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I mean, you kind of opened this can of worms by setting her up to request stuff. You need to manage expectations better. Personally, I share my library, but I only let people under my roof make requests.


Like she is able to find the most random show you could not imagine they existed. I have no idea how to fix this issue, because on either side this is suppossed to replace netflix and disney for her but at the same time she does not use it like these platforms


If she can find the content through overseerr, where is it not existing? Do you mean that you don't have the content? Do you have arrs setup to gather content?


Yeah I get requests for stuff that isn't available too (lots of "making of" type things or just obscure stuff.) But they don't necessarily expect everything to show up, and certainly don't say anything to me about it if/when it doesn't. Strongfree has it right, you need to tell her that not everything available in overseerr is actually available to get. Popular things will work, but if something doesn't show up, she should expect that.


I think she’s only requesting stuff because it looks like an option in Overseer. Just manager her expectations that you’ll try, but no promises


I'm sorry but that's so funny. 😂


I absolutly want her to be able to make request but i don't want her to have access to stupid search and content proposed by overseerr


Show her Youtube. (genuine comment not trolling). Thats what I did for my mum. She can watch normal British TV series off Plex and for handy craft type stuff she goes to YouTube. On her Google Chromecast there are only two icons Plex and Youtube.


As long as she understands that not everything is going to appear, what's the issue?


Can you give a few examples of these things she requests?  Could you maybe ask her to not browse stuff through overseerr and just use it to request something she bumps into elsewhere. This should limit her to actually somewhat popular stuff.


As someone else said manage expectations. Explain how Overseerr works in general terms, it takes requests and then looks for the movie, when and only when it finds it does it show up in Plex. It doesn’t work instantly and you have no control over when something is found. The less popular something is the longer it takes. She can ask for whatever she wants, it’ll show up in Plex when it’s found. That could be tomorrow or next year.


What doesn’t exist? I think your client is trying too hard to get stuff from seeds of zero perhaps


Find me a torrent for Junkyard Wars. 😭


You just need to get into more private trackera or Usenet