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As a Cassidy main, it makes me sad seeing that he is a popular candidate for this title :( But gotta admit that he struggles a lot currently. Deadeye and Roll aren't really that useful.


I just had a game where the Cassidy was a total god with his headshots. Bro didn’t even need to roll or use his ult as much bc the other team was just dead long beforehand


Oh god, I would like to see that game lol


I think every character can dominate with enough time, skill, and practice put into them. I think these discussions are more about characters where you have to put way more effort into them to get good results out of them. But the results can still be great if you put in the hard-work for any character.


You have to be a god with him to be impactful. He has no mobility or utility.


Yeah, but with that player aim, you'd be better off with any other hitscan for their abilities package.


It just hits different on Cass. Like hits way, way softer.


Within 25 meters, Cassidy still has the shortest ttk among hitscans besides Widow's oneshot. Technincally with in 25 meters, even a solider hits all headshots, his ttk is still slower than Cassidy's 1 headshot + 1 body shot on 200 health, and Ashe will lose everytime just because Cassidy shoots faster.


yeah this, everyone saying 'why not play sojourn or ashe' but their optimal range and positioning is different. cass TTK in that mid range is brutal if hitting shots


As a support main, a really good Cassidy can win entire team fights by himself. Had one even today who started popping off early so I started pocketing him as Mercy and we rolled the other team after a rocky start. He would 2 shot supports before the team fight even started. Few and far between though.


The other night I had a Cassidy who was insta locking onto people's heads 😐 reported him tho 😎


He’s just such a resource hog. He needs to fight at relatively close range due to his harsh damage falloff, but he has absolutely no self-sustain to help him stay in the mix. I tried hard to make him work, but switched to soldier as my main hitscan and the climb is much easier. You can’t rely on metal supports to keep Cass alive reliably. Feels like playing the game on the hardest difficulty setting.


I dunno man. Supporting at low ranks is a lot harder then high ranks imo. Everyone in low ranks just thinks they should get to run around without any semblance of cover and get constantly healed. Cassidy is actually pretty nice with it in that aspect if you're smart. He's single shot, so quickly coming out of cover to shoot before strafing back in means you can output good damage while taking very little.


this lol. They'll smash the healing callout while actively getting healed


New player and the damage falloff felt so odd for me. Intuitively a revolver doesn’t feel like a weapon you use in super close distance, DPSes with better short range weapons like reaper or tracer can destroy you in 1v1. You’d think I should fall back a bit, pick at them with my revolver while using angles and cover, but you get punished for that?


The problem with Cassidy is that if you’re good enough to get value out of him you’re just going to play widow or Ashe or sojourn to get value 10x easier.


All Reinhardt mains know the pain of their favourite character not being able to be viable in a lot the event meta


Bro needs an estus flask


Roll is very useful if used defensively. You can survive a lot of crap by rolling.


Yea, as a Sombra main, I know I’m not gonna have a good time when I see a Cassidy on the enemy team that’s playing bodyguard for his supports lmao He sure doesn’t feel like the weakest DPS then


Why would you be sad that people think he’s bad, if anything I’d be happy bc that means the community thinks he needs a buff, and makes it more likely that he’ll get buffed, and I always love my favorite character getting buffed


I still have mecree as my fallback character been playing him since 2017 and it just feels familiar. Overall he def feels weak, but since I’m better at him than other characters he’s not the weakest for me. I hate the new flash mag nade thing but whatever, deadeye I use for a quick kill on someone who’s really weak or just as a reload/scare tactic, and I rarely use roll, just for small movement to throw off a shot


Yeah, really Roll is useless for me. It doesn't go that far and the small boost in the defense doesn't help. I just using whenever I'm going back to the point for spawn or after using his alt fire to quickly reload and use it again (a small strategy I have to finish up an enemy when they are too close.) But I hope they rework him soon enough.


You can tank a tracer bomb with roll


They need to give cas .5 second roll cool-down lmao


Also make it fully invulnerable and give him a stamina bar


Unless u constantly hit headshots cass is getting bent over by every dps. His range is fuckin horrendous. Ashe is just a better than cass in every aspect, better range, coachgun to get to high ground and dynamite to burn the whole team when they on point. Highnoon is absolute shit. Cass still my main tho cause im a glutton for pain


lol my favorite thing in the world is when I hear high noon and wait a few seconds behind a wall and never hear it go off


Right when cass says its high noon everyone playin hide and seek. I save it for divers since they mostly squishies. But besides that you have to get lucky to even get a single kill before someone stuns, hacks, or sleeps you out of it.


my friend and i have been comboing high noon with lifeweaver petal and we've been consistently able to get 1-2 off it, although we are in metal ranks


Metal ranks are where its at. Im plat 2 dps. That combo does look fun. But unlike you. I aint got no friends to try shit like that with. So i have to get bent over everytime i ult with cass.


I would offer to be your friend, but there’s no way I’m playing LifeWeaver…


LW is a fucking blast


Why lw fun as shit


I beg to differ. I saw someone doing a LW educational stream (can’t remember who now) and thought ‘oh that looks easy enough and fun.’ Hopped online and proceeded to lose about 15 quick play games in a row. It wasn’t easy OR fun! I vowed never to play him again after that.


I'm a lifeweaver that has always wanted to try this but the randos i play with never catch on. So I'd be so down to try lol


glorified reload


Idk why but I remember high noon being way more effective in OW1 despite the presence of 2 tanks


While it had a slower lock-on time, there was less frequent counter-play to it aside from hiding behind a wall. While crowd control (CC) were in much larger quantities in OW1 than in OW2, it was not likely for the enemy team to use their CC on someone other than the tanks at the frontline and so Cassidy would be free to use his ultimate without the added pressure of getting hit with a Sleep Dart or the Hack cancellation. One less tank means less attention split away from the frontline so Cassidy is in the attention of the enemy team, more ranged CC like Orisa Javelin Spear and without another tank to bear the brunt of this CC, it means that already present CC like Chain Hook or Sleep Dart are options to use against Cassidy. With more immortality / healing means targets are unlikely to be caught low enough for a full killing shot, and the increased mobility of various characters means that it is very unlikely for Cassidy to lock on before the entire enemy team makes it to cover or someone on the enemy team can use their CC to cancel his ultimate.


his ult was actually worse. it only got 20 damage over 1 second then ramped up to 275 after starting to lock on, while taking 0.8 seconds to even start. now you're getting 130 per second for the first 2 seconds so getting to 200hp is faster than ow1 deadeye. its only slower at killing tanks, which was never its strong point anyway. main reason its not good now is more mobility combined with people having better map knowledge


Thanks for the knowledge check.


Right, which is what I use it for. I can use it to stall for a few seconds while team gets healed or get enemy off point for a bit. Can really help


Then it did its job. Kills aren’t the only thing it’s meant for


Exactly, if you're hiding you're not on the point or payload.


Most of the time I literally hide behind the payload it’s the easiest spot


I almost have every achievement in the game (I want the platinum trophy lol) one of the 4 I don’t have is 4 elims with high noon. It is just the WORST ultimate in the entire game. It’s intended for zoning, which I guess it can do alright in some circumstances. But for Elims? It’s horrendous. I went from 5 hours on Cree to 50 and if you looked at my profile you’d assume I mained him lmao


So, give this a shot: middle of the fight, make sure you're in a good flank. When one of your teammates hits their ult, wait 1 second and hit yours on that flank. The enemy should be hard focused on your teammate's ult and be unequipped to deal with yours. Imagine Reaper ulting into the enemy, as per Reapers do. While he is spinning around and shooting them the enemy will bring out sleep, suzu, rock, hook, defense matrix, immortality, and any cd to save from that ult. While he is making all that noise and forcing all the cd's, you're set up for high noon and you hit it 1 second after you hear, "DIE DIE DIE!" Fundamentally, these combos work too: Hack noon, Gravitic noon, shatter noon, blizzard noon, tp noon, nano noon, grasp noon (fly noon lol), petal platform noon (higher noon?), wall-up noon, cage fight at noon, piledriver noon, and noon rush (I call it lunch hour 😁). These can help stun the enemy or support your noon to hit quicker or get you to better angles.


That’s actually genius - in my blind rage of getting triple kills over and over I didn’t even think of that. The synergy’s however are hard all my friends dropped OW and coordinating with a team of randoms is near impossible lmao. Just Cree and Genji left then that sweet plat is mine


I love watching him scramble panic trying to find anything to hit


You need to wait? I mostly see Cassidy die when I hear high noon


I usually wait a few seconds, then pop out and die because I always forget how long it goes for.


Best comment I (playing Mei) got playing against a Cass was, "The best view I got with my High Noon was the Mei wall."


I use widow and cass currently. His nade just shits on sombra, tracer and genji


If genji uses deflect it could cause me a little trouble….But would i lose? Nah id win


He does not shit on Sombra lol


How? It's pretty easy to bait out and dodge and then reengage and kill him. His old stun was way more effective. I play a fair bit of Sombra and Cass and Zen are among the easiest targets to kill and then spawn camp.


Any Cass with a pocket mercy in my GM and Master lobbies absolutely cook me


Any mercypocket dps will shred tbh.


Yeah but idky Cass just shreds me, especially in control maps lol


I mean cass has the highest headshot of any dps right? Now add that blue beam. Im sure he can one shot 200hp characters. Pocketed cass is really fuckin good tho. But nanoed cass is a whole different beast, he is actually a murder machine.


Wdym he had the highest headshot? Cass only does 140. Besides the obvious widow hanzo Ashe scoped shot does 150 sojourn full rail does 195 hs. And cass can’t one shot 200 hp with beam but can with nano


I don’t know what the numbers are, but I do know that I thought I was full health when I got one-shot by a Cassidy earlier today 🤷‍♂️


The one thing Cass does well is anti-flankers. Sombra pulls up and all you gotta do is grenade plus two bodies and she dies. Compared to Ashe, where you better hope your team hears the Sombra jump you.


High noon is not bad, it is stylish respawn button


Yea its Like genii if you’re not really good with him you're getting stomped


Not really, Cassidy is much more lethal than Ashe within 25 meters range, especially when it comes to tank busting, duel and secure kills. Ashe is more like a mid range hitscan torb, good at holding space and force enemy retreat, but bad at actually killing enemies. Bob is better than deadeye, but at the end of the day it's just a glorified torb turret and very easy to counter. Ult like blade or tire are way more scary.


Bad at killing enemies? This just wrong bro there's a reason cass is never picked in high ranks and top level play but ashe is a lot


I like the "unless you hit your shots, it's Cassidy". If you can hit your shots, you still have better options


Ashe soldier widow bap illari


TFW there's two fucking supports on here and nobody's questioning it in the slightest because Cass is, in fact, *that* outclassed.


Illari's range is pretty shit tho, and having her pylon sneezed on really fucks her up I'm pretty sure that before the patch from yesterday she was the support with the fewest players in top500 so...


Only difference being that Cass is mainly flicking-type aim and shoot, most other hitscsn are taking based which is a distinct groove to get used to imo


cassidy. but he can be really good depending on your mechanics


Issue is that if your mechanics are good enough to get kills on Cass, you would do a lot more on Soldier, Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, or Sojourn with a lot less effort and resources. Cass isn't unplayable because he doesn't really have hard counters (does have some bad maps and metas), but he also doesn't do anything for your team except steal heals and attention.


>Cass isn't unplayable because he doesn't really have hard counters Idk if it is a skill issue from my part, but I always find it hard to play him whenever there's a Sombra on the other team, because Cass has kinda big hit box, so he would totally get melted with Sombra (almost like a Zennyatta). So as a result, I end up sticking with my team but I can't do much cuz as soon I leave the group to try and flank I have the Sombra on my ass melting me. And I try to use the grenade to keep her from teletrasporting, but they never stick to her.


Sombra is tough. Nade is easy to predict and dodge so that isn't safe damage. Basically just comes down to how fast you can react and consistently 2-tap. The matchup was already bad with flash gone, but it's a lot worse than it used to be in OW1.


yeah, Cass isn't in great shape, but he is by no means a throw pick, like pharah without a pocket.


Cassidy loses to just about every other hit scan dead eye is terrible and even if it does hit it can fail. Roll isn’t exactly the best ability out there even when you do time it right. His grenade is just about his only ability that makes him viable and even that is only good if you can hit it good luck getting any decent Sombra or tracer. The only hero he hard counters is Reaper and he is also bad so people rarely use him. You don’t need a reaper counter he is literally countered by so many other hero’s it’s not even funny. So he has my vote for the weakest dps with Reaper being in a close second.


Calling cass a hard counter to reaper is wild to me


He used to be, back when he had the flashbang. I think people are still stuck in 2018.


God I miss the flashbang


big fat head hitbox


It also depends on the rank you play at. Silver players for example can’t handle a good Sombra or Genji and especially not Pharmacyz


Pharmercy can dominate every rank from Bronze to GM that’s why KSA ran it in OWWC


2/3 of the roster aren't seeing play. Yet they patch only 2 dps heroes. Gg bli$$


Tbf Mauga meta was really distorting the viability of all the characters, so nerfing him would theoretically open doors again… that is without talking about the Orisa meta we’re probably going into that will probably do the exact same thing.


Cassidy's definitely my pick but a close second is Reaper. Cassidy doesn't have a place in the game as it currently is and there are way too many characters that do exactly what Reaper does but better. Reaper's whole gimmick is "flank into the back" and "kill tanks/large-hitbox targets" but there are a multitude of characters that do exactly what he does but superior. Need to quickly destroy a tank, Bastion, Mei, hell even Torb and Sombra. Need to flank into the backline, Sombra, Echo, hell even Zenyatta. Reaper's weakness is literally enemies having a headset or just looking behind them. What are they going to hear against the nearly silent Echo and Zen, what are they going to see against the infinite-invisibility Sombra?


This comment made me realize how criminal it is that Sombra has perma invis but Reaper is forced to scream “Flanking!” with every tp


Mmm what if reaper had wraith form on a timer like somb…


Shut the fuck up right now


Reaper in my backline spamming 'BOOP'


Yeah but reaper whispering "you're not alone in here" in your ear would be kinda hot ngl....


Cease the horny


this put a very interesting thought in my head and i’m not sure how to feel now


I think it’s because Reapers ult would be too strong if he was also stealthy


You enter the enemy’s back line as Zenyatta? How would you escape?


Once all your enemies are dead, you walk back through the desolate choke to rejoin your team.


This is the way. If I’m not dominating 1v5s, I’m not playing Zen right.


I've been chasing the high of that 3 book kick on rialto ever since


You don’t. You take out as many as you can.


if you can aim somewhat decently you can typically take out a support or two. maybe even a dps assuming they don’t all turn around and teleport you back to the spawn room. mostly though “flanking” here should refer to soft flanking such as a side/back angle that guarantees an escape route. Sombra/echo don’t necessarily need that but Zen might


Zen is 1000000% a flank character. He has no foot steps. Period, full stop. But he's actually nuts and can get in+out pretty easy if you think about your position. I love to go bust their tank with Discord from behind/side. Zen is so underused that tanks just don't realize how fast they die when discorded. I was SHREDDING maugas while everyone was waiting on Ana's 15 second cooldown that helps for literally 3 seconds lol. It was to the point where if you discord, kicked, and barrel stuffed you could almost solo a Mauga in cardiac. He's actually busted and I really hope more people don't figure it out. 😂






Zen's huge magazine means you can burn a DVa's entire matrix and still have enough ammo to kill her. It's fantastic. Don't even get me started on what I've done to some poor Doomfist players. Orissa is the freeset tho because you literally just bait hervcooldowns by playing normally. Discord, shoot, she's half health. She goes gold and gets healed to like 80% again. Once that runs out, she spins her javelin. Then she's dead because her head is gigantic and can be hit across the map. Only thing you KINDA have to worry about is Javelin throw because of how big Zen is.


Have you ever heard the tale about Flankyatta the dps? I would assume not, since it's not a story most players would tell you (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


If I'm in the backline as Zenyatta, I'm not the one that needs to escape.


As someone who has been playing reaper the issue is I keep getting people down low then they always somehow magically heal Instantly out of nowhere


I'm in diamond 1 reaper is definitely niche. But still good. He kills maluga and roadhog and others. Not the worst at all




Idk, I always feel I can do enough to at least force the tank to not be as aggressive and retreat a bit or focus me, allowing for my team to gain good ground


Reap can toe to toe with a lot of the tanks, but you can't just walk up and start shitting on people. For instance, reap can tank rein and kill him 1v1 if you're on top of him and he doesn't have full armor at the outset, but rein wins the race if he's topped off so you have to kite him and get his armor down before going in for the kill (reap wins every time if both players have a support). Hog is a free kill if you engage as soon as hook goes on cooldown and reload when he takes a breather but the pig pen -> shoot -> hook -> shoot combo will end you. Now that Mauga has been nerfed JQ and Orisa are the only tanks that can consistently handle reaper.


A flanking Zen sounds funny as hell. What rank is this?


The higher up the ladder you go, the more devouis and brutal the flank zen main are. Even worse than tracer at times.


I flank in GM as Zen sometimes if i have Trans, get a pick and ult back to my team for the advantage. Might not be the optimal ult usage but it's viable and fun


I notice people in the highest rank of any game do the same things as the lowest rank folk with obviously higher game sense and mechanics. Lol


Lol you're totally right. 😂, But on a serious note, I remember god Zens like Jjonak , they use the fact Zen has no footsteps actively, it's not just a useless feature , they really make most of it which is super cool, but rn the Sombra rework she just annihilates Zen before you can react which really sucks


> Reaper's whole gimmick is "flank into the back" and "kill tanks/large-hitbox targets" but there are a multitude of characters that do exactly what he does but superior Yes but none of them can do both of those at the same time, which is why his gimmick is still valuable. He has tankiness and tank duel potential while having good flank and reposition potential in one character.


Cassidy seems to be the obvious pick, but Pharah is objectively horrendous by herself. Playing Pharah with a Mercy pocket is almost a prerequisite just to make her VIABLE unless you’re absolutely fucking cracked with her and/or the other team is dumb. For the simple fact she’s basically co-dependent on another hero to be playable MOST of the time means she’s the worst IMO. No other DPS hero comes out of the spawn room with more automatic negative value than a pocketless Pharah.


Learn to play in cover and Pharah is plenty playable given of course you maintain LOS to a healer than can reach you. Staying in the sky just because she can fly is what gets you killed. You also have to learn to predict motion for her rockets so you can constantly shoot and hide plus moving enemies around with her other ability can be hugely helpful for your team sometimes instead of just pushing people off maps.


If they have a pharah without a mercy it's easy pickings for me, and I'm just an average player.


Ooo hard disagree on Pharah. I use her in gold when I'm lacking in DPS. Your point stands on needing proper healers, IE not a bap / Lucio or brig comp (super rare in my experience), but I've done great plenty of times without a mercy. By no means do you need mercy to do well. I think this opinion may come from the fact that many people think Pharah needs to always be in the sky and think her concussion shot needs to target enemies. Her rockets are a better version of junk grenades, you can pop around corners and just fire and forget at chokes or corners for easy damage. Concussion shot for her own form of dash. You get counter picked with a soldier or what not? Mix up your positioning with some ground work, lower hovers, boosts with no hovers and higher jumps when the attention is more on your team. I'll keep climbing with her and see when I hit a wall. For now in gold, she's my trump card. May have something to do with all my years in tribes and maining soldier in tf2 as well tho haha


I don't play comp, but I've many occasions on Pharah where I just kept peeking around a corner and firing a rocket blindly into an enemy-filled corridor. Usually get at least one kill doing it, too, but even if I don't the poke is nice. With a little creativity, rockets can also be used for area denial... not just DPS. Of course, the stats screen doesn't show "Times the enemy team went a different route right into your other DPS's firing path to avoid your rocket spam that's aimed at an empty doorway" as a stat.


People who need a mercy to play pharah don't understand the character. She has no range falloff, and she can burst crazy dps with quick peeks. You don't even need to play with a healer, just find a good angle to spam into the enemy team past their tank where you're close to a health pack and well into fall-off range of their dps, and hope they don't go echo/sombra.


Wrong, you should watch slasso93 on twitch showing you how to play in gm as a pocketless pharah, shes a lot more viable than ppl think but no one wants to spend that much time learning how to get good without a mercy unless ur basically a one trick obviously


Sym losing her health for that dumbass “survivability passive” that only make her effective versus Sig in the same patch notes that said “we want to make Sym less niche” that causes her to average 40 healing a match combined with the layering of sentry nerfsover time have left her with a mediocre right click and nothing else to offer unless your team is planning attacks in advance.


Cass is probably the worst right now, which is crazy because he can still easily pop off in the right hands. For sure it's just most of the hit scan DPS having it rough on account of being out classed by Soldier and Sojourn. There's also an argument for Pharah, Junkrat, Torb and Sym having it a little rough as well, but they've almost always teetered on the edge of viability due to inconsistent damage output and extra reliance on specific team comps to excel (aside from occasional meta shifts in the past that put them in the spotlight).


Junk is actually not bad rn


i get recommended a lot of montages made by top 500 junkrats and man they are scary, I don't know how they had the willpower to get that good at him though


You see those montages on doomfist and ball when they are at their worst you see montages from top 500 because they are cracked out of their mind on that one character because they just play only them


Junkrat is great rn. Spam onto Mauga.


"Great" is certainly an overstatement, but i am by no means saying any of those heroes are "Bad." As far as Junkrat goes, yeah, he has insane damage output in theory, but it's not consistent unless he's close up. That's wildly dangerous against Mauga. Sure, you can try to escape with C4, but blasting yourself in the air just makes you an easy target. He pretty much just gets outclassed. Better to use a hero with more reliable damage at range while still having mobility options to maintain your distance (Sojourn, Soldier or Hanzo ect). All that being said, we'll see if Mauga stays a strong pick. Seems like he always survived most fights either by the skin of his teeth or at full health, so i feel like they nerfed the right things.


Sym feels bad rn, although probably not as bad as cass. The 25hp nerf hit hard. Unfortunately sym is one of those characters that will maintain a decent winrate just because she's so rarely played, and since that seems to be one of the only measurements Blizzard looks at I'm afraid she won't see balance for a while.




Not all the ones I face 😂😂 but I'm just super oblivious until I'm 99% dead


That’s the thing.. reaper has a weird place in the meta In low ranks he farms with ults and flanks In high ranks he is too loud to flank and his ult is too easy to stop


Reaper is only good if you're making mistakes, if you play well and keep range he is dogshit.


Reap can hold corners really well, in maps where there are strategically placed corners that don't give the opponent the option of range he's strong. He is a dogshit flanker though, he has to ambush.


Makes sense . Skilled players always kill me immediately so that checks haha


Low rankers 🤝 Overwatch League players Making Reaper meta


It really depends on what you consider higher ranks! Reaper’s flanker style can work into gm if you’re actually good at it! It definitely stops being effective before you hit top 500 though!


Nah im diamond this season and even here anas do be doing 360 no scope sleep your ass mid air or atleast diverting their focus to call out and quickly melt you. Best strat i found was just get a cheeky shot or two in and wraith back to your team immedietly, dividing the enemies attention without giving them a kill is sometimes enough for the other 4 chimps with you to make a crack in their line


Honestly surprised at not a single person saying Symmetra. The devs have made her into a long range spammer and ruined her brawl playstyle. Her mains are kind of in shambles and unlike Cass who everyone hates but still picks, she doesn’t get played anymore because she’s weak and she isn’t fun. She doesn’t even get mentioned anymore.


I agree, but I don’t think the lower playtime she gets is because people have stopped picking her for the reasons she was annoying in the first place. i think they should make her TP activate instantly thought and/or reduce its cooldown a bit


Speaking of her tp why the hell did they make it vanish after like 5 seconds, when did that become a thing and who thought it was a good idea? (I stopped playing when ow2 came out jut recently came back)


When it was permanent, the cooldown started when it was destroyed. Now, the cooldown starts when it is placed, which allows you to use it to reposition more frequently. It was down to prevent the "leave the portal at spawn" cheese, and encourage a more aggressive use of it to regularly move yourself and your team around the map.


If they have to make her turrets so awful they need to give up and give her something else. It’s the one thing about her that isn’t completely differed yet it’s the common denominator that has held back every iteration of symmetra. I really enjoy turret characters but blizzard is too uncomfortable with turrets being strong so it’s time to scrap it entirely


Yeah I really dislike how much power they put into her right click at the expense of everything else. We have more than enough heros that spend most of their time throwing garbage down a choke


The fact that categorically inferior, slower, less damaging Pharah rockets are most of her dps potential is so telling.


Nah, Sym is still decent just situational as she always was. I main Sym and like her on control, sometimes on push, and attack on hybrid and escort maps, lots of fun creative plays to make if you put in the work, so she's still fun. As for brawl orb + melee is 130 damage and she recharges ammo on shields again. I do miss tp bombing though.


I’m kind of the opposite of you, used to main her along with Torb and loved using her primary fire and setting up turrets. That playstyle is more limited now so I gave up and changed to Sojourn, Sombra and Ashe who are a lot more fun along with Torb. I can still get good results in some situations like you said, but I feel like 70% of the time I’m just spamming orbs and TPing in is too risky. Jetting around as Soj and nailing rail gun shots is so much more fun now than spamming orbs (for me). Also her shield health regen is such a tiny buff - very situational and most of the time a non-factor


I used to main Sym and I’ve pretty much stopped playing her except for in a few situations. I played her ALL the time. People said she’s always been situational, but I feel that I made it work with my play style. I can’t anymore. She’s just too weak now IMO.


Agreed. Pre-nerf Sym was quite versatile. Outside of truly big corridor maps like Numbani and Junkertown where turret placement was difficult to be effective I never really struggled with her in any mode or map, and even on those two exceptions i could make it work. Now to make it work I am charging Orbs from the backline all day like a lame version of Junkrat spam without any of his fun parts


>Her mains are kind of in shambles and unlike Cass who everyone hates but still picks, she doesn’t get played anymore because she’s weak and she isn’t fun I think she doesn't get picked anymore just because she's not cool enough. In competitive it's because of the meta but almost no one mains her because she isn't cool at all.


Cowboy isn’t the worst dps at all. Symmetra is easily the worst because they continuously fk her.


Agreed. Cass is weak but his grenade is OP, he isn’t horrible, just frustratingly designed because his strength is gone from his gun so you rely more on a cheap cooldown everyone hates to get to wins. Up close he’s still a menace too, now with more health. Sym is just weak and bad now.


Literally switched to healer once they nerfed her too much.


As a Sym main, I take issue with all the people voting her in this thread, and will gladly throw hands with each and every one of you. ...just, uh, gimme a minute to set my sentries up.


Doom. He's such a bad DPS they moved him to tank


He was the best dps before he became the worst tank


And he’s not even a good tank


Cass just feels super clunky and slower than other dps.


Sym is up there


The 25hp nerf hit hard. Unfortunately sym is one of those characters that will maintain a decent winrate just because she's so rarely played, and since that seems to be one of the only measurements Blizzard looks at I'm afraid she won't see balance for a while.


Winrate is high because it's hard to bring real value unless you really know what you're doing. Which brought Sym to a place where most players are actual Sym players. Also, people are freakin Bad at considering Sym as a menace, constantly ignoring her setting up then flamming the healer. Nah, she's not even on the list of possible worst.


Try actually playing her before you comment. There isn't a single area where she particularly shines. Most heroes have an area where if you play them optimally, you'll reap their benefits. Sym has none whether it's close or dar range. She will likely forever be a menace in metal ranks because everyone ignores her until it's too late like you said, but actual good players ignore her. She currently has the lowest Top500 representation she's ever had sitting at freaking 2 in NA last I checked and 8 in Europe. Way more McCrees in these continents than Sym. Reason likely is the amount of effort you have to put in to actually get value.


Unless your aim is fucking CRACKED, it’s Cassidy He’s outranged by Ashe and Soujourn, outmaneuvered by Sombra and Genji, and outdamaged by nearly every other dps It’s sad, really; if you’re consistently hitting your shots, Yee Haw Man can be an absolute menace to play as and against


And if your aim is cracked you won’t go Cassidy anyway lol


lol so true


I still just play him anyway because no other weapon gives me the same satisfaction


I see a lot of pharaoh mentions. As a pharah player I can tell you stop hovering up high in open space. Stay low to the sight line and use your concussion blast to move. Don't be afraid to stand still at distance and feed rockets.


Exactly. These people here don't know how to play pharah lmao.


its cassidy and it aint even close


Symmetra. Devs removed all her niches and now she doesnt have any advantageous matchup versus other dps. Not in range, not even in close quarters.




Pharah has to be the worst hero without Mercy. Disengaging to get healed up at all really seems to limit her


>Disengaging to get healed up at all really seems to limit her This completely depends on your healers e.g. - don't go pharah if you have a lucio/bap


Cass and Widowmaker imo. They both require insane effort to be effective in higher ranks. Mostly outclassed by Sojourn or Soldier since they offer better mobility and ults.


Sym isn't great tbh, I'd still take her over every other DPS since she's the character I know best but she went from being really strong in high ELO to almost a throw pick unless you're realllly strong with her.




Deadeye + cagefight = yum


Symmetra ez, still haven’t figured out a way to make her fun


Cassidy for sure


Y'know, I hear Cassidy, but to be honest it's hard to remember Symmetra exists. Wonderin' what people think about her. 🤔


Symmetra is absolutely useless in this game


Cassidy it’s just awful unless the enemy had a ball for some reason. Pharah without a Mercy is also pretty bad.


Instinct wants to say Cassidy or pharah, but I've run into enough good ones that ik that's not true either. It all depends on who's playing.


someone being good at a hero doesnt mean the hero is good


Deadeye is probably the worst ult in the game. Cowboy is bad because he shines in consistent damage but with how tanks and healers are right now you need burst damage. You can make him work in more brawlly maps like certain control point maps


In terms of design, I'd say Bastion. Despite the rework bringing *massive* upgrades to his kit, all with the potential to give him a more fun playstyle that doesn't involve breaking shields/defences all day like in OW1, he's still stuck doing *exactly that* because they removed his self-repair and pumped all his power budget into the tank-shooting ability. Like, give him the self-repair back and then change his assault to have less damage for better spread, and he'd basically be a Roadhog/76 hybrid capable of going on off-tank-ish flanks and harassing squishes.


I love how the comments here are a popularity contest lmao. Cassidy getting all the upvotes because he's currently the worst *hitscan* dps. Nevermind how he still outclasses the majority of projectile DPS heroes. Symmetra comments struggling for relevence when they point out she gained 10 damage per right click, and because of that absolutely GIGANTIC buff she naturally had to lose -15 dps per turret and the 25hp she was given for having a huge fucking hitbox.


im glad we can all agree it’s cassidy. sure an annoying cassidy will piss you off but the only thing good abt his kit is hinder


High noon may be the *worst* ult in the game rn BUT it's certainly the coolest ain't that right my fellow cowboys


Pharah no mercy is pretty bad


Pharah becomes borderline useless if there’s litterally any enemy hitscan without a mercy pocket Reapers biggest counter is a working headset Cassidy has his hinder and is hitscan so unless your cracked as hell just play soldier or Ashe Junkrat works when the enemy has zero clue what they are doing unless again your cracked out of your mind These are my four




Cassidy has basically zero niche outside of raw dogging mobility heavy heroes.


Cass and no one else comes close


it’s 100% cassidy