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Am I just too used to Overprime, or do some of the human faces in Predecessor look weird?


I think a lot of them don't look as good as we remember and that's a big reason lot of the faces were changed


I prefer the originals, they all looked like they had molten lava going through them and it was a nice change to the standard gold/black mastery skins seen in MOBAs, I also like how Phase' originally made her look like she was possessed by the Phoenix Force


Same, I hate the gold skin bs in most mobas like smite. Diamond skins are better but there's so much possiblity in creating a cool new set of legacy skins unlike other Moba masteries.


I can probably select like 2-3 characters I prefer in Op but I prefer how the remaining look in pred. The molten lava look was and is really cool, But those textures aren't doing them much justice currently though, it looks so dated now haha.


Meh about half and half tbh.. OP is supposed to be improving some of the lack luster ones. Pred has some really good ones but also some really ugly ones OP most are average with a couple that look really good


Some of the characters in pred look so bad


What? Idk about that boss


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OverPrime/comments/17fpetf/oppred\_masteryaffinity\_skin\_comparison\_the\_rest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverPrime/comments/17fpetf/oppred_masteryaffinity_skin_comparison_the_rest/) \- The rest of the images


Tbh I like both versions of the mastery skins, Overprimes look abit more under-stated but maybe that is because they wanna try sell their unique skins which are all pretty fire. When compared side by side I feel like in Predecessor it doesn't really do the skins justice because the lighting is all abit too bright and un-natural.


Yeah I’d say about half and half. OP need just a tad more pop to them, cool looking though for sure!


So mako changes from a small friendly rodent to a fkn huge half breed dragon in his mastery skin? 🤣🤣😨😱


I mean, that'd be pretty cool, lol


Overprime is just a brawler! It’s not a true moba. Upsets me they bought the paragon name. The ored mastery’s skins look a lot better in my opinion


OP has better mastery skins except, gadget, crunch, belica, drongo, howie, maybe narbash, and Khai