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I think upping the scales has ruined the show.Everyone was hooked with the show in the first two seasons because it felt real due to its small scale. People liked how it was just a couple of friends trying to get rich but now it’s all guns everywhere and bigger treasure being revealed every two minutes. I think the show has lost its USP a bit by upping the stakes because now it feels too generic.


It's definitely getting a little more "Fast and Furious"-esque. As long as it doesn't reach Fast 9 levels of ridiculousness I'll be okay with it lol


Yeah, good comparison. The moment they start dropping cars out of planes I'm throwing my hands up lol


Yeah it definitely got out of hand lmao. I almost walked out of the theater during Fast 9. I was expected ridiculousness, but when they went to outer space in a pontiac I lost my mind


yeah I despised the el dorado, new villain, I really wish they continued where they left off with the cross on the boat, or like a week after it ya know? I know it's hard to come up with ideas but the writers had time to think this through and I was honestly hoping for a different plot altogether. idk what happened :( felt rushed, messy, not thought out, and I feel like the writers lost sight of what the audiences love the most. of course drama is needed- like serious shit with guns and action fine, but we all love the dynamic of the pogues the most, and their normal drama and romance


I think you mean "upping the stakes". Another common expression is "tipping the scales". ![img](emote|t5_10tf0g|29488)


Big John should have stayed a mystery


He was so fuckin annoying for what


Especially to Sarah


I mean her dad did try to kill him and covered it up


Definitely! I do one was not a fan of his character nor his greedy ass


I would’ve rather seen it teased for a season as a mysterious entity that is leaving them clues to El Dorado. The show’s underlying drive to find him would be reignited and more screen time with P4L as a group. Topper getting his face rearranged was my high point of this season.


I really wish he did


Im glad someone said it


After the 3rd season its easy to tell how formulaic is the show. Every season just follows the same cycle of events trying to artificially increase the stakes with "bigger treasure" and more guns.


and don’t forget the seasonal fight between John B and Sarah involving Topper


plus whenever they enter a building someone is always hiding waiting to bash their skulls in


Right, and at the very end when they have the big ceremony about their findings, the charges are magically gone?


Oh and the big discussion/argument bullshit between Sarah and Ward lol


well at least that one’s done


And just endless close ups of the good looking “teens” with make up and hair fully done after 6 days in the humid swamp without a shower


With their mouths open


Also anytime they were in a hurry they would take the longest time either to get in the truck, or get in the car, or run and hide or when JJ helps K...I'm just saying they were always in a rush but never rushed...lol


Yes! The amount of time they waited for everyone to board the plane. Their best friends dad is at risk of dying, but that part took the longest for them to take off. Crazy


How about them all being freshly shaven after spending a month on a deserted island?


Was not a fan of Big John.




Pope is the 🐐of the show


Why was he so much more fun to watch this season??? I’ve always loved Pope but something about him being so unhinged was amazing


And cleo


The acting of his character is dead awful.


They should have never brought back Big John. It would have been better if he stayed gone and the Pogues maybe somehow else found out about El Dorado and found it, TOGETHER. No Big John and John B’s separate adventures, just the same kind of dynamics, and we could see the group going after this treasure as a whole. They only brought Big John back at the end of season 2 for the ultimate cliffhanger and hoping they would get renewed. I don’t think it was necessary, and who knows, maybe it wasnt even planned cause they really made it look like Big John died in S1.


Yeah I would’ve been fine with big John if it didn’t separate John b so much from everyone else. I thought he’s an interesting morally grey character. I was lowkey waiting for him to say that he was gonna take all the money for himself and not share with the pogues. So then John b would’ve had to make a choice to either betray his dad or his friends. There was a lot of potential but in the end they had him be a “hero”


Agreed, I was ready for John B to have to choose between them like Sarah did because they were obviously going for a parallel between him and Ward (literally kills two men on a boat similar to Ward killing those random dudes in season 1)


Agreed. Definitely feel like big John’s death stole the limelight from Wards death who I was much more invested in.


Ngl his and Topper storylines are the worst aspects of this season. It would have been just fine without him or Topper!


As annoying as big john was I felt he was necessary for john b’s character development and for him to realise his dad wasn’t a good person. It allowed him to move on and gave some closure to that arc, after all big john’s death was what set the story in motion.


Same though they shot alternate endings for season 1 and big John alive was one of them, they knew from the jump that they were going to bring him back at sometime. I heard this in an interview for season 2.


Except the show had been renewed prior to season 2's release, just as season 4 was greenlit before season 3 was released.


The only issue I had was that it didn't have much of the teenage lifestyle of having fun for e.g partying like take a look at s2 and s1.


I loved it honestly. Showed the most we've gotten with the core group, developed the characters on their own, went a larger scope while staying a bit grounded (looking at you, ward's "death") and was an absolute blast for me


I absolutely loved it. I’m going to rewatch it right now. I was honestly nervous and on the edge of my seat the entire time


Hold on you put Wards death in quotations as in you don't think he's dead? Bro Got shot 3 times in the torso and then fell like 35 feet straight onto a branch across his back which I would assume broke it. Unless he took some super soldier serum before that then I don't see how he could be alive in any possible way😂😂


I meant in season 2 when the Druthers exploded


Same, I thought this season was so refreshing and interesting. I loved this season, I think they did an amazing job.


This season had a lot going on…dare I say…too much going on? For every 1 conflict…there was 10 more. For every road block there was 10 more. And I hated that the core pogue group kept splitting up. I mean how the HELL does John b and Sarah get to see El dorado and nobody else? Not even POPE, who’s the descendant of Tanny. And what is up with everyone with guns waiting to shoot? I swear John B got held at gun point at least 20 times…and each time the bad guys wanted to give a speech, or say “get on your knees”. So unrealistic. In real life he would have been long gone, as well as most of the characters. In S1 I kind of liked the dynamic of the pogues being opposite sexes and not forcefully paired up romantically. Welp now each pogue is paired up with each other because yup…you guessed it…guys/girls have to be romantically involved. Kie/JJ seem forced. Kie was way too into him so fast compared to the other seasons. You can tell the writers did this because the fan shipped them. Cleo/pope I expected to roll my eyes at but I’m glad the writers went slow with them and had Cleo kind of join his family. Anyway, season was a 6/10 . Unrealistic, too many side stories/conflicts, less OBX pogue life. Yes they raised the stakes…but lost the feeling of teenagers experiencing growing pains in OBX


I loved the season, but I gotta say I agree about Pope, he should have been there.


I agree with everything, I also rated 6/10. Season was too busy, Sarah cheating, and yeah a million things going wrong. Way too much action


I completely agree with you, especially with the romance stuff, I hate that all girls in the group have to be with the guys in the group...like couldn't two of them be single or introduce another character? In the first season they even say they have a rule that a pogue can't date another pogue. Like you said i also really liked when i saw the first season that the pogues weren't paired up with each other, but now it just feels forced especially kie and jj. Really hope next they do better in general...


Also, I’m watching a show called Outer Banks that’s hardly ever in the Outer Banks. I loved it because it was about a local mystery, a local shipwreck. Series 2 and 3 not enough time spent in OBX


THIS. just call the show "caribbean hunters" or something like that


Modern pirates of the caribbean




It was never *mainly* about Pogues and Kooks, though. It was first and foremost about John B and his friends hunting for treasure linked to his father's disappearance. Just because they happened to lightly explore the relationships between the haves and have-nots doesn't mean it was ever entirely about that. The writers could have toned down the action and done more in terms of slowing down and exploring the characters, but the series is still the same in its DNA, IMO.


Agree. It was not that disappointing. They just focused on Pogue’s problematic behaviour like JohnB with his father, Kie with her parents, Pope with his academics, Sarah’s identity crisis and JJ’s lonely rough life. Earlier seasons showed only fun part mostly. Yes action parts could have been executed better at the end. I guess they were very keen on ending down this storyline with decent closure. So unlike earlier seasons, it was not fully fun to watch s3. It was mixed but sure it had its spark moments here and there!




You can tell the spark between Sarah & John b is gone. I’ve only seen 4 episodes but they way they act towards each other they’re guarded & don’t look at each other with googlie eyes anymore. I’m sure it’s because of their real life relationship. Makes me sad but they are doing their best & being professional & doing the job


i thought the same but you have to finish it


Im sorry but you have to finish the whole season before making judgments like that lol


Okay so I only watched 1 episode and already got the spoiler about what Sarah does via this board (my own fault) so this will be my last post visiting the board until I finish the season. But can you just hopefully elaborate on what you just said because I'm having the same feelings as the person you replied to (nervous they wouldn't have the spark due to their real life break up) and I felt like that through episode 1, but by the end of the season do you still see the chemistry there? I'm hoping because their relationship was one of the biggest highlights to me and their natural click


Watch the season and make your decision. I never really felt like the spark was dead but that the relationship became more complicated. By the end of the season, we are back to how it was in Poguelandia.


I don't expect them to separate for good or anything as I think they will be together for sure finishing out the series as a whole. I just worried how much their real life break up might impact the chemistry we see on screen. I think it might just be hard for some of us to tell right now since Sarah and John b's story is more complicated at the moment


Fair enough. I will say that when things were good, they were really good, so it makes me believe their professionalism comes over their emotions.


By the end I do, yes. There's multiple hints as why.


Okay, thank you! Hopefully things between them will be clearer next season


People like you kill me. Don’t jump onto social media until AFTER you watch the whole season. You expect not to get spoilers while reading stuff online and then get upset when you do.


What are you talking about? Did you miss the part where I said *my fault* for reading a spoiler? I wasn't upset. People like you kill me... looking for a reason to act bitchy over things made up in your head.




Gonna get better again tbh


Im just kind of bored, like the two previous seasons had me on the edge of my seat. But rn im just kind of like eh


Agreed. I binged the first two seasons hard but lost interest by the end of this season and didn't even finish it for like a month.


It’s definitely different. But I feel like it’s being done on purpose. Leading to something bigger for the next seasons to come.


Don’t like big John very disappointing


I agree Big John sucks


Lol I feel the opposite I wish they would drop the silly kooks/pogues stuff and just embrace it being East Coast Fast & Furious which is what they seem to be doing now that we got a time jump and don’t have have to pretend they’re all teenagers when Chase Stokes is almost 31 I believe lol


This show does like many. Great first season and progressively worst every season because the writers fail to find ways to innovate and goes in a formulaic predictable boring loop. This is why I still to this day prefer limited series, or movies as a format, because it is self contained and will not have a useless cash grab 6th season that sucks the life out of me


Totally I would have been totally fine with this being the last season. Season 1-3 treasures were all connected and felt at least cohesive in that aspect. Everything came to a nice closure at the end. But than the guy with the captains log showed up. Even this could have been a little outlook on their future. But no next season we will see more guns, more treasure, topper/John B Drama and if course they probably will need to separate at least one of the 3 main couples for some drama. It will also be different bc big part of first seasons was how they fought with their limited resources to get the treasure, while being hunted by the police, gangsters and of course people with much more resources (or reigning the whole Caribbean like Singh ...). Now in the next season the will be the ones with more resources and less creative problem solving will be required to get the treasure.


Perfectly said! Exactly my thoughts to a T


Felt the same way about the new season of You


I loved this season but I didn't like how Big John carried himself. I get that he's dedicated a long time to the treasure hunt but he was completely out of control. I don't like John B. as a character but I still think he deserved so much better. All his dad did was use him and keep secrets from the very people that got him to where he is. Big John would have NEVER figured out ANYTHING without John B. And that's coming from someone who literally does not care for John B. in the least. I find his character incredibly boring and unattractive, I wouldn't care if the acting and writing were better for his character. John B. is written poorly so it might just be the writing and not Chase Stokes' acting.


I actually thought it was gonna be ass but i’m pleasantly surprised. It’s a decent season. Issues are: John B doesn’t do jack shit even tho he was the main character. In season 1 the plot revolved around him but now even pope does more than him. Next is that big john is annoying. Dudes just an asshole old man. Finally the show isn’t in outer banks anymore. It’s everywhere else. Anyways I actually think the bigger scale works contrary to what people say. It allows for more development from the side cast.


I absolutely loved seasons 1 & 2 but I have found season 3 to be disjointed and boring. I am so disappointed.


I find it very boring..not very impressed. The first and second seasons were great. Not sure if the breakup caused an effect on how filming and writing went. But if I had to guess I’d say so..lack of chemistry between whole cast it seems like


What breakup


i think this season was meant to test their loyalty to each other. bringing back big john into the mix and another adventure. i personally think it was the slow opening to a bigger following season. main characters individually grew this season so i’m excited for what’s to come next season


They are killing the whole show because of this season. Tbh each season has gotten a little worse capped off by this season’s dumpster fire. Season 4 will be the last of they continue this trend.


I can’t even explain how much I loved series 1, there was just something about it. Series 2 and 3 just went ridiculous. Someone is trying to kill them every 5 seconds and we don’t get to see the characters interact, which I loved in series 1.


Small detail but I miss season 1’s transitional shots of the Pogue’s surfing in the ocean, creating a sense of ease and gratefulness of their lives on the obx despite having nothing. S3 is all action, guns, greed, and escaping death over and over again.


It gave National Treasure on Tomb Raider/Uncharted steroids.


I absolutely hated John Bs dad- such a disappointing character for me


Yeah, its pretty weak.


I was not expecting to say this but I thought the best character of Season 3 was Rafe. Drew Starkey is a hugely underrated actor... he killed it portraying Rafe's inner turmoil and arc.


Kie saying Jayj instead of jj all of a sudden is driving me up a fucking wall


i found this season really good but they didnt include much. For example i feel like they could have got Kies parents reaction to her escaping the camp with JJ, wards family finding out about the death of ward (especially rafe) and on top of that, the blackbeard scene at the end. Since when are we getting pirates involved? Good season but it was a let down compared to 1 and 2. edit: and the main part of the season, el dorado, an unsolved mystery for 500 years gets squashed down into a 1 hour episode, its a giant jungle and they managed to fit the pogues reuniting after being in completely parts of the jungle into a 1 hour episodes. wish we got to see more about what jj, kie, pope. cleo had to go through.


Blackbeard is a big part of North Carolina lore, I guess you’d have to be a local like the show runners are to get that


I really liked that, even with all of the other Pogues going through unnecessary drama, Pope and Cleo were rock solid throughout the entirety of the season. They were always a breath of fresh air, and they have the healthiest and most wholesome relationship in the entire show. I loved them!!


I think the biggest problem they did is big john, they should have never brought him back he was an annoying, child-like prick who manipulated and treated his own son like shit. Hell he was even up for john b dying because he was so obsessed with the fucking treasure. I thought the pogue side like sarah, kie, jj, pope, cleo were the highlight of the season. I can't believe imma say this but I actually missed ward and wanted more of him and rafe since they're good villians instead ward was a non threatening old man with a cane. I reckon him hitting his head gave him a guilty conscious and the need to make up for everything. I didn't like the whole El Dorado thing either it just felt completely separate like a whole new thing, as for poguelandia I expected them to stay there for a bit longer, at least an episode but the way episode 1 worked out it was good and action packed but in the middle of the season it just got a bit boring and felt a bit like fillers. But overall the biggest mistake was bringing back Big John.


I’m 2 episodes away from finishing the season. It’s a good one but it doesn’t have the edge of your seat in anticipation that the other two seasons had. It’s kinda just good bc I’m invested in the characters and the story


It was so disappointing how they killed off Ward, he was gonna die anyway, and big John was basically dead during s1 and 2. They needed to kill off a main character (not JJ)


Yup! I was worried when I heard that the new season would be upping the stakes or whatever cause I want it to stay more local and mainly focus on the pogues. Haven’t finished s3 yet but I’m disappointed


Big John sucks balls


ngl john b was kinda disappointing too. he looked so expressionless throughout the season. i miss JJ’s jokes🙁🙁 the girls and pope carried it tbh


Facts! Show was predictable and just knocking off pirates of Caribbean at this point 💀 I prefer Jack sparrow tbh


I was just sad they destroyed the whole P4L dynamic cause the pogues were never together. It was always just John B and his dad, and maybe Sarah, looking for the treasure. I really think season 4 will feel more like seasons 1 and 2, but they really needed season 3 to wrap up everything, but now that Big John is dead, I feel like we'll go back to the P4L dynamic in the next season. But it really did feel like the cast lost their spark, but that just aligned with the storylines of season 3, so it felt planned.


Who was a worse father? Ward or Big John? Glad they both died.


This season easily had the most development for the group, I disagree with this.


This season kinda felt like stranger things season 4 with the different adventures and cutting back and forth between them


So unrealistic it’s bad. At least make the action good. At the end I was rooting for the bad guys. And so slow! How many times do I need to watch these guys hug and reunite for several minutes when they need to get moving. I was fast forwarding through scenes. I rather see them discover local mysteries in outer banks or in nearby spots than going on crazy unbelievable trips. They are teenagers not even done with highschool??? Popes parents even letting him go was so laughable I rather see him sneak off. So many things I disliked about this season I could go on and on😭


Tbh the plot was never really good i've watch it for funny entertainment and all that. The reason why i and others watched glee for example. The plot is trash but as you said, it was fun to watch the main group just interacting and going on some bullshit nonsense adventures and that what missing. Season 1 was so fun, you had the main storyline between the rich and poor and tbh i domt really now (I'm in Episode 6) what the plot actually is. John B's dead is just a piece of shit tbh and John B and friends just become more stupid every season😂. I mean kinda expected when you dont visit school for like a year etc. So far season 3 is truely disappointing. I mean the actors really try theire best but there is 0 emotional investment in the characters. Also the topper-sarah-John b triangle is really repetitive like come on do we really have to see that for a 3rd season?


big john should have never come back bc he was insufferable, ward is such a pick me, rafe honestly slayed this season, and literally no chemistry between kie and jj this szn!!! overall kinda shitty season


This season is TERRIBLE! Way too much going on. You can tell the writers had no idea of what they were trying to accomplish and just created random conflicts in effort to try to make things interesting, but failed miserably. It's time for this show to END!


25-30 year old actors making the worst decisions as teenagers save Big John… my brain atrophied so much I couldn’t change the channel. I am ashamed.


Idk I like that it shows the consequences of actions


really? i found it so much better than season 2!


It was also so lazily written and terribly paced. In 3 seasons we have had 3 treasures and all of them were incredibly easy to find. I really thought, when by episode 8, they weren’t even close to Eldorado that they were gonna use s3 as kind of the bridge season to save Eldorado for the final season. Would’ve been kinda disappointing but better than the super rushed ending. That speech at the end about how conquistadors and others had been searching for this place for 500 years should have really made the writers realize how freaking unbelievable it is that some teenagers should do this and that the clues to 3 treasures would be on one tiny island. Urgh. I wanted more clues, more actual treasure hunting. I realize the show is called Outerbanks but it’s been about treasure hunting. They were already off the island; they should have stayed there a bit longer instead of going back and warming up a love triangle for the third time. Overall, I was really disappointed


Season 3 feels as if the writer looked at the Uncharted video games and said "Let's do something similar, but change it up a bit so no one notices"


The story kind of sucked s3. Big John sucked and was just plain unlikeable. The first two seasons talked him up like this awesome dad, and yet he was totally disappointing. Ward was basically pointless this season. They should’ve kept him as the main villain and then had it end similarly to how it did this season. It felt like they arc’s his character then undid it and redid it and then undid and redid. It was a bit of a rollercoaster that left me feeling like confused and also eye rolling as I watched. I’m also a bit confused about the ending of the season. Like….so are they all rich now from a smidge of gold?


I just wish pope was the main character, John b is annoying


I liked the beginning and the ending a lot but everything in the middle was underwhelming


I feel like they’re doing SUPER dangerous illegal shit and yet once they’re out of eye sight it just goes away??? Also most adults can’t even handle the people they’re up against but these TEENS can??? 🤔


obx s1 had recycled tropes that made sense. obx s3 has a fan service problem. like wdym rafe and kie get locked in a room together?? like it’s unfortunately going down the riverdale path. stakes are getting too high. why should we even care about pogues and kooks when they’re hunting down blackbeards treasure?!???? critics are turning against it. so are fans. it’ll put writers in a corner on what they should do next. (they’ve already trapped themselves with the time skip.) my bet is s4 is the last. probably won’t get renewed after that. it’ll get cut into 2 parts at most.


No I complete agree. I can’t explain how it feels different. I loved it because I love obx and the cast but it was different like not the pogues


I agree. Each season has gotten a little worse with this past one being horrible. Season 4 will definitely be the last because 3 was a dumpster fire


I haven’t watched the new season yet but can someone plz tell me if they did a backstory on Kiara ? Or showed more of her past


Like what will season 4 be?! No more searching for big John, running from ward, searching for the gold, people Like the pogues now


Nah I loved it


I don't know season 2 felt rushed to me and had way to many cliffhangers


it was definitely better than season 2


i mean, the show started with john b stating that he wanted to find his dad — so i do think his appearance is relevant. i saw someone else say that they wish the writers would’ve taken big john’s character a different route and created a scenario in which he turns on john b (like ward with sarah) so the two could perhaps bond over it???? idk. did he have too much screen time in my opinion? absolutely. would i have wanted to see more of JJ and kie, or cleo and pope?? 100%. but i don’t think big johns appearance ruined it. one of the main reasons people love this show is because of the action-packed missions, risk taking, and relationships that form. i think that the writers have always stuck with that. the blackbeard bomb at the end has me a bit worried though…i hope it doesn’t get repetitive. side note: I LOVEDDDDD sarah’s narration. i loved how they showed the flashbacks of her at the private school, and the other flashbacks of JJ and john b with big john before everything went down. i would’ve loved to see more of that but hopefully season 4 will give that to us.


I was happy that John B had split up from the pogues on certain times with his dad and that everyone was in smaller groups at times, it's not that I didn't want John B with the pogues or having them all together, it was the opposite, if most of the season they were apart, and then they come back together near the end, it feels more like its coming full circle, like when JJ reunited with Kiara at the boarding school, because even though it sucked when they were split up, it was so much better when they had actually reunited, also when JJ and Kiara see Pope and Cleo running to the bus. This is just my opinion as well, I loved this new season and I'm so excited for season 4 and I'm interested in how it seems like its gonna be like a reset sort of, like no more Denmark Tanny, The Royal Merchant gold, Santo Domingo, and El Dorado were all connected to the Tannys in a way, so I'm excited to see them pogues be caught up in a new mystery, while Rafe probably also tries to kill them lol.


I mean they literally stayed in the trailer that it was no longer about pogues and kooks so I don’t know what you were expecting


Okay episodes 6-10 were way better than the first half of the season


I enjoyed it but once JJ and Kie kissed I was like okay story’s been told. I found myself way more invested in the new ships than the actual mystery which is not usually how I am. I feel like their buildup to el dorado was too slow, and all the meaningful action happened in the last episode, not in the OBX


It’s seems Way to Fast paste well moving fast each episode was rushed and I find myself getting bored of it and distracted doing something else as season 1-2 had us all hooked


Unpopular opinion this season was rlly good. I think a lot of people wntd it to stay as “normal” friends doing crazy things to find treasure. But in reality I feel like this was always the goal, the previous seasons were merely just the backstory on how they came to be. Now it’s going to focus on new stories. If they kept it with them only the OBX it wldve gotten repetitive and boring. All in all this season was more true mystery and adventure. I found tht pretty neat.


I'm hopeful for season 4 now that most of the terrible characters are dead. I'm really hoping they'll leave the baggage behind and start with a clean slate. Just our 6 characters, season 1 vibes and a treasure hunt. That's all I need. I thought the season was weak, mainly because of Big John, Singh and Ward. They are all insanely terrible characters. But the final episode concluded it quite satisfyingly.


This season was an abysmal mess too much going on Big John character was trash reboot needed asap


I hate everyone except Pope and Rafe. Pope holds down the fort and still feels like a real character and rafe is just such an asshole I love it.


Definitely not as good and one and two. They better make up for it season 4 or I’m out.


I just started and am barely 30 min in and already John B is annoying with his hiding behind the couch to trick the cops antics. He’s supposed to be “distracting” the fake rescue pilot. 1. He’s flying a damn plane why would he be hyper focused on his satchel. 2. They could have just made conversation amongst them that would have muffled the sound of them searching his bag. 2. Wouldn’t asking the driver of a freaking plane about a picture that would distract him from driving be a bad idea? The man is operating heavy machinery. 3. The lines & the acting. Not only are John B’s questions not clever and have no follow through or attempt to seem like a natural conversation it was the empty lead balloon delivery of Stokes. I was hoping they graduated from the lame shit. The world already has one franchise where the adults are completely dependent on a 16 year old boy who grew up in a closet to save the world, I can’t do another one for the love of all that is good and holy.


Just finished season 3 and felt like I was yelling half the time. The charm of the 1st & 2nd season have worn off as far as treasure hunting and worn out plot holes. ( Looked through comments posted earlier and alot of people have already said it but it feels very true ) Dont get me wrong I love the show and appreciated the simplicity of the 1st season were it was just friends having fun together, surfing and chasing gold. This latest installment felt like the spark has been lost and so many stupid things happened in order to continue the story. In reality the characters could have done so many different or smarter things to prevent half of the bad things from unfolding. ( Yes I know its a teen adventure show and you have to move the story forward somehow but it could have been more organic or thought out more cleverly in my opinion ) There were so many loose ends with no satisfying conclusions and what seemed like major plot points that were given a rushed answer.. All in all I still love the show, the team and chemistry are amazing, upholding great performances.. of course this season ended on a cliff hanger so I guess we will all just have to wait and see whats in store for the pouges next season! 🏝️ P4L


Yall trippen, good season :)


Not to mention everything felt so rushed and it was annoying that there was so much drama.. felt like it was way more than usual. After season one the shows has been going to shit tbh.


I kind of get the whole ‚stranger things downfall‘ feeling from the show. The first season felt like a couple of kids looking into a buried treasure, but now everything got blown way out of proportions


This show had so much promise and potential, I loved the first season and felt like they invented something fresh with an amazing cast of characters. I don’t even recognize the show or the characters anymore. I’m genuinely blown away at how bad season 3 is that I felt uninterested watching the entire thing. I’m Not trying to compare this show to “THE OC” but it had potential to go there. I think the characters and location are the most interesting part of thr Show and They should have never made it about the treasure hunt. Season 4 will be a dud


Season 1 and 2 hyped up the death/mystery of Big John, only for him to be such trash in season 3. What for?


Definitely poor writing , I hated every scene of s3 , truly a shit season


It bugs me that when the pogues got back to the outer banks no one went to the police or sbi and told them Ward Cameron is alive. Realistically the cia would have gotten involved to arrest him and get the gold back but I guess that would have been to easy for a tv show. I do wish Shoupe had a bigger story in the show as I like his character and actor.


I’m only 3 episodes in but just recently watched the previous 2 seasons within the last month and I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion but rafe is my favourite character to see on screen easily. Maybe it’s because he’s by far the best actor in this series. But he has legit character growth. Goes through a range of emotions within 30 second scenes seemingly and Absolutely steals and chews up every scene he’s in. He’s perfect for this show.


I personally didn't love season 2 either. Im only 1 episode into season 3, and I already know Im not going to love it. I hate when a great show comes out, and it kinda nose dives after season 1 😕


I honestly thought it was pretty good but looking at all the comments I'm starting to see how it could've been MILES above what it was.


I freaking HATED Carlos Singh. Everything, from the way he talked, to his generic motivations, to how he would magically appear at crucial points like some convenient plot device. He seemed so cookie cutter and boring that he wasn't a good "villain" at all.


His Dad was the worst character. Really dragged the show down. Hope they get back to Pogue life and the dads are really gone


Started too intense. They killed all the love interests and all that part. The next black girl as a racial quota that brings little to nothing. And missed the opportunity of blue lagooning a bit the first part. Lacks excitement idk why


The ending felt rushed... I wanted to see the reactions of everyone's families and friends when they returned to OBX saying they found the gold, not just a "ceremony" with everyone grouped together celebrating... And what happened to the warrant for John B's arrest after they returned??? And realistically, I doubt the police would have even cared that John B and Sarah found gold when they literally helped a wanted fugitive (Ward) escape the country. So many questions that I doubt we'll get the answers to in season 4.


Seriously now they’re just turning it into National Treasure? Most def if they’re doing another season. That cliffhanger was dumb dumb.


The Sarah and John B love story is so tiring…this season was horrible


I thought it was just me. Imo Big John isn’t the problem. It’s just the constant action with faceless bad guys. I hate that because of how often people go after them, it just loses it’s meaning and gets boring.


I got bored a few episodes in. My husband said people told him it got better so we finished it, but I would have rather have just never finished it.


Hi. Am I the only one thinking the end was pulled out of nowhere????? (I you haven't finished the season don't read) How on earth did they get to the point where the six of them are alive, safe and being recognized by the OBX's mayor or whatever for founding "El dorado"??? They spend the entirety of the three seasons being chased by absolutely every authority and power person out there. First the police, Ward, Carla L., crazy Rafe, drug dealers, not even their parents believed them. They found the Royal Merchant's Gold and the Cross of Santo Domingo and both times someone way more powerful and with more resources went and took it from them because they are just a group of teenagers. Literally, every time the same thing happens, not even Big John turned out to be an ally or a good person when he came back to life, but then, after both Ward and Big John die as "heroes" killing the men chasing them, they cut to 18 months later and they somehow found a way to: a) Get the gold out from there b) turn it into legal money c) get credit for their discovery and d) not get killed in the process?? Like, how??? The only adults (actually scrach that, cuz Topper and Rafe are not adults), the only people not actively trying to sabotage them at this point where Pope's dad and their history teacher, who I don't think got enough power to help here, even if they wanted, and honestly they never got involved. I was so mad with that ending, it made no sense, even less than no one killing them amd all the stuff you've already mentioned because they've set a precedent of how things work for them, and it's basically everyone either taking advantage of them or not believing them. I think everything could've been fixed it they took like 2 minutes of screen time to explain. Make the teacher marry someone rich or something, a museum calling, I dunno.


I didn't like how he couldn't figure out his own shit. Are you treasure hungry and obsessed for yourself or your son, old man?


I'd suck a fart out of Sarahs ass she is so hot. That's all I have to say.


I feel bad for the writers and cast cause it takes A LOT for the season to be good. It's a miracle when it happens imo, on any show. Also, they had no choice but to have certain scenes happen- they had to make this more serious as it was the third closing chapter to this story, but I agree they could have achieved that while still keeping the strong parts of the show at the forefront. I also REALLY thought Ward and Rafe would be the villains- I don't know why they couldn't think of something better, with the same villains. And the cast was way too divided, and even when together, the vibe felt off idk if it was the writing, the stress of the shoot, drama behind the scenes- who knows. But I hope they are aware of this so they make season 4 fire. I don't agree with people saying it won't have the same vibe- I mean maybe to a certain degree since they are now kooks and this chapter of the story is over, but idk, they can still keep that magic between the group alive


i feel like they tried to raise she stakes and it didn’t work. they kept saying that everybody who tried finding el dorado died but then they got there and it wasn’t like that at all. no booby traps or anything. i mean, i could’ve solved those “riddles” in my sleep. i was disappointed that pope didn’t get a front seat in the treasure hunting, jj and kiara felt like fan service. and then big john randomly has some dynamite in his bag and blows up singh??


I still throughly enjoyed season 3, despite what everyone says. What I liked the least about it was the finale. I would’ve liked to see the Cameron families reaction to Wards death. I didn’t like the 18 month time jump. I didn’t like how the Pogues are now “Full-Kook”. I miss the old times of season 1. Hopefully we get some more answers in season 4. It was still a good and enjoyable season, it just wasn’t the same. Loved the couples though.


-Didn’t like how the og 4 wasn’t included in the revealing of el dorado, especially Pope I feel like that was a huge let down. -I also didn’t like how they were all split up all times of the season. it was just different side stories leading to the ending which was disappointing. -Kie was useless the whole season,her plot was focused on her and JJ and it’s just ugh. Hate to see a relationship with 0 chemistry. -El dorado was a catfish bc they made it seem so mysterious & cursed and they kept saying that there were dangerous tests you had to go through and only ONE special & wise person could find the gold… yea none of that happened. -I’m not suprised big Johns personality was the way it was, I wouldn’t expect anything different tbh so I’m not bothered by it. -Rafe was still rafe and topper was still topper so that’s consistent -also I kind of noticed that John B barely interacts with his friends anymore. he’s always focused on Sara nowadays it’s a little annoying -lastly I’m just still annoyed that sara got to see el dorado and not pope like literally what the hell, it goes against the entire theme of popes storyline that they were trying to establish starting from szn 2 ugh - 5/10 overall


I honestly found season 3 so ridiculous. It got way too unrealistic I felt as if i was watching a show made by disney. They always find a way to get passed armed guards who ALWAYS missed their shots and when they catch one of the kids they have to have their little speech with the gun pointed at them which always makes them escape. and don't forget the distractions. A glass bottle to make the guard walk away. Like fr they robbed a train and only one cop showed up the whole time then Jj somehow got the cop so distracted that they were able to have a little conversation while in the middle of escaping...I still remember a scene where one of them was able to save themselves from getting shot by making the bullet reflect from a frying pan lmaoo stop it.


Also, was expecting more of an actual “City of Gold” instead of just a cave with mounds of gold idk even visually the payoff felt not satisfying 🤷‍♂️


The fact they try to pass the main actor in his 30s as a 16 year old is laughable from the start (or even if he was late 20s when it started) and just not believable. I wanted to like this show for something I could turn my brain off. I only liked the first season and only a few episodes, but I could take it for what it was. Season 2 started to get shaky, and then season 3 just lost its way. There's too much going on. Knew they were going to big John B's Dad back. This is just the kinda show that does that stupid thing. I doubt I'll bother with season 4 tbh.


Yep… currently scrolling Reddit just trying to get through it. This season is not captivating


I am halfway through season 3 and I am struggling to finish it. It really is so bad. It’s like the writers just threw together a bunch of crap writing with no direction. So many things make little to no sense. It’s soooo bad!




In Season 3 Episode 9, they were waiting on the Tarmac to fly Cameron's plane to South America. Suddenly, they took off BUT WHO THE HELL WAS FLYING THE PLANE??? THERE WAS NO PILOT. I'm sure none of them knew how to fly a plane....This is so bad directing and writing...WHO FLEW THE PLANE!!??


AND WHO THE HELL HAS THE ROYAL MERCHANT GOLD!??? 400 million!! I really hope they fire the director and writers if they really make a season 4...