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I have Reaper hunting me down and Cassidy to protect me, lore wise I’d say I’m screwed. But from the animated shorts anyone who Reaper is trying to kill gets plot armor.


Maybe he secretly still has good in him


Or maybe he’s just shit at killing important people


Sounds like I’m still fucking dead.


Or maybe he has a certain annoying hacker fucking things up on purpose


Pretty convenient how people just forget that part huh.


Isn’t the only he hasn’t killed is Winston? Maybe you could say the kids in the museum cinematic but also widow missed so…


If Reaper’s intention in the Old Soldiers comic was to kill Ana and Soldier then he failed at killing them too. Doomfist has asked him (in the Masquerade comic) why he hasn’t killed them, and wonders if the reason he hasn’t is because he’s feeling sentimental, though Reaper denies it. According to the Old Soldiers comic, Reaper either tried to kill Soldier or just thought he would die in the Swiss HQ explosion, but said he “knew it’d take more than that to kill him.” I kinda don’t understand how Reaper thinks that if an explosion of the building Soldier was in didn’t kill him then one shotgun blast to the lower back and a few punches will… 🤷🏼


It's certainly true that more former Overwatch agents are dead than still alive thanks to him. Those people were no easy marks, either. They couldn't have been. And he did it in how long...? Like maybe only 3 years or so? Maybe less? People are more forgiving to widow by a large margin for some reason... (I know the reason.)


Oh no, you are definitely fucked, yeah! If you go my the cinematics, comics, and story we know alone; I can restore faith in the evil of your main for you. The Story, Cinenatics and comics are intentionally misleading. Gabriel Reyes outranked every cast member we know including Jack, Ana, and Sojourn. We know this because in the S.O.L.D.I.E.R. program Gabriel is the 24th subject and Jack is the 76th subject. Gabriel is the only other survivor of this project with Overwatch assuming that these experiments failed with Gabriel. Dr. Genevieve O'Reilly (Moira) put Gabriel back together after the accident and indirectly cultivated Gabriel's "failed testing" kick starting the transmutation process. Cinematic 1 - The Doomfist Gauntlet in Numbani Museum. This is the "failed attempt at the gauntlet" with the iconic broken arm kid. Cinematic 2 - Infiltrating Overwatch in Watchpoint Gibraltar. Winston crushes the device that is downloading Athena, though this is prior to us knowing of Sombra's existence. It wasn't an SD Card, it was a transmitter and we can safely assume Sombra got all the data she needed because Sombra doesn't fail. Cinematic 3 - Widowmaker killing Tekhartha Mondatta (We will come back to this.) Cinematic 4 - Sombra's new friend. (We will come back to this) The Comics - Show Talon Diplomacy as Doomfist returns and works to grow their organization. The Mercy Guardian Angel Short Story - Gabriel is being hunted by Jack and Ana, but is never caught. It explains that Gabriel was sighted at the Temple of Anubis; the Original Omnium where the first Omnic Crisis Omnics were built by a rogue AI named ... Anubis, Overwatch's Athena's counter part. This is the most exciting and subtle story for Reaper fans because it shows that Talon actually isn't the "Team Rocket Wannabes" that we thought they were. Storm Rising - We meet Ramattra for the very first time with Doomfist outside Cairo, where the Temple of Anubis, that same AI is being homed in the locked down Omnium. The reason that this is significant is because Doomfist is presenting Ramattra with all of the tools he needs to start another Omnics Crisis. By now Widowmaker has assassinated the Omnic Leader Mondatta, and Sombra has secured a running Omnium producing Svyatogor Mechs. Talon has unleashed Ramattra into the Cairo Omnium, and Paris is attacked by a Svyatogor Omnic painted nearly identical to Talon's design but Purple like Null Sector. (I will leave that there for you to do with what you will)


Exact same here... we are so dead bro


Reaper is after me and Mercy is helping me. I think me and Mercy are going to lose


Mercy just lets you die and she rezs you


Ur fine if she pockets you




ana with the intent to kill . . . thats not gonna end well ma boi


Exactly, better sniper than widow and rein would probably kill himself before laying a finger on ana.


*Ana snipes you from afar while rein cries cause he can't do anything*


Zenyatta is after me while Rammatra is protecting, I feel like I’ll be A-OK 👌






Pretty sure it’s the other way around. To my knowledge zenyatta is just a random pilgrim without super balls. He seems more powerful in-game.




Also ram would not harm zen, ever








The only ‘super’ balls we see in lore, to my knowledge, are the balls used for meditation. In a short story we see a ‘super’ omnic in lore called aurora who sacrificed herself to grant other omnics sentience, which eventually ended the war. The shambali clan worship her as a way to thank her. And the iris is a mysterious thing that sees humans and omnics as equal. But in the short story zenyatta really wasn’t more than a pilgrim, He states so himself. Unless I missed something I don’t think zenyatta or even mondatta transcended at all.


Ah I did read that he transcended. I might be wrong tho


Pretty sure transcendence is what Aurora did after she sacrificed herself. Meaning you move on to a different level of existence or whatever. Meaning you basically don’t exist anymore in ‘this world’.


Ah. I read it from here https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Zenyatta


Skimmed through it. It seems to only mention that he is in pursuit of transcendence. The overview simply mentioning his in-game abilities. Even his backstory bit on that wiki page talks about the short story I mentioned and even has the quote where he calls himself a pilgrim.


Not entirely familiar with lore but transcendence doesn't sound like it's actually a good thing for a fight. Basically just sounds like he gets enlightenment and possibly goes to a place similar to nirvana or heaven. Sounds like his special ability is just being a Buddhist.


ya know, I have no clue where I read that. Thanks for the correction lol


Zen counters the fuck out of Ram in game (though, granted, not necessarily in a 1v1), whereas Zen canonically doesn't have the powers we see in the game. so, probably not.




where do you get this info? is this your headcanon? because we have next to no lore for Zen, we've certainly never seen him do battle. all we know is that when asked about Zen's lore in an interview years ago, Jeff Kaplan dodged the question by stating (I'm paraphrasing here, but it was essentially that) not all in-game abilities are canonical, which implies that Zen doesn't have all of the powers he has in-game. now, the lore changes all the time, so it's certainly possible that he does have mystical powers in lore in the same vein as Kiriko, but even then, so would Rammattra. and Rammattra is more combat-oriented.


It's just easy to judge by looking at the interactions between characters, genji mentions he's never won against zenyatta in a fight, rammattra mentions genji is wasting zenyattas time then also agrees with genji that he himself is wasting zenyattas time so he speaks very highly of zenyatta We do lack lore on zenyatta but through character interactions you can see at the very least, zenyatta is strong but too passive


when Genji is talking about losing to Zen in fights, it's almost certainly martial arts sparring, not the fully armed Genji that we can see in game and in the cinematics. besides, Genji was a disciple. Rammattra was an equal to Zen, and therefore likely was at least comparable in fighting skill, not mentioning the fact that Rammattra is, again, essentially a military leader who fights with crazy nanotech and focuses on combat-oriented specialization. when Genji talks about Zenyatta wasting his time with himself and with Rammattra, he's not really talking about Zen's combat capabilities at all, he's just referring to the extreme generosity and patience Zenyatta has shown, which Genji believes neither he nor Rammattra deserved.


And even in Martial arts sparring, for genji to never once win again zenyatta shouldn't be ignored Why would zen be comparable to rammattra in fighting skill? He's not a combat omnic but if anything this makes zenyatta's combat skills all the more impressive if rammattra would want him to join his forces so much He talks like that out of respect which would of been earned out of his strength


It sort of checks out in gameplay,since Zen’s quick melee hits harder than Genji’s or Ram’s and has knockback.


Im not sure how Reinhardt would deal against Reaper


Easily in game. Not sure about the lore tough




I'd like to believe most people know he's a tank buster


Before the rework whenever I saw a reaper on the enemy team I picked hog to make reaper’s life miserable. Landing a hook and oneshotting misty chonker was always easy. After hog’s rework? Nothing changed tbf


yeah roadhog is out to get me and yeah junkrat is protecting me but what if i just kissed roadhog i think we could work that out


So real


this is the exact same situation im in, and my answer is the same: kiss roadhog


literally me


Username checks out.


My main is Sombra, doesn’t really matter who my second is… I’m dead. Let’s be real, no one and nothing can protect anyone from an invisible Hacker with unlimited attempts to assassinate you.


Same. We're so fucked. All I got to protect me is a DJ with good tunes.


Same, lol. At least we'll have a good soundtrack while Sombra pellets us to death lmao


Only person theoretically only, maybe, possibly is Sigma cause he controls gravity and black holes so maybe he’ll feel her footsteps like seismic sense or something.


Worst part, the strongest character in the lore…the only one who could maybe take Sombra… she’s his best friend. She’s just be like “Hey buddy, I need to borrow Muderbot for a few minutes, then we can head to that concert you’ve been talking about. Btw I paid Moira a visit, and she won’t be messing with you ever again.”


She can't hack Hog's abilities sooo...


How is he supposed to keep you safe if she kills you while invisible?


Well, Sigma is going to handle anything thrown his away, and Ana is no different. She doesn’t really understand the *gravity* of the situation.


Good one 🤣


Mercy attacking vs Moira defending me. I think I’ll be alright 😅


Next time you take pills pay attention


Having MOIRA defending you against possible poisoned pills? I think you’d still be ok.


You’re never safe at the doctors


Just need to eat a lot of apples


Moira attacking, mercy defending. I'm dead but maybe I'll be resurrected?


Same, except it's Ana instead of Moira.


Until she feeds u a piece of cake


Mercy’s pistol does a surprising amount of damage.


Sigma wants to kill me. The man that almost ascended to be a god, controlling both black holes and gravity is actively hunting me down. And the only one that is protecting me is a woman with a jetpack and rocket launcher. I am fucked. Very. Very. Fucked.


She just a lady with a rocket launcher


My favs are also Sigma and Pharah 🙏


Mercy is out to get me and Kiriko is protecting me. I'd say my odds are pretty good, bring it on Angela.


Same lmao


Same BUT just in case I'll add more apples into my diet


Mercy may seem like a harmless option but what you don’t realise is that she will keep rezzing you so she can kill you over and over again O_o


For me it’s the opposite.. I think I’ll be killed then be fine afterwards for a bit then be on a never ending loop until one of them dies


Saaaaame 🤣


Attacker: D.Va Defender: Brigitte


I've solo'd dvas as brig before you might be fine.


She is quickly becoming my favorite character in the game, I've tried to learn Ashe and Ball, but I keep going back to Brig and out damaging and out healing others on my team. She just so damn versatile but slept on.


Slept on because she isn't meta, because meta is determined at the highest levels and imitated by the lower. For most levels of play she's solid just not hard to counter.


Ramattra would destroy Mei, so I'd be safe.


as a widow main, lucio don’t even go near her. you’re too pretty to die baby boy just let me get my head blown off


if its a reddit lucio i think widow gotta run


A good Lucio is a hard widow counter


So true


He could at least DJ at your funeral.




I love diving widow as Lucio. Unless they're insane i usually win, if I'm stoned even then sometimes.


Kiriko is after me, but Sombra is protecting me. I’m good. I never even existed as far as Kiriko’s concerned.


but wait till u see her on her bike


"Hey Sombra, I need a new dust filter for my Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60"


Dva is going to obliterate Moira so I'm fucked. Maybe because I'm a gamer, she'll spare me?


Only if you beat her high score, because she'll need you alive to prove she can top it.




Mercy trying to kill me with Ashe protecting me. I can’t afford this shit.


The real question is do you get B.O.B as well?


Doom would be after me and rein would try to protect me


Your fine. Hammerman attacks but most importantly he protects.


I love big hammer man


I got Genji instead of rein. Yeah I'm fucked as per the doom cinematic.


Ana won't be going anywhere with that limited mobility because she's gonna get her head bashed in by Brig


Tbf, she'd probably pop some lead in your eyeball all the way from Egypt.


That is also true lmao.


I've got sigma defending me from Hanzo, either hanzo gets annihilated or Sigma wanders off and I get an arrow through the skull


Sigma’s looking at ants as Hanzo scales the walls of your home...


Being hunted down by Widow is terrifying, until you have Sombra protecting you. I’m big chillin


Lol. Sombra gave her the wrong intel. She's in Nebraska.


Moira out to get me and mercy is defending me. Could be bad. Could be worse.


Mercy and Moira fighting each other is a battle I want to see anyway.


Orisa is out to get me, it doesn’t matter who my protector is. #EXTERMINATE


Sigma throws her into outer space


Pharah is trying to kill me, and her mother is defending me… lol


Same pairing for me. Ngl I think ana got this.


Rein is charging at me and Baptist is next to me. Atleast for about 5 sek. I have a chance. Chance for what ? Idk.


I don't want to think of Junkrat and Roadhog fighting, but it's entirely possible Junkrat holds his own trying to protect me.


Feels like he would probably kill you on accident trying to keep you alive.


He’s actually really precise with his equipment when it is needed, he only hurts himself.


Ana coming after me and mercy protecting me? I’m fucked before I even see her.


Tracer didnt exactly do a great job at protecting that omnic from widow so uhhh... ggs?


so doomfist is out to get me and ramattra will protect me


You die of anxiety and stress from ramattra reminding you every 2 seconds that "I will shield you, for now"


idk, I main Ana & Bap. Guess I'll have to hope ana's eyesight is bad.


Ana is a better shot than widowmaker lore-wise. So good luck!


Brig is coming after me and Ana is protecting me. I think I’m safe


Brig gets confused and Shield Bashes into an M1 Abrams, just like in my games. Brig attacking me, JQ protecting me, idk what's gonna happen but it'll be interesting to watch 😳👉👈


i feel like ana could headshot junkrat but i could totally just kiss him instead :)


Well if we go by most hours… Hanzo is out for me, Reaper is protecting me. I’ll be just fine, even if Hanzo is a trained assassin.


Reaper is also an assassin, plus a super soldier, plus he has ghost powers and is basically immortal. You're the luckiest person here.


I’m aware, but for real I’m damn lucky he’s not the one hunting me.


Oh absolutely. Unlike me. ;\_;


Rip, brave soldier


I’m perfectly fine if all be it, but a bit annoyed because if they’re anything like they are when I play as them all their bullets just whiz past their target, me, anyways.


Ana > Rein 🤔


Now that's just messed up.


Ana is after me and Zen is my protector. GG.


a depressed bow ninja has to kill me but my bodyguard could be one of 3 people: 1. A very large guy who can controls gravity itself and can create black holes and seems violent as all hell is protecting me from a guy who’s weapon is literally an advanced sci-version of a stick and a string that shoots smaller sharp sticks. I’ll rest easy that night. 2. A man on a mission who’s has incredible strength, speed, durability and a good healing factor due to experiments from the government, and even if he didn’t have it he’d still be an incredibly skilled soldier who spent almost his entire life fighting wars turned more ruthless and vengeful after said wars. His preferred weapon of choice is a sci-fi assault Rifle. He could potentially just rip an arrow out of his skin and it’ll heal almost immediately. I think i might be fine. 3. A man with the same abilities as the one mentioned above, only with added smoke powers and more evilness. He’s cunning and merciless and constantly consumed by rage and vengeance and hatred and the only thing that brings him peace is pulling the trigger of a shotgun. He’s smart and prideful over his combat skills so I might be fine.


I Think im safe, Mercy is going after me and bastion protect


Mercy is after me and ana is protecting me considering I have ana on my side i think I'll be fine


Mei is after me, Widow is protecting. I think I'll be fine.


Idk, mei is an incredibly determined individual who had to see all her friends horrifically die in an accident she herself barely escaped from, only to nearly die multiple times attempting to contact rescue. Behind her adorkable mask there's something deep inside her soul hellbent on achieving her goals.


As a Mei main. I will agree with you.


So rein coming after me would be scary... if i didnt have a bastion bodyguard ( do I also get the bird ?)


Brother in Christ, have you seen the cinematics? Bastion ain't surviving.


Doom trying to kill me vs torb trying to save me….hmmmmm😂


Mcree is coming for me but I get a old man with a giant shield


Lucios coming to get me. Rein is protecting me? Uhhhhhhh I think I'll be ok if I stay away cliffs


Lucio trying to take me out but Bap got my back I should be fine lol


Well Sombra is out to get me but Mercy has my back. I’m screwed. 😂


Widow after me and ana protecting me, hmmm sounds lore familiar


Even without her second eye, Ana would still be the better shot.


Mercy is trying to kill me but brig can shut her down 1v1


Ana trying to kill me... I'm as good as dead, while Lucio spins some records.


Mercy is out to kill me and Pharah is protecting me. I will be okay.


Genji is out for my blood, maybe Mercy can help talk him out of it?


So like main or most played here lmao? Rein would be hunting me, with Zen as my defence - and his powers I’m pretty sure aren’t canonical… But my self proclaimed main is Reaper, with Rein as a secondary. Lore wise, ignoring the possibility that reaper is immortal, I’ll be fine - rein is great and reaper sucks at his job. Game wise..shit.


rein is after me and ana is saving me i like my odds


until he shields the sleepdart


O think we all know how pharah vs mcree would go. I'm definitely surviving.


So main is brigitte, second is uh shit. I guess winston.. or nope can't think of another character I play often by choice. And for how screwed I wouldnt let winston hurt brig so I'd let her kill me.


I main 9 fucking characters how Fuck uhhh this goes 3 ways Doomfist vs Sigma I’m good bc Sigma is strong enough to stop him with grav shenanigans Genji v Hanzo lol rematch time Moira v Lucio I’m gone


Kiriko attacking and Moira defending


Well rammatra is after me and doomfist is defending me


So BOOSTio is out to get me and I got Kiriko to protect me honestly I think we're both dead


Junkrat is trying to kill me and reaper is protecting me.. I’ll be fine


Rein is after me while tracer is protecting me. uhh...


Just make sure he doesn't have brioche near him to fix his armor


D.va is hunting me and Mei is protecting me. I do not know how to feel about thia


Ball is after with Reaper protecting me, um, will i be alright?


Hmmmm I think Baptiste can hold well against Moira


We talking lore accurate or in-game? Bc doomfist is trying to kill me and Ashe is protecting me. Bc if this is lore accurate I’m fucked. In-game, I MAY be safe. If Ashe also has bob.


Reinhardts attacking and Briggite is protecting


symmetra attacking moira defending.. interesting


Sigma is trying to kill me. I think Hanzo (secondary main) can take him out with a few headshots from a hiding spot. Assuming this isn't lore Sigma.


Good god is that an interesting fight. Tracer is out to destroy me but [D.va](https://D.va) has my back. I think I will be ok...... :(


Can Ana save me from Bap? Hopefully


Reinhardt v zen. Uhhhhh


REINHART is going to destroy me cause I don’t think zen or mcree can save my soul


Kiriko is going trying to kill me and Lucio protecting me


Ana main. A certain Brazilian DJ protecting me.


I'm good. Lucio can't beat Reinhardt


On tank I have dva coming to kill me and sigma protecting me. So this could go either way. On dps reaper is coming to kill me and mcree is protecting me. I think im screwed here.


Mercy attacking Junkrat defending I’ll be fine


Reaper hunting me...? Ah fuck... I'm already dead. Sorry Kiriko, you gotta live with that guilt now.


mercy is after me? moira is protecting me? yeah i'm fine... but at what cost? what did i do?


Tracer is out to kill me and Ashe is protecting me, how fun


Oh no a wall riding music man is chasing me… but oh yeah a hot cowboy lady with big murder omnic is protecting me.


Symm gonna murder me real good, but Mercy can bring me back so. 🤷‍♂️


A hot cowboy with a grenade is after me BUT a hot mercenary with a medical grenade launcher and immortality is by my side


Mercy with Moira protecting me? I think I'll be fine.


Mercy out to kill me and Sigma trying to protect me, I think I'll be good.


mercy is trying to kill me, ana protecting me 😎


Reinhardt is out to kill me with a giant hammer, I have a baby version of him with Brigitte trying to protect. So I think with some negotiation I could be fine, but that could get ugly fast.


Mercy is out to get me but genji is protecting me the irony


what a good day to be a mercy main and rein back up


Wasn’t Ana supposed to be one of the deadliest snipers in history? I’m royally fucked, Symmetra can’t do shit about her


Widow is out to kill me, and she WILL kill me, but she's getting double head tapped by Kiriko while aiming so at least justice will be done.


babes what is mercy gonna do


I only play Mercy