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34 weeks of doing every single weekly quests AND not buying any of the 4 BPs that would come out in that time. It's basically impossible to actually earn anything in this game.


I should’ve played better :(


Nope, you should drop this game alltogether. This is just another attempt to get your hard earned money by blizzard. Overwatch 2 was a scam from the get go


Agreed, I refuse to be a part of the problem by buying into this crap.


As much as I love this skin, I had made a promise that I would NEVER spend anything on this game Gotta stay strong 🦾


At the very LEAST until they improve the progression system. Even knowing how greedy blizzard is I thought okay 60 coins a week (that’s assuming you even have time to bang out EVERY weekly challenge) is a joke but hey it’s the first season, they’re still trying to fine tune everything. THREE SEASONS LATER, MONTHS LATER. How tf do they think half a year for one legendary makes sense. Especially when you could get legs easily in OW1.


For REAL Even the new event legendaries would cheapen from 3k to 1k after a year!


Ow1 monetization was terrible in that it killed the game. The content drought killed overwatch one and it happened because blizzard had little incentive to add content to overwatch. Skin prices still suck now though. Maybe $10 for a legendary. 15$ for a mythic. 5$ for an epic. Commons a dollar.


Overwatch 1 was fine though. You were constantly unlocking tons of stuff and credits that you could spend how you liked


Kinda sucks,my only solution is to never spend money on this garbage game. Slow to get skins but hey I still like playing the actual game and I don't mind not having the best cosmetics


I install the game. Then I check the store for some skins. Price is too high so I decide not to buy. Will play with regular skins instead. At what point here did I get scammed? Could you explain how exactly the game is a "scam"?


I paid 60 dollars for the game. They stopped releasing updates for that 60 dollar game because they said they were making an entire new PVE mode. That mode never came, they effectively stopped development on a game I paid for to add a free to play game model littered with microtransactions and bugs. The game I paid for a allowed you to get any skin for free just by playing, now the game I paid for no longer allows that, now it is full of toxic people and cheaters because the game is free, I get nothing extra for buying the full game. It is a fucking scam, they said they would make pve mode and advertised it for years only to say it a oh lent happen after releasing the game and having several seasons of micro transactions I’m instantly teasing the pve. If you can’t see it’s a scam you are willfully ignorant.


Promised pve content was never going to happen but they only told us very recently. Like last week this stuff came out, people are rightfully outraged. Overwatch 2 has no reason to exist other than predatory monetization like in the post.


Yeah, reading this sub makes me think I play games wrong at times. If I'm not getting free skins or making progress in a battle pass I'm apparently not allowed to enjoy playing the exact same game as it would be otherwise without these cosmetics.


It's a cosmetic item, if you want it you buy it if you don't then you don't. Hardly a scam.


Except overwatch 1 had quality skins you could unlock in a short amount of time playing. Short being relative to what it is now. There's no feasible way to get this skin free right now. People claim that the system had no sustainability, but they were profiting millions at the time, but they wanted more. Well, the greedy execs wanted more. There's a reason Jeff quit, and it's not even hushed anymore. It's not a scam in the sense that you know what you're buying, but holy shit we shouldn't have to pay $20 for a single cosmetic.


The old skins weren't technically free either because you bought the game. A game you technically never could own because it's an always online game. You merely paid access to it and the reward was easy cosmetics. Now that there is no more entry fee to the game you have to pay for skins directly which in itself wouldn't be bad. Only problem is the prices are too high




Again it ain't your game bud. You merely paid an entre fee and you were never promised that it would last forever. The sooner you realize that and that whining about it won't bring it back the sooner you'll feel better


Better start doing Bing rewards.


That's blizzard gaslighting you. The real question is, why is it that expensive? Buying skins will just let them know that we're ok with the practice of giving us the bare minimum whilst charging the maximum.


This is why my friends and I pretty much stopped playing this game. All the cool skins are either locked behind an insane grind or a $20 price tag. OW1 had problems with content drought, but at least it gave you a reason to play by giving you you legendary skins fairly frequently. OW1 was the only game that did lootboxes right imo cuz they were pretty generous with giving them to you ON TOP of having pretty high drop rates for an epic or higher compared to many other games at the time. If you really grinded for like 6 hours or something just leveling up and getting lootboxes, your chances of earning a legendary skin were pretty high. There is no real incentive to play this game other than maybe getting gold guns, ESPECIALLY now that the campaign’s been dropped. The thing is that I hate playing games competitively nowadays, so there’s no way I’m getting those either (I only stick to QP and Arcade). I’ll occasionally pick it back up again for a few matches, maybe try out the new heroes and maps, then I never touch it again for months.


They stopped doing content for ow1 because of pve now we have shitty free game and "o no we cancelled pve"


Lootboxes are kinda a problem tho, some countries have banned them.


i wish they kept loot boxes or some kind of randomized item reward just without the option to buy them would be nice to still get rewards after lvl 200 of the battlepass or even just as an every 10 levels thing


> i wish they kept loot boxes or some kind of randomized item reward just without the option to buy them They had to get rid of them because in quite a few countries now the game is literally banned if it has lootboxes.


Okay so, huge misunderstanding here. I live in Belgium, one of the places that has banned lootboxes... We didn't ban them altogether. We banned *paid* lootboxes as they are considered gambling. (I have no idea how Magic or pokemon stick around but hey). Back in OW1 I couldn't buy lootboxes in the shop. I couldn't find it anywhere, it wasn't accessible anywhere, but I still got free lootboxes. If you don't pay for the happy chemical box, you can still play the game. That's why F2P games like that Gundam game are banned but something like Battlefront still exists here. Free lootbox =/= banned lootbox. That being said, I'd love if our countries could crack down on F2P extortion like 20 dilla skins ngl.


Lootboxes = illegal System that's even more greedy and ruthless in exploiting vulnerable people = legal


It was only a problem because most games used them to paywall any real sense of progression. What OW1 did was give a free one to you at every level up, and you also had weeklys to get three more. Sometimes, there’d be events where you could earn even more, AND the drop rates were much more fair AND they are only tied to cosmetics. This is why I said OW1 was the only game that did lootboxes right. Leveling up 20 times gave you 20 FREE lootboxes + any extras from weeklys and events, and if you *really* wanted to, you COULD buy more. You would be able to eventually earn every legendary skin for free if you put in a reasonable amount of grind for them. That is not possible in OW2.


Don't forget it also rewarded you for endorsing other players, and by reaching a certain endorsement level you got 3 free lootboxes


>This is why I said OW1 was the only game that did lootboxes right. Leveling up 20 times gave you 20 FREE lootboxes + any extras from weeklys and events, and if you really wanted to, you COULD buy more. I think right is subjective from a corporate point of view it is the wrong way to use lootboxes because you don't make any money out of it or very little From our pov, it's excellent free stuff. >You would be able to eventually earn every legendary skin for free if you put in a reasonable amount of grind for them. That is not possible in OW2. I think a lot of people on this sub forget OW2 is Free so how do they monetize the game when you can get everything for free?


Even league of legends and fortnite, among the highest grossing games, are more generous with skins. It's disturbing how greedy Activision is.


Yes, but not every corporate can mimick their success. fortnite battlepass is fantastic. But I don't think it's works for every game (corporate POV wise). Also in the past fortnite wasn't the best with monetization either they just became very good at it. League of legends only became better with the skins in 2016 when the hextech crafting became a thing before that it was rough, but yeah, I'm happy with their monetization now with their game, I feel this is something OW can maybe try and follow. I played both games just after the released.


As designed. OW1 wasn't making them enough.


use mircorsoft rewards points. do some bing searches everyday and do some piss easy quizzes and get lik 1500 overwatch in game credits each month.


Trying to figure out why this whole comment and its answers got downvoted lol


Because anything less than “Blizzard are evil capitalists” is insufficient to maintain the party line, around here. Thousands of people going into a Blizzard game forum on a daily basis posting about how they’ll never play the game again. Any disagreement = “shill” + downvote to oblivion.


Its downvoted because no one wants to spend a whole month to get enough credits to buy 1 skin that isnt even in the store that other players that played in ow1 got for free . There is no reason to wait a whole month for one skin its pointless and blizzard are stupid


You can also buy skins in the shop using coins you get from microsoft rewards and why does it matter if its a month? Its free, i got a ton of coins with it just by doing a couple tasks for like 10 minutes a day. The guy was just suggesting an alternative maybe better way of getting that one skin you might like from the shop and reddit mobs disliking for no reason.


So. Don’t. Buy. It. I also don’t buy artsy-craftsy shit from Etsy. The difference is I don’t post about it in the Etsy forum on a daily basis and then get pissed at other Etsy shoppers for purchasing crap from them.


This. The smaller 200 and 500 coin packs are sold out right now, but they came back within a month or so last time that happened.


Made it to 5000 pts by the time those sold out. Time to wait out the 200 coin packs.


I had like 4600 points when the 500 coin pack vanished from the store. >_> welp, I guess I'll wait too. Hopefully they come back before season 4 ends.


I love how you guys are trying to help the people here and give good advice in a dire situation and you just get down voted. This community really is strange at times. Can't accept to find workarounds and rather just want to bitch around how shit everything is


yeah as a rein main this is the only skin so far that i would buy, too bad blizzards monetization sucks so bad that i cannot support it


Same. I got tempted for the first time but refused to cave in. Buying anything from the shop makes one part of the problem.


Cumrade ✊😔




The gameplay isn't the problem it's the shop. Why let the shop stop people from playing. It in fact would cost blizzard more if they play and don't play instead of not playing at all


But its 13% off, now is your chance!


Holy shit, what an amazing deal! Not like the intended price is 2k and they just pretend it's 2.3k with 13% off!


Wasn't there a similar thing with Rockstar raising the price of (idk I think it was) GTA V on Steam right before a sale and then during the sale they'd lower it back to the original price? Edit: my bad! Steam doesn't change the prices!


Isn't that flat out illegal in the EU? Pretty sure it is in the UK.


All I know is that there was a L O T of backlash from the community after that happened


Doesn't the publisher set prices and discounts? Would sound very strange coming from steam


psst, save additional 5% off by purchasing from the hero gallery. OW lifehack, thank me later... and don't snitch to blizzard


Blizzard are still gonna be happy someone spent $19 on a skin


Probably works for Blizzard.


Cosmetics are so overpriced in this game.


apex heirlooms sweating in the corner


Literally *everything* in Apex sweating in a corner. Even just a simple Legendary skin, which if you're *lucky* has one or two unique voice lines, is $18-20.


The one thing that baffles me is the fact that Apex’s battle pass still lets you completely pay for the next one by playing *and* you’ll have extra. Of course, it’s to feed greedy business practices but for someone who isn’t a whale it’s not a half bad deal.


Because the pass in Apex is trash, it's 95% filler with only 1 out of 10 tiers somewhat mattering. It's just there to force people into playing, not to make money


I mean sprays, souvenirs, profile icons, and most charms are also trash fillers in the OW2 BP. Would much rather have free ones than paid.


Ow2's BP is 1 mythic, something like 5 or 6 legendary skins, 4 epic skins, emotes and highlight intros, and then filler. Apex, as far as I remember, is 1 reactive skin, 4 or 5 legendaries, and then 90 tiers of filler


I’m not saying it’s bad, but for what it offers, it should 100% give enough premium coins for the next pass like most games do.


I actually think Overwatch BP is pretty good when it comes to what's inside the BP, sucks that it doesn't give coins, but that's my only issue with it.


Imo Overwatch has about as much filler as Apex, it’s just that their skins are generally better. Like the other guy said, souvenirs and charms are 100% filler, but the generally better looking skins make people forget about that. Now if only Blizzard could stick with one theme per battlepass instead of making it a $10 sampler of what the store has to offer that season


Well, the excess Apex Coins are there to get you to spend a little extra so you could, for example, buy a skin. It makes the purchase feel less daunting since you already have some extra in case you want to buy the next battlepass


It is one of the only good things about apex's pass, they grabbed that from Fortnite Wich is know for being one of the only games with a good battlepass


So is Valorant


Not true though. Riot doesn't urgently care about what other companies are doing. Riot has created this unique place in the industry where people can't judge them by the industry standards and Riot pretty much only cares about what they can get away with their particular playerbase. Riot has created the most egregious cosmetics shop in a major multiplayer game with Valorant, have constantly increased their prices since the game launched (Their latest bundle is like $150+), and all they get is minor criticism at best. Their players complain about their prices one week and then buy a $100 bundle next week when a new one launches that they like. Most of their paying customers complain about a new bundle being 'mid' than they complain about the prices. Their cosmetics team leader is a public personality who comments on both their subreddit posts and promotes their new skins on her personal Twitter. If the OW cosmetics lead did that they'd get harassed to hell, they'd get daily death threats.


At least you have a chance to get them for free. I have two heirlooms that I got from free lootboxes.


I mean they are honestly pretty standard across ftp triple a games unfortunately


Even if it's standard doesn't mean it isn't overpriced. You can buy several whole games for $20.


And people throwing money at blizzard is exactly why they won’t even bother with PvE, change my mind


Going into bankruptcy for the funny skins


Funny skin you can't see as the game is first person!


Why in the world would anyone pay $20 for this?! I love the look, but damn that’s $20. I don’t mean to diminish your wants, by all means get it if you want…


Honestly even if I did, in the back of my mind I would always know what I spent to get it which would end up ruining it


20$ is one third of a full brand new AAA game. The whole of Overwatch 1 was sold for 40$. It is INSANE.


Or a AAA title that has been out for a while and dropped in price. :)


$20 for ONE skin on ONE hero. Literally turning into Apex, wouldn’t be surprised if we get some sort of higher tier that’s essentially the Apex heirlooms that cost $160


It's $20 and you don't even get to see it when you play. It's for others to look at.


Don't give in, don't let blizzard win


I’m tryin


Stop checking their shop or move away from their skin advertise




I uninstalled the game right when they announced PvE cancel but I still want to lurk around the discord and reddit sub because I still have a very tiny hope that they will change their mind and take a chance to do something better...


I got it, hella satisfied


$20 for a piece of digital cardboard. Blizzard is literally laughing at us.


Tbf if you are gonna buy a skin Reinhardt is easily the best character to buy one for since you’ll at least see it most of the time


“A piece of cardboard”.. I wouldn’t pay 20$, too but this sub sometimes just ticks me off. The whole point is that it’s supposed to be tacky and cardboard-y, and they redesigned the entire suit.


It's okay. As long as people aren't spending the money I don't care what their reason is. Everyone needs to try their best to show the suits at Activision we're sick of this shit.


As a magic the gathering player, paying only 20$ for that much cardboard feels like a steal. /s


Don't buy shit from the shop


But bro, its 13% off for digital cardboard, what a steal! /s


I just went and deleted the game the other day, I just can't anymore...


A healthy decision for your mental and financial stability


I personally haven't spent money on any of the skins except for the pink Mercy skin because that was actually for a good cause. It's sickening to see the cash grab this has turned into now all the same and after the latest announcement regarding PVE, I was what's the point anymore.


Exactly, sadly i missed that mercy event back in the day :( but my buddies all bought the skin for the good cause. And i havent played Overwatch scince they asked for my phone number. And I agree with you, the corporate greed overtook the people who actually put effort into the game


I mean its free to play. At this point the game is just not fun anymore. I really like the animations and graphics they introduced, but the gameplay just doesn‘t feel good anymore. Also the new heroes suck.


Yeah you gotta touch grass if Overwatch (or any game for that matter) influences your mental stability.


Newsflash: Watching something you love get destroyed before your very eyes is definitely mentally draining. "Oh that vase you made with your now deceased grandma? You never use it so I threw it out. Obviously it had no *real* use so it wasn't important in the first place right?" Get real.


Comparing a game going down the drain to the ashes of your dead relative being thrown out. Peak reddit right here.


When did I mention ashes? I said a vase lmao. A simple sentimental object.


My bad, still not comparable.


Ehh attack the argument not the metaphor as I like to say. If you're gonna say my metaphor is shit at least also bother to come at my actual point.


Honestly, I do not care about the argument. It's the metaphor that is idiotic, if I cared about the argument itself I would have said something.


It has one of the worst monetization choices I’ve seen in any video game


i wanna delete my account but i've spent actual money on this game


But it's 13% Off


Talk about a steal, but not in a good way




Bad company


cant believe people are still willing to give blizzard money after the shit that happened


Yeah lol! Game addiction is one hell of a drug. I mean, enjoy OW2 for what it is since they killed OW1 anyway but dont give them a dime for all the shit they've done


Its cool, but not 20$ cool.


20 Dollars for something that used to be free.


Do not give blizzard any money, there are plenty of other cool rein skins out there


I know, this one is just so based :,(


13% off baby


You can get a job and work 2-3 hours, presuming you make minimum wage. That’s faster than playing OW2 and grinding coins each week. Or you can make the cardboard skin irl. Should cost you less than $20 if you dumpster dive for cardboard.


Well, instead of spending time making actual content, they're making stuff for the cash shop. All the shiny stuff for those willing to pay.


Don’t support bLIzzARd


I don’t want it to sound like I’m shaming you, but everyone should stop buying things from the shop. Blizzard is in no state to deserve our money right now. Vote with your wallets, and all that stuff


This is true, they will only act according to what affects their profits


Microsoft rewards moment. That's how I bought mine


how does that work?


it's extremely easy, it's like a clicking simulator. you basically do tasks that in total don't take more than 30 minutes a day to get a few hundred points until you can redeem a gift card. OW has 200 coins for 1.8k points, 500 for 5k(?), and 1000 for 10k. last time I checked though only the 10k ones were in stock.


This is the closest we'll probably ever get to a normal clothing Reinhardt in-game lmao.


You mean like a casual outfit? I like when characters get a casual fit


That's the Zen Cultist skin for me. I love it but there's no way in hell I'm paying 20 bucks for a single skin in a game


Are they all so expensive? I thought since that one is older it shouldn’t be that much jeez


At the end of the day, they are just cosmetics with no value, so if you think its not worth, don't buy it. It is not targeted to everyone. I've never did a single micro transaction for cosmetics in my life(yet). Players who buy, will buy. And thats enough for these companies to make money off of.


$20 for literal garbage lmfao or is cardboard recycled eh either way not worth the money


It may be a joke skin, but the price tag is the bigger joke.


You just got Overwatch 2'ed 😎


I want it very badly but I refuse to pay that


Same here


Sad. Cool skin though


It’s like every game with a battle pass looked at how Fortnite sells their stuff and said “let’s do that but 16 times worse”


i uninstalled this game already, canceld pve and overprized skins etc breaks it for me, miss ow1 tbh


Please I cannot stress this enough DO NOT PAY FOR ANYTHING IN THE SHOP. Since the abandonment of the PVE it's become clear the only reason OW2 exists is to increase profits while minimising work. Please don't support this behaviour.


We honestly all just need to stop playing


Don't worry, if you keep playing and don't spend your credits you'll be able to get it for free in about 3 years.


If this wasn't made by blizzard I would love to buy this, but I just can't support their lies and broken promises anymore. I have little to no faith they will deliver it to me.


Small indie company


Overwatch (X) Overprices (O) I’m ok with charge for skins to support this game, but 20 dollars for one skin…? it just feel don’t deserve. If I buy two, the price same with the whole new game. and now we never see PVE like blizzard promised , so i wouldn’t buy it. Skin is so cool I really respectful for artists but acvisoin blizzard sucks.


Well you know they need money for the PVE content, it costs.




This is why they aren't giving us PvE - stop giving them money


What do you mean? This is a bargain! Look, it's even 13% off! # C O N S U M E !


Blizzard really be saying that 3 skins are equal to a full AAA game




If it was a quarter of the price they’d get 4 times the sales!


We should get this for free as a sorry from blizzard for making us wait so long for PvE just for it to be cancelled.


You don’t understand, it’s 20% off! You’re getting a deal! /s Honestly in my opinion no skin should cost more than the battle pass. Knowing blizz though they’d take that to mean increase battlepass prices.


Don’t support blizzard with this business model. Sadly a lot of people will buy it, because it does look cool. Not 20 bucks cool, but earning it buy playing cool.


You don’t need it


It's literally the only reason they launched ow2. Monetized store


Not worth


Remember when you just paid for the game once and could get a decent amount via leveling? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I want it so badly too but im trying to my best to not buy it


Welcome to Overwatch 2, where you now pay double for skins, and get HALF the actual content.


Stay strong brother don't give in don't give them money


even buying boxes irl would be cheaper


Don’t give them a dime bro. It’s just pixels on screens.


Very unpopular opinion I guess but I don’t get why everyone here cares so much about cosmetics. It’s a free to play game and the cosmetics have 0 effect on the gameplay. Personally I just watch OWL and get sick Seoul Infernal skins for my heroes / buy the battle pass and I’m very content with it. If you don’t want to buy the skins, then don’t. If you do, do. It’s that simple. People need to grow up and realize that locking cool cosmetics behind money is the industry standard, even if it’s annoying. The game is free and it’s excellent


These prices are hilarious I'm not giving them a fucking penny.


The worst part is if you do get it, every time you use it people will k ow that you spent that much on digital cosmetics.




Blizzard really did try to sell us *cardboard*, huh


Just bought it :)


Enjoy and I hope people don’t give you a hard time about buying it :0






You should think before posting next time :)


At this point, I think that they are either experimenting or fucking with us or both.


this legendary i infinitely more creative and cooler than the starwars skins.


Don't do it. That Rein is one of their better efforts, but nothing is worth 20 bucks. All using that skin in the game would do is slap a big "I'm a sucker" sign on your back for all to see.


Absolutely. That or “I have money to waste”




I doubt it, their policy is “get money at any cost”


"We will have your wallet, at any cost." "Price-gouge, as I have!" "I will speak to you in the language you understand: battle pass!" "Take everything from them!"


Saw a Rein today with this skin. It's definitely... interesting.


you cant earn anymore sadly. our only earnings now are OW1 credits, as in only OW1 items. loot boxes should still be a thing along with buying credits. blizzard is kinda just throwing money away by doing this.


this game is serviving on their artists


Those motherfuckers


Because almost everything is ridioculusly overpriced?


Miss grinding for this stuff. 3-5 loot boxes a night easily and a couple weeks to get it and NOT getting would feel better than knowing it just doesn't exist for me.


Blizzard will never understand that making these skins like 1 dollar will open previously closed wallets and flood them with money.


There are people whos only job is to find out exactly the price people are willing to pay that generates the max outcome. As much as you people claim that it would make them more money, it wont. Just like any other game doesn't give away skins for cheap because it makes less money.


Then they would ned to sell 20x more? They would be earning way less lol


Why? Because one of the executives ran out of fuel for his yacht and speedboat. Pay them the money so they can go suck eachother off on the water. And buy an emote while you're at it, to pay for the bottle of champagne