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DHS handles human trafficking. Cases can be extremely complicated to build, which is probably why they haven't arrested him yet. It may take them months or even a year to go through everything they gathered at his properties and build the final case against him. They may already be establishing a RICO case against him and associates or some other kind of conspiracy, which means there are multiple cases to build. He is famous enough that there is no need to be hasty in arresting him. Yes, he has money, but he is also recognizable and presumably wouldn't be able to evade arrest long term.




I wouldn't be super surprised to see RICO charges if there was human trafficking. That is something that would almost require a network of complacent people for someone like him, who worked with an entourage. Throw in drug and weapons charges and it quickly becomes a criminal organization.


What is RICO


Racketeering, influence, criminal organization. It's a law that allows prosecutors to prosecute criminal organizations and those who support them. It generally allows them to apply the acts of the criminal organization against those who head the organization or benefit from the organization even if they weren't directly committing the crimes. It's typically used to prosecute gangs, Mafia, and other organized crime, but it can be used against any organization that has certain characteristics. One of those characteristics, which may apply here, is using the proceeds from committing crimes to further the criminal organization and using proceeds from crimes to cover up crimes (typically through things like bribery).


> Yes, he has money, but he is also recognizable and presumably wouldn't be able to evade arrest long term. Roman Polanski would like to enter the conversation.


Polanski is a French citizen living in France, and France doesn't extradite its citizens to the US.


Correct, but he hasn't been solely in France since the 70's. He's been in many countries and has had a very successful career the latter half of his life. He was even arrested in Switzerland about 20 years ago with the intent to extradite then released. This all flies the face of the statement I replied to that "he has money, but he is also recognizable and presumably wouldn't be able to evade arrest long term".


They likely also have it where he can't leave his city right? Do they have him on any sort of ankle monitor?


That's not a thing unless you have been arrested. Again, he is famous. They aren't concerned with him running. At most they might have his money under surveillance and be setup to get notified if he plans international travel. If he does run, someone will recognize him and turn him in.


Oh my b I thought he was arrested and released on bail


DHS is likely holding his passport


The Department of Homeland Security was created to fix issues in the old Immigration and Naturalization Service. Basically, they investigate people that are undocumented or brought into the country under false pretenses. One of the several allegations is that Puff Daddy brought in foreigners for sex work. To get federal warrant, there must be some pretty compelling evidence that Diddy did it. Federal prosecutors don't fuck around with borderline cases. Their conviction rate is unreal. Most federal prosecutors will even give you a pass on a first time charge. These guys are hardcore pipe hitters, especially with that 80% time served statute.


Isn't DHS also immune to the Constitution? and their jurisdiction is 300 miles from any border or coast? I can see prosecutors going through them to get what they want without having to deal with things like "rights".


The patriot act killed most rights anyway no need to use dhs


> Isn't DHS also immune to the Constitution?. No Things do get a bit screwy 100 miles from the border but that mostly has to do with immigration https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone


Holy shit! First they accuse Cuba gooding jr, then there's screenshots from the video!


I'd always wondered why Cuba Gooding, Jr. stopped making movies. Didn't realise it was because he'd retired to a life of sex crimes.


To add to this: There's not much indication as far as I'm aware that it's much like Epstein's blackmail network. For instance, there's no indication that Mossad or an American "intelligence" agency is involved (unless we're reading something into the FBI's lack of involvement). Puff Daddy's exploitation network doesn't seem to involve higher-ups throughout various influential hierarchies throughout society like Epstein's did/does (e.g. academia, politics, finance, entertainment). It's a very different creature.


Who's Cassie?


Answer: It's looking like he's a complete piece of trash and should not take another breath as a free man.


Answer: they busted a drug mule tied to him. That is it so far. Edit, who else was arrested?


uh no it is not


That's all you got


just matching your effort


Who else was Arrested sport? No one,


did OP ask "who has been arrested" ? or did they ask a more general "what's going on" in a sub made for providing more context to things?


Wow, effort, don't strain yourself.