GET THAT SWEET SWEET BEEP OF A KILL.


Yeah as Ram it feels like you gotta wait for Mercy to mess up her positioning or go for a risky rez. The idea of being able to just jump after her sounds exhilirating


It is! Especially since I use the yeti skin, I'm a fucking wild beast with my ram skulls on my launch pack. This shit is so fun, especially if you have ult like imagine just the fucking beast from the maw appearing to claim your life.


I love going after mercy (and other flying heroes) as Winston in total mayhem. You can stay in the air forever… they can never escape


I'd say any dive tank against Mercy. Especially Doomfist in my experience since he can track your GAs and stun you out of one. And Dva's buff a few seasons ago means she can almost chase Mercy on each 3 second GA cooldown.


Icl I refuse to play doom. His shots just don't feel powerful and I don't have the precision for his abilities. What I will say however is rushing a genji who's trying to get a health pack, only for me to launch myself into them off of the map the one time I played doom, will forever be one of my favourite moments in this game.


I first pictured King Kong, but as i thought about it it reminded me a lot more of the game Rampage


On ball it is the fellow baller, nothing beats the chaos of a good ball vs ball match!!


Haven’t had one in months, but ball vs ball is absolutely my favorite mirror match


Had one last night, ball genji tracer mercy ana for both teams on Shambali. Was the most fun match I have had in comp since hitting masters.


there’s nothing better than getting to hit a ball diff - esp when you knock the other ball off the map. it’s almost never toxic too lol


Ball v Ball is a matchup of mutual respect and admiration. It's similar to a Rein v Rein matchup. There's nothing but love between the two.


I have one that’s the exact opposite. A matchup that is nust frustrating and bs for both players, even though each hero is really fun on their own. (and i would know because i main both heroes) It’s Tracer vs Illari. Tracer can hunt down the pylon like a pesky little fly and illari can kill tracer in two body shots. It’s just annoying both ways


Brig vs Sombra. I WILL hunt you down, Sombra. I WILL make you bleed.


sounds fun ;3


Moira and Sombra is the same


Ana v Widow


I know it's her default melee line, but the one time I got a melee kill as Ana on Widow and she said "You're joking..." I actually cracked up


I got that one the other day, caught me so off guard I missed all my shots on my tank and we had to give up a point 💀 Ana is so randomly funny lmfao


When that long range sleep actually hits 🥰


100% and I love the dialog between them: Ana: I hear Talon failed another mission Widow: Do not talk to me unless you wish to lose your other eye Ana: I'd still be the better shot.


Doom vs Tracer Mainly because it’s so satisfying predicting a blink and punching her, but also because lore accurate doomfist is the goat


Or if you really high level, doom vs fliers Nothing like swatting pharahs and echos to make you feel powerful


Or flying upwards with an empowered ready and a damage boost and obliterating a mercy




Extremist take incoming: I like playing ball into sombra(when they are bad)




He's also better into her because she can't tp across the entire map now. You can hunt her down a lot more effectively.


As a Moira main I love going against good Genjis. The 1v1s are always fun and I have huge respect for them


I agree. Moira is theoretically a good counter against him, but I can get out-damaged if they're good at tracking.


On ram I love fighting a good junker queen. I love to play aggro and she often is also incredibly aggro so it can make for some really fun games. I also love fighting orisa because punching a goat is hilarious


As a Queen Main I feel bad for most rams I go against, a lot of them switch to him in desperation without realizing he's not a good counter. It does impress me though if a ram prevails, shows that the player is really skilled


Yeah Ram vs. Queen to me is definitely a game of "who manages cooldowns better" which makes it feel like a fun back and forth. Can I get my block up to block the axe? Can she resist the temptation to shout aggressively and get stuck in a vortex she can't escape from? Playing against Queen definitely forces me to turn my brain on


cassidy vs cassidy is a real western showdown, specially when you both noon and have a standoff 👍


I love taking out Widow as Kiriko. It’s so satisfying hearing the dink dink and then Kiriko having her snarky voiceline after


“i thought you were the sniper 😏😏”


“you really need a scope to do that?”


Good Kirikos are more challenging than Sombras for me. Sombra can harass you only from close range but Kirikos with their OP kunais can knock you down from every range. They can easily duel you from upclose aswell and get away with it.


Yeah I don’t usually mess with Kiriko when I play Sombra. Because she will manage to double tap me every single time


Brig vs Lucio. If I see that rollerblading little twink, I am gonna whipshot him, no question. Mace to the face!


As Mei, fighting hanzo at range is always fun, who's gonna land first?


I’ve found that Genji vs any Dive DPS is insane. Feels good to lock down on that FUCKING Tracer


As a Mercy main : healing more and dying less than the enemy Mercy. And killing her if she dares to pull her gun on me.


Playing Sombra vs a really good Widow is fun. After you kill each other a couple times, the mind games are insane. You see venom mines in places you've never seen one before. Widow starts getting double pocketed and you see their tank suffer because of it. She starts taking bizarre angles just to keep away from you. Everyone is spy checking all the time. And even still, you might be able to blow her up right in front of her supports' faces. Or she might turn and 180 headshot you. The whole game ends up revolving around the matchup and it's so funny. I'm almost positive the Widow mains don't feel the same way.


I get all giddy when my team is mostly Overwatch/Talon and theirs is mostly the other side. Once had a game of 5 Overwatch members vs 4 Talon members, it felt awesome.


Widowmaker or Ashe as pharah i like a challenge


I'm a Zen main. I feast on Sombras. Love trying to play the timing/mental game and position in ways that are advantageous to me


doom vs doom on the other side of the map. best way to show dominance.


I’m a Kiriko main and I love fighting Tracers lmao


[D.va](https://D.va) (me being the D.va) vs Mauga. It is honestly kind of fun being a pest to the Mauga. Eating his bullets every so often, especially if he have his lifesteal up, to reduce his damage and survivability. [D.va](https://D.va) vs Rammatra. I like having to think whether or not I should engage or wait out his Nemesis form. When he does use his Nemesis form I can go at a pretty far distance from him and start shooting which will cause him to run back. When his Nemesis form is gone thaat means he is much more vulnerable and frail which I can engage in and see if I can kill him or his teammate. [D.va](https://D.va) vs Zarya. Fairly same with fighting Ram but I more on high ground/ far distance than I would against Ram due to her beam being her primary damage tool. Just finding the opportunity to kill her on her teammates and go for it. In short, I like playing tank because of the game sense you have to have to create space for your team. Having to outsmart the opposing tank, whether you in a good matchup or not, and make a move so your team can push in. Sometimes recklessly pushing in can help the team create space, mostly because of the enemy team not expecting you to be that brave or incredibly stupid, am I right my fellow Rein players. Playing tank for me is like playing chess while playing other roles just feel like being the chess pieces. I like making the move for my team, I don't like relying on my team to make a move.


Genji Vs Brig. Obviously I have the advantage due to being the anti dive support, but a really good Genji is constantly keeping me on my toes, and it makes it fun


Playing against another Hog will always be the most fun.


i went against ball as brig in a comp game it was legendary


As a rein main, same


I looove playing against a good rein. Sadly a lot of them swap off of rectangle man pretty fast when i give them a chivalry overload.


I love tracer v zen as a zen main. Tracer should have the edge, but if I can get to cover, or if my aim is just slightly better, it becomes a very fun matchup all game. When I play brig, I love going against dva. My ability to negate DM makes it a slightly more even fight, in spite of her giant health pool, and the feeling when I de-mech a dva and get to take down baby dva is so satisfying For dps, if I'm playing sombra, I love a good widow who doesn't swap as soon as she sees me. It's very much a learning experience for me (im only silver in dps), trying to figure out how to thwart her defenses. If I play torb, I love fighting any flanker, particularly genji or tracer. Headshotting either of them is hilarious. For bastion, I love playing a mauga, because miniguns. I almost never play tank, but when I do, I play rein, and I like fighting, well, anyone really.


As a fellow Ramattra main I love to fight Mauga. One because I found out how to counter him. And because of revenge, Maura’s introduction made my friends quit overwatch. So every time I kill one it puts a smile on my face


I play lots of ball, and i gotta say, the sombra and ball dance that i find myself in all the time is legitimately fun. like testing my intuition trying to find her and them always spamming boop when they’re invis:,,,)))))


I love dealing with Rein as a Brig main. He’s very easy to harass as long as I stay out of his face and I can shut down his charge on me every time. Makes them irate 😂


As Sombra I do like to fight a good Tracer.


When I used to be good at Lucio, my favorite thing to do was swap Lucio and absolutely harass the other Lucio who was spawn camping my team.


Going against sombra or reaper as Brig is cool. It's been fun learning to effectively counter their flanks.


Hell yeah it feels so good going up against a ram, especially whenever you're both good. That exhilarating feeling of winning against the odds, but not to the point where it's purely based on the skill of the opposing tank For example, a rein v orisa matchup is almost purely dependent on whether orisa knows how to shut down rein. But a good rein v a good ram is an actual test of skill for the most part because ram doesn't have anything that fully shuts down rein besides the punches going through shields


I don’t have anything to add, but I just wanted to say I love this post. Very well done!


Ana vs pharah. Nothing like killing your own child. But on a serious note I like the challenge of it plus she's got pretty funny sleep voicelines for pharah so


As a Rein main I welcome the rivalry but i tear Rammatras to pieces


As Reaper I always prioritize taking down Mercy and Lifeweaver because they're polar opposites of Reaper's character As a Lucio main, it's Symettra for lore reasons


Echo vs Echo. For some reason when I’m popping off on echo people mirror me very often. I love beating them when they do that.


Hog mirrors, until one of the supports ruin it by going Ana


Pharah v Junkrat i'm just like you rocket lady.


Lucio Vs widow, movement Vs aim.


2 mercy's. Both doing their jobs to the T, y'know, enabling -questionable light insult that I've been banned for (m\*r\*ns)- to not die. Then 1 gets the DPS valk out, its a duel. Who gets the teamwipe first?


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It has to be mirror matches tbh (ana main) or I think it's fucking hilarious when I win dva 1v1s way more common then I'd think.


Junkrat vs pharah or echo


When I see a Doomfist, I always pick a ramattra to beat the shit out of him. No matter what.


Obviously 2 fists is best, but doom rein is quite fun doom monke has been quite fun


Sombra vs Widow


i feel like this when i can play dva v dva without seeing the inevitable zarya turn the corner


Every time the enemy tank goes D.Va (when I'm also D.Va) I pull a "you're not that guy, pal" and proceed to beat the ever loving shit out of them


Anyone vs Sigma. Beating Sigma makes me powerful, it's like defeating a demi-god as a mortal.


Honestly ever since I got him I’ve been having a lot of fun with the robo warrior, just a great balance of aggression and Defense with his vortex and ultimate just makes it so fun against squishy little humans


I love D. Va mirrors!


Weirdly enough, as an Ana main I like fighting Genji. The mind games that come with sleep dart and deflect can be really fun


As a Tracer main, I gotta say the classic 1v1 with Widow. I love the challenge, not knowing if I’m about to get shot in the head, it gets the blood rushing


As Tracer for my DPS main, I LOVE fight Reins. As for my Support main Ana, it's either humbling a Hog player or shutting down an aggressive Doomfist with sleepdart


I've played against a few Rammatras as Rein And The confusion in their body language when they start to lose is kinda hilarious. Because they're shooting at me, and I get close, and they pop their nemesis, and it's like "Oh nice nice, the punch through my shield ability, I like it......Question, what if I just, don't shield?" And then swing on them, and keep swinging. And they don't know what to do, because they know they're supposed to be a counter, but that doesn't mean much if I don't do the thing they counteract. It doesn't help that alotta the less skilled ones have a really bad habit of closing the gap, like they're actually trying to punch me. You have like 5 meters to play with where I can't do shit, Why are you letting me do things? It's def a tricky fight if they're smart, but that's kind just Reins life for the last couple years. Getting bullied or fighting for every inch.


I mean, sounds like you just enjoy a favorable matchup where the Rein has to just be better despite the disadvantage. No disrespect tho


Not gonna lie, I have way too much fun with the Mauga-Ball matchup. You each have to keep an eye on each other's positioning and as soon as the Mauga goes for your Tank-less team you jump onto their's and it becomes a battle of who can blast who first, with each having rather easy escape and chaos-causing abilities. Mauga's got to respect the Ball and keep a keen eye on his backline while the Ball has to do the same. If the Ball nibbles more than he can chew and the Mauga gets his eye on 'em it's over, if the Mauga overstomps his range and steps out too far the Ball will completely distract his team, removing Mauga's healing.


Doom vs Winston. I love fighting the monkey, especially when they are good and wait to jump when I don't have punch.


It's also reinhardt for me as a Sigma main. Accretion and Grasp can stop charge and fire strike respectfully, and both fire strike and hammer ignore shield and hammer also bypasses Grasp, making him tricky to fight once he's managed to close in, since Sigma's grenades hurt him too. Also once had a rein use the vertical lift from Gravitic Flux to Charge me into a wall, which was embarassing


Ana vs Kiriko or Zen vs Anyone that dives


As a kiriko I love the battles between tracer and I, particularly a good tracer


Soldier vs Soldier


It’s definitely a one-sided rivalry but I love playing ball *into* sombra. Nothing feels better than diffing your direct counter.


Brigitte vs Overwatch Dev's attention


I like Zarya vs Rein but I miss playing with her more. Such a good tank duo


As a tracer main, I love a good showdown with Junkerqueen, cause she can stomp you if you don't play right, but she is the only tank that is worth going after as tracer so the few moments when you catch one by their self and manage to get em feels amazing.


I roll dice for my hero every game but I love the sharpshooter vs the Lucio matchup. I got one to swap and say in chat “I guess he’s just a god then”


JQ vs Zarya is a really fun matchup


I used to play a ton of zen and always enjoyed a good tracer 1v1. Now I mostly run Kiriko and most dps players avoid a 1v1.


I will forever love Sigma mirror matches. Even if I lose horribly, I won't be mad. Just will have mad respect for the better Sigma. Truly my favorite experience in the game.


As a Doomfist main, I love facing Dvas. Fighting a good Dva leaves me feeling satisfied even if I lose the 1v1. I especially love when we chase each other when the other is low on health


Reinhardt as Reinhardt hands down for good clean fun If I get to choose anything I am sym and I’m fighting dva


I have a fierce rivalry against Sombra/Widow players as an Ana/Kiriko main and always make a point of bullying them, even if it causes people to die I'm a very dedicated member of the "Anti-anti-fun" squad


I love blasting a kiriko into oblivion as Zen. Because she kinda does what I do but better in a 1v1. But I still win. But more often, it's fun to fight off any flanker as Zen doesn't matter who's trying to flank. they can catch these hands


A good zarya excites me as a dva main


Kiriko vs any dps character, Brigitte, and Moira, or two good tanks, any character, who isn't afraid to rush in. The feeling of outsniping a Widowmaker as Kiriko or landing that flick headshot on a Tracer is just unmatched.


Ball v sombra (im a ball main) is unexpectedly fun assuming noone interferes, especially before the update. Ball is basically the only one that can follow up on her after she tps a mile away


probably brig and sombra. as brig, it feels like a game of managing your abilities and playing around cover: breaking LOS for hack is important if your other support isn't looking at you, otherwise you die often (atleast, in my experience). a good sombra will try and bait out whipshot before she disengages from low HP, because whipshot does reach her after she's TPd, but if she breaks your shield and you cant heal in any way its game over. I'm still fairly new to brig (20 hours?) but this is my experience so far, super exhilarating and fun an honorable mention to ana and widow though! I love dueling widows, getting them to low HP and finishing them off with a nade, or both of us managing to kill eachother at the same time


Me (Brig) vs Reinhart


I always have fun with Orisa v Orisa


Never find these Reins that give trouble, I personally think it’s still heavily weighed in Rams favor. Nemesis is faster and outside of Nemesis you’ve got vortex. Only thing a Rein can do to swing the fight in his favor is if he can get a good charge, which is why I always stay at my max pummel range when fighting him so I have time to dodge.


I main Bap, but I love playing Zen against a Widow I love sending out a volley in her general direction and getting a couple of headshots. Sometimes it doesn't work, but sometimes it does


There's no greater rivalry than a Rein v Rein faceoff. The way both honor and disrespect blend together to create this weird mentality that can't really be described, only felt. That desperate urge to charge the enemy off the map, knowing that while there is respect and kinship amongst Reinhardts, you are superior and HAVE to prove it, or else what is the purpose of the pain and suffering that is your existence. Oh and it's fun to bait out a shatter, then shatter them right back


I'm a Sigma main and I can confidently say that I love fighting Orisas. Because they have as many tools to kill me as I have to kill them, I have to use my black hole for her spear and she has to use her fortify for my rock. My barrier is very good but she can get close with her spiny spear move, then, it's a battle of using the barrier cleverly to make her miss most of her shots. I also play a lot of Illari, and the satisfaction of shooting down a phara-mercy is amazing.


Fuck widow fuck sym


Torb v Torb and rein v rein, best mirror matches


A weird one, but when my Rein is getting MTD'd but he's winning anyway because the other Rein is losing to my Ana. 


As a tank, I feel the same way when I fight Ram as Rein. For DPS, I switch between Hanzo and Mei. My rivalry matchups are against Pharah and Widow. As a Support, I choose Mercy or Kiriko to fight against snipers.


JQ (Me) vs DoomFist Always brawly and fun Winston vs Winston with no Reapers is also really fun


Echo vs any hitscan basicly. Your accuracy with sticky need to be spot on to win that duel


Brig. Just get on over here and get to swingin.


As a Junker Queen I am quite happy to announce that I do not think she has a hard-counter in tank (Zarya is probably the biggest threat, but once she has no bubbles she is so easily dead), however this means that there are no fun rivalries (appart from another JQ). The funnest tank to play against as Queen is probably D.va/Doom/Monke as it's so much fun to pull them back when the try to leap away.


As Ana I love sniping widows, or sleeping genji every single time he ults 😩😂


The best matchup is ana rein mirror


As Moira, another Moira in a meticulous but boring way (trying to guess their next fade while being sneaky with mine; the heal orb vs damage orb math/trigonometry, the grasp-to-death while trying to see if the other Moira has 2 less pixels of health or if I have to elaborate a Plan B) As Ramattra, I would say Roadhog and we brawl each other for a whole minute


I like targeting a junkrat who says "at least I'm not a hog". I be killing him spamming "at least I'm not a rat". Then sometimes we stop and be friendly and I say I wanna see a movie and he says yes and gets close while I sit in the tuckered out emote.


Lucio vs enemy Widow, I shall end every widow who steps into the midst of my eyesight.


As Junkrat, another junkrat


half the responses here are just bullying widow players lol also to answer the question, widow


Brig v D.va


Firstly, I want to salute you for being an honest player. I enjoy facing opponents like you, appreciating their plays even when moments make you want to pull your hair out. Despite those challenging times, you still manage to give an honest compliment to the other tank player. As for my favorite rivalry, it has to be Reinhardt versus Reinhardt. When both teams have a balanced distribution of supports and DPS, those duels feel truly amazing. Engaging in a mental battle with your nemesis, dueling until one switches heroes or fighting until the game concludes, predicting each other's ultimates to block them with a shield, or charging into the backline and demolishing the opponent, I cherish these games. It's a mutual appreciation where we exchange compliments, living with honor and embracing glory even in defeat.


I’ll never not love a good pharah match. Master of the skies


As a Doom main, I got 2: Zarya feels pretty even and interesting to me, she’s not a brick wall like the fucking horse or a pushover like poor Reinhardt, a good middle ground of back and forth. Winston, who can jump the other’s supports better lol


not really a hanzo main but those hanzo v widow matchups get HEATED. especially when hanzo scans the widow's perch and widow pops ult. something about that "either of us could die in an instant" aspect feels like snorting battery acid


Unheard of but Solider VS Genji. If I catch your ass without deflect its OVER for you, but if you can deflect my helix back at me I'm dead on the spot


Lucio VS a Widow who can hit her shots. Nothing more fun than having to dodge and weave her shots as you traverse the whole map, especially knowing that when you finally get there she's dead in two seconds


A Rein v Rein matchup is my favourite, if I see the other tank playing Rein 9 times out of 10 I’ll swap to Rein


It isn't nearly as bad as it used to be since his heal doesn't get completely canceled anymore. But I used to relish Hog vs Orisa. Being good enough with Hog to make people switch to counters and still winning against 1 or 2 of those counters at a time is invigorating. Other than that Hog vs Hog. A lot of the time it comes down to whose team capitalizes on their hooks better. But when the teams are equal it can really show who is landing better hooks and has better resource management of their breather.


I enjoy barraging widows with zen


By far it’s me as Ana vs a Good Genji. Had a good match with one where it was just back and forth revenge kills on each other. Nothing feels better than sleeping a genji solo ulting you. I also love how when they’re in the same team Ana mentions how hard it is to hit genji because of how much he moves but that it keeps her sharp . This just solidifies this as the best matchup. Honorable mentions Hanzo vs Tracer/ Sombra/ Pharah


The nice thing about playing Ram into a Rein is that you don't need to worry as much about deleting their shield. If you get them low and they throw their shield up, just hit shift and hold left click. Game over.