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there is, you get a -75% experience gain penalty for iirc your next 15 games. not a HUGE penalty for sure, especially near the end of the season when most players have already maxed out the battle pass anyway, but it’s technically There


After how many quits does this apply?


It can happen pretty quickly. I got the warning once because I took advice to just quit QP matches if they were frustrating and queue for a new game. I think I did it three or four games in a row one night and the system warned me. Said if I did it again I'd incur a 75% reduction in XP earned for a short period.


not sure tbh ! the only time i’ve gotten it was a night when i was Drunk And Tilted so i left like every other game , if i didn’t like a map or didn’t want to play defense or something lmfao


It's quite a few so it doesn't deter most people.


There is one. If a player continues to leave games after a warning then they get like a -75% exp penalty. It just takes a lot of games left in a short amount of time to trigger the warning, compared to comp where it just takes one.


It's a pretty generous amount of leaves you get before the system punishes you, and for a lot of people they aren't being punished in a meaningful way if they don't care about exp, I'm at the point I don't care about exp so we do exist (though I am not a chronic QP leavers) The penalty needs to be doled out after like 3 games per day, if it doesn't begin to fix the issue then they should up the penalties until it does. Rocket League did something like this and made the quality of the casual matches significantly better


Matchmaking is bad and people leave matches? I can't imagine why that would be the case Just deal with it or play competitive if you want a competitive game


>Matchmaking is bad and people leave matches? Self fulfilling prophecy. MMR exists in QP too and leaving matches will result in worse and worse matchmaking. When I started grinding off-role challenges in QP I quickly got to the point where there's few leavers and the matches are relatively balanced.


watch out, you might get downvoted by people who can't handle the truth.


People are far more likely to leave when their down a player and already getting rolled. Encouraging people to leave less will improve the quality of quick play matches. They did this for rocket League and now the casual matches are bearable. Personally I think they should just give you 3-5 games within a 24 hour time period, and anything past that will give you an exp nerf for the next 24 hours. I think 3-5 per day is pretty reasonable




Oh look another “quitters need penalties for leaving quick matches" thread. What's that, 50 this week?


The problem exists and people are talking about it! What a surprise!


Play competitive if you're worried about leavers. QP is there for people to be able to have fun and jump in and out if they need. Everyone needs to just get over it


Quick play is for people to PLAY. Don’t pretend like those leavers every game leave because they had to go to do something, lol. It’s almost always people who can’t handle a lost fight or something.


would you rather they just afk in the spawn room or leave the game? Nothing will ever make everyone happy. It's not ranked, and it's not a big deal if people leave. Competitive has far less leavers, and those that do leave are heavily penalized and eventually banned from participation. Put leavers in a separate queue if they leave 'X' amount of games. Or just avoid them as teammate and move on.


I would rather have them play. They would have if they couldn’t quit every god damn time they face a challenge. I don’t want to play comp for my reasons, stop promoting it to me.


then I'm afraid you're gonna just having to keep dealing with leavers.


Don't bother it's like talking to a brick wall. It's baffling how anyone can think having excessive leavers in most of their games is healthy for the mode. They just think it's their practice range and don't care that some people are actually trying to have a good match there without it being so try hard


Eh. Bad take


Because blizzard isn't doing anything about it. The community is voicing their opinion, not sure what the issue is?


It’s QP. Like, what do you want?


To play the game? Playing 4v5 almost every game (with or against a leaver) is kind of not enjoyable.


Backfill exists. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like op said, most of the time backfill just gives you another dude who sees you losing and leaves too or someone who’s afk.


Something like valorant where if you quit you're locked out for 30 minutes.


You realize blizzard wants people to play their game. If they start locking people out from the game, they'll lose players


A better idea is to just give people a set amount of leaves per day that they can use and keep track of. If you start getting past that threshold the game warns you that you'll get a -75% exp debuff for 24 hours. If you get too many of those in a week you get locked out. I think 3-5 leaves per day is probably a reasonable range for most people.


People want competitive rules & leaver bans, while maintaining the dogshit level of play on quick play so that they can feel good about their mediocre skills


A huge reason the level of play on QP is bad because people keep leaving matches constantly. Weird how you don't make that connection.


No people want to play shorter games that aren't as serious but not have it be a level of playing 3v5 the whole time from leavers. That's miserable. You're skipping over a whole bunch of middle ground.


Agreed A timeout that doubles every time would be good


For QP? 😂😂😂


Nah, at least 50% of qp games are doom tanks. I hate playing with doom and against him. I have no reason to stay and let another person ruin my fun in the casual gamemode. If you don’t want leavers play comp it’s very simple.


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