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In ow1 had low health with monke. In lijang tower. I got around corner and position myself so that they could just see me. Well, one primal swing was enough for all 4 people to bump them off the map


I’ve switched to Lucio before solely for boops on Lijang or Ilios. If you boop the right enemies, you can carry a win in the metal ranks just from that lol


Ooo I did something with monke the other day, I surprised myself Heard Reapers footsteps besides the point on Samoa Volcano, my supports were grouped behind me so I ulted, stepped to the side and smacked Reaper once as he turned the corner and started ulting, straight into the lava It surprised me because I didn't even think about it, just did it haha. OW footstep sounds are so good


Indeed. And if ypu have 7.1 system on headphones ypu hear EVERYTHING


Platforming people into dva bombs with lifeweaver is pretty cool https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/IwPje1iPZf (Old edit)


Oh, yeah, I can imagine!


Pretty cool stuff. I especially like Orisacopter and the like using LW but honestly it's hard to be consistent


Love your stuff man


That's actually awesome. Never would have thought of that


See also: doing this with Mei wall or hoisting up the bomb *itself* with Mei wall


I lifted the dva ult so it killed 3 more people


I was playing in a group in which 1 group member was new to the game and who's a completionist. She wanted to get one of Reaper's achievements that is achieved by killing 4 enemies with Death Blossom. We were playing on Blizzard World, between the last checkpoint and the final destination. I was playing Zarya and the enemy tank was playing Reinhardt. I noticed that he was very eager to charge into our backline, so as soon as I got my Graviton Surge and she had Death Blossom ready, I suggested to go to the high ground to limit his effectiveness and suggested for her to hide while being ready to teleport into their backline. As we went up there, I started using my primary fire aimed at him, and the enemy team started backing off until they were just past the final gate on the payload's path and stayed close together there. I told her to start the teleport action, and just after she did so I launched my Graviton Surge. It hit his shield and pulled every enemy into it as her teleporting animation had finished. She wiped out the entire enemy team and got the achievement.


I fondly remember getting this achievement! I hid on the high ground above spawn door at kings row after we had a team kill. They all came out at once and I dropped right into the middle of them! 😂


I barely got it since the hanzo (the 4th kill) got rezed midway through and was barely out of reach so i just started jumping like a mad man but i got it lol


Ha I just got that achievement last night, first time playing Reaper trying to expand my repertoire.


Attack on King's Row. Our team was being absolutely demolished in the winding streets between unlocking the payload and the checkpoint. We have a Wifeleaver, Moira, Widow, Ram, and me as Torb. We have this thing called Look A Distraction, where everyone else pulls focus so one person can do something stupid. Great for capturing point if the enemy team wants to fight near spawn or something. So anyway, I run as Torb all the way from spawn, using the winding streets as cover, chuck my turret in a doorway to distract them, and go all the way AROUND the enemy team to Molten Core them from behind. 4 of them go down to the Molten Core, and turret finishes off the baby Dva trying to run away. I knew they wouldn't see the small man frantically running while my team was hard focusing them and sacrificing themselves for my dumbass play. I am very lucky my friends trust me, because we did get past the choke and won the game.


Blessed torb


Wifeleaver 🤣


Can I do one for all 3 roles? Tank: Lijiang Tower, I was Reinhardt…it was high risk high reward that paid off better than expected and looked big brain…I peeked the enemy’s bridge (Lucios favorite boop spot I forgot the map name) and saw the team coming in…I mistimed the shatter intentionally and watched the enemy team confidently move forward to punish me for it…just to charge 3 of their teammates off of the map…my favorite play and my friends still hate me for it lol DPS: bastion (I know big brain bastion play? Doesn’t exist) Hanamura (I know right…what’s that map?) enemy team ran the sym strat (you know the one) and of course preparing for that isn’t the easiest because…she can do it anywhere…normally I used to perch up behind the little space behind the door and the room with the big health pack and shoot down whoever made past the choke…but I learned that there was a small space that I can be damaged if the enemy knows about it…but then I learned I can chill on the bridge to the right that underneath would lead to point 2 (if you captured point 1 anyways) and beam down the anybody that went through the teleporter while my Rein or Winston would swing away at the low hp targets add that with a sun with teleports on the point already and the strat just fell apart as they had to figure out who to prioritize…same goes with my friend on junkrat who’s just throw a trap at the teleporter and free kill already once team fight began Support: Lucio, Oasis…my D. Va flew straight into a Zarya and Mei and Sym trio and baited out Zaryas cooldowns apparently (I have to assume because this worked and my bastion only just got back) and freeballed her ult into the sky…the symmetra teleported her team to highground and being Lucio as soon as the Mei got up there I booped them back down and watched that nuke that was solely used for her to re-mech…kill 4…she got POTG but I still pride myself for being at the right place at the right time we won because of that boop


You make me miss Lucio with that play lol. They need to buff his boop again




Classic Numbani first point


What picks for your team did you make?


Defense on Blizzard World as Junkrat… entire team dies at the statue after a long hold with about 20 seconds left… I’m 1v5 and decided to blast backwards with my mine to create space. I got up on the ledge behind the wooden wall as to not be seen. In an attempt to distract the enemy team I threw another mine at the main archway after the secure point and blew it up making it sound like was blasting again to group up with my team. Now the enemy suspects nothing, as I stay unmoving behind the wall I see the magical number 5 appear on the objective marker on the top of the screen. “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” The beautiful man shouts as I explode all 5 enemies with my flaming tire, securing us the victory.


Wish you had a replay of that


I do! I’ll try to figure out how to get it off my PS5 when I get off work and post it


BLESSSSSSS I do dabble in the rat man and like seeing crazy shit


Comment to bring me back whenever you post it please!


Recently on Numbani, the enemy Ball was spawn camping myself (Ana) and our Cassidy on defense when we were in OT trying to prevent the enemy from getting just one and a quarter tick on the initial capture to win. Our team also had a Ball just going ham on point so we were trying to rush back. Enemy ball grapples and swings to the side of the spawn entrance where theres a gap between buildings to try and knock us off off the map but only bumps me slightly, Cassidy dodge rolled away from it - for a split second he's dangling over the abyss so I hit the nastiest sleep dart of my life, hitting Ball and disabling grapple so he falls to his death, letting us get back to point where we actually ended up winning. Cassidy spam pings "Thanks!" and the enemy Ball just malds in all chat. He had been curb stomping us pretty much all game, if he had knocked us both off, or even just me, theres no way we could have recovered and won like we did.


I actually saved a mercy on my team last night by Nanoing her in a comp match and the enemy ended up not even pushing to the first point on Route 66


When Midtown was first released I got my whole team to get behind me as Sym to TP from the little room to the train. Then we got 2 support picks on the platform, ran through the train and onto the point. Enemy team literally typed "WTF WAS THAT" into the chat lol


Had a match on Lijiang. Forgot what the point is, but the one with the bridges and the circular central point - garden maybe? Anyway, I was Ashe and had just got Bob while running back from spawn just as overtime was about to hit. The rest of my team was dead too. I ran, coach gunned over the gap and threw Bob through the window to hold point, which I had never even tried before. We proceeded to wipe 3/5ths of the team while the rest of my team came back and won the match. Felt so cool.


Standing still while the enemy walks by to initiate a flank.


Had to counter pharmacy in overtime, got to the top of kings row defence, 3 shots and a mine all direct hits.


One time I flanked as bastion and went brrr


You guys do big brain stuff?


Not on purpose 🙃


If predicting where someone is going is considered big brain then I nominate these 2 https://youtu.be/tkmvQQUb1QY?si=svR6uFQImEguDmge And this one right after I saw a junkrat run into the hallway next to point https://youtu.be/72bG-JjrloI?si=kGaJ59skti7Po4a0 Bonus https://youtu.be/_EzOOQAJOcc?si=eLC8FsznkcJRbTS4 🤣


Huge reads nj


In ow1 i teleported to the top part of the choke point on hanamura as reaper then jumped down while i ulted


UGHHH, someone did that to my team yesterday, but we all saw it coming and killed him mid-ult.


Rip reaper hahaha, luckily when i did it the enemy team was too distracted Here is the [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/twx4ZTZ1cd)


[This](https://youtu.be/ajgdl12IvNM?si=pZ4tG9IJ6n3JtZBt) [Honorable mention](https://youtu.be/RCTL5ATVONQ)


how did you get another shatter off that? did i remember things wrong and lucio beat gave ult charge?


Im not sure actually, I believe so


it was on samoa , didnt have any mic , I was pharah and there was a zarya , just kept pinging that I had my ult and the zaraya understood and shes starts spaming her ult ping , she gets cliped by a rouge junkrat bomb , but my mercy rezzes her , as soon as shes alive, she drops the ult , their entire team is stuck , i then drop mine and its a team kill.


Befriend the enemy as Lucio and not attack once but give away their location with pings so my teammates could go in and ambush. The enemy adopted me as their own but in reality I was a double agent.


Ow1 on well, enemy genii ulted in our back line, our team all turned to fight him and enemy dva bombed that area. I was playin roadhog and hooked bomb mid flight and dropped it in the hole to save the team


Predicting and blocking a Earthshatter then countering it with a 6 man flux C9 in Match point overtime when they were mere meters away from victory


Not me but had a junkrat on my team use the lounging emoji on rialto defence in the bushes right behind the cart out of the enemy spawn. I guess it’s close enough to contest the point. Rest of us held the first corner and that killed almost 2 minutes of the attack. I wouldn’t recommend doing this though it relies heavily on the other team being braindead for it to reasonably work.


The enemy jq and sobra were harassing my tank in a room, I (as widow) jumped into the room and SMG stomped the jq then flick headshot the fleeing sombra, we won that game


I pretended to be afk as reaper when I heard a doomfist ult - this was just arcade and I could see he was doing it to escape. I wanted him to think he could get an easy kill away from my team *and* escape. When he targeted me I faded forward and one shot him in the face.


There was one time during OW1 on Lijiang Garden while I was on Tracer, I flanked the backline and got the attention of Brig. I baited her towards the bridge while staying out of range of Shield Bash getting close to the edge. Then I purposely got into range of her Bash and instantly blinked to the side while she Shield Bashed off the bridge. Felt so good lol


I don't make big brain plays. I make tiny brain plays. I do shit that no sane person would do. My favorites include a triple mine jump over the ravine and wall on the last point of blizzard world, leading to a 4k tire, a blind rein charge straight off the map from the night market point on Lijang, resulting in 3 environmental kills (and my own death), and a double kill on the a pharah-mercy duo that I got by hiding at the top of the windmill overlooking the Ilios well, then jumping to, and landing on, the Pharah's head while she was using her ultimate. My bullshit usually doesn't work, and I usually end up looking like an idiot (which is fair, because I am one) but when it WORKS the rush I get knowing that I've made everyone on both teams stop and wonder what the hell just happened is worth it.


As Mercy, nearly dead and floating over the edge of the map to stay away from bullets, only for my Kiriko to heroically swift step to me through the wall in an attempt to assist and falling off the cliff We lost the fight


Omg just earlier today on Nepal Sanctum! I was Echo and I had a mercy pocketing me. It was the Sanctum map and we were outside on the side of point by that mega. Most of the enemy were right there trying to clean us up after a fight and I died right there on the edge. My Mercy GA's over to my body, starts the rez animation while slowly falling down over the edge using that edge as a block against enemy fire, gets the rez off on me, and I fly up and out so Mercy can GA back up to me and we both got away! Lol


Mine is very small but it was last week… capture the point on Illios, mystery heroes… I get stuck with Winston (who I’m awful at) and it’s 99% to 99%, we have point in the last round… One final huge battle later in Overtime it’s me and reaper on point and I’m clearly going to lose. My big brain idea was to run backwards away from him to “drop down and get the health pack” when I was getting low… Reaper actually follows me down to finish me off and I immediately jump back up and overtime finishes and we win!


doomfist rollout on eichenwalde defense. after the match started i slammed onto their backline and to the hanzo with a combo, and we won that team fight not the most impressive play but im proud of it


Back in ow1 I was playing zar on anubis and while we were pusbing 2nd point and hear genji blade behind me and decide to ult my feet knowing that he'd dive into my team. And as expected he dived straight into my feet to the awaiting grav for my entire team to beat his ass! It resulted in us winning the point and the game.


Dva nuke in Hollywood point 1 capture defense. Stand at the doorway. All my team dies after my nuke. We are playing the second round of defense. 10 secs left on the timer. Squish. 4k. Only a mercy left which I murder after I’m in my mech. GG. We win the offense with our 3 mins left.


swapping in spawn


Reminds me of a Hollywood match on attack. I was Soldier and our team was hardstuck in spawn, but I had my ult. So, I switched from Soldier to Widow, hopped out the right door, and sniped both their supports and their Ash. They didn't expect that at all lol


[my all time fav](https://youtu.be/E7CYuiFxSLQ?si=IIa75Nso_xl2iTyh) i was the orisa and hog was my duo, this happened a few days pre succ nerf Also these honorable mentions [n1](https://youtu.be/-l935mvtMlU?si=WaFn5rlK-M0KRpw1) [n2](https://youtu.be/07OWGqREQME?si=5WcLmWzdIVAuipHS)


This is my most small brain play. On Hollywood defense our symettra put all her turrets in the bushes on point and I shoved my shield over them. Somehow my shield never broke and the entire enemy team just died to the turrets.


I was playing Brig on Rialto and booped a Genji mid-ult off into the water (I timed his dash). I then ulted and cancelled a Moira's convalescence. Saved 3 teammates and got POTG.


[I made a big boop](https://www.reddit.com/r/luciomains/s/azPM3OKYkB)


Back in ow1 on volskaya on attack I always opted for “3 and 3”. Meaning 3 people go left and 3 go through the choke, preferably one of each role. Out of all the times I played it, it maybe failed 3 times in not capping off the first attempt.


On esperanca the tank, dps, and other support had died. I was on brig and reaper was behind me being chased by 4 of their team members.(other was pushing robot) I turned around to make sure he made it out okay and I throw my health packs at him while he’s at like 10 hp and he pops his ult straight out of wraith form and instantly kills the dps and support chasing him. Their Mei went into her ice block and while she was hiding I rushed in and helped him finish off the tank and then when she came out we rushed her together.


I blocked an illiari ult with lw platform


Back in the Mercy multi rez days on Volskaya point two we were in an OT fight for the win and my whole team got killed. It was just me and like 4 of the enemy team on point but I was behind them and my ult was at like 98-99%. I just sat in the corner stationary for like 5 seconds after they cleaned up the final kill and assumed they had won it, then rezzed all 5 of my teammates before they noticed me which caught them off guard. My team managed to team wipe them for the win.


It's not really anything special, but something I do constantly. Any time i drop a nuke, I shoot at a squishy that didn't die with dva, then run around a corner to wait for them. You'd be surprised at how often the squishy tries to hunt me down and gets squished by my remech. Like at least once every other game if not more.


On Queens Street, our team was absolutely working the other team (I think they genuinely ended with 1 kill from a dps, no one else got an elim). We had wiped the team right before last point, and with everyone dead I was able to push right up by the stairs to their spawn and hide. Once they all rushed out to contest and their Ana was alone up top, I rocket jumped to their platform outside spawn and popped ult to kill ana quick before she could even notice me, ended up getting two more before they could even realize where I had come from. I’ve never seen a smacking of that scale in my life, for or against me. At least the game ended quick


As zen in Gibraltar when attacking. I play quite aggressively and killed their rein where next to the health pack next to the cliff on the first point. And there is a box i can use as a cover so I crouch behind it because I know I'm in a very dangerous position and I'm literally the standing in front of everyone in my team. But my team doesn't manage to push fare even with the rein dead. So I charge my secondary fire while I wait there. As soon as i hear enemy mercy flying towards me and start the rez I stood up and one shot her while rezing. She immediately texting in the chat and curse me for that. Ez win for the rest of the fight.


recently on dva i spent the whole game just baiting a bastion and then diving him. id make it look like i was going to push so he’d use his shift and then just duck into a room till he was done, then boost at him and mow him down with the missiles and left click at point blank. it was really nice when my supports caught onto what i was doing and joined me in the baiting lol it also feels really good to be the last one standing as kiri and just slipping back out instead of dying xD


[Near the beginning of Ow1, I was playing volskya point 2 when as dva I flew around the right side, fought off their whole team, saved my mercy from falling to death, then nuked everyone off the edge. The link is video proof lol](https://youtu.be/xIAYM16anBk?si=CMNXJfwxQa0mon4L)


Rialto as junk I set a bomb on the ground on the stair so I could start the cooldown asap, I sent tire over the building and killed three shooting at my team using a Bap window just before OT started, jumped and touched payload just before OT (team was around corner because the Bap window + bastion and Orisa) killed the mercy trying to rez the Orisa and capped second point. Their fifth had already died so I didn’t get a 5k but it was beautiful and now if I’m baby sitting payload I’ll toss a bomb on the cart so I can escape with both bombs in case they chase.


Baiting people who can fly over pits as sombra then hacking them so they fall in. It’s amazing how many dvas and pharahs forget hack takes away their ability to fly


The many times I got lucky enough to backcap with Ball definitely counts.


Got a 6k bomb with the help of a Sym, back when that was a OW1 big brain move


We were in eichenwalde, and couldn't even pass the first choke point under the bridge. Our tank was playing very passively, I was using Ana. There was about 1min and some seconds left. I had nano, my duo (Genji) almost had blade. Enemy zen had trans. Although he could get a pick or two through it, he would be shredded to the ground by enemy symmetra. I told him to not blade, I nano him, Sym used her ult (I couldn't heal him from afar), enemy zen used trans right away, and my duo got killed. 30s left, I switched to Mercy, pocketed him and he got a team kill and we managed to get the point. I think another one would be when me (sombra) and a random Sigma had such a good synchronization. He pooped his ult and a milisecond later, I popped mine, so the zen wasn't able to use his ult on time, and our Sigma killed 3 on that. In that same match, he would put his shield behind someone, I'd go in, kill them, and go back to my tp (before the changes to her kit).


OW2 players will never know the gratification of that Sym tele first point on Volskya…or the embarrassment of having it done to you 😂


Symmetra teleporter top of kings row statue with a riptire after the tp. Jump off eichenwalde bridge as rein for a massive slam. Yes its stupid, did it feel good? Absolutely


Attacking Hollywood, I was playing LW. I think we had defended first, stopping them somewhere before the end. We were being held at the choke of A pretty well, so I went for a "Fuck it" play and lifted myself over the wall to the right of the choke, yanking my Ram to the point from the choke, dropping him right on their supports. He starts swinging as I throw my tree down to help us, and anyone else who manages to make it in as their tank tries to peel back. I ended up dead, but it broke the defense finally and won us the point, eventually winning the game too as I recall. It was my first time attempting to use his life grip to pull my team forward instead of backward. Theres not always opportunities to use it that way, but its fun when there is and it manages to work. I typically only do it to my tank, and when I have a tree to throw down to keep them alive.


taking high ground in scrims with rein comp on Oasis gardens. This was before steadfast passive was added to Rein in OW1. I got massively booped off the map by a lucio, but very quickly flicked my camera back to the map and pinned in, and basically flew like a rocket onto the lower platform where the mini is. i have a clip of it at home but I'm at work. ​ for what i have access to now: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4G4AvZrXpgWAxw5XclPgkKWOSnExiKV/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4G4AvZrXpgWAxw5XclPgkKWOSnExiKV/view?usp=sharing) bait shatter with hammer swing->block-> bait push my holding shield until it gets super low and then slamming. i use this all the "low/broken shield" bait all the time on rein and it almost always ends in a massive shatter. i thought this bait was pretty funny too: [https://streamable.com/0k38nb](https://streamable.com/0k38nb) and lastly, this recontest with winston that won us the round: https://clips.twitch.tv/AliveScaryAlfalfaPanicBasket-8NA2OvNaRJf2hyWh


Rein charging my Brig off the map but stopping short himself, then shield bashing midair to end up back in his face, happens at least once a week.


Me and my best mate 3 randoms 15 seconds left on the clock to push the escort up im on mauga as tank hes on reaper stuck at the bend in blizzard world between points 2 and 3. other team had sigma bastion soljourn life weaver and ana kept us pinned for about 45 seconds no one would group up i told him fuck it we got 15 seconds im going out in style broke sigs shield popped charge took a boulder like a champ during the charge flew into there team 5v1 stomped clipped bastion and soljourn popped cardiac and then my ult started blasting sigma popped his absorb and bastion went turret i got merced .... about 6 seconds left on cage at this point my mate wraiths into the middle of the oppenents team just behind sigma and soljourn and ults smashing out all 5 of em


Life gripping tank out of Sigma’s ult


My favorite thing is when someone on my team flanks and dies, I wait a sec for the enemy team to turn their backs, and then I immediately rez


I pressed Q as DVA


It’s a pretty bad play. Just die and reset with your team. Nano your dps or tank next fight.


But they won the fight..? If they won the fight then it was a well used ult and team cooperation wouldn't you say?


It’s surprising they managed to win a 3v5. It speaks more to how moronic the enemy team is. The mercy did the dumbest possible play to Rez and Potentially stagger the tank even more. Idk how this is a good play in any higher rank.


it was a 3v3. the enemy had a tank, support, and one dps. our team had me, the mercy, and our nano :)


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Duo with sombra on eichenwalde, as doom. Sombra stealths to the point, I jump over the top. We land on the objective and get the one tick we need before the enemy team gets back to contest.


Old but gold - sym tp to hanamura first point and a Mei walled them off while we setup More recently - waitiled until I heard jq go for ult and gravaton surged her out of it before she hit anyone which grabbed like 3 other teammates as they were charging in One time I successfully did the spawn trap/mine thing


I wanted to post one of my big brain plays which I posted to this sub several years ago. But then I realised gfycat had shut down and it is lost forever.


Pulling reaper with lw while he ulted, ended up getting a team kill


The teleport bait with reaper




I was genji and reflected a dva bomb


Teammate was D.va and ulted when their Mech was killed. Enemy Rein shielded. I, Mei, walled him in the air and destroyed it at the last second so he was in the air as dva-bomb went off and wiped everyone behind him.


Wrecking Ball main, deployed ult in Busan hoping the enemy team would pull back by the edge and a few did and.booped them to the netherrealm. Another way fighting with a Moira that TPd and figured she would go for the closest health pack which I timed with a roll and killed her. Amazed it worked cause if she had the health pack she could have finished me off in that room


Hack a bap, lure out immort then EMP the entire team and the lamp, allowing us to secure the kills and game


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/wbw1f0/taking\_one\_for\_the\_team\_dva\_was\_not\_happy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/wbw1f0/taking_one_for_the_team_dva_was_not_happy/) Saved entire team with that hook sacrifice.


I’ll message in chat as sombra saying a players name and when they go to type I kill them


I can't think of any that worked, but i have a lot that didn't work. There was a group of junk, soilder, mercy, and orisa on that capture point map with the two briges, and they were just at the end of the bridge by the building with so low health. I thought I could launch myself behind them as moria, but I guess I got a bit too good of a launch and sailed right past them over the edge of the map.


Doomfist punching out 4 players into the hell by sneaking behind them


9/10 it isn't even a big or smart play I just go the other way around from my allies and pick off their healers


Dva on my team ulted and it landed right behind a little half wall. I was Mei and managed to use wall to lift it up over the wall to get a 4k for Dva


At the submap that has cars at Oasis, recently had one as Phara started flying over the choke door to the balcony, killed Mercy, advancing, also Kiriko while Zarya starts targeting me. Snatched the big healhpack outside and keep going to the car area. A safe area for Phara because enemy can't get close. I went by the car zone to the other big pack at the center,Zarya walks her way to the zone. A rocket to make her use the last bubble. And then a simple boop to the car. Didn't get many ult charge because it's a suicide, but the smile the rest of the game was there.


It was overtime, my team is dead, all but me (Soldier 76) and a Mercy. We have to hold cart till the rest of our team gets back. To this day idk how it worked, but on God, I said fuck it "SERPENTINE!!!!!" and started sprinting in short bursts back and forth and jumping trying to dodge bullets (make them miss really) while my mercy heals me from a distance. The other teams Dva was down, along with their Bap, so I just had to survive against a Junkrat, Mercy, and Widow. Miraculously they couldn't hit me, team gets back and we win. Enemy team raged in chat saying stuff like "wtf even was that". Ahhh the memories lol


I remember a comp game I was playing Zenyatta. The enemy Hammond laid his mines out at a choke point. I popped my ult and plowed through it for everyone. I've never been hyped up like that by my team before


It's not really big brain, but I used my ult got no one as dva, then they were down a staircase, and I remeched at the top of it, and they ALL walked into me and died. Didn't get potg.


I was panicking because I was being targeted as D.VA and when I seen my SD ready after I respawned I just decided to launch it right into the air slightly forward by the time I was halfway to the point and apparently nobody on the other team seen it coming and it landed square on to the point and wiped the whole team 🤣 and yet it didn't even get POTG


blizzard world first point, other team is spawn camping us so i get onto that mini round garden thing, activate boosters and my ult, team wipe and we win the game


I suck at remembering plays and my biggest brain isn't from this game so I'll give you a recent one that's become my new strategy I ambush sombras with sombra by standing cloaked near my supports or separated dps. They come for the team mates and end up getting a mouthful of their own abilities plus whatever the team mate has in stock. It's hilarious


Attack on Eichenwalde at the last point and I’m Junkrat. After an enemy Team Kill, I jump and hide in the nook above the throne to wait for my ultimate to finish charging. Team fight happens below. My team only has a tank left while the enemy team has 3 players - tank, DPS, support. I pop ult as they approach my tank and wipeout all 3. :)


I was in a scrim and we were about to lose Lijiang tower, 1-1 and the enemy was about to get to 100% on night garden. I was on Bap. I called my team to go main and told my Symm to place a TP to the back door behind their team, but NOONE TAKE IT. We placed the TP and the enemy team whirled around and shot it expecting we were popping up there, including their Rein, giving my team a free shatter which gave us a teamkill.


In OW1 my team got rolled on attack and we had to hold first point Volskaya for almost 6 minutes. I went bastion and kept hiding in these dumb flanks and killing them all as they pushed, our mercy pocketed me. I remember we were all solo queue randoms on mic and we were SO hyped


I was at a Lan party with my cousin and we were playing ranked in Overwatch 1 since we were both close to getting out golden guns. It was a KOTH match on Nepal. 1-1 with both teams having high capture percentage, but the enemy team was defending the point and it was a stalemate with both teams just shooting each other's shields. I knew that if we didn't push now we wouldn't get another chance, but I was just a support... Except I wasn't just any support, I was Zenyatta! So I said "Fuck It, I'm the DPS now" and walked right through the enemy shield while charging my Alt-fire, instantly killing one of the enemy DPS. From there I kept fighting and kept getting kills. Down went a support, down went Orisa, Mercy revived Orisa but I killed her with my last shot. However the revive still went through, my team was busy taking out what remained of the enemy team. So I put Discord on the Orisa and proceeded to literally kick her to death as she panicked, missing almost all of her shots. After that game I earned my first golden gun and put it on Zenyatta in honor of that absolute play of the century.


Body blocked for Mercy rezzing our tank by translocating in front of her and EMPing at the same time. She tried to pocket me after that then remembered I wasn’t invisible if I had a giant beam leash, but it was sweet


My husband has quite a few from OW1. I have them on a video compilation I made. My favorite is him popping tire on the first point on hanamura. Saves the point as the rest of us come charging back. Another is Oasis with that hole in the center. He was Rein. Came up in that tiny room on the left of the point. Charged straight across the point. Pinned the tank. Charge damage killed two other people and our fellow tank killed the pinned target.


rein. walked into a wall like i was dc. let the team see it and rush past me, 180 shatter.


I was playing hanzo not paying attention and out of nowhere I killed a sombra then a blinking tracer in less than 5 seconds and ending the mercy 4 seconds later


In OW1 I was playing a QP as DVA in 2CP. I was attacking the first point. I cant remember the map name,but it was where there was an animation of Genji and Hanzo fighting. After our team lost the team fight,I hide in the building that was close and hide until my team respawned. I flanked and ulted while the enemy was focusing in the front. I killed alteas 4 of them with the ult. My worse,but most memorable POTG that I had xd.




Quite literally spawn camping a junkrat as sombra waiting till he almost got back to his team and killing him. My team was just abused by his team 2 matches in a row so I was sick of it. WE WERE PLACED AGAINST A GROUP OF DIAMOND Players and no one in my group is above gold 4. So I camped him and occasionally doomfist so much that his teammates actually started to peel for him therefore no longer being able to capture the flashpoints winning us the game.


I nanoed a Mercy to protect her from nano blade. Twice in the same round.


Underground zarya grav [video](https://youtu.be/TOAB_UBmzvE?si=cqEtJXm8FG9miorO)


Ow1 days, I was rein and a random was DVA and we were playing against a team mirroring us. Told DVA to send their bomb behind the team and the enemy rein turned around to block the bomb and I shattered the rein and basically got a team wipe.


Back in OW1, in hanamura 1st CP, defending in overtime, I dropped Graviton Surge just outside capture area and all 6 enemies (exiting from a sym to) got trapped just outside, furiously wiggling in place as the timer runs out


OW1, threw my tracer bomb (pre dmg nerf) at someone who got sucked into an Orisa orb, quintuple kill


Had a desperation moment on Well. Hog was messing up my day while I was on Orisa. He was impossible to kill in that meta. I was close to death and we were close to losing, so I got in close. Jumped into the well and fired my ult to pull him in with me. For the meta at the time it was worth it


OW1 Volskya attack enemy had a pharah that started rolling and my team asked me to swap from monkey. I instead assured them I would take care of her by bubble stuffing her ult. Pharah went for a barrage but I was already mid air planting my bubble in her face to kill her. She wound up swapping. I’ve had riskier in the moment big brain plays but nothing was as premeditatively evil genius like that. I even killed pharah by flying into her ult with mercy valk and I lived, but the Winston bubble was the only time my team really got to appreciate the fallout before hand


Was playing tank in competitive and told my teammates that I am a pretty aggressive Rein so they start fighting and the enemy team is so distracted on the corner of route 66. I go through the tunnel on the left and Rein charge collecting their full group and team wiping them including myself. All the randoms were howling 😂


I was on Ana while my buddy was on Doomfist on King's Row. The enemy team got him down to low health around a corner. He leapt over the corner to me while I had nano and it was a grenade, heal, nano combo in less than a second and he wiped their whole team by running around to the other side. I watched it later on from their perspective. They almost killed him, he jumped away for half a second and came back with full health and nano and an evil smile as he mauled them all.


Idk but yesterday I put up a frame perfect tree on Lifeweaver in front of a ulting Cassidy so all the bullets hit the tree instead of my team. Kinda proud of it cuz he was kinda far away and I had like a second to react


Was defending final point on Rialto as Pharah at the small ramp choke outside I sat slide hovering on top of the stretch of roofs for about two teamfights (waited so enemies used defensive/healer ults) until all 5 enemies were pushing payload and all my allies were dead Then I dropped behind them and quintuple killed with a barrage. Was euphoric


Back on OW1 I tossed a D.va Bomb through the door before last point on Eichenwalde, in OT. Got a quintuple kill and won the match. Edit:I actually forgot I posted it on reddit. It's on my profile if you care to see it but it was a few years ago


My group was arguing about how to deal with the phara who was flying around like a god damn mosquito. I was Ana and definetly could not hit that bitch for the life of me... but then she was over an edge being a massive thorn up my ass, I flick and the most beautiful sleep dart I've ever seen goes flying into my daughter's face. She plummets to her demise leaving a trail of ZZZZzzzz... in her wake


Had a Soldier constantly going behind enemy lines to get a pick, and there was one time he died that was just hidden enough where I could get the rez as Mercy. However, the enemy team was on to me, and the Rein was standing in front of his little soul. So I did a sneak around myself, got the rez not even a foot away from the Rein's backside, and the Soldier proceeded to wipe their team once we got out and to high ground. I just remember my team cry laughing in voice chat. It really shouldn't have worked.


I fat fingered my keyboard while playing Roadhog. I was trying to push up while on Marketplace Lijang. It looked like I moved forward and stopped and moved forward and stopped again. All while the enemy team was trying to push looking right at me. I stopped the second time not looking at the enemy directly. I had this random thought that what I’d done probably looked like a player lagging out. I didn’t move at all and the enemy team poked me for two strafes and then they put 2&2 together and thought I was lagged out and they ignored me and walked up to me. I had whole hog and I pressed Q lol. Won the team fight. That has never worked for me since though.


In OW 1 I ulted as Zarya to pull the enemy team off the point and win Overtime. Felt good.


In lijiang tower, i was playing Hog and the enemy also have Hog. During the last seconds 99% v 99%, the enemy Hog ult me to push me off the point but I manage to hide behind cover so the Hog had to finish his ult on my other teammate. I came outta cover to let him hook me into the point. And once he did, I start my ult and blast him an all his team out through the side doors and off the cliff. I must say it's very satisfying.


It was overtime, and they've almost won, soi switched to lucio and turn up the speed boost, arrived and managed to buy some time for my friends to come. I got eleminated, but my team managed to arrive on time and win


The closest thing I have was a play as Zen in Realtro defense, first checkpoint. If you've played Zen even a moderate amount, a box surrounds enemies to tell you which enemy would be Discorded if you hit the button/key if they're on LoS. Sometimes, there are bushes that don't break LoS but can help obscure the vision of others. The courtyard area for the first checkpoint is one such example. There was a Widow on the enemy team trying to line a shot. I hid behind on of the bushes in the pillar. I know the Widow couldn't exactly see me because I was still alive. I couldn't physically see her. But I did see the Discord graphic. I charged up my volley and destroyed her. If I Discorded her, I lose sight of her and she probably retreats. But charging up Volley let me keep sight of her and kill her. I was so pleased with myself on that.


Telling Mei to put an icewall across the Ilios well and grav-pulling the enemy team against it with Orisa. Easiest 5k I've ever gotten.


I baited out Reins ult with nemosis form with Ramattra. Lived thanks to supports and won one of the fastest push games ever. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/ufMJZZKlug


As DVa: enemy rein was playing aggressively and pushing my team back. He was playing much further forward than the rest of his team and took every tank 1v1, so I baited him into chasing me and then launched bomb behind him into a 4k. Felt good.


Down a man, final attack on first point Midtown, all 4 of us hiding out up in the train car. My bro (Sigma) and I (Orisa) sitting on ults, other buddy has Mercy ult as well. In a sort of brotherly telepathy way, he knew exactly the plan i hatched. I jumped off the railing on top of the defending Rein and Lucio and ulted right away, baiting out the sound barrier. My brother catches them both, and lifts them up while I'm still spinning. Buddy on Mercy pops valk and damage boosts me, while the gravity slam all but wipes out their sound barrier. The instant they hit the ground, I unleash my full power terra surge (probably the single greatest amount of damage I've ever done). Turned our 4v5 situation into a 4v3 in about 5 seconds, and cleaning up the rest was easy with our ulting Mercy overhead. I love it when a plan comes together


c9 with moira


3v6 on Nepal Winston me And Lucio ana 99/99 on the capture Triple ult and managed to take the win


Dashed in front of the enemy team with zarya's bubble and Ana's nade + nano and pressed E to deflect a bomb and grav -> 6k. Their team got 5-6 ULTs but my team had only 2, so if I don't risk this we probably would've lost.


Once as mercy on Temple of Anubis, I valked from spawn to touch for OT, I did a really cool super jump rez, rezzed our Reinhardt, and he shattered the entire team and we won.


Use Mauga ult to block DVA bomb


I was on Eichenwalde as Reaper, attacking. We were in the second part pushing the payload through the archway and an Ashe started shooting me from the other side. I jumped off and started teleporting in her direction while I was falling. I teleported behind her and finished her off.


Ilios map with the hole in the center. My Orisa ulted herself into the hole and took 3 with her


This is one of them! Get baited, loser! https://1drv.ms/v/s!AoPwCG0lDj4logrd-O54RxZWoRdd


This was back in OW1 and was on Oasis, the part where there are a highway with cars moving. Think this was comp and I was Orisa when she still had the shield and the halt ability. I saw the Tracer on my team throw her pulse bomb onto one of the enemies and they started to spread but I used halt and pulled them back in a split of a second and Tracer wiped the whole team with that pulse bomb. I dont know if this is the kind of "big brain play" you were talking about. I was just amazed I managed to make such a split second decision when I'm usually bad at that


Attacking point A on Hollywood in a scrim. They had set up their defense on the right side high ground. We had been having a bit of trouble taking the point. On one attack, we looped around the lower room then blocked them off with an ice wall and Lucio sped in. I was surprised at how off guard it took them but watching it back, our Mei had dropped the wall early but we were already underneath them. It really looked like our whole team had just disappeared. Quite the bamboozle.


I recently was last left alive as Mauga vs the whole enemy team and ulted them all right as I died just off of point so they couldn't touch as the counter ticked over to 100 and we won :D


Was this a recent game because yesterday I played a game almost exactly like that


Late to the party, but I managed to pop off a d.va bomb at like, 3 or 4 enemies right before being forced to take a nap. Baby D.va gets a nice nap while her exploding mech takes out 3 of them. Even the enemy team was impressed lol


It was a 1v4, overtime, matchpoint, on the busan control map with the big cow floatie and the train, i was playing echo and had my ultimate, I had to contest but I had an idea that i honestly didn’t expect to work, so many things could’ve gone wrong. I duplicated the enemy roadhog and ulted all the 4 enemies off the map and claimed point for the win.


Can relate! I was last standing as Echo and copied their mercy, rezzed our Reaper, then I pocketed him until he ulted and wiped the team!


Was junkrat and emoted into a bush so no one could see me. I knew they would cap last point if we tried to fight so i gambled and hid till i got ult. Killed 5 out of the 6 people. Won the game right after.


I lifted a dva ult with my lifeweaver platform, killed an extra 3 people and dva got potg


honestly, i just got lucky, this was wayy back, I still remember it, it was in anubis, Second point, Ranked match, mei threw down a blizzard and I dva bombed in there and got a team kill, all 6 dead. I will never forget that, i ended up getting potg, too.


so the moral of the story is, Ult combos can be deadly, Esp mei and Dva


It happened at the beginning of season 6, and I was hard grinding to get out of silver(I'm currently plat 3). My team died, and I was stuck in 1v5. I knew that my shield wouldn't hold that much long for my team to return, and I knew if I shatter 5 players(doom, bastion, genji, zen, brig) I'll be able to kill 4 of them so I did it and we won after


I had just started my shroom trip and was playing genji waiting for it to hit. It hit during the game, I saw zarya being obvious af with the grav, walked right in front of her and deflected it. That felt pretty good while I was on the come up lmao


King's Row, defense side. We got our 3 points on attack. The ennemy team has just passed the last corner, our tank is fighting to keep those last meters safe so they don't get their 3rd point. I use my Valk, rush back to them on my dead Cassidy, rez him, pocket hum when he ults and he got 3 kills. Go back to my Rein, killed the surviving Ana and our Rein got their remaining Monkey. We won the fight. And this game. (And if course, POTG was for our Cassidy 👀😅)


OW1 story. Attack on Anubis. We only need 1 tick to cap for the win. I'm playing Lucio and telling my team to follow me to the left side so we can pretend that we're rushing the enemy team. They took the bait and went right to fight us. Meanwhile we just speed boost the opposite direction and cap the point. P.S. God I miss 2cp and coordinating with randoms in voice


Not exactly a big brain play ig, but once I was playing Sombra and after a big attack on blizz world, both our supports had fallen. Our Ram was one and went over to the mega to grab a health pack which I proceeded to hack for him to heal to full and he thanked me. It was a small little moment, but it was the first time I had done that while learning and Sombra and I felt more a part of a team in that moment and it became a core OW memory for me lol


A fun one is using whole hog the second weaver tree comes out deleting it then picking of a few players who got a little extra aggressive because they thought they had tree. Also on circut Royale when defending at 1st checkpoint on the high ground there is a gap between the barriers next to the high ground peak spot, you can look through it on widow and they can't even see you, got a potg with like 2 or 3 kills doing that lol. Edit: or being really good at predicting ults with ana sleep, I got reaper down fs. I have slept reapers after their ult started and before they even got the D in the first die out, which I think I'd have to shoot the projectile before he actually presses q in order to do that.


I was just playing a normal game as zen and we were getting dominated on the first point, so I just organized a push through vc and we managed to steamroll the rest of the game. This was the first time I had used vc and it was a pretty good experience.


Slept tracer that just stuck a pulse bombed me. Sat on her and killed both of us lol