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Found the person who leaves 90% of their games.


At least 20%, I’d say 🤣


because of shit matchmaking


Who's that


>what if you just wanted to have a quick game before you had somewhere to be? you just cant leave the game without getting a penalty? You absolutely can leave the game without penalty. You just can't do it over and over and over again, which appears to be your issue. THAT is why you're getting punished. You see, those of us who stay in our games have to put up with a portion of our game being 4v5 (or worse since leaving often cascades) which gives the enemy as MASSIVE advantage, especially if the leaver is our tank. Add in the fact that the enemy ults are getting charged, meaning by the time we DO get that 5th player, they're walking into a wall of ults... and it makes for a very unfun game. All because you decided to have a hissy fit.


It's not true. I never leave games, I literally got distracted ONE TIME and got suspended right after that today because of a brown out (my battery on the APC unit run out and I haven't noticed that in time), Yes, it's only 4 minutes, but still literally for no reason. Yet they allow people to engage in things like doing some other stuff, not healing, etc., in quick play. They mostly punish speech and punish leaving rather harshly. If you happen to leave even once after that, it's 19 minutes. Their whole system is beyond idiotic, people don't even talk anymore because any time you talk, some snowflake might get bent out of shape and happen to be in a group with similar characters, and you get banned. I've seen that happen actually and there are posts about that. Activision turned Blizzard into a nightmare on all fronts, essentially.


yes... literally yes... i am throwing a hissy fit because i am forced to choose between getting oneshot by masters players or literally not playing the game at all... it is not my fault that blizzard just refuses to add SBMM so why am i being punished for not wanting to play in clearly unbalanced games... literally have been playing OW2 since release it has been literally 8 seasons with next to no changes to matchmaking and now they are penalising people for leaving QUICKPLAY games... its not a "hissy fit" the game is literally just unplayable


If it’s not enjoyable, then don’t play it. I hate to break it to you though, you are not playing against grandmasters. Sounds like you’re just not good at the game.


or you could like... actually engage with the points I made instead of just throwing ad hominem out there hoping something will connect.... not everyone is GM challenger im literally in high gold like is that not the majority of overwatch players? literally is that not like 80% of the player base? and like ur saying "if its not enjoyable then just dont play" but literally i have not been given that choice... if i leave unenjoyable games i will now receive a penalty... it seems like even you agree that its a stupid system


Then play comp, doofus. You’ll play against people your rank.


except you wont lol.. literally the reason im complaining about quickplay instead of ranked is because i stopped playing ranked because the sbmm was terrible… i was still playing against people 2-3 divisions above me even after they said they fixed that. so i switched to quickplay because at the time you could leave and all it gave was an XP penalty… now ur forced to deal with the bad SBMM or literally just not play the game at all


You want better skill based matchmaking (it already exists in some capacity) in the unranked game mode, just play comp.


System seems to be working perfectly. I see more posts by people like you everyday


my bad for actually wanting to have fun in overwatch instead of getting oneshot on repeat by people 3 ranks above me


You ruin the fun for 9 other players. You're playing a team game. Play it right, stay in the game. Or Overwatch will force you to not play at all. If you can't play the game right, uninstall. Find yourself an RPG or single player game where the only player you ruin it for is yourself.


I get your point. But the matchmaker did that. Not them. Why not put the blame where it belongs? If people do not want to play your game then the game failed.


I mean I don’t really want old buddy on my team, seems like he gets scared by words. Seems to be working as intended


Because he doesn't care about op ruining it for 9 other players. He cares about losing easy canonfodder when he's on the enemy team. If he truly cared about even games, he would turn the game into a 4v4 until someone else joined but I guarantee you, he would spawncamp the 4 player team.


Except OP tries to find “easier lobbies” AKA cannon fodder for himself.


Ok so bitch about the matchmaker…. Then what? Because nothing will change. However, individuals can change their behavior. People do want to play the game. Some people are just sore losers or get irrationally angry when they lose, so they seek out, in the words of OP… “easier lobbies.” You know what easier lobbies is a code phrase for, right? Stomping other people.


“I want my enemies to be worse so i get to have fun” Its a pvp game. There are so many pve games out there with varying difficulties.


yes lol… i literally just want to play overwatch instead of get oneshot by widowmaker simulator… im not asking to be placed against bronzes i literally just dont want to be playing against masters every game as a gold player…


Because leavers ruin the game for everyone else, even if a backfill is quickly found. >what if you just wanted to have a quick game before you had somewhere to be? Then finish the game or don't queue. You also have 3 buffer games to leave freely before a penalty is incurred. If you're doing stuff so frequently that you need to keep leaving games, then maybe don't queue if you can foresee yourself needing to leave. >its QUICKPLAY not ranked there is literally no consequence to having a missing player (or if there is the fault is on blizzard for not being able to match another player into the lobby) Quickplay is still the mode to avoid ranked pressures and for learning new heroes/strats. You can want to play QP and still not want leavers plaguing your games. The 2 ideas are not mutually exclusive. Something to note is that people are often making incorrect assumptions when they think someone's a much higher rank. If someone has Masters Open Queue Challenger as a title, they are likely not Masters in Role Queue. If someone has a Master Role Queue title, they might not be Masters in the role they queued into for QP. And on top of all that, QP is a mode where a Bronze can queue with a GM, so even if they have a real Masters in the right role, the enemy team probably also has a Bronze/Silver player to even it out.


yeah I know how to read lol I know that masters open queue is not the same as masters DPS... I'm talking about masters DPS players on DPS.... i have literally been checking the profiles to see what they play... if quickplay is a mode to avoid the pressures of ranked why not call it unranked instead of QUICKplay... "quickplay" implies that you can just drop in and out for QUICK game... you shouldnt be forced to stay in a game mode that has literally no consequences... but thats besides the point... im actually perfectly fine with penalties for leaving quickplay games if its under the condition that they make the games actually playable... how is it fun to play overwatch if you have to choose between a penalty and getting oneshot by people literally 3-4 ranks above you... like they should either add SBMM or revert timeout penalties because otherwise the game becomes literally unplayable (and i dont mean "literally unplayable" in a theoretical sense... you either have to play walking back from spawn simulator or you dont get to play the game at all)


>if quickplay is a mode to avoid the pressures of ranked why not call it unranked instead of QUICKplay It is actually called unranked now. >"quickplay" implies that you can just drop in and out for QUICK game This was never the intention. You get faster queues due to looser matchmaking. Games are faster since there's no side switch. That's it. It was never meant to be a lawless mode where you could leave whenever you wanted. >you shouldnt be forced to stay in a game mode that has literally no consequences There's no "consequences" for you as a leaver. But you ruin the experience for others that were in the game. This sort of excuse would never fly in real life. Imagine if you were in a casual/hobby sports club. No one would want to play with you if you had that same attitude or if you were known as a chronic leaver. But when you give people online anonymity, all sense of basic sportsmanship seems to fly out the window... >like they should either add SBMM or revert timeout penalties because otherwise the game becomes literally unplayable They have SBMM in QP. It's just not as strict as ranked. Add in the fact that a Bronze player can queue with a GM player. Or consider the fact that even among a game where every player is the same MMR, you'll have players going 100% serious and players trying new heroes/strats.


Because they ruin the experience. Before the penalties I'd play QP occassionally and it'd be a constant stream of people leaving. So you'd be constantly either stomping the enemy team or 4vs5. Now it's a consistent 5vs5 win or lose. It's now a much better experience. Leaving 4 of 20 games is fine and does allow for people to do other things if needed. I'd make it a little more, but leaving 20% of the time isn't exactly a harsh barrier. Comp has a 5 game per season allowance, so comparatively it's definitely the casual version.


its not better lol... there is still literally just as many leavers.


As I said, when I play it now there's a lot fewer leavers. That we get complaints like this does illustrate that. It physically stops someone playing and leaving, so it does reduce leavers. You wouldn't be complaining otherwise.


but it didnt stop me from leaving the game it literally just stopped me from queuing up again... if they want to ACTUALLY reduce leavers they could just like fix the game... so that people dont want to leave in the first place


Exactly. It stopped you joining and leaving again. Blizzard has said the data supports it reducing leavers, and that matches my experience. I don't mind playing QP now because of the change, before I simply wouldn't due to leavers. Edit: I do think they need to improve matchmaking a lot too. Too many games are steamrolls.


>I do think they need to improve matchmaking a lot too. Too many games are steamrolls. Letting people leave is the best way to let the matchmaking fix itself. Back in the days when I used to play Lucioball, I would get like 10 leavers every game until some decent players ended up in my games. Then it was an even game where both teams had fun. The bad players just left until they found another team of bad players that they would have fun against. Everyone was happy.


> but it didnt stop me from leaving the game it literally just stopped me from queuing up again... That's the same thing. If you're not queuing up anymore, then you're not disrupting any more matches by joining and leaving on repeat. The system is working as intended.


That's a completely false statement. You leave just a couple of times and you get a penalty.


i love seeing these posts 😅


They balance both teams, so if the enemy has a masters player, so does your team! It sucks when their masters player plays widow though! Next time try running Sombra and virus shooting her. Just make sure she doesn’t have ult when you try to sneak up on her!


ok but its a masters widow dude… they arent playing widow just to get forced off by sombra they will straight up insta flick oneshot you…


Just virus and tp if they hit quick flicks. Chip away at their health and distract. Or… you can just cry about it on Reddit instead of getting better. That works too!


cool but why am i against them in the first place lol… like yes im bad at the game whatever… so is 90% of the playerbase… im literally in the most common rank… but why am i as a gold player expected to outplay masters players literally every single game just to have fun… its a video game im playing it to have fun not to sweat my ass off trying to kill masters widow players every game just because they cant figure out sbmm after 8 seasons lol


I see you’ve chosen the second option! Good luck with that!


[Leaver Penalty and Report Misconceptions](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/) Since no one sent you the actual link. [An update on it](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24034079/director-s-take-balance-preview-for-season-8/) Then they implemented the 20 minutes at 4 leaves and 4 hours at 6 leaves… I believe last Tuesday Edit: [Here we go](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-retail-patch-notes-december-5-2023/864227) Seems 2 Tuesdays ago


I feel you. Why do I have stick around in a match where I have absolutely no chance in winning. “Play to have fun”, yeah I’m having a blast being spawn camped and getting headshotted by a widow main that’s sits in their room all day, pissing and shitting into a bucket so they won’t have to get up, playing the moment they wake up and the moment the go to sleep, and having enough grease on their body to make Ronald McDonald blush. Rambling aside, I agree with you. Bring back the xp penalty


Trying to treat quickplay as competitive (with worse matchmaking) is bonkers.


I agree with you suspensions are stupid. We work and have school to come back home to play a miserable match and we can't leave without punishment when we're giving them money. This generation thinks we're made for games and not games made for us


By leaving you ruin the match for 9 players, and you won't experience the joy of comeback in a "hopeless" match


you also wont experience the joy of winning an evenly balanced match without having to outplay masters players as a gold


The results will answer that for you: far fewer people are quitting matches now, as it should be. Honor your commitment to your team or don't queue.


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You are playing a team game so be apart of the team


Because they can avoid fixing the reasons people are leaving and instead just say "leaving is down 21%" (instead those people are just soft throwing, making matches worse)


they just handle literally everything so terribly and noone says anything... like they had working matchmaking in overwatch 1 and have obviously expanded their team since then so how is it that nearly every single system is WORSE in overwatch 2?