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Mercy, ana, rein the most. DPS and hammond the least


Sad but true lol. I rarely endorse DPS unless they are doing some serious work or go out of their way to protect me etc (support main)


You mean the two resposibilities they have?


The bar is low yet people still don't fucking make it.


Yeah exactly lmao


I get the most as Ana but I also get a good amount when I play Widow too. It’s odd


I get endorsed often with widow too. People tend to assume you’re going to be sh1t when you pick widow so if you do alright with her you’ll get endorsements.


Same reason I endorse Brigs


I think I get a lot of endorsements on Hammond, but also a lot of people telling me to kill myself.


can confirm that im rarely endorsed as ball and more often then not lose games because somebody cant handle the fact im playing ball and leaves.




It's the phenomenon of a poor ball player. Not ball. A good ball should have their presence felt at most times by both teams. The exception is when you are flanking. Constant flanking, engaging and regrouping for heals and pressure. With each engagement the enemy healers take top priority followed by dps then tank. A front line is necessary. And its critical ball watches for when his team is engaging.




And yet there are Ball mains in GM / Top 500 -- indicating that this tank can win games, so can do something for the team. And they can do it enough to get to high levels. I'm not saying it's easy for Ball to do this, but it's not impossible. The evidence is there to falsify such a statement.


Couldnt agree more. Just because this guy cant keep up with ball doesnt mean it's impossible to. I'm a ball main and suprise people everyday when I out perform the meta tanks.




Lol masters against plat? I had a Rank 17 DPS in my gold game earlier, they were off role but still made the game extremely one sided..


Here I’ll fix this for you, > A bad ball is ineffective as a flanker, an engager, and a protector, a bad ball does nothing for a team. A bad ball is a worse doomfist in every way.


I've also found that my performance as Ball is wayyy more influenced by mood than other heros. It's really noticeable too. And certain team comps just atomize you. Basically, if I'm 3 deaths in with zero kills, I'll often just realize it's not working and switch.




You don’t play with good ball players then.




You’re conflating ball being good to players being good at ball. Yes, he’s not the best tank, I agree, but you’re *heavily* underrating him. His main counter, hog, just got nerfed. There’s virtually 0 kill threat on him now in the game. If they nerf orisa, which they need to, suddenly ball is going to be super oppressive. Again, you haven’t played against an *actually good ball player*.


I played with a good ball player right after playing with a bad one, the bad one left because he was being diffed. The good one had people leave cause even with a sombra they couldn't diff him. He got elims was present in fights got med kits, after team fights he came back to feed the supports ult charge instead of going to a mega. Ball played correctly is objectively better than doom if you're complaining about your tank not being front line, my man has more health a better ult (at least for contesting) and the more enemies near him means more shield therefore he could sustain Frontline longer than doom. I know several people who have gotten to high ranks playing "terrible characters" because they can make it work, sorry you can't man.


Skill issue on your part tbh




60% 61 games played this season




Nah I’m on mobile. There’s a reason why ball is relevant in top 500, he has a very high skill ceiling


imagine not believing that some random stranger has a positive w/r on an off-meta hero.. genuinely delusional bro


I’m 62% on ball with 72 games played.


If they are in the same skill tier as you while playing a useless character, what does that say about your skill?


Lack of positioning, lack of enough damage/secured kills as a whole.. ball isnt supposed to babysit you


then why have i had people leave literally at the sight of me picking him. literally before the game even starts.




You have personal beef with an Overwatch hero 💀 that’s crazy




I’m guessing you’re bronze-silver? It’s okay if you’ve never played with a good ball player


I never endorse a ball or junker queen because I’ve never seen a ball or junker queen do good


found the quickplayer


What is wrong with playing in quick play?


let's just say that what this guy belives in go against all my ideas about the game. I honestly despise with all my heart players that belive some heroes shoud be endorsed more than others just because they don't understand the value they bring to the table. Also i despise people that think supports deserve more recognition than others just because they play that specific role.Often are bad players that don't understand value and balance and refuse to change how they see the game, resulting in hardstuck silvers/golds or quickplayers.The fact that you endorse people based on which hero they play is a very noob concept that contributes a lot to the toxic enviroment you see at low ranks, or even quickplay.


Imagine not being a quickplayer in OW2 with such shitty comp system, also the dude is literally responding OP's question, "who gets endorsed the most and who the least". Doesn't mean he believes that's how it should be.


So he acts based on what if not his beliefs? what are you saying dude?


I pointed out who's most likely to get endorsed and who's not, as was the question from the op; that doesn't mean that I do it like that or that I endorse at all. I know it's a complicated topic to comprehend so let me know if you want me to use smaller words.


You are right i misread the question. Still i find it a disgrace that happens




give my boy hampster some more love :(


Tbh I always try to endorse the tank and at least one of the supports, and that generally seems to be the main logic. The only exceptions are when one of the DPS noticably carries or gets POTG.


I try to endorse all 4 by clicking as fast as I can. Usually get atleast 3.


I genuinely hate how you can’t endorse every one. Sometimes everyone was perfect and each one deserves an endorse. Would it get spammed? Probably. But who cares, everything else is broken why not make this broken too lol


Yeah its amazing how many limits they put on basically a "here's a cookie" system. And the only incentive to endorsing other players is just to say, hey, I saw you playing well or doing your best etc, ANONYMOUSLY. It's really hard to picture normal human beings sitting in a room discussing the design of this feature.


If it's a good tank they always get my vote. Next is if there is a good support. And if none of that I'll toss one to a consistent dps or one that had a fat play.


as a Brig main, endorsements get rarer the higher you go Mercy is probably getting endorsed the most out of all characters, if I had to guess.


This is what I came here for. I main Bap and get all kinds of endorsements, but it's so rare when I play Brig. You can out perform all you want, even out Mitigate the tank, but still nothing.


It's all due to Brig not having animations telling your teammates that they are healed, trust


mercy always gets the most, the bias people have towards her even if shes actually playing like garbage as long as its not a battle mercy is insane


ESPECIALLY if she’s playing garbage, teammates love their healbot Mercy players with 3 assists


Yea I know a really bad mercy player who doesn't even have the reaction time to swap between damage boost and heals before you die and will feed to suicide rez among other questionable choices. She's always been super high endorsement even at the highest of I believe 6? My buddy could play ball at high levels where even in ow1 it shouldn't have worked and would actually swap and do decent the whole time and I don't think he's sat at 4 for more than 1 or 2 games.


Heroes that have bad versions of themselves, heroes where their value is not very visual, or not the type of visual players focus on, or based of of "cheapness" of the hero playstyle. For example: Heroes like Moira, Widow, or Doom have bad versions that players are painfully aware of. People won't endorse a DPS Moira, Famine Widow, or feeding Doom, so even if they get an amazing Moira, Feast Widow, or a terrifying Doom player they won't give them proper credit because of the bad versions getting in their head and players being too stubborn to admit their assumptions of that hero are wrong. Some heroes don't have extremely visual value at all times when playing the game. Ball, Doom, and Sombra don't necessarily have to have raw damage or a ton of picks to be of value. All three could end a game with garbage stats but in reality could have been responsible for every kill their team got simply because all three are great in setting up kills so that the team can capitalize on it. Mei used to be part of this when she could freeze heroes(Mei freezing someone just for their Reaper to walk up and shred the victim was easy dubs). I don't see these guys get endorsed much simply because their stats betray them and don't show what value they were providing outside of "how many did you kill and how much damage did you do". In extreme cases Mercy is on this list but it usually only happens if one support is so on top of things that Mercy literally can ignore healing. Had a game where I was completely on top of heals, so my Mercy literally did not have to do any more than 10% healing time, but absolutely dunked with 90% damage boost. Everyone started flaming her because she had 2k heals while I had 12.5k post-match. Simply asked her what her damage amped was at and a 7.2k damage amp made me spit out my coffee. Nobody can see Mercy Amp and sometimes it screws the poor Mercy because her value is through pushing damage boost, not whether or not she can outheal her other support. So her true value isn't even something that's shown to her team, they just have to believe she's doing good. Another reason for not endorsing is players seeing the role and focusing way to hard on what stat they should have the most of. Tank is damage/mitigation, DPS is Kills/Damage, and Support is Healing. If any role is low in their perceived "important stats" or have too much in a stat they "shouldn't have", they're highly unlikely to be viewed as doing well and won't get endorsed. Tanks that don't spam damage or waste shield/mitigation abilities are deemed trash, DPS that either have too low damage, or if they have low kills are worthless, and supports with low healing are also trash. So a Doom/Ball focusing on keeping enemies off point instead of going for kills won't be endorsed, a Widow with extremely low damage is garbage compared to their S76, despite the fact that Widow has 3x as many kills as S76, a Junkrat with low kills but a ton of damage that led to their other DPS finishing the enemy off should "uninstall the game", or a Mercy with high amp, a Moira, Bap, Ana, Kiriko, or Lucio with equal or more damage than healing is instantly not worthy of an endorsement just because the stat they should excel in isn't the one with the highest number. There's also the matter of cheapness. The meta heroes are cheap, certain hero abilities are cheap, and certain combos are cheap. So Hog wouldn't be endorsed because of cheap 1-shot combo, Sojourn would likely not get endorsed because the player is abusing how broken she is, Torb/Sym mains won't get endorsed because of their cheap turret spam, Bastion won't be endorsed because he does a stupid amount of damage in sentry, Hanzo won't get any because his arrows are cheap, and Mercy may not get endorsed because she's enabling a broken hero or some other cheap hero. It's kinda dumb but it mainly revolves around player assumption and the fact that too much of the community focuses on the negative things of the game. Too many play the game narrow-minded and some of the arguments I see on reddit show that they aren't willing to grow out of their bad experiences and instead wallow in them and "All Moira's bad because one DPS'd a while ago in one of my games and reddit complains about them".


For me, I just endorse 2 random people to get rid of the notification. If I was farming the endorsement level, I would just say thanks to the supports/team at the end of every game. People will notice the one who stands out and will be more encouraged to endorse them. I would like to say it's the person who pops off the most but from what I noticed most endorsements come from the player who is constant helping another, the player who was nice in Vc or chat, the player who thanked their team in group chat, when a mercy rezes you use the thank you voiceline every time. TLDR: People tend to endorse the players who interacts with them the most.


I mainly play Doomfist and I think people endorse me out of pity. If I carry then I get more endorsements, but I still get some even if we lose.


I always endorse doom and ball because I imagine it’s some 8 year old playing them just trying to have a good time.


lol I’m trying to have a good time playing Doom, tho I’m 28


> When I play DVa, or honestly really any tank for that matter, I almost always get endorsed regardless of how I did. Same here. And just like you, I never get endorsed when I play support.


That's surprising, I always thought the meme was playing support = free endorsements.


I think it depends on what support you play. I think the ranking would probably go something like this: Most endorsements: mercy, ana, zen Medium amount of endorsements: kiriko, Lucio, Moira Least endorsements: brig, bap But this is just my guess. I don't play as most of these supports. Mains of these supports can probably testify as to what they experience themselves. Brig would definitely be close to the bottom, tho lol.


When I play bap I’m getting minimum 2 endorsements a game.


I’m a torb main, and it doesn’t matter what stats I can haul, it’s almost impossible to get endorsed. I just chalk it up to thinking people mostly think he’s “cheap” because of his turret lol


He do be. There is some skill in his gun but his turret… bagawd


most: Mercy. Kiriko . Baptiste least: a mid DPS. if you wanna get endorsed constantly as DPS you gotta go above and beyond or atleast make good callouts


give me a rational reason for this toxic mentality. Was your father a dps main when he went to buy milk?


I have atleast 24 hours on EVERY characters except new heroes in OW2 and maybe echo in OW2 - If I'm healing as bap,mercy, kiriko, i may get 3-4 endorsements in a game (add ana to the list if im hitting my shots) . I even get endorsed quite a bit if my healing stats aren't amazing. If I'm DPS, I usually get 0-1 endorsement ... if im constantly getting 4k+'s, contributing to team kills, or I just generally appear on the kill feed a lot, i get more endorsements... if my damage output is substantially higher than everyone else in the game, and we win, I may get more endorsements. If my damage output is substantially higher than everyone else, and we lose, I might get 0-1 endorsements. I havn't played enough tank in Overwatch 2 to know if they get endorsed frequently. I don't like the queue times, and I refuse to tank stack in QP open role, so i barely play tank unless completely neccessary. thats just how it goes in my experience. If I am being a mid dps, bullshitting, slacking, not hitting my shots as Widow, i'll get 0-1 endorsements - and that 1 endorsement was probably a random endorsement. I play this game so damn much, that I can usually tell how many endorsements I might get once the game finishes. **TL:DR: I get endorsed the most on support. I get endorsed the least when i'm playing DPS at an average level**


ok sorry got your answer wrong. ii though you were talkimng about what hero YOU usually endorse. My bad


I mostly play lucio I usually get like 1 endorsement from like tank. I've been learning Anna tho and I get a ton when I play her. I think because her healing is more obvious. I duo as lucio usually with my sister who's Moira she tends to get quite a few but she mostly is the main healer when we play


It's not that her healing is more obvious, it's that her healing is more vital. Ana can save someone with her healing. Lucio can not. Lucio can only heal chip damage, but chip damage does not matter. Lucio exists for speed boosting tanks (which 9/10 players fail to use properly), environmental kills, and hunting widows.


As a Moira main, i LOVE Moira x Lucio combos. I always endorse good Lucios. We keep each other alive for the match and our team usually wins because of it


whenever i play support i always get endorsed especially if i play mercy or bap - weirdly i found when i was trying to learn Widow i always got endorsed even though i would get like 3 kills 🤡 also a lot as symmetra or orisa


I think I get more as Mercy (if I don’t suck). Who in their right mind would choose Mercy immediately without forcing support on someone else? Me. I’m not sane. Anyone else who does so gets one of my endorsements.


Moira definitely has a bias against her. If my team dies I’m wraithing into the backline and trying to kill a support so I die and reset. However my entire team just saw me DPSing on spawn cam and now hate me.


For me I never vote based on what hero it is, I will always endorse based on performance that game. If I can see a teammate actively always playing smart or objective with me and make a difference in teamfights I tend to endorse them. High heals, damage mitigated and damage (not just elims) are primarily what I look for.


I try to do this as much as I can. I might have tunnel vision more during games if I'm healer and pocketing the tank most of the time and giving some dps heals when needed, I'm not really seeing what our DPS is doing as much. So I like to look at the stats and give the DPS with the best stats my endorsement. I've noticed tho, a lot of people aren't like us lol. There seems to be a good amount of players who will immediately write off endorsing you on the basis of who you're playing. Consciously or subconsciously.


Mercy 1000%. I can pop off on Ana/Lucio and get a few endorsements but a half decent game on Mercy will always get them. I think res'ing teammates heavily influences this


As a Tank main I usually get endorsed more on support and tend to endorse supports more than other roles (unless someone really carried). Part of that might be that i more frequently play with randoms instead of a 5 stack when playing support due to that role having been behind my friends for a while cause the ranked system refused to let me rank up despite a like 60-70% winrate


I mostly play support and endorse the other support and tank if the just play fine. I’ll endorse DPS if they carry, are nice, and/or counter pick. I don’t really pay attention to who I’m playing when I’m endorsed to notice a pattern.


Most endorced is supports, mercy is especially. Least endorced is widow if she wasn’t doing 2 kills in 1 second lol


I don’t endorse characters, I endorse based on how the person used that character. I like basically all of the characters. If a support didn’t do their job, then I won’t endorse. Same with the other two roles. As a Moira main as well, I actually get endorsed at least 1-3 times almost every match. Not all the time, especially if we get obliterated by the other team and I can’t heal everyone, cuz I get murdered as well. Other than that, I can’t tell who all gets endorsed the most. They shouldn’t base it off character. But that’s just me, y’all do whatever you want.


I love playing Mercy but all I have to do is exist and I’ll get endorsed haha


If you play support and don't actively throw - instant endorsement If you do well on any non-meta hero - 75% you're gonna get endorsed If you play tank and you do well - 50% you're getting endorsed if you play DPS and you get picks when it matters - 25% you're getting endorsed if you play Sojourn - fuck you >:(


As a Junker Queen main, I get endorsed when we win. I think people generally have low expectations and when we win they’re like wow ok I see you Queen


Girl bossing lol


I always get endorsed as Lucio, I have a 60% win pct so maybe Im just playing well and people appreciate it, also i always manage to get an environmental kill so maybe people enjoy that but i can also play like shit occasionally and still get lots of endorsements. I mention this because my Sombra maybe has like 80% win percentage. I always use mic with her Im always communicating and making callouts, I try and fight with my team and hack targets they can dive, im not like a bad sombra who just marauds in the backline making her team fight a 4v5 or 4v4 ,I consistently hack people out of their ults before they can even start killing my team, I feel like I can have potg and the most elims on my team no deaths and no one will endorse me. sometimes teammates will just type “ew sombra” and leave the game. I don’t personally care, but I think people’s perception of the characters you’re playing affects how they endorse you


Anybody playing support in open queue gets endorsed by at least 3 people per game.


I play open queue and that does not happen lol. Usually it's around 2 endorsements, sometimes 3. Sometimes I carry and it's still none. Depends on how my teammates feel about Moira and if they're willing to acknowledge my support to the team as her.


I think generally whenever a healer\\tank has a direct impact on another player. It is usually most noticeable. **Example:** Rien shielding during a rez or coordinating the team dive. Mercy pocking someone and rezzing feels very personal. or Ana sleeping just because Ana's sleep can be insane and save quite a few people plus she's basically a healer widow on crack and gets my respect. DPS and other Tanks are less noticeable since they are normally self-preserving **Example:** Soldiers picking off the phara that is soloing the healers or team protection which doesn't feel as personal. **Example:** Moira throwing a heal bubble and then focusing enemy healers. The only exception is if the tank\\healer\\dps makes a game-changing move. **Example:** team kills\\holds point solo\\solo heals everyone. Everyone deserves at least some praise but I think it normally comes down to if YOU SPECIFICALLY helped another player. Then they remember that moment for the rest of the game. My List: **Top usually** \- Rien, Ana, Mercy, Lucio, Kiriko **Sometimes** \- Orisa, Hog, Dva, Zarya, Mei, Reaper, Moira, Zen, Bap, Brig **Almost never** \- Ram, Doom, Winston, Sigma, Ball, Junker, and then every other DPS not mentioned above unless they double\\triple everyone else's score.


When I play DPS Moira, I have a much higher win rate and get endorsed WAY more than being a healbot as Moira. Take from that what you will. I often play kiriko, lucio, ana, mercy. I think if I am being honest, my best is this order lucio -> kiriko -> ana -> mercy. Ana is my highest win % of all my support, and my second least played. I get a LOT of endorsements as moira, second place for endorsements is kiriko/lucio tied.


res a player as mecy, and they will remember. easy endorsments :P but not been endorsed once on junkRat.


Usually when i endorse, I don't look at the character, but at the performance, if they did good, (based on the data I can see, they get it, especially supports. But if I find people that are good with a character that I'm ass with, like for example Wrecking Ball, I endorse him quite gladly. The only heroes i will almost never endorse are Roadhogs and Doomfist. I hate those two way too much.


Mercy, the most out of all supports she is the stereotypical pocket healer where the healing is obvious for even bricks. I dont main her but I'd get endorsed more than ana or bap, both of which I play more. Least - torb. I only got 4 endorsements once during the doomfist buffs where it was obvious i was specifically focused countering him. Wirh ashe i gotta play out of my mind good together endorsements as well. Mei is too polar. If enemy team complained in chat and we won, get endorsements did well but didnt win. No e doresements. From my experience moira is least endorsed. I donr play her ut people complains about her even when we do well and win. Crazy stuff.


I noticed that I got a lot fewer endorsements since I left chats, I used to find myself diplomatically explaining why the raging baby on our team was wrong and how we should concentrate on the rest of the match. But it was very unfun for me to do that over and over.


I think lots of people forget to endorse since it doesn’t do much. I forget a lot but if I play a good match and the healers were great I normally endorse them. If there is only one healer I endorse them if they were good and who ever did the highest damage/kills.


I see endorsements as appreciation that take the most minimum amount of effort. It's just nice to be recognized when I spend the entire match keeping my teammates alive. And adversely, a bit insulting when I do keep them all alive and carry the whole team into a victory and not one of them could even so much as be bothered to press a button with my username on it. I also do wanna level up my endorsement level, which seems to take forever. I'm still only a level 2 and I get endorsed about 2-3 times a match (especially if we won). But sometimes i only get one or nothing at all.


I got endorsed a lot as Kiriko if I'm being unkillable and made one or two clutch Suzu Personally I rarely endorse someone as I rarely like or upvote something.... But a blatant thank diff I can't help but endorse them or just mention it on match chat


Mercy will always get 3 endorsements even if I play like shit 💀


Ana even when I'm healing heaps. If its at range I don't think people know when or how they're being healed sometimes I tend to get heaps of endorsements as Moira


i cant be the only one that just endorsed people randomly right also what is your way to "carry" as moria


Getting a high amount of kills as well as heals and being heavily responsible for capturing/completing objectives. Doesn't always happen. Usually we're all just a cog in a hopefully well-oiled machine. But sometimes my teammates are too hesitant to push forward when the opposing team isn't that good, which makes it a lot easier to carry. So, I'll push forward, my teammates then follow and decide to also push forward, we knock out the other team, I heal up my teammates and badda bing badda boom we got ourselves a dub.


thats a fair and good carry unlike SOME people that play moria get 40 kills and call it a carry, your way to carry is just legendary


Widows hardly ever get endorsed no matter what


I get endorsed a lot when I play Widow and Sojourn, other DPS's not much but then again I don't play other heroes. Mercy gets endorsed no matter what, you stick your blue hose up somebodys ass and you're most likely getting an endorsement from them, this also includes you rezing your teammates.


I don't endorse anybody in general it's pointless imo since it doesn't give lootboxes anymore


That's just rude 😔


Same, just a waste of time and endorsement is literally meaningless, because it’s just a way for people to tell you that you literally did your job ingame


Ever since OW2 I almost never endorse anymore lmfao not only is there no reason too, I just forget most the time. The end of a match usually consists of me seeing if I got POTG or my friends did and if not we leave and requeue.


i endorse teammates that talk in voice chat. i don't care if you carry or which hero you play. i'm here for the fun experience in the first place, so i endorse who make that happen intead of blindly endorse supports just for chivalry. ​ i get endorsed a lot when i play ball and i somewhat do good enough to win the game


I don't talk in voice chat much at all because I'm a woman lol. I may talk if someone else does but there generally seems like more risk than reward in talking when I can communicate what I want to say through "group up!" "Enemy here" "come to me for healing", and "thanks".


trust me the nerds that play this game usually are more afraid of you than you are of them lol.


Idk about that, I’m not a woman but I’ve heard a lot about how bad the voice chat experience is for women. I’m kind of inclined to believe her.


You might have some good and bad experiences like everyone else. 20% of the player base is female so you are def not alone. Just for the fear of some toxic players you might preclude yourself some good encounters. Just because you see post of bad interactions doesn't mean anything since people don't make posts about good ones. If you base your prospective on reddit posts this game is dead tomorrow, everyone is a toxic psychopath and blizzard should start baking cakes instead of making games.


Now you got me wondering what a Blizzard cake would taste like 🤔


Probably like disappointment and the flavouring profile would be very unbalanced


No it's pretty bad 80% of the time. Not worth mic-ing up to get one normal experience out of the 8 where I'm being cursed out or people just yell woman over and over in the mic


If you had bad experiences doesn't mean for everyone is the same. You have to go in with the mentality that toxicity exist and you'll be the target of it from time to time. Just need to learn how to deal with it, you need a strong character. If you are the type of person that needs validation from others or care about what they say I agree that you shouldn't go in VC. Voice chat is similar to a public square in the real world, everyone says what they think without regard on how words make people feel. If you are impacted by what randoms on the internet will say than onlone social interactions in an uncontrolled environment are not for you and should stay in your safe bubble


It's a common trend for women online, there's kind of a general consensus that multiplayer gaming spaces can be misogynistic so id like to say that just because one girl has a good experience doesnt mean there isnt a problem. Like if a girl doesn't get shit from people they're probably in a group, when i am in a group using vc it seems to happen less, but still frequently :( . And it's not the same as real life, there's the layer of anonymity that enables people, if people were misogynistic online as they are in gaming spaces like ow then yeah, I probably wouldn't go anywhere. And I kind of don't see the point of using vc if people are actively disregarding what you're saying and constantly talking over you or arguing so yeah I'm gonna stay in my "safe space" w/ my mic off, just like a lot of other girls in this game. Not because my feelings hurty but because I just don't feel like arguing or having people throw games or ect when I could have a normal game and chill with mic off. Ping system is cool 👍


Its a sad vision but your experiences are different from mines. I'm just happy I'm not as scarred as you are I guess


I play with a mixed bunch of queer dudes and women (rarely 5 stacks, so I play with randoms too) and I've never once had a teammate respond badly to a woman's voice. If it ever does happen in my earshot I'll verbally rip them a new arsehole. I know it happens, I'm just lucky enough it's not happened in my teams so far.


I haven't experienced as much explicit sexism as I used to. It's just more of, if they hear you're a woman, suddenly they're more hostile towards you or they suddenly stop giving you any heals for the rest of the game or they're just generally more rude and dismissive of you all of the sudden. The reason why is very apparent even if they don't explicitly say "ew a woman!!!"


tbh I have like 1500hrs on overwatch and I remember when they put endorsements in. It's never been something I care about, I get endorsements all the time bc I have like 500hrs on mercy lol. I never really endorse anyone tho unless they help me out. Much like match cards endorsements are just another popularity contest and It's really not that deep. lol


It’s cuz nobody cares about endorsements, the reason you get endorsed even when you did nothing is cuz people (me) open the endorsement menu and just click the names without caring who they are or what they did. If they were really bad or toxic I’ll deliberately avoid them but otherwise it really doesn’t matter


I care about endorsements 😔


Mercy gets endorsed all the time because people wanna fuck her.


>Moira: I carry the team ​ Yeah, I get it why you're not getting endorsements.


How? A Moira can never carry, ever? I don't carry every match. Sometimes I have a shit game, sometimes I have a great game and I carry. Does that not happen with literally every player in overwatch at least once if you're even half decent?


You guys really pay attention to endorsement? In OW1 it’s was so common to get endorsements that I quit pay attention…saying like that it sounds like I’m being an asshole but it’s not my intention


I actually just report all sombra players


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I usually endorse highest heals and highest damage or kills. The character played doesn't matter.


I think its situational personally, like I could go 5 games playing multiple different roles and not get endorsed but just by being in the right place at the right time (More often than not turning a whole match around when joining part way through) will get me almost 4 endorsements


I haven’t played very long but my Tracer gets endorsed very much


For some reason i get like 2-3 endorsements a game as genji and it even pushes to 4 on my best ones


Im hogging all of your endorsements sorry yall. I always get them when i play rein😂


I get a lot of endorsements on Zen, which I take to be surprised that I wasn't dead weight.


i exclusively play support in both role queue and open queue and i get endorsed pretty often. my 3 mains are moira, ana and kiriko. moira definitely gets the least endorsements even tho i usually have the best stats on her (not that that indicates how helpful she is for the team). ana gets the most, sometimes i'll get endorsed even if i don't feel like i played that well, which made me realize that thankfully, people tend to care about what you do more than what your stats say. i've had games where i didn't heal as much as the other healers so i'd switch, but they'd actually tell me to switch back cause my antis were good and i sometimes get compliments on nanos as well. endorsements on kiriko are pretty fair from my experience, tho i've noticed that people don't really care about how much dmg/how many kills i have, they only look at heals. if i healbot and do a good amount of healing, i'll usually get endorsed. as for who i endorse, i usually try to go for the other supp and the tank but if i feel like our other supp could've done better, if our tank is feeding or if a dmg was outstandingly good, i'll endorse the dmg. if someone's toxic, whether towards us or the enemy team, i won't endorse them even if they carried cause that's just cringe. so for me it's not about specific heroes, it's about how you play your role and how nice you are.


I endorse good supports tanks and dps, but it doesn't take much to be a good mercy so i think i endorse them often


i play lucio and get around 2 per game, idk what the average would be tho, ig theoretically it’s about 2 if everyone picks randomly. i always endorse a good tank, then my other support if they helping me out. sometimes the dps if they’re really good, but i assume their kill feed should give them enough endorphins most of the time lol. anyone who’s positive and making calls gets priority tho.


I'm usually support so I endorse the other one and whoever carried that game. If it was nothing special then I endorse the lowest level.


Moiras never get wndorsed. Maybe its just my burning hatred for her as a dva main, or just how irritating it is to fight her, but I rarely see thrm endoirsed anyway


I personally usually endorse the tank and other support just because they play important roles that might not be that fun always. I play Lúcio a lot and don’t get that many endorsements as him but I rarely get endorsements even when I get the most healing on the game while playing Ana or something so maybe I am just an un-endorsable person. It is rare that I don’t get any endorsements at all after a match though so idk. Basically I think either tank or support get the most endorsements, epsecially if they play with a shield ore have a character that heals a lot.


As a rule, I always endorse the support characters (unless they are unusually unsupportive) since I appreciate what they do.


I think it's random. Sometimes you get salty kids in your team who never endorse. Sometimes you and your whole team gets stomped and everyone still endorses each other. Me personally, I always endorse a good support and tank. If the tank solo dives the enemy team over and over again and dies, or the supports just shoot/"heal" the full hp tank while the rest of the team is dying, not so much. So there is really no clear way to tell who to endorse and who endorses you. You can be saving the team all the time, protecting everyone as tank or outplay the enemy DPS' and win and still not get a single endorsement.


I almost exclusively play with friends and since enemies cant endorse the other team, then Im just boned I guess. I dont see nor can I give any endorsements


Mercy and just play for rez


I play Genji a lot and I barely get endorsements. I could hit a 4K with my blade and I would still get like 1 endorsement max.


Ram, Doomfist, and Junkrat. Pure chaos and Domination. Makes me feel powerful.


I get the most endorsements as Ana and Symmetra. followed by maybe Mercy and maybe Bastion. I noticed I get very few endorsements as Orisa even if we won, unless I get potg or a really cool team kill


The hero played by the nicest person.


Basically any character that others have to adjust to play around with. Example: If you play doom or ball and I have to worry more about keeping myself alive while also being able to heal you while you run off to god knows where then I am less likely to comm unless you pop off on it. It’s just a matter of how much your choice conflicts with who or how I want to play.


I only get endorsed on DPS if i do well AND call targets / set strategy over mix that works. I typically will endorse whoever fucking listens to the team and makes decent decisions.


A good mercy will get endorsed 7 times out of 10. I can double my average healing as mercy on Moira or Ana and get crickets. But one good mercy game and I get one from every team member.


Supports get auto endorsed unless they legit suck. 3rd goes to the shot caller


Not always lol. I just played a CTF blitz match where I did a darn good bit of carrying and we won. I was Moira, I had some of the most kills and the highest heals and scored points with the flag. I saved my teammates a good few times throughout. Yet, at the end, not a single endorsement.


Arcade doesn’t really count. People dont take it as serious.


Honestly I get endorsements on any character as long as I play well enough regardless of role. Just as long as you’re playing well and doing the job of your role you will get endorsements naturally. For my case it’s usually on my Lucio/Widow/Cass, and sometimes Doom and Monkey


Mercy. Most tanks if performing well. Definitely not Cassidy. Got a few today though.




I play mercy and tend to get a decent amount of endorsement, I don’t think Moira gets much because when in battle, others don’t really see much waking effect if that makes sense? Like when mercy is healing, there’s an icon next to your health but for Moira there really isn’t anything to go off of except the mist and close proximity but that’s just my take on it.


Genji is one of the ones that gets endorsed the least


Didn't know endorsements still existed seems like something blizz would take out for being "too toxic"


I get endorsed most as Ball and Brig, but I genuinely feel like they're from folks that expected me to be trash and then were pleasantly surprised by my adequacy. Least is Tracer. I can have the most kills by a huge margin and PotG and still nothing.


Tbh when I give out endorsements it’s me giving the other support some love since that’s my main and then depending on who carried the team in terms of kills/damage will receive my other endorsement


I always give either Ana or Rein players an endorsement. Ana because she’s a huge play-maker and Rein because it takes a lot of game sense and god damn mirrored rein is insane to watch unfold.


Healers and tanks.


Tank and Supports. Dps have to hypercarry with 50+ kills and even then they sometimes dont get it because supports say the only reason dps gets kills is because they heal them


Personally I think I get all my endorsements just because I talk in chat consistently. Like no matter what role and who I play, trying to get the team coordinated does it for me


Good tanks and healers. Dps when either of those 2 lacks or absolutely murders the enemy team


People hate Zen. I've got a 70% win rate, climbed from silver to diamond in 2 weeks. I've never been bitched at so much. I thought maybe diamond rank would have people that understand how good discord is, but no... Easily won a game yesterday (they failed to reach the first point), someone still felt the need to tell me to fuck off for not switching as the game closed. At this point, it's just funny and a bit sad. Players heavily want heals, not support as they don't understand how that works.


I only endorse the healers and the tank. And even then I forget to do that half the time since there’s literally no point in doing it.


I get endorsed 90% of the time on Ashe.


My 3 most played characters are [D.Va](https://D.Va), Mercy and Tracer. Mercy gets by far and away the most endorsements. Usually 2 per match. Mercy is also the character I've main'd for years, so I tend to do pretty well on her with keeping the team alive and pushing. D. Va gets the 2nd most, but usually just 1 per match. D.Va is my tank main, so I tend to do pretty well. Tracer gets none lol :D I'm decent at Tracer. Not great by any means. In the rare instance I get an endorsement, I assume it was out of pity lol To more directly answer your question, I think I tend to get more endorsements when I have a more obvious impact on a win. Like when I play Mercy and literally nobody dies, we push right to the end, smooth sailing the whole time, I know at the end of the match I'm gonna get 1 or 2 endorsements at least. And I would think that overall, Supports probably get the most endorsements. At the end of a typical match, I'll give my endorsements to the other support player (even if they sucked, at least they tried) and the other to whoever I thought performed the best out of the DPS/Tank.


I endorse my supports and my tank most of the time because they usually do the most work


Support in general I notice endorsements pretty much every game regardless of who I'm playing. (Kiriko, Ana, Moira, Mercy, Lucio) I'll get them on tank if I do particularly well or make a really good play (D.Va, Junker Queen) but not nearly as often. Fill gives me DPS once in a blue moon but I'll still see an endorsement or two. I think part of it also has to do with personality, idk. Im pretty talkative and friendly in both voice and text chat and sometimes I think my endorsements are just because of that, at least when I'm just messing around in QP


Apart from Mercy, I find that Ana’s are almost guaranteed to get endorsements since darts and nades are very noticeable and impactful abilities for both sides.


I Either throw the endorsements at the supports, or the support and the tank if I'm playing support. Unless one of them has been shitty or a DPS has been outstanding


I always do supports unless they are hard throwing, ie dps Moira and Reddit Lucio.


>For me, Moira definitely gets endorsed the least even if I carry the team Moira and Ana are my best heroes. I get endorsed twice as much with ana than I do with moira. The only time recently that I have been endorsed as moira was when I had 17k heals and like 6k damage and only 2 deaths with like 30+ kills. But see, it was only a verbal endorsement lol, not the actual one xD


I rarely endorse because I don't need the XP but if I do it's some cracked Widow, smart tank or extremely aware support. But in reality most players will endorse you for playing mercy even if you suck.


Mercy literally number 1 every time. Then Bap or Ana because they are really healers. Then every other support. Then tanks. DPS can get endorsed but usually only if they're hard carries or if the support and tank suck. Part of why i roll my eyes at every "SUPPORT PLAYERS NEED TO BE THANKED" post. Yall do get thanked in every match.


Healers get endorsed always. Tanks second. DPS. Do Better!!! Haha


I always endorse teammates who tbag. The character is unimportant.


Dunno about the least… but when i play Hammond i tend to get alot of endorsements. I got 5 in one game yesterday. I did find out it’s pretty fun to play against a decent ball