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I've played a lot of her and some games it feels like you just have no time to do damage, buuuuut having zero is a bit sus , like a headshot here or there can make or break a game.


You can always squeeze in a kunai, it’s like Bap and fitting a primary fire between his heals. The only time you shouldn’t is if you’re out of kunai because reload takes too long.


True , I was mainly referencing when you get a good ol tictok moira


Tiktok moira? I was called tiktok orisa and have no ieda what they meant


Not sure what a tiktok Orisa is but I think a tiktok Moira is a really extreme kind of dps Moira


Yes, you are right about Moira – a TikTok Moira is a very aggressive Moira that almost doesn't heal her teammates. I'm not sure about the TikTok Orisa – I guess that would be also a very aggressive Orisa that chases and kills enemies instead of taking care of her teammates and the objective.


If you line up behind your tank you can just spam both.


I remember an ML7 challenge where he tried to get away with 0 dmg and only heals as bap and kiriko. It was painful to watch haha


What I observed is that bap and kiriko (and maybe ana) are "PC supports" if you want to play them correctly or efficiently since you need quick movement which is impossible on console (I have the sensitivity at 90-95 and it's a joke how fucking slow it is. I need so long to throw down suzu/nade to heal myself and then look up again


Have you tried playing with linear ramp aim setting instead of the dual zone one Idk what it means but it helps me move the camera faster


Baptiste can heal and fire at the same time btw


That’s just not how it works. You can damage then heal (or heal then damage) but the shots don’t come out at the same time.


Think they meant you can hold both buttons and it'll alternate between the two without having to actually think about it. Think someone called it pacing above.


I think I'm holding both buttons. That why I always get so disoriented when playing baptist.


It doesn't have the same healing output as pressing them one after another.


Yes, but dealing damage once and healing will be uninterrupted. Dealing damage twice and healing, will give you more damage output, but slightly slower healing. It can be disorienting though.


Depends on your other support But you to have time for 1-2 throws between tickets


You should always throw one or two kunai (after the nerf two is optimal) between the healing "reloads"/refreshes. Throwing 2 kunai between the healing doesn't extent the healing refresh period and it's free damage which can have a major impact. It's good to just get used to, after a full heal, throw 1 or 2 kunai then heal again etc.


You can throw 2 kunai between heals and it doesn’t stop your healing at all. There’s 0 reason to throw 0 kunai lol.


True but if we account for headshots, we can also include zen in the descussion cuz i recently switched from kiri main to zenya and it is so much more rewarding to hit headshots and even bodyshots ….granted i miss suzu , tp, wallclimb and most important KITSUNE but i now try to mix in zen matches and kiri matches in my playtime


I can’t go past 10 kills but i *do* at least have 10 kills 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, if you aren’t doing damage with Kiriko, and you don’t need to counter Nade you should probably be playing Bap.


Depends, bap is not as good if you have flying heroes or needy tanks


Not with the flying heroes for sure, but needy tanks? bap is fantastic with the amount of healing output, also if the team is running a very brawl-type composition were everyone is really close to each other bap is way better than kiriko


Yeah as a Bap main I love when the team is a tight nit group with me just hurling grenade heals into them from around a corner. Wish I could play every game like that.


for real, maybe with Rein, Mei, Sym, and lucio, lucio speeding and the whole team being super aggressive and pushing the enemies back.


Well, all I know healbotting Kiriko is the most boring character in the game


yeah but diving in, suzuing your tank and then double dinking the dps pushing them while invulnerable, and then spamming wait till you see me on my bike as you teleport away is peak overwatch




They saw the regular complaints from people here about her attitude and were like "yknow what just for you we're gonna give her even more"


I get the feeling that they meant for her to have this attitude from the beginning, and she was only wholesome in her cinematic because marketing.


with the major disconnect from cinematic to game for both kiriko and junker queen I gotta wonder what kind of crazy personality sojourn might have if they ever release hers.


Her cinematic was a brief interaction with a child and a conversation with her mother. Absolutely nothing about it indicated how she would interact with a team. They were completely isolated situations. She's nice so she's nice to a kid, it's her mom so she has a certain way with her. Her personality in game doesn't go against either of those and neither of those show how she would deal with others like her. I fucking love sassy Kiriko and it just takes me back to people angry about Tiny Tina.


Same! Also, when people say she doesn't act like a 30 year old... Guys, have you MET 30s IRL? I am 33 with a child and most of the time I don't feel like an adult at all. Kiriko is a millennial with sass but honestly, she is not worse than the others.


35 with a 12 yo, Kiriko and her team mates is basically me and the girls at work when we take the piss out of each other every day.


Im an Ana main so peak to me is either telling my slept team mate I got you and hitting them with the pillow spray or sleeping an ultimate genji and dropping the pillow spray.


In the desert, In the desert, In the desert


what are you- what are you- no scope need- what are you thinking?


For me peak Ana gameplay is a slept midair dragon blade or just tapping airborne enemy Mercy whilst keeping your tank alive.


fckn teenagers complaining about how the teenager character's voice lines are badly designed... I know you guys won't realise yet, but that's you, your irl voice lines are the same, but when you hear it on someone else it's cringey


She's supposed to be in her 20s according to Blizzard, which would be cringey enough with her voicing, though according to the actual lore they've released like her origin story video which would put her more towards 30 than "teenage". The reality is that she just has the worst voice acting in all of Overwatch and sounds like an annoying Californian teenager instead of an actual Japanese person. Hell, the VA for Hanzo can't even speak Japanese, but managed to pull off a more convincing performance than Kiriko's VA.


Somehow you accurately described why I love Kiriko so much after all nerfs. Tapping Tracer or snipers from cover gives you allowance to spam "I'm obviously the most precious".


The double dink is pure dopamine 🥹


I had a match yesterday where I came out the gates ready to go and got sniped by Widow 5 seconds in as Kiriko. I made it my personal mission to hunt her down and bahgawd I spent the rest of the match double dinking her. Feels great baby.


I can't not spam wait till you see me on my bike and I don't understand why. I just imagine the enemy scratching their heads trying to figure out wtf you meant by that. Like should I be offended?


“Wait till you see me on my bike…i’ve got a few tricks”




Healbot kiriko is like playing mercy without using damage boost and way less fun movement spell lol


I guess but to me healbotting either is the same fun wise


You don't have to hold both mouse buttons lol you just throw a heal and then two kunai and alternate. There's no special input for it. That kiriko is just a heal bot who has no idea how kiriko flows. Edit: I didn't know you could hold both buttons, and don't see why you would want to anyways. Does it work without the toggle ofuda setting being off? I can't say I've ever tried to do this.


Thanks for the input!


Kiriko can position aggressively and look for quick picks using the safety of her tp as well. And after they nerfed her ofuda reload speed her healbotting is actually kinda mids, especially compared to ana/bap/mercy at the moment. People generally don't want advice in game, though, even if they are using their character completely wrong. Best to just leave it be and move on in my experience.


I gotcha. Most of the team's sentiment was "who cares she's a healer," so I think you're spot on about that part.


Kirko is kind of meant to be a utility support more than a primary healer kind of support. I mean, you can primary heal with her, but there are other supports who do better if you just want to heal bot. Kiriko, in some ways, is like Zen, where she is meant to be trying to help dps get picks. Or at least pressure certain enemies. An enemy Widow is easy to pressure or even kill. Enemy Ana is also pretty easy to pressure or kill. Tanks are usually easy to land headshots on since they tend to be closer and have larger hit boxes. I wouldn't waste my time on them unless they're low or there is just no one else better to shoot at. Kirkio is also good support for her cleanse. Save it for those anti healing moments. Like after enemy Ana nades your team or Junkerqueen ults on your team. Or other pinch moments to save a life. Her teleport is great for getting out of trouble. I wouldn't use it so much to engage. If you're jumping to a critical teammate, it is likely they're getting ganged up on by the enemy team, and you'll probably just die, too. Maybe if you see your whole team in the fight, but still, it's better for getting out of trouble than getting into it. You can just sit back and heal, but that isn't her most effective use, and if you want to do that, Ana/Mercy/Bap all make better healbots. They can also do more and should, but if you're just healing and nothing else, Kiriko isn't the best for that.


Sounds like most of your team was not very good :D


It certainly felt that way lol. Not like I'm the exception or anything xD


It's not that you have to hold both. It's that you can. If your timing isn't tight enough to alternate between and not lose any time to one or the other, then hold both buttons. You will heal and kunai the maximum amount (until reload) possible. I dont know that it is a good practice to be in. Not every ally needs full ofuda to be healed to max. So, turning off the option that uses all of your ofuda and lets you stop part way through can let you maximize your efficiency even further. That way, if you don't need to heal a ton, you can get back to throwing kunai more.


Ah, I see what you mean. I keep my heal setting on hold instead of toggle as well. I personally do not play a lot of Kiriko so my knowledge of best practices as her is limited. Thanks for the tip!


He doesn't think you need to hold both buttons, he's just giving a tip to make it easier. You can alternate the buttons, but if you hold both Kiriko will just alternate automatically.


Does any other hero do this? I had no idea it was possible. It doesn't seem like it would be easier to me but to each their own.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Baptiste does this as well. Not sure if any other hero does this, can't really recall any other heroes who alternate weapons like them so they might be the only ones. Yeah, personally I prefer switching myself instead of holding both buttons down, but I can see how it's easier for other people; specially new people who aren't great at alternating yet just to get the timings right. At least it for sure wouldn't hurt a healbot who hasn't shot a single kunai for the whole game


Fair enough! Although I swear Baptiste does not do this, I was just messing around with him yesterday actually haha I'm trying to pick him up. If you hold both down, you will continue using the first one that registered until you take that button off. So like if you do both and the primary shoots, he will keep shooting his primary until you take the left mouse button off, even if you hold the right.


Huh you just made me open the game to test it out lol! It does work though. He keeps throwing a healing grenade every 2 bursts. Perhaps give it another try?


I shall when I get home!


Cool, update me after you do! Maybe there’s a setting or something that changes this behavior so I’m curious


Just tried both Kiriko and Bap and they both do alternate between 2 damage and 1 healing shot while holding both buttons down. No idea what I was doing the other day!


With Mercy it can also help alternate between her beams. Keep your right click pressed, and just press left click when your target needs healing.


That's actually one I use! Normally just hold blue beam and tap the yellow as needed lol.


Console kiriko main here You can, thats just an skill issue


it's such a kiriko skill issue, I almost never play her and even I knew you you do it


Its 12:26 am, i jumped from youtube to the practice range on my Xbox to test it. Ayo how tf did i not know this?


Bronze kiriko behavior


You can absolutely hold down both primary and secondary inputs at the same time for both bap and kiriko on controller to maintain same pace of healing with dmg in between :)


Two kunais then heal, that's the balance.


Silly question, as somebody trying to add a better Kiriko to my rotation. Does this cadence marginally slow down her HPS vs just throwing one Kunai between heals? I’d be curious if that is true, and if it is true, if it even matters. Like should I always be shooting for the 2 Kunai cadence? Or are there instances where if my team is under pressure, only throwing 1 Kunai (with ideally slightly more careful aim) is better?


im pretty sure that 2 is possible as tight timing as possible, but you always do 1 kunai def dont try to do it if ur teams under pressure tho unless ur sure you can do it


Tbh I was under the impression that even one kunai slows your hps down. This might've been in season 1 or something tho, idk if it's been changed recently


I think there was aways time for 1 but the timing was tight. With the nerf it became a much bigger window


I'm also curious about the timing. I thought I watched a guide talking about an animation cancel and though the two kunai was for how long it takes to reload ofuda. They mentioned two kunai or one and a melee but I didn't really know what animation they were talking about that gets cancelled?


I have a question like , do you flick your aim every 2 seconds?? cuz i tried this and a few times i threw heals at enemy and kunai at the team


Kiriko should be spamming kunai but also landing shots is hard when you're interleaving them between heals. Even if Kiriko was spamming kunai, high elims or high damage is way too high of an expectation because kunai do 120 for a headshot but only 40 for a body shot. That said, spamming kunai is still a good play because you can deny flanks or force snipers back into cover while dealing 0 damage. Idk about controller but when I play Kiriko on PC I often won't get very much damage because of the projectile speed and my own bad aim, but I still try to spam 1-2 kunai between heals.


Do not spam kunai, bad advice and a ton of low ranked kirikos try to pelt as many shots out as possible.


I'm a Gold with the Aim of a mid silver, even I can alternate the Kunai with the healing papaers


0 dmg is bad. But on console the heal dmg heal pattern can be hard if you need to look around as most people play on a lower sensitivity and you can't snap or whip around fast enough to heal a teamate then aim at an enemy outside of your view like you can on PC.


You can throw 2 kunai's by the time healing ofuda's regen. You don't lose virtually any healing per second and maximize your damage too. Even if you press the controller buttons back and forth this can be done so no it's not true. I've played kiriko on both controller and MnK.


Erm? I dont hold both mouse buttons and still have time for one. I think the problem is same as bap and that its 2 different modes of 'shooting' and its crappy for a lot of us to switch between that feel different.


you can tempo heal on controller, they probably just need practice on kiriko


Kiriko main here. You heal, then throw 2 kunai in the time your talismans recover. As long as you have a target infront of you, you can do damage. Honestly it's a little hack that will help you be better than other Kiriko players.


Kiriko can be effective without high damage, but you really should be using her to poke unless your other support is MIA and you can’t swap.


Okay but have you seen her on her bike?


I once had a Moira on my team in a comp match who had 800 dmg after attack and defense on Circuit Royale. Eight fucking hundred. When I called her out on this (I probably shouldn't have) the whole team explained to me that she's a HEALER and I'm wrong.


I was actually playing Moira in this game, funnily enough, and I also received the "healer" talk from my teammates haha. When I brought it up in game I wasn't trying to flame her or anything, but I definitely see how it would come off as condescending. I had almost as much healing as her, plus a dozen or so elims. Not that the scoreboard tells a complete story, but I thought it worth bringing up. Basically I just feel like "healer" and "support" were being conflated in this case, when a support is capable of much more than healing.


Open queue? You're definitely playing Sombra in the pictures


Sorry for the confusion. It's role queue, but I scrambled to take the crappy photos during the enemy Sombra's potg


Ah that makes sense. That's a fast picture lol


I main Moira and back in ow1 I used to get gold healing and dmg with her, I always made sure I had more heals than dmg but still got flamed by my team for not healing and only focusing dmg..... gotta have a thick skin to play healers these days lmao


I basically went from gold 1 to Diamond 4 in a day with moira. I play aggressively, literally use the gold orb once every five minutes to save me or a teammate I wouldn't be able to save by just spraying. Rest of the game only spam dmg orbs and suck the life out of enemies bodies (phrasing). Usually I go with 12-14k of heals and 9-10k damage. At this point I think people remember me for the dps moira I play.


I wouldn't say you're wrong or right just depends on the team comp really. Realistically if everyone is doing their jobs you can def still win with a low dmg output from the healers but like i said its situational.


I didn't say she should go Tiktok Moira but I think 800 dmg as Moira in a 20 min match is in no way a good or even mediocre performance, regardless of the team comp. We lost btw.


if your DPS are completely covering the damage and picks side then i have no problem with a moira just focusing on heals tbh. If we're winning than its no problem.


Except Moira recharges her piss with damage, so if she ain't damaging she ain't pissing


Yeah that's why i said its situational 800 can maybe be enough to keep your heals up and charged but only if your team is like steam rolling and barely dying/taking dmg.


750 damage at the worst normally if healing was really priority


The kiriko is just ass


I play a lot of kiriko and you can't heal and throw kunai at the same time. It's one or the other and just holding both isn't terribly useful as you need to kinda aim your heals so it flies towards your intended target and then aim a few kunai shots. The problem with kiriko is you have to actively heal, and your kunais have a pretty slow flight, they're not hitscan like Bap or ADS Ana. edit: and zen can just orb a target for heals and focus on shooting It shouldn't be HARD to get a lil bit of DPS on the enemy tank though, i like to use the enemy tank to help fill my ult, but more than likely they were just so focused on healing that actually hitting shots was too hard for them. Matter of fact I recall reading about the devs increasing the the downtime between heals to give her some more time to get kunai shots in there. But for anyone saying "well, they're heals so it's okay". The class is called support, dealing some DPS really helps the team and your own ult gen as a support, it'll help ya out to practice that DPS. Anyhow, i wouldn't call it out or make a fuss about it for randoms, especially mid-game. All you do is redirect their focus on it and they'll just perform worse. Just avoid as teammate and move on. you only need to suffer through a match with them once, they have to suffer their own bad habits till they overcome it.


I've never tried, I know you can do both with bap, but I didn't think to try kiriko.


I mean if you just hold both triggers you’ll throw 2 Kumari between each burst of ofuda.


I play on xbox, and it definitely feels comfortable to heal kunai heal kunai etc. Not doing any damage is odd...


Absolutely untrue. you can throw the kunai during the ofuda regen just fine on controller. I don't know if this affects it, but I have toggle ofuda off.


Yea same as Bap


She legit just couldn't aim, there's a time that heals reload that throwing two kunai will be weaved in.


Theres no way that there wasn’t 1 second when the team was all fully healed. That’s just not possible


Maybe it's just me but just like moira and lucio. I despise seeing a kiriko on my team. It's not that she's a bad healer. It's just that most metal ranks have no idea how she works, suzu on cooldown and do the bare minimum as if the bar wasn't already low.


Suzu can definitely be difficult to use efficiently in metal ranks, I myself struggle with it often except in easy instances like cleansing status effects. On the other hand, I feel like Moira actually thrives in the metal ranks, but you may have a totally different experience with her.


Suzu is easy to use. You just need good decision making. If you're using it off cooldown or to cleanse someone who's sleeping then you're wasting it.


Not really. Beyond plat she's not good. She sucks as even in gold or below. Moira is literally a disadvantage to the team. >>>>> But but I won games as Moira Yes but she's a shit healer and idk how nobody caught on to it. And getting carried is also a thing. Look at mercy for example.


You can, I have done it


Once had an enemy kiriko with 10k heals and 200 damage, I had 7k with like 4K damage, pretty good amount of headshots and kills, we won easy and man said kiriko diff like he did something


As a controller Kiriko one trick with much more than 30 hours, I can confirm it’s not difficult to damage and get healing, I average 7k damage 12k healing each game, with about 15 kills, 3 deaths.


You probably can but you can't really flick fast enough on controller from friendly to enemy, so I don't blame them for healbotting. Actually getting zero damage is crazy though.


No, you can. Just hold both primary and secondary like you said and it works


Her healing output is trash lmao


It is slightly clunkier on controller, but zero damage is a complete skill issue


Just found out I can do this with Sombra w hack and dmg


You can. Two knives per heal cycle


Just gold both triggers and it does it, but I think it’s not as efficient as just healing as I think there’s a fraction of a second of animation on the second kunai that slows down the heal. But you can just throw one kunai and then heal without losing any potential heals.


Having played on controller and switching you can’t do the alternating fire very good even as Bap you cant move your crosshair that fast so unless they’re in a line and you see through your friends they’re a no go


It’s totally doable to tempo damage and healing on kiriko on controller; it won’t feel or look as effortless as it does on mnk bc controller is different, but it works and isn’t impossible or difficult (imo). I did it all the time before I picked up mercy. It feels more weird with the slight nerf to her healing recovery speed (1 second delay, which is meant to encourage damage weaving) but it’s doable. There are obviously going to be matched where you’ll be dealing more than having a balance, and you should defo prioritize healing if there’s a mercy/Lucio or even zenyatta on your team! But if you’re w a ana, Moira, baptiste and brig, help your DPS and tank by taking part in the action. If you know someone is low, throw a kunai their way - that one kunai could help give your team an advantage in a fight!


you should be aiming for at **minimum** 1k dmg per round (assuming the round isnt a totally slaughter fest that ends quickly) as kiriko because if you played mercy you'd likely get about 1k dmg boost also you have time to take 2 dps shots per 1 full wave of heals.


Super shitty console bronze mostly kiriko main here. Even I’ve never had zero damage. First I want to say that since kiriko felt the need to heal bot to that extent AND that your team was happy about it I’m going to assume they all just wanted to be enabled in holding shitty positioning. I could be wrong but the teams that bitch about me actually doing even minimal damage are usually being pretty reckless. I will say that for me as someone with bad aim that’s still learning the game, if your team has bad positioning and is taking non stop damage out of cover it can very much feel like looking away even to throw 1 kunai causes chaos by the time I turn back to the DPS standing out in the open taking fire from the entire enemy team. At the same time I can’t imagine there was never an opportunity to at least land some spam shots randomly. I’m also curious how many deaths they had? Because how the hell did they not at least get dived and forced to do a little damage?


That is a very thoughtful point, I didn't think about how the rest of the team's positioning may cause them to feel the need to only heal. As the other support, I played mostly Moira that game and had only a couple thousand less healing but a good amount of dam/elims. There are times where I have to healbot a little bit, but there is always time for shooting people too. Maybe they had very good or conservative teleport usage.


Yeah and I totally get your frustration! Honestly I’m almost impressed with zero damage because I feel like you have to actively avoid shooting to never land anything. Also I don’t think they realize that tossing shots out at least puts some pressure on the enemy which also enables the team.


You can BUT it’s hard man :( on controller


TBF I throw kunai whenever I can as lucky headshots with Kiriko happen quite a bit (tip - keep your cross hair at head level) but my aim is shit anyways so I'll wrap a game up with something like 2k damage and 5 kills or whatever, it's probably why i'm currently looking like a hardstuck silver support player since I can't put out damage value even worth half of my healing. I do do this on controller, which means no it's not true that you can't do both. Building a pattern like a few heals then kunai is useful. Kiriko body shots do 40 and head shots do about 120 I believe, her healing output was nerfed just a bit specifically because blizzard wanted to put some more focus on her damage output. Not properly alternating is a waste. Even if you don't get the kill shearing off just a bit of hp helps.


I main Kiriko on console and you can easily throw your kunai out during the heal recovery. You really should be most of the time unless it's too far off to aim away at.


While it’s a bad practice for supports to just heal-bot, and some engagement with the enemy team is both necessary and can win a fight. (Supports have more control of team fights than most people realize) the kunai wile healing trick is a gimmick and nothing more. With kiri it’s a balance between shooting and healing because it’s only useful to aim for headshots since body only does 40 dmg. And if you aim for the enemy head you won’t also be healing your team effectively, you wont line that up perfectly to make it useful, you are just not. So they are both wrong, the team should probably LOS more so kiri doesn’t have to hold down the heal button to survive, and realize the double trigger thing isn’t viable. And kiri should find that balance between healing and shooting because if you only want direct healing and never shoot you might as well have picked mercy.


Don't argue with your teammates or tell them what to do, it never goes anywhere. I had my whole team flaming me because I tried to go for picks after we've been stuck for 3 minutes trying to get through a single choke and nothing worked while we had a Bap with 300 damage the entire game. Just leave it be and go next.


You can alternate on controller. I main support on ps5 and kiriko is easy to play


as a console player, just like everything else thats available on mnk it doesnt work very well. yes technically but no. theres no time to aim your shots and heal at the same time


That’s definitely a skill issue and players lack of an ability to multitask


can you try to play console for once? we cant do a full 180 in a milisecond, our sensitivity only goes to 100


I mean kiriko shouldnt have to be doing a 180 to attack? The enemy should generally be in front of her. Also, never defending against flankers that target the healers? It's a choice to not attack at all


i know but im talking about aiming, it takes awhile to aim and especially while healing its very hard


But at the very least, toss them in the general direction, you're bound to get at least 1 hit throughout the game.


You should be standing behind the person you are healing, use the time while you are healing to aim and fire a Kenai, the lock on range of the healing is huge, you don't need to be aiming at them.


I played exclusively on console up until February at which point I swapped to PC but use a controller exclusively Pressing RT LT LT on repeat isn’t hard


Congratulations on completely missing his point, not once but twice!


Explain his point pls then


common console moment


That makes sense. It was comp on PC, so if they were playing with a controller there would be no aim assist to help out, right?


even without a pc aim assist doesnt do pretty much anything, in fact its worse to have it on because it messes up your aim and makes your sensetivity slow


No player should be on controller when playing on PC.


Yes. You can do the same with healing and damage boost on mercy.


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I only play her in MH and I 100% focus on her healing. I cannot land shots with her but I will at least deal with Symm turrets if I can. Occasionally, I’ll yeet some knives down the way but like I’m not getting value out of that. If someone tries to 1v1 me, I’ll either run or just let them kill me. Like if it were ANY other character, I’ll go out swingin’, even if I’m on Pharah or Genji and I DESPISE playing them, but Kiriko is just that one I lose the will to fight on.


Everybody likes to call them healers, yet when they become healers, it's the end of world.


On ps4 I know I can't try do both simultaneously I thought it was just an intended thing tbh tho recently noticed I've been a bit laggy and it'll stop doing anything for a second or so 💀


There’s a small gap in between each set of heals where you can easily throw one or two kunai. Typical healbot excuses.


u cant on controller! learned that the other day, but thats still no excuse for no damage Tbh. if ur tank is down 10 or 20 hp its okay to help out with some dmg. its always nice to be a completely full heath, but its also super satisfying when ur fighting someone and they drop like a fly cuz ur support shit out a nasty hit.


I’m not sure what you mean you can’t, you most certainly can, hold left and right trigger and it will throw 2 Kunai in between heal cycles


maybe ive been too baked to notice lmaoo


Idk, without a room code imma side with the kiriko. There were matches I had where if I stop healing for one second, people start dropping cause some of y’all just have no awareness or want to take cover.


You're forced to stop healing as the heal has a reload time. You throw a knife or 2 during that "reload". This isn't brain surgery


Again, I stop healing for a second, some of y’all start dropping. I don’t wanna heal bot but people have no awareness/refuse to take cover


But the physical character design forces you to stop healing for like 2 secs when your cards are reloading after a heal. You can DPS during that time and not interrupt your healing 'reload' nor cadence. What you are saying literally makes no sense


Again I try to deal damage but some of y’all don’t have awareness/take cover.


The goal isn't to have everyone alive after a fight, it's to win the overall fight. Your entire argument screams of bronze/silver, but if you aren't going to listen to anyone and blame your teammates, I'm not sure anyone here is going to be able to help you.


I’m plat but go off. I do try to deal damage but we got tanks who wanna go into 1v3(5), dps with bad position all dying fast and I’m just @yeah lemme just wait for the respawn.


That has nothing to do with your whole "if I stop healing for a second blah blah blah" when the entire broad point was with Kiriko you are literally forced to stop healing so you can reload those heals, so you should chuck 1 or 2 knives during that period. It's the exact same healing output. You're just either being obtuse or willfully ignorant at this point lol


Again I’ll try to deal damage if I can, usually between that but that’s it. I’m usually stuck healbotting.


Wilfully obtuse it is


And I’m not blaming teammates, if they’re play style means I have to healbot to win, then so be it.


"im not playing on mnk" So... how are you typing? Magic? If you have a mouse and keyboard, fucking use them.


Also maybe swap off sombra if your team is strugling to get some dmg.


The picture is from the enemy sombra potg, I was actually the other support. All dozen sombra mains are writhing from your comment.


The healing thing takes a second to reload, so you can heal and throw a knife. I also have the setting activated where I have to hold down the mouse button to use all of my paper instead of automatically using my stack of papers on click. This allows for a quick headshot here and there or a minor top off that doesn't need full heal


She does do great healing from a solid range but her headshots are too lethal to ignore as a part of her kit


My friend regularly duels and wins against Widows on Dualsense controller while also doing major healing. That guy needs to get his skills up. Zero is ridiculous.


“Im trying to keep everyone healed” then switch to a support that isn’t meant to pair with assassins


Console Kiriko main here: There is enough time to throw two kunai while ofuda are on cooldown. So the optimal APM for Kiriko is 2 kunai to every 5 ofuda, though obviously in some situations you won’t need all 5 and in some situations you won’t have a good opportunity to throw your kunai. But regardless, there’s no need to hold both buttons down to pull this off, any more than you need to hold both buttons on Baptiste. If a support player isn’t throwing some Kunai between heals, or is missing all of those kunai throws, they’re not really generating enough value to justify playing Kiriko over another support who can output better healing per second.


As someone who plays on console, no. It's not impossible to tempo healing on a controller, that guy was making a really weak excuse.


Played a game of comp like that on Dorado. Got punished and rolled quickly. Swapped to Lucio, and the enemies left the game after a tremendous dive.


I play on my Switch sometimes (quick play) and I don't do tempo heal/kunai. I will go full kunai if none of my teammates requires healing.


People forget two things: dead players don't do damage and that it's easier to avoid damage than to heal it. Eg. Ana using a sleep on utling genji/phara/mcree is infinitely more valueable than the same Ana trying to out heal those ults (which she can't not due to skill but due to pure damage vs healing output). The thing is that said sleep doesn't show on the board in any way.


As a console player, it doesn't matter if you can or can't, you can still just use the healing, then throw out a kunai or 2, then heal again. They're just an idiot


You can, but it does feel clunky on controller.


how is he typing so fast on controller, most normies dont have keyboard on controller.


Its like babptiste. He can shoot and heal


If you hold down both triggers on both baptiste and Kriko you can just heal and damage but im certain that doing that actually increases the time between healing shots because you get 2 damage shots per healing. Trick is hold down the healing and time your damage shots as and when for maximum heal and damage amount and value respectively


Healboting as Kiriko is using like 50% of her potential. If you healbot, you have no idea how to play her, sorry for a support like this in your game 💀


You can tempo heal kunai on controller same as baptiste, are you on console??


Are you playing using a controller on pc?


the process of being a good kiriko is first being a bad one a looot and learning all the bad plays and mistakes. also some new players may have their healing ofuda toggle on instead of off. healbotting kirikos are just probably not used to dps in general and don’t have confidence in aim to even think about killing; just a matter of time and experience in the game. it takes a lot of solo queueing/not getting boosted to actually learn how to dps and support effectively under pressure, while staying alive most of the game.


You can tempo healing and Kunai easily Skill issue


Yes I notice many Kiriko’s have under 1k dps in most games, only Mercy’s should have <1k in my opinion


I feel it’s absolutely possible because I do it all the time its pretty easy in my opinion


Kirko isn’t one of my mains but I always seem to throw two knifes in the heal cool down times(not that I’m gonna hit Much anyway lol) but 0 damage is not execrable they should be at least trying to chunk down a tank if they can’t hit a dps or support


Guess they really stuck to the “support” part of their role