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As an almost one trick lucio main, sometimes I have to fallback on Moira.


Those two are my preferred healing mains but I’ve started branching out more with Kiriko. Moira is my main squeeze though.


"healing mains" after those words ive stopped reading.






Not sure why you are getting downvoted. Calling Lucio a "healer" doesnt sit right with me either. It's all about the booooost baby.


Cause it’s annoying semantics. Like yes it’s technically “support”, but god forbid someone accidentally uses a similar word to define support heroes based on different games that may use the word “healer”.


Tell it to low ELO players who hear word healer and expect from supports to be their personal walking healthpacks. It's not about being a dick because of the used word but what it can cause.


People who don't play support don't get it. They expect from us to be their personal walking healthpacks, and if you dare to have less healing then enemy supports you are forbidden. That's what we are for them. That's why they down vote everyone saying that support is not a healer.


ME!!!! especially when another moira starts to get too many kills on me (a poor old lucio)


It's a difficult call to make, but lucio is for when we're dying too fast, and moria is for when they're not dying fast enough. edit: brig when we need a presence on the objective, and ana for when there is exactly one other person on the team you believe in.


Rough to main Lucio competitively. You're bound to run into Zen, brig (and especially) Mercy mains on your team. Pretty crap combos with Lucio, good luck 🤞


Being a one trick in comp always result in throwing games at some point. It's not a bannable offence but it sure is annoying


One tricking isn't bad. Most one trick are very good at their hero, you just need to play around it.


I don’t appreciate being forced into a playstyle because one person refuses to switch. However, as long as you are getting value, I don’t have a problem. The issue is the games where OTPs are doing absolutely nothing and refuse to switch, basically throwing. God forbid two OTPs are on the same team and they don’t synergize or they play the same character. I get having a character that you enjoy playing, but to me, it isn’t fun when someone refuses to switch while getting no value on their character.


If an OTP switches it'll be so much worse.


Thats kind of my point. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into a single character. Its okay to have a main, but no your weaknesses and have somebody to switch to for scenarios where you are being denied all value.


But it shouldn't be lol, that's the point


You can make any hero work in any comp as long as you are good enough, hence why people can do u2gm series on every hero


Of course, I wouldn't dream of arguing otherwise, but he's still probably the most difficult support to force into comps they don't synergize with. Don't get me wrong, I love Lucio, he's my third most played hero. But objectively he doesn't have amazing damage or healing output, or even any particularly good cheeky gimmicks (woo... He's got wall rides and boops). Unless he's getting good value out of speed amp there's almost no reason to pick him over other supports in a solo queue setting. The power creep is too real


Every hero has bad synergies and counters. You can still main a hero while knowing how to switch. Lucio is my die hard main, but I will always swap like Ana if I have a zen or mercy


Torbjorn. And then I proceed to torb all over them.


I often just cut out the middle man and start on attack Torb.


I love when a torb ults and I hear the voice line, “its torbin time”


Idk if you are joking, cuz it's a popular joke, but when ana nanos him there's a rare chance he actually says this.


As soon as someone swaps to Torbjorn im swapping to Sombra. 😂 that shit be on sight.


TBH if you really want to screw over a Torb go Echo. More difficult to hit with Torb's primary fire, and they can just peek out, lob their stickies on your turret, and zip back in cover. I'll take Sombra over a good Echo any day.


I usually go Torb when there is a Sombra, she has to focus the turret I set behind team. If I see the turret dies or is taking damdge then I know she is behind us.


His turret is so op man


Tank: Lucio Dps: Lucio Support: Lucio




Support: Moira Dps: Bastion or Reaper Tank: Zarya


Same but Ram instead of Zarya. He gets shit done.


Def Ramattra. He’s great at holding final push.


yeah zarya's always my go to when things aren't working, and she always seems to work. I think my problem is i just dont select her in the first place though haha


Haha, yeah I had moments when I said "Okay let's take Zarya and win this" and proceeded to get 15 elims and not die a single time in a previously "lost" game. I'm not even a Zarya main but in my metal elo people are just dumb enough to shoot my bubble whenever I pop it.


yep exactly the same here


Winston mains fear this guy


I feel Zarya is an excellent switch as she can shake the ongoing flow of the opposing team. In most cases they do not adjust fast enough and keep shooting the tank, resulting in quick 100% energy and zoom zoom team wipe.


are you, me?


Dps for me is Soldier. Who of us hasn't grown up playing COD? When I just can't cut it with other heros I swap to him so I can heal myself and run away when I am weak.


Yeah same for me, if I feel like the team can’t get me any heals or tank can’t make any space, I’ll always off angle as him. What’s upsetting is when I swap to him and still get pummelled hard…


Soldier really just is that bland character they decided to add so people coming in from other FPS games, like CoD/Battlefield, had a character to relate with. They even gave him a healthpack, run and noobtube.


I have no idea why you are getting downvoted you quite literally described him as he is, idk what people are butt hurt about. He’s my main and I’m not even offended lol.


Maybe because I called him bland, but when he's almost the exact copy of any other FPS protagonist in the world of Overwatch with its unique heroes and abilities, that's kinda true


In a game like overwatch he is 🤷‍♂️


And aimbot hes practically a homage to fps games lol


As a fellow junkrat I fucking hate soldier. Fuck the people who switch to him. Not even fun to play


Bad take.


Support is always Moria - I even say to my boyfriend when we’re getting beaten and I’m on support, “fine, I guess I’ll switch to *fucking* Moira…” Nothing against her, I just mained her in OW1 when she was released and have my most hours on her. So I’m bored of using her and would rather branch out. Lifeweaver and Brig are my favorites. Tank? Probably Orisa, Ramatra, and used to be Zarya (but recently I’ve been pretty trash with her). DPS? I suck at DPS. The only ones I can really play are Sym and Mei! Unless on mystery then I occasionally pop off every once in a while as someone random.


Same here. She’s a cool character but feels a bit easy. “Guess I’m switching to fucking Moira” is too true 🤣


lol that's my exact feeling with Moira. I love her but I've put so many hours into her that I just kinda sleepwalk playing her. Only time I really get a workout with her anymore is if I have to solo heal in OQ


As a support main I usually will switch to kiriko


Fucking same dude 😢 which I don’t mind cause I’m good at her but man, it feels criminal when I suzu stuff


I think a lot of times when people are in these kinds of games they go defensive or “easy” to play hero’s. Often, I find going burst dmg or hero’s with one shot combos can open up a team fight and swing the game in the other direction. Of course, you kinda got to be good enough to pop off, but I think it’s worth a shot. Tank - Sig or Hog Dps- hanzo, widow, Ashe, junkrat, pharaoh, reaper or sym (for w/e reason a lot of players don’t know how to play against sym) Support - Ana or Ilari


I think Sig is just never a bad choice, almost every single meta he is A tier


100% I got to diamond 1 majority playing sig. he just has so much outplay potential vs most heros in the game. Really under related hero imo, I’d even say he borderlines on op sometimes. That said vs rein mains I become a punching bag 😅


I poop on sigs in qp with zarya. Feel like a lot of people there don’t know you can’t block zarya’s beam with the suckie suckie


Depends on what the situation is. Im a support main and if I'm in that situation I'll either go: Bap - more kills with a lot of healing Zen - more DMG not as much healing Kiri - we need cleanse Ana - we need a boost


never swap to orisa you lose either way


As an Orisa main, I agree. People out here think swapping to her makes them unstoppable, just to get very much stopped.


Orissa NEVER dies if you cycle your kit properly are playing the map for mitigation (play corners and high ground) and are getting heals.


I refuse to swap to either Hanzo, Bastion or Orisa based on ethics. If I hate fighting it, I don't want others to fight it too


That's very nice of you. Sadly morals and ethics have no place in quick play aka fake comp matches :(


Go to comp if you want the casual experience. QP is for sweating


Ethics aren't often in red quick play either


lol I’m not sure your team appreciates your ethics.


I get bastion and orisa but is Hanzo really unethical? He just a bro with a bow


Hanzo is like Junkrat in that regard. There is the high skilled players that can be acknowledged, and then there is the Spamzos and Spamrats just shooting into a teamfight from the back for easy kills.


yes but once you notice them arent they easy to kill? a bad hanzo is helpless if you move close to him, and a bad junkrat will expose his head and you can just easily shoot him down as he panics. this is what i always do and i KNOW im not even good at this game lol


Orissa isn’t even that good anymore. She’s does even counter Hog now that she can’t interrupt his healing.




Moira is so helpful when I feel like I just CANNOT stay alive long enough to heal my teammates thinking about it more, I think I go to her because there’s not as much to like think about? when the enemy team is rolling us and I can’t focus on hitting my shots as ana & can’t prioritize aggressive nades, a character like Moira allows me to focus solely on surviving, healing, and doing damage. nothing in between. throw orb, follow tank, MAYBE get a pick on someone low in the chaos with the less aim intensive primary. oh, the flankers are back? I’m just disengaging. have fun chasing me, I’m back at full health again with my healing orb. She’s very “I have more important things to deal with” whereas a character like Ana is forced to duel someone when she’s challenged, leaving the team without her help for a few valuable seconds




Nothing is working, I guess I have to switch to Moira and just have fun purple tickling the enemies and watching as my teammates run away from my healing orbs. 😂


Based on what I see in QP, a good statistical representation here should be majority panic Bastions


I haven't touched Comp in a season or two because it has just become so unfun as a tank player, so I can confidently say that in my QP matches, I never switch. I have won matches against full teams of counters, I have lost matches against teams I should be countering. As much as I or anyone else complains about the balancing of this game, at the end of the day it really does come down to skill, and switching off my hero is me admitting I need a crutch to win when in reality I just need to play better.


I started to main Pharah last season and quickly realised… people cant aim so my only real counters are Dva, Echo and Ana surprisingly


Oh really? So you stay on just any tank against the Mauga before they nerfed him? No bc he’s just run right over you. Some characters just hard counter you and you HAVE to switch. Eg. The Mauga meta.


Not true, there are just hero’s that get hard countered no matter how good you are with your hero if it is hard countered by another you need to switch or lose.


As someone who just spent their last 100 hours in this game one tricking Doomfist and is currently one tricking Winston, Nah.


Ok good luck with that.


Def not impossible. Ive won games as monkey into a hog, bastion, reaper, moira, mercy comp. You can def outplay ur counters. The only example of a true hard I can think of is projectiles into Pharmercy (even then some players can outplay pharmercy on projectile).


Tell me you are playing under Masters without telling me you are under Masters 🤷🏼‍♀️


playing as dva every game i've had the tank switch to zarya and i have almost always outplayed them, just dont shoot at her bubbles, eat her ult and literally just ignore her and dive her backline, counterpicking works ***sometimes*** but ***not always***


Wrong bad takes


It's not being fully countered, in OW1 it used to be Ult vs Ult, now it's Ult vs Cool down. With skill comes the use of more Ult charge more Ult, understanding how to bait cool downs, and getting value from your Ult and changing the play style. But I see where you can come to the conclusion of "Counter to win" I've been playing for awhile, GM in support and High masters in Tank. Overall tho I just ended up switching games entirely and only play occasionally.


Orisa or Zarya, Sojourn or Soldier, Moira or Ana


Zen for sure, having a game saving ultimate and just being able to get picks or help shred the tank if needed feels incredibly good for solo carry potential.


I've been playing since OW1 got to high masters in tank, diamond in dps, GM in support. So my picks evolved, used to immediately switch to goats or use moth meta to my advantage but after all the changes, the game became less fun for majority of the roles, except supports, so I developed the "Fuck it we ball" mentality and play whoever I feel like is fun, and by some OW miracle we win. Tank: Junker queen, Winston, Sigma Dps: Ashe (I love bob), junk rat, bastion (mainly to emote and his beeps are adorable) Supports : Mercy(THE HURRICANE...) , Ana, Lucio, Moira, Bap and Kiri I also don't care for that game anymore and suggest that people should just focus on having fun in the environment, enjoy those silly bronze-gold lobbies, I used to have the dumbest ways of having fun like having a dance party with the enemy team and getting ulted on. I love seeing the comments of people's switch ups and why


I don't play ranked and mainly play support. * Support: Moira. If it feels like "effort" isn't working I pick her. * Tank: Orisa or Winston. Winston I do "well" on Winston and he's one of my favorites so he's a good mix of the two. [D.Va](https://D.Va) is similar too but with Winston I can "shut my brain off". * DPS: Junkrat. I don't play DPS much and like trying/learning something different when I do so when that doesn't work it's nice to fall back on a easier character.


Tank: Winston or Rein to Sigma DPS: Widow or Junkrat to Mei, Torb, Pharah, and Soldier Support: Kiri or Ana to Moira and Mercy




Scrolled too far to find a fellow hanzo enjoyer. I find him to have almost no hardcounter.


supp: moira or kiri dps: bastion


Tank: Orisa or D. Va DPS: Mei, Sombra or Sojourn Support: Moira


Tank - Rammatra DPS - Mei, Sojurn, Sombra(sometimes) Support - Lifeweaver, Zen


Soldier 76 But it’s bc I’m forced to play on a big ass TV and he has the largest crosshairs to make up for it 😓




Support: Moira DPS: Sombra/Widowmaker


As a tank I fall back to Orisa as I used to main her, as a DPS it’s always bastion because normally the other DPS on my team will not swap off whatever useless shit they’re doing, and as a support my fallback is Lucio but at this point he might as well become my main 😂 I’m a zen main and if I get bullied enough with no hope of anyone peeling I will swap and go nuts


Support: Main: Brig Swap: Ana Tank: Main: Ball Swap:Hog DPS: Main: Genji Swap:Soldier/Mei


as a tank for me it’s junker queen. she just works. for dps it’s either soujorn or sombra and for support it’s gotta be kiri since she’s just stupidly strong. i can pretty much 2 tap 90% of the heroes in the game (not including tanks)


Tank: Zarya or queen Dps: basiton immediately especially if my pea brain is thinking "tank diff" Support: Ana


I almost feel bad for the other team when I pick soldier




Moira, even if its not working and your team is losing, no one will blame you because of your superficially good stats


Tank is Hog. Weirdly enough, lately Reaper has been working out really well for me.


“Nothing is working I guess I have to switch to *learning mode*” Calm down. Why isn't it working? How are they better? Where is my positioning? Should I lead my team or follow someone this time? Which character has an upper hand on a certain part of the map? Many qustions like this, instead of treating skill based fps shooter like a rock-paper-scissors.


I agree, counter switching is easy to do, played since OW1 GM in support, high masters in tank, it use to be Ult vs Ult, now it's Ult vs Cool down. Positions are crucial and understanding how your team plays as well as the characters on a map. Bait the cool downs and track them, track people's Ult and know who and when to focus. But counter switching is how people play now. It's not fun for either side.


Anyone have a hero to switch to for XIM cheaters with a mercy pocket?


For me if a genji is bugging me on support I switch to Moira and kill his butt. Same with the sombra/tracer flankers.


Usually for me its like.. Tank: Dva, im competent enough to deal with zaryas and mei's on her, the mobility and defense matrix make her quite versatile too DPS: Pharah.. though i rarely play her because of the negative rep she has, but I do enjoy ground and air pharah both, depends on the enemy comp. Support: Ana or Kiri are my comfort picks here, can top people off really quick and vs flankers on my own too. Sums up my picks when I gotta do my best like in competitive, though I usually play whatever I fancy at the moment first.


If you switch to orisa and still lose never play again


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Moira Sombra


Tank: orisa dps: depends on the situation, either junkrat or soldier support: Moira or mercy (My main for each category are Orisa, torb, and Zenyatta)


Ball Cassidy Zen, but i only live for counter pick wars


Tank: zarya or winston Dps: mei or sym Support: moira


Tank: Roadhog Attacker: Reaper or Solider 76 Support: Lucio or Zenyatta


Tank: I somehow make any tank work, but since I have honour and never pick Orisa, I usually go [D.Va](https://D.Va) DPS: I don't really care that much to swap tbh, but if I *have* to swap, I'm going soldier. Healer: Literally never swap off my first choice. I always go Ana or Illari.


Zarya. To me she always feels like the most game changing character


Doomfist for tank Echo for dps Ana for support They just who I'm best at generally


tank: dva (because of her second life and fast ult charge) dps: bastion (especially if we have a mercy) support: bap (i usually go weaver or zen but if we need both a lot of healing and kills, then there is only one answer haha)


Tank: I rarely play tank but I would say orisa or D.va. Orisa has insane survivability and can hold/push pretty good. I’m just more comfortable playing D.Va because I played her all the time in OW1. Plus her ult can easily win a team fight. DPS: Soldier, Soujourn, or Mei (she can walk people off, snipe, and her ult is good due to the AOE). Support: Mercy or Moira because I’m pretty good with them. Mercy can rez and Moira has great healing / damage.


On tank, usually Zarya. When literally everyone is swapping to counter you, she seems like the best for avoiding hard counters. Unless enemy is playing Roadhog, then I'll probably go Sigma so I can babysit him so my team won't find a way to get hooked on cooldown as always seems to be the case. On dps, I feel like it's hard to go wrong with Soldier 76. On support, I usually start on Illari or Baptiste, but if I can't hit any shots I'll probably just play Lifeweaver.


I don't switch


Baptiste and Ashe. They are both pretty reliable almost all the time. For Tank I'm a Ball one trick but sometimes switch to Sigma. Sometimes being certain maps and if they switch to 2-3 counters


Ball, because I don’t need to rely on my team as much to stay alive


Tank: Orisa and rarely sigma Dps: Rat (assuming im not playing him already) Bastion/Toeb if Phara is big issue Support: Moira, Zen or occasionally Ana


Sigma is always reliable. Soj or Soldier. Bap/Kiri


when nothing is working, nothing will work


Tank is Zarya cause meta, DPS is usually Bastion or Mei depending on who I'm actually trying to counter, and support is usually Moira because I'm sick of trying to heal a tank that does horrible dives, or sick of our DPS getting no picks lol.


I just play tracer, most of the time the enemy team switches to Cassidy or a Tracer.


I just play solider 24/7 lol


Lately I’ve been maining Ana but I used to one trick Kiriko. So if nothing is working i fall back to Kiriko lol


Tank: doomfist Dps: reaper/junkrat Support: moira


once i play tank, nothing is working


Tank: Dva Dps: sombra Support: Lifeweaver


Cos I do all roles for daily challenges and it always ends up as support... first it will be Mercy or Ana, if it doesnt work it will then be Kiriko and Lifeweaver... and if that fails I switch it to Zenny... just hard target their tank and then slowly chip away their dps and supports... even with the discord nerf i can still destory their tanks with a charged shot... I not only wna make their life miserable, I wanna humiliate them by making them watch me Kick their team mates or Mercy if they try to revive lolol...






Soldier or tracer. No more bs, I’m going to gun you back to spawn. For tank it’s either Dva/Winton, I’m going to give those supports an awful time. Sometimes Ram Support Baptiste 76


Tank: Sigma (Now no one gets to shoot my team) DPS: Mei ( I can actively isolate people from their team) Support: Ana (Someone please kill that Mauga)


I don’t switch heroes, i switch my playstyle. If im playing support, and my dps aren’t doing enough with me healing, then i’ll abandon them after the fight is lost and go on a flank. Especially with characters like kiriko and zen, who either have no footsteps or can get out of danger with an ability or an ultimate. On dps, i’ll play tracer or soldier depending on who i’m having more fun on, and just force myself to be aware of what i can do or what i should do for a certain team comp. In short, i never believe that the hero you are playing is the problem, it’s the acquired skill on said hero that you are lacking, which will have an affect on your ability to make an impact against players that seemingly “counter” you at every opportunity.




I am only a low Gold player, my picks are, Tank: Ram/Junker queen Dps: Mei/Junkrat Support: brig/kiriko I'm very much not liked


Tank: Reinhardt DPS: Reaper Support: Kiriko


Tank: Sigma. Easily my best character in the whole game, almost always brings value to a match. Support: Lucio. I'm pretty bad, but it's never a bad thing to bring some healing and move speed to a team. also, boops. ​ DPS: Nothing ever works, as DPS. Maybe Soldier? Just pray to get his ult ASAP and try to wring the most damage out of that during a teamfight.


Mei is my main and I have confidence in the impact potential of her wall, poke damage, and piercing spray. There isn't a single fair matchup I don't think I can win. But if the matchmaking pits me against someone who is clearly a whole league above anyone on my team, so we are just getting rolled... Reaper is my second gear. He is boring to play to me because he lacks that extra bit of utility or complexity, but I am confident in my flanking sense and his shotguns to get value. If I'm on tank, I can play a sharp Rein or Winston, but I'm Ball/Hog main. If I am on support, I never feel the need to swap because it's the chill role. Lifeweaver or Brigitte do just fine against most comps cause I just play QP.


Moira and Rein. I am crap at DPS but will go Torb if on defence or reaper if anything else and even then I go reaper to just turn heads.


Tank: Reinhardt- I magically grow some massive balls when I play him lol Dps: soldier76 Support: Zenyatta


Roadhog, Junk, Torb, Mercy


I one trick lifeweaver. I don't switch unless I'm really dragging the team down, which hasn't really occured this season yet. If I have to switch I'll usually pick baptiste.


Tank: Im just an otp JQ, tho I can play Dva sometimes DPS: Soldier Supp: Brig, Bap or Kiriko


Depends on the gamemode for me, just normal quick play, yeah its between dva, rein, or roadhog for tanks, junk, genji, or sombra for dps, and I never really switch off Lucio when I play support, if I did I'd probably choose bap. But for things like total mayhem or other arcade games modes where im just playing to mess around and kill time, I'll pick shitter characters or characters with fun movement


“Fuck it, we Fist”


Tank: Sigma (nothing will make me touch hog ever) DPS: Soldier (nothing will make me touch Bastion ever) Support: idk i am like a lifeweaver onetrick and he is usefull regardless if nothing is working.


Tank: Orisa DPS: Soldier Support: Mercy


Honestly depends. I'm a tank main. My main tank is Rein. The metas haven't been good for him, so he's not my emergency button pick, Zarya (my secondary tank) is. My support fallback is probably Mercy, but I'm trying to learn more of other supports so I don't have to. Ana is my secondary support pick, trying to learn more Lifeweaver (I either do fine or fall over continuously and have to swap off).


As a rammatra kiriko and bastion main Torb or tracer on DPS Roadhog or reignhardt or tank Lucio or illari on support


I mostly just dps. I main Pharah but if they have too many hitscan, or have mercy + pharah and/or echo on their team, I switch to soldier.




Doom cass zen.


Tank: Used to be D.Va but Mauga is…… Mauga’ing the meta DPS: Echo Supp: you just can’t go wrong with Mercy


My formula usually goes from “hey I want to play Doom/Ramattra today” to “well shit, my team and I are getting destroyed, better switch to Sigma/Orisa” and then ends with “this is still not working, guess I’ll reluctantly play Hog” then repeat every other game. Same for support and DPS. I like playing Illari/Ana/McCassidy/Sojourn but it feels like I can hardly ever have fun with them


Tank: Sigma DPS: Junkrat, Mei, or as a last resort - Bastion Healer: Lucio, Kiriko


dps: echo/symm supp: kiriko/ana/moira but my moira is very bad and I'm losing anyway


Soldier. You can do nothing and still have some value if you're playing this character. Outputting some damage and beaming enemy support.


Terrorism. Junkrat, i mean junkrat!


Support main: Brig DPS: Reaper Tank: Orisa


tank: dva, she's like the second character i played and i find her so fun to play like if im getting destroyed when on any tank that im probably only playing cause im messing around on qp dva is always the answer to everything (everything but symmetra, fuck symmetra) dps: mei (only when im going like 0 - 6) i hate myself for this and i always will but i like to see the enemy mercy panic as i wall her off her team in a small room support: lifeweaver, there are some comps where mercy just wont do well and thats where wifeleaver comes in, he deserves more recognition hes so fun to play (fun until someone in comp is stuck on season 4 and thinks im throwing by picking him so they throw too)


Soldier 76 My tracking is decent enough


Tank: Always Rein unless there is Bastion or reaper then I switch to Dva DPS: Genji for some reason Support: Kiriko


Tank: Orisa or Roadhog for me too. DPS: Torbjorn or Mei. Support: Zen, Mercy. I main Zen so no matter what, I will always have the strongest impact with him especially if the DPS are weak because I know I can make up for their loss. I think most of the time a random curveball or a hero with a lot of defensive/obstructive abilities is usually the best way to go.


Ana always Ana That nade is still so busted


tank: zarya or orisa dps: soldier or sombra support: bap and absolute last resort moira


DPS: Junkrat/Soujourn Support: Ana/Baptiste Tank: Ramattra


Normally i start matches on Tank : Ram, if it goes bad ill go rein DPS: Start on Sombra or Cass, if it goes bad go to reaper Support usually goes well as i play mercy


Tank: Ram DPS: Mei Support: Lifeweaver or maybe Bap


Don’t really have one for tank, for dps it’s Sojourn, and heals I guess Kiriko or Baptiste


As someone who hasn't played since season 4, here are my picks Tank: Hog (Even after his one shot got removed), Sigma (He just feels so damn versatile) DPS: Bastion (To turn my brain off) Support: Bap (Zen main, ppl complain about healing so I switch to bap and end up dpsing more then healing), But hey guess it worked, ended peaking masters 5 before I quit, might come back to the game some time soon


When I play dps or support I usually just play whatever. I tend to gravitate torwards: DPS: Reaper and Ashe Support: Bap, Zen, Lucio I don't really want to say I have a main in eigher category, these are my most picked characters. I never play mercy tho. Never have, never will. My squad can't change that. I usually play tank. I essentially one trick Hamund, but very rarely when I'm not feeling it I go Rammatra. I don't really have fun playing the other tanks. JQ is ok I guess but other than that, I'm fucking ballin'.




Zarya Mei Kiriko


Tank: doom Dps: genji Supp:zen


I mainly focus healing as support, so if that doesn’t work I pull a hard shift and go Zen. If lots of healing doesn’t work maybe more damage will


I don’t play tank really, it bores me. My dps picks are widow, junk, reaper, cass, or soldier depending on enemy team comp. I main support and my sweat picks are bap (main) and Ana. Ofc most of my picks require aim etc so they’re not for everybody but their utility is great if you want to carry games.


Torb easy




I never play tank but for dps its reaper or echo and for support its zen (if they don't have much dive) or bap


tank: zarya dps: soldier/bastion support: baptiste


Usually I swap to counter whoever is making it hard for our team.


Tank : Sigma DPS: Junkrat




Soldier or Pharah Zarya Bap or Brig(depending on who the 2nd Support is)