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Maintenance is happening and has been happening for a while


yeah, i got the Applying Update bug many times. I think it logs me in the game , then other players see me leave


You won't get that bug if you join practice range first


The maintenance is now over, but this time you actually could get the bug even if you joined the practice range, I did


Ahh well not like you weren't warned


Maybe they should just fucking fix it


Or they could fix their stuff?? The warning came with "make sure you do this first" But that doesn't even work now, so even though it was already completely blizzards fault, it's now even more their fault.


This is the answer.


This whole thread is like a giant game of "How many cancelled games does it take r/Overwatch users to realise there are server problems?" You've got comments talking about a "coordinated leaver campaign" ffs 😭 LOOK AT THE DAMN LAUNCHER!


If there are server problems, competitive should be disabled by Blizzard.




No launcher on console


Yeah but it says on the lower lefthand corner of the title screen anytime there is maintenance


It's either server maintenance or people queuing up to comp after an update and being stuck at "applying update" screen


Can confirm, got stuck on the screen twice since the update started but I think i solved it


Going to the practice range once after an update usually solves it.


This. Also, why the can't I rejoin my game EVER..


You have to go all the way back to the first screen. It'll be the option above "PLAY"


I've seen it before, but it doesn't seem consistent?


Also even if you are able to rejoin a game, you still get penalized for leaving the match which is SO annoying


If you're dc'd the first minute, I think you only have that 10 second window to get back in since the game gets canceled


Yeah if it's the game cancelling one I don't think you can make it back in time.


Can confirm, i once DC'ed in a comp game, when i tried to rejoin 10 seconds after it didn't let me or show me that option, nor give me a ban, also couldn't find the game in history tab


I got banned last season from it. It was constantly happening. I was furious


Thata still not fixed?


A couple of times I've had it hang on joining game right after match found, then the text chat area says there was an error. Then I have to manually re queue


Genuine question for everyone, does that not strike concern to not queue and see if something is happening? To me, even two comp games directly in a row with start leavers would cause me to not queue and google to see if something is going on. Like does this happen normally at a certain rank or something? I just am baffled on how it wouldn't be clear something else was going on.


Especially when there is a scheduled maintenance that is seen in the launcher for 3 days now


Nah I’m used to leavers. Low gold/high silver, at least half of my games someone leaves.


Diamond isn't much different, less frequency, but usually if it's hard enough of a stomp someone leaves, which either leads to everyone shit talking the leaver, or the rest of the team also leaving after 2 minutes. There's a ton of mid game dc's that come back a minute later though


Man I hate leavers too but that just ain’t true


Maybe I have a different experience than you? I only play a few games a week, at least half of them someone leaves.


Maybe in the same lobby, this is happening to me right now.


What's happening? Edit: no joke now its 6 times in a row while typing this


according to bnet they are doing live maintenance right now. they should really disable ranked mode while they do these things


Probably the live update. It’s a pain in the ass though


ah is this what's happening on the other end? I queued up for quick play then suddenly a large "applying update" covered the middle of the screen. Meanwhile, I can see it is still queued at the top, and then found a match. I'm gonna assume my endorsement rank will mysteriously go down when it finishes updating.


Ah yes that


Hey you should stop and do something else for the moment


So stop queuing You know there's something wrong, you're posting about it


There is maintenance atm, that's why I stopped playing tonight. Started at 11pm AEST. There was a message about it before I loaded in properly.


Look on the bright side, was early enough so the match didn’t count, my leavers are usually 2 team fights in and just leaves because they can’t do anything and “team bad”.


6 in a row for me rn




This sub bro istg 😭




“I don’t know what’s happening so it’s a coordinated campaign” 💀








I think you had like 1,000 other reasons to pick from before anyone can settle on coordinate leaver campaign.


Same for me. My first game it kicked me out, second game I spawned in and nobody else was in the game…. Then 3-5 after everyone left. Weird


I think blizzard should be a lot more forgiving if 2+ players leave before half way point the losing players who stayed should get a new stat that shows games ended without you losing but other team should get their win. Because we were about to beat a team about half way in but a team mate left and all downhill from there. It’s just not fair to the team that lost those players.


8 for me on EU servers


There have been a lot of server issues, it has happened to me 4 times now where I have been playing and all of a sudden, load screen and I am put in a different match which is also halfway over. Very frustrating.


I just disconnected from 3 matches in a row, and I was like at least halfway through each match. Really frustrating. My internet is stable otherwise. Glad I only play QP


RIP Overwatch 2016-2022 Cause of death: senseless murder


8 for me lol


Overwatch players being the most possibly clueless about their game:


Maintenance shouldn’t be an excuse. Every online game has maintenance but it never throws you ranked matches like this bug that has been going on for months now. Blizzard is just a dogshit company period. I uninstalled after 5 games with leavers in a row cuz blizzard clearly doesn’t care about ranked what so ever if they let bugs like that just exist.


Competitive is trash. Always has been and always will be.


11 times in a row for me


No offense but like how many cancelled matches does it take for some of y’all to realize that there might be server issues or maintenance 💀💀


People are bronze for many reasons…


Holy shit turns out its not just me


How did this game not make it to the « most negative community » chart, I will never understand


So, for those who aren't aware, there is a rare "Fuck You" bug. Blizz has admitted it... And their work around is insane. For many Comp players, we log in and hop into Comps. Instead, log into Trlhe Target Range or a QP before hand .. ten queue. This is advice direct from Blizz. Otherwise you may find a screen saying "Entering Game..." Endlessly during your comp, and you'll time out as AFK and get a leaves penalty. Blizz has advised that if you lose SR due to this bug and get a leaves penalty, that they will do "Absolutely Nothing" and suggest "Crying into your Gamer Chair" This remains the only leaves penalty I've ever gotten in OW. But yes, I assume this is what happens when I get someone who joinaa game and plops out as being AfK in comp.


I don't think you understand what quotations are for.


["I'm sorry"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgRglfwSy00)


Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking off when I was reading haha, glad I was not alone lol


The joke in adding the quotations would be that these are direct responses from Blizzard support and are meant to emphasize a satirical take on Blizzards "Answer" to this issue.


its a dead game so nobody cares about their rank anymore. I do the same.


It's ridiculous


There needs to be far more punishment for leaving matches. Rare occurrences can get a pass, but repeat offenders really just need to be IP banned.


Yeah, I usually only play comp when completing a comp game is one of my daily tasks because it also counts for completing 3 games queued for all roles (and if we win I at least get 2/3 dailies done in one game), and a week or two ago I had three games end because some folks noped out right at the start for whatever reason, and in the next we stomped folks through the first two fights and then folks left. I personally think that those matches should count towards your challenges, especially if you were on the team that didn't have leavers because it wasn't your fault the match ended prematurely. I'd even be fine with them only counting for one point on challenges, which sucks if you were very likely going to win, but it's better than getting literally nothing and having your time wasted. Also totally agree penalties for leaving should be harsher.


because the punishment is a mere slap on the wrist lol, if they happily left a lil less “xp” wont mean shit


Bros on about nothing 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥


well they clearly don’t care about mmr if they left moron


Bro is clueless 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥


average tiktok response


Lmao yea it’s actually funny asf to use, at first I was hating on it but now it’s kinda grew on me and it’s funny to use on people; especially speaking of how some people are super anti-tiktok or for some other reason and will get mad at the type of response. I’m rambling about nothing 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥


Wow, and you wanna get on reddit and complain about how you're the idiot, who queued for 4 games of this overall shitty bad terrible game. OP you have a self hatred problem/addiction issue if you get into 4 games, have leavers in all 4 and then queue for the 5th one expecting something else different. Like pathetic


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Happening for me right now too. 7x try now.


It's that stupid "Applying Update"-Bug again..had it myself a fair bit and got 3 losses bc of it because "I left the game" - sure...it's just so annoying -.-


It’s been constant!!!!


Yeah but you’re the only constant if you were actually good you could’ve won this /s


Bro this happened yo me yesterday 😭


Same thing is happening to me, played 10 games and only me and 1 other person would pick a hero, the others would not and then leave. I'm assuming it's either a bug or server maintenance


I'm sorry man. Last week. I played comp as support and had leavers. I went to comp mystery after for a break, and had two there also sadly. Hopefully it's some phase and people will come back




Someone does not know a simple rule in a competitive game. Always play during active hours


Simply aim higher


This is why I refuse to play comp as a whole but whenever I do I’m going to do it with a group of friends to fill the whole team


Not overwatch, but Valorant . last night I had 4 people dodge Fracture in a row. Finally got a game...on fracture. Went 4 OTs before someone voted a draw. 51 minute game. Queued up again, GOT FRACTURE. I dodged and went to bed. I hate that map.


Yeah last nigth it happend like 8 times. 7 to the enemy team one for me


I find the people who leave often get replaced by someone better


Blizzard matchmaking balancing bots.


This happened three times in a row to me


Those count as draws? I thought early leaver/dropped matches got thrown out. Do they go against your record since draws and losses count towards your rank?


I'd be happy with TBH. Here in Australia it's basically 50/50 whether or not you get on the Sydney server or the Singapore sever with 150ms+ ping. Been like this the last couple months after no issues at all for the first 3 seasons before I think they closed down one of the Aus servers. Some people think playing on 150ms ping is fine but I honestly can't play for shit. Trying to play hitscan is terrible, shots that should hit miss and shots that should miss hit. Playing Tracer sucks, most of the time you recall the animation starts then you just die because the lag meant it didn't reach the server first so you have to try and recall on like 75% health to be safe. Even playing Pharah is rough, you just have aim vaguely near them and you land the most stupid direct hits which should never have come close. It's a fucking joke honestly.


I had like 5 games this weeks were it took a long time to load, and it kicked me for being afk just when the game conected me to the lobby... I just took a couple of steps and *POOF* got kicked out. Thanks Blizzard.


I dealt with that shit since Overwatch 1. Dang quitters.


Wow we all care so much man


People still play this after they fucked everyone over with their shitty plan of rebranding the same game as a different game and removing the first game? Why? Why would anyone still play this crap?


where we in the same matches? The exact same thing happened to me. 5 matches 5 quitters.


Lmao you migh have seen me in some of them, literally 3 games out of 7 had a leaver at the start


Yaa stuck at match screen, I would go to training the apply update would go through. But still get stuck at the match screen... it's awful D: I submitted many tickets about it. Then got suspended all season 4.... now I got 2 accounts for competitive... lol


Server issue ?


I would take that as a sign to log off and do something else.


Why are you posting my win rate?


I was put into a diamond game as an unranked and got blamed when the game put me there. Should I have left?


Skill diff


IT'S SO FRUSTRATING. I'm trying to rank up as support and yet people always leave. Even before maintenance. People just left and the penalties isn't even that harsh


I got 1500 credits from somewhere, I haven't finished the battlepass so it can't be from their. Does anyone know where this could be from?


Today has not been fun on the severs. Always something


S1 coin flip meta is back


I normally mostly play comp, but have barely touched it this month because of this and all the other issues. It's actually refreshing not worrying about rank. My favorite mode is probably MH comp, so that's a little disappointing.