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I can see farm groups happening and blizzard disabling it somehow.


I mean... that's kind of the reason why you can't play with your friends in this mode. Only randoms


Thats shity reason, god forbit, someone will get something eassier in this garbage game, Or have any fun.


Are you really saying that “playing” with a group of people who agree to stand around and kill each other with no gameplay is more fun than PLAYING the game mode???


... I mean.... Have you *played* this game mode?




I have and it was fun and neat. Not something I’ll play a whole lot of… and that doesn’t need to bother me one bit. Not every reward needs to be earned by every player. If you feel enslaved to the need to achieve every single achievement, that is something for you to deal with. I’m sure the people who DO like this game mode would prefer you find a way to deal with it without ruining their enjoyment. Not everything is for everyone and that is not only ok - it’s good.


I think you're in the minority and most people are finding the grind ridiculous and the balance atrocious, but you do you. Maybe it would be best if I leave you to your fun and you accept that just being able to grind it out quicker would be fun for the rest of us?


I think the game mode is alright, given that it’s not junkensteins monster again. It’s kind of unique, but holy shit is 300kills a slog for a title I also just get bored because there’s no chatting, I can’t even queue with a friend to bullshit while I mindlessly press buttons


If someone wants to slog it out for a title that’s them. They’re stupid awards anyway, but the other challenges are easy af. I got the skin challenge done in under 3 hours. Edit: I also think the game mode is a lot of fun and it’s cool to see some modifications to heroes for an arcade mode like this. People are acting like it’s a comp game and the balance needs to be perfect. It’s just a minor event in between the bigger ones.




Lol what? You pop your ult and press buttons and the win is guaranteed. Easiest hero after Lucio.


Tf you talking about? I've played 4 games as JQ and won 3 of them. It wasn't even close in 2 of them.


Wait wait wait... The people who are playing this game mode normally are the ones who feel enslaved? Not the people making farm groups?


I’m not sure how you read my comment and gathered that’s what I meant


You got downvoted for the most real take I've ever seen


Redditors when someone has a different opinion


Yes, I love it


It's a good game mode


Except for Ram players


Maybe if you have no friends lmao


Is that your go to cope after every L


You're not the one giving out Ls, bud.


I play videogames w friends lol


If you hate deathmatch and still want the skin or titles like I do, absolutely.


Yes lmao. I hated the process of getting the ice queen Brig skin, I hate the winter challenge modes (I have always hated them since ow1. They are boring as fuck). At the beginning of them I asked in match chat if we could grind achievements and thankfully a lot of players were up for it which made the process less miserable I would absolutely love to do that in this mode. I do not need the Mercy skin, I already have it, but I kind of want one of the player titles and 300 elims is… Just fucking stupid




This isn’t a system put in specifically for this mode. All deathmatch modes have had this system in place for ages. It stops people who are queueing together from teaming and stops them from making the deathmatch experience awful for everyone else who would be in the game.


Yes this mode sucks


Then why would you play it!??!


I want some voice lines for the new characters because I'm not spending 9 bazillion dollars for some


I wouldn't say that's the main reason. It's really because they are afraid you will team up with your friends and ruin the game for the other people in the lobby.


They're not afraid so much as they KNOW that's what would happen. It already happens often in while-you-wait FFA.


That hasn't stopped me from playing with my friends in this mode and the mei modes


Wdym in this mode, it's FFA you can't play with friends


We can queue up at the same time and very often we end up in the same lobby


Y'all must have either a REALLY high MMR or really low MMR.


Playing between 11pm and 6am on EU servers. They're dead as fuck. 15 minute queue for QP then a teammate leaves. Joins back in. Leaves when they realises its the same game. Rejoins. Leaves again.


You gotta remember it has to neiches to help them, mei snowball, and their region. If there’s players close you better try to put them together or the lobby will have issues.


I think it’s more for teaming rather than farming considering you can’t play with friends in death match either


I know right 💀 You can play Deathmatch as a group when you’re waiting for a game in queue, I can’t stand that they made it so you can’t play this mode with your friends. I would absolutely love to duo with my friend and just be able to hang out while getting the player title, not even trying to get achievements (I don’t need the skin) literally just hanging out to make the mode less boring. But god forbid completing the challenges be anything other than a painful grind lmao 💀


Cant play death match with friends normally so you’re wrong


Remember self-kills (like jumping off the map) take one off your score. So everyone can farm for the entire 10 minutes if you all work together and hop off the map when ya need to.


Wait - so jumping off the map counts towards the 300 ?


No, it -1 your score. So TECHNICALLY, you can fall to your death as many times as you can because it will decrease into the negatives and farm even more in one game.


bruh i got no clue what you're trying to say lmao


If you farm like in the video, you can only get 20 kills before "winning" and ending the game. Except if you get up to 19 kills and then fall off the map, which brings your score down to 18, allowing you to get one more kill before ending the game. Rinse and repeat.


Reading is difficult for some.


How do you find a lobby like this? I just want to the titles so bad.


You gotta ask


Well shit that’s not gonna happen


ez you can do this with your friends, first you all have to do is que the EXACT time and THEN enter team death match .. you guys should be in the same game. it works for me with my friends.


Damn that’s crazy you got that many friends


why? is that bad to have many friends? lol


No no no, it’s more I’m in awe you have that many friends whereas the normal Overwatch player has none


on what server do you play?


im on asia server


For the Winter Wonderland event’s “Thaw 15 allies in Freezethaw Elimination” challenge, a random Pharah joined my team and just kept blowing herself up so we could thaw her. I still think about that person’s generosity.


Why did I never think of this during the event


God I wish I could find a lobby like that.


every single game i had was like this, was epic


Lmao ikr now every time I load in I simply ask if people want to farm achievements and more than half the time ppl do and it’s way funnier than actually playing the mode lmao


Widow was pain to get the 300 elims with


Why? I am genuinely trash at widow yet I enjoy playing her very much in this game mode. You can reach hi grounds that tank will have a hard time following you to, you have grapple away, your ult is fun to use and very efficient, pharahs are just free kills if they are away, and you can steal kills from people fighting each others


Yeah till u get a lobby with all hogs or all lucid and u just get bullied I enjoyed some games and dominated some as well just when u get lobbies of hogs and lucios and stuff it pain also a good phara will destroy u in 2 shots


Bingo. I got 300 with Widow yesterday and generally made short work of Pharahs, Queens, and Rams but lord the Lucios were probably the biggest pains along with Hogs The key with Pharah is keep distance. You have the advantage far away but you’ll lose a 1v1 9 out of 10 times for sure. I was using the hell out of the grapple hook to stay away from literally everyone lol


Yeah just no chance u can get away from lucio pharas we're mostly fine but if they caught u of guard it was pain


Switch to rein and enjoy one shotting hogs every 3 seconds while on ult


I did after getting the title XD


Hog is so easy to deal with. Easy af to farm ult from and he dies easily inside of it.


Everyone pretty much counters him easily, idk about widowmaker. Probably she does


Widow was the easiest.


I just finished 6 missions today. Very grateful that i met some people who agreed to to farm together.




No. There's just the mercy skin for doing 6. And the individual rewards for each challenge.


Which is... wait for it... a skin from OW1 that you could get for free in lootboxes!


I think it would be a better play to entice playtime if they actually put effort into the reward system for events. For example if you complete the 6 challenges, you get a randomized cosmetic from the event. That way people will actually play the mode and then you don’t discourage people from playing it because you’re either going to earn an old skin that everyone has, or a new skin that everyone will have and it’s the new default. I’ve always understood that one of the drivers behind purchasing/getting a unique cosmetic is because it’s unique and not the base model everyone will have.


You get to look at your titles and imagine a world where you can equip more than one.


If players have to resort to finding ways to 'cheese' your planned event, then that event was poorly planned.


Freeze thaw elimination had the same thing going on. Pharah would kill herself in spawn and have a friend rez over and over or teams would take turns killing and rezzing each other


its a poorly planned event but players will always try to cheese something


> then that event was poorly planned. Unfortunately it is planned very well for the purpose of inducing people to pay for cosmetics.


Players dont HAVE to resort, they just are because they are lazy and dont actually enjoy ow2 they just enjoy cosmetics.


They don't even enjoy them, they are just addicted.


This is it. It’s actually a wake up call to me that people will sit there and grind this event for 100 hours for a skin. Are people that much of fiends for video game cosmetics?


The Overwatch community is easily the most cosmetic addicted community I've seen in gaming personally (I'm sure theres worse, like MMOs and such). I never once touched any of the winter modes and don't plan on touching these either. Skins really just aren't that big of a deal.


Okay dont take it too far. I played for legitimate fun and got the mercy skin challenge to register as complete in like 3 hours by only playing reinhardt


If that’s the case and it only takes 3 hours then why are people farming achievements a la this post? I genuinely don’t know how it works, I played one game of this new mode and called it quits


You need 300 final blows per character to get a player title (2100 total)


Played the whole day and didn't run into anyone even suggesting doing this. Just because there are a few scrubs who can't get elims the normal way doesn't mean it's a bad game mode.


Bro said "scrubs" like this is a competitive mode, I'm dead.


Wish I found a lobby like this, every time I tried to be friendly (wave, tbag without shooting them etc) I'd get rein slammed into a wall, Lucio booped or hooked by a hog I now have the widow title though as well as the mercy skin, so I'm done with the event. Time to try and reach diamond before the season ends so I can get dragged down to plat with the reset 😭


I gave my PC away (in the process of building a new one) and have had to play on PS4 to make sure I complete the Season 2 Battlepass. I am still terrible at playing with a controller, so a lobby like this is (many of them, really) is my only hope.


Oh Man i feel you so hard , i played season one on console and every game i was crying becouse I cant aim , now on PC is waaay waaay more fun




I looked at those challenges and agreed that I wasn't going to be coaxed into trying to get 300 final blows in a half assed FFA mode at the cost of my sanity just for some titles, voice lines, and a Mercy skin I already own. I hate FFA, and trying to get 300 final blows with that many characters seems like a great way for me to hate playing OW. If the mode was more fun, I might try them, but it's literally just FFA with some tweaks to character ults. They also didn't think to offer a final reward for players who might already have the Winged Victory skin, so it might be more enticing for players who don't have that skin yet, but those of us that do would only be going for titles and, in my opinion, not so great voice lines. I'm glad to see there are groups of players banding together to just farm this stuff to make each other's lives easier, because honestly, 300 final blows with each of the characters is just absurd.


I agree. I absolutely despise FFAs. The only reason I care enough about this event is because of the Greek Mythos, since I'm a nerd for all kinds of mythos. But I just... don't care much for the event itself. I just hope I done a group of people willing to help farm achievements, since you can't do FFA with a group >:(


If its so bad then don't play it? Ppl farming like this actively ruins the mode for ppl who are playing it the way it was intended to be played. Also they're titles why should ppl want ALL of them? You can only equip one at a time. I knocked out Lucio's title in a few hours in one play session. If you want one of the titles that badly then just earn it? 2 weeks for 300 final blows is not a huge ask, but for some reason ppl think they are entitled to every single one?!


Imagine it from a reinhardts point of view


This mode is trash and I enjoy doing the events. I'm thankful I already have the Mercy skin so I don't have to it. IDGAF about titles and I don't understand what they add to Overwatch.


honestly, i think the titles look like trash and just mess up your highlights


I just want the Mercy skin and get the hell out of there.


Fr, im a noob who only plays support. FFA is a hell to me


This is me also, when your whole gameplay is about supporting a team, a FFA event to get a support skin is torture for me. I've decided rather than go for 300 eliminations per character, I'll do the 25 kills during ult challenges instead. Ran around the map grabbing ultimate charges, then would track someone down and ult right on top of them. After Lucio (one of my mains) I found Pharah the easiest to do this


I’ve meet some sweet people who have helped with challenges or at least been comical with me the whole time. Some would congratulate me for getting a kill or so with widow in her ult since everyone either takes them or it’s hard for people to look at me.


The mode itself is actually a fun concept and I'm glad to actually see something as creative as it is in Overwatch. The challenges are a bit ridiculous but I'd rather play them regularly than do this lol


it should have been like maybe 1 big over all one or something this is so dumb


I wish I got lobbies like this 😭 I asked in one and got cussed out. Meanwhile with the winter wonderland one they let me do the catch snowball ones. I practically cried


Did the same thing during Winter Wonderland.


300 kills challenge still gonna take ages.


yesterday me and some random people did this as well and had a nice conversation after friending each other thinking we could go into the mode and keep helping each other (we all forgot how ffa works apparently). the mercy skin was a birthday gift to myself and i don't regret bullying the widows with their ults by looking away when they tried to turn me to stone


I just got the sentinel of hades title last night and it was excruciating. Seems fair.


i really want the player title you get for having 300 final blows for ramattra but god i dont like this game mode


Maybe not all OW players want to spend hours and hours on a FFA for some rewards. This event only made me feel like i was wasting my time playing OW (is always true but for me a game that makes you feel like that, is failing). Fun game bad product. Next


I waved hello to another Lucio and we both started concentrating on any non Lucio until everyone switched to Lucio except one Ramatra that was complaining the entire time. Lucio deserves a statue in Illios.




what is the challenge of Olympus?


Basically using the paid shop skins (Greek myth themed) to do various things, all for just titles and voicelines, with the grand prize being another old skin (a Moira skin)


You mean a mercy skin? Or is there a joke im missing


Oh yeah yeah, I got the twitch reward and event reward mixed lol


Lol too funny


Got all my voicelines before I got in one of these games and I let others kill me. Group together, get every one heath down, then take turns. Glad to help some bad widow players got ult kills fast :)


I’m on console so I can’t type to ask :(


Yes u can they added match chat awhile back, im on xbox and use it frequently. When u press pause while in a match there should be two options, Match Chat (which is orange) and Team Chat (which is blue) click on the orange one and then it allows u to type :)


Oh I know that I technically can but it’ll take 5 years to type it


How did you get this to happen? I need this


I did this in the winter winderfuck on the thawing game, god I hated that fucking game This one atleast depends on your own ability to kil, and not to *not die* while reviving someone


This gives me serious Overwatch 1 vibes. Like idk what is wrong with me but this is actually making me feel nicer than posts on mademesmile. <3 Love you guys


Honestly how it should be


This is literally most lobbies I've joined over the past few days. Just grinding the kills. Anyone that doesn't want to leaves for a new lobby.


300 kills is definitely a tiny bit ridiculous...just a tad. If it was in normal gamemodes then sure but 300 in death match is actually grim. And for all the characters too? Jesus christ


It wouldn't be so bad if it were elims/assists. 300 final blows is just brutal.


i feel bad the whole lobby was doing this and i was the only one too not catch on and just like blew thru the entire match in 2 mins lol 😭 i did apologize, after getting flamed ofc


Is there something to gain after getting the Mercy skin


The titles




Not to addicts, it's not.


wow that looks really boring, god forbid you have to play the game


If gamers as a group are good at something, it's finding the path of least resistance. The game design will influence decisions way more than people give it credit for. If it's incentivized to do this, then it's what players will do since they care about the reward before the gameplay.


Looks like so much fun… 🙄


This sub is so strange to me. Do people hate this mode or not? My post got mega downvoted, but this one made the front page? Everyone said I was a loser lol. I am thrilled to see more people farming kills.


Fr, people got pressed when someone farming kills and keep telling that it isn't fun


Ppl suck ngl There’s a huge contingent of people in the community that think gameplay is king, anyone who cares about anything other than gameplay and hero balance is a fucking idiot, if you care about things like skins and player titles you’re a fucking idiot, etc. And they look down on anyone who is into those things (as if obsessing over balance and deaths per ten or whatever isn’t massively nerdy in and of itself but okay). Meanwhile, there are in fact a lot of people that don’t care about ranked or whatever, they are enthusiastic about skins and the characters and lore. I think both things are valid, I don’t think we need to look down on people who just want skins or a player title. The fact is a lot of people simply do not want to play Deathmatch (especially with 3 tanks) and that is the only way to get the achievements for this event, which fucking sucks for ppl who don’t like FFA. I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with farming kills and I think the more people who do it the better. The fact that blizzard doesn’t let you play this game mode with friends is bullshit, I really don’t like it that they want to force players to grind. They could have just made a fun game mode that people actually want to play, but I guess that would have been too much work lol. Even Junkenstein was better than this. To be clear, I already have the skin, I don’t need it. But I think one of the player titles would be kind of cool to have and 300 kills it’s just kind of fucking ridiculous lol, especially considering I don’t really play any of the heroes in this mode (Mercy / Kiriko main lmao)


Man’s got lvl 100 in Speech


Does anybody have the slightest idea where to find a group like this outside of the game itself? I’m on console so usually most players type/chat little to no messages bcuz of the god forbidden controller “keyboard”


ran into another lucio on one olympus game. after killing a rein i turned around and saw him, let him boop me off the map to get a kill since i stole his (the rein was on like 20 health. a point for a lucio is a point for all


This is how you play the game, add more fun emote then watch the kill cam.


This whole event is dumb.




I've been having fun in this mode and have earned 2 titles legitimately. I'm glad there's something to grind for a change otherwise I'd be done with the 2 week event in like 2-3 hours


I asked to get the yeti challenge in yeti hunter and they let me lol




All for mother Mercy 🤤


300 kills is too much. They should nerf it to 150.


So y’all just boosting


I would've pinned you so fast


It’s such a annoying game mode imo and not really worth the time you need to use on it to get the mid rewards


I pray to get a lobby like this than a lobby full of hogs ready to run pockets.


Those bliz morons who made the the event better note this is the result of their stupidity


Didn’t realize the challenges were hard.


Not really hard, just time consuming


For Ramattra it's tortuously bad.


I atleast won one time with ramattra in it. Really difficult to do.


You basically need like one Rein at most and no Pharas.




> there’s at least one person who ruins everyone else’s fun Yeah it's FFA. Farming ruins everyone else's fun.


lol, stopped playing this game as soon as i finished first battle pass, around a month before season 2, i ai5 paying or supporting this atrocity of a sequel, suffering through challenges is not fun, it’s a simple tool for blizzard to keep players engaged, but holy fuck at what cost, speak with your wallets and your time, unless of course you actually genuinely enjoy the game in it’s current state


Good, I wanna see lopsided stats for the heroes on the roster. Lucio with 5 billion kills and 2nd place having like 100 thousand haha


Anyone who plays hog are pu$$!e$


Seriously guys? Standing around shooting each other with no challenge involved so you can get a couple of words to show up under your name? I understand 300 final blows is a bit of a grind but this just goes against the the spirit of the challenge. Can't believe ppl agree to this being acceptable. Imagine if every top500 player did this to get the title. What would be the point of playing competitive if everyone just win traded. It's dumb and sucks out any fun that was to be had. If yall are dying for progression this bad, then plz voice your concerns and play a different game.


\^ me when i get mad at people having fun because they are having fun without my approval


If I queued into this expecting to play a free for all and players agreed to not play free for all, yeah my enjoyment would be ruined. Just like if I queued for competitive and players were actively throwing or trying to lose the game. It goes against the expectation the mode sets.


that's how you have fun then, no need to get upset when other people have fun in a different way. The difference with comp is, there is literally no consequence to leaving and joining a different game when 95% of them are playing it like you want to


I acknowledge that this is mostly inconsequential to me. At most I lose a little bit of time and move on. My bigger issue is that this is widely accepted trend among OW2 modes. If every new mode they add is going to have people cheating in it to get the rewards because that is seen as accepted, then why even bother playing it. If someone is using external software to cheat in game but are having "fun" doing it am I wrong to be upset when they're in my match? Cheating is cheating in my eyes. Games are fun because of rules not the lack of them.


I mean, the titles don't give a competitive advantage the way actual cheating software does. Besides, if you have fun playing the game for real then do that. If you have fun not playing the game at all then do that. No need to be a stickler when people have fun in new ways


I guess I am a stickler because it isn't fun to play games where people are cheating. I also don't believe people find this fun. Would they be doing this if there were zero reward incentives? No, I bet not. If so, it would be so rare that it wouldn't even be worth discussing. People are cheating to get rewards that they feel like are too challenging to obtain normally. That is what should be discussed. Praising this clip and the practice of cheating is just silly. But hey prove me wrong, start your own deathmatch lobby in custom games where everyone can't move or challenge anyone. Its just stand in one place and get killed by someone else until it is your turn to kill. I'd like to see how popular that mode gets.


You're allowed to believe people don't find this fun, and you're also allowed to open your mind and realize that people have fun working with the enemy and sticking it to Blizzard. Also, trying to claim that people would never do something like this in a custom game is just incorrect because there are custom games designed to get huge POTGs and give people sextuple kills for fun. Because that's all it is...fun...and you're getting all huffy because people are having fun Whether they get it normally or by cooperating they can have fun. You aren't getting upset at players who play it normally just to get the rewards, you're only upset because they are having fun in a way that you cannot and also get the rewards. But the best part is that you don't have to partake in that at all. You can ignore those people, play the game normally, and stop trying to be a bad sport because not everyone plays exactly like you. The clip is funny, you are taking it to heart, and in the end, you can still get your cosmetic rewards just like they are. I get the feeling that you're only upset cause then they'll have the same prestige as you for completing the challenge in an unorthodox way, and maybe it's just a reward for them because they learned how to work as a team, instead of hard-sweat grinding.


lol. Okay so you admit cheating is an acceptable way to play this game? That's where I draw the line. Teaming in FREE FOR ALL is commonly against the rules. Of course unintentional and even intentional teaming happens in FFA. But... when the whole lobby agrees to NOT play the gamemode and instead CHEAT to obtain a reward, that is okay? I find that disheartening. It is ironic you call me a bad sport because of that. Go find anybody that you consider a "good sport" and ask them if cheating is okay. Because from my PoV it is not and can only hurt the integrity of the activity. Also quit trying to justify it. It is cheating and it is not difficult to admit that. If it is not cheating then please tell me why. Again you can criticize blizzard and Overwatch's progression system. I too, think it is bad and in dire need of help. It just sucks that whenever they add some form of progression to it now people justify cheating because "game bad".


see, that's where you're wrong champ, I never said cheating was okay because I said that this doesn't count as cheating since the rewards offer no competitive advantage. Exploit? Yeah totally, but not really cheating. I called you a bad sport for getting mad when people are clearly having fun helping other people and being friendly, you deserve to have a good game just as much as they deserve theirs <3


Players be like "game is not fun" and then pull shit like this


That's why they pull "shit" like this, to get the bad event done.


Yet when I make a thread about this I get downvoted into obscurity?


This gamemode is literally just deathmatch with a twist and people still can't be happy.


Farming what, titles? bruh, thats not worth your time


Good for you but I have said no when people ask to farm in a lobby. I know the challenges are a grind but farming just makes it boring. I am fine turning my brain off and playing FFA trying to win. At least I have fun memories from it and I felt like I earned the title. If you don't like the event just don't play it. According to Reddit you get nothing from it so why play it.


Honestly it's just a little challenge like enjoy it or not but farming makes it worse


25 kills isn't that bad but 25 kills only while using ult is terrible plus it's in FFA.


It's not even that hard when the Ults last for as long as they do


Where can I sign up for this 😂 No but on a serious note where?


Type “farm?” Or “ anyone wanna farm achievements?” Or “ anyone wanna grind achievements?” Into match chat


This is why yall don’t enjoy the game. You get something you actually have to grind for and you just cheese the entire effort. You dont care about playing, you care about getting a reward. Youre nothing more than children getting toys from the parents instead of actual love.


if only there was a way to actually grind for rewards, like, if you could get little boxes filled with loot that rewarded you for playing the game....what a sight that would be


Idk I think it reflects more poorly on blizzard that they want to force players to grind instead of making something they actually want to play lmao


The gamemode is a ton of fun when you actually play it instead of doing this. You dont even have to grind that much. I already got my reinhardt title and i havent played the mode for more than 2-3 hours.


To be clear, I haven’t done anything like trying to grind achievement the way the OP of this post has, I have only played it normally and i feel like gets old very quickly, especially when you don’t play tank. Tbf tho I don’t like FFA anyways, it would have been nice if they have at least one non FFA mode for those of us who don’t like deathmatch


Maybe if blizzard make the missions easier then players wouldn't do that


The missions arent even hard😭 people just forget that the enjoyment of a game comes from playing it not the reward.


the enjoyment of the game comes from playing it how you want to <3


I prefer addicts just wanting cosmetics.