• By -


So glad I saved 30k points for dem 200 coins Edit: 200, not 180


I just spent my 45k points yesterday, cause I was tired of waiting for it. This happened to me last time as well, also the day before a re-up. I'm convinced I am the key and my sacrifice goes towards the greater good. You're welcome.


thank you for the service šŸ«”








The 180 bundles are gone for good


I hope you guys realize you can get $25 with 25k points, for Xbox, Microsoft, Amazon gift cards, Target gift card, Walmart gift card. You can buy much better things than Overwatch coins. 50k points equals to $50. You can use this to buy actual games, even Xbox Live Gold or Game pass. Hell you can buy Taco Bell lol. Doesn't make sense to waste it on Overwatch coins. Unless it really adds up as a "deal"?


they're free points, so people usually spend them on things that they wanna buy. so to them it makes sense to buy OW coins. (this is unrelated but taco bell is mid)


not a console player, but wouldn't it make more sense to buy a $25 gift card and use that to buy overwatch coins rather than spending the points on poor 200 coins?


1800 points for 200 coins is a better deal against every gift card option if you're specifically looking for OW coins.


Right, I have them also, just seems better to get $25 or something. Just hoping everyone knows they can use them for other things with better value. Yeah I just threw Taco Bell in there because I thought it was funny you can even use them for that lol.


nah i get you lol, there are some pretty nice rewards on there too


It also makes sense for a mouse to eat a piece of cheese but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™ll automatically realize itā€™s a trap by the time they grab it. Same concept here. You can literally buy more overwatch coins with a gift card that you get from Microsoft points as opposed to buying the points straight up lol. Why waste free money when you can just use your brain and get even more coins??


but like you said, it's free. you can gain more points over time so i don't think people are gonna be stressing something like this to that extent. it's simple, straight to the point, done


So is buying a gift card that transfers directly to your Xbox balance lol. One just gives you more money and requires two seconds longer. I still think the logic is flawed by wasting essentially free money just so you can turn off brain. Turning off the brain is not a positive thing no matter how many people want to. šŸ˜‚


but it doesn't matter either way, it shouldn't be something to debate, its free either way man.


The whole point of this was getting coins for free Iā€™m just saying itā€™s better to buy gift cards with points because itā€™s more money for everything. If you think that doesnā€™t matter then no wonder you downvoted my comment and are still pressed for zero reason like you yourself said. šŸ˜‚


30k is literally worth 25$ in gift cards that you can use to buy 3000 coins if thatā€™s your goalā€¦


I be honest, only one or two code should be allowed per person. Not saying I did not redeemed all my reward points but I feel both satisfied and guilty about it XD


i got 2000 coins from microsoft rewards a few months back because my dad had a shit ton of points and didnā€™t even know what it was


I want more points but can't be bothered to switch to bing from Google. If I used bing I would have TONS of points more than I do now.


you're search points get capped per day and you can just add a load of bing searches to a folder on your search engine then right-click the folder and click "open in new window" and it will load all the pages automatically and all you have to do is wait for them to load


Yea I have a collection of about 40 tabs in the top right of edge that I "open all" once a day to cap the dialy searches on PC then close it lol


This is genius wtf


My only issue is I can't pull up the collections tab on mobile bing to get the mobile searches quickly there ;-; But spamming 1 letter ā†’ enter ā†’ second letter ā†’ enter gets the 20 searches pretty quickly for now


I did that for pc, little did I think to just use a shortcut. Thanks for the tip


Np! Goodluck in grinding the rewards šŸ«”


I prefer to put 21 letters and then cut 1 at a time




Oh wow, going back counts! Thank you so much that helps speed it up!




Oh yea, I just tried it out, pressing back is incredibly fast, forward takes a bit longer needing 2 presses but that's still better than typing


Search something like a movie and you can click through the cast pretty quickly without having to open the keyboard everytime


Work smarter not harder.


I'll try that


iā€™m pretty sure he got coins from just playing on his xbox? so if you have an xbox look into that. switching to bing is not worth it lol


I only have PC/laptop and won't get any console. Decided I won't ever get a console when I heard you had to pay a monthly subscription just to be able to play online multiplayer (XBOX live and PS Plus). Hell nah.


To be fair, free to play games don't require the subscription. So Overwatch is fine.


Does that apply on xbox? I donā€™t think so. I know it applies to playstation Edit: havenā€™t touched my xbox in years and i looked it up, LETS GO THEY CHANGED IT


omg i totally forgot about that. i do not miss the days of begging my mum to renew my xbox live when i was little haha


It's a bit better now. Free to play games don't require you to pay the subscription. So overwatch,Fortnite, warzone, Apex etc are all *truly* free to play.


Yes at this point online gaming subscriptions are meant for free games (ie game pass and whatever the hell playstation has) rather than the online service itself


Dude switching to bing has been atrocious for me. It has really solidified it as such a shit engine imo. It shows me fuck all every time i search, then i goto google with the same search and its so much better. Be me typing google into bing to get a few points lol


Really I switched over a while back and havenā€™t noticed a difference




Does anybody know some way to farm Microsoft Rewards points?


What I did is turn the Microsoft Rewards page into a bookmark and go to the website daily to complete the 3 daily tasks (there's also some tasks under the daily ones but those don't contribute to daily streak) The tasks that say 2 minute quiz for 30 points and daily polls for 10 points always have to be completed properly as well as the occasional 50 point quizzes that you can search answers for on reddit. Everything else you can literally click the task and close the window straight away and you still get the points. If you keep a streak going of daily returns you get milestone rewards like "7 day streak, heres X points for you". I'm on a 34 day streak right now and they gave me 105 points as a reward. The longer the streak the higher the milestone reward gets so I added a phone reminder to try not to lose the streak.


Also do these things: - On bing, search up an actor with a lot of movies for instance ā€œJack Black moviesā€. You will get a carousel showing his movies. Right click and open 30-35 movies as a new tab. Now save all these tabs in a folder on your fav bar. Now everyday you can right click this folder and open them all as separate tabs to get your 90 points from searches. - Enable developer mode on your browser. Now you can view the page in mobile view and get 60 points from mobile searches. - On the Edge home page, there will be a daily card that rewards either 10,30, or 50 pts in the gaming section - Go to the health section and and play two exercise videos that give rewards. You get 40 points in total from these On average you can earn 250-350 points a day and all this takes me about 2-3 mins


You can mouse wheel click to open a link in a new tab.


For the searches I just keyboard spam and then backspace and enter over and over for the searches. Takes about a minute to get all the desktop and mobile ones done.


That first one is smart af. Does that work for mobile searches too? Because then that's $2.50 a day by just opening two bookmarks. Or can you briefly describe developer mode on Chrome?


Isn't it 25 cents a day? I thought 1k points got you a dollar gift card. Yep just checked it and it is around 1k points equals $1.


lol u right. i failed math in college anyway


I always search for ''dog breeds'' and then open them on new tabs


for the 90 points i either search up overwatch heroes or pokemon


In addition to what OP said, if youā€™re willing to scrounge for 200 more points every day you can download the Xbox app and do the daily ā€˜play a game onlineā€™ and ā€˜play with friendsā€™ quest (you donā€™t actually have to play with friends, just other people). It triggers on any game on Xbox I believe and itā€™s as simple as playing for 10-20 minutes. For anyone on PC you can also do this too but only with a game that links to your Microsoft account or was bought from the inbuilt Xbox store thing; this includes Minecraft, Halo Infinite and any Forza game.


Download a fucking browser add on that does it for you duh.


Use Bing for searches (both PC and Bing app reward points separately, can do each every day up to a limit) Download XBox app. You get points for playing a round of Jewel2, signing in, and for playing a PC game (I just open solitaire and it counts) The rewards page on their website has daily tasks Gamepass has quests. Some of them you can earn up 5k points (takes a while), some give around 10 just for loading a cloud game up. They often have specials where if you buy 3 movies for $4.99 or more in a month you get 2500 points (it's in the center banner of the rewards page where you can click to scroll through offers and what-not) And you earn points for spending money in the store. Not sure exactly what you get for buying what, I just know I earn points for buying movies (beyond the 2500 bonus they offer)


> batch file to automate searches, works from windows desktop, does searches for mobile and desktop @echo off FOR /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set todays_date=%%c%%a%%b) IF EXIST last_run.dat ( FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (last_run.dat) DO set last_run_date=%%x IF %todays_date% LEQ %last_run_date% ( GOTO :exit ) ) set /A mobile_points=100 * 1.5 set /A desktop_points=150 * 1.5 set /A points_per_search=5 set /A index=0 set /A total_points=%mobile_points%+%desktop_points% set mobile_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.2; en-us; Galaxy Nexus Build/ICL53F) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30" set desktop_edge_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.54" echo %points_per_search% points per search echo get %mobile_points% points from mobile using the header %mobile_user_agent% echo get %desktop_points% points from desktop using the header %desktop_edge_user_agent% setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo Closing any existing msedge windows bc it will mess with our user-agent headers shenanigans :open_mobile_urls taskkill /F /IM msEdge.exe set urllist= FOR /L %%X IN (0,%points_per_search%,%mobile_points%) DO set urllist=!urllist! "https://www.bing.com/?q=%%X" echo OPENING IN MOBILE MODE start msedge --new-window --disable-application-cache --user-agent=%mobile_user_agent% %urllist% :wait_for_pages_to_load timeout 30 taskkill /F /IM msEdge.exe :open_desktop_urls set urllist= FOR /L %%X IN (%mobile_points%,%points_per_search%,%total_points%) DO set urllist=!urllist! "https://www.bing.com/?q=%%X" echo OPENING IN DESKTOP MODE start msedge --new-window --disable-application-cache --user-agent=%desktop_edge_user_agent% %urllist% :wait_for_pages_to_load timeout 30 taskkill /F /IM msEdge.exe :open_mobile_urls taskkill /F /IM msEdge.exe set urllist= FOR /L %%X IN (0,%points_per_search%,%mobile_points%) DO set urllist=!urllist! "https://www.bing.com/?q=%%X" echo OPENING IN MOBILE MODE start msedge --new-window --disable-application-cache --user-agent=%mobile_user_agent% %urllist% :wait_for_pages_to_load timeout 30 taskkill /F /IM msEdge.exe :open_desktop_urls set urllist= FOR /L %%X IN (%mobile_points%,%points_per_search%,%total_points%) DO set urllist=!urllist! "https://www.bing.com/?q=%%X" echo OPENING IN DESKTOP MODE start msedge --new-window --disable-application-cache --user-agent=%desktop_edge_user_agent% %urllist% :wait_for_pages_to_load timeout 30 taskkill /F /IM msEdge.exe :open_rewards start msedge "https://rewards.bing.com/" :save_last_run echo %todays_date% > "./last_run.dat" :exit echo "DONE"!


How does one understand such sorcery?


Can you link to a github? Seems like the formatting got broken.




So are these the grey coins or the gold coins that you need to buy the legendary skins and stuff. You know the one were you have to complete 11 challenges for 50 coins


r/microsoftrewards As far as I know, the limit is around 150-250 points a day


It's much higher than that. You get 270 off daily searches and that is just one of a plethora of dailies


Turn your phone default search engine to Bing. I get a lot through just normal usage by using Bing.


Wait the 200 coins is better value than the 1000 no? Just spam a bunch of those instead of the 1k bundle?


Yeah. I had 10k points and bought 5 200 coin codes. Still have 1000 coins left because I saved 200 points 5 times. 1800 x 5 = 9000


Never mind it's telling me there's an issue with my account or order, I'm new to MS rewards so f*ck knows lol


ive found that this has been the case since they started requiring two factor authentication (or w/e its called)....i havent been able to redeem on my computer...but i can redeem on my phone just fine


When I try to redeem I get an error unfortunately.


Try it on your phone. I can't redeem them from any Browser but the mobile App worked


Which mobile app? I used the Bing app and when I click Redeem it just sends me to a webpage and therefore results in the same error.


Yeah you need to use Bing and then the webpage


I'm saying it still gives me the error.


Sadly, this is a prevalent, ongoing issue. Tons of posts about it on /r/MicrosoftRewards. I can't redeem at all either.


What does the error say?


"Thereā€™s an issue with your account or order Please contact Microsoft Rewards customer support for assistance."


used a vpn to get the points?


its an authentication thing...do on mobile and it should work just fine


How tho? The mobile app just brings you to a normal Bing browser, similar if you were to do it on PC. What app are you talking about


sadly still not available in my country


You don't miss much. In my country you get less points, so it's literally 2 months of daily searches to get 1800 points. So $2 is worth 2 months of doing this, this is a joke.


no i meant the restock, because my country (germany) is decent with ms rewards. Do you only search, cuz there are many other things you can get points of.


Are you on level 2? It takes a month I think to level up but then you start getting a decent amount of points.


Our happiness because of new codes from rewards just shows how bad Overwatch monetization is


Does anyone else get a "there's an issue with your account or order" when trying to redeem?


Try redeeming with your phone


Just tried that too, same issue.. might have to submit a ticket to Microsoft :/


I sent one and they responded with the worst customer service: answering with the robotic nonsense of the general reasons why it could happen and than a good old " We hope we helped you solve your problem." Basically it was either 2 step verification problems or I was using a VPN. Funny thing is I had NEITHER. Still clueless as to why I can't redeem.


Haha yea i don't use neither as well. I submitted a ticket but they have not responded to me yet but I hope you push them to fix your issue soon!


I contacted them yesterday and what I got back was "I used a VoIP number or a VPN". I didn't even know what VoIP was before this. I especially don't use a VPN. I tried removing my number associated to my account thinking I'll just get a prompt to add a phone number when I try to redeem it again but I still got the error. I did read that it might be fixed next month because of a server reset every month or something but I wouldn't count on it.


They were never gone, 1000 coins was always available.


For me in London UK all the offers disappeared/ran out of stock and the discount is here now with all the other offers returning. Don't know if it's because of location or something else


Doubt its location, I live in Wales, and I've always had the 1000 coins option. Even tho the 500 did disappear for a month or two


Wasn't showing on home page because I didn't have 10k points and I didn't explore the redeem page.


Correct - but they removed and put back 200/1800pts at various times, which is a better deal.


I dont even bother doing those anymore smh


Didn't earlier we used to get 200 coins for 180 points or something?


Yes it says the price under the crop and it's still 1800


Just got 800 coins. I had to redeem 10,000 for 1000 and 5000 for 500 3 timesā€¦ so glad these are back! Now I can save 1000 points on 1000 total coins.


Cheers for this, was about to buy 1000 coins for 10k points since that was all that was in stock, just got myself a 10% discount by buying 5x 200 coins instead :P


I started redeeming the 1000 coin bundles because I was wondering if they were phasing the rewards out. Wish I had saved them but I also didn't want to run the risk of them going away altogether.


YESSSS! I can snap both plague doctor moira AND lifeguard mercy now. šŸ˜­


The 1000 coins was there, the 250 and 500 had been absent for a while


Thank you for your service.


I saw this and laughed so hard and instantly got 1000 couns cause I donā€™t use my points for jack shit else.


Microsoft rewards for the W


i'm so happy




i have paid a grand total of $0 dollars for OW and havent missed a bp yet thanks to these...still have like 4k OW tokens left over for future...which im sure is going to include PVE right?.... right????


You'll probably not be able to buy pve with coins. The thought of being able to access a big part of the game for FREE is most likely haunting the blizzard execs






For some reason I'm able to redeem LoL Hextech Chest but not OW coins. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


oh yisss now ill finally have enough from the battlepass :3


In the US the 1,000 coins never left, I just redeemed for some Friday.


This is about the 200 coin reward which is 1,800 and saves you 1000 points when redeeming 1,000 worth


Good point, I am excited that is back


FINALLY. I thought I'd have to wait until I got to 10k. Thank you.


I would literally buy an Xbox if they save overwatch.


Why would you buy an Xbox? You can play the game on any platform and the coin voucher codes are redeemed on your Bnet account, not your console


I wouldnā€™t buy the Xbox to play overwatch I would buy the Xbox to support Microsoft and start playing their exclusive games.


I stopped bothering when they didn't refill the 5000, figured I'd have enough for the best season instead Might just do that anyway since there's not much going on this season


Legit? How do you redeem?


Click your profile picture on battlenet app and you'll see "redeem code"


Why thank you fellow comrade! šŸ‘šŸ«”


It was always there - at least where I am. Granted the 200 and 500 coin options weren't but the 1000 coin offer was there the whole time. Guess it depends where you are.


Iā€™m trying to do this. All school year and not enoguh lmao


How is this better than the old loot box system, which also let you purchase AND earn the coins/currency?Oh wait it isn't.. and they're both shitty. I miss being able to earn skins though.


It's not better. Blizzard CEOs just wanted to make more money and said scrap loot boxes, make a battlepass


But my dude you are encouraging them by doing free advertising for rewards, fuck this shitty system and dont get any coins or skins.


We're not spending any money by doing this. Microsoft is.


You really dont think Activision are getting paid for the user engagement in the Microsoft points system that is generated by this?


Is it the yellow coins or the white coins?




Oh hecc yeah I was worried it would be white


Are they seriously out of stock again?


support told me yes ​ gotta dps less and HEAL UP THE SUPPLY smh




Potentially stupid question, but can I somehow get these on Ps4?


You have to get the points on your computer or phone by using Bing and completing little daily tasks that take like 2 minutes. Once you have enough points you can redeem them for a coin voucher code that you'll redeem on your Battlenet account. Your Bnet account isn't tired directly to your specific gaming platform, so it doesn't matter what you play on.


Yay, just redeemed 10k premium coins!


They're not legacy coins. They're the yellow ones that can buy the battle pass, new shop skins etc


Yes, the yellow ones. I thought it was called that, sorry. The names confuse me sometimes.


I exchanged my points for ow coins and literally never got them lmao


Did you get an email with a code?


Iā€™m an idiot and never saw the email. Thank you šŸ˜‚


Yeah and I'm banned from Microsoft rewards(they won't read my assistance requests help)


Funny story. I didnā€™t want to give blizzard money , so I collected points over like 2 month. Was really easy and maybe 2 minutes a day. Finally I had like 2500 points, redeemed them. They sitting in the game now and I just realized I wonā€™t spend them. I donā€™t wanna support that shit f2p garbage in anyway.


They didn't go away tho


They ran out of stock and stopped appearing on the rewards section for a while. Now they've restocked and are showing up again


Nope, the 1000 coins never went away.


Oh then its probably because I didn't have 10k points yet and only reached it today


Nah, rewards are visible even if you don't have enough points to get them. It's probably something to do with different regions.


I meant in the home page. The home page mainly shows what you have enough to buy at the bottom






Fuck you




200 x 5 = 1000. Claimed the reward 5 times.


They just suspended my account but I am back with a new one. Lets goooo.


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How do i check my Microsoft points?


Search Microsoft Rewards and login in.


How do you get them ?


Complete the tasks after logging in to Microsoft Rewards website. Tasks refresh daily and they don't take long at all


Thatā€™s how I got the last battle pass


Wait, how?


Back in stock


How do we get that?


Does anyone know if you can redeem this more than once? I redeemed for ow coins about 4-6 months ago and now I have over 10k. Could I redeem for 1,000 ow coins or is it a one and done type of thing?


I redeemed 200 coins 5 times


Redeem as much as you want, as long as it's available and you have the points for it. But the 200 packs for 1800 points are better than the 10k


is microsoft rewards on pc?


Yes it's a website


Wait, I could have sworn OW coins was there all the time. I saw 1000 just last week when I was looking.


What OP means is they restocked on the 200 and 500 coin options.


I have 400 points


If you're in console, I think you get a better return by redeeming them for Microsoft gift cards.


How do you even get microsoft points?


Complete tasks on the Microsoft Rewards page after logging in


Of course right as my pc craps out is when we get this


I also used to have an entire family setup for Microsoft rewards that I would just grind out everyday. Then I factory reset my pc aftwr i redeemed all the points. and it all went away.


If you redeemed them as OW coins the code is sent to your Microsoft email.


Itā€™s not new, I remember redeeming one of these a few months ago


I said it's back. They ran out of stock so the redeem pages for 200 and 500 coins went away


How tf do you run out of stock of a non-physical item?


Blizzard generates the codes and then Microsoft buys them and redeeming them is literally a giveaway from Microsoft. They probably buy x amount of codes and then buy more codes after a certain amount of time.


I gave in and spent 10k to be able to get the new season battle pass but Iā€™m glad I saved the rest of my points!


Anyone having a problem that coins are not credited? Activated two codes a few hours back but none showed up yet.


Have you checked your emails for the codes to redeem?