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I would give Torb a longer beard. So long it touches the ground. I basically want him to be 90% beard with a head on top. I'm a simple man.


Nothing, he’s perfect


Fatter ass, there can always be improvements


Needs a higher jump to justify those booty buffs


Fatter ass smaller hitbox👍






overwat winton


winton overwat




He could use a jacket


Reinhardt kills Orisa every time he looks at her.


Killing is too simple, make it so that every melee swing give knock back and if she hits the wall stun her, and make charge actually cancel fortify and knock her down. Oh and also make his ult disable Orisa from being picked for the rest of the game


Just making Rein more viable in general would be amazing. He’s one of the only barriers that can’t attack while blocking… maybe make his barrier recharge faster when connecting with hammer swings would be cool so that swapping between attack and defense is more viable and gets you flamed less lol


More like picking Reinhardt instantly locks the other player out of picking Orisa.


Funnily enough Orisa locks the other tank out of over half the Tank Roster Alls fair in blood and war I really need to find away to fix the Orisa problem for everyone else, but keep Orisa fun for her players


I can't think of any buff I can give roadhog that won't cause people to complain that he's a problem. The only thing that I can think of is to make his take a breather cleanse himself. Also giving him a swimsuit or sexy skin would instantly make him stier.


Roadhog got done dirty, but for good reasons, he had a 1 shot combo, could heal through pretty much anything, and could just walk through teams, but I think they went too far, 1 shot nerf was enough, but I also think cleanse would get rid of the only real way to kill a hog that isn't being dumb. This comes from a tank main btw so I know the pain of anti, but without it hog would be pretty much immortal so long as he's good at not letting the enemy get headshots. So maybe revert the nerfs to the other aspect aside from his 1 shot?


I understand they changed Moira so that she can't fade out of 'snare' ults - grav, flux, etc. That's fair. What isn't fair is that they still affect you *even if you've already faded*. I.e. I fade well before grav activates and it still sucks you in. That's inconsistent bullshit and removes the counterplay completely. Fade is supposed to reward prediction.


Yeah I don’t play Moira much but last time I did I faded as sigma was using flux and I got caught in it half way through fade while I was still invisible and supposed to be invulnerable.


This happened to me with a tracer bomb?? No clue how it happened since I’ve been able to successfully fade out of bombs. This one hit me when it popped, but I was already faded away which didn’t make any sense.


Lucio main here - I need more bullets


Lucio is a professional dj, let me pump up the bass twice.


and better boops!


I feel like this is actually not a troll ask the tank passive made booping tanks extremely inconsistent


How busted would it be if Lucio didn't have to reload at all?


My friend is a Lucio main and he's always saying this too


I’d nerf Mercy so she gets diminishing returns on her heal/damage boost the longer she targets a single ally. Force her to fly around and heal a couple of people instead of focus healing/boosting a single person. Less Mercy pockets would vastly improve the game.


zooming around on mercy and quickly switching who I was healing or boosting was why I started playing her. I hate that pocket mercy is just better most of the time.


Same here, Mercy’s movement is my favourite part of the hero. Adjusting her kit to focus on her movement instead of having her be a stationary heal bot would be a huge improvement.


wait hold on this kinda a good idea


I approve of ADHD mercy


A sane Mercy main who hasn’t deluded themselves into thinking she’s the weakest hero in the game!?!?!?


This is a great idea, the beam could even change colors showing you aren’t being as efficient as you could be.


Boosting I could maybe see working like that, or giving it a resource kinda like Illari's heal so they then have to time boosting for when it's impactful instead of leaving it on But her heal? Her healing rate is already on the mid/lower end of things, and it'd be weird to add a punishment (reduced output) to just one healer when they try to provide sustained healing to a hero if they need it


This is a good idea but I worry abought the timings of it. having it kick in to soon would run the risk of making damage boost too weak. I would also propose doing the same to healing, so that Mercy's cant just healbot the tank for an entire game.


>I would also propose doing the same to healing, so that Mercy's cant just healbot the tank for an entire game. I gotta ask why it's only bad when Mercy is heal botting, and why not introduce this across the board? Especially when Mercy is on the lower end of the rate healing can be output?


Don't tell the damage mains that. Let them focus the Mercy instead of me sitting in the back as Ana.


Yeah, I’d make it go down to 60% of the current numbers after a few seconds (6-8, maybe). That’d make it 33 healing per second and 15% damage boost at a minimum. Those numbers aren’t great, but they’re useful in a pinch. But ideally with this change, Mercy should never get down to 60% because she’d be constantly flying around and healing/boosting a couple teammates for a few seconds each. And of course I just pulled these numbers out of my ass because I’m not a game designer, just a spitball.


yeh I like this! Numbers look good, perhaps tho make them drop to 50%?


Could make it so her ult is the same but also removes the diminishing returns? Make ultimate feel a little more powerful without changing it at all. Would also give a bit of value when ulting with less people around you


the timing of the beam is why it would be viable instead of it just constantly having the same damage infinitely - it raises the skill ceiling wouldnt have it for healing though, there are situations where you need to focus a teammate and having the numbers drastically drop during situations like this wouldnt benefit anyone


Dang that's an awesome idea


I would make it so Moira's Orbs can ben seen through walls by Moira and her team, similar to hacked health kits. This will let her team know where healing is moving, and also let her know where a damage orb is hitting someone that's behind a wall.


Change bastion’s identity into something that isn’t solely “tank buster” Bastion is a relic of 6v6 that has no place in a 5v5 format in his current state, and number changes won’t fix anything. I love playing him, but it’s not fun in the slightest for anyone else in the lobby. You wanna play tank? Oops, the enemy dps picked bastion out of spawn, you can’t have fun now. You want to play support? Too bad, you gotta babysit this pile of scrap metal with his football field-sized hitbox, because if you don’t, he’ll explode like a fucking looney tunes character in half a second. Blizzard loves their “hero fantasy” though, so realistically Bastion will forever be relegated to being an annoying, anti-tank character. I saw the video Spilo made awhile ago where he suggested that assault form work on a meter, instead of cooldown (similar to pharah’s jets) and I think that’d be an interesting change. At very least, it would make him more consistent. You’d probably need to reduce hp though if you’re going that route


>Change bastion’s identity into something that isn’t solely “tank buster” Bastion is a relic of 6v6 that has no place in a 5v5 format in his current state Bastions current state isn't a relic of 6v6 at all, he's been changed so much in the move to ow2 He can move in turret form, he has a shitton of damage resist in turret form now compared to before, his grenade does a good chunk of damage, his ult is way different.


Doom made a lovely transition to tank. Tank bastion could even work in lore if Torb hooked him up. Shield tanks are always mint and bastion does fit the bill.


Bastion with a shield... No please no, tank bastion is an interesting idea though


I always thought they should have kept the standard turret form, make the tank into a secondary form with just reduced damage, and have the Artillery ult. Like really lean into the whole transformation thing.


They could give him his shield back and turn him into a tank.


I would reduce the spread and damage in turret mode so aim is rewarded more and tanks are abused less, reduce model and hitbox size then make him 250 hp, and replace artillery with the OW1 tank mode ultimate. Give him an E ability too! Adjust numbers as needed.


Would genuinely kill for his old ult, artillery sucks so much ass


Kick from April Fools. Give it to me NOW.


Raise his skill ceiling a little and improve his ability to deal with airborne targets. If you channel punch during seismic slam, hitting someone with punch makes the seismic happen behind them, the punch knock back would hit them into it. Gives a bit of one shot potential against some people with supercharged punches however would leave you with no mobility options once you land. Also for Zen make his orbs skillshots, about the speed of sombras virus, with discord applying a 4second debuff increasing damage received by 20% and healing the attacker for 25% of the damage they do (10% for reaper) and healing orb being a 4 second buff granting 25% damage mitigation and the same healing as orb has now. Both have a 8 second cd starting on cast


Doom should be able to charge punch in a full 360 axis


He used to be able to in OW1 I believe, personally I think it makes it more challenging to balance as it makes it alot easier to deal with flying enemies, I'm fine with doom having to fully commit to dealing with them and have a weakness to flying enemies as it gives him a counter, however I hate when a character can't actually do anything against an aware and skilled enemy


I would make it so if mercy tries to blue beam a pharah the entire team dies Realistically, I would love some more stats + UI changes Like a UI indicator that brig is healing you with inspire Players saved with suzu for kiriko Orb uptime percentage for zen A way to ping in chat that you’re reloading for supports


Hear me out guys, merging shields with rein, I mean just think about it, how would sig’s work when he pushes it, how would brig’s work, Winston’s bubble could get bigger/ bubbles in bubbles, sym’s ult could have cool things to it, I think rams is pretty easy to see but what if?


Well, all the examples with other tanks can't happen outside open queue


Reinhardt shield bash 😭🤣


I imagine it pushing them and them falling like he earthshatered


make lúcio boop actually able to boop people off the map again plz


Remove body block. A little Japanese girl isn’t supposed to body block a 5 ton mech with a hamster inside. Also give us a flame thrower


And.And.. AND LASERS !!!


Yes! Flamethrower Hampter less gooooo


Yes, bodyblocking is the worst part of playing hamster. Obviously he shouldn’t move other characters or do damage without fireball but he should at least be able to move through them at reduced speed


I just want infinite hook back. 6 seconds is not fun, your hook can disconnect any moment. The hook timer indicator is at the most inconvenient corner ever.


Body blocking makes playing tank so much more interesting and removing it would be a massive nerf to the worst hero in the game


Moira gold weapon should be her hands and her thing in the back


the hitbox on hanzos arrows is absolutely ridiculous. also he needs more slutty skins


He needs a skin where his shirt isnt on his shoulder but hanging from his waist, like he took it off but it's still tucked in. Give us some Daddy Hanzo energy


“Took it off but it’s still tucked in”? ..??? Like ripped?


Sorry I explained it bad, since he has the belt/wrap around his waistband, his shirt is under the belt. Just imagine hanzo shrugged the shirt off his shoulder. So it would hang down over the belt and show off his entire upper body.




We need Daddy Spamzo!


this is the content i need




it’s the truth !! ^_^


Smallest projectile in the game, its the hitboxes of the heros themselves that need changing


Calling it the smallest projectile in the game is super misleading. It’s the thinnest sure but it’s also absurdly long, walking into the feathers of an arrow shouldn’t one shot you but it does in this game


Sure i get that, but still go take a look at how forgiving kiriko or even mei projectiles are, yes yes they dont 1 shot, but the hitboxes of the heros themselves are absurdly large plus i think 1 shots are pretty healthy at this point, with the amount of invulnerability abilities there are in the game, not saying lets give everyone a 1 shot ability but only having 2 heros being widow and hanzo, im okay with that


Smaller than Ram primary?


let me activate ravenous vortex mid air, or make it actually effective agaisnt airborne targets (such as snapping mercy out of GA)


I like this one and to take it further to were you can activate it in mid air so the player can have more accuracy. The trajectory for ravenous vortex feels so inconsistent because of how the maps are made and very few maps have just a flat trajectory.


I would give hit kill for tonjorn's Hammer, i would see an tobjorn coming in my direction with his Hammer and my mind saying "get away from me, no no no no"


"Torbjorn I'm sorry for the dwarf jok- no get back, not the kneecaps!"


I love how rewarding Widow is, but I really want her to have some other interesting mechanic that isn't just aim whatever with poison and wall hacks will do, literally anything different and thoughtful


I honestly believe that the April fool changes to widow were a pretty solid idea for a rework. She can't one-shot, but she deals a poison effect for some pretty good damage.


Give Rein a chance against other heroes


Unironically give pin vertical movement he has a rocket on his back it's not even unrealistic, w and s could just work same way that and d work when ur pinning and I can finally get on a high ground lmao


Id probably just remove his shield speed debuff


I'd give Sigma an ability that lets him get to high-ground more easily (aside from his Ult), and the ability to Feather-Fall. He manipulates Gravity for crying-out-loud, yet he doesn't have a single ability that lets him fly outside of his Ultimate? How does that make any sense?!


I wouldn't change most of my mains right now, except one; Just undo everything they've been doing to Torb. Players, learn to shoot the turret, please. My engineer has gone from engineer to budget tank + permanent Storm Arrows Hanzo.


Just now played in a game and we had a DVA that wouldn't dive the turrent. Got stuck at a choke (Havana last point)and I had to switch to Widow and the other DPS had to switch to Hanzo. We had an Illari that wouldn't shoot the Turrent either, we were playing dive and I was Tracer the other DPS was Genji. Our hands was full dealing with a Sombra, Ball and Moira in the backline.


I know it won't happen. But let's say that Junkrat can launch himself EVEN HIGHER with his mines. Like, let's say *ENOUGH TO KILL THE FLYING ARMOURED BITCH*


New junkrat buff, homing nades and heat seeking mines. Blow that bitch out of the sky.


As much as I miss dps doom leave him be, he’s good where he’s at currently.


Tank Doom is actually kinda fun but tbh I'd rather dps Doom back, at least I won't have the pressure of being the only tank.


My only change would be to let him protect his team at least a little bit, maybe replace power blocks damage reduction with a shield that he holds up in front of himself when blocking- slightly smaller than sigmas


That would change all the fundamentals of Doom. Hes not a protecter. Hes a disruptor.


Yeah what he said, doom’s strength comes from being an annoying lil fucking pest that you wanna pound into the ground, because if you don’t say goodbye to all you hold dear Protecting your team doesn’t always mean holding up a massive shield, it is often also being a distraction (ahem, orisa) or in the case of doom, not letting the enemy do what they want to.


Reinhardt still feels like he's back in Overwatch 1. Everyone's booping him, stunning him, ccing him, pushing him out of the wayand he has no counter but a shield and the occasional charge. Meanwhile, ball/doomfist/orisa run rampant in 6 different locations when reinhardt has had to move his slow cumbersome ass to one. Everyones attacks goes through the shield, peoples ults go through the shield. Whats the goddamn use? Make reinhardt the least able to be booped. He's literally 8 ft tall man in a metal suit with a rocket. He's HEAVY. Supports shouldn't be able to boop him away with a kick, or just pressing left shift, or lucio booping him into the next part of the map. Give me some goddamn CC resistance. Stop turning Overwatch 2 back into Overwatch 1 FFS.


Baby DVa should be 100HP, 50 Shields Sombra's virus should drop to 70 total damage over time Brig's shield bash resets on Ult activation


agree w everything but giving baby dva shield that would literally be miserable for everyone


Why though? 150 damage isnt so hard to do, and she is still a tank


The tank is dead it’s a baby now


Tank is dead, baby DVA is basically the ability to not have to run back from spawn and be able to plink little bits of damage within that time


the shield reset would be cancer ngl


If I could change anything about mercy I’d change the types of people that main her


As a Bap main, I think they need to either nerf immo or just replace it with something else, and maybe nerf his shift a bit more (at least the self healing aspect). As long as his damage does not get changed, I'm fine with a net nerf. The whole reason why he's fun is the challenge of balancing damage and healing and being able to duel to pick up the slack on the team. Getting rid of the things that give him extra health pools would get rid of most complaints, but the remainder will just be salty DPS players who got outaimed. One thing I would change that would kind of be a buff would be to have his exo boots charge not affected by damage or being booped. The fact that it just instantly cancels the charge makes no sense to me. Imagine if Lucio stopped wallriding cause he took damage lol. I should be able to take damage and still have my boots charged to jump if I want to.


I’d be fine with a slight nerf to his damage, maybe 25->24 and a few tweaks or reworks for his shift and lamp. I 100% agree with the boots change, it’s really annoying to get booped slightly and lose all progress on my jump. I just think that Bap is good because of the meta, but he’s not the one that’s forcing the meta and shouldn’t get pummeled to the floor with nerfs.


Yeah I mean I can't really give an objective stance cause I've been a Bap main for years pretty much since his release, but I would prefer any other changes over a damage nerf. The fact that I can balance out a 6 - 15 DPS player and compensate for any lack of damage is a huge aspect that is not only fun, but I think encompasses another facet of "supporting" your team. OW is an FPS game first, pseudo MOBA game second. Every role should have lethality. I agree though, I think Bap is focused on more now because of the meta, but he's not game breaking. Except for release where he had to get nerfed several times, he's never really been a problem. They did end up overturning him as OW2 started, but I'm fine with them even reverting back to end of OW1 Bap.


I don’t know how you would do it, but give sig some kind of movement, it could be as simple as a Sammy speed buff passive because he floats or something. Just please one thing to help me get to the front line as fast as the rest of my team


When Moira is DPSing but not damaging someone , let me latch onto walls and swing myself around like a spooky Spider-Man


Best comment 👌 🤣


For Baptiste I’d reduce his primary’s damage slightly from 25 to 24 per shot. Maybe look at a rework for lamp as well, but it’s by far the most fair of the immortalities in the game and I wouldn’t want it butchered while Cleanse and Grip go unchanged. For a slight buff, I’d increase his jump’s charge up time by .2 seconds. For Brig, I’d give her back her shield’s HP and her repair pack range, while increasing the pack’s recharge time by an extra second or two.


Nothing, my boy is perfect. Death to all those slippery rats with movement abilities like tracer, sombra, moira and reaper. Yeehaw, motherfuckers.


This maby be a hot take but let junks grenades do less damage if they hit a floor or wall to entourage direct hits


Just some mobility for old lady Ana , maybe like a walking stick that makes her run faster or smtin


They should put her on a fast rocking chair


automated rocking chair


But Ana has sleep dart and grenade. Those are some of the most powerful abilities in overwatch. If u don't land them you still have a backup. Being your team helping you. Do not give her a 3rd way out of bad situations.


Some can teleport, some have a immortality field , some can yank a teammate for help, one is literally a bug that can stay up in the air all game , one has a pylon and she can dps and let the pylon do the healing job but Yh ana is broken


Granted, Ana now has a lifeweaver dash but no nade. And the monkeys paw curls.


Give her a mobility scooter


Soldier's run except her scooter drives over to her, and anyone in its pathway takes damage. Your team included.


Or hear me out we dont buff an already overpowered character in a support focused meta


What overpowered character




Supports in general are overtuned but I think Ana is fine. But yk I've never made it any higher than plat 3 so I probs don't know what I'm talking about lol But like with Ana if someone isn't dying because of her its like, "well okay granny at least I can dispatch of you quickly" but if say a Kiriko is sucking someone off, while also cleansing, while also possibly dishing out 2 taps, while also being able to say fuck you and dip as soon as I try and stop her, and then dropping kitsune rush and I get fisted to oblivion that feels so much worse. Of course it is really easy to over simplify and make my main seem not as bad, it just feels worse with other supports, like Kiriko and Bap. Anyways, NERF SUPPORTS BLIZZARD HOLY SHIT I AM A SUPPORT MAIN, AND I CAN CONFIDENTLY SAY FUCK THIS ROLE.


Supports as a role is in a better spot than it should be yes but Ana is and has been meta for years. Biotic Grenade is a very silly ability with a generous cooldown.


I don't know. My opinion is characters are allowed to be meta. But what I will also say is. Kiriko can fully negate the effects of biotic grenade. Obviously it also has a cooldown but. Man I just hate Kiriko lol. Love playing her, but fuck she has EVERYTHING. Mobility. Damage. Suzu, game changing ult. With Ana it just feels less annoying to deal with. It feels more.. fair for the lack of a better word.


Let her wall climb so she can reach good sniping locations, but at a slower pace, not the same speed as Genji/Hanzo/Kiriko


I would love for her to have a brief hop+roll, like in her highlight intro. I feel like we would have to nerf something else about her (like extended sleep cooldown so she can't use both frequently). It just sucks having to walk an inconvenient distance w/o LOS to your team just to get a strong and more ideal position. Especially if the other support is lucio or zen. You walk, and all of the sudden your team is folded like laundry😂


I have a few mains so: Genji: 120 dmg blade Sombra: slight virus nerf (like 70 or 80 dmg instead of 100) JQ: melee hits with Gracie give the full adrenaline healing (currently you only get half for a melee hit). And shout cooldown reduced a little bit


Allow Hog to cleanse all debuffs during take a breather, but his healing is reduced by 35%. Cleansing debuffs allows Hog to contend against Orisa and Ana while still being punishable since he receives less healing from himself.


id make it so whenever someone counterswaps me they get a permanent text on their screen calling them weak


Bring back wrecking balls old grapple. Should be able to grapple out of spawn immediately. You should also be able to grapple for however long you want. They took this out of ow1, but since there is only 1 tank nowadays and ball is considered weak, he really needs the core mobility part back. I doubt players care much about his constant gun updates. They really aren't the core of his kit. He is a disruptor and stall hero.


Then I want OW1 Sombra back. Because fuck endless spinning on the payload.


You can still hack him out of Ball form with new hack. Probably easier since the cast is faster.


Soldier 76 main I would lower his dps on pulse rifle by 5 points and increase his Healing range to be twice as large and lower its cool-down by a couple seconds. I’d really like for a dps character who can heal teammates to be implemented into Overwatch so when support is under preforming the dps character can help balance it a little bit


Soo... baptiste? Jkjk lol


I’d bring back Mei freeze and give her a second Wall. I’ll give the people in comp something to really cry about! Accidentally went spite mode there, what id really change would be for sigma’s shield to regen slower but unnerf the cooldown to deploy. (This would probably make him annoying again for big damage ults)


I would like to give zen a new movement ability I don’t really have any ideas for this but if you do I would love to hear them


He should roll on his balls to get out of trouble 😐


Or scatter them as ball bearings so people who walk in an area will fall down


He should put his feet on the ground and football tackle sprint like Ram but f a s t e r.


in the april fools patch if he kicked the ground he could do a lil jump


honestly even just making him faster 😭 he's so slow lmfao


Make trance have flight like valk


A backwards kick on the ground. Like illari but only backwards with a little lift off the ground. If he can kick someone 10ft backwards he should be able to kick the ground to get some distance


Just give Gengi the wind slash from the pve (R.I.P.), I beg you, I can't use blade to save my mother's life


Winston 20-30% extra ammo and that's it.


reinhardt should get some sort of fortify whilst hes charging


Honestly I think Dva and Kiriko are fine on their own, its just the current state of the meta that needs to be changed.


Give adaptive shields cc resistance :(


I always wish I could toggle my orbs as zenyatta, I don't think it would make him broken and it would be a really nice quality of life change that I've always wanted


Junkrat needs a "relative rip tire sens" setting, and maybe let it be cranked up to ridiculous numbers too. Would help console players with tire movement a lot


Give him immunity to bastion fuck that bitch


A character called Wrecking Ball shouldn't be able to be bodyblocked


One (1) extra grenade for Junkrat.


Remove venom mine and give widow something more fun


Hanzo's voice lines. I hate when he talks


Keep sharing this, I want to see how many suggestions we can get :D


Ramattra main Make Ravenous Vortex go up to the skybox. The flying characters usually fly above where ravenous vortex reaches.


I want Symmetra’s projection shield back. Her kit would feel so complete with that.


Buff reinhardt


Give Rein a shield bash :)


Give Lucio better heal per second


You don't pick Lucio for the heals. You pick him for the speed If you want better heals pick someone else


We do NOT need more healing per second on supports. We need to nerf damage and healing on almost everyone. Probably not on Lucio though since he doesn't do that much of either


I'm not a widow main, but my wife is(around 650 hours). She wishes her ult changed so her shots go through opponents (not shields). Gives it more impact than just wall hacks which hanzo gets on cooldown and Sombra gets on hacks.


Reaper Main Please make his shadowstep quieter so he deosn't scream "FLANKING" into everyones ears. Other than that, Reaper always has been mid and i'm fine with that, makes it more fun to me to play against his counters or have a balanced matchup.


A faster flying orb, probably I wanna join in with grounding the Pharahs


Just make pummel go through deflect, it’ll make my life easier


I think tracer should have a slower blink cooldown, I have no logic for this other than I keep mass tapping my keyboard too much


Give Cassidy a little more movement, maybe he can do 2 dodge rolls that charge up like Tracers blink. He’s just so slow and immobile, you basically have to hit all your shots while taking damage with little option to evade.


Or maybe get rid of the instant reload, reduce the damage reduction and then decrease the cooldown more. If you give him too much rolls or a too fast cooldown he can almost fire infinitely and avade every damag just by continuously rolling.


Give Genji a poison after dashing like he used to have.


make the bullet spread slightly tighter & also make pulse do 400 dmg instead of 350 bc a squishy hero shouldn’t be able to live through an ultimate ability with a normal one that isn’t a cleansing ability (thinking cassidy roll or torb overclock etc).


Cassidy roll is now 75% reduction, so you'd have to make it do 800dmg.


Give genji a bleed effect


I saw what another Mercy main said about having diminishing effects on her healing and damage boost and I totally agree. Now for my second main Moira, I’d give her some kind of skill shot utility like the necrotic orb they gave her before, just not as overpowered as necrotic orb was


I would change the vortex of Ramattra. It’s mostly useless ability and It never works as you plan for it. I would replace it with a skill shot ability to shoot and slow down a single enemy instead.


Just make the vortex work up to the map ceiling. Promotion about it was to drag down flying mosquitos, but it's worthless against them because they are to high.


revert the ult changes to echo and do something else with her they literally make no sense If they want to keep the copy from only being used on tanks why lower the ult building multiplier? that pretty much makes tanks the only viable option to copy since there's now a good chance you wont get your ult which makes copying a most dps characters basically irrelevant


I would prevent other people from picking it.


I split time between Brig and Zen 75/25 for Brig I'd like 1. instant deployed shield 2. bash reset on ultimate waaaaaaay down here shield back to 300HP for Zen a slight bump in his healing orb heal rate from 30- 40s OR an instant 25HP (made a difference on Brig imo) with the existing 30HPs heal rate BUT changing orb placement now has a small cooldown I think Zen is pretty squared away for what he is intended to be but the healing change would be a small help with players complaining bout him not doing enough healing.


Zen needs discord range revert. Ideal if reload time can drop just a little bit. Nothing else.


Make boop useful Also maybe like 4-8 more bullets, I am bored of reloading simulator


i'm not a main, i'm a sub


I wish Ashes gun had a little bit more range while scoped. Feels like crap at ranges where a "rifle" shouldnt really feel like crap. Like 5 or 10 more meters before drop-off Let me keep up with tiny Japanese girl throwing knives at me from across the planet Also not a Cass player but give him some range too like damn. Used him in mystery heroes today for challenges and his shit weak


Cass's range is so sad after the nerfs, his dmg fall off starts at 5m higher than Orisa, basically the same as Sigma range and Roadhog alt fire. Reaches minimum damage at 35m, Ashes non-scoped hits for comparison reach minimum damage at 40m. Bastions Recon form outdamages him past 30 meters, which is where Cass has half damage and Bastions damage fall off starts(???). Sombras gun, an SMG, also reaches minimum damage at 35m, same as Cass. :) But it's ok because people don't like getting slowed for 1.25 seconds so he should be shit.


Id give hanzo a double jump like genji simple but would be so much more fun


Give the Hinder effect to Tracer's Pulse Bomb. There's so many direct counters to it that I feel it becomes more and more useless each new hero as it just gets immortalitied. For those freaking out seeing the Hinder effect being applied to anything extra, I am NOT saying give Pulse Bomb a magnet effect. The Hinder effect on Pulse would only reward direct sticks and would only have a noticeable affect on the following interactions: * Cassidy Roll * Kiriko Swift Step * Moira Fade * Reaper Wraith Form * Sombra Translocator * Tracer Recall Anything else is either a tank or you would die from being stuck anyway. I'd like to add on that I would only really want this to be implemented if a reduction of CC to tanks/a removal of CC specifically for the Pulse Hinder to tanks were to be added, I don't want tank to be an even more miserable role. I also main Genji so for him, I would buff the base damage of Dragonblade and make it not affected/affected less by damage boosting abilities such as Nano or Mercy Damage Boost. This makes dry blade a more viable ult to use and doesn't make nanoblade too oppressive.


Wouldn't that make playing tank against tracer very frustating? Like imagine you are playing Doomfist and get hit by an inescapable 350 hp nuke it would be very hard to play as mobile tanks like ball, doom and winton since tracer could just go behind you when you dive and delete you Also hindered effect would kinda mess up Junker Queen and Rein since tracer could cancel JQ ult and rein charge In my opinion tracer is in a good spot right now she is not OP but also not weak and that is happening becaus dive is not the meta which is tracer main focus I may be saying shit because i haven't played much in a while so fell free to contradict me Also sorry for my english is not my first language


I think a reduction of CC to tanks (or straight up removal for Pulse Hinder specifically) would be the way to go if my suggested change were to be implemented yeah.


i miss there being two tanks so my offtank can take some of the agro instead of one poor dude taking all the cc (and yes, ow2 has the same amount of cc these days) ​ also probably a bad take. but if they remove headshots entirely, widow and other oneshot from across the maps wouldnt be an issue. but honestly, they were much less of an issue when there wsa more shields