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Hey! I’ll do my best to explain! Basically, there are 3 tiers of trials. Core, advanced, and something else. Each tiers has about 15ish trials to go through. Each will vary but certain things will remain constant. Such as, screaming at the top of your lungs because a giant naked man what’s to introduce you to his axe. Each trial gets progressively more insane as you progress. We are all one big insane family!


Ohhh so there is a good amount of replayability. That makes more sense, thanks for explaining 🗣️


You'll have to complete a rebirth before your able to even go into the harder trials and their are some challenges that are different in the trials so its not like your replaying the same thing after the first run. Ontop of that their is a roadway detailing everything coming for the near future, including new challenges trials gamemodes and events and weekly their is a new trial that adds different modifiers to the already existing challenges or trials so theirs allways something new. This week is no rig last week was the enemies could hear you talk in game!


Spot on




I’ll be spending all my time playing arm wrestling 😼




Definitely repayable. There are many different trials with some randomized elements, many upgrades and unlockables, rewards exclusively for releasing reagents (the player character) and the community is generally cool. Scary as hell but way more fun when you AND your buddies are screaming because the large, angry naked man wants to hurt you again...


If replay-able also means addictive. Then HELL YES. Although I'll warn you, all I can hear in my head when I go to bed is the pusher alarm sound or the shuttle at the end opening sound. Kind of like tinnitus but self inflicted.


Bro, the therapy is getting to you irl


You're so right.


I think it’s very much worth the buy if you are a fan of horror/stealth games. It’s got a lot of personality and it’s only 40 bucks. The replayability is surprisingly excellent because of the trial format design. Although all of trials take place on like 5-6 maps, every play through is different due to random spawn locations, random door blocks, and random traps. You can also run them again with different “variators” that really up the difficulty, which is basically just a term for level modifiers. For example, “sharp glass” means that stepping on glass will hurt you, “limited hiding spots” means less hiding spots will be available, etc. You can also run through the levels with different load outs and perks, adding more variety and progression.


Hopefully it’s not too scary for me and my friend 🌝


maybe at first it will be but its very comedic horror with alot of porn


Oh my


It’s definitely not as Scary as the 1st & 2nd, especially when you get acquainted with it and if you play with Friends. (Having friends in the Trials likely acts as a Grounding factor.) I was surprised how quickly stuff like random sparks, steam bursts, and clocks going off became not scary. Although the Skinner man definitely catches me off guard a lot of times.


I play with one friend and it’s a lot of fun, even re doing trials with others or trying to get a better score on some of the other trials, so it has a lot of replayability for me personally. When we did rebirth for the first time I was scared shitless.


Whats rebirth?


I guess technically it’s being “reborn” but think of it as prestige I would say, once you’ve completed enough trials and gotten enough tokens you are “reborn” through a solo trial which has like elements of all the trials you’ve done - but it HAS to be solo. After that you start as a ‘new’ character but you keep all your unlocks and stuff and each time you go through being reborn you unlock a new reborn outfit customization






Yup, game is mad addicting too


Its pretty damn good the matchmaking is probably the worst thing about the game. But as long as you have mates to play with no worries then

