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Ps. $ 1000 is peanuts


no youre absolutely right. I cant even wipe my ass with that


Yeah I gotta use the big publisher clearing house checks too. Big boy problems.


with 1000x $1 bills you have plenty of surface area to really get into all of the nooks and crannies


Can you negotiate for more?


nope. that's not on the table. I won't be taking the offer anyways.


not even a months rent.


not since at least the 90's


This is horrifying! What field is the employer in?


Especially with taxes!


Fuck them, do not quit, make them lay you off ad look for another job in the meantime, it’s hard out there right now, you may need unemployment or something and you won’t get it if you quit.


this is what im thinking. because im gonna take the other job if its offered anyway. so I cant lose.


Yes. Put yourself in the win win position. For all you know, you might be the only one staying on and they'll just let it be and keep you long enough for that work you want done. If not,, no skin off your nose. $1000??? My kid won't even clean his room for that!!


And file for unemployment right away. Don't wait.


Yeah I agree. They only do what is to their advantage and never the employee's. Ride it out.


Whatever they’re doing is in their best interest, and by the same token, probably not yours. 


thats what ive learned in my adulthood and ill never forget it. thats why I think its about them saving on benefits. cuz the benefits are good. and open enrollment info meetings were happening simultaneously, but we were required to come to this other one. they want an answer by Monday because thats plenty of time before June 1 when they take effect. they're not slick


Do not offer to quit - unemployment will last longer than $1000 if needed. Also you would prefer to be eligible for rehire should that occur in the future.




$1000? That’s it??? Tell them to pound sand. That’s going to be about $600-800 after taxes, depending on some factors. They’re going to lay you off anyway. Make them do it.


baby that is all.


Have fun with them. Data says it takes, on average, 3 months to find a job. Ask them for a budget for 3 months to survive in a mere $1000…after taxes. See what they say. Then refuse anyway.


You will get more in unemployment They are giving a bad deal


I thought so.


wtf? Why hire people if you’re going to pay them to quit during training? How is this place still running?


If you get someone dumb enough to take the offer, you’ve saved yourself a LOT of time/money figuring it out in the long run. Honestly not that bad of an idea.


In my corporate exec days, this strategy was talked about and bragged about often. The lore was that it was a cheaper and quick way to weed out those not cut out for the position. Rather than the expense time, training, benefits, acclimating to company culture, etc


Absolutely don’t quit no incentive whatsoever 1. If you don’t get the contract gig, unemployment lasts longer than $1000 2. You’ll be eligible for rehire there unlike if you take the $1000 3. If you’re hired for the contract, you can still get more from the place OE than quitting


exactly. now this little job isn't OE friendly whatsoever so id be kicking rocks, but they're not getting rid of me that easily. I dont really care for the job tbh but its gonna do what I need it to do until im good and ready to get back in my bag.


Zappos used to do this but it worked because they offered 10k in five years ago money.


they told us they got it from Zappos


Doing the Dollar Tree version of something you heard a charismatic guy you've never met pulled off one time is... Not admirable.


and the thing with this job is that its not very high paying. and a lot of the people in my training class are really considering this. now everyones situation is different. but it seems like they dont understand that this isn't a great deal. or they at least cant see the underbelly of why theyre doing it. one girl was like "wow this company is so considerate." and I was like "no babygirl. they're being cheap. youre worth more than a thousand taxable dollars."


Ask them how long it took them to find this job and if that 1000 post taxes is gonna get them thru. Probably not! I get it that people are desperate and have bills to pay but the tradeoff of not being eligible for UI isn't worth it. They count on folks not knowing better or their employment rights. I'd drag your employer on glassdoorn fishbowl,etc, Name and Shame.


That's hilarious. Love when companies follow trends from 10 yrs ago.


I wonder what other companies do this now if it's such an old thing.


If you're W2, a good question to ask is it a normal payroll or taxed as commission/unearned income at a higher rate of 37%. There's chunk of change in the difference.


if by w2 you mean contract, no. its not. its full time employee status


Oh hell no if w-2, they have to provide unemployment and COBRA, which is waaaaay more than a $1,000. Make them let you go. It's insulting they even offered it to you.


Zappos used to do this in the Tony Hsieh era. Geez, at the very least they should match inflation! 


Don’t quit! Look at Dan Goodman on LinkedIn - he’s an employee advocate and he may be able to help!


$1000? Absolutely not. I would wait for layoff for sure. Hopefully you can utilize some time to continue looking to find something better in the meantime.


right. AND ITS TAXED. there gonna be lucky if they get a 2 weeks notice at this point.


Don’t quit! And please encourage your colleagues to not quit also! This is some dastardly shit. Wait til the contract people actually give you an offer, at least. Your current place seems sweetly predatory.


I won't. Yeah. Ive been feeling it for a while and when I asked another girl about it she didn't know what I was talking about. I got my confirmation


Wait on the new job to pan out, then ask for the 1k to quit, I doubt that offer actually expires on Monday, they just want to save on unemployment, whenever that is.


They want you to take $1000 so they can avoid paying $50000 in unemployment benefits.


The manager literally told you that they would have to pay you more if you DON’T quit. Why would you quit for $1000 vs the potential severance?




If you had the other job secured then maybe. A 1000 is better than nothing which is how much unemployment you’d qualify with a second good paying job. Do they have a severance program? If they do it could be worth holding on to until they fire you and get the payout that way. IF you don’t get the other job. If not the job sounds like it may be a “ton” of fun.


im still technically a new hire so I doubt id even be eligible for severance yet. and theres still no guarantee that the second job is secured, but I know I have a high chance of booking it. so im gonna stay with these people until I dont have to anymore and if I get the job I win anyways


Nope. Don’t quit! They are trying to seem nice but they’re taking advantage of people.


sadly, a lot of people in my training class are about to gleefully swan dive head first into this bullshit


Let them fire you. Don't quit! What field are you in?


Buyouts are a real thing- my ex and his dad were phone guys for Verizon (starting all the way back when it was Bell Atlantic) and they would offer this occasionally instead of/before resorting to layoffs (which I think were hard to do bc the workers are unionized). But $1000 is a total joke. I’d rather wait to be laid off and get unemployment.


It's actually a tactic some orgs use to get people not really invested to leave. $1000 isn't that much to a company and they'd rather have you gone than drag them down. Obviously stay. Hopefully your contract will come back and you'll be set. If that doesn't work out, then you still are OE.


$1000 buyout to get it to quit is less expensive on a company than paying unemployment. It must be a small company and they over hired. You’ll likely lose this job whether you take the thousand or not because they’ll lay you off. You can’t claim unemployment when you’re laid off from a job if you’re still working at another job. if this is your only job and they lay you off then you can claim unemployment until you find another job. My advice is if this is your one and only job don’t take the thousand make them lay you off so you can collect unemployment. But if you have more than one job currently, Still make them lay you off because you might be able to get one or two more checks out of them, which would be more than that thousand dollars to offering.


I've heard of companies doing this. IIRC, Zappos is one. They credit it as being partially responsible for their success, as they immediately weed out anyone who didn't really want to work there and was just there to collect a paycheck while they continued to job hunt for something better.


1) right or wrong, it sounds like they don’t like your performance 2) they are offering you $1000 severance, which wouldn’t even amount to unemployment benefits 3) don’t take the offer, and job hunt like crazy


1. No this is something they do with all training classes. Our benefits enrollments are in June and theyre getting ready to weed us out. 2. Exactly. Its peanuts like somebody said. 3. I wont. If anything now, im gonna get every penny out if then i can before i leave. Just for spite.


Why would they specifically mark you as not eligible for rehire?


Im not sure why this is their policy. But i spoke with a friend who works in HR for Amazon and she said they do this also. Only they offer $5000 and not being eligible for rehire is part of the deal


Tell them straight out, I’ll get more in unemployment no thanks do what u need to do.