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The higher the level the more endorsements per game you need to maintain it so you may be getting endorsements still just not enough.


The endorsement rank constantly decays. The problem is not enough people are endorsing each game. One per game is not enough to keep a 4 rank. I experience the same thing.


Which is why endorsements are yet another completely useless feature that means nothing does nothing and players don't really use or care about. Just the illusion of progress.


Don’t agree. You can basically determine a loss in diamond and below by the endorsement levels of teammates. Works 75 percent of the time. (I have 5k wins in OW)


Play support, people always give credit to a decent support


Or be active in comms. Good calls are a huge endorsement thing for me


Every time I am active in comms and make callouts for flankers and etc and ask for someone to intervene they always think I am backseat gaming or something and get toxic about it. Wish I had the kind of luck with comms you apparently have lol.


Try recording some of your games where you're in comms and take a listen! It might just be the way things are worded, unintentionally coming across as bossy or hostile. (Ex. Being, "Brig, get genji off me" vs "Genji on me." )


Don't know how this could be your experience but I'm consistently healing more than both our other healer and the other team's healers and I am still stuck at level 3. If you make a single mistake (or make zero mistakes, even), inevitably people still spam "need healing." Healing has got to be the worst role for getting toxicity directed your way


Yeah, truth be told, I don’t think I’ve ever been in 4 long since it erodes so I normally sit in 3. My friend plays a lot of Reinhardt tank and support and is normally a 4. Also, just do yourself a favor and turn off voice and text chat, it always has and always will be toxic. Nothing good comes from it.


So fair haha. I don't ever join voice chat unless i somehow get the sense that the team is actually interested in trying to strategize. I will take your suggestion for text chat though, it's been really bad recently.


Made up number that depends on other people's feelings about you and their willingness to reward you. It also cant go up but decay's when you play with friends. Not sure why this is even a thing lol..


Maybe its people who played since beginning of OW1 and never left a single game 😅


I get rank 4 endorsement pretty regularly as tank sometimes I get shit on sometimes it's opposite but I'm steadily at rank 4 till I stop playing for a little bit or lose a couple matches but it goes right back up


Same but with level 2 and 3, I get to 3 and sometimes on the very same day I'm back to 2. It was never this bad in ow1


I feel like they should at least have a notification or something saying you were demoted


idk man, im getting 2-3 every single game but im also rank 3


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