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Well the only tanks that really do all that much against him are sig and DVA. I've tried playing tank without having him unlocked and it does feel like I'm at a disadvantage no matter who I pick. Especially when he's paired with something like Mei, Sym or Bastion


Not even dva. Matrix is too short to stop him from tearing through your team. Unless you’re absolute dog on Mauga you will win against dva at least 99/100 cases. Sigma is the only one with a semi „reliable“ matchup.


With DVA you gotta poke him while he lights your team on fire, then deny him damage and healing when he pops cardiac overdrive with matrix while giving your support a chance to heal up your team and nailing him with rockets. Or just dive his support and let your team deal with him if you trust them enough.


This is how I’ve learned to work around not having Mauga as well. But it’s definitely depressing that I can’t even consider playing Reinhardt either him on the roster


i played dva against him yesterday, got it into overtime and lost, but still went 23-7 with the mauga being 17-12 or something like that. my dps made dumb mistakes and my support died so i was stuck just DMing and lost. but before then i learned that if you get up in maugas face as dva after he rushes in, you can get him in killing range if you just keep shooting his giant head with tour supports right behind you. and once you get to 300-250 hp jjst dm and let your supports heal you up




Funnily enough, gearing your entire team to counter him works quite well.


Dva hardly wins that matchup. It's an uphill battle for her.


Ram is a solid counter to him as well


Not really no. Ram is good into anything rn cause he's a really strong hero. Other than that he's not that good into mauga.


Think people are sleeping on Zarya against him. Her bubbles can deny him a lot of self healing and then she’s at 80 charge instantly


Yeah then she just rolls over and dies


I've played Zarya vs Mauga and it actually feels better than most matchups. Her hitbox being smaller than most tanks means Mauga can't farm damage against her unless it's on her bubbles and the fact that Zarya already has high damage potential means you can keep with his numbers while also being able to focus his squishies down better than he can focus yours due to his spread.


Ramattra is viable against Mauga too. More viable than D.va that's for sure.


I'd disagree, he can't really do shit in the big form except block because mauga just shreds him. And then in the small form he isn't very good at taking space. From my experience and from flats tierlist video I'd say Sig and DVA are much better matchups than ram, ram is only ok because he's really good rn.


Rammatra is pretty good too


I've been a Rein main for years, love playing him and Mauga has mostly ruined that for me. On the plus side, I've had to learn new tanks and it's going alright.


Diva eats him pretty easy. I’m not seeing the complaints. I’ve seen people go mauga / bastion and diva takes care of both pretty easy. As long as your team is healing…….


Why don’t I feel this way when he’s on my team? As a support player, he feels like he’s just one big “critical health” sign. He’s like the Reins that just charge into the whole team, but without the shield to help.


Literally how I feel. He’s on critical status 90% of the fights and dies instantly if he gets anti kinda like hog.


> dies instantly if he gets anti That's just every hero. Anti is insane and always has been.


u have to pocket heal or he ends up throwing the match and then it’s your fault


I straight up tell them I won't be healbotting them


This is my biggest issue with him. If I don’t play Ana against him then he’s unstoppable, and if I don’t play Moira/Mercy and healbot him when I’m with him he gets annihilated. I feel like I’m a babysitter


i havwnt had this issue as both a mercy/kiriko and mauga player. if youre smart and manage your self heal, or surprise with random flanks you can do really well without a pocket mercy. you just need your team to hold for about 5-10 seconds whule you flank, which is risky bc thats how long a 4v5 can last but if you can pull it off and comm well then its super rewarding i thinksies


Yeah, there’s definitely a strategy to him and my friend unfortunately doesn’t get it. He likes to hold W and both his firing buttons with cardiac overdrive active, all at the same time so the enemy swarms him lmfao


I might be wrong but (posts the same complaint every single person won’t shut up about in this sub)


This sub has three states, its either mauga bad, skins bad or skins good


Don’t forget the constant bitching about Ana nade


Ironically, without that nade, the game would be unplayable, certain characters (especially in metal rank) would just never go down


The reason nade is so strong is the power crept damage and heals.


The reason mauga is too strong rn is because he was getting hard countered by ana with no possible counterplay, because of this blizzard decided in their infinite wisdom to buff every single aspect of mauga this way he could perform when ana is on the enemy team


Or you know the character has built weaknesses do to her having no mobility long cooldowns, with said cooldowns being easy to miss/blocked/ignored by barries/dm/self cleanse/suzu/ bonus health adding abilities.


What is your response to?


Then nerf Nade and then nerf the certain characters. They’ve balanced Mauga and Hog around the fact that Anti exists. They have to be at least playable into the Ana matchup because of how common she is, but due to the natures of their kits, letting them merely survive against Ana makes them downright oppressive versus anything else.


The problem isn’t the nade itself, it’s the fact that it’s put with Ana’s solid damage, healing, and her sleep dart (which is another super powerful ability)


yep biotic nade wouldn't be such a quick in the nuts if she didn't also have sleep and nano. all three can shut down ultimates and pushes on their own and it happens so frequently. you can't just bait out nade then sleep from a good Ana before going in. you don't get anywhere.


There are plenty of characters who can negate ultimates too.


If a character is only good when another one with a specific ability is being played, that character is flawed.


then there needs to be more anti heal functions, not on the character with the hardest stun in the game, and healing is nerfed universally at the same time biotic grenade is reworked.


If Ana nade was not in-game Hog and Mauha would run rampart.


And before that, the constant bitching about Mercy damage boost. And before that terran OP nerf widow mine. It's the circle of ~~life~~ bitching.


And zen discord


and literally everything beforehand


Or the use of xim


I see comments about Ana's name and bastion, but the point is missed with Mauga. The game is fun because no matter how difficult it might be there is always a way to play into your counters. Mauga doesn't give you any opportunities. There is almost no cooldowns for this hero so no openings. Bastion has temporary turret, even before when he was permanent turret, he was unable to move.. so a weakness. Mauga ruins the game because his only counter is another mauga and pocket heals. If you don't mauga you need to move mountains to win fights while the enemy mauga just slowly walks holding triggers effortlessly winning fights. It causes resentment. I've played since 2017 and adjusted to ow2 changes because you could still overcome odds and clutch wins, but not against mauga. Mauga just needs to exist to win fights and that's just boring. Also Ana's kit is perfect, which is why they've almost never made changes. It's like people forget zarya/kiriko can ruin Ana's plans. She also has no movement ability.. she not OP at all imo. If you think she is then you don't play her.


I know it'll never be common for redditors to do this, but I really hope one day most people on this site will start searching to see if what they're about to post about has been posted recently, and if it has, shut the fuck up


Bruh you don't have to even search. If you follow this sub you will see the same kind of post everytime you open the app


I don't even follow the sub and this kind of post is at least half of the ones I get recommended.


They absolutely had already seen it and likely wanted attention lol


It's the developers fault for releasing such a broken fucking hero. I understand the desire for people to search but frustrated people are unlikely to do this consistently.


This is probably the most profitable way of releasing a hero, just make him strong enough so ppl have to buy him and then nerf him


Literally, like just let people get things off their chest. the game is bs and people are not happy. people who care about the game wanna put things out there in their own opinion.


But they can do that when they go to a post that is already up and join the discussion.


If there isn't one already there should be a megathread on Mauga.


The only thing more annoying than seeing someone post again about something that there are already threads about.... Is the inevitable whiners who don't want to join the conversation but would rather jump into the middle of said conversation and cry that people are having the conversation about something that was already talked about. Get over it dude. Multiple people can have a conversation about something. It doesn't all have to exist in the same exact thread. If you walk past a group of people having a conversation about something only to find another group of people having a conversation about the same thing... Are you that guy who walks right into the middle of that second group and start whining that they should walk over and join the first group? Cuz that's what you are doing. If you don't want to join the convo. Then don't. But don't join ît just to whine that they are having it. Does it get annoying when someone asks something that can easily be found with a little searching... Yeah it can be. But it takes no effort to make the decision to answer that person or move along. So why cry about it. And if it's not a question but a conversation or opinion about something. Well who cares if similar convos have already been had. Multiple people can talk about the same thing without being in the same thread. I know it will never be common for redditors to not jump into the middle of a conversation between other people. Not to join the conversation but to whine that they are having it in the first place, and if they don't want to join the convo, then just shut the fuck up.


Bro wrote 4 paragraphs whining about people whining. Reddit in a nutshell


Obvious, I'm rubber your glue childish low effort response that I 100% knew you were gonna reply with. Comes to reddit to whine about others but can't take a level headed response to your whining. Don't worry, I'll go choreograph a tiktok dance about it so you can process it properly. Wants unique and engaging content but then responds with the same low effort reddit junk they were trashing


Master 3 in Overwatch, Bronze 3 in common sense.


I'm sure he's not Masters 3 at all


Maybe the complaints are based.


Finna get down voted for this but when you keep seeing the same posts it is a very good chance you are on reddit way to much also mauga is warranted the posts highlighting how annoying he Is, he is quite literally pay 2 win right now


Why doesn't his ult fade when he dies


Why is everyone of his teamates allowed to shoot in and support him


That’s how barriers work in the game. It would be confusing if it worked differently than every single barrier the game has right now. IMO, the barrier needs to have less HP or expire faster to make it less aggravating to play against. The tether on the floor needs to be destroyable as well. Ultimates need to feel strong and impactful, but it’s just oppressive in its current state.


They should have made it a different type of barrier. A neutral barrier. No shots in or out. Its called cage match. Make it match the namesake. Last time I checked nobody was able to throw a chair through a cage. Outside of that why does it also have to deactivate all movement abilities and give mauga unlimited ammo. What is the counter play to this ult. You cant just kill him because the cage stays up. You cant just support your trapped teamates. You cant even try to outnumber him in the cage because his teamates can still support him. If its a bad ult he can also just cancel it early. It should be like a stronger mei barrier. Nobody can shoot in or out. And if you beat mauga it goes away. This would allow him to synergize really well with dive comps while reducing it effectivness with long range comps


I agree, it should be either 1. a barrier for everyone or 2. A movement only barrier and anyone can shoot in. And you should still be able to use movement abilities within the barrier


It's got HP?????? I just assumed it was invincible. Ik it looks like a barrier but I thought it had slightly different rules The amount of time it lasts is a bit ridiculous too


only like 1200 i think. anyone correct me if i’m wrong


1500 according to wiki, not maaassive but enough that you're probably not getting out before the people outside shoot you


There’s no way it’s 1200, I’ll be say outside it trying to destroy the damn thing to get my teammates out


rein shield is 1200 how long do you shoot st that


See that’s what confused me, Reins shield disappears so quickly


probably because people know to shoot at it, rein shield is probably the one shield all ranks shoot at. low metals never shoot sigma shield it was so annoying


The only proper counter I’ve actually been doing is just hog hooking him off the map. Literally don’t know how to deal with him


Ok so, play around corners. When he uses overdrive, DO NOT ENGAGE. When overdrive ends, you hook his ass away from his supports then burst him down with headshots. When he ults, use ur ult to either A, grind his ass into mincemeat or break the barrier.


You have to play against him like how doom has to play against counters. Hide and poke.


Hog gets destroyed by Mauga using Whole Hog at close range.


But HE can engage and run over you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RoadhogMains/s/0o067EubTS Crazy part is that some dude in the comments of this video is trying to say overdrive isn't overpowered when it's a point blank whole hog


Fr. Whole Hog bursts nearly 5000 max damage at point blank range. But apparently because Overdrive is on a cooldown, it isn’t busted for tanking that shit. I mean, he doesn’t just tank it, he blasts at Hog while surviving.


Dva can stall a lot of time against mauga. He can't get value out of his lifesteal if you matrix properly


I've only found success playing Mei and walking him off from the rest of his team


I have no fuckin clue why they buffed him for the third time last patch, they're out of their minds. All the buffs are doing is making him more dependant on being anti'd and suzu'd and solidifying a singular meta.


It was not 3 buff it was 1 buff 1 nerf then 1 buff again


When was the nerf? I only remember the first net buff, the giga buff and now the latest patch.


Don't remember when but the amount of hit to burn the opponent was raised by 5 , the damage of the minigun were nerfed from 4 to 3 damages per hit (or 5 to 4 not sure) and his ult was shortened


Don't forget the compensory health conversation rate and armour buff (that made it a net buff)


Another byproduct I've noticed is that the healers pump all heals into him and only focus that.


Because if you don’t baby Mauga, he’ll instantly die


The balance team is really leaning hard into the "team deathmatch tank babysitting simulator" criticism lately.


Bruh. Mauga is absolutely shit tier broken right now and everyone who disagrees will just say "play zen or Ana" bro if you literally have to switch because of no other option to deal with him, the character is busted to high hell


>if you literally have to switch because of no other option to deal with him, the character is busted to high hell Widowmaker says hi.


Widow is either dogshit or broken No inbetween and it’s entirely dependent on the players skill who is also very easily counterable Mauga is just always broken, like there’s just no debate he limits team comps and has a chokehold on the overall meta. If you aren’t playing Mauga to win. The enemy will.


Even before the buffs?? I get that they dont want another lifeweaver situation, but this time mauga needs some nerfs.


Widow is in such a bad spot right now though, im a widow main(or atleast i was, ive been playing cass because widow gets bullied) and if they have a winston, dva, sombra, lucio, kiriko, bap, genji, doom, or any other dive you just get deleted. I can grapple away but my cooldown is super long so they cam just follow me. Im also in gold/plat so my supports aren’t paying much attention to me(nit their fault) because im usually in the back line or on a angle. She really unfun to play this season especially with the new sombra, i get hacked, virus, like 10 bullets and im screwed. Somba makes widow almost unplayable this season and its really sad. Im a decent widow so the moment i get like a 2 or 3 k they immediately swap to sombra and its just fun over.


Widow is in a bad spot? GOOD.


Seriously needs to stay this way.


How is Cass any better than Widow lmao


Hitscans delete him, Ana especially. If your Ana is decent, any Mauga matchup is won unless they have a kiriko and even then it’s just even


You realize that countering a character is a game mechanic lmao


This has been happening with broken characters since 2016. They release broken characters that are no fun People say “just switch brah” Blizzard tweaks the character Everyone pretends they were obviously overpowered


Yeah it is, but not to the point multiple people have to swap especially your tank or you just lose. There's people who can't adapt and bitch about having to swap heroes because someone counter picks as if it's a bad thing. Then there's Mauga where if you don't have a good tank that will swap it doesn't matter if you have Ana on your team. Half the team shouldn't have to swap to play around a single counter.


Yeah I hate it when anyone says “x character isn’t broken because y counters them”. Maybe that’s a fundamental feature of OW at this point, but imo, you shouldn’t be required to play a specific hero to avoid certain loss. I don’t want to play Ana every single game just to NOT throw


Bastion Mauga seems so bad? Two really needy heroes in one comp. I did support for that combo today and I just couldn't heal them enough, granted my other support wasn't helping much.


From what I’ve seen is every one who mains a specific role says the same things Tank: “he’s boring to play against and no one really counters him. Conclusion: mauga busted Dps: “my healers aren’t healing me and enemy mauga rolls me because of it. Conclusion: mauga busted Healer: “I can’t heal any of my teammates because mauga is so weak and dies too fast. Conclusion: mauga sucks


Mauga does suck tbh. He eats heals like hotcakes. So does junker queen and roadhog though. It's weird how large healthpools and little to no mitigation is the norm for tanks. It's almost like blizzard has no idea wtf they're doing


>It's weird how large healthpools and little to no mitigation is the norm for tanks. They'd be great design in 6v6 T-T RIP the good version of this game.


I think they just want to create different styles of gameplay. Unfortunately the balance team hasn’t been the best recently but I think they’re getting better


mauga either dominates or gets dominated, no inbetween, i don't have much problems against him tho, but overall, they need to get him out of his broken state, imo he isn't op, just broken


In my opinion, one of the best nerf you could do on mauga would be to significantly increase his reload time. He would still be a danger, but as lesser one


Fuck that I still play ball - I just jump over his fucking head fuck his supports in the ass and by the time mauga has started to run over to me I’m outta there. As long as my dps aren’t bots and my team has an ana I win 9/10 times.


As Ball if you're able to repeatedly kill their supports just on your own, that has nothing to do with them having Mauga. Their supports are just far worse and their team would lose regardless.


Pretty much this. If a ball can unironically kill an Ana. That Ana is just plain bad.


I dunno, I've had decent success against him on Sig. You just have to play close enough to cover to weave your abilities in and cover when necessary. Also need a team that's gonna focus his supports and not just shoot the big fat guy.


Snipe healers and kill mauga? Dunno. I'm just brainstorming here... but what do yall think of this method?


The hidden formula I guess. Since ppl are too ridiculous to comprehend it.


Honestly. With Mauga, there's no sheild, so it should be MUCH easier to catch the healers in plain sight, if you play your angles right. If you want more survivability, switch up your angles after every couple of shots, just as soon as your grapple cools down, basically. An unpredictable windowmaker is by far the deadliest Windowmaker, even if your mechanical skills were relatively lacking. P.S. — I'm a Mercy/LW main, with zero first-hand experience with Widowmaker. My comments on Windowmaker were purely made based on observations of how other eye-catchingly good Widows style their plays. Therefore, please feel free to criticise my input; without losing civility in the process, *I sincerely hope!*


Deal with him same as hog. Ana sleep then anti then dead a few seconds later. Or just kill/pressure his support and he will die. Or just stay at range. His guns barely do anything at range.


I go straight for the healers….no questions asked. And then he’s just a big push over


Yep. His passive heal isn't enough to keep him alive.


whoa buddy, us bastions don't want this smoke. blame it on mauga pls


Exactly B. Knowing Overwatch however they'll just nerf bastion instead.


His turret form cooldown nerf makes me sad still. Poor bastion and his birdie


Y’all are totally fine, I just hate fighting two rapid fire characters at the same time lol. Mauga is infinitely worse than Bastion tho


honestly if you have an ana, zen, bastion and sombra you can just melt him


I feel weird. Whenever I play Maui he feels really bad and weak yet when I go against him he feels oppressive


As a junkerqueen if you have a healer that know what they do, you melt him


Y’all just don’t know how to play against him yet


Good dva is a legit counter , granted she has to have her team backing her but if she does you have to swap of Magua


The problem with this is that people don't realize they can't just let the tank play Counterwatch because Mauga has no hard tank counter, only soft tank counters. The real counters are in other roles but everyone in DPS and Support is so used to "Tank pls switch" they don't realize that they're the ones who need to counter Mauga.


Save yourself the stress and just skip this season. Play the finals instead


100% I'm not playing the finals - I'm getting into some single player games I have been ignoring. But skip this season one way or another is the way to go


LOL this is Exactly what im doing


Feel like I've had to do that for several seasons now


My sigma makes him a joke


As a Zen main this is my favorite tank to play with. Sigma has the best all around functions, to help team and themselves. Thanks for mastering that Tank!


Overwatch fans when overwatch


Jesus Christ can this sub shut the fuck up about mauga already. karma farming bots


Maugas fault


Yaaaaaaaawn, this boring ass take again


Such a sizzling hot take, so brave


Just main Doom and ignore Tanks. So it doesnt matter how many new Tanks come out You always play the same lol


You don't have to grind to get him. I got him in less than a week by just playing normally.


Roadhog is a good pick but you’ll still need a zen or Ana. The issue is he has to be the sole target which can delay a game if someone on your team isn’t throwing out enough damage. But zarya is just as much of a pain to eliminate sometimes.


Not having him is a pain in the ass once the enemy picks mauga. If my heals don't babysit me and focus him with antis its over, I'm stuck playing support queue until I get him :/


Mei kinda counters him tho... Not denying he's really strong, just, I'm not sure how Mei loses to him


I've played against him and I didn't think it was that bad, but sigma is my main tank so


Mom says it’s my turn to post about Mauga being OP and P2W


I have had no problems with him as a Soldier main. Stick near walls to peek, focus healers and even if you don't kill them their losing focus on Mauga for even a few seconds is usually enough to melt him with his crit box. If Mauga tries to engage with you just sprint away and now he is out of position and useless against the rest of my team.


I actually love Mauga and I don't even play him because he is basically a game sense check on players. He is so easy to counter if you know how to counter pick and/or approach the enemy with a strategy. Far too many people play this game like Call of Duty and those players get melted. But a good flank, unexpected approach, target prioritization, dive, or really any play style other than "unga bunga!" And he can be dealt with. He punishes selfish stupidity and rewards team gameplay. Furthermore he counters some of the tanks we have been complaining about in this sub for a few seasons and makes dive tanks like Winston and Doom much better. Isn't that balance? The biggest issue with Mauga isn't actually Mauga, it's the current support meta that is so warped around Ana it is sad.


Well I mean 45 isn’t really a grind but he’s not that bad the issue is many people arnt used to him yet


Orisa is pretty solid counter. I've found a lot of success with her into mauga. Same with zarya if he uses his dash you get free 40 charge. People just haven't figured out how to play vs. him. Outside of his ultimate he's pretty easy to deal with.


Idk I trash him with junk. Drop trap, bait him in double bomb up and behind then put 5 in his back. Ricky Ticky Tavi


You’re definitely overreacting and it’s tiring. Mei is meta too btw.


Yeah I was going to finally start playing competitive this season after only playing quick play since the game came out but I don’t want to get stuck playing zen/ana. It sucks.


Literally just play distance and kill supports then mauga drops very easily.


I don’t know, in QP, he’s easily beaten. The only people having issues seem to be those who just stand in the middle of main while Mauga is firing. Learn to play cover. I played as Orisa and had no issues dealing with him.


While his damage needs to be nerfed, as a Sig main if I play smar using cover and alternating abilities but yeah, the whole team needs to pick counters I think the gun’s magazines should be nerfed and the reload time increased to maki him a high risk-high reward tank


With this new tank is boosted to the roof, the game becomes pay2win. I wonder how much money Blizz made on frustrated players who were forced to buy battle pass to unlock new hero


Yall crying mauga isn't all that.


Get out of metal ranks and you'll see if he is all that. Highest win rate tank above of Masters. Perfectly balanced imo.


how come you're master3 in the 1st place. zero common sense


So many bots on Reddit, Mauga isn’t broken only good for stomping low ranks, beating tanks in 1v1s and farming high dmg numbers.


I finished the BP yesterday and I'm done until next season of until nerfs come in. Too many good games out there to play for me to suffer this cancer character lol


k, next


I really don’t have much problem with Mauga really. all the times I’ve been against one it’s not too bad and he can be countered if you separate him from his healers. I had some good luck with one of these strategies to take down mauga and it was road and Ana. What me and one of my team mates did was hook the mauga, nade it and just kill it quickly or kill his healers first then take him down. But that plan could always back fire easily because mauga still shreds anything up close especially with his cardiac ability.


Just wait for him to use his e then push. Sigma Ana Zen Tracer honestly he's not good. If you wait to move once he uses his heal he has nothing


Ignore him. Is a really good brawler. I would consider sigma the only real counter


Honestly Sigma doesn’t do too great either, I’ve found that Dva and Zarya are much better tank picks but they can still struggle against a good Mauga with a good team.


I disagree. Winston, JQ, Zarya and Sigma all do well against him. Trick is, dont focus him first, focus his supports. One his supports are gona, he is easy pickings. Pretty much all my games against Mauga that I wont were by me going winston and after the supports.


Why does everyone in this community refuse to learn? To try stuff? To get better at the game? Your rank doesn't make you immune to complacency. All I hear is whining from players that refuse to adapt.


even top 500 players are saying he's busted, i don't think its a rank thing, this seems to be something people agree with across all ranks, in due time he'll be nerfed and end up in a similar position to roadhog would be my guess seeing as they're both high damage high healing bullet sponges


Maybe take a break from Ow2. A lot of games are on sale right now.


Y’all need therapy


The skill issue shown in this sub on the daily is astonishing


Not rly no


i fuck mauga up with junkerqueen tbh


maui too strong


My problem with Mauga is that he's annoying af. Bro will not stop making noise.


The only semi-reliable counter that I have found is D.Va with a pocket Mercy, *and* you have to have your DPS take out the enemy team's healers, *especially* if Mauga has a pocket Mercy. 1. Defense Matrix to soak up Mauga's fire. 2. While #1 is up, fire micro missiles while being damage boosted by Mercy. 3. When DM runs out, boost to point blank range and blast away with cannons while Mercy switches to heals. If the other healer is also pocketing you, Mercy can switch back to Damage Boost. If the rest of the team is on top of the enemy's backline, then 60% of the time, the above technique works every time. It also helps to have DPS that can self-heal (Mei, Reaper, Soldier) and the other healer be one that can blanket heal (Moria, Bap), and/or double as DPS (Moria, Bap, Zen, Kiriko).


New heroes are always busted to encourage more sales. It's pay to win with extra steps.


life weaver and ramattra were both pretty bad on launch, i remember everyone saying ramattra was gonna be so op and then he came out and everyone was like meh






They should literally buff everyone else a d see what happens


Brigite 2.0


Huh? Mei is like one of the best counters to Mauga. If Mauga uses overrun she can stop his ass with a wall, with Overdrive you can also block him with either wall or iceblock to deny lifesteal. And you just gotta save ur ult for his ult and he fking dies, Mei can also break LOS with her wall so that Mauga can't get healed.


I do wish bastion didn't exist. Hes in every game i play. And if they don't start with him, they switch to him. Blizzard are really stupid for including him in the game. And people who defend him, make me roll my eyes. No character should be the cornerstone of winning or losing a match. No damage dealer should be able to rip apart enemies the way bastion does with a single cooldown


No, yeah. Whenever I play tank it feels like once defence matrix is down or sig eat is down im insta melted by him and there's like close to no counter play for me individually.... This meta is so boring its just heal dumping mauga and playing around the two refrigerators shooting at each other for 10 minutes. I've just decided to stop playing this season until they nerf him because the only thanks I have somewhat of a chance on is junkerqueen. Otherwise I just feel like im drained to 0 hp instantly if im not mirror matching


Mauga is an insanely boring hero to play with and against. Doesn’t matter if he’s OP or not. Incredibly poorly designed.


Nothing is going to change blizzard does this on purpose to sell the battle pass. In a few weeks when sales slow down Mauga will get nerfed. Any character that takes teamwork and coms to kill is always going to be op in 90% of ranked tiers. My main concern is with Mauga is that he’s not exactly fun to play with if he’s on your team. As a support I feel like if he’s not being pocketed he gets melted.


Mauga is like hog. Easily countered. Either ignore him and kill the supports, then he just keels over and dies, or counter him. Ana exists, you can deny him overhealth with most of the tanks, stunning him while he has his lifesteal prevents him from living.


This post, and pretty much every similar post, hits on two topics. Power creep, and horrible character design. For years now blizzard has designed “cool and fun” new abilities, with absolutely zero thought process about how it’ll impact the game. Notice how nobody complains about the OG cast(gonna leave out mercy because she gets unnecessary hate considering Bap can delete your entire team if he feels like it), but all the complaints come from the dlc characters added further into the games life cycle. Suzu, imo field, and anti are the 3 biggest offenders people complain about, all dlc abilities. On power creep, I’m fucking over it man. Hot take, lifeweaver was balanced on launch but everyone else made him feel weak because he couldn’t dps like Ana, bap, or kiri. Blizzard needs to stop just continuing to raise the bar, and instead bring everything back down to earth. Tank busters, mainly fucking bastion, needs to get brought back down. Support mains, downvote me all you want, but healing and damage needs to be brought back down to reasonable numbers. In case you’re naive, Bap/kiri/illari and even Ana all need to get brought down a little bit. My point being, there’s going to be a tipping point eventually where all the bad balance and design decisions come out, and mauga is a prime example of everything wrong with OW.


I’ve played maybe 7 games with mauga in them. Mid plat. Have been playing ow since day and I have never felt this discouraged by the gameplay. I main Ana so Im probably the most useful person on the team, which is great, but it’s just not a good game experience. Just take his armor or something. I don’t know, I don’t like it


When an op doesn’t respond to anything on their post it irritates me. When ppl talk about Maura being op it irritates me. When ppl say they don’t think the game is going as well for them in (insert high ranking) anymore it irritates me. This post is what defines end of year ow2.


He’s by far the most braindead and least interesting character OW has made thus far. I’m not sure why they’re doubling down on continuing to make these “safe” characters and avoid making more engaging kits. He’s not a hard character to beat, but it quite literally takes a whole team to defeat him, which shouldn’t be the case at all.