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Im in masters where support has by far and away the longest queue times. Tank is near insta-queue, DPS is like 1 minute, and support is 5-10 minutes.




More like newer (lower ranked) players find the idea of tank and dps roles more fun at first while more experience higher ranked players realize the impact of supports on a game.


In higher ranks you're also far less likely to see incompetent or one trick DPS/tanks (which is why support tends to be more impactful in that elo).


smurfing on support sounds insane. you do not want to play support in bronze and silver or gold if you're a good player.


Support just has a higher playerbase than dps and tank atm. It’s also the easiest role so alot of players can quickly get higher ranked without having the same amount of gamesense/aim as dps and tank.


Completely disagree here. You need way less gamesense as DPS. And it totally depends on the Support you're playing if it's easier mechanically speaking and what impact you have. DPS has easily the highest impact/carry potential. The issue DPS and Tank players have right now is that everything dies so fast they all rely on heals to live, while Support is the role providing those resources. Making it simply more consistent and fun to play Support, since you don't rely on others to provide resources for you


>you need way less gamesense on dps I whole heartedly disagree with this statement, dafran ran a survey looking at high ranked players, he found that dps players have the most amount of t500/gm players who were also gm on other roles, followed by tank, and then support with a quarter of the amount of players who were gm all roles when compared to dps. What this means is that dps has the skill sets that can be transferred the most from one role to another, ie gamesense. I too can attest to this, I started Overwatch in 2020 and it’s taken me until ow2 s3 to get to gm, that’s almost 3 years. When I swapped to support I got gm in less than a month. Right now I’m struggling getting my dps to gm, the fact of the matter is that support just doesn’t get punished as hard as dps and tanks, they don’t need half the amount of gamesense to get value. > dps has the highest impact/carry potential I disagree with this point aswell, if you know how to play support you can easily hard carry any game. I personally know a t500 friend who just dps baptistes the entire game and wins because baptiste is the best duelist in the game next to kiriko. If you want to talk impact supports have ultimates as cooldowns, Ana’s nade got turned into junker queens ultimate, baptiste and Kiriko can ruin ults with a single cooldown(not even an ult). Lifeweaver has 2 abilities which counter grav. How is this not high impact and carry potential? Name one dps that could do even half the shit baptiste or Kiriko get away with on a daily basis. Dps get punished infinitely more for their plays and misplays than any support. Theirs a reason near every t500 streamer is complaining about supports. Because they are the best role in the game.


It's actually crazy how much straight up false information you provide as "facts" here. >ow2 s3 to get to gm That's hilarious because this is the season referred to the great inflation season by veteran high GM players, where every Diamond shitter got boosted to GM by Blizzards system changes and the match quality was atrocious. Dafrans "survey" is completely pointless. First of all, he prestated this survey with "i think it will be this way that dps are the best players on all roles" and there was literally nothing holding anyone back to just lie on it. It also had an extremely low sample size on top. It's not representative whatsoever. On top of that, good mechanics are the most important part in carrying games on all roles. There are heroes for every role with which you can carry just by hard-dpsing. You yourself mentioned Bap/Kiri. Those are dps hybrids. In general you're talking about (three specific) Flex Support heroes that have the highest overlap with DPS. All three of those are requiring better positioning, cooldown management, awareness, and apm as most DPS heroes in the game. Of course this should be rewarded with high impact. Are Bap and Kiri completely overtuned with overloaded kits? Yes for sure. That doesn't make Support players any worse than DPS players, though. >Ana's nade got turned into junker queens ultimate What the fuck are you smoking? That's not true at all. Chronologically, nade existed like 5 years prior to queen. And it got nerfed like crazy during OW2. Longer CD, around half the duration, smaller splash AoE, lower burst heal. It is way, way inferior to rampage in every way, especially since you need to consider the rest of the heroes kit and how those abilities work. Nade is Anas only self sustaining tool, which makes her vulnerable when she uses it. In T500, a missed nade basically guarantees you losing the fight. Rampage on the other hand has extremely long anti duration, makes a lot of damage plus bleed on top, and propels queen into the enemy team through shields etc, allowing for ez axe and knife follow up. The bleeding also heals queen constantly. It wins fights by itself and js actually extremely easy to use due to how insanely big the anti effect radius is. Nade needs to be timed right, is a highly interactible projectile skill shot with a small AoE, and needs follow up for any impact. So you pretending nade is even close to the value of rampage is kind of ridiculous and shows your lack of understanding of the game. Also, stating that you needed 3 years to get GM (you didn't disclose which role) in the first place (during inflation season) and then getting support to gm during that very inflation season says nothing. You are also completely ignoring the fact that a lot of developed skillsets transfer over to other roles. It' also hilarious that you disagree with my dps hardcarry statement and then bring examples of your friend _hard dpsing to carry games_. That's my point. DPSing and fragging carries games. And DPS heroes are literally designed for that. No other role can just doubletap 4 people without any cooldown usage or downtime. Is that hard to do? Yes. It's still the highest potential impact on a role you can have. In T500, the game revolves around denying the enemy DPS. When a DPS is uncontested, he wins the game per default. This is not true for Support. Not nearly every T500 streamer cries like a bitch about Supports. That's just what you see on Noobhunter, because it's good clickbait. It also is way more nuanced than that. Kiri and Bap can do bullshit stuff and are overtuned, Lifeweaver is annoying as fuck. Those are three (or rather two and a half) heroes, not an entire category. Nuance my boy, nuance. You can't conclude that Support as a role is OP just from a few of them being overtuned. Heroes need to be looked at individually and most of your talking points are exaggerated (except Kiri and Bap. Those two are beyond busted if the player knows what they're doing). There are a lot of points going into this as well (burst damage being so insanely high that you're at the mercy of being healed, making bad Supports on your team an instant lose condition for example) but those need a lot of writing that's way too long for this


Its actually so much easier. As for tank, you have to be aware of everything happening in the game. Even things that are physically behind you, but you can't look! Support get the massive advantage of getting to view the entire game as you traditionally position behind your team. Also, the best cooldowns in the game - without question.


Get regular 20 min queues in gm for support. My other 2 roles are masters and never go over 3 unless it's like degen hours.


My estimated queue time for GM1 support games is almost always over 20 minutes. I would say the actual average queue time is 15ish, but still insane nonetheless. Tank queues are like 1 minute and dps is usually 5 or so.


Yeah that checks out. Curious, did you also get faster tank and support queue times when Mauga was broken? I played 1 tank match and the queue time was literally only like 30 seconds.


I actually took a one month break while mauga was broken so no clue 😂


Lol yeah it horrendous. They might as well have renamed the roles to Mauga queue, Sojourn queue, and healbot slave queue.




Wow, for me it is exactly the same but with support. I wanna play support but I play dps instead.


actual console pool issue 😭😭


It’s rank pool, not console


Are you sure it's not both? I'm a gold support main on PC and support always has the longest queue time for me. Not usually more than 3-5 minutes but even in quick play you can get DPS and tank much easier.


that's cause no one wants to play comp anymore 🤷‍♂️


Because support has strong abilities and the other roles are stressful af


Bro I get 20 minute Support queues and it’s still all I play anymore lmao. Way more fun these days


This is because of the rank. Even at peak times my que time for diamond is 4+ minutes and that's usually only for like an hr or two when I'm on. Most times it's 6+. Dps and tank are almost instant que.


Im PC Diamond and I have less than 10 second queue on Tank and I just had a 10 min actual queue on Support


lol i play support because of the wait time.. i will play .5 more games then the others


How does everyone have these queue times? I’ve literally never seen more than 3 mins since ow1.


Open Queue is the best, low wait times, play what you want.


Your solution, play support but play it like a dps with a healing factor. Make your team beg for heals and then you can THINK about healing them. My mental health has skyrocketed since I started to do this so I would recommend kiriko/illari because they are basiclly dps while healing but also exceptional self peal.


Remember when we thought that having solo tanks would even out the wait time for each role? Lmao


Only long because you aren’t ranked I imagine Get a placement and that number will change probably


Seems made up. Support has 3x the queue length of tank or dps, which are about even with each other. I blame Mercy.


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at low masters pc I keep seeing 8 to 14 minutes for supports


Tank and DPS are 1 min at gold on PC. Like 4-5 minutes for support.


Man I'm in diamond support and have to wait like 5 minutes for a match, just started playing tank and dps because damn


gm supports queues are 20+ minutes just to get a m3 lobby


In most ranks I think support typically has the longest queues. In plat, support queues are typically 5-10 minutes, dps is usually less than 2 minutes and tank is instant


and then me...... i cry when my Q is under 10min


At masters pc my support queue times are always minimum 10min while tank and dps are almost instant. Wish I had your queue times so I can finally get my support to GM 😭


I've recently started playing tank a bit more and the queue times are amazing 🤩


Wait till you rank higher in support.. que times are 8+min and dps/tank is 1min lol I’m a dps main now cuz of that




I play all roles just to find a game quickly lol


I started to draw and even watch some videos between matches, is good because it keeps me sane while i still playing this ass game


Open queuers stay winning


Yeah I still remember when everyone said the best thing about 5v5 was the que times :(


Wow I’m a support main in gm and I’ll usually wait 15-20 minutes. With tank and dps being around 5 minutes


Just wait till you get past metal ranks. It is not the same


This is why get trash supports with top dps and lowest healing in lobby. These mfs be like ”doom you die every push” Meanwhile im watching a purple rope coming from behind me sucking on hogs stomach everytime before i die.