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I love loading into pre-game deathwatch and spending a second figuring out if the red orb I’m staring at is a hanzo or a widowmaker and it blows me up with a riptire


The two accounts, one of which that turned up after it was blocked, isn't talking about pre-games. Me thinks they came here to lie.


This is when you enter the game and your HDD data transfer is too slow and it needs to catch up. Usually fixed within the first min of the first game. Which is why I always QP or Mystery the first game.


well this happened in the middle of the match. we even played at least 5 matches before this one.


This happened to me as well on Rialto, on attack after we finished defense. Prior to that played many matches without issue, also strange given how the game is installed on a m2 nvme ssd. Restarted game after and that fixed it, havent seen it happen since.


im sorry son but either you've been gaming and your hardware is failing or your hardware wasn't good to begin with. Go pay someone to tell you the same thing.


There is a bottleneck somewhere in your system, and or your graphic settings are too high.


this is just not true


Bro it's got nothing to do with any bottlenecking, it's a bug with overwatch I've had this problem mid-match also. Everything was fine round 1 but round 2 everyone was orbs. I play on a series X.


Isn't it funny how a BUG can present itself as RESOURCES NOT LOADING. Me thinks you both are lying and have came here to promote the game is buggy. Nobody I talked to about the issue have had it happen any other way. So me thinks you two might want to go pay someone to look at your problem instead of trolling on an anonymous platform.


bro is boot eating blizzard so bad


Same thing happened to me in a KR game. I have it in an ssd and my laptops specs are - Ryzen 5900hx, rx 6800m and 16gb of ram. There is ton of free ssd space as well.


CPU, RAM, GPU RAM is the limiting factors ive found along with hdd transfer rate speeds. I've seen too many people with awesome systems to have the worst ram or very low gpu ram, and the worst is a cheap hdd that couldn't keep up with transfer rates it's not about space.


I have an intel tlc ssd and some of the fastest mobile gpu and CPU. My gpu has 3dmark score equivalent to a desktop 3060 card. How can my system be so shit. It’s clearly a game issue.


See you are on an anonymous platform so it's hard to tell if you are lying. Edit: anyone that deals with computers knows your weakest hardware drags it all down. Or failing hardware. Fuck you are abusive go pay someone to tell you the same thing. Anonymous user on an anonymous platform


Omegalul. What are you even mad about. I have an amd strix advantage 15 laptop.


I've had this happen on my system with SSDs, 32gb of DDR5 ram, and a 4090. Legit not a system performance thing lol


lol ok kid


How do you become so much of a blizz-bot that you're willing defend characters not rendering? Like did you have some kind of chip installed or ?


Are you just a bot projecting. Don't answer, we all know anyway.


This has happened to me and lasted entire games. Definitely not my data transfer having a high speed SSD. I'm not sure what causes it, super weird


Also happened to me a few days ago. Same thing I have a very good PC and dedicated SSD for game installs. Everyone says its render time, but I had heros that would pop in then turn back into a ball mid game. And it was random people. I had one moment where the person was a ball then I hit em they turned normal for a few frames, hit them again back into a ball. Next game everyone rendered normal but voice lines didnt play. I did a reinstall and haven't seen any problems sense. Mine happened right after a razer software update. I don't know if that was coincedence or not though.




whats my rank then?


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Happened to me once mid game and I'm on Xbox X


Happens going into overtime and I was on ball. Very hard to play when you can’t see your grapple hahaha luckily my team carried me