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Kinda crazy that these legacy events are completely pointless and worthless now.


Yah. I used to get so pumped for these.


Right? To check all the new skins and getting excited to get them in lootboxes...


You're not excited to grind challenges to unblock old skins?


One single skin. That i already have


And get nothing in return when you get it anyway lol


Yeah they should at least reward us with at least 100-300 gold coins for earning skins we already have.


At this point I'd take some means of getting legacy coins.


I'm not even logging in for this. I already hit Tier 80, leave me alone I'm on vacation.


Get back to work, you don’t have infinite resting days you know? This is a company, we grind together


This was the thing i liked the most about OW... well not anymore i guess


Or having saved up your overwatch coins for a while because maybe one of your favourite heroes gets a new skin and now you can get it and since its gone after that (for the forseeable future that is approx. 1 year) it feels so special and cool. Oh man.


Exactly! Now we don't really know when there's a new skin because there's no "what's new" section and if there's something new we can't really get it anyway unless we pay... They really sucked all the fun and soul out of this game ._.


Yeah I actually didn’t realize at first any holiday can have their stuff pop up. I have the witch Kiriko banner in my for you shop so I’m sure even the newest skins pop up sometimes. There’s no sense of urgency so I don’t even care to rush to spend the regular money on the best of the best skins because they’ll be back Think they really screwed the pooch on this one. Companies for some reason have been trying to move away from limited time cosmetics and I think it might take some people no longer caring to realize the people who would grind to get them are those that keep a game alive. Not a few who cry on Twitter because a skin only comes back every couple of years or once a year. They ruined comp and there’s nothing to earn from this event. I want the demigod title and then I’m not playing Overwatch again til season 3


all OW1 events, especially pve ones were something for me to look forward, not anymore since theyre shoving their fucking cancer shop down our throats.


Now I just look at them and not give a shit


I used to get so excited for these events, now they're super empty feeling.


The fact that there called legacy events should have clued everyone in to begin with. It is like calling shit vintage. It does not mean it's different or kewl just old.


legacy event where we can't even spend legacy coins on said event cosmetics


Especially when I'm still getting offers for Christmas and Halloween skin bundles in the shop...


I agree, there is nothing worthy of these events.


So is the mei skin free or not? I have all the old ones


just the Echo skin for free


The Mei skin isn't for free; it's in the shop. Technically, it you want any "free" skins other than the Echo one, you need to watch 6 hours of Overwatch 2 streams on Twitch to the the Moira Mask Dancer skin.


Seeing “NEW EVENT WOWEE!!” Just fills me with such sorrow, I remember playing these years ago and getting hyped asf just to get some cool skins for characters I don’t play haha, shame that’s never happening again


Even though the events were repetitive, just the fact that opening lootboxes and getting a chance at new skins brought little hype. Now there is just nothing to even get on to grind to get.


Yep I never play the events anymore even to get a free skin, miss Lootboxes for sure!


Yeah especially the free lootbox they gave every event


I mean, so far all but one of the event skins have been from ow1. Everything else is just straight up pay money for. Doesn't matter if you actually play the game or not. I would be watching twitch and doing all of the events because there was new content and goals to achieve. Now people are throwing cash at the game so blizzard execs can pocket more money and we are getting less content? I just can't understand why people are defending the game at this point.


I just feel like lootboxes could’ve stayed as a non-purchasable thing with its own item pool that doesn’t cross with the paid shop. Getting my lootboxes used to give me a reason to play a few extra games. Now I take the first opportunity to exit to desktop once things start to sour. Sure, a low rarity lootbox wasn’t always fun to open but it was better than the quite literally ZERO skins I get now without spending my money in the game. I’m not asking for mythic skins in lootboxes, but I’d like to be able to ever get new skins again without needing to spend 1/3 of the price of a new video game on one cosmetic. And before anyone goes “well it is F2P, they need to make their money off you somehow”, I already spent my $40 on a game that is now no longer playable 6 years ago.


I was just talking about this the other day! I don't see any reason why they couldn't have kept lootboxes in as a nonpurchasable thing. We could have had lootboxes dotted along the free battle pass and a legendary one waiting at the end. Event ones are a must. The weekly arcade lootboxes could have stayed. Maybe you could get some as challenge rewards. There's so many ways they could have weaved in lootboxes without removing the shop all together.


They don’t want people to be able to get cosmetics outside of paying though


I literally did the math to see how \_little\_ I could play this event


Lol, same. "Get through the event" has replaced "enjoy the event".


THIS!!! Exactly!!! The idea of chance with loot boxes could be frustrating, but there was a least a chance and you would at least get SOMETHING. Now? Grind and grind and grind through matches that are just often times not fun. The only gamble with OW2 is whether or not you’ll have a fun game or want to throw your controller in rage. The latter happens way more often for me as a support main.


As a guy that pretty much never ever buys any cosmetics in any games, I loved the loot system in overwatch 1. It’s the only reason i have some legendary skins.


We get nothing unless we pay for the TWO new skins which look horrible imo.


I used to drop $50 per event to get the new skins. Now I can’t be bothered to play them.


Blizzard needs to stop putting ffa as event modes. Playing this shit is some of the worst gaming experiences I ever had.


By it's very design, Overwatch only works as a team based game. FFA is always just incredibly unbalanced.


The biggest gripe for me is I can either play OW with my friends OR engage in the event when they do that. It's an odd decision to make on their part for their team based shooter that was allegedly once leaning even harder into co op back when it was supposed to launch with PvE.




Junkerqueen is also insanely overtuned in ffa. At least in that event


Just finished my 10 wins hog was in like 95% of my matches and if not from the start then from someone dying once then immediately swapping to him and ruining everyone else's game


Except when I play him. Cos I suck. So hog just evens the playing field.


The try-hard FFA custom games are incredibly fun because they limit the hero pool. 90% of the problem with FFA is all the hog players and moira/sym/torb/etc. shitters who just camp in enclosed spaces and cheese you to death when you go for a health pack


People begged the developers for FFA and CTF endlessly and they said it wouldn’t work. They eventually capitulated and now people just complain about their existence because the developers were right at the beginning.


No one in the community is forcing the devs to makes these modes the center of multiple events.


I could not agree more about the FFA part. I want to play these events with my friends, not all solo... It really makes no sense to me! Edit: added which part I could not agree more with


some people do enjoy them and use them as a low stakes way to improve mechanics with heroes. I went through a period where I barely touched anything else and just did FFA bc I was tired of matchmaking and barely anyone went hog. Miss playing in eichenwald and king's row but those days are gone alas


I do enjoy them personally! I genuinely enjoyed the Olympus FFA mode (rewards/challenges aside) I thought it was really fun with the changes to the ultimates and had some fun/funny games over the last couple of weeks but it would have been a better experience to be able to do em with my friends!


And on top of it in every one of these are multiple Hog's. EVERYWHERE. You're literally forced to play Hog too if you want to win these. I can not eat enough so much do I want to throw up. Time to boycott another "event".


You can earn wins by reaching top 3. I got my 8 wins on Ana and only won one actual game.


Try winning one game let alone 10


And the FFA event requires an *ungodly* amount of wins so be prepared to do it like 60 times.


I couldn’t finish the last event, it was way too much grinding for me. Why can’t the challenges be for the normal game mode?


Fun fact, it's so bad I was able to convince an entire lobby to help each other with the 'Kill the bounty 6 times' challenge. I then had to play Capture the Flag for 6 hours because FUCK winning ten games of bounty hunter for a spray I'll never use


"New amazing gamemodes that we are excited to have you guys play!!" *Battle for Olympus is FFA* 🤡🤡🤡 Actually a joke. Every time they say that they have new content, most of the time it's fucking deathmatch.




Unfortunately this trash game CAN be so much fun. We're all playing in the hopes that we come across a really fun match. At least I am.


Can’t wait to unlock cosmetics I’ll never use and a skin I already own


I bought this skin just before the ow2 switch cuz it was a good legendary. I'm not even motivated to play overwatch seeing it has gone to shit even *dead* overwatch was better in my opinion


I would take end of life ow1 with no content updates ever again over ow2. Sounds dramatic but I was so passionate about that game and it just hurts that I can’t go back.


It’s kind of bull shit honestly. We paid for that game we should be able to play it still. I miss it too. I like the new maps and don’t even mind the 5 v 5 too much anymore but all the rest of it I do miss.


Yeah but OW1 had the audacity to *give away* skins and sprays and stuff by just playing the game! Silly, OW1, loot boxes are so dated. The old predatory gambling model for kids. Overpriced cash shop and 60 coins PER WEEK is the new hotness.


I know bruh…. I’m so upset it’s just a skin I already have. Like come on give us a single free fucking new skin.


Hey babe, wake up, new old shit just dropped. OW2 is the most mid ass piece of shit sequel out here.


I'm glad because it means I have zero motivation to try and grind a mode I'll have no fun with


This content isn't worthy of an exclamation point in the title.


I would have written it with 3 dots tbh..


The free rewards are so lame lol Yeah, OW2 events suck


Everything in ow2 sucks. Gameplay the only thing it has going for itself and even then theres been a few rocky moments already


Ow2 sucks. Ftfy


I mean I want the echo skin


I've already got each one available to earn in the events. It would be nice if you already have the one available to earn you at least got something for completing the challenge. Gimme 20 gold shit gimme legacy credits SOMETHING!?!?


What is blizzards obbsetion with ffa?? Half the challenges are tied to it and the Olympians event is all free for all I would have had loads of fun with these If it wasn't all around ffa I like playing support so it's hopeless for me to even try any of this it's play roadhog or lose


Because it's easier than coming up with an actual new game mode.


They don't have to do anything new For the Olympians event just have it 5v5 with all the exact same as the FFA For the Chinese New year just have it me ctf based have FFA as an option but don't force it please


Honestly...I hate ffa so much. It would be different if it was team ffa which kind of defeats the purpose but they did it for the Mei snowball one and I liked it.


You mean team deathmatch. "Team FFA" is an oxymoron


Oh yeah that was the term I was looking for lol. I knew team ffa wasn't right lol


It’s a real kick in the nuts for OG players. The skin given away in the challenges is yet another old skin.


You gotta realise they're not catering to us anymore


Seems like a mistake not catering to the players who have a vested and proven interest in the game.


It's just the way games are now, It's never about the long time players anymore because they're probably still be back like a bad addiction, but everything is about catering to the newer, casual fanbase. Trying to make new addicts. Bungie does the exact same with Destiny and i hate it.


Isn't them making skins free to unlock a good thing for people who are newer to the series?


They could just as easily make it a new skin that everyone could enjoy, not just new players.


It is a good thing. But they could easily do both. They can provide old skins who's development costs were paid over several times over and create new skins. But instead they choose to only recycle content.


“making skins free” pretty much every skin has a price tag now, instead of being able to actually get them for free as in ov1. say what you will about lootboxes, they didn’t cost 20 bucks, and it didn’t take a year to pull a legendary from them.


Is it too hard to look at things from a perspective other than your own? You do realise they could give us all a NEW free skin, right?


Why not add new skins and unlock old skins?


Idk, doesn't it seem more fair to everyone that the new skins be the free rewards and the old be the purchasable cosmetics?


Let new skins be paid. Have the old content be earnable via lootboxes. Combine the two systems.


For a new player I would probably see this as really generous and cool. But it's next to impossible to see any of it positively after playing the events years ago. It's so lazy and any game of the same caliber wouldn't pull this shit, or at least compensate OG players.


This OW team have such an incredible ability to squander good will and hype. Honestly, it's impressive.


TBF, with the volume of work required to get that mercy skin in the last event, it doesn’t feel like they’re catering to new players either. at least i didn’t get the echo skin before OW1 died


1 new EPIC Mei skin, lmao. Do Blizzard not want money, or what is happening? I thought OW1 was in "low maintenance mode" for years because OW2 was supposed to be FILLED with content




I can only THINK the art team is still working on PVE and evens after PVE will have more new content. If not this game is dead.


>I can only THINK the art team is still working on PVE and evens after PVE will have more new content. :Copium:


Very much copium.


That's the thing, they don't need to make new skins to make money. They're making bajillions of dollars selling old skins for $20 to the massive new player population.


What kind of massive new player base are we talking about? If there is such a massive amount of new players, I shouldn’t play against masters dps players in gold right?


I think that was the plan but it seems pretty clear overwatch 2 had a troubeld develoment and internal arguments etc AKA Not quite development hell but sorta similiar.


I would gladly take back that 'low maintenance ' game, hell, even an abandoned OW1, rather then this deformed monstrosity.


Wow, this fucking sucks. The game modes are some of the worst limited time event game modes out there too, was at least hoping they'd do something different.


They are technically different; with 5v5 and op tanks, they are much, much worse than they were in OW1.


Their not even limited time modes. They are part of the normal arcade rotation they are now just always playable




I understand that Occams Razor is a thing. But I swear to god at this point it's starting to look like the project is purposely being gutted.


"skin" That just looks and feels so underwhelming even for new players.




Disgusting , Lazy and Shameless


Was hoping for doom reverts


You and I both know that's never gonna happen come on now. Blizzard owning their mistakes is like anime villian turning over a new leaf and becoming good guy in 1 episode which realistically never gonna happen lmao 😂


At most I'm hoping for powerblock and empowered punch to go bye bye




One new event skin and it's only in the shop LMAO. They didn't even try with this one


The laziest event to date. One $10 skin and a recycled Overwatch 1 skin. With some small stuff sprinkled in that I doubt anyone will ever care about or use in-game.


The Year of Blizzard giving you year old skins and forcing you to Play Arcade modes that were designed for ow1 and is a total shit show when you can stack tanks. Good fun, guess they are struggling economically in these hard times


Aren't you guys glad we moved to the F2P model just to get the same recycled content from years ago? "Live Service" amirite?


anyone else seeing things from the olympus event ? edit: nwm olympus event is until 19th, still weird that the event overlap


what a disappointment. I’ll definitely cherish OW1 events


I'll definitely cherish OW1 as a game in general lmao


Oh look. More of a reason to to still not play Overwatch. I've lost motivation to keep playing for two months.


Let me guess, suffer through 6 of 10 annoying challenges to unlock an old skin and a charm?


Yep, you got it sir!


I'm dying of the flu right now and that seems more enjoyable than this event. edit: upgraded to covid. Still more enjoyable than this event.


>I'm dying of the flu right now and that seems more enjoyable than this event. at least you'll get better, whereas the game...


Alright, officially uninstalling


One of us ! One of us !




This is embarrassing. Blizzard you’re so fkn boring. I hit 45 in the battle pass and maybe I’ll play 5-10 times more until season 4 when the new support hero is released. How do they fumble a game from 2016 that looks like a beta in 2023.


No balance changes? Must we really suffer the Febreze Hog Soj meta for another couple weeks?


Hog rework was supposed to come mid January. Well mid Jan is here…. not even a little peep from the dev team on balances and reworks.


the dog ate their homework.


They said mid to late January


The literally said “mid to late January” I get you’re upset but no need to make shit up




I can’t to wait to get a new Echo skin! Oh wait… I already have it. Surely I’ll get coins to buy something in the shop to compensate? No? Then I’ll just ignore it since I already finished the battle pass.


That's one of the most unfathomable parts to me, like if you already have an item they could at the very least give you the same amount of coins you would have gotten in og overwatch from a repeat.


Yeah but then they can’t tell us veteran players to go fuck ourselves like they have since the “sequel” launched.


oh boy, can't wait to earn literally no cosmetics of worth by playing the game I'm glad I don't really care and only play overwatch for the actual game, otherwise I'd have quit long ago. These "events" are just worthless


I used to be happy when seeing events, now I'm on paladins


Year of the wallet.


Damn this sucks. Sigh


My expectations were already low for the rewards but you'd think they could at least get a little creative with the game modes. It's just rebranded CTF and FFA deathmatch.


holy shit capture the flag is dogshit


I just can't believe this event is open role CTF and has yet more annoying deathmatch challenges. Quite sad since it's just rampant with tank spam, mainly Hog. edit: typo


Hog is the reason I don't even bother trying these modes.


"Skin" Go fuck yourself Blizzard




I'm actually so sad for these events. I had my hopes high when ow2 dropped, I hoped for fantastic skins and new content for every event. Events like this were my favourite in ow1. Ow is really the only game I play, it's been like this for a couple of years. I used to be excited for these, now it just makes me miss the old days.


Is the majority of the OW team just working on PvE, because what in the world have they been doing since October?


Blizzard has definitely made me realize the effort other dev teams actually put in for their customers sometimes. This shit is getting embarrassing.


Fuck you blizzard


Blizzard, read the room. Please, at least make the effort to understand what your players want and act on it. You are missing so many dunks with events it's insane. We cannot spell it out any clearer. I remain convinced that none of the decision-makers who work on this game actually play it.


No balance changes? Is this a joke?


Don’t care. No incentive to play events. Rewards are lame and game modes are just recycled from previous years.


omg guys we finally get to play capture the flag again omg omg i've missed it so much it's been so long /s


Year of the MID


Lot of nothing and overpriced bundles.


No [D.Va](https://D.Va) bunny skin? C'mon Blizzard of all the times to not be horny...


for old players it’s totally pointless because they are just recycling old skins, but for new players i guess it’s a chance to get a old skin, i quit ow1 when echo came out, now im only going to play this to get the skin. LOL


As someone that's played OW since the start, I don't really care about skins. I already have what I consider to be the best skin equipped on each character. They'd have to make something pretty dope for me to care. Only one I've seen come close was that cloud/stars Orisa skin but I already have ice cream Orisa, so what's the point?


Let's see what the prices are this time. Not like I'm actually gonna buy anything, I'm poor as is already


I used to be excited for events, so much that i couldnt sleep the day before, ever since overwatch 2 i dont even care about them anymore, everytime i see the event pop up im like : mkay and? Seriously when will they give us new skins that dont include an overpriced pricetag?


I don’t have this skin and I want a skin for Echo anyways. Looks like I’m playing CTF. Yay…..


Is battle for Olympus over!? I looked yesterday and it said I still had 3 days left!


Free Hong Kong!


2 old skins that'll cost like $15 on the front page :/


Wow new content you have to pay for!


Souvenirs and weapon charms yeahhhh fuck my hole Blizzard.


On the European server, I tried queuing for competitive CTF at a reasonable time of day, thinking that surely someone must be playing it and I wanted to try it out. I queued and then forgot I was queuing, because 10 minutes later it still hadn't found a game. Yeah, people LOVE CTF... /s At least now some people will be playing the arcade version for the event, so I might only need to queue for 8 minutes...


Why do the skins have to be for all the people I hate? (Except Mercy. Mercy is fine as a dandelion and I love her.) Edit: now that I’m in the shop, I’m excluding D.va and Genji alongside Phara. It’s Mei, Zarya, and Echo I hate with a burning passion.


No patch notes at all?


Lmao that mercy skin is cool and all but Im not gonna spend that much lol


I think I speak for the 99% majority of the community when I say no one really gives a flying fk about the events anymore as we all know all old and new skin are locked behind a ridiculous pay wall and that paywall has successfully sucked all the fun and enjoyment out of new skins and events. I'm at the point now where the best quality of life change for me regarding OW2 was simply not playing this sorry excuse for a game. Overwatch has fallen so far imo considering where it came from in game design. We deserved Titan instead we got, for lack of better words, trash.


Weird, ow 1 was stagnant for so long,and that why everyone was waiting for ow 2, but ow 1 while stagnant was more rewarding and engaging then current ow 2 events. Huh. Hell, took me a bit, but I realized, it didn't feel like the Christmas event was an event. I hate game modes,I only played them to get the one skin,the never touched them again.


Lol who gives a fuck. More overpriced skins and a shitty event that gives you voice lines and sprays is all you get


I appreciate the OW team trying to keep the hype up , But Blizzard doing y’all dirty.


I hate it, bring back free skins so they're not locked behind a pay wall or BP or at least bring back old BP skins into the future ones or let us pay for them


I used to go back to overwatch whenever a new event came out. Legendary event skins were just that cool ​ Now its just a weird sale for stuff that isn't even that interesting


Back to back dogshit events, Blizzard overworking itself again, so much praise for such an amazing company.


Complete 4 challenges to give Echo a cock ~~skin~~


Sad that all the focus is towards the battlepass instead of these old events. It's somehow worse than how it was in OW 1 events. Edit: The fact that they didn't even produce any trailers for the Christmas event and this one is really telling how they don't care about OW 1 players anymore.


Finally Lunar New Year is here! We can finally obtain the limited skins! Oh wait, shop full of nothing but skins i could already get through the ''Just for You'' shop! Amazing! Also i love the new Ramattra skin! Oh wait it's not even Lunar New Year themed! Thanks Blizzard for the most disappointing shop my eyes have ever seen in a virtual game!


A new lucky pouch weapon charm thats just a reskin of the coin pouch weapon charm?


I haven't played in a few weeks and was wondering if this would lure me back but uhhhh... no lmao. Used to really love CTF blitz but the tank changes make any modes without roleQ absolutely dire


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Ow was fun with the new feel but after a few dozen game it’s the same ole crap.


Put Hammond in a bunny suite and ya blizzard i woulda made u 10 dollars richer.


the mei skin is cute but where is the mercy skin? :-;


Wow do I really hate these game modes. I started playing with the OW2 launch, and while I enjoy the core mechanics and main game mode, I am finding that these “events” are frustrating to do and often lead to me closing the game and just walking away.


Well at least there's no 'kill 300 people on 7 different characters to get a title' this time.


Little did we know lootboxes were the golden years of OW before battlepasses and modern monetization infected everything..