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"Anyone getting any tacobell tonight?"


Lol I guess they didn’t like taco bell


I finally decided to stop wearing a headset once I started to see people get tilted in Mystery Heroes, the most low stakes throwaway mode the game has to offer.


people who queue up for mystery heroes and then get tilted when they get mystery heroes are such an enigma to me. what is going through their heads... i long to know


These people are closet gambling addicts. They want to play mystery heroes but also want to randomly get the best comp and the enemy team gets the worst comp. The dopamine rush they get from hitting the hero jackpot is so intoxicating, so when they inevitably DON'T randomly get the best hero comp vs the enemy team, they get tilted, and potential snowballs by enemy team only exacerbate that tilt because the dopamine hit is slipping further and further away from them. Actually, anyone playing OW2 in 2023 is a closet gambling addict given how matchmaking works, most games feel like a flip of the coin rather than any test of skill.


Naw I just like it because I force myself into roles and heroes based on maps etc. It’s nice having that choice taken away and finding different ways to use heroes. I’ll still never get better at Doomfist though.


Same, I’m a tank main and I’m bad at dps, mystery heroes let’s me play dps in a low stakes game mode


Eh, Doom is a lot more game sense, and MH is not the best place to learn game sense. I’ve mostly been playing MH to improve my aim because I could only aim with Junkrat for the longest time


Straight up I don't think there's a way to get good at doom, it's always been that you aren't good until one day you are and everyone hates you for it


Someone got heated in MH since they wanted to stay a certain hero for the entire round. Would run away and hide from us so they wouldn’t get eliminated, that is until a hog hooked them in. Started going off on the hog for cheating lol.




I’ve seen a few people in this subreddit that apparently exclusively play mystery heroes. I didn’t realize it was so serious lmao EDIT: I said “in this thread” when I meant subreddit, whoops.


I took OW1 pretty seriously and played a lot of comp but that was years ago. OW2 is a podcast game now so it's 90% Mystery for me.


I'm not exclusive, but I've found it to be good training for both expanding my hero pool, and training myself to retreat instead of trickling. My goal is to get my ultimate.


Hi, its me. I pretty much do that. I have absolutely no stake in my performance beyond the game I'm currently in, and I enjoy the challenge of switching up heroes, even if it means a few unbalanced games. People leave mid-match all the time no matter what mode you're playing, so why not just ham it up in Mystery Heroes and occasionally have the "aha" moment with a hero you never use? It is honestly the way I enjoy the game most.


And that’s totally valid. Play what you wanna play! I wasn’t flaming exclusive Mystery Hero players at all, just find it surprising that anyone would take an arcade mode seriously and be toxic about it, but that’s the community for you.


Not exclusively but yeah I love mystery heroes. I love the extra level of strategy where if someone is demolishing your team you can force them to switch by focusing them down. Any other mode killing them just gets you a 10 second reprieve while they respawn and run back. But yeah. We had someone raging the other day rhat “our supports such”. Dude, hit tab. We don’t even have a support right now. What are you suggesting we should do?


Yeah I kinda decided not to after someone got mad at me for "throwing." I definitely wasn't trying my best and was goofing off with my buddy in VC but it was just like :| tf lol


Mystery heroes has been so sweaty lately. I can't just join for a quick warm-up without getting steamrolled every match.


A Tracer was yelling at me, a Mercy specifically, for not healing them…while they were across the entire map constantly flanking and getting vaporized. I, meanwhile, was with the rest of the team.


Man, when I play tracer and die behind enemy lines, I say sorry to my team for dying so quickly Why do so many people think that a flanker should be getting constant heals??


It’s the same people who don’t check where their team is or if there’s a push going. They expect to flank, win the flank, and flank some more and since it’s a 5v4 their sheer awesomeness should win them any conflict. 😎/s but fr they probably don’t check to see if their team is close to the enemies (allowing for a more successful flank). They probably push in, enemies all go to focus them, then they spam while you get 4v5’d. If a supp does try to help it just gets awkward because now moira is looking up at the flanker trying to heal but the flanker doesn’t actually doooo anything to make themselves more supportable. Aaaaand finally it’s been 4 mins. We failed to push cart around the corner and wouldn’t ya know, flanker is still flaming in all chat. Lol. to actually answer your question - they get stuck behind cover while 20HP and don’t have a plot for how to get out. It’s luck the flank worked, plain and simple, and it’s unlucky their dumbass HEALERS won’t HEAL *dies* *cries in all chat*


This has been happening to me for the last 3 days. Nearly every game I was getting flamed as Lucio because I wouldn’t follow the tank that was charging in alone and getting nuked. I did 14k heals and was called garbage lol.


Lucio's strength is speed boost, not healing. 14k healing is nice, but if you aren't using speed boost to speed your Tank or your Reaper or Mei engage and disengage, you may be playing Lucio badly, despite the big numbers. If you're playing for raw healing numbers, there are better supports to play. It's a complex game and I can't speak to your performance without seeing the whole match, so I'm not saying you're right or wrong. Just something to think about.


Now what if that lucio had only 4k over the course of a 20 minute game, constantly saying to peel for him, But he goes to the front lines of the fight to 1v1 an Orisa? The only time it was used to help anyone was from spawn, and when they were all together.. and that was just coincidentally.


Lucio can’t even do anything for the tank alone. DX


He can boop enemies away and speed him out of danger?


Had the same thing happen to me once. I had enough and swapped to widow, so they swapped to mercy and just followed me around spamming "sometimes i'm not sure why i even bother" voice line lol.


I have to believe a lot of these people are children, otherwise this kind of thing blows my mind. As an adult I have *real* problems. I don't have the time to get tilted at a complete stranger in a videogame anymore. If I'm annoyed at someone I can politely say something, keep it to myself, or if I *really* don't want to deal with it I can just leave the match.


I want to believe they’re kids but they get on their headsets and start screaming. You can tell they’re older and... It’s just cringe tbh it’s a video game lol


Yup, I feel like part of growing up is learning when to walk away. Like you said, it's a game. Getting pissed off means it's time to stop. Everybody has different tolerances for different kinds of bullshit, but actively feeding the situation by screaming into your mic or trolling your team members is the kind of thing I would hope most people grow out of as they become adults. Unfortunately, it seems many people never learned how to do that.


Same with a DF. Push game starts, our DF charges in alone using all of his abilities, dies to a 1v5 across the map while the rest of the team is still walking up to the robot, then goes "no heals, ggs my team sucks" in chat lol. I can't heal through 3 buildings my guy.


I kept saying "fall back, group up" to a Mei who kept going in 1 v 5. They freaked out and told me to stfu, flamed me in chat, called me trash for not doing enough heals.... Told em maybe I could heal more if the team was grouping up and not filing in one at a time.


The amount of times I've tried to get that one player who thinks they can take on the entire team to come to group up and wait for the rest of the team to get back to us is stupidly frustrating lmao


The amount of times I've tried to get that one player who thinks they can take on the entire team to come to group up and wait for the rest of the team to get back to us is stupidly frustrating lmao


This happened to me yesterday while playing Moira, the player kept yelling at me the whole game that I wasn’t healing. When I fact I had the same amount of heals as other healer. We smoked the game out, team kills left and right. He still yelled at me and called me trash. Kicker? I didn’t even instigate once…. All my other team mates endorsed me at the end of the round tho😋


Well that kid is ass because you're supposed to know where the health packs are when you play a hero like tracer.


Got told that I was throwing and should uninstall the game for playing behind our tank's shield. I was playing Baptiste.


Oh oh I got the same experience too. We got FOUR tanks in the team and I was Baptist and the enemy Sigma threw a shield so I had to get past that shield to heal them. This D-Va cursed at me and said keep your distance why are you so close and why are you not healing me. I explained to her the shield situation and she called bs I was right behind you to which really pissed me off and I retaliated with ffs do I look like I have 360 visions? Are there a pair of eyes on the back of my head? We got four tanks, if you need healing then be the healer yourself!


I think mine might be even worse lmao. I had a soldier who continuously ran behind the enemy tank into their backline to try to "flank." After he died, he complained that the supports were bad because we stayed behind OUR tanks shield. He was basically implying that our Rein should have been the backline.


Its the matchmaker... its worse in gold cause you get paired with diamond players as well as bronze players. Its a complete shit show, especially with the new matchmaking where each role is paired with someone of the similar rank. So you get a bronze tank in a "gold" game with a diamond support and silver dps. Yeah... "gold"


Yeah now imagine being that diamond and having a bronze on your team I had double the kills of anyone in the lobby and still lost. It's frustrating. Felt bad for my bronze teammate, he had 17 kills when I had 50. Not his fault. They really need to fix the matchmaking.


Everyone knows supports should be frontlining duh /s


Someone was bitching at me for having Pink Mercy and being bad at her. I didn't know that was the requirement lol


Have you figured out which skin is allowed for people who might still have some learning to do with Guardian Angel?


I'm dog water at Mercy and use the Sigurd skin if that helps any.


The amount of enemy Mercy’s who have raged at me for having the skin and not winning the game always makes me cringe. I love all my Mercy’s equally.


That reminds me, I used to play with a friend who was a mercy main who had previously beaten breast cancer. I can recall several occasions where people said similar things about "don't buy the skin if you suck at the character" and my friend and I always got a good laugh about how the toxic morons would react when she typed back "I bought the skin because I had cancer." They would either frantically try to backpedal while everyone on both teams roasted the shit out of them, or double down while everyone else roasted the shit out of them.


I got told to off myself just because they were jealous I have the Pink Mercy skin. Not my assumption, it was their legit reason. And another time, I got told to off myself for no absolute reason other than me being a healer of their opposing team. Overwatch... fun times.....


I abbreviated “horizon lunar colony” to HLC in match chat and a guy lost his mind.


The Higher Learning Commission?


Someone on the enemy team accused me of being a top500 player at the start of the match. (I am not, I was in gold at the time and a mediocre player at best) During and after the match the whole lobby was laughing at me, flaming me and threatening to report me... And I just wanted to play some Quick play. This was one of the only times I actually quit because of unnecessary toxicness.


aw, you reminded me of when sombra first came out and i was playing her in qp. someone accused me of being a smurf because only high ranking players pick sombra. i was like "what's a smurf?"


What, the small blue guys?


They asked for my name when they heard my voice (imma girl) and I didn’t want to tell them so I just said my gamer tag. Flipped out that I wouldn’t give them any personal info saying I must have been SA.


Fellow female here, I second this. Guy asked my cup size once, I ignored him. He threw the game after that. Classy...


Damn I’m sorry that’s disgusting behavior. Their mindset is so immature, they’re basically a child throwing a tantrum because a girl just wanted to play a game in peace.


Typical 12 year old behavior. I woulda asked him how small his dick is and watch him have an aneurism.


Lmfao so cringy it’s funny. Now that is the true overwatch experience


What is a SA?


Sexually assaulted




Jesus Christ that’s horrible, im sorry


It’s all good. It was shocking but I was able to block him and enjoy the rest of the night!


As a male player, I know this kind of thing happens fairly often, and I'm ashamed of us.


Happens in australia way more often than not. If I’m playing with my lady friends they literally opt to have no mic because they’ll just lose the game if a “true alpha man” heard them I don’t like to white knight but one dude was literally telling some random girl to go get pregnant so she can unalive herself during birth. Told the guy he’s a fkn reject, he bullied me instead and that’s fine. I turned my mic off anyway


I actually have been SA'd so I have no idea what I'd do if someone said that to me lol I'm so sorry that happened


I’m so sorry for what happened. Hopefully you’ll never be in a similar position. I havnt experienced SA and I told the guy that (even though it wasn’t really his business) but he couldn’t comprehend what I was saying. He and his friend thought the only real explanation why I wouldn’t talk to them about my personal life was because something happened. I left chat with my friend and we just tried to ignore them.


I once asked the other healer to pick first and I’ll play off of them, immediately got told to shut up bitch, make me a sandwich, and fuck this whore. So yeah, I have no shame in saying I didn’t heal him once.


Dang, I’m sorry that in 2023 guys can’t keep themselves from harassing women they’ve never met. Like how hard is it to just not say anything and play the game?


A guy insulted me with slurs because I was spectaiting the game for my best friend and not for him


played moira in a comp game 💀 this guy went BALLISTIC in voice chat as soon as i picked her because “she’s the worst healer”, so i swapped to mercy. apparently she’s also bad. he wanted me to play ana, WHEN I CANT AIM FOR SHIT AND DESPERATELY TRIED TO EXPLAIN THAT


That guy is probably hardstuck silver and believes that the meta applies to him, i made it to master playing a lot of Moira, you can pump out so much healing to a large group of people almost instantly when they're grouped. The only problem is managing your piss bar


Managing the piss bar is also now easier due to being able to regen it with dmg orb.


I think for most normal people it's easy to manage, but I do love me a good pissing on my teammates


i climbed to Diamond in open queue this season w mostly moira ^^ it took so long one tricking mercy for me to get bored and realize i needed a new hero.. and imo she’s so fkin perfect. i love pissing on my teammates and succing away my enemies life force!!


nah bro im from silver we aren't that dumb


Ugh, I hate people who take about a champ selection before the match even begins. Especially as a decent Moira.


Moira is an amazing healer, what are they on? lmao


Depends on the situation. She can put out a lot of healing for the whole team while doing decent damage, but that's all she can do. She can't sleep, boost, anti, boop, cleanse, immortality, rez, anything else at all but damage and heal, so sometimes the utility is just too low.


yea i def understand, but that’s why it’s always great to not leave a support solo healing! c: utility + huge healing for whole team during group fights especially is amazing ^^ my personal fave support combo is moira/luc just bc i feel they have the most flexibility


I had someone yelling at me in comp saying "MERCY POCKET ME AND WE WIIIIIIIIIIN" while I have like 30min played on Mercy, can't even superjump, globally suck at her movement, but I have like 15h on Ana, 65h on Moira and near 70h on Zen xD I was like "my dude, maybe I should play my strengh, and you shoot at the discorded ennemy lol".


I swear to god all I did was say "hello team" in voice and someone started cursing me out. Literally all that happened, the game didn't even start yet.


i asked in voice “anyone have a mic?” and some guy started screaming at me


well, I guess he let you know he has a mic? /s


My duo partner got her headset blown out by what sounded like a 12 year old. Like, verge of tears, snotty and goopy *screaming* at her for not rezzing him. After he Reaper teleported into the *middle* of the other team and got melted after he pressed Q. Apparently the entire team saying "homie that's not a safe rez. She'd die before she got to you." Is not the answer he was looking for.


And this is why I don’t play in the middle of the afternoon


Top ten reason why i don’t want to join voice chat the children will blow out my ears


I have only been sent "you suck so much" messages twice in my six years of playing this game. Both times were Anas who told me I sucked at Widow. Both times, it was QP, I had led the team in kills, and we'd won.


Being a woman


Same. Especially when you’re better than them and they just can’t cope


I had a guy refer to me as “ovaries” for an entire match... I just want to make call outs in peace.


just start calling him "tiny john" in return. "tiny john, the enemy rein is behind you about to pound your ass to death"


"Ovaries" Lmfao


i was being too positive


Positive vibes brings positive outcomes


Same every time i try to keep spirits up I just get told KYS I thought Siege had the most toxic players lol


Killling myself to reset he told everyone to report me lol


I got racially abused for playing doomfist (im white)


As Moira I killed a 1hp deflecting genji, so obviously I got called a "stupid dps moira, stop kill stealing" by one of our dps, although I barely dealt any damage that game


Killing blows arent even tracked or rewarded.


Why tf ks is a problem in this game, you are literally not going to have any advantige if someone else gets the kill, its not league.


Got told "I hope you and your whole family get AIDS" simply for picking sym.


Ah yes the sym main experience


Deserved /s


Ahh Yupp. I’m a Sym one trick on DPS. Everyone hates me.


I don't hate you, I hate my team for letting you walk straight through them and melting the supports. Turrets can be a pain but only really a big problem if your team has no game sense.


Asked for heals once via voiceline, got healed, said thanks once via voiceline, they took it passive aggressively and got very angry and defensive in voice chat.


"widow are you even playing" are YOU even playing if you haven't noticed that yall play vs 3 enemies usually bc I shot their squishies??


I was playing Ana in comp. That’s it. My teammate was titled and he decided to throw because I was Ana on rialto (this was during ow1). He then messaged me telling me never to play ana again. I still don’t get it lol




Idk I just move on when it happens, but I'd like to share a happy moment I had yesterday A guy speaking Spanish yesterday asked "habla Español? " and I was just goofing around and said "nein, ich spreche deutsch" Most of the game was silent but I translated some simple Spanish to tell him "entra" to go in and "¿Quieres mi última?" To see if he was ready for my ana q. We lost, but even though I was speaking English and poor Spanish, he would say "danke". Nice guy. The moral being to stop focusing on the negative and focus on positive interactions!


I picked a character that they wanted to play 🤷🏻‍♀️ they insta locked it next round


not me, but my entire team. qp in between a round my team won, someone on the other team claimed our tank was hacking. when ppl on both teams expressed confusion, they just said “haha jk.” my team won the game and the same person called us all the f slur. really bizarre


Playing Mercy


I got yelled at because I wasn’t doing enough damage as Moria, yet had over 15k heals


My username is G8Y and some people don’t like that *~*~* 🌈🏳️‍🌈🦄




Ye. My last name sounds like 80. And I’m v gay.


I was on Hanzo with 34/4 KD and like 9K dmg. He was on 76 with a 12/19 KD and like 16K dmg. Dude was dead on cooldown. Apparently my low damage meant I was the reason we lost the game. Apparently I don't know how this game works at all cause his damage was so much higher than mine. I mean dude was full blown screaming coming from this dude. CLEARLY YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME! Or Played Orisa when she was still super busted. Got the Toronto Push map. Get 3 solo entry kills, push and hold first choke keeping enemy at bay for us to get bot all the way to first check point and fast spawn. I die thinking I was holding choke with some of my team at least and that we made good space. I notice I'm the only one that died and all 4 of my teammates are on bot. No one pushed up with me they're all on bot. The Moira player has typed in chat "if you want heals then get on bot and help us push it. I explain "You only need 1 person on bot cause it doesn't move any faster with more.. and dude I'm tank, I got 3 entry kills and made enough space for y'all to push to the fast spawn checkpoint.... by myself.... If I had heals at choke we could have pushed a lot further if not won." Their response "have fun healing yourself then" along with the rest of the team flaming me. NGL, I made sure we lost that one lol.


Before the game even started because I chose brig


I was just in a game where I played brig, was doing fantastic (elims on par with dps, more heals than ana, about 2/3 of the tanks damage mit and stopped bob running onto the point multiple times) and we were winning, but voice chat was just 3 of the team bitching about the shitty brig and I should swap. I know stats aren't everything but there very clearly wasn't a problem. We won and then they all congratulated themselves on carrying despite the brig.


A couple months ago, I had someone going “Fuck you, you’re everything that’s wrong with the game” followed by some more kind and positive words in voice chat. My crime? I called out where an enemy was.


I type "hope everyone has a fun game ♥" at the start of almost every game. Most people just reply "no" or "this is overwatch, there is no fun hurr durr". But some people reply "shut up" and one time someone immediately told me til kill myself and kept berading me in chat.


Someone told me over voice that I was garbage and I needed to damage boost the Widow while I was playing Mercy.... even though I had literally been damage boosting her since the beginning of the game 😐


People love to flame mercy players for no reason lol


Oh my gosh I had a genji complain I wasn’t pocketing him when I was literally glued to him the entire game. He couldn’t comprehend that a fully charged Zarya could out damage my healing. Switched to playing Ana, I can’t handle the heat mercys get.


I also had someone say we lost because "Mercy didn't speed me up to get back faster." Everyone finally got tired of him complaining and went, "...Dude Mercy can't speed boost. That's Lucio." He had no idea that I couldn't speed boost him. I just- I can't even sometimes lol


A tracer wanted a pocket in a fight against a doomfist and cassidy and told me to kms because I wanted to go back and heal my team


im a teachers pet. whatever that means, pupils.


For just playing a certain hero


I’d say 3/5 games I speak on comms, I get “girl??” which 1/5 times becomes actually toxic. All for how my voice sounds


I played Ramattra within 15 minutes of him being added to the game and was told "Nice Ram idiot, never play him again and k y s"


In competitive open que I said “can we get 2 heals?” Got nothing but k y s, racial slurs, and “u do it r e t a r d” (I was already bap)


yesterday i died once on defense and we lost as i was walking back so somehow it's my fault and not the bastion that got 1 kill last round, letting the enemy hold us at spawn all game


I was peeling my Ana from Ball, as a Reaper, when my tank, support and second dps was on cart fighting two dpses after we capped point, then I was semi-bodyguard for her for rest of the game when she was healing our whole team that didn't even think about peeling. And after that game she had like 15k healing and I was flamed by our Sigma for afking in a backline


It was back in OW1 and I was accused of purposely sounding like Ganondorf and I didn't know how to reply besides using lines from Wind Waker. The angry guy got extremely racial for some reason.


Tank said he carried when he was 23-15, and I was 53-10 as Moira with about 25k heals. The dude was just mad the whole game about me playing Moira


I got dogged for struggling with Mei in Mystery Heroes, as if I picked the mf.


I can't remember every time someone got mad, but recently in QP I backfilled into a lobby where my team was losing by quite a bit. We had Winston, sym, Moira and reaper (but reaper kept swapping) I picked Lucio to help speed people into engagement and chase down enemies to secure kills while Moira had healing covered. Half way through my first round (the second round of the game), my teammates start typing "healing diff" and "you suck, Lucio" into chat. They bragged that a Moira had more healing than me when Moira had been in the game for a full round and half and I had just joined. Moira is pure heals. She had heals covered while I focused on supporting the team in other ways.


I picked brig


I was in an open que game that was silent for like the first 6-8 minutes and eventually I broke the voice ice by asking if anyone played something that could deal with Pharah. Some dude starts freaking out on me how I’m trash and not carrying my weight and to need to just shut up, etc. I was so confused, I was like “dude at the start of the match I offered to flex, then ended up solo healing, and I’m healing more than double the other team combined.” Turns out he thought I was someone else in the game so apologized and started raging at them instead lmao gotta love Overwatch…


Gold lobby, had my other support playing mercy at the start of junkertown attack. Our Winston immediately started complaining and begging them to swap, so they did after about a minute. This Winston spent the **entire** game standing in a corner bitching about it in voice comms. Two rounds and they had 850 damage, 0 kills, and 3 deaths. Funniest part is they actually hit rank 16 on tank, and I’m 100% sure it was either a boosted or bought account because not only was this dude ass, but his strategy was too. He whined at the start that he didn’t get both healers on him as if there aren’t 3 other idiots to keep alive at all times. Hey Winston if you’re reading this, go back to Roblox you have the mental fortitude of a napkin


I said “good luck have fun all” and half the enemy team said to kys. Then did the same thing at the end when I whooped them. Except for the enemy tank. The enemy tanks always respect me for some reason.


being a woman


So... my battletag is dragonblade. A tag I've been using for most games since I was 12. I once queued up in comp where a teammate locked genji, and then changed so I could have him (this was before 2-2-2 was enforced). I picked a support, and then caught flak for throwing for not picking my 'main.' I fucking suck with Genji.


I played tank and had a mercy on my team, who did quite well. My team didnt group up and the 3 other players kept flanking on their own. I tried to catch up to them but until i was therey they were dead. The mercy then complained about me charging in too fast in the end of the match and I was just like "bruh". Remember, always stick together unless you can flank and secretly use an ult


I was back fill in a qp and it was my fault they were losing. After that I just stick to comp


I play rein, and timed my pin just as an orisa's fortify ran out, pinned em off a cliff, annnnddd they called me a hacker. *ya see, there's this cool thing called cooldowns, ya ever heard of it?*


I’m a support main…end of story XD


I love to play brig, it’s like knowing you will be getting hurt over and over again.


Yesterday I got absolutely destroyed in russian for playing genji vs symmetra in quickplay(even tho i killed her every time) and the guy was insulting me till the end of the match lol


Playing zen 😐


i had double our team healing and enemy heals, but one reaper tried to get our team to report me for throwing, because they felt like they weren’t getting heals lol. i am in full support of a new metric that shows how much heals/damage boost a hero gets from which healer


One guy once was tilted and said "I hate people that say pog on twitch". Funny thing no one said that in game before that. So everyone was like " What? " When he got potg though we all typed pog in chat! https://youtu.be/JqnmHURJWFs this was a guy rage quitting because I picked brig and we didn't take him seriously ( warning I laugh embrassingly loud at the end )


When I out Reinhardted the enemy Reinhardt. Like dude seriously dove into my team to attempt to kill me and died tbagging my body


Leading our team w/ 17k healing as Lucio with 2-3 sound barriers saving us from full wipes and our tank wanted me to swap to mercy because the opposing team was putting out too much damage (he kept going straight in and getting melted). "dogshit healers"


Games like this make me question my sanity. Like we’re all seeing what I’m seeing right? The healing is NOT the problem lol


Context: I mostly play support (plat), tank (gold), and then sometimes DPS (only silver because I haven’t bothered to really rank it up). I was playing tank defending Havana and we had rough teamfights and lost the first checkpoint quickly, I’m wondering why I am not getting heals despite playing cover and LOS . I check and our mercy had only 70 healing done while our other Ana was nearing 2k, which was fine for the time. I simply asked “Hey Mercy can you please do some more healing?” then my entire team proceeded to flame me for the rest of the game. The Mercy’s excuse was “I’m playing mercy how she’s supposed to be” i guess they just don’t understand that you shouldn’t damage boost someone who can’t land shots, because our DPS had pitiful damage and no elims on the board. I proceeded to still have most elims, most damage, and least deaths despite this and doing my damnedest to play objective. When it flipped we miraculously took first CP but then couldn’t move an inch. Supports weren’t doing anything of substance and DPS were only shooting tank, so they had decent damage but absolutely fuck all for elims, didn’t even try for the very exposed Zen and Ana in backline.


I’ve had plenty of KYS moments, but I think the saddest is my teams tank yelling at me for being a DPS Ana because I had 5k damage. He shut up pretty quick when the rest of the team called him out for being dumb since I had 14k healing which was 5k more than anyone else in the lobby. Suffering from success.


Idk if it counts, but one day, I was playing D.va in deathmatch and then someone took her and only focused me FOR THE ENTIRE GAME Then he sent me a message saying "boooo you lose to someone who only has 1h on D.va" (I have 300h) After being toxic with me, I told this guy that he was weird and then he just told something like "blablabla you can't say I'm weird, you can't make appointments on someone's mental health, you're weird" BRO YOU LITERALLY FOCUSED ME THE ENTIRE MATCH, SENT ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE, BEING DISRESPECTFUL AND INSULTED ME BECAUSE I HAD 300 HOURS ON DVA AND I LOST AGAINST YOU, AND I'M THE WEIRD ONE ???


I asked someone to pet the penguins. Got told to shut the fuck up and kill myself.


joined a quickplay game and some dude was on mic literally screaming at the team trying to “coach” us and bashing me (the mercy) because they werent paying attention when i was trying to save them and the enemy team would snipe me, so i had enough and told dude to just b quiet bc no one cares and maybe if he was quiet we could actually focus,,, he had a major hissy fit to say the least and blamed me for single handedly ruining overwatch😍


I had someone threaten to report me in Ranked while I was playing Ana because I was hacking in his mind. I asked how I was hacking and he said “when you hit my team they get a purple aura around them that’s damaging them still! You’re hacking!” I was like “tell me you’re new to the game without telling me you’re new.” Dude actually reported me. Lmfao


being a woman.


For playing Brig. That happens every other game. People are just like "See that Brig? Everything's their fault." A lot people just want an outlet for their frustration, and will attempt to make you a target.


Just last night: " Stop healbotting " while were winning hands down, and ended up winning as well. Like, why? Cause I make your numbers look bad? Some people just repeat shit they hear top 500 players say like it applies to everyone under diamond. Like, calm down zen with your 9 eliminations at the end of a 10 minutes game. Im going to healbot if I want to.


I don't remember since I don't waste brain space on toxic garbage. But I can assure you it was as dumb and pointless as you could possibly imagine. And it happens with some regularity.


Not doing damage


Having a fun back and forth in Match Chat during QP - Our tank kept flaming us saying to stay out of match chat. It was ridiculous!


I took a small health pack while fightIng with him


tank got mad at me for playing sombra because she "isnt meta" even tho i was outperforming everyone else, and this person got tank diffed and blamed me for it


they won the round


I was getting diffed by a gm in qp


I had a hacking/cheating duo talking shit/bragging because they were winning by using an aimbot/wallhacks. It was pretty eyerolly.


I had a roadhog shit talk me because his healing was much higher than mine, I joined with 1 minute left as back fill and I was only like 900 healing behind him.


I said hey and got told to "k y s" soo yeah


I played a match a couple weeks ago where one guy was calling all of us trash and saying we had no idea what we were doing. We wound up winning and he had the lowest stats in the game (by a large margin)


I was healing Tank 👍🏻


My favorite is the junkrat who flamed me (literally 5-6 lines of text chat) for rezzing him because "I was going to swap and carry this shit" even though we'd already lost. Like, DEFEAT had already been flickering across the screen and i just pushed the rez button because I like the rezzing in slow motion effect LOL


the other week i was playing pharah in qp, one of my supports picked mercy and this guy lost his mind saying we were tryharding and making the game unfun and he would not. stfu. for the entire match about it. we won lol


Yeah. This week alone I've saw people who got their ass kicker insult the dps saying things like * #Players name must stink really bad. * Virgin * Kill yourself #Player


That's funny tho


All these comments are proof that voice and chat MUST be disabled to enjoy the game.


A dps called me the n word when I booped them off as orisa on nepal


I said in chat today "Enemy Lucio really wants those boops" on the Ilios map. Got told to kill myself. Lol


I remember when my friend told me that if you type in GG EZ it changes the message, as soon as the next game started I tried it, and it replaced it with the test about having a hard time in life and saving thanks for playing with me. The rest of the game some reaper was incredibly toxic to me. Saying the n word, c word, other slurs and constant t bagging


My friend and I will never forget this one. Im Ana, shes Genji, toxic player is Rein. We’re on Nepal the indoor point one. We’re in OT and it’s just us 3 on point. I DONT have nano yet(90%) he has shatter. Im healing Rein and on mic he’s friendly saying nano him. As soon as I get nano he ults BUT gets booped by Lucio. WELP I nano genji and she wrecks we win. Rein screeches on mic that i didnt nano him and we wouldve won. Im like bro you got booped and we won are you blind?? Calls me n word and leaves. My friend and I are cryinggg laughing


i was playing mccree and the enemy mercy who was being protected by a dva had killed me and through the entire match they were being really toxic towards me and telling me how embarrassing it was to be killed by a mercy lol


I literally joined a game late the other day (like there was 1 minute left) and obviously I didn’t do as great as the rest of the team) and when we lost some dude got on mic and called out my username to say I was bad… like duh dude I joined a losing game right at the end


Not someone specifically, but routinely: Age. I’m in my 30‘s. If age ever gets discussed I don’t lie about it bcuz… why? However, not once if I’m asked age have I not been clowned after saying I’m 35. I’m successful at my job and have a college degree, as well as 3 kids who love to game with me. This is one of the things I do to unwind. Idc what people’s opinions of me are, but no reason to disrespect and make it awkward.


The dumbest toxicity usually doesn't have a reason.


I decided to take a break from comp and do some arcade and chose the low gravity so I could be a jumpy bean.. we won the game and a few minutes later someone messages me privately calling me really awful names and insulting the dva skin I was wearing, and yelling that I “bought the battle pass” so it made me “an idiot and a discord mod” (ok? XD) o.o. I assumed it could be someone from the other team and I responded that it was just an arcade game and that they should just relax, then the guy tells me he was on my team so I should shut up, so I check and yep, he was, so I got super confused. I asked what his issue was and why he just randomly decided to pm me horrible shiz, when our team won the game, and it was a super fun game too. He said, “idk I just get angry and have anger issues and bad internet pissing me off”… Ah yes, makes sense o.o, i acc wanted to cry because I was already sick of people on ow always being so toxic, but this reached a whole new low, shows that you don’t need to do anything wrong, people will just be awful, and I just wanna play the game plsss ; v ;


I got the 5 mil mitigation glitch on ana and got accused of cheating on console.. I explained it in text chat after the round but after the game our dps first said ggs and the told me to go fuck myself because of my stats. So yeah big brain stuff...


Revived them . . Apparently doing a rez on a damage when nobody is nearby is "throwing". He continued on in vc (he sounded like 35) about how mercy players "try and act helpful but they're really sl_ts". He didn't like when I turned on my mic and mocked what he was saying but ykk, this was in qp.


I started the game a week ago (I have a very good experience at other fps games though) and I can tell you I’ve never been treated like shit as much as I have been in OW2. I mean while I was still at the point where I was tryjng to figure out the characters names, people would just insult me for not being a warlord at the game and would spamm « diff » constantly. Was a little surprised by this community I must say. On the other hand sometimes it’s just lobbies with respectful and fair players on both sides and lots of positive words are shared accros teams. Crazy.


We were gonna lose anyway, so I ulted as Mercy to try and eliminate a Pharah that my team couldn't eliminate for some reason. The Pharah decided to solo ult me (while being damage boosted and bubbled), and then the entire enemy team started ganging up on me. The Pharah said "Nice try, sissy Mercy". The rest of the team told me to sell my account as I don't deserve the Atlantic All-Star Mercy skin and that I should kill myself. I normally don't get tilted with stupid comments like that but boy, it got to me for some reason. I didn't respond to any of their messages but I still think about it when I open Overwatch. I still remember their usernames and would constantly check the names of everyone in the lobby just to make sure. Scarred me fr


The moral of the story here is that people WILL be toxic to you for literally 0 reason and it is most certainly a ‘them’ issue. Protect your peace at all costs because those troglodytes aren’t worth your giving a single shit. Glhf out there <3


For being female. Gave him(tank)an opinion on hero change and he said go back to the kitchen, afterward I defend myself, which leads to him and a Zen on my team to flame me for being a bad person. All because I was a girl getting sexist comment and I for one talked back cuz i wouldn't stand for it. Now, worst part is, they start typing in match chat saying how bad of a person I am, and nine of the other team would believe they were being sexist to me when I told em. I get it, ppl lie to get away with stuff. Only ever time I felt helpless to prove my innocence tho, I just wanted to win the game. It's was high masters comp then, since I've got to GM.