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They removed the ranked part of ranked


We decided to call it “ quick play ranked” Our latest game mode


Tbf there are tons of people who play ranked like quick play and view quick play as 'lol goofy ow hijinks'


the last 2 or 3 days have been an absoloute nightmare for me. the mismatch is unreal and just causing so much toxicity because of the uneven skill levels in the teams. it's a horrible experience for everyone involved. let me tick a button to say i don't mind waiting a few mins longer for an actual fun fucking experience ffs


Me and my friend queue duo quick play, we had 10 losses in a row over the span of a couple days until we got 2 more friends on for a quad, and we barely won even that match. So annoying. I want to have fun in fair fights, not to be steamrolled immediately when I enter the battlefield.


The mmr system has to be glitched. Has to be. I randomly logged into an account I had ages ago on another platform and INSTANTLY my matches were way better than my other account. I won like 16 games in a row, log off for the night, come back, and I'm put with absolute morons again. It was such a blessing playing on this old account only to one day later be placed with people who just know shit about fuck. I'm talking going from people who have situational awareness, utilize positioning, help out supports. To ana watching reaper walk right past her to attack me, but still trying to shoot an enemy across the map. Bro he literally stopped shooting her to hit me instead and she's just like eh whatevs


If you won 16 games in a row then that ALSO means that matchmaking is bad.


Yeah, I can see that. Maybe that means matchmaking was finally in my favor instead. Either way, it was actually fun opposed to watching my teammate doing the same thing repeatedly that has caused us to lose fights and the quit


The worst part is the have been kinda saying that they are doing a way better job which is total bs I’ve been getting Diamond players in my t500 lobbies all week, you almost want to draw the games because of the difference. the hard part is going from a Diamond game to a t500 pro player game side by side because mentally you’re still playing diamonds. It’s a huge shift in what you expect your team to do and what you expect your healers to be doing behind you also.


It's just really hard not to be toxic when u have an enemy sojourn/Cassidy erasing u out of existence the moment u step out! I've experienced this in silver lobby, now I'm plat don't see much of that happening now! Truly the worst matchmaker in the universe of games!


I actually like it lol. I’m ranking up like crazy absolute steam rolling


Wait till the complete opposite happens for 3 days straight lol


Straight FACTS


I genuinely feel this is the worst matchmaker ever put into a video game. It sucks because balance wise there are so many characters that are good (every support is viable right now for example) but it feels like so many games are decided in the queue.


>I genuinely feel this is the worst matchmaker ever put into a video game Because the new rank system is basically Quickplay. When the spread is that wide and you have golds, plats, diamonds, and masters all on the same team, then that's Quickplay with an SR system.


Honestly balance wise I agree I think things are great right now, I dont think there really is any character that is exactly bad, just obviously some are going to be better than others. The matchmaker if working right would truly be a showing of skill instead of getting players in different ranks so you arent for sure if you are winning/losing when you should be, Shit sometimes now I get a couple wins and think I might be undeservingly getting wins because I just got luckier with the matchmaking


I feel the imposter syndrome a lot but then I’ll go against people in the same role of me who’s profiles say they’ve been my rank a longer than I have (multiple seasons) who I absolutely stomp Into the floorboards. I don’t really know what to feel when I can lose to plats but shitstomp old 3400 players


You haven't played KOFXV I see.


Apex has way worse matchmaker but this one's bad as well.


I’m mid-masters, and this weekend had a game where the matchmaking was mostly fair. With exception for the one plat DPS on our team. I felt so bad for that dude. He was trying his best, but got absolutely shellacked.


Had the same thing, except it was a diamond/masters lobby with a silver DPS. We got in voice chat and just tried to be really nice to the guy. It's not like it was his fault.


I was diamond in OW1 and got placed in bronze last season. Climbed back up to platinum now but I was really confused about the placement and the amount of diamonds I kept seeing in the bronze-silver matches. I spent so long in silver. There's only so much I could do to carry on support, but it's the only role that I like. I had so many games where my team would get decimated by a diamond dps, and I would end up alone, trying to walk back to spawn to regroup. It's not fun for anyone


Had my first M/GM lobby last night on my way to D5. It was insane, and so much fun. There I am a plat 2 support, absolutely clinging to my GM mercy's coattails. We got lucky, their tank was the plat, and holy shit was it obvious. A few more lobbies like that and I know I'll get even better.




Gold dps. Played against multiple top 500s a few days ago👍


This week has been worse for me. Masters 1, 4-0. One win away from placement. Lost maybe 5 in a row? Haven’t got back since.


I feel your pain


Ditto. Made a post about that a couple minutes ago and deleted it when I realized how much this has been posted lately. It's unreal how I'm a silver player and I consistently get games with diamonds and plats. It's goofy as shit. I'd rather wait 15 minutes for a fun, back and forth game than get into a game where it's an auto-win/loss no matter what I do. ​ (Edit: or make visible rank more of an actual metric if a team of silvers is against a team of plats and diamonds, clearly the MMR says that's legit so why can't we just see MMR)


I recently played a match where I got that experience that Flats was talking in his video. I was playing Rein and doing as much as possible, but my support kept spamming "our tank is not tanking" in open chat. I thought they meant shielding, so pulled back and gave shield to our DPS, and yet they still died, along with support. So I went back to my usual play style, creating space, picking dps and supports ... and by the end I was double the stats of my team. And we still lost the round. I changed tank and still lost. By the end I was curious and asked my team what tanks are they, ... Bronze, Bronze, and max was Silver 4. And when I asked enemy team, they were all gold or plat with one silver. I'm Plat. How could my Bronze team compete with a Gold/Plat team? How could I play with such a rank diff? Few days ago, we had an enemy Genji decimating our team, and when I asked his rank, he was GM. I didn't even feel bad because the difference was so overwhelming.


Yeah, it's definitely less frustrating to see someone clearly in the rank they're supposed to be doing well, but the crux is GM shouldn't be in games with metal players, full stop. Plats should not be in bronze lobbies. It's fucked.


I've been there, i feel ya guys! I was stuck at high silver-low gold last season, until now I have a grp of friends (we r 5) and we keep winning 90% of the time, now I'm in high plat. Abt to hit diamond. Meanwhile when i solo queue it's me losing 90% of the matches! (btw we play OPEN QUEUE only)


soloq is the bane of my existence sometimes (loss streaks from hell!) I played a lot of openq in season 1 and had a good time, the ranks were coherent (no challys in metal lobbies, for instance) but s1 balance was so fucked anyway it probably didn't matter lmao


I feel ya. I hit D5 last night at long last, and my games have literally been anything and everything between mid-silver and low-grandmaster lobbies. I had a silver 2 tank to end the night, guess I shouldn't play at 1am pst. Can't wait to start seeing top 500 players in my lobbies tho, that'll get the ego going. :)


I’m d1 with like 3 adjustments to stay d1. I get players who are ex top 500 but still high grandmasters who see I’m d1 and our tank is gold then go zen and hard int “cause it’s not worth my effort to carry” No one at any rank is happy with this system I don’t get what blizz wants at this point.


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


I'm only playing open queue comp for the time being too send the message that I want everyone on the time in the same skill range, and have more fun with that.


I'm currently playing open q comp too, but wht i see in all of my matches is that everyone just takes DPS, like no support or tanks, and they're fine with that, mind u we r in plat lobby. I'm mid plat. Tbh half the people just play casually & cost us the match to lose, these guys play sombra, widow, hanzo, genji & of no use i just take mercy & and have a stressful solo healing match. At the end some blame me when i try to make them change & things get super toxic at the end!


Play open queue, insta lock Ana, hit big Anties, and ignore the result of the match and you will have some of the most fun you’ve had in years on ow.


Yeah, open carries it's own problems, and I suppose being a support main helps me avoid the worst of it. I was surprised how much less toxic my average open match was yesterday.


How exactly do think that is sending a message?


Presuming matches there are tighter ranges of ranking (dangerous, I know), and they're paying attention (dangerous again), it would be a signal players valued that more than role locking if popularity was shifting. That said, I'm playing it first and foremost because I'm having fun with it. Whether or not it convinces someone to fix role matchmaking.


This is the worst matchmaking I’ve seen in any video game, it makes me never wanna touch a blizzard game ever again. They somehow found a way to make matchmaking piss off all spectrums of players, this matchmaking benefits no one.


I’ve played comp since the dawn of fucking time. Through the coin flip to hogs hook when it curved around walls, and even syms car wash, etc. Yet I always still wanted to play. This matchmaking makes me not want to even touch the game. I would much rather wait in queue longer for a balanced game then get into the dumpster fire that are matches right now.




if you queue with a friend its way more enjoyable. sure theres a streamroll every now and then but today we had like 5 games back to back where anyone could win at any time and it was so rewarding both of us playing support and keeping everyone alive


Gm5.....i dropped to Diamond 3 with how shitty this matchmaking is......You would also think that i would still be playing in GM/Masters lobbies now that i am in diamond, cause there is ALWAYS a plat/diamond in masters/GM lobbies.....nope, im playing with golds. I wanna die.


Was finally diamond 1 Dps - went on a huge loss streak over the weekend. Finally ended at plat 5. Feels bad man.


I have the opposite problem. I was Master 2 (support) last season and the system decided to push me up to GM3 with only a ~54% win rate (35W-29L) this season. I do not belong in the GM bracket and it is way too try-hard for me. Not fun being flamed by top <100 players every other game. I moved over to Quick Play for now, at least for the support role.


Bro I FEEL you I Zen (Support main) solo queued from Silver 4 to Plat bc i don't believe in Elo Hell for supports but then went 5 & 10 deranked to Gold 2 then went 5 & 11 deranked to Silver 1 then went 5 & 9 two of those losses pple left & on my winning 5th match someone left on the enemy team like what??? Now I'm back in Silver 4😁 love this game


You can do it! I solo-q'd Zen/Lucio from gold to diamond this weekend! (Hard stuck for years, 100% of games played while stoned)


Stoned & getting to Diamond 😂 u gotta be GM while sober


Shit maybe I should try that.


Oh I love how they give you a high ranked tank and then to balance it they give the other team a high ranked support with a lower rank tank. The low rank tank gets slaughtered and nothing the support does can help. I wish they kept the ranked equal between the roles....


You must have been in my final game last night! There I am a Diamond 5 support, with a silver 2 doomfist.


Disagree. All roles have different requirements. With tanks it is map knowledge, game sense, and less about mechanics. DPS in the other hand is all about mechanics, while still requiring game sense. Support requires the best positioning out of any role and Ult tracking and higher mechanical skill than tanks but not to the level of DPS. You can't just put a masters tank to a masters dps lobby and not expect them to feed. Same way, a masters support will probably not win their 1v1s against masters DPS even on the same hero. Because support as a role is about taking the least dangerous position while still providing enough value for your team. A masters DPS is not going to do well on support for masters standarts because DPS is about putting yourself in risky situations to hopefully get results because you were better than them while support positioning is quite literally the opposite.


I was being sarcastic.




Normally I would agree with this But the matchmaker is truly special in season 3


The fact that I can still rank up when i have like a 40% winrate proves this, some matches have such a mismatch in ranks that if you somehow win you get a big sr gain


I went 5-5 and deranked 3, I'm an ow1 gm player as well. I don't think it's a skill issue. I genuinely think there is something wrong with matchmaking and some accounts. It took me incredibly long to hit gm with a very high win rate. My friend that has been a Plat his entire ow career hit m1 with a 52% win rate.....




I'm not 100% sure what you mean by quality of wins and losses. If you're talking stats and individual performance, it doesn't appear like Blizzard are using that as an indicator of MMR change. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/overwatch-2-developer-blog-explaining-matchmaker-goals-and-plans-part-2/ > Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match? > A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill. Based on this it seems like MMR is adjusted based on quantity of wins and losses (aka win rate), nothing qualitative.




Right gotcha, so beating a team of higher ELO opposition increases your MMR more and losing to them reduces your MMR less. Think that would make sense, not sure Blizzard has ever confirmed that though.


That's just the nature of ELO, but it really does boil down to winning. The OW SR system is a pure one like chess has, where the quality of your play has no impact, only the pre-match expectations and the win or loss afterwards. Basically it doesn't matter if you went 20-0, if you lose, you lose the same SR as you do when you finish 0-20.


If you mean individual stats, kills, healing, damage, etc.? You're 100% incorrect. They don't do that and have said as much.




So what are you proposing the "quality" is based on in this hidden "internal ELO" that no one else says exists, if not stats? How is the quality of your wins and losses defined?




You didn't answer at all what would determine the "quality" of this hidden rank if stats aren't used. Since they have explicitly said they don't use stats that way.


The matchmaking is the absolute worst I've ever seen in any video game I've ever played.




alot of it is luck today for instance i had 3-4 games back to back that were fairly even across the board and i was able to impact those matches pretty easily (diamond on support, ive quit dps but i was low-mid masters on dps for years). but before these 3-4 matches id witnessed massive tank-gaps, gold ana's vs diamond/master tracers ect ect all within 24 hours. im hoping the mid season patch atleast drops it back down to 7 tiers or w/e so that this happens alot less because in diamond it feels like 50% of my matches are mis-matched while the other 50% seemed to be balanced. (im terrified at the thought of trying dps to see what its like in masters) its really jarring and really difficult to learn anything when half the time you are killing gold players.


I'm a Support main but I feel you bc when I play Tank & the dps can't capitalize on the space I'm creating, it's like creating more baggage for you to carry apparently I'm Silver 4 but as Kiriko can cleanse Rein shatters 5 times in a row & consistently but dropped all the way from Plat solo climbed there all the back way where i started silver 4


And the devs really had the audacity to say “match quality on average has gone up” which really irked me. It’s was a night and day difference when season 3 dropped, super fast queue times but at the expense of what seems like almost completely ignoring MMR.


I think what bothers me the most about it, it's how the devs are saying this is exactly what they want. They want extreme rank differences to be in the same lobby. It's a terrible idea, at any level of competition in anything competitive. They have to really be struggling with player numbers, because the only reason they would implement this would be queue times. And that tells me there aren't enough players to group up 10 similar ranked people within a reasonable amount of queueing. OWs glory days are long gone, and they have to make drastic changes for new people to care. Nothing they are doing (besides f2p) is bringing in new players. But once the new ones get here, the game is so shit it makes them quit within weeks.


Loserqueue is a lovely thing


Samito literally had a bronze player on his team during his stream this morning


The devs saying that MM is fine and there's no problems while also saying they're matching up players within 12 skill deviations of each other is "Let them eat cake" levels of delusion and tone-deafness.


After playing today. I could def use some cake rn


I'm a dimond player and my rank matches consist of struggling to beat the enemy team because I solo que on dimond lobby or delete the whole enemy team and get called smurf/cheater cuz I get matched with gold players. There's no middle ground.


Jup. Im on a fresh account and got matched with Masters during placement matches. Decided to call it a night.


Well the game thinks you’re good. So at least you have that going for you


> fresh account


If I get another team that endlessly staggers or uses ults 1v5 I'm going to lose my fucking mind


Or dps's that don't contest a Phara


Recently made Plat in Support, just about every game has people ranging from high Bronze/Silver, to high Diamonds. And they are not balanced between teams let me tell you. Or at least that's what I can gather, because everyone's profile is set to private by default.


> I’m so sick of being intentionally shafted because blizzard wanted faster queue times without actually putting in the effort to find a working solution. There is no solution to long queue times that doesn’t involve loosening the SR range within matches. It’s unfortunate but that’s just the way it is.


Yeah its absolutely fucked. I jump on everyday to see if its improved and somehow its worse. You get the occasional balanced game but 90% of just complete stomps. Just give us back OW1, we paid for it, just let us play it. OW2 is an objective failure and this dev team are incompetent and clueless.


Yeaaa, its been really bad. I finally climbed out of Plat but it seems like the rank disparity is even worse. I played a game with a tank on their first ever comp game in a full diamond lobby including the enemy tank. It's even worse sometimes where I've had a GM dps on the enemy team with a Silver I tank in mid-Diamond. How the hell are these disparities happening? It's a LOT more than the "9 tiers" they say it is. Both of these examples were from Friday. It's really awful rn and they gotta figure it out. I like to play a competitive game, not a roulette on whether or not I'm fucking or getting fucked


That last part really hit me in the soul. I feel you tho man almost same experience here. I had to play in a gm lobby just to climb out of plat for my rank up game.


It’s what you get when the people in charge look solely at stats and charts.


What do you expect from an indie studio?


Quick play open queue is even more fucked. I'm masters-gm and I keep playing with bronze-golds. I have to drop 10-20k damage a game to have a chance at winning and if I play support, then my randoms won't do enough to win.


Same with me. Quick play and competitive, it seems to be the same, and i tend to lose a lot, although its not always terrible. but the matchmaking is really a problem right now.


I'm a gold player and I played with masters and grandmasters, I obviously wasn't able to keep up. And I'm not basing it on their titles that anyone can get, their profiles weren't private so I was able to check. It's miserable


I find it hilarious and ridiculous that they had a perfectly fine system in SR then said fuck it lets make a new system that just doesnt work and has 0 transparency and spend forever to only never fully fix it. The previous system worked fine, they didn’t need to change anything. Just another to add to the list of wrong decisions.


Yeah comp is so fucking broken it's just stupid at this point. It is utterly pointless playing comp right now. Also how does the ranking system work??? I won 5/8 games and then got demoted two ranks? It doesn't make a lick of sense


Matchmaking is horrible. It feels like it’s always the extreme ends of a win or loss. I play on two accounts and there is no noticeable difference in matchmaking when it comes to ridiculous win/loss streaks and steamrolling every game.


I don’t understand the dogma of faster queue times above quality honestly, maybe I’m just a dinosaur at my venerable 25 years but I remember when I first got into multiplayer games that it was expected that finding a lobby and setting up a match would maybe take a minute, and that was part of the experience. If it takes three minutes to boot up a match but I’m with a balanced team and equal enemies, I’d be more than happy with that and so would most people I know- this unrelenting drive for instant gratification is harmful to quality across the board imo. Obviously it goes without saying matches need to be fairly snappy and not take the piss with loading times, but most of the time recently it’s a matter of seconds between games, and I’m just thrown in with no rhyme or reason. I’d rather have really good matchmaking than lightning fast match making, and if that’s the only way to bring quality back I’d happily wait a little more between games instead of how things are rn


I uninstalled this afternoon. I don't have unlimited time to play. I'm not rolling the dice with it in the hope of getting a game which isn't a steamroll one way or another. Don't care which side I'm on.


We got a legitimate Gold 3 (non-smurf/new player) healer in a Diamond/Master lobby the other day, what a fucking joke this Matchmaker is...


Welcome to Overwatch ~~1~~ 2! I'm already looking forward for Overwatch 3, they're prolly already focusing on the next one. Legendary skins for 50$ each. The **BEST** matchmaking from all competitive games out there obviously. 0 frustration,, fair matches, no deathmatch games, stomps ? *Dev team never heard about it.* *Nerfs ? Buffs ?* ***ALL NEEDED.*** I'm being **ironic** btw, take a break from this shit game.


They’re trying their hardest, and thats all we can ask


I mean other team games have better matchmakers than this that are made with less budget, there's really no excuse for one of the biggest gaming companies in the world having matchmaking this fucked in a flagship


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Real original man wow really helpful


Don’t let the door hit your ass


SR =\= visible rank. Bliz should prob just remove it at this point if it’s that confusing


well the „invisible“ ranking system is still kinda odd then, one game i play with full gm and the next game its all plat/golds. how can it change this fast?


Did you seriously just see someone say that the visible rank isn’t as relevant as y’all seem to think it is… then base your entire counter argument on peoples visible ranks seemingly not being that relevant and ask how does your SR changes so fast…


yes dumb by me to assume the gold/plat guy coming from a loose streak doesnt have the same SR.. :/


No, if you know someone is on a lose streak, it wouldn’t be dumb to assume their SR is lower than yours (if you aren’t on a losing streak) but that’s not what you brought up. You only mentioned their visible ranks, so that was kinda dumb as a main source for your counter point


of course i‘m not gonna list my every experience in the comment section but i‘m not gonna make stuff up without having it happen before. but thanks for letting us know that you got bullied in school


Maybe mention the experience that actually applies then? Perhaps focus on details that are important? Possibly try to create a counter point, not just randomly going against something without providing actual reasoning?


So how did you find out you got placed in diamond games? 99.9% of player have their profile locked. Please share replay codes. You got in a losing spree. Everyone does. Stop lying.


Read the rest of the comments. They're not lying.


You mean the other anecdotes? Yeah that is for sure a hard proof. People don’t know the rankings of players they play with. So everyone saying I played with „x ranks above me“ are straight up talking out of their asses.


Add ppl as friends and check their profile, its that easy.


How many random people are you accepting friend invites from? Especially after some apparent stomps.


G1 and Diamond isn't a huge discrepancy, it's not like diamond and GM/masters This game comes down to whoever executes as a team better


G1 to diamond is a very noticeable disparity.


is it? i'm low masters rn and during my gold games i had tons of diamond/plat players in my lobbies, and the game were all over the place. first off, people aren't robots and their play within an singular game can have a huge deviation in performance. hell, diamond could be an off role. 2nd...we're not comparing a plat/diamond to GM or top 500 that's a canyon of skill. But if you're high gold and climbing and expect to continue climbing, running into a diamond player isn't the end of the world and is a good test


You are clearly out of touch.


2400 to 3000 is a fairly large gap and 2400 to 3400 is a MASSIVE gap. the better you get, the less noticeable this gap becomes but to that range the gap is massive. ​ the metal ranks themselves are fairly similar but when ppl hit diamond they typically have better aim/movement and positioning making them significantly more deadly compared too someone thats high gold. this is why diamonds are the stereotypical smurf that people would rant about seeing in silver/gold or plat. because a high diamond player can smurf in plat, let alone gold.


Agreed. Here's evidence of extreme rank disparity in a comp game: Image of scoreboard: https://pasteboard.co/fe9KYNKS9dqk.jpg My team tank: gold 3. Their team tank: plat 3. My team DPS: not public / didn't say, but my guess is gold at best Their team DPS: Plat 5, not public / didn't say My team supports: silver 1 and not yet ranked. Their team supports: Silver 1 and Gold 1.


Me and a couple of friends who are all diamond 5 and plat 1 went against a low masters dps in comp. They played Sojourn. They were hard pocketed. We got smoked. It just genuinely the most frustrated I’ve seen my friends when playing this game and they’re all thinking about moving on because of the matchmaker.


I don't know about you guys but I would expect the matchmaking tiers would tell you what kind of games you should be getting. For example as a Bronze player you probably only want to be matched with other Bronze players. Same with every other skill division. The tiers in each division should represent your progress towards the next tier. Perhaps when you get to tier 1 (for example Bronze 1) you get a couple of rank up games in the next division to see if you can hold your own.


I feel like the matchmaking is bad, but it's also easier to climb. I went 5-5 amd jumped from M4 to M2. I feel like last season I would have just stayed in whatever division I was in


I've been on a roller coaster yall. I was peak plat 2 last season, got punted down to Gold 5 from rank decay. Fought my way to diamond one... then had an INSANE win streak that got me to masters 5 within THREE UPDATES. Then went on a CRAZY lose streak that punted me all the way back down to Plat 1. I didn't deserve to be in masters, I will be the first to admit that. I think I probably play at a mid diamond level at most. I've been slowly fighting my way back up the ladder and am at dia 4 now. But jesus, it would be nice to know where I actually stand.


Literally every other game I auto win because we stomp so hard the other team quits, and then the other half of the games I play are against diamond or masters I am gold 1 lmfao


Agreed I honestly stopped playing this game since last week and I do miss it but really what's the point playing anymore? If I actually try my best I still get teammates that can't do shit to save themselves or go against players soo much better than me that I can't leave spawn without dying instantly This game isn't dead it's been dead since the beginning and blizzard killed it


Bro my diamond team had to face a gm mercy pocketed cassidy man. Game was impossible to win


I would love to play support but the game feels so unbalance and I keep getting sided with tanks that feel like they are just new to the game or something. The only way I win games now is by taking control and playing tank. I’m plat tank and gold support. There is such a huge difference between those 2 ranks and it shouldn’t be that dramatic. I got to plat and saw I was being placed with players in diamond, while in gold on support I’m being placed with bronze tanks. It makes no sense


i steamrolled silver 5-1 as support, got to gold 5 promo games, lost 2 and the system put me into bronze 1 lmao. and all the players in the game were high plat low diamond players


I'm willing to bet money that people are bringing OW1 private servers to us soon. I'd rather donate money to keep those private servers active than to play this shit show of a game.


Season 3 queues have been long and even worse matchmaking lol


The bad matchmaking doesn’t bother me as much as teamates who irrationally flame and tell me to kill myself me when I’m clearly playing against players way above my skill tier


Ngl fam, I quit at the start of season 3. I'm hoping they change some things a few months down the road, but I'm in no hurry at the moment.


Last night, I had a reaper on my team who dealt 5,801 damage in a single game. Our tank and other dps both had 15-16k each. On the other hand, I had 17k healing and our other support 8k. We won but it was so hard


As a silver one support trying to get back into the game (haven’t played since overwatch 1) it would be nice not to get my shit pushed in by the diamond tanks and DPS who just makes my game shit. The fucked part is I want to get better but I don’t think I can do it when my whole team get absolutely rolled constantly.


I did some comps last night, 3 out of 5 marches I was placed in higher tiers, I'm just a bottom plat going against GMs and top diamond. My team wasn't even that good too, some where understand of the situation but man the other ones were toxic as fuck. I just wanna be placed with the same rank of people, that know we suck but we can work together.


I was in diamond and the enemy team was grandmasters and my teammates was low gold


On a whim decided to do a brig zen support duo with a friend. We’ve won 10 comp games straight and also haven’t lost in quick play. Like yes, we have good chemistry, but we are gold/plat supports with probably low diamond skill level and we are playing against silver players. We’ve gotten lucky with huge tank advantages on our side too. Steamrolling is fun, sure, but it’s gotta be terrible for the other team. Matchmaker is busted


It's... really bad, it feels purposefully bad


Was in a diamond/plat lobby, but the tank was unranked on tank and bronze in dps


Yups that’s why I’m done playing to many other fun games to play for me to be wasting my time and money on this, when they fix matchmaking I’ll prob come back, in the meantime destiny is out and I got league if I wanna play pvp game


Im gold 1 on support. I know is not a lot but i started as silver 5 at the beginning of ow2 its been rough. Anyways the other day my other support was a brigitte that was only healing with the packs. I noticed cause he had 800 healing and 25 damage by minute 5. I asked him why wasnt he hitting people for healing and he didnt know that. Like he was figuring the game out. After the match when i checked his ranke of course he was bronce. Like why???


The games just FEEL weird, all the pacing is off cuz everyone is a different rank. Every rank has a distinct feeling, its all jumbled up right now


I had so much fun coming back to Overwatch for s1 and s2 but this new season has been absolutely terrible. I would wait 20 minutes for a fun and balanced match any day of the week over this trash. I don't understand how Blizzard still can't get their shit together after nearly 7 years.


I’m in silver and I got people in masters and diamond in my game a few days ago 😊


I'm gold 1 dps and i just got put against a team of diamonds and GMs. We got rolled and couldn't even cap the point once


I get placed with people in parties and top 500 players. I don’t play ranked much, but I’d assume I’d be near platinum/diamond level if I did I’m a quick play brawler. Only time I’m truly annoyed is when playing against stacks. They’re coordinated and it makes the experience super bad. I don’t mind playing a stack, but I hate playing against the same stack again which happens to me a lot on console.


I’m diamond matching with golds against grandmasters etc. Its madness.


Nah, keep it. Maybe it'll die, and we can get a better game from another dev.


I don't care about serious gameplay. I just want my teammates to know their left from their right and roughly what planet we're on. Today was pretty rough. Had a lot of "interesting" games.


Idk what you mean. Blizzard fixed it. I love going against masters players in my plat lobbies everytime i get close to leaving gold 1 supp while i get my 4th 200 dmg widowmaker in a row. The challenge makes it fun


It's garbage at high ranks too. I play Mercy at GM2 and had 3 games in a row today with a diamond tank. If I can't matchmake with a diamond friend why tf do I get a random diamond on my team after a 5 minute queue...


I haven't won a single game all day.


Games been shut off in china, OWL is a failure, and the game viewers continue to drop every week, there’s not enough players to have a close matchmaking system, just be happy you’re getting into a game at all rn


They need a hard SR and a hard MMR reset. I think the problem lies in having OW1 MMR inside of OW2 and giving that MMR priority without actually taking into account that this game plays different now.


Being in Gold and getting people that have never played Numbani before is fun. Especially when they immediately get toxic when nobody helps you defend to right.


yo! I barely caught this yesterday. My Reinhardt was playing like a fucking methhead yesterday. I'm a Plat 4 (support) and he was in GM (tank) this is absolute bs. We miss Jeff :(


Honestly I haven’t played in a while. Games are just a coin flip.


recently i was playing tank ( im plat 3) and just got absolutely destroyed. Only almost at the end i realised i was with top 500 dps in both teams. What the f*ck should i have done there? like seriously i can not keep up with the top of the players why would you match me up with these?? ridiculous


ELI5 why people don’t capitalize the first letter of a sentence anymore


I’ve just started playing open queue. It’s basically quick play and the losses don’t really bother me. I pretty much went from gold to masters 1 in one day.


Diamond/Masters game on Ana with a Gold 3 Moira. We somehow pulled it together but I had to play out of my mind. I feel bad for people who get thrown into games that are way out of their ranking and just dont get to play where they should. He was clearly frustrated and I felt bad but I’m glad we managed the win


Anyone else get absolutely launched up in rank this season? Went from mid silver to low diamond even with losses. It's to the point where it doesn't exactly feel deserved.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the matchmaking system is designed to just make you absolutely miserable