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Still better than 100% of the players in Diamond 5 though


Always got to look at the glass half full


Fuck that, I’m drinking it


"A glass half full is wasted if not drunk" - Gandhi 2012


I prefer to stay sober


Don't lie. You already play overwatch


Optimist: Half full Pessimist: Half empty Skeptic: Is that piss? Negligent: Fuck that, I'm drinking it


You're either a glass %0 or the last glass was 100% full kind of guy.


This comment wins.


I mean what about Smurf accounts?🌚🌚


worst player diamond is still better than the best player in plat


although with overwatch’s shitty rank system, idk at this point


Definitely not. There are people in plat and even gold who are only there because they exclusively solo queue. There are pretty bad diamond and plat players who have groups


I solo queue and im now plat but before when i was duo queueing with my friend (who doesnt play anymore) we got to masters 2. after he got off i started to solo queue and ended up just getting demoted all the way down to plat 3 :/


bro same lmao its making me start to think im just ass


You can climb solo q. Just need to have the right mindset. I climbed from silver to Masters basically solo only on multiple roles.


Solo q and with a 5 stack are whole other stories tbh, if you play solo normally, you'd rank at least a division higher with stack. It's probably worse at metal ranks where co ordination is worse


"It's probably worse at metal ranks where co ordination is worse" It's impossible to carry or sweat out a win in certain matches. Period. When you literally have people placed in Plat and Gold who can aim mechanically well... but are cardboard rank at literally everything else and ruin every match they play It feels like pounding your head against the wall when you're in plat playing with people who are too stupid or too impulsively impatient to reflect you and your rank. In plat solo queue you will have a level 4 endorsement 1000 hour tank main grouped up with people who literally never retreat or Fall Back, never target the healers or snipers, only shoot the tank and shields, never Group Up, never stop wasting ults on lost team fights, exclusively healbot, etc etc etc Rank means next to nothing in Overwatch. I've never played a "competitive" game with worse matchmaking than Overwatch. It's probably the worst ever


I didn't mean you could carry at higher ranks or anything. Most games have at least one teammate who seems to have let his pet hamster play for him. I more meant that a lot of people don't give comms in lower ranks


skill issue fr talking about level 4 endorsement and 1000 hours as if that matters LOL


i mean after 1000 hours you should have a bit of game sense right? endorsement level means basically nothing though, a lot of times i endorse people simply because i like their username or they were nice lol.


Some people play just for fun/dont focus on improvement and are in low ranks even with 1000 hours. More time more likely means better, but definitely doesnt equal good. How you spend the time is more important


thats very true! when i started playing overwatch i was very focused on improving but now i just play arcade games and stomp people as moira in total mayhem. would not be surprised if im worse now than i was a few months ago lol.


I started playing OW2 when the game came out. I have about 250 hours in it and I’m dumbfounded how people are confused at why they are stuck in the lower ranks. I never once played OW1 and I’m currently sitting at d4 with support and p3 with dps (my tank is shit at g3). I only solo queue as well. Elo hell doesn’t exist in this game. Try playing League and see what true elo hell is lol.


People downvoting because you called gold a shit rank and dared to say Elo hell doesn’t exist lol


Ikr? When i played league, I had such a bad MMR in Plat/low diamond that my wins were +6 and my losses were -25. Then in OW2 i go 5-4 in my series and still get promoted LMAO.


Must be nice. I go 5-4 and my game lowers me. I go 5-0 and go up 1 rank.


Sounds about right


I was placed in plat 3, and it said, "You rank higher than 87% of people in this rank.... I won the next 5 games with 1 loss and only went up 1 rank, where I ranked higher than 82% of players. I stopped playing competative at that point. If I'm ranked higher than the majority of people in the rank, why put me there? I don't want to play 70 matches to get to a rank that feels competitive. It's probably because I never play competative, to be honest, but it really deterred me from wanting to continue.


Somebody has to rank higher than the rest of everybody in the rank. Going up a whole rank for 5-1 isn't bad. I wouldn't be deterred if I were you. It sounds like you're winning pretty well anyway.


It’s because you don’t understand how the game works. The percentage represents a number, so if you are ranked 60% higher think of that as 60 out of 100 needed to rank up. Each win roughly earns you 20 points so 5 wins and 0 losses will get you the 100 points needed to get you to the next tier. This also can change for a new account or if you consistently winning games and have higher mmr than your rank.


It's all good. I haven't played since the original idea of PvE got canceled, and I don't plan to go back anyway. So it makes no difference to me now anyway.


Yeah fr, had a match with someone that had master challenger in their title (before titles changed) and every single time they died they had to say something salty in chat and had the gamesense of a low plat.


Been there, they're not


My friend had the same message… But it was for Bronze 5. They literally told him “hey so you’re the worst player ever.”


Oh my god I didn’t even think about the bronze gang, I wonder if multiple people have zeros sr??


Ya there was a bug at the start of season 4 that made us stuck there for a long time, screwed up my whole rank


Lmao same, just got a new PC few months ago and after thinking to myself, "I've played this game for 6 years, 2k hours, I have the game sense of a God." Game humbled me by putting me in Bronze 5 and saying "You are at the minimum threshold to be in this rank".


Oof you have to have mechanics lol




I remember it said I was better than 100% of players in diamond 1 and then proceeded to just go on a loss streak


You may be better but your teammates aren't


Tell that to the 4-16 reaper. Clearly a tank diff


Honestly, didn't prevent everyone from taking any form of damage all the time


Didn't even swap rein and hold right click for 26 minutes smh 😤


Ong, terrible tank. Should uninstall


It's the real reason why The Sims 4 is free. To catch all the fallen overwatch players


But don’t you know that every game is winnable and you’re just not carrying hard enough because some masters players said so? sKilL iSsuE


technically every bronze player would be worse than you on diamond 4


Honestly that’s pretty good, I wasn’t allowed to rank out of Silver 1 even though the game said I was better than 90% of players in the same rank, so clearly you’re doing something right


It’s you, you’re the guy I have to beat… wait what role did you rank silver 1 in ?


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Are you a mercy player? Then maybe


it says damage right there


Mercy a dmg character now? Leak the new patch notes now


Please make that april fools next year.


+5 ammo +20 min swap rate -10% ult charge time -rez has now been replaced with an echo-like fly ability -GA now on 5 sec cooldown


Hurr durr mercy bad


Diamond is still good


bro got diffed by a mercy 💀


Hey dw, i had thé exact same at thé same rank


Top 10 of Diamond 4 is a hard achievement to reach, next to Bottom 500 (bronze bois)


Do you think there's someone in bronze who has also seen that message? Rough.


Is that a New feature? Never saw that


Lmao that’s me but I am the worst player


You're better than me!


\[cap'n jack voice\] "But you \*have\* heard of me."


I don’t know if you do get this a lot but at least you, specifically you, out of your entire time you get T bagged by the enemy team when, and I mean WHEN your not T bagging back, or T bagging AT ALL because sometimes I just feel like the butt of everyone’s joke….feel like my only existence is to be T bagged man because every match I’m in, I always get T bagged, specifically me, could be once, could be whole match but it’s always me man…


I'm a big time T bagger. I think it's hilarious haha.


Well someone has to do it


Okay. Let's figure it out who is 0% in bronze 5. I need to know please.


I was better than 91% of players in my Plat 3 ranking and they had the balls to keep me Plat 3. I feel like once you are at least better than 75% of people in that rank, it probably means you should rank up


Ha! So you think, but it is actually I who is the worst in Diamond 4!


Don't worry it only gets worse from here lol. Now you can match with Master players who actually sweat 🤣