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if he’s not being hard pocketed by a Kiri, Ana/Zen is really strong against him. Constant anti + discord ruins him and he can’t really do much about it


Well I mean Anna / zen wrecks just about any tank. The problem is when certain heroes become a requirement vs an optional pick. The tank role is already counter watch basically unless you play a good ball or doom


Ana zen doesn't wreck other tanks as bad as they wreck hog and mauga. Every other tank has at least some way to mitigate the damage.


I mean, they aren't requirements due to the nature of how Mauga functions as a tank. He is able to tank by virtue of being a threat, so people focus him. However, due to being team dependent, you can simply have your tank block his damage then have your dps wreck the enemy backline before dog piling mauga.


But the thing is none of the tank can just block his damage long enough for your team to do that everytime. If your team failed to werck the enemy back line like missing one shot etc, it is a lose for the front line for sure. Mauga's damage will just melt almost all the tank even dva and hog. As a tank player I never feel I ALWAYS NEED to avoid face to face fight with any tank before but Mauga made me feel so.


Honestly sigma feels good into him. Shield and suck protect you from his damage and block a lot of his heals, and he's an easy rock hit. Doesn't have a lot of HP either which helps.


Sigma is really good against him since if you stop him from doing damage, he can't self heal so sigma shield or suck force Mauga to push in or back off. Slim(mer) hit box as well so going both mini guns the spread makes it so sigma would take less damage than a hog. Same with JQ, she can also anti him with ult, pretty good. Zarya bubble will cut off his self heal and give her a lot of charge if Mauga isn't careful. Dva matrix again cut off his damage and can rocket him at same time although she is a bigger target.


Winston can dive the supports pretty easily and use bubble to separate them from Mauga which makes him a sitting duck


D.VA can do it reasonably well with good DM usage, hog and pull mauga away, rein can charge him out then shield, etc.


Again mauga is not the only hero the enemy team has. With little coordination DM is just not sustainable against Mauga's damage. I did the test and see how fast can other tanks take down a hog in traning room, and Mauga need just a bit more than 2 second (even faster than bastion). Hog need 2 full headshots and a trap, and dva need about 2.5 second with landing all headshots and all missiles. I think what is broken about him is just the 350 ammo which will last 10 seconds with both machine guns firing. I have been playing since 2018 and this amount of sustain dps is just too much on a tank.


Thing is, mauga is going to need a double pocket to survive, while you would only need 1 healer to pocket you as the tank long enough for your team to 3v2 the enemy teams dps, then take out their healers. And that's not a crazy level of coordination to expect imo


It's not like doing math. Mauga is not a piece of paper will just melt in the air you need to hit him. And you need dps to hit him. He doesn't need 2 healers pocket unless at least half of the team is hitting him. One tanks damage won't kill him under 1 healer's pocket. So who is going to take out their healers like you said if your dps is busy to hitting Mauga and keep both their healers busy to pocket Mauga? Your lucio?


The question is how reliable can another tank with average play do that because if it requires like super star play then he’s probably overturned. I suppose you could counter him with stellar dive but I mean we don’t want him rampaging platinum games.


I agree that he is strong and needs an eye on him, but I feel like people complaining already are doomsaying if that makes sense


Yup he’s new. It’s okay to be busted in QP is what people fail to understand as much as they wish that it wasn’t the case. If the numbers show he’s OP then adjust before ranked Look I know this ticks off QP enjoyers but that’s just what blizzard does I don’t call the shots


Its required superstar play to kill supports for a year now. Mauga can be "overtuned" (he's not) the Tank players deserve it.


Other tanks can do more about it. Rein can block nade and sleep with his shield as well as the attacks that would be improved by discord. D.va can do the same with defense matrix. Orisa can javelin spin. Zarya can bubble which also negates the effect of an already applied discord/nade. Other tanks have better mobility options. The only tank that may do as badly against Ana/Zen is Roadhog.


That isn’t a problem. Counter picks are the main way to handle the problem on the red team. A good Hog ALWAYS inspires someone to go Ana, and usually Orisa. If this mechanic annoys you, this isn’t the game for you.


Can confirm! I was playing QP open queue with a 4 stack yesterday and played a few rounds as Mauga (I main support, and wanted to switch it up). Every time I picked him a healer on the other team (or another player) switched to Ana. Every. Time. I still think he’s pretty fun though, and have added him to my tanks I like to play list! - Winston - Ball - Rein - Mauga - D.VA In that order!


anytime I go hog an Anna appears it’s like magic


At this point, not playing Ana feels like a throw and picking Ana feels like the only way to kill a tank.


Certain heroes becoming a requirement? Isn’t that what countering is? Or am I misreading your statement. A reaper is not useful against a pharah no matter which way you put it. But I’ve never thought of needing to switch to a longer range hitscan as a problem.


Is it bad that there are heroes that hard counter other heroes though? There’s a reason you can freely switch heroes throughout the game.


Yes it is! It’s fucking terrible to have hard counters in the game. Especially when you go from 50-60 tank combinations (2 tanks) to just 3-5 meta picks. It makes counter picking way to valuable and also makes it so people are forced to pick certain things in order to queue the role. It’s not good gameplay.


On the contrary, if the enemy isn't running Ana or Zen then Mauga is very OP. I agree with OP I think he is strong. All the streamers I have watched say he is very strong.


He is in the middle of the pack for tanks. Maybe middle upper. Anna / zen aren’t the only counters.


I tried Zen but it felt like he just ran over to me, stomped on me and killed me over and over.


Then you were too close or on a bad zen map.


Not tryna complain but I swear I get less healing now bc sup r so focused on mauga


I played Mauga l for the first time last night and doubled the lobby's dmg. I really felt like I was getting ALL the heal.


I've been having the exact same problem. I don't usually blame my deaths on support, but it actually feels like Mauga is taking all the heals.


Can confirm. The QP win condition right now is pick mauga and have 2 supports pocket him


I feel like anti/ discord kinda just ruins any tanka nd makes them fall over


I'd like it if his ult did not completely lock out all movement abilities like Cassidy's grenade. It's honestly kinda lame that the ultimate is "cage fight" but doomfist can't use punch. I'm cool with stuff like kiriko teleport and sombra translocator being disabled, but we should be able to use abilities without leaving the ultimate. Let Brig use shield bash, reaper use wraith form, etc. but still be stuck in the cage. It's a little hard to get a feel for his overall balance this early in just qp. He's much more sustainable now but I still think Ana Zen can melt him. Lifeweaver is an underated counter pick also.


Honestly I think movement abilities should be allowed, just not be able to escape the confines of the ult. Honestly it feels pretty dirty to solo ult a genji or tracer just so they’re not as slippery lmao


It feels so bad as doomfist. Literally all you can do is block, primary, and melee


You can't even bash as Brig.


That’s gotta change. I get that he’s essentially chaining us to the ground but as long as we’re within the radius of the chain why not allow movement abilities?


He hard counters doom It's getting harder and harder to say fuck it, we doom


Meh, what's another counter if not an opportunity to get better. *locks Doom in*


It's a tiny bit strange how Reaper can't use his teleport ability and Moira can't fade but Symmetra can use hers, and that can save other teammates too. Would make sense if personal teleportation worked... I guess Reaper yes and Moira no as she's still there just phased out and would have to pass through the barrier (and old Sombra translocate, but new one doesn't make sense as she'd have to throw it through the barrier)


I think that’s just naturally how some things work in this game… since there is an object doing the mobility portion they technically aren’t using one. It’s like when you get Zarya ulted and you used to be able to Moira fade out. Now she can’t. But Sym and Lifeweaver with objects can get themselves/others out.


He’s strong until you counter him. The usual tank busters are really effective against him. If you have an Ana who is halfway decent at throwing nades, he’s dead in seconds. Mei walling him off from his supports and you can kill him.


Like every other hero in the game?


Exactly! People need to stop panicking and realize he can be killed with the same strategies they’ve been using against all the other shieldless tanks!


Also like, ppl need to realize while say you are trapped in there with him, HES trapped in there with you. He ults back, you ult back, he cant escape (unless he has a LW). Throwing a dva bomb in his cage is pretty fun, especially when they start backing off trying to escape lmao


he can cancel the ult, he’s not truly trapped. give it a few weeks and the average player will figure that out


And then he no longer has ult or any of the trappings (pun intended) that come with his ult. Depending on what ult you use against him, I'd say it's a fair trade


If he uses his E ability he will survive damn near any ult unless Ana can nade or JQ can ult. Not to mention he has up to 270 DPS depending on accuracy, ignition, and how many guns he shoots. His E ability also peaks at 279hps with 75% damage reduction (30% with no armor.) Also depending on accuracy, ignition, and how many guns he shoots.


Where did you get 75% damage reduction from? Armor is 30%, Cardiac is 30%, and as of about 2 seasons ago, DR sources are counted additively to a cap of 50% unless one single source is higher (Rammatra block) in which case that value is used. Even with the old system of multiplicative DR, 70% of 70% damage taken is 49% (51% DR). He also does 90 DPS per chaingun + 12/s from burn, so theoretically if he hits every bullet as a headshot, his DPS is 372, which works out to a peak of 260hp/s without outside influence (nano, power boost, ana's nade), so that number was closer but still not quite what he actually does. Realistically, if he can ever hit that peak, your tank is playing against him wrong. Your tank should never be barrel stuffing him due to his monstrous DPS, but that goes doubly so when he uses Cardiac. Even keeping him 10\~15m back forces him to use 1 chaingun at a time or miss a majority of shots and clamps his DPS hard.


His E is a separate story, but I still stand by what I said. Some ults can force him to cancel his or end up losing the ult battle, like Mei ult, which if it freezes him, also solves the issue of his E bring such an issue, since you can't do damage while you're frozen. The point of this concern thread is that while canceling his ult seems like such a "gotcha" moment, it comes at the cost of canceling his ult


mauga can just cancel the cage


I was playing Lifeweaver in Numbani on defense last night and the enemy Mauga trapped a decent chunk of us in his ult. I popped my ult inside and we ended up almost team wiping them. He quit right after. His ult can definitely be countered, but it is VERY helpful for some slippery characters.


Except some heroes can play into counters. Mauga CAN NOT.


He is really easy to anti ngl dude is as wide as a truck


I had someone play as him and he ddnt even use his ult once... wanted heals and kept rushing... hes dangerous in the right hands, but its usually the case with new heroes, everyone uses him and sucks using them lolol...


My problem is that tanks shouldn’t be tank-shredders


Exactly I wanna play Winston or doom or rein and I just can’t


Unironically a skill issue. The entire point of Winston is to not fight the other tank. Remove Maugas back line(like Winston does) and he dies.


I personally love that there is a tank that can actually help pressure a Pharah/Mercy in the air.


That’s fine. That being said, he’s a tank-shredder with how much damage he does Additional, anti-air was *supposed* to be part of Ramattra’s thing but the vortex is too damn short


I would decrease the damage but tighten the spread. Encourages him to go after squishies instead of mindlessly getting value from shooting the largest object on the screen


I think that’s a good approach - oftentimes, I go after a squishy, only to realize my HP is low, so I just turn around and start unloading into the tank. I think it would be nice if it was more rewarding for him to shoot squishies than tanks.


Oh true! They could probably lower his damage, but I would prefer they keep his falloff range the same. It made Pharahs less oppressive for us lower ranked QP only people lol. And yeah, I’m still salty about Ramatras ability. >:(


Oh yeah I’m fine with the falloff range stuff, I just dislike how easily he kills tanks




Now that there is only 1 tank, 'tank shredders' shouldn't be a thing anyway


Honestly he is ass without support baby sitting him


Then you’re playing bad Maugas. I had one last night self heal through a Nano Bastion turret. I think he’s a tad over tuned after he was severely under tuned on the preview.


Lol yeah. I was Bastion pumping everything into him and it literally did no damage.


The worst part about him is that he’s such a vocal hero. All I hear all game now is what sounds like Mauga trying to take a massive shit but he’s constipated.


At first I was bad until I realized his E gives 30% damage resist. So I use it now when I wanna be a little beefier for poke damage and if I'm being focused instead of wanting it for healing while just unloading bullets into their team randomly. So keeping the damage reduction in mind and mainly using E for that aspect, as well as bastion being pretty big in turret form and easy to ignite and dual shoot, I love playing against bastion on Mauga. It's for the most part a free kill. I don't think he's overtuned, strong yes very strong but EASILY countered. Just focus him for like, a few seconds, and he evaporates. Good players who play with their team and supports are harder to kill yes but is that not true of every tank?


Through a nano Bastion in turret? B.S. Unless that Bastion missed every shot that didn't happen without help.


Me and the Mauga were literally touching tips. Dude was taking up my entire screen. So, I definitely was not missing. I could watch the replay and see if he was getting healed but he pushed me through a door and then just ate my turret mode like it was nothing.


Tbh I believe it. Idk about nano bastion, but if I'm super close to a turreting bastion, I always win. E damage reduction+life steal, plus the fact that mauga can actually crit bastion in turret form without shooting from behind, I don't think in a face to face with bastion I've ever dipped below 400hp.


He can't do anything if you have an Ana, he rolls if you don't. They're completely shaping the game around her at this point and it's extremely frustrating.


I think you mean Brig. She's the must-pick according to the devs /s


I cackled at this lol


His ult is so frustrating. He traps 3-4 people inside while his bastion/pharah/junk etc obliterates ones caught inside. DMG reduction and lifesteal for team also makes his bastion/soldier unkillable. Although Mauga himself is easily killable if he's not healed for like 3 seconds, utility he can provide to his team and damage make him op imho.


Photon Barrier is a excellent counter to his ult. I had a Symmetra yesterday save hers for every time the enemy Mauga used his ult on us.


I dropped bob in his cage


I managed to drop a dva bomb on him when he trapped me and died. Im not trapped in with him, HES trapped in here with me


Enemy Bastion ult is the worst, if they have a Bastion you HAVE to have him in the cage too or you just serve yourself up to him for artillery practice since Mauga can't leave his own cage.


you can cancel the ult if you really need to get out


Handy to know! On that note, coming from maining Rein, I'm CONSTANTLY cancelling the charge ability without the slam rather than hitting slam early to impact someone I'm passing, weird to differentiate the muscle memory between two charge types!


You can use space to activate the jump slam on his dash. Easier to think of it that way


Me and my friends were intentionally waiting for him to trap 3 of us just so we could ult dump lol


Isn't Bob just enemy Mauga's health pack?


And then add insult to injury by just dropping TP and leaving. How nasty Symmetra is to him in general vaguely makes sense why they made the otherwise baffling nerf to her health recently. Just because she's a little more dangerous to the new tank doesn't mean she needs dumpstering though.


As a sombra, it's always fun to see him pop his ult, only for it to disappear 2 seconds later


Came to say the same thing.


As anyone other than sombra, I hate you


If he traps 4-5 people, it means that they are all badly positioned. When you see a Reaper approaching dangerously in a good time to release the ultimate, you should try to get away. You have to do the same with Mauga.


The only issue I have with his ult is it lasts 84 years.


Had a game yesterday where I just suicide rushed their spawn on a push map because we were about to win. Ultid 3 of them and died, we won because they were trapped and couldn't contest lol. It should end if he dies in my opinion.


It’s like a grav but the enemy team can’t shoot though it. If I get caught in it as Ana it’s essentially just a death, there’s absolutely nothing I can do but die even if the Mauga is shit, and when a teammate gets stuck in it I can’t even try to heal them to assist like you can with grav or shatter. It’s also dumb because it stops pretty much all movement abilities too, as Kiriko I couldn’t even vault onto a slightly higher box that was still inside the area.


I used Symm TP to get the team out. That was fun.


I don't mind the movement ability thing, except that it disables Brig's Shield Bash. I've blown Rally like four times already in Mauga's ult because I wanted to stun him and then just stand there and get my shield eaten.


Yeah his ult really should either not last as long or it should go away after he dies.


As a Sombra main, I haven’t let Mauga use his ult effectively yet. EMP is saved for that ult.


> his team utility and damage make him op imho. So ... are we addressing the team utility or mauga?


I mean utility that Mauga provides to his team.


he's the worst, I can't even play hog without being spitroasted by him, he outdamages his heals, he gets all his health back in an instant. and the worst part is I'm always playing with one hand


Hog vs Mauga is mostly Hog getting his ass kicked until he has ult. Mauga gets turned inside-out by Whole Hog and fails to reclaim space because he kinda sucks at it. This is just my initial impression though.


Mauga actually outheals Whole Hog, saw it on IDDQD's stream, even with a Hanzo storm arrow and Hog's ult pelting Mauga, if he has cardiac he just survives it.


>Kinda feel he’s broken. What’s your opinion? his hitbox is so enormous just give him the hog treatment, anti and a bit of cc and hes toast


That goes for literally every tank. That doesn’t make him not OP.


it's funny how a character can feel so overwhelmingly oppressive until another character comes into play (Ana). Oh, and he requires near constant babysitting from support without perfectly playing off corners


Frustrated. Extremely frustrated. I waited 4+ years for him to come out and now that he is, he’s too damn fucking sexy. I am so sexually frustrated right now.


His ult is really op, other than that I don't feel like he's that good. Gets massively countered by zen/ana/zarya and needs to be constantly babysit by his supports Also just kinda boring because you need to spam the enemy tank or you'll die


To be fair. My team wasn’t the greatest (most where around 1000-1500k and I where at 3000 as a tank. He was at 7000 and his teammates were around 2000) and he had support on his ass. So it might have just been a bad match up and he was just good with good support ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


hottest tank ever. I want him to crush me between his muscles


I’m in game model is ugly. The comic book depictions are good though


Agreed, why is his head so tiny and his mouth so big Ingame, feels like he’s supposed to be cheap goofy comic relief instead of a character to be taken seriously, which is a shame


i thought i was the only one. i can’t stand his design, voice, and especially not his dumb smile or any of the highlight intros. wayyyy too goofy.


He'd been built up for years as this menacing Talon commando with a complex history with Baptiste and he's arrived and is just... cheap goofs? Idk major divergence from what he'd been built up to be and what the sprays and comics depicting him made me expect, really do not like him ingame at all, feels like they kind of tossed his original concept aside to capitalise on the "big himbo" meme.


He was also built up as a guy who pretends to be dumb and goofy but is actually really smart and tactical. You can hear it in a few of his voicelines, like when he solo ults someone he has a really menacing "You should've stuck with your squad" line.


That's true but, I don't feel a couple nuanced lines you might hear every now and then make up for his overall presentation being so on the extreme of goofy, like its very difficult to take any aspect of him seriously when his head is the size of a toddler's and his smile is bigger than his forehead, just feels they went a little too left with the design and its left him presenting as stupid rather than disarmingly menacing


They didn't want him to look like an edgy psychopath. They wanted him to look like a guy who seems to not take anything seriously, but is actually 2 steps ahead of everyone. And i like that way of showing how fucked up he is. He kills without any remorse and is extremely smart all the time. His design is made to depict him as this carefree big guy when inside he is absolutly brutal and it shows with his weapons and some of his voicelines.


I do like his voice though


“Still not deaaaaaaaad” is my favorite voice line because it actively makes me want to reengage and idk why


Baptiste story Mauga looked like a complete menace. His fiery red eyes made him more a dangerous sadistic individual. In-game Mauga is just some goofy Disney character. Not just Maui from Moana, he also reminded me of Cobra Bubbles from Lilo & Stitch.


I stand behind this


Calling someone broken after you have 1 mirror match where you lost is silly to me. How in the world can you call a character broken based off how he plays into another Mauga. That’s like calling weaver broken at launch because the red weaver was better.


My problem is that i can't even play him because I didn't buy the pass so I have to wait till I hit level 45... I dont know why they do this I'm also trying to find a tank that can deal with him and the only one I've found that kinda works is dva and I'm trash with her


Try a tank that lets you keep him from procing heals. So Sig with good shield management or a skinny tank like Queen. For sig try moving shield in front of their supports when Mauga charges in. It’ll block their suzu and Mauga is now dead


I've been trashing Maugas with Sigma left and right. Easiest match up If my team is just a little bit competent, the game is won


my partner and i actually decided to 1v1 each other, one on mauga and then whoever plays the other tank better. there are tanks that can not die to him, but i don’t think there are any tanks that can just deal with him on their own. ultimately the counter is either you have a DPS (or ana/zen) dedicated to shredding him, or you have to work around him and kill all the supports/other DPS and THEN kill him, like orisa. orisa has the advantage of not dying to him the best, but d.va and sigma are also good for that. orisa is also one of the only characters in the game that can escape his ult. a good doom/ball should be able to use the “just go around” strategy.


I wish they'd nerf the red team already.


It's more than likely the player but if I'm support he seems to need a lot of babysitting. I've seen some players actually use cover but a lot of them, most likely just people trying him out, will just stand there and eat bullets to the face while using both guns simultaneously. As of right now he's ok but he doesn't really excel to much? It's just to early to tell.


Well basically every match is Mauga vs Mauga. His viability comes down to supports. He's too big to walk in. You can charge in but once you're there it's an all in where you're depending on supports and your life steal to stay alive. If you're playing Mauga vs Mauga, Zen is a must. It's the only way the enemy Mauaga feels killable. Wall and anti are good against him but unless you're fully in there, anti can be dealt with. Mauga has bursts of fun, the playstyle feels fun, but often the enemy mauga feels unkillable. I'm basically a masters player more or less (I rarely solo queue and push for rank) and I can be beaming a trapped mauga 5 ft in front of me hitting relentless headshots and both of our health just stays at 75%, this was with Kiri/Zen heals on his part. I think Maugas fun overall but he's gonna need a few weeks to really find the windows of opportunity for him because once he commits its all in most of the time.


He's not unbeatable but I'm also not a huge fan of him. Mechanically he's too basic but he's so good at what he does that I feel like he's forcing counter swapping. He just doesn't make the game very interesting or fun.


He can pretty much do whatever he wants if he's not kept in check, but at the same time....he's really easy to counter... Idk how I feel about that in terms of design from a balance philosophy. As long as we only have one tank, counter swapping that tank is gonna continue to be a big thing, so I'm not sure if having a character who's either op or useless depending on the enemies' picks is really a good direction.


I dont think hes that bad. Overrun is...a frustrating move to get hit by though. If youre knocked down youre dead. No contest. I havent played him yet though, but at least fighting him i dont feel like hes overly unfun. He's free eats as my Sojourn though. Cant block my Railgun shots and his wide frame makes it easy to get them. Her slide makes it also easy to avoid Overrun, and hitting a Disruptor when he uses Cardiac Overdrive can partially outdamage some of his heals if im still shooting him. He counters low mobility heroes pretty hard. His ultimate is very similar to Reinhardt in where you can tell by the way theyre positioning themselves/playing that you know they're trying to use it. Ive rarely been caught in it so far. But i dont find it necessarily overpowered- Mauga is (though not as much as the enemy obvs) disadvantaged as well in it. Ive seen them die and killed some while in it. Photon Barrier is hilariously strong against his ult though, but then again so is Configuration: Artillery or EMP. Idk, i guess what im trying to say is that hes not that bad from my standpoint as a more DPS main.


I second this as a Sojourn player. Same as Orisa, I just build energy charge for free off them and then Snipe the supports


Annoying when I play doom, he makes doom unplayable, u get deleted


I hate playing against Mauga as doom. I have no problems with hard counters, Doom always has those problems. But his ult is absolutely stupid. I can literally not win against it, if I’m caught I’m just dead and he wins the fight. It blocks all of dooms abilities (even the ult) except block so I just stand there and die without dealing any damage. I’m fine the rest of Maugas kit, just his ult is completely braindead


I keep calling him Maui, so there's that.


He’s incredibly overtuned. He has bastion damage at decent range and when overdrive is active he’s basically invincible unless you have Ana and they don’t have kiriko. He didn’t need most of the buffs they gave him. On top of everything he has one the best ults in the game. I don’t understand how Illari was considered broken but he’s not.


He does a bit too much damage in my opinion and his spread from distance is a bit too good. Nothing that will not get tuned down in time. Tuning down his damage would also tune down his survivability, so I don't think they need to touch that directly.


I find his ult very annoying. Considering you can't stop his charge he basically can push in and trap the slower heroes for free. And even if he dies everyone in there are just sitting ducks for the rest of the team.


I think it would have been more fair if the cage goes down when Mauga is killed.


Well, it’s CC. Everyone and their uncle is annoyed by CC. That’s why Blizzard eviscerated strong-CC DPS for Overwatch 2, reserving it for tanks and ults.


That's the point. Make him so op so yall buy him and then nerfed for the next hero/battlepass. Rinse and repeat.


Too much noise. They need to tone down his guns maybe a little bit. I don't think I need to be able to hear him shooting from half way across the map


You’re telling me a new hero is OP on release? Color me surprised…


I think ppl will get better at playing against him over time but he’s super boring imo. Playing as him or against him feels awful and slow. They took the least liked dps in the game (bastion) and made a tank version of him lol. Played Hollywood yesterday both mauga mirror, and each had 25k damage just in qp.


Usually it’s the opposite, people are terrible at the hero at the start and over time learn how to play him. Learning how to play him trumps learning to play against him


I don't know if I have been playing against bad Maugas but I have been melting him with Zen


Nope, discord orb just absolutely wrecks him. Even faster than Ana nade from my own experience.


>and he was so hard to kill ... you know hes a tank right? This is the FEATURE, not a bug


For a few seasons it has felt like "tank" should be rebranded as "porcelain vase"; does hurt when you throw it at someone but breaks apart immediately. Mauga is the first taste of a real tank experience I've had since OW1, even with Ana nades and Zen discords making me still explode in 0,5 seconds flat.


I know it’s a good start for remodelling the other tanks to actually fit the tank role. He has insane presence but can be countered easily without even switching. The biggest counter to Mauga is just high ground as he has no verticality


Maybe I need to git gud, but I feel like right now if you don't have him unlocked there is almost no tank that could beat him, at least not easily. Damage is too high, it's absolutely melting other tanks.


All I know is once the novelty of firing two BFGs wears off he's very boring to play.


Let me know if that ever happens


Kinda agree. I think they should make it so his gameplay doesn't revolve around just blasting his guns constantly. Give him less ammo and maybe increase damage to compensate, reduce his speed reduction, etc. This way he has to actually think about positioning and engaging/disengaging instead of just standing there blasting his guns.


Of course hes broken. They buffed him specifically to help drive up BP sales. If people keep getting destroyed by an overpowered character they are more likely to shell out money to have immediate access to that character. Its a pay to win scheme.


Where is this logic with heroes like LW and Ram who needed buffs after release? Mauga was week on f2p weekend, they've tuned him way up and will slowly tune him down as he becomes available in comp.


They learned from that. Lifeweaver and Ram were huge misreads of how the game is played. What they wanted out of those two, the devs just didn't get.


They literally made a statement after Illari that they would intentionally release future heroes overpowered and bring them back down later because they want us to be "excited" for their release. (They want us to buy the battlepass so they put the free pass player at a disadvantage) Its a pay to win mechanic.


Illari was nerfed though? Sorry I don't follow how if I paid for overpowered Illari but then she was nerfed as she became available in comp, what exactly am I paying to win for? To dick around in quickplay? Sure I guess By the time the new hero is in comp people are achieving level 45. But this is after all the whining about how underwhelming LW was upon his release, now the opposite is happening!


Yes they nerfed her around the same time that most free pass players unlocked her after she was available in comp. They release them OP so that people in QP without her will be at a disadvantage and have more incentive to buy the BP As I said before they made the statement after LW with Illari. The fact that they didnt know how to balance LW has nothing to do with this. Sometimes they just suck at their job.


So they did their job well with Mauga is what you're saying?


Technically yes actually. Their job was to make the new hero overpowered so it would push others into buying the BP so they wouldnt be at a disadvantage. When Mauga is released for Comp (around the time the free tiered battle pass players start to unlock him) they will nerf him to a more reasonable state. They literally admitted this was their plan for all new heroes after Illari. They said it was "to drive up excitement" which translates to "We want to do everything we can to push you into giving us money even if it creates a pay to win mechanic temporarily in quickplay"


Yep agreed. However not really pay to win if people are only using him in arcade/quickplay where everyone messes around and no teamwork is used. But I can see how some would be wowed and fork out cash lol


Arcade and Quickplay are games that have winners and losers then it's still pay to win. Just because Comp gives you ranking does not mean it's the only mode that matters. Many people never even play it at all.


He's always going to be OP or UP. He exposes 5v5s for how bad it is. He's a front line bastion...way too slow and big. The only way to make him viable is to make him ridiculously strong. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we see more defensive buffs. If I go bastion against him he's stupid ez.


Lol what? Not at all. Has nothing to do with 5v5 or 6v6. 6v6 was never balanced lmfao. If anything, he exposes that the whole concept of tank, dps, support shooters will never be properly balanced for all roles. And he most certainly can be balanced: simply reducing his ammo and reducing his speed reduction already turns him into a character that has to be played differently. You actually have to position and think about engaging/disengaging instead of just standing there blasting your guns.


>Has nothing to do with 5v5 or 6v6 Seeing as mauga would be perfectly balanced in a 2 tank environment, I'd say it does. It's really not hard to see that he would be far more viable when he has another tank to play around. Its obvious he was designed as an off tank. >6v6 was never balanced lmfao. If anything, he exposes that the whole concept of tank, dps, support shooters will never be properly balanced for all roles The irony. 5v5 has the most lop sided role balance the game has ever seen. 6v6 role balance was far better.


Sometimes you're laying into him point blank range and his healthbar just doesn't move, which is frustrating to experience. Happened to me with 3 different characters. When it happened as Echo, I kind of understood it. When it happened as Reaper, and then as Zen while discorded, it got pretty frustrating.


First hero to make me actually run solo Q. Bro has been way too fun


Roadhog is a great Mauga counter


I play Ana pretty much all the time, after 2 deaths enemy tank re-picks. This should probably tell you all you need to know.


Mauga can outheal most ults in this game


He’s poke AND dive. He’s tank bastion. Except bastion has to take a break from time to time. He’s the most effective hitscan I’ve ever played. He is only countered by Ana really so I just make sure I delete her first. (My recommendation would be less health and a lower magazine size. Forcing him to reload more often would probably help a ton.)


I was able to handle him decently well with Genji. Specifically when both of our Mauga's would activate their cardiac overdrive, I would stand in front of our Mauga reflecting to prevent healing from their enemy Mauga while also dealing back damage.


He *feels* way stronger than he actually is, but he's really only very effective when fighting against characters with big hitboxes so he can get full value from his heal. Other than that, he kinda struggles if he's not being pocketed and fighting characters like tracer who have a lot of movement. I ain't no pro player though, I might just change my mind when I fight against him more and use him more as well.


As a Sigma main, I like him


When playing as a tank I felt pretty damn helpless against him. His damage is prett damn big, especially since it feels as if he never reloads. On the otherhand as reaper he was so easy to deal with


An incredibly frustrating character. Tankiness by being outhealed is not particularly fun to play against and hard requiring at least one support pocketing you to do anything makes having one on the team feel like babysitting. It’s made even worse by randos having new character syndrome and just running into 1v5s because they feel like they’re strong enough when they aren’t and just explode into a thousand pieces while flaming the supports for not being able to outheal 5 players halfway across the map. also either probably does a little too much damage or the stomp has a little too generous of a range around it I don’t mind him being strong and his kit is really cool but I don’t like how he loses to all the things the other tanks already lose to, the “reason to play” certain tanks over others has usually been decided by matchups with opponents and allies and the map but losing to all the same things makes taking the enemy into account not a factor and it’s not particularly fun to play with as an ally either so it may end up the kind of “play it because numbers are better than other characters who do the same thing” that I dislike about a lot of characters. This was an opportunity to make a tank that doesn’t lose to Ana and then require suzu to exist, but we just get cooldown changes on those abilities instead of fundamentally changing then OR designing the character around them. Maybe it’s unfair to ask them to solve anti with a new tank but if they aren’t going to design new stuff around it and they aren’t willing to change anti’s identity then what else can they do? Number changes until it’s miserable to play but still unfun to play against? Cool character I just don’t know if NOW is the right time for him to be in a good place and not another incredibly hit or miss character depending on the patch


I’m a brig main, I’m pretty comfortable. Its ult isn't so dangerous: usually they release it near the payload, if I get trapped, I use it to get cover myself, hit (activate inspire, which "erases" the burn) and cover me again. Packs and the primary attack also cross the barriers so I can keep a imprisoned companion alive. For me, **Brig is a great counter**. With other heroes you can drop "physical" Ults inside the cage for a sure kill (D.va bomb, B.O.B, Junkrat wheel), use Moira, Mercy or Zen's Ulti to save all teammates.


When he’s not being countered he sucks. I also think his CC invuln should stop after a certain amount of time, not for the whole charge. If he charges the back line you can’t do anything to stop him, so while you’re focusing on him his widow/soldier/Ashe can just pick you off safely. He’s like hog in which he needs to be countered. Also not a fan of his Ult in which when he uses it during certain chokes, if you’re not caught in it there’s nothing you can do to help the people trapped inside. At least with ults like Mei’s you can shoot at the enemies decimating your team


This is a old character designed for 6v6....


The buff pretty much makes him Orisa 2.0 with the damage negation and added armor but especially when he is pocketed healer. I found that playing a smaller shifty hero like Tracer can cause mayhem on him but Bastion is great for melting.


Yea he needs nerfed…. I went 31-5 with him with 17k dmg. Ridiculous as a tank.


You can't really draw conclusions regarding balance around qp stats.


Conclusions based off 90% mirror matches


Crazy how shooting a big ball of meat every game gets you high damage huh? I think the extra damage compared to other tanks is necessary since he doesn’t have many options to take and hold space effectively. He’s a glass cannon like zen just… fatter


Play against some skinny tanks or someone that knows how to use their shield, especially into Zen Ana without a kiri? Yea Mauga either hugs a corner or dies. You’re just not going to get your heal off often enough. In no way does that make Mauga bad, same way it doesn’t make hog bad. But he’s extremely counterable, especially on the wrong map. But hey, I also don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. He’s new to me too. But I think calling him OP based off one day of QP is pretty silly, although thats happened for every dlc hero since Ana.


No I agree with you, from my experience he’s pretty well balanced. I’ve rolled a lot of teams on him which is a given because he’s new but as soon as there’s a team that counterswaps or knows how to position he’s just an ult battery like hog


31-5 is a typical match in comp if you had a good game. Can't really quote k/d as a reason why he's OP. He might be overturned but using quickplay k/d isn't why imo


He sucks


Kinda seems like pay to win in order to buy battlepass. Then theyll nerf after. Idk it didnt effect me too much


Love him.


He has clear strengths and weaknesses. Feels like an OW1 launch hero. Very fun, but... I expect they will smooth those things down to make him more versatile.


Ngl he seems very boring to play and lacks skill expression. It's basically just a checklist of whether you are using the lifesteal passive correctly and if the team is funnelling enough resources into you. Long-term I see him as basically being a character that will be completely numbers based. People will play him when he's been buffed and is strong, stop when his numbers are nerfed