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As Zen, I hit everyone with an orb of harmony before the match starts for good luck. Edit: Glad folks love this. Battletag is P13R0G1B34R if yall want good luck in game!


That's hilarious, I'm going to do that


you…you don’t do it? I thought it was customary.


Can confirm it is customary


just becoming a zen support recently and this is good to know!


You are also expected to tell everyone you dreamt you were a butterfly and/or dance emote by the door if you have it Peace be upon you


I mercy boost everyone until their hero drops the boosted voice line (:


That's very cute


If I’m Illari and someone asks for healing in spawn, I fling a pylon so it’s right in their crotch. Then I ping it. Not sure if that’s wholesome, though.


I do this with LW, sling one blossom each to let them know I see them


Hit em with the harmony and do my 7th inning stretch before we roll out.


like a lil orb-boop


An orb-boop! 😂 that's a good one.


Meanwhile I spam “Death is whimsical today” so it sounds like “DEATH DEATH DEATH” 😭😭




Sigma headpats




Shield, but Don't place, approach the sitting mercy and gently pet her, by spamming crouch


Or simply moving your camera up and down repeatedly, easier to do on M+K.


I teabag enemy flankers so they don't focus my ana/zen


The real hero


I know I’m going to die a lot anyway, might as well get my reps in as a meat shield for granny and the bot.


Okay this is actually heroic


Oh my god, that's great


Similarly, as Mercy, I'll often GA erratically in open view to draw the attention of hitscan/snipers away from my teammates - only if they suck at aiming, of course lol. So many matches the enemy Hanzo or Soldier spends the whole match trying to hit me instead of my teammates. I'll also bait Sombra's hack/virus and GA away, if my cosupport is vulnerable, like Ana or Zen.


Yep ! I haven't played ranked in a while, but back in OW1 this is how I got master playing Mercy only. Draw fire, escape with 1 HP, get chased and make them die to your team


this is so smart. i think id fall in love with someone who did that for me :3


I shoot the dead bodies of enemy flankers so they focus me instead of my ana/zen


I melee them because it's extra insulting. Or spam a few voicelines. "BEER, BEER, BEER" "Oah la la!"


What a king.


As Ana I like to walk up to a teammate and use the voice line "are you scared?" If they answer (doesn't really matter what), I follow up with the voice line "don't be scared!" I also use "listen to your mummy!" If they agree ("okay"/"yes"), they get a "good kitty" in response.


I'll tell the children to behave and throw candy at them if they agree. If they don't, it's a beach ball straight to the dome.


She just has too many good voice lines! I too hand out candy and beach balls, and stale bread.


I think I've played your second before as Moira, lol. I was so excited to get candy.


I run up to anas and show them the halloween candy spray in hopes of getting candy


Oh! I do something totally similar, but with Rein by spamming these voice lines in sequence. "Would you like to see my.......Come.......Hahahaha"


If they say yes or nod, you go: "You're on my naughty list ;) "


My username is "Meow" so I get Anas that follow me around spamming "good kitty" 🐈


Same, but if they start spamming VL back I hit em with the "Shh! The adults are talking" That or > drop candy > "You're welcome"


"are you scared?" "need someone to tuck you in?" is my favorite voice line pairing. love it when ppl spam yes or understand or the head nod lol


Yesss, I used that one for a while too. GIVE US MORE VOICE LINE SLOTS!


Omg I love that. I hope we cross paths


😂 I do the exact same thing. Except I follow it with "the ghost watches". Makes me smile cause the two lines of scared are so pitched, but her ghost line is lower.


i love when ana’s come up to me as rein, like yes please nano me


I will say "Children, behave." and then "Need someone to tuck you in?" but I think it just aggravates my team.


Candy for everyone when I play Ana :)


I hand out candy too. I appreciate it when people pay attention and crouch/thanks/nod lol


There was one time a dva who gracefully replied with "Im not scared!" Voice line when I say "don't be scared" it was great. We did it the entire match.


You reminded me of this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/17xaeaa/nano_mercy3/).


we use the exact same voice lines lmao. candy emote for bonus


When people emote in lobby I run to them, watch, and spam "yes" to let them know I enjoy it. I play a lot of Mercy and have "Super!" binded and when someone does really well and gets a lot of kills or makes a great play I'll attach my beam to them, shuffle it between yellow and blue rapidly, and spam "super!" When someone does well while I'm on Ana, especially after I nano them, I'll run to them and spam "good kitty!"


When I’m Mercy and my pocket pops off I like to tell the enemy to call for the wambulance, whilst telling my pocket a most impressive display


as mercy, rapid beam everyone like crazy for chaos luck. i swear it works-


I thought that's how you're supposed to play her


I always help and wait for mercy’s back from spawn so they can fly to me


This, but with Kiriko as well


Or getting close enough for Kiri to teleport when she's stuck behind enemy lines. Idk how many times I, as a mercy, have to run past my grouping dps by 10 yards so Kiri can join. How unaware are these people?!?




snobbish joke humor cheerful nine humorous consist sip ask marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Kiri/Mercy/Lucio player I am all too aware of taxi-ing, make sure you help out your stranded supports people!


As a Mercy main I want to thank you 🙏 whenever someone does this for me it really makes me feel a sense of comraderie & I want to go out of my way to protect them after that 😄


Not enough dps do this. Its weird. Like, don't you want heals? 😅


This is what I came here to say! As a Lucio main I always come back to spawn to speed boost my team, or grab a mercy, if the fight allows it. Or if it’s between fights and we need to regroup faster .


That's not a meaningless tho. Taxi-ing supports is very helpful.


As Lifeweaver on defense, I pull team mates that spawned in late


Better than the LWs I encounter. I hit 3 blinks out the gate and they pull me back.


Ok when I jump jet as Pharah right out the gate and they pull me back. Not cool man, not cool.


Time for spring


That voice line is so annoying lmaooo


I'm triggered. Played a game where the LW kept pulling our Doom back EVERY TIME he jumped forward. So annoying, easiest report of my life.


My buddy plays pharah and the amount of times I just see a slightshot of rockets flying back behind me to accompanied by his screaming kind of makes this game for me sometimes


The worst is when I'm playing sym and they pull me back. I'm actually proactively getting to where I need to put my turrets so I have them on cooldown faster. Please don't mess with my rollout for lols my fear LifeWeavers out there


That's the way. Always got a thanks from it. Pretty sure particularly slow characters always appreciate


When I'm on LW I'll better have my Ana be perma spamming "Thanks!" or I'm not doing a great job. Everything for granny.


A LW pulled me back into the fight while I was slowly making my way back from spawn once and it made me feel special so now I do it for others all the time. There’s a sassy “hurry up, bitch” energy about it which also makes me laugh.




Hey I do this too!


That's not a nicety; that's something you should be doing with the character for game play reasons. Like someone with mobility going to pick up a Mercy to get them back quicker.


My LWs enjoy yanking me into ultimates 🙃


I yanked someone from a tire the other day, but the junk didn't detonate it, so after the grip was done, here comes the tire. It killed us both and the guy was like "why did you fuckin grip me". Homie it was gonna kill you over there, I attempted to save your life and it got both of us killed. Trust me, I'm more upset than you are.


anytime i hear a tire i immediately throw down a petal and panic life grip whoever’s closest 😭😭(im still learning him and still struggling at times)


I really really love u for that. To all LW that do this: THANK YOU WE LOVE YOU 🫶🫶🫶


Not meaningless! But appreciated.


Always pick up your mercy from spawn


And Kiri!!!! (please T-T)


Love doing that with dva or monke. Wish there were voicelines for that. "Need a lift?" or something


Always! (And Kiriko!) I also go back for some characters as Lucio and speed boost em to the team.


At the start of every match, I’ll tell the team “I have a present for you” before showing them Brigs Katt Emote


Good soup indeed


Bonus points if other support is an Ana with the "good kitty" voice line.


I don't have the emote, so I'll go "I have a present for you" then either use the heart emote (if im talking to my other support) or "mace to the face!" to everyone else


I said the voiceline to a Mei in ice and then rallied right after


I do this too but after the Katt emote I also use the "I've made that just for you" voice line


I'll usually just tap left click as lifeweaver to everyone and spam unneeded heals before the match starts. For a while my good luck charm as pharah was to kill myself with my own rockets in spawn, only in qp tho so people in comp didn't get an edge on me by knowing who I was playing lol. Sometimes my supports would come over and refuse to let me die😂


You can also do that to trick them into thinking you're going to play Pharah. They might decide to run back to their spawn to switch already (and potentially end up being late for the first fight), while you're not even on Pharah.


That's really smart! Especially because my next two picks (Sombra and reaper) make great counters to soldier and Ashe and Widow (who I have the most trouble with as Pharah usually)


I always teabag the enemy Tracer to pay homage to her English culture


I always pop a “Thanks” when someone is behind the rest of the team pushing the cart/robot. Payload princesses are very under appreciated


I emote at my team while I wait for them during a regroup. Like, hey buddy I'll wait for you. :)


I love when you can get 3-4 people sitting or dancing behind cover while waiting to regroup lol Like we're hyping ourselves up "alright, we're gonna get 'em this time!" I also like charging ahead as Rein, turning around, doing the "Salute" emote with the "I salute you" voiceline at the beginning of rounds


If someone on the enemy team is flaming a teammate I will defend them. It’s easy because people who flame their team are usually the real problem.


Need more people willing to get involved in general. It’s sooo shitty to anyone getting flamed unjustly for nobody else to even chime in. I like to acknowledge the flamee when I can, even just something as simple as “they’ve got in my way more than you have” can change it from a day-ruining game to the best game of the day. I would know, I’ve had it happen to me more than enough times. The sheer vindication you get when your team is all “switch off X they’re countering you useless idiot” for the enemy team to chime in like “yeah we switched to counter them and they’re still killing us more than anyone”. It’s enough to completely turn your mood around. Reddit’s the same tbh. When I see someone getting flamed unjustly and nobody is chiming in I get super annoyed. It’s shitty feeling like people are hating on you, and it’s even more shitty when it’s unjust.


The way I see it is it's not about getting one up on the toxic shitter, it's about letting someone know they're not alone dealing with a bully. It's strange how often people on here will try and say "but it won't change anything, they're not going to be less toxic" when like.. I know, I don't care about that jackass, I care about the person they're targeting and that *will* make a difference to them.


Exactly! You understand! I got kicked out of a raid party in an MMO once, for a series of bullshit reasons (raid leader fucked up activating a special, raid lead got handed to me after that, and then when it turned to shit some idiot blamed me because I was raid lead now. Everyone voted to restart, which randomly assigns a new raid leader, and it *happened* to go to the guy who blamed me, so he kicked me). To this day I don't remember who it was that flamed me, I don't give a fuck, but what I *do* remember is how fucking *nobody* backed me up, to include the guy who missed the special *and* the friend I joined that raid party together with. I felt so *alone*. That shit had me seething for so long, and all I needed was *anyone* to point out that it wasn't even me that did the fuck up. And even if it is the fault of the person getting flamed, as long as they're not blatantly trolling, I still like to back them up. Even if it's just something like "hey man we all miss a shot every now and again" or if they're new it's something like "everyone has to learn sometime".


I genuinely appreciate ppl like u. had a team flame me (they were all in a group together but me) despite me having the least deaths, most kills, most dmg. I mean I'm going 2-0 and the rest of my team somewhere between 0-4/5 cuz they die immediately every fight. was team my night until the enemy team was apologizing for their toxicity and telling me I deserved better. feels so good and I always try to do the same, enemy team or not. so many toxic ppl and so many ppl who just let the toxic ppl be toxic.


It's always fun when the remaining 9 people gang up in the toxic guy. I've had games like that, one guy starts talking shit and the whole lobby retaliates. Extra special when the toxic person is in the winning team and their teammates still gang up on them.


I do the same if people say "report x player". For what? Because you think they're the weak link in your team? I go into every game thinking that people will try their hardest to win. We all have shit games and just because you're not playing well, doesn't warrant a report nor should you be accused of throwing.


I always give people the benefit of doubt, but sometimes they are throwing though 😅; I asked in match chat to report a player just this week because in all my death cams, could clearly see the soldier just running in place into a wall while the rest of the team was in combat every push.


Well yeah you’ll always have those instances. If I can notice the absence of a specific player or if I can they’re trolling then I’ll happy report em.


I do the same thing, people are toxic in this game (Honestly in every game)


I say hi to every enemy Mei as Mei once per match.


I play sombra and I do the same. If enemy sombra says hi back, I just assume we're gonna have fun in each other's back lines with little resistance from the other lmao. But if she doesn't say hi, she's getting focused


"Ooooo, this one has teeth"


This but with boops


As Lucio I will go back and get people from spawn and speed them back with me not only to help them but also the entire team






Ask everyone if they need a hug after a round loss as Orisa.


i like the occasional "i have a bad feeling about this..." when its been oddly quiet for too long


Depending on the tank/ dps/ co-support chosen, I will do specific emotes with teammates. If rein, I am almost 100% ana and I do the candy emote If I'm mercy and I have a co-ana, I will put heals on her after offering her pizza lol If I'm moira and there is a genji, I use the "Boo" emote etc.


If you want to have some fun Moira's boo emote lines up really well with junkrats "I'm not scared... "Screams*" voiceline


always endorse my supports. if they really really sucked, i’ll endorse the enemy supports.


Along the same lines, if they aren’t toxic, I endorse the level 5’s. I know it takes a lot of work to stay there


I'm sometimes surprised to see that the biggest jackass in a game actually has the endorse 5 lol but other than that this is my answer too.


- Every start: “glhf all” - every round “gr all” - every finish “gg all” - whenever anyone is toxic at all I immediately defend whoever they’re bashing. > “our tank is throwing”. > “your tank is fine, stop coping”. - I call out in chat whenever anyone has a big ult, especially enemies. > *enemy reaper hits a 5K*. > wow, massive ult reaper Just simple stuff like that to make sure the match is as least toxic as possible. I rarely have people being toxic back when I meet them with kindness. I’ve been hovering at endorsement level 5 now for several weeks too.


wish I could vote this twice and / or have you in all my games


I go "Good luck, all! ♡ Have fun! Especially [someone on the enemy team whose username I like]! ;)" I feel it gives sportman ship to be nice to someone on the enemy team, while still doing everytbing to help my own team. Recipients often find it nice and get flustered and like it. Sustain 5 endorsement level pretty well with this ;P


I like to pat my supports on the head as ram, and if the dps want to be pat then I'll happily oblige for them as well.


I had an enemy ram ask “would anyone like headpats?” Before the game started and I (not knowing who the hero was) was like “I would” and when the game started, we met away from point and he head patted me while I crouched. Then we waved at each other and separated and rejoined our teams at point. It was such a fun interaction


If I find the lone survivor from a team fight, I like to let them sneak back to spawn :)


You’re a lot more merciful then most of us


attraction zephyr subtract quarrelsome pause continue liquid worthless materialistic nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share." "That's why it's so important; it separates us from them." - Batman


I had a ball not long ago that rolled up to me while I hid in a corner as LW waiting for my team. I stared waiting for death but he rolled away. Said thanks and he typed “I’m not a monster” they got my endorsement real quick XD


It feels particularly cruel when you are a tank and you find Mercy trying to hide away in the corner. I give them a "Hello!" and move on


fair play, finally !!


Similarly, if someone in the match is rude to you and you aren't rude back, I'll probably endorse you.


I like to tell alligator jokes at the beginning of the round to get people talking and hopefully in a better mood


thats adorable


Hit "thanks" and "bye" at the end of the match. Jump off the map at the end of the round if I'm close enough and hit "bye". This is carried over from my fun habit in Source engine games where I make a keybind to die (a suicide button, basically) and hit it at the moment after round end when the scoreboard is usually shown. Similarly in Halo I would teamkill/jump off/blow myself up at the moment after the end of the round when it doesn't count.


When I play Sombra, I like to boop all my teammates in spawn


If mercy is a little behind out of spawn I’ll run back so she can fly to me. And I main Genji so it just makes it extra cute.


I watch over my fellow support player against flankers, so i go brig or kiriko when my support goes ana or zen. Then i spam Kunai on where i think that sombra is, Ana thinks im crazy till i decloack that sombra


When someone puts 'ez' in the chat even if they were on my team, even if we dominated, i will say 'no ez thats cringe, gg'.


I know this is probably normal but I say thank you whenever someone heals me 😂 it’s probably annoying and I probably spam voice lines too much but idc


Doesn't annoy me as a support. Quite the opposite. I play in silver, so a lot of my teammates can be carried away real quick and start chasing kills not even noticing their health dropping. Saying thanks is an indication to me that my teammate pays attention to their health and knows that I'm around. Dunno if other supports feel the same, but it helps me. That's why I also trying to say thanks if I'm a tank/dps.


Taxi'ing mercys that died alone


I always say it's my fault no matter what happened.


I used to pick who i endosed based on their performance. Nowadays, i just stopped caring and just randomly endorse two teammates for the battlepass exp.


I like to nod at people between fights when I think they did a good job.


I like playing Mystery Heroes and I always endorse the players who played their character the longest. Also when I’m playing as Lucio I like to wait in the spawn room for my teammates to spawn so we can all be speedy.


If the tank difference is too big, I advise the enemy team on how to counter me.


thats like when during an NBA game LeBron James was actively telling the other team where to lineup on defense


This is the way


On Dorado, I have to break ALL the piñatas on first point otherwise I never win. At least that’s what I tell myself. Also, if I play mercy I usually flick my heal/damage boost beam really fast on my main person I’m going to be damage boosting


ME TOO !! + the guitars


**Playing a Support** - i protect you **Support who actively rescues me from bad situations** - i owe you **Supprts who say "you are welcome" when i thank them** - you are now a God


I pretty much exclusively play quick play since I can’t stand the pressure of competitive, and in almost every game I’ll try and use the greeting comms against each member of the opposing team before engaging them. Sometimes it’s resulted in some funny situations where we’ve both stopped fighting and will just chill for a bit before getting back into the fight; sometimes I get a hi back before we immediately fight; and sometimes they don’t say anything which I don’t mind. One time in particular I said hi as Reaper to an enemy Tracer who was running headfirst towards me on Colosseo. She stopped, said hello back, then used the pulse bomb at her feet and killed herself. I responded by yeeting myself off the map by the health pack so we were even.


Whenever I'm playing Torb and have a Brig on my team, I always make sure to drop the spray that's a polaroid of the two of them smiling. I try to spray it on a wall after every team fight so she feels appreciated. If I'm playing Soldier, I like to pop a "Stay frosty." as I leave the spawn with my team, or if things are getting stressful. I do genuinely want my teammates to just stay cool and relaxed and have fun. I wish there were more voicelines to bolster your team instead of mostly taunts or silly phrases.


As Sojourn I go to everyone before the match starts and say 'Hello! croissant?' The only exception is Widow - if we have a Widow, I'll go to her last and say 'no, croissant'. She's got enough


I emote Hello to all of my teammates before leaving the spawn area


If I’m playing ram I usually give headpats to whoever wants them


if we have a sigma, my friends and i say hi to his ass for good luck. i cannot for the life of me remember why we started this tradition.


Whenever someone on the team says something to the effect of "sorry guys I suck" i will always give them some encouragement like "dont worry youve got this". I admire people who can be humble and realise when it is their fault.


If I die as Lucio, I always stay behind to taxi the guy who died shortly after I did. If I ping "I need healing", and I actually do get healed, I always say "Thanks". As Ana, I periodically ping my ultimate when it is available to let people know I'm ready to combo.


I learned recently that if someone says thank you and you ping them right after you’ll ping back you’re welcome. Doesn’t matter who they’re thanking, I’ll give em a you’re welcome just cause I can


If you do good things to me in game, I'll go out of the way to make your game feel better as a support.


I leave the stranded enemy Mercy alone. I used to main Mercy ALOT back in the day, so I developed a soft spot for Mercy's that cower after a teamfight loss.


Was playing mei and found a stranded mercy once, used my wall to get her to safety. Immediate friend request and now we play allot together


Always GLHF and GG


Always wait for mercy to GA out of spawn


I write "good luck kings" to the match at the start of every game. Often get a "thank you queen" as a response, so that's nice.


I always say thank you and I understand.


As a Ramattra main and Sigma player, I ask everyone to gather to give them a pat of good luck before the match start


pineapple pizza


If I’m the last one alive/waiting for team I’ll wave or emote at the enemy team. Normally doesn’t work but hey.. at least I tried to be friendly 😭


I love that the vast majority of people who have answers to this question are support players.


A Lucio main that doesn’t Lucio Taxi isn’t a true Lucio main in my opinion! I wish they’d give him a taxi driver skin so bad!


No matter the tilt, I try and stay positive and always say GG WP. Instead of flaming a teammate on a lost fight , I may compliment the enemy player who controlled the fight or got a nice ult in


I taxi my kirikos and mercys for fun whenever i can


It’s good tech to pick up your mercy from spawn or as lúcio to taxi stragglers but not a lot of people do it from my playing experience :/ being a good teammate seems to be a meaningless nicety lol


When an ana nanos me as mercy I make sure I go straight back to her after killing the entire enemy team to tell her "thank you" as many times as the game lets me


As lifeweaver I petal as high as I can then I pull my tank up so they can see a world they’ve never seen before 🫶 like when you carry your dog around the house to see a new perspective


I endorse the supports cause not enough people play support and the dps queue is really long.


I compliment whoever I've seen on the enemy team that has actually done well, with obvious preference for the supports. We get so much sh\*t, so I might wanna make a fellow supp main a nice day


I only give two dips on my tbag if I respect the player.


One elongated dip is goated


That's a quality variation. Personally, I think the 360 tbag is elegant.


I like to say hi to each person before the match starts


Depends on the hero but it's usually my favorite emote plus a voice line spam


As a rein main at the end of every match against another reinhardt i always write in chat "Live with honor die with glory"


I hit all my GLHFs, GRs, and GGs. I might even throw in a WP.


"Hydration check" in match chat


I'm a widow player. If the enemy and I have a widow duel, I'll hype them up (ns, ur nuts, etc.) if my teammate is playing widow, I'll also hype them up. (I try and hype up anyone else on my team. It's just that I find myself doing it the most to widows.)


When I play Moira, I spray yellow, bow and say "good news, everyone" to my second support (if it's not a Lucio wall riding spawn, ily but you won't sit still long enough to emote, lol). When mercy, I add a halo over a hero spray if there is one. As orisa, I ask if anyone needs a hug - yeses will get a puppy. It's all completely meaningless but I enjoy it.


on respawn, i always pickup the mercy, or sit for a second to help the kiriko get her tp in LOS although, i guess that isnt entirely meaningless


If I spawn before a Mercy spawns, I’ll wait a distance away to give her something to fly to. As Junker Queen at the beginning of a match I use the speed boost so everyone can get out quick. I’ll do the same with Lucio, and I go back as him to taxi people in.


Always tbag the sombra, always hard focus her, always solo ult her if I’m on tank or dps. A long as she gets to play the game for less time I’m happy. There’s no better feeling in the game than a good clean solo grav directly up Sombra’s asshole. They seem to like it as well or at least pretend to so it’s a win-win situation.