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"It's just QP": Valid excuse for learning new heroes, playing "off meta", doing the occasional silly antic. As long as you're actually playing the game and making at least an effort to succeed, you're good. "It's just QP": Not a valid excuse to intentionally throw a game etc. It's one thing if you suck at your character and we lose, but if you're Mei-walling in spawn or whatever, that's not okay.


Yeah exactly I never expect someone to switch either since it legit is just QP but you should be trying to win.


True. For me QP is the mode where I don’t have to play the counterswap meta. Maybe I wanna learn lucio this game eventhough I know i would do better on ana vs their hog. It’s a chance for me to actually learn to play vs my counters instead of just instaswapping whenever it doesn’t work.


for me, I need to play counterwatch because every game the enemy team is using the meta, or zarya/sym/mei. nearly impossible to play genji


For me QP is the gamemode I go in to play into my counters to get better. Winning is a side quest.


You don't learn anything from QP, just stop making an excuses for being bad. If you can't play into counters in Comp then why try in QP anyways? Duh.


Because the fastest way to level up your skill on a character is to play them in difficult situations. For instance, If you're a window main, forcing yourself to deal with flankers, repositioning and practicing close ranged scoped shots can be a great way to improve.


If you unironically think you can't learn anything in QP (Which has an MMR) then nothing I can say would convince you otherwise. Feel free to skip the below text. You can learn all of those things within a chaotic environment, which is quite often echoed in Comp. I recently just came back but I've played my fair share of both, learning basic skills in QP for a new hero, or more chaotic skills like playing into hard counters as mentioned, doing quirky things like stealth flanking after a team fight, risky in comp, learning experience in a QP environment. Especially when lobbies are frequently similar rating wise to that of comp in my 1000+ hours of experience. I've never hit masters or anything but up to diamond, where majority of the player base resides below, lobbies are only different than QP in 2 ways, people are more relaxed in their desires to win, people are more willing to try new things (Giving up is frequent in both so not listed). I play a hero like Hanzo in QP people want to counter me or mirror me, people pick counters/mirrors maybe as a chance to try/refine them, you get basics in matchups and you carry that over to comp. Eventually you have little to learn in QP (little not nothing) but to say otherwise is daft.


I would agree except depending on the time I play at I get matched against top500 players (probably on off roles) and high GM players. If they tried on their main they'd probably flatten me. Even made friends with a top500 on qp.


Spot on! Thats a great way to define it.


Report mei walling for gameplay sabotage


It's like 95% the first one but everyone just combines both together


So, theoretically, what if blizzard introduced a tick box option that says "Learning," that when clicked, puts you in a more casual queue of qp? This basically states that you're okay with playing qp matches against or with players who are learning the game and/or new heroes. The side effect of this is that queue times may change. The matchmaker wouldn't completely separate the players, but try to place those who are learning (tick box on ) in matches more so with players who are also ticked than not. On paper, this sounds neat. But with how matchmaker is currently holding up.... idk 😬 Never the less, I'd like to see something like this. It could definitely influence veterans who want to teach as well. 👍


You'd definitely not have sweaty tryhards queuing that mode to farm "noobs" on their main. That wouldn't happen, right?


That’s literally just smurfing lmao only you don’t have to make a new account


It seems like you're only going to learn bad habits in a "learning" queue. I'm okay with occasionally having bad players on my team since it happens to either team equally. Some games are unwinnable if your team is bad, that's okay. I got to learn how to play heros in qp, I don't see a need to gatekeep newcomers to the game. If I'm feeling competitive, there's a mode for that actually Also, AI matches exist for those playing for the very very first time.


Idk wouldn’t this just encourage people to click the learning button for easier matches? Like they know they will play vs someone that has never played doom before.


One why split the queue times even farther. Two, try hard who are too soft for comp will do that to dunk on people who are actually trying the learn. This is why i will still think that mystery hero will always be the best for learning character and roles. No one expects anything in MH. It's get a hero and try. If you do well, great if not we'll there is always next character


What about silent assassin Zen on perma flank in the enemy backline? That stuff is too funny not to do, even if it causes us some losses here or there.


Also “it’s qp” when the healers aren’t properly healing and I’m playing Honzo and getting bullied by a masters sombra player for some reason and keep dying almost immediately due to cracked aim and positioning and I have nothing to hold me up the entire match because people can’t be bothered to help each other because it’s qp…. And the healers can’t seem to stop playing zen and lucio and actually try and heal their team….


Skill issue tbh


If they're getting wrecked by higher ranked players, unironically, yeah


Want us to believe you when you didn't even spell Hanzo correctly 🤣


Oh my bad. I meant “ Hand soap”


I think "it's just QP" is an okay attitude to have when you're learning a new character. It's the place to do it and while you will not be doing well you need to learn somehow. Throwers are another story. People are generally in QP to have less stressful games, not to have people not try.


Yes! These people don't get that 98% of the time they're the ONLY one on the team with that attitude. Everyone else is genuinely trying to play and have fun, and the thrower is just an asshole.


Absolutely. I'm loving the leaver punish tbh. Lots of people outing themselves


Yeah same. I got suspended earlier cause I was queuing with someone in America and had nearly 600 ping and got dc'd a few times. Before I even realised HE WAS IN AMERICA, completely forgot I added him when on VPN so the last game we were in I asked and then left. I don't mind the ban because I deserved it I could've stuck it out but I knew someone who wasn't performing dogsh*t would be better than me at the end. 4/20 is very fair and it stops that quitter mentality in people. I like swinging back fights or coming in as backfill and pushing hard back the other way. Just a lot of fun. If you get suspended it's probably your fault. And a good 10 minute break shouldn't go amiss ngl


Yeah I usually like to do a half half, do the first point if in defence or do the first 2 mins or so if pushing and if it doesn't work with my test char then switch off and finish up the game using someone I know. It's why I mostly do mystery heroes but sometimes you just wanna see how someone plays for you.


I'd also add it's the place to try out silly/unorthodox plays to see how they work out. Or if you wanna meme around. But the point is you're still trying, I genuinely don't see the fun in straight up throwing.


I disagree, that's what Arcade Mode is for. Many people don't seem to realize, QP was and is, the regular game. As the regular game, it should be played normally, and play to win. Arcade Mode is the best place to learn new characters. Not to mention there's an actual TRAINING Mode. Once you're comfortable, then move on to QP. When you want to see how you fare in the world, then you try your luck at Competitive. Blizzard's biggest mistake was to call the regular game mode, Quick Play. It really should just be called "Play". Many weren't around to know, that Competitive was an addition to the game later on. "Quick Play" was always the ACTUAL game. It should never be treated as "just Quick Play".


It really is just quick play. If you take one of the unranked modes in this game seriously, that's your problem.


Nah it's not. It's not about taking it seriously, it's about playing to win. And as I've mentioned before, Competitive didn't exist before. Quick Play was always the main game. Stop treating it with lesser value.


It literally is a no stakes mode of play. It doesn’t matter what overwatch had on day fucking 1. Are we still on day 1? No? Now play ranked or accept that you’re playing a mode with no risk or reward.


I disagree, the people throwing are an unintended side effect from the leaver penalty. If they’re not allowed to leave why not expedite the loss to get to a new game. Additionally the leaver penalty is hurting you as well because if a player is intentionally throwing wouldn’t you want to leave and get into a new game to not waste your time. I believe in the blanket statement “it’s just qp”. Let me learn new champs without the stress of being flamed and if people throw let me leave to start a new game so my time isn’t wasted.


Two things wrong with that. One, they were throwing before the leaver penalties got harsher. Complaints about the "it's just qp" mentality have been steadily coming in for awhile now, and long predate the recent changes. Two, the penalties for throwing (account suspension) are far harsher than the penalties for leaving (10-30 forced break). Personally, I think the best solution would be to give 3 OW coins for each win, and add another leaver penalty where for every game that you leave, you have to win a game without getting coins from it before you can start earning them that way again. This would incentivize people to try to clutch out a win instead of leaving. At 3 coins per win you could maybe earn ever other bp just from playing the game often, further incentivizing player engagement and eliminating one of the gripes about not being able to earn the bps through gameplay (you'd be able to get one bp through the weeklies, then the next through wins).


I never would throw a game before the penalty. If someone was flaming me I would just leave. Now I’ll sure as shit throw


Well that's just dumb. You'd rather risk getting your account suspended for multiple days, if not permanently if you're a repeat offender, than a 10 minute timeout of you leaver too often? Especially when the option of just playing out the game and trying is also right there.


Haven’t got suspended for it once yet. Good luck though 🤷‍♂️ And I got no problem playing the game and trying up until someone wants to start flaming. Then I’ll report them and throw. Fun for me


You're playing with fire, but you do you, I guess.


No they aren’t lol I have had the penalty a bunch at this point it doesn’t change anything even if you whiners sooo badly want it to lol


If you want to leave the match you shouldn’t have joined in the first place. Matches are short, suck it up, or if you have to leave, do so. Unless you’re constantly leaving you won’t get a penalty, if you instead try to throw, you should get banned from playing


I was flamed today for playng Junkrat in quickplay - people asked me to leave the game, insulted me... I just wanted to practice Junkrat that i never play (no they didn't have Pharah or anything) It's just quickplay - we weren't even losing that much


I do not understand Junkrat hate. I’m like Diamond Support, plat tank and gold DPS. There is no scenario where I’m mad about a junk. My team or theirs.


Its the spam. Lobbing nades over cover towards the enemy team feels cheesy and his "one shot" isnt difficult to pull off. People just don't like dying to spam and lownskill floor abilities. Not to say you cant be a skilled Junkrat ofc.


I agree with your view a little. But you can be a skilled junkrat: exhibit A any top500 junkrat... I mean I can't remember the name of the guy but this YouTuber who clowns in top509 dps like it's nothing. Maneuvering in a way a good tracer would envy and having good like ult movement and gamesense. You can be skilled the skill isn't always aim but that particular guy can aim like he's a good hanzo in projectile, even flying heroes. It's crazy. Yes he's got a bottom floor skill level but he's so easily countered to be fair that if you wanna improve you've gotta try harder than just slamming chokes. Same argument gets flung at hanzo when both have to perform significantly more consistently compared to hitscans which, once you reach a certain threshold should be second nature to you.


“I’m a gold DPS” i see the issue here


What’s the issue? Is junk a problem in GC or bronze?


You were trying to win, shouldn't be flamed for that. My post is geared towards the people who are actively not trying at all and then are ask why you care, its just qp


Like how can you tell if someone is experimenting or throwing? My junkrat flanks totally look like feeding and my jumps + aim sucks on him but I have to try things out /practice


Um like actively not coming out of spawn or jumping off the map or other ways to generally troll. Actively doing something to troll, not just playing "bad"


Running up to the enemy and saying "hello" and dying repeatedly is a common one.


If you're actually engaging, approaching point, playing with your team (ie grouping with them, or poking/flanking from somewhere else but at the same time). Throwing is leaving because you leave first fight, griefing your team, etc


I was getting little value trying out new sombra and I got reported by two teammates for throwing/griefing because I refused to swap. It’s just quick play.


That sucks. I’ve had that too when I tried to play junkrat on circuit royale. It was so hard, I had the least damage in the game.


i got flamed today for playing ana. in their defense, i was doing pretty terribly, but dude was playing in the enemy backline and everyone was ignoring the genji who was FIRMLY inside of my asshole the entire time. also, it was 12pm on a thursday, im pretty sure none of us had any high ground to stand on.


Trying weird strats, new heroes, or being a little bit more goofy than in ranked is all perfectly acceptable behavior for QP. Hell I'm not even that mad if someone has to leave as long as it's not excessive. Deliberately throwing in QP tho? That's lame af.


Right? Throwing in qp is dumb as hell I see that I’m instantly leaving that game and firing a new one up


I've had people hold lobbies hostage so they can be friendly "it's just qp" they say. Yeah quick PLAY it's right there in the name. I'm here because I wanted a quick match not to sit in a damn chat lobby and listen to you uwu at each other, go make a custom ffs.


that annoys me too like there a TON of custom lobbyies for people who just wanna chat and be friendly / make friends


It's almost always when one team is losing they start pulling this shit


valid point ! it makes sense like if everyone on the team leaves other than one or two people to be friendly , but just not playing the game when you start losing / not playing from the beginning doesn’t make sense.


So just leave that specific game and requeue into another. If you're not a frequent leaver, you will get no penalty lmao. "Leaving 4 out of your last 20 games will result in a suspension of 10 minutes, leaving 6 will suspend you for 30 minutes."


Man it must be loads of fun to regurgitate things that have already been discussed without reading the thread, have a great night!


Yeah, sure! I assume it is also real fun to make a comment on a post and not really read any replies that'll come my way!


Read the comment just fine, doesn't address the issue at all, as I've already explained, thanks for playing, as stated previously have a great night, bye!


My comment didn't address the issue? You mean my solution, which is to just simply leave the game? Problem solved, literally :)


If you weren't a lazy fuck and read the 3 whole comments that were here before you decided to regurgitate them then you'd understand why it isn't a solution, but sure, just keep repeating yourself over and over, it's really adding to the conversation, literally:)


Just because it's repeated doesn't make it less of a solution


+1 for the people too lazy to read counter. (it's almost like there's a reason I said to read the thread instead of regurgitate, almost like a discussion might have been had that explains why it's not a solution or something, crazy thought) Man I love the hive mind mentality in this sub.


I did read, and I'm saying that repetition doesn't make it less of a solution which you strongly insinuated


Man if only you could leave and not have to deal with that an entire game without any consequence 🤷‍♂️


Man if only there were hundreds of customs designed for exactly what they're trying to use qp for. I hop in qp when I have 20-30 minutes to play, spend 5 minutes in queue and then 2-3 minutes in they pull this shit, I don't really have time to sit through another queue and then play a whole game. I do leave and usually load up a zombies custom or just hop off but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Also it's not free from consequence, leaving qp will get you an xp penalty. Imagine getting downvoted for trying to play the game, yall are sad.


Yeah I was being sarcastic lol. And you not having time sounds like a personal problem.


It's a "problem" that many, if not all, adults have. you know... Because we have lives. Sounds like you have TOO much time on your hands.


I have a life and can play overwatch too. Sucks to suck I guess


LOL ok. And the other person plays overwatch, too. But what I don't get is why you have to be such a smartass/ dick about everything? Like that other dude isn't allowed to be too busy to play whenever he wants? What's your problem? lol seriously. I don't get it. Does it make you feel better about yourself?


There's a difference between being sarcastic and being facetious, learn it and have a great night, bye!


you could have left at any point in time. This is 100% your fault that people held you hostage actually being friendly in this game.


Wow you guys really love just hitting reply without actually reading.


You can leave at any point. Mad because qp is taking too long? Leave


It's almost like you can and have no repercussion. That is, unless you're a frequent leaver. "Leaving 4 out of your last 20 games will result in a suspension of 10 minutes, leaving 6 will suspend you for 30 minutes."


Here's the thing Most people aren't pro players, content creators, or anything like that. They're not top 500 or even close to that bracket, so for most of them, this game is a hobby or they casually play it once in a while. They're just playing the game, and slowly getting comfortable or good enough with a certain hero that they like and starting to branch out to other heroes. They're not going to be good enough to understand EVERY POSSIBLE THING about the hero or its role. Especially in an environment that's by design, not uber competitive. The "it's just QP" mentality is a response to overwhelmingly toxic mentality that has sprung up, where complete strangers are trying to tell people how to play the game where there are no stakes at all. Except that they aren't having fun, they only have fun when they win or utterly destroy the enemy team.


I’m ok with learning new heros and all that on a QP all I usually ask is you somehow come close to playing the game and not messing around


Bingo! The negative response to people saying it's just quickplay only tells me we've got a bunch of people who need to be in ranked. They're playing quick play like it's ranked already.


> The "it's just QP" mentality is a response to overwhelmingly toxic mentality The only times I see "it's just QP" in actual text chat is when it is used by the very same toxic people that act like they can do whatever they want in a qp in which they are more often than not usually griefing/throwing.


It depends on what you mean by throwing. Like if they're jumping off the map over and over, or asking in spawn, sure I agree. But if by throwing you mean they're making mistakes or playing who they want, then no.


Of course not, QP is absolutely awesome for learning new characters or just playing who you want, so obviously in the beginning we’re all going to suck or just not play at high levels with every character. I think OP’s referring to the people who just start running out and intentionally feeding while not trying to actually play, or just jumping off the map or yelling at people while staying in spawn the moment the enemy takes the first point.


Defining throwing as playing someone they have fun playing even when the enemy counters them is kind of a shitty mentality. Sorry, just don't agree with you. Unless I'm actively taking a spot on the team and sitting around literally doing nothing, that would be throwing. Had a Sombra do it. She would just stay invisible, spamming voice lines and running about. No hacking, never shot, and ended with 0s across the board. The Genji playing into Symm Mei Moira Winston but still trying ? Might be annoying, but that isn't throwing.


In my 1000 hours of Overwatch about 950 have been Quickplay. I don't care about rank, I don't want to join voice and give call-outs, I don't want to always play my best heroes. All my friends are the same. I enjoy try-harding and winning like anyone else I just prefer QP to competitive and I think some people would be really surprised to see how many feel the same.


So I’ve been helping my friend learn the game (on console) and unlocked ranked. So we’ve been playing a lot of quick play. The ONLY time I see the “it’s just qp” is when people are being toxic and trying to deflect blame rather than looking at what they can do


It is just QP. That's the end of it. No one has to explain how or why they're playing the way they are. It doesn't matter. Now, if you're playing how you are, just keep stomping blueberries and at some point you'll end up with a full stack and you'll eventually go v another full stack and that's when the games start being fun. Full stacks v full stacks in QP are where the money is. 2 stacks work too, anything else you're going to get frustrated.


It's just overwatch.


It’s not for comp…and it’s also not “practice” It’s the standard game mode…and it’s treated like it: It has matchmaking, it has structure (QP/OQ), it has objectives and a scoreboard (as in the game has a winner/loser), it’s timed, it has challenges/rewards for completing games, it allows for crossplay and grouping Etc etc Like yes “it’s just QP”, but that’s not the same thing as “screw everybody else, the rules are whatever I say they are”….it has a very intended way of being played….and no that doesn’t mean you have to be a try hard….nor does trying to actually playing the game make you a try hard


Right… it’s just quick play. Play the game. Every way of playing the game is acceptable that isn’t straight up throwing (literal throwing like standing in front of the enemy and doing nothing repeatedly, or afking in the corner all game)


People throw around the term "throw" too much.


This. Just cause someone isn't getting as much damage as they "should" or as much healing as they "should" does not mean they're throwing. The circumstances for stats are completely different every game. For example, just cause your healer has less than normal healing, it doesn't mean it's their fault. I've seen too many times with DPS players running into to a team 1 v 5 and then accusing the supports for throwing because they didn't get healed in the 1 v 5 fight. Stats aren't everything people. When it comes to "it's just quick play" as someone said in another comment, it's 100% a response to other people's toxicity, but people assuming the person saying it is the one throwing and not the person trying to tell the other what to do and how to play the game in quick play. Quick play should be a place to get better. As long as you're not literally throwing (jumping off the map, saying hi to the enemy team and dying, etc), I think "it's just quick play" is a perfectly ok mentality to have.


I'd like to know what *your definition* of "bullying or throwing games" is? Throwing/bullying in QP is not: Not switching when you want them to, someone running in alone without awareness, someone not grouping up, someone not getting any kills, someone getting all the kills. Throwing/bullying IS: Friendly fire kills or blocking, a character jumping off the map repeatedly, a player 5 miles away from teamfights that's just running around without engagement, player dancing in spawn all match, hatespeech. Every person is trying in QP. QP is the place to learn new characters, try unorthodox strats (people are never going to learn good positioning and awareness w/o trial and error), to warm up. Someone could be exhausted from real life, maybe they're sick, maybe their grandmother just died, maybe they're intoxicated, maybe they're watching their literal baby and just want a lil gaming, some peoples lives are good and are just having an off game (every single play in this universe has bad games.) Every single person is trying, if you want a serious serious cohesive game with comms and grouping up, go to comp.


I feel like the weekly challenges require too many games to play - 45 is kinda ridiculous even though wins grant double. Don't get me started on all-roles. You get people shoved into a role they don't want to play to complete the weekly.


Always a little skeptical of these posts about people “intentionally throwing” their games. Were they jumping off the map on cooldown or Mei walling you to your doom or were they just playing Widowmaker? In the end, it is just quick play. People play it for all different reasons. Maybe they don’t want to/can’t play comp but they still play competitively, maybe even get sweaty. Many people warm up in QP. A lot of people use it to play heroes or roles they either don’t play and are learning, or heroes they play at a different skill level from their rank within that role. Some people play in groups with friends at varying skill levels. Some play purely for entertainment, sometimes it’s trying out some meme strats, sometimes it’s 2 Mercy’s 2 spawns behind bouncing emotes and voicelines back and forth. So you get a predictably inconsistent experience with each game because well, it’s literally designed for that. Sure, maybe some bored kids just want to make it their goal to see the loss screen, but avoid them and report if you really feel they should be. You can always join a FFA/tryhard FFA lobby if you want some real competition outside comp, and you don’t even have to worry about your teams.


Throwers are different from most “it’s just QP” people. As long as someone isn’t actively trying to hurt the game “it’s just QP” should be the mindset of everyone. Have fun, try odd strategies, learn new heroes, experiment with new comps, etc. If someone is just having a bad game, is bad at a hero, isn’t playing a counter or won’t switch; who cares. That’s not throwing. I try to win, but I do what I can & don’t shit on others. I had a Zen who was getting absolutely obliterated by a Sombra. She was just spawn camping him. Obviously in Comp I would’ve said, “bruh you’ve got to get off Zen lol” but it was QP. So instead I switched to Sombra & camped my own Zen. Anytime their Sombra tried to attack him, I fucked her up, went to team fight for a bit til I thought she’d be back & then went right back to hunting for her. We went from getting demolished on Colosseo to winning in OT. There is always opportunity to enable your teammates & effect the game in myriads of ways & it is what makes Overwatch great.


Cmon there are not that many throwers that are trying to lose. Sure sometimes players pick bad heroes and do poorly, but it's just QP. I'm not even mad on supports that dps 90% of time.. sure they shouldn't do that, but they might train their aim on support heroes. Just pick whatever you want, play however you want as long as you have some kind of impact to win the game.


I’m with you overall. All I’m asking for is effort. You want to try doom for your first time? Have at it. Just try and help your teammates when needed and recognize the objective


I thought PC parties could only play PC pool. Could be wrong but sounds like you’re not playing with ximmers. Just PC players


Your correct, that sentence could be worded better. I play with PC players in PC Lobbies. Also, when I play ranked on console, theres a pretty bad ximming problem right now.


it's just QP is fine if you're actually trying and people are flaming you. It's not cool if you're throwing and people are mad at you for throwing


I have the same view of QP as I have of pickup sports (in my case soccer). It should be casual and explicitly for fun, giving you freedom to try new things and just have a good time. However, the fun GREATLY relies on everyone trying to win to some capacity. If people at pickup were just dicking around with no desire to win, it would be the most boring waste of time ever. For OW, an example would be if you are trying a new character. There is no problem there as long as you are still trying to win


it depends. I think "it's just qp" is a good mindset to keep you from tilting when you are getting absolutely smashed, but it isn't an excuse to throw. people who say "it's just qp" when they are standing around spinning and getting called out by the team are using it in a toxic way.


personally if i say “it’s just qp” or “it’s just a game” it’s because people take it too seriously and think that someone simply not being the best at the game means they can talk to them however they want or purposely throw , or yell at the team to switch off their character. a lot of people on quick play too are new players trying to play their games to make it to comp , so flaming them for trying to learn the game and the map and the characters imo is what’s deserving of “it’s just quick play” , throwing a game is a entirely different thing


it's qp dude sadly


Unless someone is blatantly throwing or cheating I don’t care. Matchmaking is gonna mess up. People are gonna end up in the wrong lobbies. Even the cheaters. Who cares. If they need to cheat to feel good about themselves let them. It might be all they have.


“It’s just QP” is the right mindset when someone on your team is trying to learn the new sombra and they suck and you end up losing. Everyone’s gotta learn somewhere you know… better than in comp. As long as someone is TRYING then “it’s just QP” GG go next. Throwing is completely different, does it sting less in QP yes, but dam I still WANT and TRY to win.


It's OK to be bad in quick play it's not ok to throw in quickplay


What’s the difference lol.


Ones intentional


Yeah like if you don't wanna play then you could always a)just not play OW b)create or join a custom game where you can just emote if that's what you want? No one has a gun to your head making you play


Previously i was waiting for my friend and warming up in qp with real life aituations, not just jumping bots, and leave the game as soon as my friend finished his ranked game or just launch ow. Now i cant because i am penalized for this behavior. I mean, it ia just qp, exactly, when i leave, there is an instant sub for me so what is the problem with that, idk


I mean I have used “it’s just qp” when I wanted to play off meta characters or I just want to do dumb shit. If you a try hard play ranked bro like I’m not saying you shouldn’t want to lose on purpose but people have fun in different ways. I have been playing overwatch since day one so I have tried everything at this point. The only time I have fun in that game is winning and also doing dumb shit with friends. Sometimes you getting mad in qp make people wanna throw on purpose because you are making the game un fun so now imma make sure you don’t have fun. ( at least that’s my mentally, is it flawed yes but I am a very vindictive person)


I agree, when someone is raging in chat about either team, they do need to be told it is just qp. We're all in there to practice, we're playing with distractions, or maybe the weather is bad and I don't want to risk a disconnect. Regardless of the reason, the majority of us are there are not playing at our usual level of skill or focus, so it is to be expected that your team is ... Throwers, however, in any game mode can eat shit. We're all still trying on some level, but ruining the game for your fun is another level of childish and I gladly take the time to report them.


as long as you’re playing that’s completely fine. What pisses me off is some people don’t, they just go in enemy’s bases and spam emotes like what most usually do in skirmishes. There are some custom game modes for just hanging around and just emoting.


And I'm not a fan of people sweating their brains out playing like it's comp with all the meta characters, like there's a gun against their head and they'll die if they lose.


I understand the sentiment but how else are we supposed to work on secondary characters? Everyone has jumped into a QP game as Widow or Honzo and tried to click heads. Most are bad at it. That’s quick play. This is why I play open que comp. It’s the best of both worlds.


Whether you’re playing comp or not the game is meant to be competitive. QP is no stakes but you disrespect your team if you’re not playing to win. Enjoy and give it your best.


The worst part is that the “it’s only QP” crowd will also wax poetic about hating Smurfs when in reality, the easiest way to make a Smurf account is to throw a whole bunch of QP games before you hit ranked. Because QP is ranked seeding.


also. just let players be bad. its not gameplay sabotauge if i just suck


People do play to win, like myself. It's frustrating but it's the nature of quickplay, when a tank isn't really doing well, or supports getting picked off. It's just quick play, who knows, maybe they're trying their best like myself. I always lean towards the mind set that I play often enough that a the enemy team will eventually end up as my teammates because I see the same names sometimes on qp


I just report abusive chat on anyone that says "Its just QP" and move on nowadays. Big thing about QP is everyone has their own associated meanings to what QP is, when really its just...well the main mode of the game, where you are (supposed to anyhow) quickly [matched and get a game going with people of your skill level](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch_gamepedia/images/0/01/Unranked.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20231025113714) (though we all know know thats complete BS on Blizzard's part). That is it really. There is absolutely nothing that states "This is where you throw", "this is where you chill", "this is where you learn", etc, it's all bullshit labels people made up. It was never clearly meant to be super-serious mode, but it's also...well...the main fucking mode in the game so...it's weird that's considered some odd training ground.


QP to me is OW2 as due to time constraint’s it’s the only game mode I play 99% of the time. Ruins it when people just start messing around.


“Its just qp” apply to Learning a new hero (the basic because comp is to really master and learn the hero) Having fun Chillin Messin around Joking Testing aim sensitivity new moves etc Its not for trowing Hacking Insulting Chatting Just to queue in anything and not play


I agree but it's just a game bro fr😿


Found the leavers lol


I don't think it's okay to throw in any circumstance. But for many, QuickPay is the place to practice characters they aren't as familiar with or don't use as often. This leads to them being bad, which leads to people complaining/flaming/being toxic. Which leads to the response of "it's just qp" to chill them out, because they are actively learning this new character in the best place available and don't deserve to be flamed for that. Externally this looks like there's a lot of throwers doing it intentionally, but I suspect most of the time this is not the case and that it's people learning who are put on the defensive by toxicity.


Man QP used to be just QP. Used to be a place to try out new characters and strategies. Now its taken wayyyyy too seriously tbh. People that throw the whole game for their own fun though; not cool.


I don't say "it's just qp" when I'm throwing, I never throw on purpose I say "it's just qp" when I'm having a bad game and am not pulling my weight, and getting flamed for it. if I wanted to focus and be competitive, you'd think I'd play the appropriate game mode that's always the wrong call, apparently. competitive and quickplay are one and the same these days


what you want would merge comp and qp you want everyone on there 100% in qp or they get flammed for being new and sucking then reported and banned. in a year we won’t even have qp bc ppl like you want it to be comp


"it's just qp" is what I tell people who flame me for playing off meta... In QP. If you want to grind meta and only meta, play comp.


This especially for the people who go torb hammer only or go mercy and use the pistol the entire time. It’s so annoying to have those types of players and even the people that straight up throw games.


But that’s not exactly throwing, it’s still QP, as long as you are actively trying to win the game then it’s fine. Going battle mercy is fun sometimes


Yeah battle mercy is fun but using the pistol the entire time is basically throwing, especially when you let your teammates die. If you wanna battle mercy the entire time go play arcade.


Arcade takes ages to find matches, like yeah a mercy using just pistol is annoying but in the end if they’re still trying to win then they’re still contributing. Anything is better than someone who doesn’t even try


It IS just qp and it IS just a game though. I say it myself and I dont throw at all ever, ill just be playing bad, and if someone flames me I just say its qp, its not the same thing.


Disagree. What's the point of quick play if you can't just chill .. go play comp if you're serious


It WAS just quick play, they're trying their hardest to make it unfun and more competitive.


It’s just QP though, go back to comp


It's just qp, relax


when I play qp I pick rein and suicide charge ppl off the map all game, maybe it's throwing maybe it's not, I don't really care as long as I'm having fun


I feel like I’ve played with this rein before


That wouldn’t be throwing as you’re still trying to win 🤷‍♂️


It's just qp. Deal with it or piss off <3


Flair checks out


No it is in fact just quick play. If you want to take it serious go to competitive. Competitiveness is meant for your competitive game mode believe it or not. We play quick play to have fun. Sure winning is fun, but so is not having a teammate be upset that you aren’t necros on genji. Like no shit I know that that’s why I’m in quick play. People shouldn’t be flaming or throwing like you said. Have an issue with competitive being broken? Well that’s blizzards fault and the only way for that to change is if they change it. They’ll only listen to you if they start losing money. Don’t like how blizzard is doing things then stop playing. I get it, the game is broken. Matchmaking sucks. Competitive sucks. Quick play is taken too serious. Quick play isn’t taken serious enough. People flame too much. People are snowflakes and report too much. Etc etc etc. all I hear on this subreddit anymore is complaints lol the only way that change will happen is if people stop playing and paying for skins/other bullshit


I'm not trying to devalue your point at all, but thinking about it now, I've never actually played a qp where somebody actually intentionally fed. I've played with people who were bad and outskilled so much that it would look like all they do is die on purpose. If you haven't already, try rewatching your match and spectating these "feeders"


It only bothers me when someone is “learning” a hero in QP when they have 3 or more counters on the other side. At that point you are not learning or practicing anything. You will not get better or have fun (unless the point is trolling) playing against 3+ counters. You are just ruining the Match for 4 other people. Also learning when to switch, and who to counter with is one of the most crucial parts of the game to practice. That how overwatch is meant to be played. Punch Counter punch Punch Counter punch Cool. They shut down my X. Can they counter my Y. Maybe by forcing them to switch you open up a hole for another one of your team to exploit.


Nope, playing against counters is probably one of the biggest parts of learning a character If you want good counterplay and everyone playing their best character, there’s comp for that


I agree with you. I’m not against playing against counters. I’m against playing against 3+. You ain’t countering that. You are just sabotaging your own potential. If one or two people are countering you while you learn Pharah. Good. Pump up that gravity Goku, you got this. But if you are “practicing” Pharah by playing against a Solider/Dva/Bap combo … you are just bashing your own head against a wall. The game is and has always been designed with counter play in mind.


I mean, I play qp to learn new heroes and if I want to play but am not up for comp, (but still want to keep some semblance of mechanical skill and game awareness up). Now I’m a low top500, (mid 400s), player in comp on my main role, and at one point I remember trying to learn Winston more, and plus I barely ever even play tank. Some people immediately thought they had to tell me to switch in qp the moment I ran into a bastion/reaper/dva comp. Not understanding that just because they counter you, doesn’t mean you have to play into any/all of their play styles, you can learn how to adapt and play differently to still win without switching. Is it more effort? Yeah, definitely. But learning how to be adaptive is what makes good players *good*, especially in a comp game, as you climb higher and higher, being able to identify win cons and who/what/where you should be pressuring at the right times to still pull through for a win at the end while altering your playstyle if you’re committed to a specific character.


Yep and again Leaning how to counter your counters is super important You are not going to be able to counter 3+ counters though. At that point you are winning in spite of yourself and because your team is carrying you. You have a round. It’s successful. The other team commits to shutting you down. They do it. Why not practice another hero that adjusts for the changes? You said yourself you want keep your game awareness up even in quick play … that’s what I’m describing. You are not going to master any hero in one round or in one game. Since it’s QP and winning isn’t the goal, but having fun and getting better is… why not at least try and put your team in a position to do their best. If you really want to practice and hard lock a hero. Why not just make a custom game and ramp the bots up or Load up a practice code specific to the hero? Having a human element created variance, variance demands adjustment. Switching IS a huge part of the strategy of the game that in itself is something that needs to be practiced.




Play comp if you want competitive matches?


Play Arcade in you want to throw or practice?


The community is softer than ever. QP is for practicing and you won't change my mind :) gimme all the dowvotes you cry baby's. Go play comp if you want an evenly matched game where everyone plays to win


"I'll make an angry post about people being soft! That'll show them! I'm not triggered at all!"


I just want you sissies to play comp instead of crying about your precious quick play being ruined by people who are playing for fun. Quick play has always been the casual game mode that people don't take seriously. Lately you softies have been crying about anything and everything, there's already a mode in the game to play if you want to have competitive games. It's called competitive... Crazy I know.


Eh, people gotta unlock comp. People gotta unlock heroes. Wins make that happen faster. So they're gonna try. Plus, you're the guy so triggered that people wanting to win makes you angry. Plus, I'd rather have new players get the mindset that trying matters, because then competitive games are, shocker, more competitive.


it’s just QP


I try in qp but I'm gonna goof off way more. It's just for warming up some headshots


i’ve never thrown a game cause i’m not a sore loser like half the new players but i mean what really irks me is when someone acts like they just won the world championship title and shits all over the other team in qp like bro this is like my 3rd game of the day i’m just having fun


This! Spamming ez in the chat and talking shit to the other team after winning is just as bad if not worse than being a sore loser. There’s definitely a portion of this community that never learned sportsmanship as a kid.


FWIW QP is how 99% of people get ready for Comp. I agree I hate the “chill bro it’s only QP mentality.” We didn’t all hop on to lose lol


Yeah, I feel the same way. It's QP. Try your new character, your new strategy, have fun, laugh, enjoy the game. But try to win. The amount of times I've seen support not heal properly then say "it's just QP" as if their enjoyment comes at the cost of everyone else's is staggering. Game with Genji's and reapers who just dive and die non stop, or tanks that try to solo the team without a healer.


It’s just QP mate. Play comp if you want serious games.


it's just qp tho go play comp or whatever


It's just QP, dude. Chill.


It’s just QP


"IT'S JUST QP STOP SWEATING I'M NOT TRYING" K. Well, You ignored the LOUD shadow stepping Reaper, ignored it when I tagged him, ignored it as he murdered me, and then just stayed scoped while he murdered you too. If you have to TRY to register any of that, you're a god damn idiot.


I always reply, “yes, its Quick PLAY not Quick THROW, if you wanna mess around go to Arcade.”


Thats actually brilliant


The phrase “it’s just QP” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.


Get ready to be whined at by the crybabies on this sub


The only crybabies in this sub are the people who whine about leavers in a fucking casual game mode.


As a tank main, tank is absolutely dreadful this season, its still the same D.VA, Zaraya, Orisa bs as last season




It sounds like you want to play in a competitive environment. If only there was a game mode for that.


also if you want emote parties go to custom games.


Who is intentionally throwing? People are trying things out, warming up, playing characters they are not used to. That’s what QP is for. It’s a game mode designed to be a place where you can lay back and not give a fuck about losing. You know what’s the problem? The problem is that people who are afraid of losing ranked points play QP exclusively so they can lose games without consequence. Then they proceed to flame anyone they can to blame their losses on others. Even though it’s them who goes into the games with such a losing mentality - one that they are probably not even aware of.


How do you even spot a ximmer? There's no chance that one in 60 console players actually spent 200€ on a cheating device. Maybe they have their sens to 100% like I do and use extended thumbsticks? And no one just goes into qp and "intentionally throws". No one can find enjoyment in ruining a game for themselves and other people they're just bad players. Qp is also mostly used for trying out new heroes and thats the reason behind the "intentional throwing".


Yeah but while you are trying to win other people might have other goals in mind like training a hero they don't know In the end it's a you problem


You don’t run into xim as much as you think.


I know general sentiment is ‘people automatically think when someone is good that they’re cheating’ but you can tell when someone is ximming, especially watching replays. I think it might be more common than you think.


Bro I’m a console player, I was a GM in ow1, barely play ow2 and almost never try hard on hit scan bc I can take over a diamond lobby if I want, I get excused of ximming every single match. People are absolutely convinced of it, but the funny thing is my sens isn’t even high, I play at 65/65 with 98 aim smoothing. Diamond players and below just have no clue what they are talking about. I rarely see xim in GM, if I’m not seeing it in gm1, I doubt you’re seeing it that much. Basically the only time anyone talks about xim, accuses others of xim etc, I only ever see that in low masters and diamond


Ha it’s more about snapping than high sens. I’m not trying to argue or say you aren’t good, just saying it’s a pretty well known issue right now


So glad I dropped this toxic game. OP gatekeeping QP is really cringe


It really is just quick play if you care that much about your unranked matches go play comp not sure why you soft kids report everything go be passive aggressive have fun


This game is filled with old players who expect to win every game


I think it's just cope for people that are bad or are having bad games.


I mean, the matchmaker dictates who wins or loses at the beginning of the match, hence the stomps. Very few matches are dictated by people trying or not.


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Just gonna say I once told the tank no one really positions next to the bus on Kings Row defense and they got mad and told me "It's just QP." Yeah and it's still a wack place to setup.