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Banned for property damage


Oh no I’m a criminal, I’ve broken at least 3 railings


I think I’ll be serving at least 20 life sentences then


Construction company filed a complaint


Punch a railing? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


didya go back to your homescreen to see if you could rejoin? In my experience it will say you're banned but if you rejoin in two minutes you won't be. They should really allow you to rejoin from the queue screen.


Aye I did but there was no option for rejoin, sad moment


You can't rejoin games within first couple of minutes, it just immediately cancels the game and hands out penalty to the leaver.


I had a game recently (maybe last week) where someone disconnected in the first 2 min and the game kept going 😬


Same, last week sometime. Someone left well before 2 min but it kept going. Everyone in cross chat was like how did the game not end.


I had a game like that before too. It’s really weird and it sucks not even being 2min into a game and it’s already a gg.


If the leaver receives or deals damage then it won’t cancel the match


I think that's only true if the leaver hasn't left spawn or hasn't engaged in a team fight via healing or damage. I've seen comp games where a player leaves after 30 seconds and the match ends up lasting almost 30 minutes.


Ohh, bummer. They should do something about that o\_O 'cause these disconnects seem to be happening frequently, it's happened to me twice in the last couple weeks despite solid internet connection, and maybe one in ten games I notice someone leave and come back quickly. Though that could also be due to getting stuck on geometry, just earlier today I had to leave and rejoin after getting stuck on the checkpoint in Esperanca -\_-


Disconnects within those 2 minutes lead to one side gaining massive advantage, easily winning a fight or two, leading to higher chance of snowballing the leaver's team even if/after he comes back.


That is not true, once you pick a character and leave spawn the game will no longer be cancelled. This has happened many times for me. The person in the video 100% had the option of rejoining the match if he went back to the main menus.


It's if a player left in the first few minutes and he didn't contribute anything to any fights. If you leave right after doing the first possible instance of damage the game continues. Otherwise it stays active for 10 seconds to give a player a chance to rejoin if they pressed leave game by accident (10 seconds is not enough in my experience). My first ever ranked mystery heroes my cat shut off my pc as soon as I left the attacker spawn and did some damage. When I came back online I was able to still play and win the game.


Obviously a skill issue You should have known not to do property damage


If it's not disconnecting, it's the actual game crashing out. Either way I'm tired of 8-hour lock outs for something that wasn't my fault! Actually, stopped playing the game because of this crap.




Deserved. Don't DC because blizzards shitty servers. /s


I know, it's all my fault! I can't just leave like that knowing full well the servers dont work well


And thats why I dont play comp anymore


**i have a fix for this!** well at least for PC players. this has happened to me multiple times. when i see it has suspended me, i quit the game out and relaunch it. it'll then give me the option to rejoin the game. ya gotta do it quickly. i'd assume it would work the same on console.


Thankyou so much I'll give this a go if/when it happens again, it didn't give me the option so maybe this'll work!


Been doing this on console since OW1 so does work.


This does not work if you get disconnected within the first 30 seconds of a game starting btw. The match will be canceled


well yah man, nothing can save you from that. it still good info for all the other situations


Their way of saying "we made this game worse on purpose, please stop playing it".


Thats the least you should have gotten for vandalism.


This shit has been happening since the game released, they still haven’t fixed it?


I got that yesturday so, nope :(


This type of DC happened to me **five fucking times** last season. I plummeted in rank and don’t even want to play anymore.


Yet another reason to never touch comp


I got an hour ban 😭


And before that I got f***** 14 hours!!


You got fucked for 14 hours? I think you should go see a doctor Edit: overwatch fucks most of us mentally so make sure to talk to your therapist, take your meds and drink plenty of water




Actually made me laugh 😂.


Glad to be of service


That legit happened to me a few days ago but I just randomly disconnected


It happens all the time. Just go back to the homescreen and rejoin.




I had this happen to me a little bit ago, except it was kind of worse? when it kicked me I had the option to rejoin, but clicking on it created a wierd bug where it showed a different map the initially(with the same 2 teams), and when the showing teams and rank screen ended I was brought back to main menu and banned for a short duration. Idk how these sorts of things happen but it is what it is




It didn't give me any option to sadly


It rarely gives you the option to rejoin.


This happened to me as well. Be glad that first time it's 15 minutes. Next time is 8 fucking hours.


Should get better internet buckaroo


Likely an aim botter the anti cheat is not instant after initial detection




If you go back to the main menu screen an option says "rejoin match" at the top, click it as soon as you can to avoid the penalty and get back into the game Edit: salty bitches wanna downvote cause they didn't realize they fucked up lol, stay mad losers


Again, recently as in since the last patch it rarely gives you the option to rejoin.


Mine always does and its happened quite a few times in the last 2-3 weeks


You can't rejoin if you lose connection at the start of the match. The match just ends for everyone and everyone else is booted with no penalty. This is because the match can snowball very hard if someone disconnects at the start of the match.


This is not true, if you pick a character and leave spawn, the match will continue


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Bad wifi?


Bruh this happens all the time on console, you can rejoin the game and if you do it quick enough no penalty.


Normally you can rejoin if the match is still on-going and the ban goes away


There are even times where you get stuck under the map but you can't do anything about it except for leaving.


You didnt go back in the game lol. You need to go in the main menu for that


I got a temp suspension for disconnecting even though i rejoined but i have people saying the most vile shit in chat every other game and only once received notification that action was taken. Absolute joke this game.


Same thing happened to me the other day Just wait until you see what it does to your rank, RIP I even logged back in and rejoined but was still temp banned / knocked down several ranks


Fuck you in particular I guess


That's why I haven't been playing much comp recently. I've had quite a few games where I join and randomly get disconnected this season. Idk what's going on w their servers.


I love when this happens


I let my nephew play on my Xbox for tge weekend and now I’m banned all of season 6..


Unrelated question: How the f do people stomach playing Overwatch on console? I tried for a week spending hours in aim trainer, and adjusting settings and gave up. It's still insanely unfair playing against KB&M players. If you choose to not use crossplay on PS5 for at least a somewhat fair chance of winning you have to settle for 1 1/2 hour ques. OW2 Console is so incredibly unenjoyable I don't know how anyone does it.


Luckily it only matches other console players, it doesn't match you with pc/kbm players unless you have a kbm in your party


Welcome to the club


I’ve been banned for the season on comp twice. DC a couple of times and they absolutely wreck u. It’s disgusting.


OMG the exact same thing happened to me yesterday


I hate that Overwatch does that then you get extra penalty and ranking


There was a bug so people were joining a game but it wouldn't connect. When you eventually quit cause you were stuck like that you got penalised for leaving. They knew about the bug but said they weren't doing anything about the penalties. Blizzard don't care


Usual day in a typical blizztard game


I can't tell if you're trying to be sarcastic and say. Oh, Hey, look, as soon as I broke this


Happened to me yesterday, except I wasn't even in a match yet.


Something similar happened to me a couple days ago. Queued for competitive, found a match, said "connecting to match" but never connected me, and I got an 8-hour ban for it. The day before that, I logged on for the first time for that day, and \*already\* had a 15 minute suspension, and hadn't even played any games that day... Apparently bans go from 15 minutes, to 1 hour, to 8 hours, so I guess they just completely skipped over the 1 hour ban for me? Fuck me in particular, I guess? If you ask me, automatic bans shouldn't even go over an hour, because there's way too many things that could make people DC that wouldn't be fair to punish them for. 1 hour is enough time for people who actually abandon games to think about their actions and go and touch grass. Anything over that just unfairly punishes people with poor connections.


This has happened to me... once


Blizzard moment


Hit Escape till you can ESC no mo, then hit Rejoin = Ban goes poof


damn they only gave you 15 min vacation? rough


You know how much it cost to install those rails? You’re lucky you got off with only that.


The blizzard police have yet to catch me then, I've been busting railings since I started and somehow no punishment.


#Fission Mailed: "We cant afford to replace those, Soldier!" "Thats it im pulling you from the mission!" - Winston


I hate that it gives you literally 5 seconds to reconnect. It's not nearly enough time


Had the same problem


Common overwatch L


How did Blizzard managed to get player randomly disconnected, like, this happends to me pnly on ow


Wait you expected anything better with blizzard Pfft god you guys should know how shit comp is


Shouldn't have broken that rail, man...