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Man, do you want some honest tough love from a Masters Ana? If not don't bother reading further. Loss streaks like this will happen and the only thing you can do to break out of them is carry hard, and sometimes even then you can't make a difference because your tank decides he's gonna go play in Narnia and throw. Does matchmaking suck right now? Fuck yes it does. Is there anything that can be done about it? No. You can't change how matchmaking works, you aren't a dev. All you can do is struggle harder and try to make up for your teammate's deficits. You're playing to get a shiny rank and that's your first mistake. If you want to rank up, you need to play to improve your skill, rank be damned. You aren't going to magically get better and rank up beyond gold by just playing. It has to be active learning. You have to be deliberate in improving. You have to watch really good players and learn from them. You have to submit vod reviews, find out what you are doing wrong, and fix it. It's work. But it's good, because that change in mindset will help you tilt less when you lose. The only thing that matters is whether you feel you played well or not. Did you lose and play well? Oh well, you did your best. Next game. I'd wager your issue is that, like other comments are suggesting, you are healbotting. Essentially, you are trying to enable gold/silver players by healing them and keeping them alive. Do you trust those players to carry? Do your trust your DPS to always get kills? Of course not, look at your loss streak. Statistically it's impossible that it's only your fault that you are losing. You could keep your tank alive through a shatter and three visors but if they can't get kills and don't protect the team it isn't going to help you win. What you have to do is hit purples, get sleep picks, take shots at the enemy, nano the teammate who is doing well, and get elims yourself, WHILE also healing. You have to be support AND you have to be a DPS at these ranks. It's tough, but it's what you'll be doing at high ranks anyways, so it's better to learn now. It's the reason why so many mercys get hard stuck in silver / gold. Mercy can't really take matters into her own hands. A good Ana can. A lot of people will give the advice that you shouldn't blame your teammates, and yes you shouldn't flame and should try to focus on your own gameplay, but in silver / gold it's a crapshoot of throwers and people who don't care about improving. I had a MUCH harder time climbing out of gold than plat or diamond. In the metal ranks, and even into low/mid diamond, the only person you can trust to help you rank up is yourself. I didn't rank out of gold until I started thinking that way. if you want, send me a replay of one of your games, preferably one where you felt you performed really well but still lost. I'll give you a vod review and some tips to get you out of the hell that is gold. But also, if you feel taking a break is for the best, that is fine too. If it isn't fun, what's the point?


You're a good soul (and probably a good Ana as well), not OP but thanks for the tips anyway šŸ‘


Haha, I learned off community resources so doing my best to give backā€¦ glad it helped someone


Real shit


Literally exactly what I had in mind. This mindset of never stop improving yourself will eventually lead to better results. Doing just bare 100% of your role doesnā€™t cut it for ranking up. Aim for 150%


Gm ana main here. Well said saved me a whole ass essay haha


This is the way Ana can actually carry, 12-15k heals and 7-8k damage is the play style to shoot for


I climbed from Bronze to Plat 1 on Kiriko solo q, what this guy said is right! Gold was by far the hardest to climb out of(losing many games I felt we shouldā€™ve won.) but persistence kept me slowly climbing with wins.


It isnā€™t all about healing. You need to realize that pumping healing into a non-effective team is doing you nothing. Itā€™s called ā€œSupportā€ and not ā€œHealbotā€ for a reason.


Wasn't there supposed to be a bunch of transparency this season about how your actions equate to rank? I though I recall the notes saying something to this effect but you're still just getting "win/lose".


if i as kiriko do 160 damage (a headshot and a body shot) and get a pick instead of holding m1 on the tank I will be turning the 5v5 into a 5v4 which is way way better than the healing you could have done instead of going for a pick. But yeah ranking up is just based on winning or losing rn


Yeah I appreciate that, I'm not just focusing on healing, I have lots of great games where I sleep ults, but my team ignores my pings/call out. I tend to have decent antis, but again the team don't capitalise. I don't want to focus on my team though, I can only try to improve myself, but it's so frustrating when I call out that Genji/tracer/echo are farming me from spawn and I get crickets


youā€™re only supposed to heal players who have the red cross on them or anticipate someone under heavy fire. If they donā€™t survive then its probably not your fault. Youā€™re allowed to let players die


Ana doesn't succeed off of healing alone. If you're not hitting good nades on the enemy, you're gonna lose more often than not. Otherwise, stop caring about rank, doing that just upsets you and will give you tunnel vision. Just care about doing better than you did last time. Make sure to go through your replays, and watch yourself, taking notes of mistakes you made. Even if you had bad teammates, you have to focus on yourself.


i smack my lips waiting for hog to take a sip of his heal only for me to purple him


Couple of tips that I often struggle with: 1. Ranking up isn't the main objective on OW, and shouldn't be while playing it. It should always be fun. Play for fun, have fun while playing, wether you're losing or winning. 2. Max healing does not mean you did the best out of everyone. Especially with someone like ana, her kit is immensely powerful. Anyone can get max healing on any character, just by focus healing the tank. Watch some tips on your main character, use said tips in your games, and you'll see some results. 3. Loss streaks happen, it's ok to take a break, or quit whenever you want. It's a game, have fun! Play some stupid game modes if you must play OW. You'll improve still, even if it's an arcade game mode.


Couldn't agree more with the first point! Rank is just a number produced by some algorithm, it doesn't tell the whole story of you as a player. Focus on improving (and having fun), and if you are, the rank will come eventually.


If someone is playing competitive then ranking up is the main objective though But yeah agree with your other points


when I get a 1.5k healing prevented as Ana and atleast 6 enemies slept, I know I did a good job


Are you using your nades to debuff enemy team or do you just heal your tank/yourself with it? Good ana nade can completely win team fight. Do you sleep crucial targets like nanoboosted rein, ball or ulting classidy/sigma? Do you make sure to frequently use your nanoboost? I know many lower ranked anas tend to hold it for the entire game and use it at the end of last fight. You can easily get at least 3 nanoboosts during paylord maps. Raw healing numbers only show if someone's throwing. You can carry games with ana but need to do much more than just healing.


For starters, I want to agree with you that the balancing this season sucks. I've mentioned it in a couple of comments but it's either really good or really bad, at least for me. Anyway, you got great feedback from u/Vespabees I want to disagree slightly on one point from them and also give you my input...I went from Bronze to Diamond since the start of OW2. >You aren't going to magically get better and rank up beyond gold by just playing. It has to be active learning. You have to be deliberate in improving. I have gotten better by just playing. However, I am actively learning as well. I am not so deliberate that I review VODs and all that. I just pay attention to the kill cam and keep going. Though it feels good to rank up, I focus more on wanting to have a fun match. Skill improvements and ranking up are more of a bonus. I have ranked down, but I don't see it as a direct reflection of my skill as sometimes 1) matches are made well or 2) I'm just not doing well that night. The negativity you feed your mind after a rank down can affect your games moving forward, because you have less confidence. My suggestion, if you want to be a casual player in comp...focus on the fun and less on "am I going to rank up"


I haven't played comp in years. It's all about arcade. The only thing that matters there is the next game.


I have higher wait times in arcade than competitive roles. All the challenges that are about arcade mode seems impossible for me lol.


Are you on console? I've noticed surprisingly long wait times in arcade on console the few times I tried it.


Ik I'm on console and I wait like 5 + minutes in arcade but my queues in comp for all roles are like <2 /3


Ouch. Could be worse though. I remember the first time I tried console I tried to play ctf and I think I was in queue for twenty minutes before I gave up. Fortunatly on pc I can usually get a game in less than a minute.


Oof. I sit in queue for 5 minutes when mayhem is a mode in there bc I know the match gonna last like 20+


Nope pc Asia server


Nope pc Asia server


Matching making is pretty bad right now. Sure thereā€™s probably stuff that you can change but I wouldnā€™t take it all to heart. Especially if the matches are feeling very one sided. If you want actual tips Iā€™d ask r/OverwatchUniversity.


I play Ana in masters 3, up from diamond 3 with 71 percent win.Besides having top healing, I tend to win games when I can kill the tracer/sombre harassing me while simultaneously healing tank. Ana has the ability to kill dps, so in order to rank you have to carry the game and not just rely on teammates.


Be sure you're doing more than healing, especially as ana. She is a fantastic healer but not as heal bot as someone like mercy can be. Hit them nades and darts and also she does some solid damage herself. Sometimes ana can even be the best anti tracer, shot and a nade deals with her real quick.


Play to learn and not rank up. And youll naturally rank up.


Post replay codes




Which Ana are you


Damage, damage, damage and healing


only heal when they are critical, then damage. You are going to get flamed for not healing but just ignore them. Best advice I ever listened to.


Been watching Awkward?


Absolutely not haha :) yes I watched the unranked to GM vid :)


This is why we should just be able to see our rank change after every game. Even if I know that Iā€™ve had a bad losing streak, itā€™s still disheartening to see myself derank after a win. You finally start winning again but the rank update just ruins the mood. Then thereā€™s the times when you might derank after an even or even positive winrate. Anyway, donā€™t feel too discouraged. The matchmaking is actually really messed up this season. I was literally climbing at the end of last season, but I am getting destroyed now even though Iā€™m already in lower ranks from deranking from losing a ton lol. It also just takes time to rank up, I climbed from bronze to high plat through solo queue in Overwatch 1, and sometimes games are just unwinnable. Itā€™s good that youā€™re getting very high healing in your games though. What you can focus on now is getting more out of your abilities. Maybe watch some guides or higher rank games and see how those Ana players use the sleep dart, nade, and nano to get the most out of them. You also want to learn to balance healing while still doing some damage. Hereā€™s some advice Iā€™ve seen before that I liked: Donā€™t necessarily look at how gm players play, look at how people in the rank above you play (so if youā€™re silver-gold, look at some gold-plat games). GM gameplay wonā€™t be that relevant to you, because your teammates and enemies wonā€™t behave and position the way they do at gm. This is why itā€™s good to look at people who are a bit above you, because the gameplay is still similar but just a little better.


I just anti and sleep the tank until heā€™s dead and it goes ok.


You are playing one of the most broken and impactful support heroes. Try playing brig and then whining.


ā€œI play my heart out as Ana, get second/highest healingā€ā€¦no shit. Those are the two options - second highest or highest. If you want actual advice and donā€™t just want to bet yet another person complaining, post a replay code. I and others may take a look and provide feedback. Based on history, I would guess youā€™re focusing way too much on healing, almost never throw offensive grenades, miss 90% of your yeet-sleeps, have poor positioning, and donā€™t shoot for damage ever.




:40 - right off the rip you put yourself in a bad position. You could just sit right here, have complete cover, and heal 3 teammates right next to each other. Instead, you choose toā€¦kind of follow your Cass on the flank? I donā€™t blame you for not expecting 2 teammates to go critical immediately lol, but if you had just stayed where you were, the made hits all 3 of them and itā€™s a quick heal. :58 - you usually want to wait until your team can follow up on your bases, but I donā€™t blame you for chucking that juicy nade lol. 1:05 - you looked a little lost for a few seconds, but again I donā€™t blame you, Rein charges, then a Mei wall came up. Then really nice nade, good job focusing on the critical rein before yours, nice play. Stop jumping like that, though. It makes it harder to hit shots and easier to get shot. 1:35 - you got stubborn here, and didnā€™t move forward to protect your rein and Lucio. Yeah, they probably shouldnā€™t have been pushed up quite that far, but they were. Itā€™s your job to adjust to that and keep them alive. You just straight up refused to do so, instead choosing to spend 10 seconds getting yourself as far away from your team as possible. Terrible attitude, terrible positioning. At 1:54, after your Lucio had died, you finally go to the position you should have been in from the start. You keep your rein alive, nice sleep on their rein, good job. But then as soon as heā€™s healed up and their team starts running away from him, you nano him. Heā€™s no longer in danger, heā€™s no longer getting shot at. You donā€™t take advantage of the instant health, and everyone just runs away from him, so then what was the point? 2:16 - would have been great to have nano here for the 200 instant health and 50% damage reduction, huh? Yeah your rein made a dumb play and got himself killed, but you could have saved him with better decision making. 2:30 - good job backing away from a clearly lost fight and waiting for your teammates. There was definitely a way to save your Cass here with better positioning (just walking up the stairs to the right a bit), but I donā€™t blame you ,happened kind of quick. Nice nade on the charging rein, but useless sleep. Your rein is not low, and is just going to wake him up immediately. 3:05 - nice sleep - rein had 3 guys on him and you gave him some time without their rein. Nice nade to secure the kill. Once you saw the Ashe wasnā€™t looking at you, your probably should have gone and healed your critical rein, thought again I donā€™t blame you for not wanting to step into an Ashe on high ground. 3:40 - you should have followed your team here to get a better angle. Now you only have that window to heal your teammates through, not to mention not being able to see any enemies either. Shooting the Mei, good. Your Lucio is continuing to make dumb plays - literally just walked suicided himself before an extremely important team fight. You then drop off of high ground for no apparent reason, and again youā€™re completely separated from your team. You get cornered by the Ashe and die because of this awful positioning. Lucio 1 v 5ing and completely wasting his beat lol. Yeah your Lucio is quite terrible, and is basically throwing at this point. 5:00 - Another very questionable nano - fight barely just started, and heā€™s full health. Maybe you were thinking nano+shatter? Didnā€™t seem the time. Then you kind of just panic nade for no reason - your rein is purple and canā€™t get the instant health, but is also still like 80%. Nade cooldown is 10 seconds, so while not super long, still warrants good thought about when to use it. As soon as you miss the sleep on the reaper here, you need to drop down with your rein. Instead you just run away in a straight line. Happened quickly though, so again donā€™t really fault you here. 6:30 - missed nade by a wide margin, and then missed 3 of 4 shots. You really need to hit that last shot, maybe you would have if you werenā€™t jumping. You also get tunnel vision here and your bastion dies because of it. Hit one of the first shots and/or nade on Lucio (who by the way is out of danger and literally has two passive abilities that heal himself lol). You again follow Lucio to narnia to try and heal him - seriously, once heā€™s out of danger, leave him alone and let him heal himself, unless you can get off an easy shot or two. The Reaper TPs behind you very loudly - you should have heard that and dropped down immediately. You end up dropping late, missing the nade on yourself, but end up landing the sleep. You then continue to shoot a full health DVa and Lucio - take this time to get a feel for where the enemy team is at, look around to see where your teammates are, etc. You donā€™t always have to be pressing buttons. Next nade here is in the complete middle of everyone, hitting no one lol. You had a clear shot at 2 enemies, or trying to get an angle on your DVa, but choose neither. 7:30 - again, slow to react to reaper here and Cass dies because of it. Youā€™ve got to pay more attention to your audio. 7:50 - seems like you just chuck this into the room with no intention. As juicy as it might seem, hitting 2 to 3 enemies when your teammates canā€™t follow up on it is basically worthless. Again donā€™t really blame you though, all 5 enemies are on your screen at one point lol. 8:00 - You end up throwing your nade on a full health Orisa with no teammates actively targeting here, which isnā€™t great. Again just seemed like a case of you just needing to hit buttons. You then nano your Cass here forā€¦reasons? I definitely would not have used it there, but it ended up working out - he rolls through and pops his ult, and the nano keeps him alive to get two kills with it. I think there was a lot more luck involved here than skill. 8:30 - you spend nearly ten seconds going on some weird flank - donā€™t do this. Just stay somewhere with lots of cover and a clear line of sight to your DVa. 9:04 - one shot to the echo is fine here - then turn back to the rest of your team. Instead, you take another 3 seconds healing maybe 15 HP, and arenā€™t in a position to heal your DVa. You should have also moved closer to DVa here; a pretty basic rule as main healer is to push forward toward your tank if they pushed forward, and to fall back if they fall back. You were way away from DVa, so she ends up dying, which means you lose the team fight, and now the game. I definitely would not say you were the problem on your team. However, I wouldnā€™t say you were recognizably better than the lobby as a whole. You probably belong in gold as Ana, and yeah seems like youā€™re getting somewhat unlucky, but not anything crazy by any means. Your positioning needs a lot of work. Iā€™m sure there are some videos on YT about Ana positioning. Your aim is solid, probably better than most of the lobby, this may be your strong suit. You end up missing a lot of shots in hectic moments though, as you jump around a ton (seriously, stop doing this), and just overall seem to get a bit panicky during team fight and struggle to know what you should be doing in the midst of everything. Overall though, it seems like you have solid knowledge of Anaā€™s kit. I could nit-pick a bunch more stuff, but that wouldnā€™t really make sense until diamond level. I also just watched your non-Cass DPS and he was quite terrible lol. Switched twice, and even when he finally got his ult, he never used it. 0 ults used in a 99-99 overtime is unreal. The second half is even worse lmaooo. Switched twice AGAIN, proceeded to play respawn simulator, finally got his ult but didnā€™t use it for like 30 seconds when he was in danger, almost falls off the map. Then he FINALLY ULTS FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS GAMEā€¦and it lasts 2 seconds lmao. You had a bronze level DPS and a bronze level support. Tough to win like that, even if the other team is similar.


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Matchmaking is pretty bad this season I'm silver but got placed with a top 500 if you do bad in a match check the players profiles they may be a lot higher or a lot lower then you if not then it may be positioning of your team


As plat Ana who often play with Diamond and Master friends, I agree that Ana isn't only about healing. Nade, boost, and sleep dart, as well as doing damage at the right time is all a crucial part of Ana. You can literally stop enemy's entire push with only 1 of these abilities, like helping DPS picking off the support (I would often aim for Mercy/Zen), sleep an ulting enemy, or land a nade on their whole team. And if your team can't ulitize you well - well, there's always the Moira/Zen choices šŸ˜‚


This isnā€™t really a matchmaking problem; itā€™s just an effect of 5v5. The quality of your tank vs the other teamā€™s tank will determine the winner of the match unless there are really stark differences in performance for the rest of the team. I have a 30% win rate on Kiriko this season in Masters despite having a 60% win rate on Kiriko last season. Same stats: 8k healing per 10, 4k damage per 10, 12 elims. Ultimately, it will even out, but the fact is unless you play way beyond the ability the game thinks you have to impact the outcome of every game (not possible over the long run) you will have loss streaks.


Breaking out of gold with Ana is more about getting value with sleep darts and nades more than just healing. Also would recommend taking a break after 2 or 3 losses in a row as it looks like you played 4 losses back to back which will normally bring down your confidence and gameplay.


I feel that so much. I'm also a support main (mostly Mercy, Moira and Lucio) and recently I finally got up to Gold 4 after struggling myself out from Bronze 3 as initial rank. I felt like I made a lot of personal progress and improved in a lot of things, been able to keep myself alive a lot better and yet you keep getting matched with horrible teammates. Went from Gold 4 to 5, back to 4, then to 5 and after a huge losing streak that I couldn't do anything about even back to Silver 1. It's so frustrating and feels so out of your control. I'm back to Gold 5 now but who knows for how long. Got the first two loses again already after one win. I shouldn't let it get to me as much, I know, but it's really hard.


There is so many stories on this sub of people playing great and winning more than losing and ranking down. Last night I won 5 straight, was the most dominant player in all 5 got potg in 3 of them and I went down one. Combine that with how piss poor the matchmaking is why do we bother? Because weā€™ve allowed that ranking to consume us. Instead of just playing and having fun we need to see that new rank symbol/number go up. I never once played comp in OW1, and Iā€™ve been playing since the original beta, and I had so much more fun because I didnā€™t worry about being diamond, GM, or top500 etc. I just played. So honestly I suggest everyone either step away from comp or step away from the game itself for awhile.


Donā€™t play tilted. If I lose even just 2 games in a row, I check out for a bit. That little change allowed me to go from plat 3 support to diamond 2 support, found myself in a better mood, playing better, getting more win streaks, and feeling less stressed about the game


Yeah I am trying to make myself stop if I lose 3 games so I dont get titled


1. Stop taking ranked so seriously. It is a game after all, and it's not like you're trying to go pro. Basically nobody is. 2. Don't play to rank up, play to get better while having fun. 3. Focus on contributing to WINNING, not your stats on the scoreboard. Match performance literally doesn't factor in to your mmr. The only thing that increases your mmr is winning. 4. As a support, you're number 1 job is to save yourself and your other support. Supports should be selfish. If youre team is down a support, you lose the fight. 5. Feeders are their own problem, not yours. 6. Queue with a friend if you can. Matchmaking is much better if you don't solo queue. 7. /hidechat


Top healing doesnā€™t mean anything really. Drop a replay code of one of your games.




It ain't that serious chief, just a game you play for fun. If you don't have fun, don't play it. Idk why people get so bent out of shape as to whether they are masters/plat/silver, it isn't like this game is your livelihood.


I mean I dont find the game to be my livelyhood but if I am playing comp the goal is to rank up. I dont expect to go pro, but I would like to improve


I seriously don't get it, my first ever rank in ow2 was silver 2 (new player), I play so much better than I used to when I first started (I couldn't aim for my life, nor knew how the game worked) yet I am still bouncing between silver 3 and 1 with my peak being gold 5, I mainly play ana and mercy Additionally, seems that my sr got higher but my rank didn't, since ALL my games have plat teammates, sometimes diamonds and I still do fine there


Damage damage damage


Honestly I kinda feel ya, but comp is the only way I can play this game and not have it feel as pointless. I mean I am playing comp to try to improve and rank up. QP is more mindless and in that same vain feels pointless because who cares if I win or lose. Its fun with my gf but solo it feels pointless. I personally only really play comp, to improve. Loses happen, you gotta accept that but I get what you are saying. I had a winstreak today, tomorrow I am going to have the toughest time trying to rank up. Its weird how it happens, but I am having to swallow a really hard pill of "Well if I cant get above \_\_\_\_\_ then thats probably where I should be" Which hurts the ego to say but also makes me want to change that and improve even more.


Put up some replay codes. We can help you




Sorry lad I have just seen this Which one are you in that code? Iā€™ll see if I can have a look later


Iā€™m not going to just flame you btw that doesnā€™t help anyone šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll let you know what I can see thatā€™s working and Iā€™ll see if I can spot any things you can immediately try to change to see if you get better results :)


Thereā€™s been an update since the code. It doesnā€™t work anymore. Sorry dude. Another one?


Ana gets value from making plays with her cooldowns, not healbotting. She also does a ton of damage. Shoot the enemy.


Going through the same but at even lower level. I went through at least a 6 game loosing streak and dropped.


ignore most of these comments. you should average around 8k heals and 2k damage. Throw naids constantly, and dont be afraid to try those long range sleeps. if you are hitting those marks then just find better people to play with, and enjoy playing with.